What is a local server port in Minecraft. How to open ports in Minecraft for playing online

Network mode Minecraft very quickly became incredibly popular, as it offered gamers an excellent opportunity to compete with other users on the fields of this game in battle or to unite to achieve common goals. However, it is worth noting that many gamers have problems connecting to network game, and most often these problems are that they have closed network ports. Naturally, the computer cannot connect to the server, so you can only play offline alone. It is, of course, also incredibly fun. However, sometimes you still want to play multiplayer. Therefore, in this article you will learn how to use Minecraft to

Ports for Minecraft

If you want to understand Minecraft, then you should first understand what it is. Naturally, almost every player imagines how an online battle goes, but if you encounter similar problems, then general knowledge you won't have enough. So, a network game is a connection of several gamers on a neutral field - a server. You can connect to this server via the Internet. You need to enter the appropriate address and establish a connection. This is done through special ports, and if such a port is closed, then, naturally, you will not be able to connect. Even if your Internet works perfectly and you can play other projects, when only one port needed for Minecraft is closed, nothing will work out for you. Accordingly, you definitely need to know how to open ports in Minecraft.

What port is needed?

Before you move directly to the question of how to open ports in Minecraft, you need to find out which port you need. The fact is that your modem has a number of ports, each of which is used for transmitting and receiving various types data. Accordingly, you need to know which of these ports is suitable for playing Minecraft. In fact, there may be several of them, and they may vary from server to server, but in most cases the problem is that you have port 25565 closed. This is what you need to concentrate on. And if this doesn’t help, try to figure out how to open Minecraft server ports other than this one.

Opening ports

Now you are faced with the most serious question: “How to open ports of Minecraft 1.6.2 and other versions.” To do this, you will need to go to the menu of your modem - it must be connected via a cable, wireless connection V in this case doesn't fit. And there, depending on the modem model, you need to find the section responsible for port distribution. There you will have to do it manually desired port active - that's all. Often the problem arises in the modem, since it closes one or another port for security reasons or simply does not activate it by default. So now you know the main way to access an online game in Minecraft.

Security programs

However, it is worth noting that this method It doesn't always help. And if you have done everything necessary in the menu, but Minecraft still does not work, and the desired port is displayed as inactive, you need to check your security programs - antivirus, firewall, firewall. Any of these programs could activate a security protocol and close a port that poses a potential threat. Accordingly, any actions you take with the modem will not lead to anything while the port is blocked by the security program. You need to manually add the port to the exceptions, and then calmly play


If you encounter similar problem, look at yours first local IP address. To do this, go to any of the special sites: 2ip.ru, speed-tester.info, ip-ping.ru, etc. In most cases it will be or (sometimes it will be Enter it into the address bar of your browser. In the window that appears, enter as login and password admin. In some situations, you will need to leave one or even both of the required lines blank (instead of entering the word admin there) - depending on the specific settings of your router.

Once in the menu of this Internet distribution device, proceed as follows. If you have a D-Link router, go to the Advanced tab, select Virtual Servers, then Add and enter any name for your future playground (for example, just Minecraft Server). In all lines with External Port (start and end), enter the port number - 25565, do the same for Internal Port, and the protocol should be UDP. Now click Apply, save and reboot the router.

For a device from ZyXEL, go to the Networks tab, select NAT there, and in it Port Forwarding. Enter the port number there in the required line - 25565. Now simply save the settings you have made and reboot the router. For other similar devices, you may need a slightly different procedure and tab names, but general principles will remain similar. By the way, under no circumstances click on Delete buttons or Remove. You definitely won’t open the port this way, but you can easily cause disruptions in the operation of the router (including those that will require its reinstallation).

In case you have a very powerful antivirus and firewall, you will also have to add a few items to their exclusion list. Login via start menu to the computer control panel, and there - to the computer security center. Next select Windows firewall and switch to the tab with its exceptions. There, click on “Add port”, in the first line that opens, give it any name, in the second - write its number (25565), and also check the “UDP port” box. Click OK twice and everything should work.

If you have Windows Vista or 7, not XP, do things a little differently. Go to the control panel in the same way, but open administration there and select the firewall to work in mode increased security or simply enter the wf.msc command. Now open the port in your antivirus. The specific procedure to follow here will depend solely on what kind of protection program established, but the principle will be approximately the same in all cases. Find the list of exceptions, add Java and port 25565 there. After that, the long-suffering game server will earn.

How to open port 25565 if an antivirus is blocking it

Dr.Web Antivirus

To open port 25565 for minecraft, which was blocked by Dr.Web antivirus, click right click mouse on the antivirus icon (it is located in the tray - in the lower right corner of the screen near the clock). Next, select “Firewall” and go to the settings panel. There you need to find everything related to Java(TM). Then click “Change” and “Allow all”. Click OK. Similar actions You must also do this for the “Minecraft_Server.exe” file.

Kaspersky Antivirus

In Kaspersky antivirus, you can open port 25565 as follows. Go to “Settings” - then “ Firewall» - then “Settings”. Check the item “Packet rules” - “Add” - Any outgoing UDP stream or Any incoming UDP stream. You can specify any name you wish. Check the “Protocol (UPD)” box and select the direction: incoming/outgoing. In the items “deleted and local ports"Write the value 25565. Click "OK". Similarly, set the “Minecraft_Server.exe” server to “Trusted”.

Attention! For other antiviruses or depending on the version of the program, the actions will be similar, but may differ slightly.

Open port 25565 on the router

If you use to connect to the Internet WiFi router, you will need to open port 25565 on the router. This can be done through the device's web interface. Let's look at this with an example.

IN address bar any browser you need to dial (either or another address where your router is located). The “Authorization Window” will appear. If you haven't changed anything when initial setup router, then the default login and password will be “admin”.