Damage from household appliances. Household appliances - irreplaceable helpers or hidden threats

Electromagnetic radiation surrounds us on all sides every day

Modern people are accustomed to the conveniences that are provided by the presence of household appliances in our home. For example, when waking up early in the morning, many people like to turn on the TV to their favorite channel and put on the electric kettle to heat water for tea or coffee, at the same time take something tasty out of the refrigerator and heat it in the microwave or on the electric stove. At this moment, the idea that eco-house technologies, which have already become irreplaceable friends and helpers, in addition to such familiar amenities, also provide a significant portion of electromagnetic radiation, hardly comes to mind.

The existence of electromagnetic radiation is explained by a change in the state of the magnetic and electric fields, which propagate from any device that consumes electricity and interact with each other in space. Scientists more than 30 years ago established that such radiation negatively affects a person in general and his individual organs in particular.

According to the results of scientific research, the human brain, cardiovascular, hormonal and reproductive systems are most susceptible to the influence of electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic radiation has also been found to cause headaches, fatigue and insomnia.

How to protect yourself from the harmful effects of all these devices?

Today, the permissible level of influence of the electromagnetic field on a person is considered to be 0.2 microtesla (µT).

But if electromagnetic radiation is so dangerous and comes from all household appliances, then which one poses the greatest danger? To answer this question, measurements were taken of the magnitude of the electromagnetic field from various household appliances in an ordinary home and an eco-house at different distances from them. The Aktacom ATT-2592 analyzer was used as a measuring device, which is a portable device designed for safe measurement of the electromagnetic field at home.

Our assistant - Aktacom ATT-2592 analyzer

The obtained measurement results were presented in the form of a graphic illustration for clarity.

So what conclusion can be drawn from the above figures? Let's look at the simple steps that need to be taken to ensure that eco-house technologies do not pose a danger to your health.

Since a person spends a third of his life sleeping, it is first necessary to exclude the placement of any household items at a distance closer than half a meter from the bed. This applies even to devices that seem small at first glance, such as an electronic watch or a netbook. It is better to keep mobile phones a meter or two from the bed at night.

Staying at the computer for a long time is dangerous for your health!

Another dangerous source of radiation is computers and laptops, on which modern people spend a significant part of their time. First of all, you should maintain a safe distance from a PC monitor or laptop screen of at least 50 cm, and, if possible, spend no more than 3 hours a day on them. If you still have a CRT monitor, then the distance should be at least 20 cm greater than for LCD monitors, and in addition, the CRT monitor itself should be positioned so that its back side is not directed to the place where there are often people. It is also highly recommended not to install a PC in a bedroom or other resting place.

Prolonged stay near household appliances leads to nervous system disorders

Also, if possible, it is worth reducing the time you spend near household appliances in the kitchen. A microwave oven, if turned on for a few minutes, does not pose a significant threat, but at a distance of thirty centimeters or closer it creates an electromagnetic field of up to 8 µT. It is better to place the refrigerator at a distance of half a meter from the seating area; for refrigerators of the “No Frost” system, this distance should be doubled. Radiation from an electric kettle becomes dangerous at a distance of less than 20 cm, and from an air conditioner - at a distance of less than 1.5 m.

Washing machines and dishwashers emit more than 20 µT, so you should not get closer than a meter to them during operation. The vacuum cleaner is also characterized by a high degree of electromagnetic radiation (about 200 µT), however, due to the length of the hose, this damage is slightly compensated.

An important nuance is that the walls of both an ordinary residential building and an eco-house are not capable of blocking electromagnetic radiation, so the only way to reduce the influence of harmful radiation is to increase the distance to radiation sources and reduce the time spent near them. It is also worth noting that the degree of radiation from devices directly depends on the power of the devices, so it is better to refrain from purchasing a large number of powerful devices.

Remember that the happiness and health of your family depends only on you!

By following the simple tips outlined above, you can preserve your health and the health of your loved ones in an already built house, or take these tips into account for the technology of building eco-houses.

We live in a time when electrical devices that emit electromagnetic radiation that is dangerous to humans surround us everywhere. In this review, we will identify the five most unsafe devices and appliances that can be found in every kitchen.

Energy-saving lamps.

These wonderful, economical light bulbs hide many unpleasant nuances. In addition to the fact that they contain mercury inside, and therefore the lamps cannot be thrown into a regular trash bin, they are also sources of ultraviolet and electromagnetic radiation. It is not recommended to be closer than one meter from the source of such light.

Title="Energy-saving lamps are not as harmless as manufacturers claim
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Energy-saving lamps are not as harmless as manufacturers claim


In the process of heating food, a microwave oven distributes powerful electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range around. Within a radius of 1 meter from a working oven, it is 10-20 times higher than the norm, so every time you start the microwave, you should leave the kitchen for a while.

Title="Microwave oven is the most dangerous appliance in the kitchen
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The microwave oven is the most dangerous appliance in the kitchen.

Mobile phone.
Everyone has heard about the dangers of this device. Scientists have proven that during prolonged communication, the temperature in the ear area rises by 2-2.5 degrees, and this can harm brain cells. In addition, if at the beginning of a conversation the electromagnetic radiation increases slightly, then after 10 minutes it already becomes dangerous.

Title="Mobile phones harm brain cells
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Mobile phone harms brain cells


Many people still have old-style CRT TVs in their kitchens. Unlike new-fangled plasma panels, units with cathode ray tubes emit powerful electromagnetic radiation, and you should not get closer than one and a half meters to such colossuses. As for modern TVs, their radiation is lower and at a distance of more than 50 cm from the screen, you will be safe.

Sockets, extension cords and power supplies.

Sockets and extension cords, of course, also create an electromagnetic field, but a relatively weak one. However, if a powerful working device is stuck into them, the picture changes. For example, when you plug in a microwave oven, it emits a field that is 20 times higher than the standard one.
It is also worth noting that power supplies and chargers also emit electromagnetic radiation within a radius of 1 meter.

Title="Outlets, wires, extension cords and power supplies also emit electromagnetic pulses
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Sockets, wires, extension cords and power supplies also emit electromagnetic pulses

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It's hard to believe, but the kitchen really is considered a dangerous place. We're not talking about monsters lurking under the sink or that ball of dust accumulated somewhere in the corner. We are more concerned about dangerous gadgets with their rotating elements and knives with sharp blades that end up in the most unexpected places. And ordinary household appliances are fraught with many dangers. If you care about your own health, please join us in reading this publication. Be careful: these things are found in every home.


The magnetic field created by a working hair dryer is 10 times greater than the radiation generated by a TV or computer. Scientists have proven that when the device is turned on when drying hair, it can damage human DNA and create conditions for the death of brain cells. Know: a non-working hair dryer is no less dangerous, if you forget to turn off the electrical appliance from the network.
Use the hair dryer only in exceptional cases. The electromagnetic field emitted by a hair dryer causes a constant feeling of fatigue and headaches. If you do use a hair dryer, make sure that the distance between the device and your scalp is at least 30 centimeters.

Electric kettle

It is believed that an electric kettle is indispensable in everyday life. It boils water quickly, thereby saving valuable time. But he doesn’t care at all about the health of your household. When heated, the plastic from which the walls of the device are made releases dangerous substances formaldehyde and phenol into the water. All this, together with the next mug of tea, enters our body.
Long-term use of an electric kettle in everyday life leads to various diseases, the worst of which is cancer. Even if your kettle is made of metal, when scratches appear on the internal coating of the device, iron oxide and heavy metal salts are released into the water, leading to irreversible processes in the body. Before it's too late, remove this gadget from the kitchen.


Doctors remind people to keep the air in the apartment well humidified. However, using an electric humidifier for this purpose is extremely dangerous. Experts say that this device can provoke diseases. You will not be able to control the humidity level in the room.
In this case, you will receive a favorable environment for the development of microbes that cause pneumonia. Young children are least protected in such conditions. Mold and germs actively multiply on the walls of this device, and we inhale them every day. The problem is further aggravated by water poured into the device directly from the tap. To protect yourself from inhaling germs, buy a device with a built-in humidity sensor, clean it regularly and change the filters.


Vegetables bought in the supermarket are completely filled with nitrates and pesticides. If you cook food on the stove, some of the harmful substances evaporate. But the sealed container of the multicooker preserves them completely. The Teflon coating of the device can cause cancer if used for a long time. Be careful.
If you notice scratches appearing inside the unit, know: they produce one of the most dangerous and toxic substances - synthetic acid. Carcinogens and toxic chemical compounds accumulate in the body and cause irreparable damage to our health. A multicooker whose non-stick coating is damaged should be immediately removed from use.


It's hard to imagine a kitchen without a refrigerator. It preserves food, prolonging its life. But this irreplaceable unit has a big disadvantage. It has a powerful electromagnetic field. If you start decorating the refrigerator with numerous magnets, you will further increase the degree of radiation. You are at risk of chronic fatigue syndrome, cardiovascular diseases, thrombosis and even cancer.
Also pay attention to the internal condition of the unit. In plastic containers, when there is insufficient air circulation, various pathogens multiply. Pay close attention to the cleanliness of the internal compartments, scratches and other damage, and promptly remove expired food from your refrigerator.

The mobile phone is far from the first place in terms of radiation!

We are constantly afraid of harmful radiation from household appliances. It turns out that you can check the level of electromagnetic radiation yourself. The test is certainly not a laboratory test, but it will show the presence and approximate strength of radiation.

Turn on the radio (transistor). Switch to long or medium waves so that you cannot hear any stations, only the noise of the receiver being turned on.

Turn on the appliances you use most often - computer, TV, microwave, toaster, iron, electric kettle, it's not a mistake iron and electric kettle. The refrigerator does not need to be turned on; it is always plugged in, but it works periodically.

Approach the switched on device with a radio receiver. You will hear crackling, squeaking and various noises. The stronger the noise, the stronger the electromagnetic field, and therefore the more harmful the device under test.

Walk along the walls with the radio on; electromagnetic waves from equipment operating behind the wall in other rooms penetrate through them. It is advisable to rearrange beds or chairs if they are located in an area of ​​strong electromagnetic waves.

Scientists have been trying for many years to determine how electromagnetic radiation affects humans? For example, Italian scientists have concluded that electromagnetic fields may cause infertility. Americans believe that radiation from household appliances negatively affects the brain.

And Swedish experts have established a safe limit for the intensity of the electromagnetic field, it is equal to 0.2 μT (microtesla). But all scientists in the world have long recognized that electromagnetic radiation has a negative effect on the central nervous, cardiovascular, hormonal and reproductive systems.

Fatigue, headaches, insomnia and general discomfort - all this can be the result of our “communication” with home appliances. Even weak electromagnetic radiation, the power of which is measured in hundredths and thousandths of a watt, is no less dangerous than radiation of higher power. For example, exposure to radiation from household appliances can be even stronger than long-term exposure to power lines. It turns out that you and I have been living long and stubbornly on a powder keg, daily disrupting the bioenergetic balance of the body.

  • Refrigerators NO FROST

You can even sleep on the Dnepr refrigerator. But it is better not to come closer than 10 cm to the compressor of a modern refrigerator. At such a distance, the field intensity exceeds the maximum permissible level. But it is better not to approach refrigerators equipped with a NO FROST system with a non-freezing freezer at all. He opened the door, quickly grabbed sour cream from the shelf and ran away. After all, exceeding the maximum permissible standards near such a miracle of technology was recorded at a distance of a whole meter from the door.

  • Electric stoves

It is better to cook dinner at a distance of more than 25 cm from the front panel. The intensity of the magnetic field in this place is 1-3 µT (directly near the burners it is even higher). But having moved away to a distance of 50 cm, where the intensity of the EMF is already indistinguishable from the general field of the kitchen and is about 0.1-0.15 µT, you can safely cook! Even if it’s at arm’s length, it’s safe!

Electric kettles

Even these tiny but irreplaceable devices become dangerous at a distance of 20 cm. The radiation intensity in this radius is about 0.6 µT.

  • Irons

For most irons, a magnetic field greater than 0.2 µT is detected at a distance of 25 cm from the handle, and only in heating mode. You can't help yourself here. You will have to endure the torment of electromagnetic radiation - how can you iron at a distance of 25 centimeters from the handle?

  • Washing machines

The washing machine field is much more intense. At the control panel it is more than 10 µT! Therefore, you should not observe the operation of an automatic washing machine up close.

  • Vacuum cleaners

The vacuum cleaner has an even larger field – about 100 µT. But, fortunately, a vacuum cleaner is not an iron - a hose saves the situation.

  • microwaves

They deserve special attention. There are opinions that microwave ovens occupy first place in the ranking of dangerous household appliances and can pose a real threat to our health. At a distance of 30 cm they create a magnetic field of 0.3-8 µT. True, their design does indeed provide adequate shielding.

Of course, modern furnaces, according to manufacturers, are equipped with good protection that prevents the electromagnetic field from escaping beyond the working volume. But no one can guarantee that the field does not penetrate outside at all. For various reasons, part of the electromagnetic field intended, say, for a chicken, still leaks out. It is especially intense in the area of ​​the lower right corner of the door. And over time, micro-cracks appear in the door seal on the stove, and the degree of protection gradually decreases. This occurs both due to dirt and mechanical damage. Therefore, do not slam the door like in a minibus. Handle it carefully and take good care of it.

  • Computers

This is also a special article. Their electromagnetic radiation spreads along all fronts. Employees of the Center for Electromagnetic Safety conducted an independent study of a number of personal computers that are most common on our market. They found that the level of EMF in the user's area exceeded the biologically hazardous level. Therefore, it is better to stare at the monitor all day at least at a distance of at least 70 cm (1.5-2 m from a nearby monitor, for example, in an office).

We live in peace with you electromagnetic fields, our children, argue about harm every moment, and you ask, how to protect yourself?

Our house has almost the entire set of electrical appliances. They help us by saving time and energy. As they say, time is money, it makes household chores easier, and gives access to information from anywhere.
They are necessary in any case, no matter how you look at them. It is now possible to pay more attention to children than was the case half a century ago. Making our daily life easier. You may ask how safe they are in our lives. How will their electromagnetic radiation threaten us?

Will a child stay in a house with many electrical appliances and wires? The most important question is probably how to protect your baby and yourself?

Radio waves are the most popular in their class. Surrounding us all everywhere, in the same house, work. They are emitted by the same electrical appliances and electrical installations. If you have ever seen high-voltage lines along the roads, we watch TV, and this signal is emitted by television towers, we listen to the radio, it is emitted by radio towers. You talk on mobile phones, these are cell stations. Connections Even the same wiring that is cut into the walls of our houses. You've probably noticed that the irons you use to iron your clothes are the refrigerators you use to store food. And the radiotelephones on which we talk while walking around the room, they are not the largest and largest emitters of electromagnetic waves.

They are constantly nearby our little toddlers. They are exposed to them around the clock; during the day, of course, they have a greater influence, but at night they have the least effect. What do you think threatens us and our children? Unfortunately, scientists have not yet fully studied the harm, thus we cannot know definitively whether they are harmful or not.
Laboratories in which multiple studies have been carried out for more than fifteen years have been studying this issue.

There are no final results of data on harm or refuting that electromagnetic waves are not harmful.
But, some opinions have already been made public. They wrote that some of the waves can be reflected from the human body, and the rest can be absorbed, causing heating of internal organs.
Proteins that in the body can sense changes in temperature.

The same molecular vibrations occurs due to electromagnetic radiation, and provoke complex nervous reactions. And no one in our time can predict or predict what this or that change in the body will lead to. Because, the study of these phenomena is studied and adjusted to each other every time.

There are also moments when taking the same device separately, it does not exceed the maximum limits of the Euro standard. But what happens when there are a lot of electrical appliances in the house? Together they emit a lot of electromagnetic radiation, making it difficult to calculate their total amount of harm to the human body.
Even if you measure radiation near your bed, you will have to call a specialist who can measure radiation with special instruments. It will be impossible to do this alone with virtually no knowledge. Experts and doctors advise placing as few electrical appliances as possible in the room and in the house as a whole.

Our favorite TV remains, probably, one of the largest radiation sources in particular. Even LCD monitors, which are quote-unquote safe, need to be placed from the place where you lie, from a meter to two meters. And turn on your TV as little as possible.
Thus, you will save your eyesight and nerves from watching the news.

Computers have become much safer these days, five or ten years ago. But this does not mean that you can put it in your room and work on it night and day later. If you have Wi-Fi access points, be sure to turn them off from the network.

Your refrigerator, which stores food, can emit various radiations. Namely, there is one very dangerous element, such as “no frost”. Such refrigerators should be located at a distance of one and a half meters from eating areas. When from ordinary ones, half a meter is enough.

As for mobile phones, we can say this: They (mobile phones) have a certain place in our lives. During pregnancy, when the mother carries the phone in her pocket or talks on it, and at birth the child still experiences the effects of the phone. Doctors and doctors do not advise pregnant girls or women to talk on the phone while breastfeeding. And leaving it near a child’s bed is also unacceptable.
Remember, the radiation is greatest when calling a subscriber.

And as a reminder: children's bodies feel various electromagnetic radiation most of all. It’s better not to expose their so unprotected organism to this.
We wish you good luck and a safe environment in your home.