Correspondence scientific conference. Registration for the conference “Secondary vocational education. “Black” list of organizers of correspondence conferences

Student scientific conferences - 2019

Holding conferences is a significant form of scientific life, the skill of participating in which should be developed already in student life. In many cases, the presence of publications or presentations made at conferences is a necessary condition for further continuation of a scientific career, for example, for admission to graduate school. Center for Scientific Cooperation "Interactive Plus" promotes innovation and research activities of student youth by organizing international student conferences as part of the cycle "Student Forum", fully meeting all the requirements for events of this kind.

Requirements for article formatting

  • Works corresponding to the theme of the conference, in volume, are accepted for participation in the conference. at least 3 pages.
  • Conference languages: Russian, English.
  • Work must be completed in the text editor MS Word 2003-2016 and edited.

Terms of payment

Cost of printed copy (without delivery)150
Cost of assigning a DOI number to an article200
Review of the author's manuscript500

The cost of delivery of printed collections depends on the delivery method you choose. We can offer you delivery both by Russian Post and courier services: DPD, SPSR, SDEK.

International conference "Student Science"

The student conference is held in absentia, so undergraduate and graduate students living in different countries can take part in it. Participants can submit work done either independently or under the guidance of teachers. To do this, just go to the website and attach your work, formatted in accordance with. Each student scientific and practical conference has a specific topic and directions that the scientific report must correspond to.

Despite the fact that the scientific-student conference is in absentia, its participants have the opportunity to actively exchange opinions and discuss each other’s work, which is necessary for professional development, as well as speak out about colleagues’ publications on the site and vote for the work they like.

The Center for Scientific Cooperation "Interactive Plus", organizing student correspondence conferences, provides their participants with the opportunity to publish. Based on the results of the event, a collection of scientific articles is published, which is assigned an ISBN or ISSN and library indices UDC, BBK.

Original scientific developments and teaching aids with the participation of students, course and diploma works, projects, programs, and the best abstracts can be presented at the conference.

Such publications are extremely useful not only for graduate and doctoral students, but also for students. The presence of publications will significantly help authors pursuing the following goals:
  • enroll in master's or graduate school;
  • defend a thesis or final qualification work;
  • receive a scholarship or grant.

For students of higher educational institutions, clause 10 (b, d).
Regulations on the appointment of scholarships of the Government of the Russian Federation for students of primary vocational education and secondary vocational education, clause 8.
Regulations on the appointment of scholarships from the Government of the Russian Federation for students of higher educational institutions, clause 4 (b, d).

Please note that the student scientific conference is held with all necessary documents completed. Its participants receive a certificate (certificate) and a certificate in electronic form confirming the fact of presenting a report at a scientific event of an international level. In addition, based on the results of each conference held by the Interactive Plus Center for Scientific Cooperation, the best works are selected in the opinion of the organizing committee. Their authors are awarded laureate diplomas.

Subscribe to the Interactive Plus Center for Scientific Cooperation newsletters by email to stay up to date on ongoing events and submit scientific work on time, and also join official groups on social networks. Student scientific conferences in 2019 have fixed dates, which you can find out about on the pages of our website.

Publication is paid depending on the volume (number of pages) of the report. A collection of student scientific works, as well as a certificate and certificate confirming publication, will be available in electronic form to all participants free of charge.

Participation in the conference may be a decisive factor in defending your final qualifying work or entering the next level of education. The international distance conferences we organize help students continue their professional development in their chosen scientific field.

The theme of the conference “Secondary vocational education: practice and management” was approved, in the organization of which the Presidential Academy takes part. The event will take place on November 16–17 in St. Petersburg.

Experts from specialized structures of Veliky Novgorod, Kazan, Moscow, Minsk, St. Petersburg, Khanty-Mansiysk and other educational development centers began to formulate a conference program on SVE.

The Faculty of Open Source Education at ITMO University (St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics) takes an active part. The university is a recognized national and international center for the development of models and technologies for the “digital economy”, while the leadership of the university and faculty consider the issue of secondary vocational education as an area of ​​strategic development.

The Department of Journalism of the Kazan Federal University is discussing putting on the agenda of the XI International Scientific and Practical Conference “The Information Field of Modern Russia: Practices and Effects” (Kazan, October 16–18) the issues of training personnel for the communication system and other areas involving the potential of open source software. It is planned to activate the system of secondary vocational education in the formation of national media policy, including through the creation of media centers on the basis of colleges and technical schools. The results of the Kazan forum on the topic under consideration are planned to be presented in St. Petersburg at the SPO conference.

The Center for Innovation in the Social Sphere of the Novgorod Region plans to include the development of cooperation with secondary vocational education organizations among the priority areas of its activities, the integration of the region’s vocational education assets into the development of social entrepreneurship in the region.

Leading experts from the Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation, NFPC, FIRO and other metropolitan structures have already announced their participation in the conference with reports at the plenary and sectional sessions.

The organizing committee of the conference “Secondary vocational education: practice and management” approved the topics for presentations in the sections of the event.

Section 1. Management of the secondary vocational education system - problems and trends: foreign experience in the development and modernization of the vocational education system; problems of dual education in Russia and abroad; monitoring the development of the open source software system in Russia; forecast for the development of the secondary vocational education system: regional aspects; development of additional professional education as a model of lifelong education (including adult education) on the basis of secondary vocational education organizations.

Section 2. Modern trajectories of professional self-determination of students: regional experience of professional self-determination: modern models and best practices; foresight “Professions – 2050: regional aspect”; psychological and pedagogical support for professional self-determination of children and youth; organizational and methodological tutoring in the professional self-determination of children and youth; experience of network interaction and social partnership in organizing professional self-determination of children and youth.

Section 3. Organizational design of educational programs in secondary vocational education: innovative models of training and education in secondary vocational education: organizational, managerial, content aspects; integration of additional and vocational education in the training of specialists; new methods for assessing the quality of the results of the educational process; demonstration exam: advantages, prospects, problems; course training in the system of organizing basic educational programs; new formats (local models) of educational activities (professional competitions, professional exhibitions, museums of professional excellence, etc.)

Section 4. Implementation of inclusive education programs in professional educational organizations: regional (municipal) models of organizing inclusive education in professional educational organizations; creating an accessible educational environment for students with disabilities in professional educational organizations; psychological and pedagogical support for students with disabilities in professional educational organizations; implementation of inclusive educational programs: experience of professional educational organizations; implementation of inclusive educational projects in professional educational organizations; national championship of professional skills competitions for people with disabilities “Abilimpix”: promoting the development of professional inclusion of students, graduates and young professionals with disabilities or limited health in the labor market; inclusive culture of society; public movement "Abilimpix" in Russia, the CIS countries and the EAEU; activities of volunteer centers "Abilimpix": technologies for working with people with disabilities.

Section 5. WorldSkills Russia movement – ​​developing professional competencies of students: regional models for organizing professional skills competitions; a systematic approach to organizing career guidance work and forming a positive image of students in vocational education organizations; psychological and pedagogical support for participants in regional, federal and international championships of professional excellence; WorldSkills Russia movement: experience of networking; forms and functions of social partnership in the organization of career guidance work.

Section 6. Adaptation strategies, forms and methods of supporting young teachers in professional educational organizations: strategies for developing the professional self-awareness of young teachers in professional educational organizations; portrait of a teacher in organizing the trajectory of professional self-determination of youth; the process of adaptation of young specialists in the system of personnel policy of an educational organization; a system of effective contracts as a motivation for the professional growth of young specialists; networking in the process of supporting the professional activities of a young specialist in professional educational organizations; the formation of professional teaching communities and professional skills competitions as a form of support for young teachers.

When preparing for the conference, the organizers propose to use materials from the bulletin of the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation “Reform of secondary vocational education (domestic and foreign experience)”, prepared in 2017 with the participation of the Center for the Economics of Lifelong Education (CENO) of RANEPA.

The conference organizers invite specialized experts and potential participants to continue working on the formation of the conference program and announce the start of registration on the website of the Palace of Student Youth of St. Petersburg.

The conference will take place as part of the official WorldSkills Russia events in St. Petersburg at the ExpoForum. Organizers: RANEPA, Palace of Students of St. Petersburg and Minsk City Institute for Educational Development with the support of the Education Committee of St. Petersburg.

For a long time and often, announcements about holding "correspondence" or "remote" conferences, that is, with remote participation, when there is no need to travel anywhere, speak in front of an audience and answer tricky questions. In fact, participants in so-called conferences with absentee participation are invited to simply pay the registration fee, send abstracts of the report and receive after some time by mail a printed collection of proceedings or conference materials with BBK and ISBN. So what is the difference between a remote conference and “classical”, conducted by a university or research institute?

Scientific conference academic conference) - a form of organization of scientific activity in which researchers (including scientists or graduate students) present and discuss their work. Usually, the topic, time and place of the conference are announced in advance (in an information letter or poster announcement). Then the collection of abstracts of reports and sometimes registration fees begins.

The process of holding a scientific-theoretical or scientific-practical conference:

  • Registration of participants with distribution of the conference program (indicating the order of presentations)
  • Opening and plenary session with speech by the conference organizers
  • Work in sections or round tables with listening to reports and subsequent discussion
  • Coffee break in the middle of the conference and a buffet or banquet at its end
  • Cultural programs (excursions) for out-of-town guests
  • Publication of a collection of scientific papers. Often the collection is given to conference participants upon registration.

As you understand, in the case of remote or correspondence conferences, all of these points, except the last one, are missing. This approach significantly reduces the organizational and financial costs of holding such events and turns them into financially profitable ones. However, there are also in-person and correspondence conferences, when for the money raised from the publication of the works of absentee participants, those present at the conference organize a small "get-together" with a humble "alcohol banquet".

A remote conference is also different from what has been common since the beginning "zero" years of web conferences (posting reports on the organizer’s website, discussing them in the comments and publishing the results of such "discussion") and video conferencing - communication between remote participants through the exchange of audio and video information.

Very often, remote conferences are held not only by various non-governmental commercial "research centers", but also private and public universities. Moreover, very often, when organizing and conducting such events, they all cooperate with each other. After all, this is a profitable event, although not so extremely profitable lately. One more "trick" remote conferences is that their organizers in the printed collection of proceedings do not indicate any information about their "distance" And "in absentia", i.e. the texts of the reports are published as materials of a real face-to-face conference.

Who participates in such events? Mainly graphomaniacs and city crazy people, students to receive grants or scholarships, those who need to quickly and decisively confirm their copyright of a particular text through publication, as well as graduate students and doctoral students who need to fill out a couple of lines in the “Approbation” section in dissertation abstract.

What, in my opinion, is "damage" correspondence conferences? In that they are no different from classic “collections of articles”, however, collections take much longer to form (up to six months or a year). Author of theses on this "conference" does not face live criticism from specialists, there is no live informal communication. In addition, many correspondence conferences are held only for the implementation of "commercial profit", on a general topic, for example, with titles such as "Problems of the humanities and technical sciences", "Current events in log science". In fact, some of them are focused on maximum coverage "patient clients" and do not carry any scientific component. Often, when compiling collections, there is no adequate scientific editorship.

"Black" list of organizers of correspondence conferences

Not long ago on the site and on the portal, as well as in the VKontakte group a list of conferences was published that are not taken into account for the rating of teachers at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, similar to the list of journals in which the Higher School of Economics does not recommend its employees to publish:

1. Conferences organized by the Center for Scientific Thought (IP Bobyrev A.V.) (
2. Conferences organized by LLC “Center for Scientific Cooperation “Interactive Plus”” (
3. Conferences organized by the Center for the Development of Scientific Cooperation (IP Chernov S.S.) (
4. Conferences organized by the Center for Scientific Knowledge “Logos” (IP Movsesyan L.N.) (http://center-logos.rf)
5. Conferences organized by SibAK LLC (
6. Conferences organized by the ANO “Center for Socio-Political Research “Premier”” (
7. Conferences organized by the International Center for Science and Education and Scientific Forum (both - ICNO LLC) (,
8. Conferences organized by the ANO to promote the development of modern domestic science Publishing House “Scientific Review” (
9. Conferences organized by the Scientific Publishing Center LLC “Aprobacia” (Makhachkala) (
10. Conferences organized by LLC “Institute of Management and Socio-Economic Development” (
11. Conferences organized by the popular science magazine “NovaInfo” (mass media) (
12. Conferences organized by the scientific center "Aeterna" (LLC) (
13. International scientific conference “European science and technology” (
14. International scientific and practical conference “Modern problems of the humanities and natural sciences” (

These organizations are in no way scammers, it’s just that from the point of view of the “HSE luminaries” they are all "not academic enough". I have already noted earlier some inadequacy in the compilation "prohibited list of magazines", so I’m simply stating here that the conferences held by the “International Center for Science and Education” and “Scientific Forum” are in no way "high science" and do not pretend to, since I position myself primarily as a platform for publications of students and young scientists. Therefore, it is very strange that teachers "Towers" generally published there. As for organizations such as, and "Aeterna", then they have established themselves for many years as reputable organizations, very often holding scientific conferences in collaboration with public and private universities, publishing very interesting collective monographs, etc. Therefore, I note that this time too “HSE anti-rating” very ambiguous.

We invite all interested students of universities or colleges to take part in the conference in their specialization. Scientific student conferences of the SibAK publishing house gather from several dozen to several hundred participants from Russia, the CIS and other foreign countries. Based on the results of the conferences, the best works are selected, and their authors are rewarded with laureate diplomas.

The SibAK publishing house regularly holds specialized student conferences in the following sciences:

  • Humanities,
  • economic,
  • natural,
  • technical,
  • public,
  • interdisciplinary.

How correspondence conferences are held for students

Every university or college student can send their article and application for participation in the conference. After payment for participation, the works are published on the website of the SibAK publishing house. For several days, submitted articles are discussed at student conferences on an online discussion platform, and online voting also takes place and the best papers are selected. Then a collection of materials is compiled and articles are published in correspondence conferences. A printed copy of the article can be ordered when submitting an application and received by mail after the event.

Participation of students in conferences allows students to present their work to the scientific and student community around the world, no matter where you are.

The terms of participation

Scientific articles in conferences for students are accepted by the organizing committee only after passing a plagiarism check. Originality must be at least 70%. In addition, the design must meet editorial requirements. Immediately after payment for the article, the author is sent a certificate confirming the acceptance of the work for publication, the output of the article and a conference participant certificate by email, and an announcement of the article is published on the website.

Advantages of participation in student scientific conferences "SibAK"

Correspondence student conferences of the SibAK publishing house help you take your first steps in the world of science and begin to increase your citation index. To receive feedback from the student and scientific community, develop skills in conducting a reasoned scientific discussion, and professional connections, distance participation in conferences is no less, and sometimes more effective, than full-time participation. Articles in student conferences are useful when applying to master's and postgraduate programs and increase the chances of receiving grants and scholarships.

Scientific conferences

International scientific and practical conferences 2019

ANO for promoting the development of modern domestic science Publishing house "Scientific Review" (Moscow) conducts international scientific and practical conferences in 35 scientific areas.

We hold scientific conferences in two languages: Russian and English, promoting the rapprochement of scientific communities of different countries.

Our collections are published in high-quality printing, publications are assigned ISBN, UDC and BBK codes, they are registered with the Russian Book Chamber and distributed to libraries in our country. Our collections are registered in the NEB and increase your RSCI.

Participants at our conferences have the opportunity to publish their reports in collective monographs, as well as in journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation.

Total ANO for promoting the development of modern domestic science Publishing house “Scientific Review” P organized over 50 conferences, in which more than 1,500 scientists from 15 countries took part : Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Armenia, Latvia, Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania, Estonia, Greece, Turkey

List of upcoming conferences

Date: 10/17/2019 - 10/18/2019 The conference is over!

We invite you to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Knowledge Management System and Its Impact on GDP Growth in Russia, Kazakhstan and Eastern European Countries: Methodology, Policy and Practice.” Conference participants are offered an excellent opportunity to discuss the results of their research at the conference, receive feedback from colleagues and publish articles in journals and conference proceedings indexed by SCOPUS and Web of Science, published by the largest scientific publishing houses in the world. Applications for participation and abstracts of articles are accepted until March 30, 2019.

Date: 09/26/2019 - 09/27/2019 The conference is over!
Materials will be accepted until March 30, 2019.

We invite you to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Entrepreneurship, Companies and Innovations in Russia, China and India: Strategic Triangle and Integration Opportunities”. Conference participants are offered an excellent opportunity to discuss the results of their research at the conference, receive feedback from colleagues and publish articles in journals and conference proceedings indexed by SCOPUS and Web of Science, published by the largest scientific publishing houses in the world. Applications for participation and abstracts of articles are accepted until March 30, 2019.

Date: 03/25/2019 - 03/26/2019 The conference is over!
Materials will be accepted until January 30, 2019.

We invite you to take part in the International Scientific Conference “Contemporary Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education”. The conference is organized in partnership with Cambridge International Academics (UK). It is possible to publish articles in a journal indexed by SCOPUS. Participants of the scientific conference will receive a conference participant certificate. An article of 12-15 pages in Russian is accepted. Submitted articles are reviewed and checked for plagiarism. Participant's registration fee is $150. Translation into English language and publication of the article is paid separately. Payment is made only after the article has been reviewed.

Date: 02/25/2019 - 02/26/2019 The conference is over!
Materials will be accepted until January 20, 2019.

The international scientific and practical conference “Regional economy, investment, innovation, socio-economic development: theory, methodology and concept of modernization” is dedicated to discussing modern problems and trends in the field of economic scientific research. The scientific results of the conference will be published in a special December issue of the journal included in the List of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation. Participants of the scientific conference will receive a certificate of participation in the conference in Moscow indicating the topic of the report. An article of at least 16 pages is accepted. Submitted articles are reviewed and checked for plagiarism.

The conference is over!

We invite you to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “State, Trends and Prospects of Scientific Research in Law and Political Science”. Conference participants are offered an excellent opportunity to discuss the results of their research at the conference, receive feedback from colleagues and publish articles in journals indexed by SCOPUS and WOS, published by the largest scientific publishing houses in the world (USA, Switzerland, Germany). Applications for participation and abstracts of articles are accepted until November 30, 2018.

Date: 12/20/2018 - 12/21/2018 The conference is over!
Materials will be accepted until November 30, 2018.

We invite you to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern scientific and technical developments and trends in the field of medicine and healthcare.” Conference participants are offered an excellent opportunity to discuss the results of their research at the conference, receive feedback from colleagues and publish articles in reputable journals indexed by SCOPUS and WOS, published by the largest scientific publishing houses in the world (India, Great Britain, Switzerland, Germany). Applications for participation and abstracts of articles are accepted until November 30, 2018.

Date: 12/19/2018 - 12/20/2018 The conference is over!
Materials will be accepted until November 30, 2018.

We invite you to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Integration Economic Strategies of the EAEU Member States in the Conditions of the Global Financial Crisis and Recession.” Conference participants are offered an excellent opportunity to discuss the results of their research at the conference, receive feedback from colleagues and publish articles in journals indexed by SCOPUS and WOS, published by the largest scientific publishers in the world. Applications for participation and abstracts of articles are accepted until November 30, 2018.

Date: 12/18/2018 - 12/19/2018 The conference is over!
Materials will be accepted until November 30, 2018.

We invite you to take part in the International Conference on Environmental Engineering, Computer Engineering, Technology and Applied Sciences. Conference participants are offered an excellent opportunity to discuss the results of their research at the conference, receive feedback from colleagues and publish articles in reputable journals indexed by SCOPUS and Web of Science, published by the largest European publishing houses in the world (UK, Switzerland, Germany). Applications for participation and abstracts of articles are accepted until November 30, 2018.