Novosibirsk webcams. Video of animals from the zoo

Online web cameras in this section broadcast images from the San Diego Zoo in San Diego (San Diego, CA, USA), which is located on the Pacific coast in California, in the southwestern United States, near the border with Mexico. In 2016, this park celebrates its centenary. It is one of the main attractions of the city and state.

The San Diego Zoo houses many unusual animals from all over the world. There are also some here that are rarely found in other zoos in the world, but in nature are carefully protected. This is also favored by the local warm, dry climate.

It is curious that the park’s staff attach great importance to the diet of its inhabitants, growing a whole botanical collection of various plants especially for them. Therefore, giant pandas can eat bamboo, and marsupial koalas can eat eucalyptus, without disturbing their natural diet.

The park also includes the San Diego Zoo Safari Park, located 35 miles from the main territory of the San Diego Zoo. Overall, this zoo is one of the largest in the world, covering about 40 hectares.

On web cameras you can see directly online the daily life of the most popular inhabitants of the park: condors, tigers, elephants, white polar bears, giant pandas, koala bears, monkeys. Recently, a webcam began working by the pool with charming penguins.

It is worth noting the opening hours of the San Diego Zoo, when the most interesting things happen to its inhabitants: from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. local time.

Also in this section you can watch online webcams from the Milwaukee County Zoo. This city is located on the shores of the “great” Lake Michigan in the state of Wisconsin in the northern United States and is notable for being the largest city in the state, the city of three rivers and a port. Historically, these lands were inhabited by Indians from various tribes. The first settlements have been known since the end of the 18th century, and Milwaukee received city status in 1846.

The Milwaukee Zoo, founded in 1892, is one of the city's famous attractions and a popular recreational destination for citizens and tourists. Its collection includes about two thousand species of animals, birds, reptiles, fish and amphibians. The zoo bills itself as a wildlife encounter, amusement park and educational center.

Using online web cameras, you can see some of the Milwaukee Zoo's enclosures, which have become home to lions, jaguars, rare Amur tigers, elephants, orangutans, polar and brown bears, and various types of penguins. There is also one underwater webcam with a view from an aquarium called Lake Wisconsin or Lake Wisconsin.

In contact with

Street online cameras in Novosibirsk provide real-time views of Lenin Square, main transport junctions and bridges, the central park, the zoo and other city attractions.

Most Novosibirsk webcams are available around the clock, but some are turned on only during the daytime - according to their own schedule. Basically, online broadcasts on the Internet are provided by: “TTK - Western Siberia”, “Siberian Networks”, “Electronic City” and “Novotelecom” with the support of the “Common Cause” fund. Previously, 24 Megafon traffic webcams worked in Novosibirsk, but now this service is unavailable, and some TTK webcams have also been dismantled.

Please note: some broadcasts may not be available due to technical reasons.

Webcams of the zoo in Novosibirsk

Academgorodok, remote from the center of Novosibirsk, is viewed from above.

It works intermittently, renting a courtyard with a playground. The complex is located near the River Station.

Tourists in Novosibirsk and citizens may also be interested in working webcams showing the following places:

  • (transport ring completely)
  • (entire interchange from above)