3ds max everything about this program. Let's look at the three most important competitors

Where it all started

I’ll briefly tell you about my acquaintance with ZDs max. I always wanted to create, so after finishing school I went to study to become an architect. In the 3rd year of study, we began to design buildings and interiors that required beautiful and colorful visualization (so that a future customer would want to purchase this project). I chose a very serious and complex program ZDs max, which I am still studying.

Of course, it was possible to solve the problem with the help of more accessible and simple programs, such as:

ArchiCAD- a software package for architects based on Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology, created by Graphisoft. Designed for the design of architectural and construction structures and solutions, as well as landscape elements, furniture, and so on.

Simply put, when you draw drawings, this program automatically builds a 3D model and also automatically calculates the structures. It is very popular among architects and designers.

Naturally, there is an analogue of ArchiCAD - Autodesk Revit.

SketchUP- a program for modeling relatively simple three-dimensional objects - buildings, furniture, interiors.

But I thought that choosing these simplified programs would be a frivolous and unprofessional step (although I still had to study them - they were part of the training program).

Computer Specifications

So, I started learning 3Ds max. The first thing the teachers emphasized was that it requires a serious machine for fast rendering and stable operation. Of course, my first projects were done on a laptop with the most minimal requirements for 2012. But I still think that any person who decides to take the path of a 3D designer should at least know what to focus on when buying a computer:

CPU- the heart of your computer. The main load in rendering falls on it. In other words, the faster your processor, the faster your scenes will render.

Motherboard– necessary to combine all parts of the system unit into a single whole. It has little effect on performance in 3D graphics, however, the ability to overclock the processor depends on the quality of the motherboard, since this increases power consumption and the load on the processor power circuit (which are located exactly on the motherboard).

RAM– when the computer is running, it stores the data necessary for the processor to perform calculations. When working in 3D, it stores project files - models, textures, and when starting a render - intermediate calculations. The main characteristic of memory in relation to 3D graphics is volume.

Video card– necessary to display the image on the monitor. Everything that happens in the projection windows of 3D programs is processed by the video card, and the comfort of working in the software you choose depends on its power. The main characteristics that will determine the comfort of working with a card (of course, within a specific generation of cards and one manufacturer) are the number of stream processors, their frequency and the amount of video memory. Other parameters, such as bus width, will have less of an impact on performance in 3D graphics.

Cooling system (“cooler”)– necessary to remove heat from the processor. There are liquid and air. Air systems can be active or passive (if the cooling system has a fan, it is called active, if there is no fan, it is called passive). The advantage of passive systems is the absence of noise, the disadvantage is low performance. Active systems are noisy, but provide high performance, effectively cooling the processor even in hot summers.

Liquid cooling can be closed or prefabricated. The closed type is sold ready for use and requires little or no maintenance, while the assembled type requires assembly by the user and topping up with coolant.

HDD– necessary for storing information. Unlike RAM, it can retain data even after the computer is turned off. Hard drives are divided into solid-state drives and hard disk drives (HDD). Solid state drives (also known as SSDs) are very fast, quiet, and free of such disadvantages as long access times or fragmentation, but they have a high price per 1GB and are less reliable than HDDs. SSDs are designed for installing programs on them (in order to increase the speed of launching and saving project files) and to increase the comfort of work (SSD is not a mandatory component; you can save on it if you don’t have enough money to build a PC). HDDs are designed for storing large amounts of information. They are slower than SSDs and are prone to fragmentation, but they have an extremely low price per 1GB of space and are very reliable, since their production process is well established.

power unit– necessary to supply voltage to the computer’s power circuits. The power supply must be selected individually for each computer, taking into account the number and power of components, as well as the presence of overclocking.

I understand perfectly well that everyone has different financial capabilities, so I present only a list of minimum conditions, leaving the choice to you. However, you shouldn’t be upset if you don’t even meet the minimum requirements. Take your laptop or computer, install ZDs max version 12 and lower, try it! In any case, at first you will not be able to use all the resources of ZDs max...

Student license

Maybe this will be a discovery for someone, but all products Autodesk can be installed absolutely free with a license. How this is done using 3d max as an example:

1. Follow the link and click Create Account.

2. In the new window, indicate your country, mandatory educational status Student, date of birth and click Next.

3. Fill out the fields: First Name, Last Name, enter your email, repeat it in the Confirm email field and create a password. The password must contain both numbers and Latin letters. Check the box as in the screenshot and click Create Account.

4. If you filled out everything correctly, you will see a message stating that an email has been sent to you and you need to activate your account.
To do this, go to the email you specified during registration and click “Verify Email”.

6. In the next window, enter your password and click “Login”.

7. You will see a notification that your account has been verified. Click "Done".

9. You will be transferred again to the previous window, where the training center will already be indicated. All that remains is to select Other in the second line and below - the period of study (I recommend setting 4 years). Click Next.

Congratulations, your account has been registered! You can proceed to install the program, click Continue.

You will be redirected to the page where we started (if this does not happen, follow the link and log in).

1) Next, indicate the version of 3ds max you want to download, select the operating system and language (English). Be sure to rewrite your Serial number and Product key - they will be necessary to activate the student version for 3 years! (they will also be sent to you by email).

2) After the program distribution package is downloaded, run it (this may take time, take your time), select the extraction path (we recommend drive C) and click “OK”.

3) Wait for the installer to unpack and click Install in the pop-up window.

4) In the next window, check the I Accept box and click Next.

6) Select the folder to save the program (we recommend drive C), click Install and watch the installation process.

7) After installing the program, launch 3ds Max, in the window that appears, click I Agree.

8) When it starts, look at what is written at the top. If Student Version, everything is great! Autodesk 3ds max is activated, and you can use the student version for 3 years completely free of charge!

9) IMPORTANT! If after step 18 you get a 400 error and every time you start a window pops up saying that the program version is for 30 days, you need to activate 3ds max manually. See how to do this. If there is no such error, everything is in order - everything was activated automatically!

3Ds max. Where to start?

1. Project folder

The first thing you need to do when starting to work in 3d max is to create a project folder. It provides an easy way to keep all your files organized for a specific project.

Application Menu → Manage → Set Project Folder
Quick Access Toolbar → (Project Folder)

The project folder is always local, that is, 3d max creates its own folder on the computer into which it saves autobacks. The path to do this may depend on the operating system you are using:

Windows 7 and Windows 8:
C:/Users/<имя пользователя>/ My documents / 3dsmax / autoback /

You can use Set Project Folder to specify a different location. Or set the project folder from the Asset Tracking dialog → Paths menu.

When you set up a project folder, 3ds max automatically creates a series of folders within it, such as archives, autoback, downloads, export, express, import, materiallibraries, previews, scenes, etc. When saving or opening files from the browser, this location (3ds project folders) is used by default. Using a consistent project folder structure among team members is a good practice for organizing work and sharing files.

When installing a project folder, 3ds max may display a warning - some file paths are no longer valid. If the scenes you are working with belong to the selected project, it is safe to ignore this warning.

3ds max creates an MXP file with various paths that are relative to the project folder and saves it to the folder you choose.

Note: Among the files installed with 3ds max are a number of library materials, as well as maps used by these libraries. These files are by default located in the program folder, in \materiallibraries and \maps subpaths, respectively. If you want to use any of the library materials in a project, it is recommended to copy the library files to the project\materiallibraries folder. And if necessary, you can use the external Path configuration function to add path maps along with their subpaths (enable Add subpaths when adding path maps).

2. Units of measurement

  • Any scene in 3ds max must be started by setting the units of measurement.
This command is located in the main menu Customize. Select a team Units Setup(setting units).
In the dialog box that opens Units Setup In chapter Display Unit Scale(displayed units of measurement) select the radio button Metric(metric), and in the drop-down list select the desired units - millimeters. This action will set the units that will be displayed in the numeric counters of the 3ds max interface.
  • Next, install the 3ds max internal units.
Click on the button System Unit Setup(set system units), an additional dialog box will open. In the dropdown list System Unit Scale(system units) set the system units to millimeters.

In this case, internal mathematical operations are converted in accordance with the selected units of measurement.

Check and enable the checkbox if necessary Respect System Units in Files(automatically switch to system units of the file being opened).

When opening a file with other system units, 3ds max will display a dialog box,
in which the radio button should be selected Adopt the File's Unit Scale?(Adapt to the units of the file being opened?).

Remember that the sizes of objects in the scene must be relative to the units of measurement.
If the size of a real room is 12 meters, then the size of the simulated room should be 12 meters - 12000 mm, but not 12 inches or 12 millimeters.

3. Rendering

Rendering (English rendering - “visualization”) is a term in computer graphics that refers to the process of obtaining an image of a model using a computer program.

Often in computer graphics (artistic and technical), rendering (3D rendering) is understood as the creation of a flat picture - a digital raster image - from a developed 3D scene. The synonym in this context is visualization.

Visualization is one of the most important sections of computer graphics, closely related to the others in practice. Typically, 3D modeling and animation software packages also include a rendering function.

Depending on the purpose, a distinction is made between pre-rendering (a fairly slow visualization process, used mainly when creating videos) and real-time rendering (for example, in computer games). The latter often uses 3D accelerators.

A computer program that produces rendering is called a renderer or a renderer.

There are separate software products that perform rendering. The most common are Corona render and V-ray.

On the Internet you can find a lot of debate on the topic: “What is better - Corona or V-ray?”
I have tested it in practice - it is easier. It does not need to be configured until you lose your pulse, like V-ray, which, if you click on the wrong checkbox, will stop rendering altogether. You can even render with the settings that Corona has by default. It is also more stable than V-ray. And there is a free version on the official website for everyone who wants to try it. V-ray is very expensive, and I don’t see the point in purchasing it (especially if you are just a beginner).

What's next?

  1. And then you need to study the interface. What each button, window, icon is responsible for.
  2. Then - standard primitives, with the help of which basically everything is drawn in 3ds max.
  3. Next you will find a serious topic - modifiers, using which you can draw the most complex objects.
Many people complain that there is nothing sensible on the Internet. But they are simply looking for the wrong things! There are a lot of video tutorials on the World Wide Web that literally explain what to do and how to do it. The main thing is to know what to look for.

At the same time (for those who are not yet familiar with foreign languages) I advise you to study English. This is where the coolest lessons are filmed. True, you will have to learn to distinguish complex dialects and intonations (it was difficult for me to understand what an English-speaking Indian was saying, but in the end this lesson turned out to be one of the most useful).

Set specific goals for yourself! For example, my first lesson was devoted to modeling an apple, and the second - a table and chairs. Believe in yourself, be full of ideas, don’t doubt your abilities - you will succeed!

I would like to note that we live in the 21st century. There are a lot of articles, lessons and reviews about 3ds max on the Internet. This article is my purely personal opinion based on my own experience. Thanks to everyone who read it (I hope it helped you understand what 3ds max is and how to start learning it). Good luck!

Website Autodesk

3ds Max(3D Studio MAX) is a full-featured professional software system for working with three-dimensional graphics, developed by Autodesk. Works in Microsoft Windows and Windows NT operating systems (both 32-bit and 64-bit). In the spring of 2010, the thirteenth version of this product, called “3ds Max 2011,” was released.


3ds Max has extensive tools for creating three-dimensional computer models of real or fantastic objects of the surrounding world of various shapes and complexity using a variety of techniques and mechanisms, including the following:

  • polygonal modeling, which includes Editable mesh (editable surface) and Editable poly (editable polygon) - this is the most common modeling method, used to create complex models and models for games;
  • modeling based inhomogeneous rational B-splines(NURBS);
  • modeling based on portions of Bezier surfaces (Editable patch) - suitable for modeling bodies of revolution;
  • modeling using built-in libraries of standard parametric objects (primitives) and modifiers.

Modeling methods can be combined with each other.

Modeling based on standard objects, as a rule, is the main modeling method and serves as a starting point for creating objects of complex structure, which is associated with the use of primitives in combination with each other as elementary parts of composite objects.

3ds Max has a library of the following objects:

List of standard built-in objects
  • Rectangular parallelepiped ( Box)
  • Kettle ( Teapot)
  • Cone ( Cone)
  • Pipe ( Tube)
  • Pyramid ( Pyramid)
  • Plane ( Plane)
  • Geosphere ( GeoSphere)
List of additional built-in objects
  • Polyhedron ( Hedra)
  • Rectangular parallelepiped with chamfer ( ChamferBox)
  • Tank ( OilTank)
  • Spindle ( Spindle)
  • Polyhedral prism ( Gengon)
  • Prism ( Prism)
  • Toroidal node ( Torus knot)
  • Chamfered cylinder ( ChamferCyl)
  • Capsule ( Capsule)
  • L-shaped extrusion body ( L-Ext)
  • C-shaped extrusion body ( C-Ext)

Each of them has a set of parameters that uniquely determine the shape of a three-dimensional body. For example, the “Pipe” object is determined by such basic parameters as interior And outer radii, height; In addition, there are a number of parameters that allow you to control the accuracy of the construction. After creating an object, each of the parameters can be changed so that this will instantly affect the appearance of the object in the editing window. The vast majority of parameters can also be subsequently animated. The standard “Teapot” object is included in this set for historical reasons: it is used for testing materials and lighting in a scene, and, in addition, has long become a kind of symbol of 3D graphics.


3ds Max includes the ability to create several basic particle sources. Starting from version 8 there are 6 main particle sources (not including Particle Flow), demonstrating different behavior. Traditional particle sources in 3ds Max are Spray(Spray), Snow(Snow), Blizzard(Blizzard), PArray(Particle array), PCloud(particle cloud) and Super Sprays(Super splashes).

Particle Flow is a sophisticated nonlinear event-driven particle system developed by Oleg Bayborodin, one of seven particle systems in 3ds Max. Similar to most particle systems available in modern 3D graphics packages Particle Flow allows the user to simulate the behavior of particles based on a series of predefined procedures (events) using a convenient visual interface.

3ds Max also includes a physics engine originally developed by Havok. Reactor allows you to simulate the behavior of hard bodies, soft bodies, fabric, taking into account gravity and other influences. Like other dynamics simulation programs, reactor uses simplified convex hulls of objects that can be configured to use all vertices of an object, at the cost of processing time. However, there is no full-fledged dynamics and simulation module in 3dsmax. However, this is offset by a large number of third-party developments. Starting from version 8, the Cloth and Hair&Fur modules are built into the environment.


Our own render (ScanLine) is constantly criticized for its “plastic” images. Although with proper settings you can get fairly high-quality images. For 3dsmax, there are a huge variety of third-party visualizers in the form of plug-ins or as translators for Stand Alone visualizers.

Scanline The original imaging method in 3DS Max is a scanning line-by-line algorithm. Some advanced features were added to the scanning renderer over the years, such as global illumination calculations, emissivity analysis, and ray tracing, but most of the features were carried over from other renderers (for example, RadioRay). 3DS Max mental ray mental ray is a production-ready, high-quality rendering system developed by Mental Images. mental ray is built into the latest versions , is a powerful visualization tool that supports segmented rendering (similar to the accompanying rendering engine implemented in Maya), as well as distributed rendering technology that allows you to efficiently share the computing load across multiple computers. The version of mental ray included with 3ds Max comes with a set of tools that make it relatively easy to create a variety of different effects. V-Ray The most popular external visualizer in the Russian-speaking space from Chaos Group.

RenderMan Third party pipeline connection tool


, is also useful in cases where 3DS Max integration with the Renderman rendering system is required. Connection with 3DS Max occurs using DoberMan. finalRender External renderer from Cebas. It is the most complete photon-based visualizer, second only to MentalRay in its capabilities. The advantage lies in tight integration with other Cebas solutions, providing a wide range of different atmospheric, lens effects, etc., which other visualizers do not have.(1990-1994). The package was then rewritten for Windows NT and renamed 3D Studio MAX(1996-1999). The numbering of versions began again.

In 2000-2004, the package was produced under the brand name Discreet 3dsmax, and since 2005 - Autodesk 3ds MAX. The current version is called Autodesk 3ds MAX 2011(index 13.0).

In recent years, Autodesk has been releasing new package releases at least once a year for economic reasons.

see also


  • Autodesk official website (English)



  • Stephanie Rees Character animation in 3D Studio MAX. = Character animation in 3D Studio MAX.. - M.: BOOKS, 2009. - P. 450. - ISBN 978-5-8459-7879-9
  • Kelly L. Murdock Autodesk 3ds Max 2009. 3D Studio max. User Bible = Autodesk 3ds Max 2009 Bible. 3D Studio max. - M.: “Dialectics”, 2009. - P. 1312. - ISBN 978-5-8459-1528-3
  • Kulagin B.Yu, Yatsyuk O.G. 3ds Max in environmental design. - 1st edition. - Bhv - St. Petersburg, 2008. - ISBN 978-5-94157-779-8
  • Bondarenko M. Yu., Bondarenko S. V. 3ds Max 2008 for 26 lessons (+CD). - 1st edition. - “Dialectics”, 2008. - 304 p. - ISBN ISBN 978-5-8459-1358-6
  • Kelly L. Murdock Autodesk 3ds Max 9. User's Bible. 3D Studio MAX 9: Per. from English - M.: 2007. - 1344 pp. with illustrations, Publishing House "Dialectics" ISBN 978-5-8459-1223-7
  • Shammes Mortier, Autodesk 3ds Max 9 for dummies. 3d Studio Max 9: Per. from English - M.: Publishing house "Dialectics", 2007. - 384 pp. with illus. ISBN 978-5-8459-1215-2

Wikimedia Foundation.


Modifiers Menu

The Modifiers menu allows you to assign modifiers without going to the Modify tab of the command panel. Before assigning a modifier to a parametric object, you must select the object itself to which you want to apply the modifier. In this case, only those modifiers that can be applied to this primitive will be active in the menu.
Once you select a modifier in the Modifiers menu, a panel will automatically open where you can change the parameters of the selected modifier.

The modifiers presented in the Modifiers menu are grouped into 16 categories.

Selection modifiers include:

Mesh Select

Poly Select

Patch Select

Volume Select

FFD Select (Free Form Deformation Select),

Select By Channel.

Edit Patch

Edit Spline

Cross Section


Delete Patch

Delete Spline

Lathe (Rotation around an axis),

Normalize Spline

Fillet/ Chamfer (Rounding/chamfer),


Renderable Spline Modifer.

Additionally, 3ds max 8 adds a Sweep modifier to the Patch/Spline Editing category, which allows you to loft profiles along lines imported from AutoCAD or 3ds Max curves while using preset shapes. Unlike the Loft modifier, with the Sweep modifier you can use curves that have breaks as path shapes.

Cap Holes (Cover the holes),

Delete Mesh

Edit Mesh

Edit Normals

Edit Poly (Editing polygons),


Face Extrude

MultiRes (Multiple resolution),

Normal Modifier



STL Check (STL test),



Vertex Paint (Vertex Coloring),

Vertex Weld.

Turn to Mesh

Turn to Patch

Turn to Poly (Convert to polygonal surface).


Morpher (Morphing),



Patch Deform

Path Deform

Surf Deform.

In 3ds Max 8, the Cloth category has been added to the Modifiers menu, containing two modifiers: Cloth and Garment Maker. Using both modifiers you can model fabric. At the same time, modifiers allow you to create pattern surfaces, calculate dynamics, taking into account intersections with the surface, interactively control the behavior of the fabric, etc.
Another new category in the 3ds Max 8 Modifiers menu is Hair and Fur. It allows you to create hairstyles using a “comb” for complex contours, model curls, ponytails and buns. In addition, it is possible to use hair dynamics - inheriting inertia from the movement of the skin or other surfaces.

UVW Map (UVW projection),

Unwrap UVW (Straighten UVW projection),

Camera Map

Projection, etc.

Category Cache Tools(Caching Tools) is represented by two modifiers of the same type: Point Cache (Cache Point) and the global space modifier Point Cache (WSM) (Cache Point (WSM))
To the Subdivision Surfaces category(Surfaces with partitioning) includes three modifiers related to surfaces with partitioning:

TurboSmooth (Fast smoothing),

MeshSmooth and

HSDS Modifier (HSDS modifier).

FFD 2x2x2 (Free Deformation 2x2x2),

FFD 3x3x3 (Free Deformation 3x3x3),

FFD 4x4x4 (Free Deformation 4x4x4),

FFD Box (Freely deformable container (rectangular)),

FFD Cylinder (Arbitrarily deformable container (cylindrical)).

In the category Parametric Deformers(Parametric Deformations) combines 22 modifiers designed to work with object space. These include the following modifiers.

Three-dimensional graphics is not difficult, since modern software allows you to obtain high-quality models without extensive knowledge in the field of 3D. Let's look at what 3Ds Max is, how to use the program, how much it costs and when you need to buy a license.

3Ds Max program: basic information

3Ds Max is a 3D modeling, animation and rendering software created and developed for gaming and design visualization.

The program is included in the collection of multimedia and entertainment software products offered by Autodesk.

It is also part of the Autodesk AEC collection and is one of the tools for product design and manufacturing.

In addition, 3DS Max helps users create massive game worlds, detailed characters, customize building environments, create scenes with many people, and simulate the physical properties of liquids such as water, oil, and lava. Additionally, 3ds Max includes animation controllers that users can create, modify, and share.

The software also has 3D rendering features, such as the ability to simulate real camera settings. Additionally, it offers a resource library that allows users to easily search for 3D content. 3Ds Max also provides features for 3D modeling, texturing and effects. Thanks to this, users will be able to create and animate geometry in a variety of ways, as well as apply surface and mesh modeling.

Description and features of the program

This is a cross-platform application for developing models, scenes, animations, materials and everything related to the 3D world. All special effects in movies, presentations of new models of equipment, clothing, cars - all these are pre-developed three-dimensional models, which are then turned into real objects.

Professionals choose 3Ds Max for several reasons, one of which is support for all existing scripts and plugins. For a master of his craft, the most important thing is unlimited potential and possibilities, and simplicity and convenience come in second place.

Supported Devices:

  • Windows;

Language support:

  • English;
  • Dutch;
  • Polish;
  • Turkish;
  • Swedish.


  • Monthly;
  • Annual.

Tariff plans and packages:

  • Small business;
  • Medium business;
  • Big business;
  • For individuals.


  • Cloud storage;
  • Open source API.

For regular customers there is a loyalty program and corporate discounts.

Functionality and capabilities

3Ds Max offers users a variety of ways and robust tools to create and edit animations.

They will be able to create 3D computer animations and effects that can be applied to computer games, films, broadcasts, medical illustrations or forensic presentations.

The software has several animation controllers that are used to store key values ​​and procedural settings, handling whatever users animate with it. Additionally, 3Ds Max allows you to link objects together. As a result, you can form hierarchies or chains with which you can animate sets of objects simultaneously, simplifying the process. provides 3D rendering functionality, and one of them is the ability to preview. By activating ActiveShade mode in the software, users will be able to see effects as the lighting and materials in the scene change.

3Ds Max also has a workflow function, which allows users to convert scenes so that the lights, materials and objects within them can be changed to those used by the most advanced rendering technologies.

Thanks to this, they will be able to apply numerous rendering features, such as new physics materials and environments, as well as fine-tuning. Additionally, they will be able to flexibly convert lights, materials, and objects between render engines, giving them the ability to convert only the ones they need.

To summarize, we can say that 3Ds Max has a dialog tool called Material Editor, which allows users to create and edit materials and maps in their scenes, apply creative textures, and simulate refractions, reflections and other effects when assigning materials to objects.

Pros and cons of the program



  • Complexity. Since the program is professional, it requires skills and knowledge.
  • High requirements. The computer must be truly powerful.
  • High price. In order to make a profit from the program's products, you need to buy a license, and it is not cheap.

All powerful software is complex and cumbersome. For this reason, many people look for simplified solutions or delegate the development of models to others. To understand the program, you need to download the manual in Russian and open the section with an overview of the interface. Everything will become simple and clear, thanks to explanations of the buttons, functions and purposes. Moreover, the manual contains algorithms and tricks that will help make the work easier and less energy-intensive.

As practice shows, after mastering the interface and then customizing it (and this is what users do to customize the workspace for themselves), the program ceases to be complicated, and working in it brings pleasure.

How much does Autodesk 3ds Max cost?

Looking ahead, we note that the most expensive plan is the most profitable, since there is no overpayment for “retail software rental”. If a user is seriously involved in developing models, then an expired license is the last thing he would like to see on the day the project is due.

In addition, some promotional offers only apply to users with an extended subscription, so don’t miss your chance! If you add up the amount for a monthly subscription and multiply it by 12 months, it will be more expensive than an annual subscription.

3Ds Max offers users three enterprise pricing plans. Plans can be availed on a monthly, annual, or tri-annual (every three years) standalone subscription basis and are calculated based on the number of licenses you need. In addition, 3Ds Max can be purchased as part of Autodesk's industry collections.

3Ds Max Single User License:

  • Monthly:
  • 1 year:
  • 3 years:

3Ds Max Single User License (when purchased as part of the Autodesk Design & Construction Collection):

  • Monthly: $335.00
  • 1 year: $2,690.00
  • 3 years: $8,070.00

3Ds Max Single User License (when purchased as part of the Autodesk Products and Design Collection):

  • Monthly: $310.00
  • 1 year: $2,460.00
  • 3 years: $7,380.00

3Ds Max Single User License (when purchased as part of the Autodesk Media and Entertainment Collection):

  • Monthly: $255.00
  • 1 year: $2,040.00
  • 3 years: $6,120.00

Subscription benefits:

  • Technical support.
  • Access to the latest software version.
  • Ability to use the software anywhere.
  • Access to previous versions.
  • Flexible terms.
  • Management tools.

There is also a free trial version that allows you to experience all the advantages and disadvantages before purchasing. If the user has created something for commercial purposes in the free version, he will be able to sell and make a profit for it only after purchasing a license and receiving the full version of the program.

If the user downloaded the software from a third-party source where it was already hacked or hacked it himself, the sale or commercial use of the program products for profit will be a violation of the license and will be prosecuted by law.

Why is the program popular?

This is one of the very first programs for working with three-dimensional graphics. An analogy can be drawn between 3Ds Max and After Effects. They are both very “heavy”, difficult to understand, but can produce products of the highest quality.

Most libraries, presets, plugins are written specifically for them, which eliminates competition instantly - even if the user wants to switch from 3Ds Max to other software, he will be left without his favorite tools.

At the time of its release, it had no analogues, and everyone who created models “on the knee” began to master the new development environment. A sufficient amount of time had passed before the release of the first analogue, so the program acquired a layer of discussions, many threads on forums, tons of lessons and tutorials. In order for any of the competitors to surpass or overtake it, they will need to go back 20 years and start developing their own software.

Analogs with similar functionality

Let's look at the three most important competitors:

  • Blender. This is a surprisingly simple and lightweight program that fits on a flash drive due to its small size. The standard package does not contain a large number of libraries and presets. The functionality of the program is truly impressive. It can do everything that is the basis of 3Ds Max, and it can also connect scripts to automate typical actions. The price of this software is an order of magnitude lower than that of 3Ds Max, but the potential is not so great. Those who worked in it call it a 3Ds Max emulator, since all scripts and plugins have to be reconfigured and converted to a new format. However, today it is a strong competitor, which every year is moving forward more and more to a leading position in the market.

  • ZBrush. The program allows you to make high-quality high-poly 3D models and animations, but is not equipped with a powerful rendering engine. It’s convenient to make sketches and a “skeleton” of the model, and then bring it to mind in more powerful ones. It is loved by artists and designers for its simplicity and integration of tablets and virtual input devices.

  • This is a full-fledged and full-format alternative, which has its own libraries, operating algorithms that are different from 3Ds Max, and a support service with an active community. Here you can fully discuss competition and different vectors of development. MAYA produces most of the additional libraries and plugins in-house, so there is no need to purchase them. So, by paying for a MAYA subscription, the user gets access to all its tools and developments.

The remaining competitors and analogues are essentially stripped-down or highly specialized versions of 3Ds Max, so we will not consider them.

What are the differences between 3Ds Max and other programs, and what is the best software to use for architectural visualization, modeling and other related tasks in 3D, you will find out in this video:

How to learn to work in 3Ds Max

First you need to decide on your goal. The program allows you to create static images, three-dimensional adjustable objects and scenes with animation. All three tasks are completely different in complexity and requirements for the master.

The best and fastest way is to download the finished project, open it and feel out how everything works there. In the case of the above categories, all three projects will be radically different.

For example, when creating a static image, you do not need to edit and think through the surroundings and background (as is the case with an editable three-dimensional object). For a full-fledged scene, you will need to register skeletal or frame-by-frame animation, bones, connections, materials.

Important! It is worth noting that to create professional and quick models, you will need to purchase a tablet, since creating a portrait or sketch from scratch is a very long and inconvenient process if you do it with a mouse.

At the moment, there are a large number of sketches, lessons, step-by-step guides on the network that will help any user learn step by step.

Each business is different and may need a specific type of graphic design software that is tailored to the size of their company, the type of clients and staff, and even the specific niche in which they operate.

Don't expect to find a perfect solution that will work for every company, regardless of their experience. It is recommended that you read a few reviews of Autodesk 3Ds Max first.

Do you need a simple and clear service with only basic functions? Will you really use the advanced functionality required by professionals and large enterprises? Are there any specific tools that are particularly useful for the industry you work in? If you ask yourself these questions, you will have a much easier time finding a reliable service that will fit your budget.

  1. Use the Rename Objects tool to rename multiple objects at once.
  2. Disable automatic backup when working with complex scenes to avoid crashes (save often).
  3. Save step by step to keep track of your progress.
  4. Insert the camera in perspective view by pressing CONTROL + C
  5. Use ALT + X to make the selected object transparent. Repeat to remove.
  6. Use ALT + Q to isolate the selected object.
  7. Assign hotkeys for common tasks (such as Q, W, E and R for select, move, rotate, zoom).
  8. Speed ​​up your workflow by setting objects to Display as Box.
  9. Press 7 to display the number of policies and versions.
  10. Increase the scene cancel level to step back further.
  11. Right-click the Snap icon to access settings.
  12. Right-click the Transform icon to enter values.
  13. Create a maxstart.max file to launch 3Ds Max with default settings.
  14. Use clipping planes to improve viewing speed.
  15. Right-click the Select and Rotate icon to enter values.
  16. When creating a spline, press Backspace to delete the last vert you created.
  17. Keep control while panning to pan faster.
  18. Press I to center the view at the cursor position.
  19. Build to scale. Everything in 3Ds Max works with the correct ratios and units.
  20. Consider Dark Theme for better contrast (easier on the eyes).
  21. F3 switches Shaded Display to frame and back.
  22. F4 switches Shaded viewport to Shaded with Edges and back.
  23. F5 will set the transformation operations to the X axis.
  24. F6 will set the transformation operations to the Y axis.
  25. F7 will set the transformation operations to the Z axis.
  26. F8 switches between xy, yz and xz planes for transformation operations.
  27. F9 ends rendering of the current viewport according to the render settings.
  28. F10 opens the render dialog.
  29. F11 opens the MAXscript listener dialog.
  30. F12 opens an input dialog box for conversion operations.
  31. Use CTRL + L to turn off active lights in viewports.
  32. Assign hotkeys to the key combinations on the left. By keeping one hand on the mouse and the other on the keyboard, we become much more efficient.
  33. Design xref file structures to handle large, complex scenes and to work in a team environment.
  34. Access other modifiers by right-clicking the modifier drop-down list in the command bar.
  35. Use Macro Recorder to record tasks that repeat frequently, then assign that task to a button on your custom toolbar. Use it as needed.
  36. Use Auto Grid to project an object onto the face of another object.
  37. With an edge selected, use SHIFT + X to constrain movement along the edge axis.
  38. Repeat to remove the restriction.
  39. Consider using online file storage to sync user settings, libraries, and storage resources for access from anywhere.
  40. Set and use project folders by going to File, Manage, and Set Project Folder.
  41. If the transform area disappears, press X to bring it back.
  42. Use selection sets to help with your workflow.
  43. Press ALT+W to expand or collapse the viewport.
  44. Create groups to organize and quickly access frequently used materials in the Slate Material Editor.
  45. Use G to toggle the Grid on and off.
  46. Use the Color Clipboard in Utilities in the Command panel to create custom colors.
  47. Lock objects by selecting the object, then press Spacebar.
  48. Select the edge loop by selecting the edge, holding down the Shift key, then selecting the next edge.
  49. Use object isolation.
  50. Use symmetry to effectively construct symmetrical models (cars, faces, etc.).

Where can I download the program

In order to fully use the program and legally receive profit from it, you need to purchase a license.

You can download a trial version (with full capabilities) on the official website. To unlock the full version, you need to purchase a subscription and register the program on the website. Attention!

Let us remind you that downloading software from third-party sources is not only a violation of copyright law, but also a potential danger, because free software gets onto your computer with viruses and spyware that steal users’ personal data.

We hope that this article helped the user understand 3Ds Max and build their first model. This program allows you to do absolutely everything. At the moment, there are three-dimensional models that cannot be distinguished from real photos, so 3D graphics are the future. Today, even a user who is far from the field of computer graphics can begin not only to create new worlds and characters, but also to make money from it, because paying for a license encourages them to repay it and cover the costs in any way.

Useful video