Vasily Kudryavtsev: “I collect communications with people, not just photographs. Vasily Kudryavtsev: “I collect communications with people, and not just photographs. Works by V.D. Kudryavtseva

Vasily Vasilievich Kudryavtsev(-) - Soviet boxer in the flyweight category, performed at the all-Union level in the 1930s - 1940s. At the competitions he represented the “Red Banner” team, champion of the USSR, winner of many republican and regional tournaments, Honored Master of Sports. Also known as a boxing trainer, he was the personal trainer of the famous Ivanovo champion Yuri Sokolov. Participant of the Great Patriotic War.


Vasily Kudryavtsev was born in 1913 in the city of Ivanovo. He began to actively engage in boxing at the age of nineteen in a section at the cultural center of railway workers, trained under the guidance of coach Sergei Arkhangelsky, and later joined the Ivanovo club “Red Banner”. He achieved his first serious success in the ring in 1932, when in the flyweight category he won the championship of the Ivanovo Industrial District, which also included the Vladimir, Kostroma and Yaroslavl regions. In 1936, he won a silver medal at the USSR boxing championship - in the decisive match he failed to defeat the Armenian champion. A year later, he lost again to Temuryan in the final and again took second place.

Real fame came to Kudryavtsev in 1939, he defeated all his rivals in the flyweight division and thereby won the title of champion of the Soviet Union in boxing. The next season he tried to defend his championship title, successfully reached the final, but there he was defeated by Kharkov resident Lev Segalovich.

Back in 1936, Kudryavtsev took a coaching course and from that time on worked as a physical education instructor at the Balashov factory, where he subsequently created the strongest sports team in the region. After the start of the Great Patriotic War, he volunteered for the front, despite the fact that he had a reservation in connection with the preparation of a military reserve in the rear. During the war, however, he did not stop training and participating in rare tournaments, for example, in 1942 he became the champion of the RSFSR. When the country's boxing championship resumed, he returned to the all-Union level, in particular, he took third place at the 1946 championship. His rivalry with Segalovich was also renewed; in 1948, Kudryavtsev once again met him in the final and once again lost. The last time he entered the ring as an active athlete was in 1949, he was defeated by Segalovich at the semi-final stage and soon decided to end his boxing career. For outstanding sporting achievements in 1950 he was awarded the honorary title “Honored Master of Sports of the USSR”.

Vasily Kudryavtsev achieved no less success in the coaching field; he is considered one of the founders of the Ivanovo school of boxing. Over many years of coaching, he trained many talented fighters, including his students: champion of the USSR youth championship Lev Mazo and three-time champion of the USSR, participant in the Summer Olympic Games in Helsinki Yuri Sokolov.

Died in 1956. Every year, a memorial tournament for Vasily Vasilyevich Kudryavtsev is held in Ivanovo, which attracts the strongest juniors from the central part of Russia.

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  • - page on the website of the Russian Boxing Federation
  • (English)

Excerpt characterizing Kudryavtsev, Vasily Vasilievich

Just approaching Bagration, Rostov again put his horse into a gallop and, holding his hand at the visor, rode up to him.
Dolgorukov still insisted on his opinion that the French had retreated and only set up the fires to deceive us.
– What does this prove? - he said as Rostov drove up to them. “They could retreat and leave the pickets.”
“Apparently, not everyone has left yet, prince,” said Bagration. – Until tomorrow morning, tomorrow we’ll find out everything.
“There’s a picket on the mountain, your Excellency, still in the same place where it was in the evening,” Rostov reported, bending forward, holding his hand to the visor and unable to contain the smile of amusement caused in him by his trip and, most importantly, by the sounds of bullets.
“Okay, okay,” said Bagration, “thank you, Mr. Officer.”
“Your Excellency,” said Rostov, “allow me to ask you.”
- What's happened?
“Tomorrow our squadron is assigned to reserves; Let me ask you to second me to the 1st squadron.
- What's your last name?
- Count Rostov.
- Oh good. Remain with me as an orderly.
– Ilya Andreich’s son? - said Dolgorukov.
But Rostov did not answer him.
- So I will hope, Your Excellency.
- I will order.
“Tomorrow, perhaps, they will send some kind of order to the sovereign,” he thought. - God bless".

The screams and fires in the enemy army occurred because while Napoleon's order was being read among the troops, the emperor himself was riding around his bivouacs on horseback. The soldiers, seeing the emperor, lit bunches of straw and, shouting: vive l "empereur! ran after him. Napoleon's order was as follows:
“Soldiers! The Russian army comes out against you to avenge the Austrian, Ulm army. These are the same battalions that you defeated at Gollabrunn and which you have since constantly pursued to this place. The positions we occupy are powerful, and while they move to flank me on the right, they will expose my flank! Soldiers! I myself will lead your battalions. I will stay far from the fire if you, with your usual courage, bring disorder and confusion into the enemy’s ranks; but if victory is in doubt for even one minute, you will see your emperor exposed to the first blows of the enemy, because there can be no doubt in victory, especially on a day in which the honor of the French infantry, which is so necessary for the honor of his nation, is at stake.
Under the pretext of removing the wounded, do not upset the ranks! Let everyone be fully imbued with the thought that it is necessary to defeat these mercenaries of England, inspired by such hatred against our nation. This victory will end our campaign, and we can return to winter quarters, where new French troops that are forming in France will find us; and then the peace that I will make will be worthy of my people, you and me.

At 5 o'clock in the morning it was still completely dark. The troops of the center, reserves and Bagration’s right flank still stood motionless; but on the left flank the columns of infantry, cavalry and artillery, which were supposed to be the first to descend from the heights in order to attack the French right flank and throw it back, according to disposition, into the Bohemian Mountains, had already begun to stir and began to rise from their overnight positions. The smoke from the fires into which they threw everything unnecessary ate my eyes. It was cold and dark. The officers hurriedly drank tea and had breakfast, the soldiers chewed crackers, beat a shot with their feet, warming up, and flocked against the fires, throwing into the firewood the remains of booths, chairs, tables, wheels, tubs, everything unnecessary that could not be taken with them. Austrian column leaders scurried between the Russian troops and served as harbingers of the attack. As soon as an Austrian officer appeared near the regimental commander’s camp, the regiment began to move: the soldiers ran from the fires, hid tubes in their boots, bags in the carts, dismantled their guns and lined up. The officers buttoned up, put on their swords and knapsacks and walked around the ranks, shouting; The wagon trains and orderlies harnessed, packed and tied up the carts. Adjutants, battalion and regimental commanders sat on horseback, crossed themselves, gave the last orders, instructions and instructions to the remaining convoys, and the monotonous tramp of a thousand feet sounded. The columns moved, not knowing where and not seeing from the people around them, from the smoke and from the increasing fog, either the area from which they were leaving or the one into which they were entering.
A soldier on the move is as surrounded, limited and drawn by his regiment as a sailor by the ship on which he is located. No matter how far he goes, no matter what strange, unknown and dangerous latitudes he enters, around him - as for a sailor, there are always and everywhere the same decks, masts, ropes of his ship - always and everywhere the same comrades, the same rows, the same sergeant major Ivan Mitrich, the same company dog ​​Zhuchka, the same superiors. A soldier rarely wants to know the latitudes in which his entire ship is located; but on the day of battle, God knows how and from where, in the moral world of the army, one stern note is heard for everyone, which sounds like the approach of something decisive and solemn and arouses them to an unusual curiosity. During the days of battle, soldiers excitedly try to get out of the interests of their regiment, listen, look closely and eagerly ask about what is happening around them.

Vasily Dmitrievich Kudryavtsev (March 12, 1898, village of Abakanskoye (now Krasnoturinsk), Krasnoyarsk Territory - February 16, 1980) - teacher and linguist, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology, Honored School Teacher of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, holder of the Order of the Badge of Honor.

V.D. Kudryavtsev: biographical information

Born into a peasant family. After a two-year school with a five-year period of study, V.D. Kudryavtsev entered the postal and telegraph school, successfully completed it and was assigned to the city of Tatarsk, Omsk province.

From August to December 1917 he was on the German front as part of the 41st Siberian Rifle Regiment. In 1918 V.D. Kudryavtsev is back in his native village of Abakanskoye. Military service continued in the telegraph department of the 1st Central Siberian Engineering Division until 1919. Then again the postal and telegraph office, but in Krasnoyarsk.

In 1921 he entered the verbal-historical department of the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Public Education. In 1923, the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Public Education became part of the Faculty of Education, and student V.D. Kudryavtsev was transferred to the third year of the verbal department. He graduated from the university in 1925, defending his thesis “The relationship between literature and social science in labor school.”

Scientific views of V.D. Kudryavtsev were formed under the influence of professors. Already in his student years he appeared as a versatile researcher. V.D. Kudryavtsev took part in numerous scientific expeditions, studied the history and folklore of Siberia. Part of his folklore research was later published in the collection “Tales from Various Places of Siberia,” which was highly appreciated not only in our country, but also abroad. Materials on children's folklore were included in the work of Professor G.S. Vinogradov "Russian children's folklore".

While studying at the university, Vasily Dmitrievich began his teaching career: he worked as the head of an elementary school, taught writing and reading to illiterate Red Army soldiers, and led a team of students to study the work of schools in the Nagorny district of the city.

The promising student, already in his fourth year, was recommended for scientific and pedagogical work at the university; he was elected through a competition as an assistant in the department of Russian language methods. After a year of working as an assistant, he entered graduate school in Russian language methods, under the scientific supervision of Professor V.A. Malakhovsky began to carry out research using Russian language methods in a non-Russian school. V.D. Kudryavtsev, simultaneously with his postgraduate studies, from 1926 taught Russian at the Buryat and Yakut departments of the pedagogical faculty of Irkutsk University and at the workers' faculty at ISU.

After graduating from graduate school, he worked for two years at the Irkutsk Pedagogical Institute as deputy director for academic affairs. With the opening of the Buryat Pedagogical Institute in 1932, he was transferred there as deputy director for educational and scientific work, and then for a decade (1933–1943) he was the head of the Russian language department.

Simultaneously with administrative and pedagogical activities, he continued his scientific work: “The first book on the Russian language for the Buryat primary school” (co-authored with B. Bolodon and A.G. Badin), three textbooks of the Russian language (for 2, 3 and 4 classes of the Buryat school), then a textbook for grades 4–5 and a reading book, two monographs on the methods of the Russian language and many journal articles. As recognition of his success, he was awarded the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. His textbooks for Buryat schools were reprinted several times.

From 1943 to 1957 he headed the department of Russian language and linguistics at Irkutsk University. Initiator of the creation of the Buryat department at the Faculty of Philology.

In 1954 he defended his doctoral dissertation. He was the pioneer of many issues of teaching the Russian language in the Buryat school. The scientific title of professor was awarded in 1955.

Since 1957 – professor at the Irkutsk Pedagogical Institute. He continued research on the comparison of different systems of languages, carried out active teaching and public work, and supervised graduate students. Creator of a methodological school for teaching the Russian language in national schools of Siberia. During his time at universities, he trained 26 candidates of science and helped 25 candidates become doctors of science. Numerous students of Vasily Dmitrievich Kudryavtsev work in schools and universities of the Russian Federation, in Mongolia, among them honored teachers, candidates and doctors of sciences, associate professors and professors.

Scientific interests and social activities of V.D. Kudryavtseva

Range of scientific interests of V.D. Kudryavtsev was broad: methods of teaching the Russian language, history of methodology, history of public education, history of the Russian literary language, methods of university courses in the modern Russian literary language, comparative grammar of the Russian and Buryat languages, folklore of Siberia, the language of fiction, speech culture, oratory, etc. Author of more than 150 works. In the last years of his life, he worked on a major monographic study “Soviet Russian linguists and schools.”

Popularizer of science. After the war alone, he gave about 500 unpaid lectures and wrote several brochures on the methodology of popular science lectures and on independent work on a book. He was one of the founders of the regional organization of the Knowledge Society, for many years he was the deputy chairman of this society, a member of the board of the Knowledge Society of the RSFSR, and a member of the audit commission of the All-Union Society Knowledge.

Honorary titles and awards

For services in the development of science and culture, for training personnel for public education and higher education, for great social activities, Vasily Dmitrievich Kudryavtsev was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, the K.D. Medal. Ushinsky, the badge “Excellence in Public Education”, the medal “For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945”, awarded the badge of the All-Union Society “Knowledge”, government awards of the MPR, etc.

He was awarded the honorary titles “Honored Scientist of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic” (1963) and “Honored School Teacher of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.”

Works by V.D. Kudryavtseva

  1. Essays on the methods of the Russian language in the Buryat school. Verkhneudinsk, 1930.
  2. Teaching Russian in a Buryat primary school. Ulan-Ude, 1935.

Sources and literature

  1. Bim-Bad B.M. Pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary. - M., 2002. - P. 370.
  2. Irkutsk Chronicle 1661–1940. / comp., author foreword. and note Yu.P. Kolmakov. - Irkutsk, 2003.
  3. Rabetskaya Z.I., Tatarinov V.I. Irkutsk Pedagogical: from the Teachers' Institute to the University. T. 2: Irkutsk Pedagogical Institute in 1931–1996. - Irkutsk, 2009.
Vasily Kudryavtsev 20px
general information
Birth name:

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Full name:

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USSR 22x20px USSR

Date of Birth:
Date of death:

Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

Weight category :

flyweight (51 kg)


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Arm span:

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Sergei Arkhangelsky


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Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

Best position:

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Rating position (((Rating1))):

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Rating position (((Rating2))):

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Rating position (((Rating3))):

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Rating position (((Rating4))):

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Rating position (((Rating5))):

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Best position by rating (((Rating5))):

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First fight:

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Last Stand:

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Championship belt:

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Number of battles:

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Number of wins:

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Wins by knockout:

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Number of battles:

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Number of wins:

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Number of defeats:

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Number of draws:

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Red flag

Number of battles:

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Number of wins:

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Number of defeats:

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Vasily Vasilievich Kudryavtsev(-) - Soviet boxer in the flyweight category, performed at the all-Union level in the 1930s - 1940s. At the competitions he represented the “Red Banner” team, champion of the USSR, winner of many republican and regional tournaments, Honored Master of Sports. Also known as a boxing trainer, he was the personal trainer of the famous Ivanovo champion Yuri Sokolov. Participant of the Great Patriotic War.


Vasily Kudryavtsev was born in 1913 in the city of Ivanovo. He began to actively engage in boxing at the age of nineteen in a section at the cultural center of railway workers, trained under the guidance of coach Sergei Arkhangelsky, and later joined the Ivanovo club “Red Banner”. He achieved his first serious success in the ring in 1932, when in the flyweight category he won the championship of the Ivanovo Industrial District, which also included the Vladimir, Kostroma and Yaroslavl regions. In 1936, he won a silver medal at the USSR boxing championship - in the decisive match he failed to defeat the Armenian champion. A year later, he lost again to Temuryan in the final and again took second place.

Real fame came to Kudryavtsev in 1939, he defeated all his rivals in the flyweight division and thereby won the title of champion of the Soviet Union in boxing. The next season he tried to defend his championship title, successfully reached the final, but there he was defeated by Kharkov resident Lev Segalovich.

Back in 1936, Kudryavtsev took a coaching course and from that time on worked as a physical education instructor at the Balashov factory, where he subsequently created the strongest sports team in the region. After the start of the Great Patriotic War, he volunteered for the front, despite the fact that he had a reservation in connection with the preparation of a military reserve in the rear. During the war, however, he did not stop training and participating in rare tournaments, for example, in 1942 he became the champion of the RSFSR. When the country's boxing championship resumed, he returned to the all-Union level, in particular, he took third place at the 1946 championship. His rivalry with Segalovich was also renewed; in 1948, Kudryavtsev once again met him in the final and once again lost. The last time he entered the ring as an active athlete was in 1949, he was defeated by Segalovich at the semi-final stage and soon decided to end his boxing career. For outstanding sporting achievements in 1950 he was awarded the honorary title “Honored Master of Sports of the USSR”.

Vasily Kudryavtsev achieved no less success in the coaching field; he is considered one of the founders of the Ivanovo school of boxing. Over many years of coaching, he trained many talented fighters, including his students: champion of the USSR youth championship Lev Mazo and three-time champion of the USSR, participant in the Summer Olympic Games in Helsinki Yuri Sokolov.

Died in 1956. Every year, a memorial tournament for Vasily Vasilyevich Kudryavtsev is held in Ivanovo, which attracts the strongest juniors from the central part of Russia.

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  • - page on the website of the Russian Boxing Federation
  • (English)

Excerpt characterizing Kudryavtsev, Vasily Vasilievich

“Do they come after death?..” I asked very quietly for some reason.
Stella nodded and answered sadly:
– When I arrived, we went to different “floors”, my family and I. It was very lonely and sad... But now everything is fine. I visited them here many times - they are happy now.
“They are right here, on this “floor”?.. – I couldn’t believe it.
Stella nodded her head sadly again, and I decided I wouldn’t ask anymore, so as not to disturb her bright, kind soul.
We walked along an unusual road that appeared and disappeared as we stepped on it. The road shimmered softly and seemed to lead, showing the way, as if knowing where we needed to go... There was a pleasant feeling of freedom and lightness, as if the whole world around had suddenly become completely weightless.
– Why does this road tell us where to go? – I couldn’t stand it.
– She doesn’t point, she helps. - The little girl answered. – Everything here consists of thoughts, have you forgotten? Even trees, the sea, roads, flowers - everyone hears what we are thinking about. This is a truly pure world... probably what people are used to calling Paradise... You cannot deceive here.
– Where is Hell then?.. Does it exist too?
– Oh, I’ll definitely show you! This is the bottom “floor” and there IS SUCH!!!... – Stella shrugged her shoulders, apparently remembering something not very pleasant.
We still walked further, and then I noticed that the surroundings began to change a little. Transparency began to disappear somewhere, giving way to a much more “dense” landscape, similar to the earth’s.
- What's going on, where are we? – I was wary.
- Everything is there. “The little girl answered completely calmly. - Only now we are already in the part that is simpler. Remember we just talked about this? The majority here are those who have just arrived. When they see a landscape that is similar to their usual one, it is easier for them to perceive their “transition” into this new world for them... Well, also, here live those who do not want to be better than they are, and do not willing to make the slightest effort to achieve something higher.
“So this “floor” consists of two parts?” I clarified.
– You can say so. - The girl answered thoughtfully, and suddenly switched to another topic - Somehow no one here pays any attention to us. Do you think they're not here?
After looking around, we stopped, not having the slightest idea what to do next.
– Shall we risk “lower”? – Stella asked.
I felt that the baby was tired. And I was also very far from my best form. But I was almost sure that she was not going to give up, so she nodded in response.
“Well, then we need to prepare a little...” the militant Stella said, biting her lip and seriously concentrating. – Do you know how to build strong protection for yourself?
- Seems Yes. But I don't know how strong it will be. – I answered embarrassedly. I really didn’t want to let her down right now.
“Show me,” the girl asked.
I realized that this was not a whim, and that she was just trying to help me. Then I tried to concentrate and made my green “cocoon”, which I always made for myself when I needed serious protection.
“Wow!..” Stella opened her eyes in surprise. - Well, then let's go.
This time our flight down was not nearly as pleasant as the previous one... For some reason, my chest felt very tight and it was hard to breathe. But little by little it all seemed to level out, and I stared in surprise at the eerie landscape that opened up to us...
The heavy, blood-red sun sparingly illuminated the dull, violet-brown silhouettes of distant mountains... Deep cracks crawled along the ground, like giant snakes, from which a dense, dark orange fog burst out and, merging with the surface, became like a bloody shroud . Strange, seemingly restless, essences of people wandered everywhere, looking very dense, almost physical... They appeared and disappeared, not paying any attention to each other, as if they saw no one but themselves and lived only in their own, closed from the rest of the world. In the distance, not yet approaching, sometimes dark figures of some monstrous animals appeared. I felt danger, it smelled terrible, I wanted to run away from here headlong, without turning back...
– Are we right in Hell or what? – I asked, horrified by what I saw.
“But you wanted to see what it looked like, so you looked.” – Stella answered, smiling tensely.
It was felt that she was expecting some kind of trouble. And, in my opinion, there was simply no way there could have been anything else but trouble here...
“And you know, sometimes there are good beings here who just made big mistakes.” And to be honest, I feel very sorry for them... Can you imagine waiting here for your next incarnation?! Horrible!

On December 8, the RuArts gallery, which celebrates its 11th anniversary this year, opened an exhibition of the most famous Moscow photographer Vasily Kudryavtsev entitled I take pictures, photographic pictures.

This is the first personal exhibition of the photographer in 25 years, whose lens included Metallica, The Prodigy, Kiss, Depeche Mode, Marilyn Manson, Björk, David Bowie, Meryl Streep, Fanny Ardant, Lady Gaga, Daniel Craig, Vincent Cacel, Tina Kandelaki, Alla Pugacheva and many others. And collaboration with Universal and MTV allowed the photographer to take iconic photographs of the Tatu group, Zemfira, Ilya Reznik and Dolphin.

25 years of experience as a photographer is a very serious number! For example, I’m only 22, and you’ve been filming for 3 years longer than I’ve been living. Tell me, can my peers correctly understand and feel your photographs if we timidly “hooted” while you were wielding the camera at full speed?

It seems quite good to me! Why not? If you love my personalities as much as I love them, then it will not be difficult for you to feel and understand. 80% of the people in my photographs are absolutely iconic personalities. These are some kind of celestial beings.

You say that all the people you photograph are not just famous people, but carefully selected cult characters. A reasonable question is, why them and not someone else?

Yes Yes. I only photograph people I love and truly want to photograph. I have a complex approach. I can't shoot everyone.

Has there ever been a moment in your life that made you wake up famous the next morning?

Complex issue. My first photographs were published in Moskovsky Komsomolets. In the early 90s, this newspaper was one of the most popular, if not the most widespread. When you get published, it's great. I often seemed to be in the shadows, but at the same time I was always on the cutting edge. Everyone knew about me, but at the same time I liked to stay away and never promoted myself. Yes, I occasionally went on programs, but I never liked attention to my person. Now we have to put up with it.

Group "Tatu".

How did you start getting acquainted with photography?

I took photography at school, and then graduated from the flying club and photographed airplanes. A little later he got into show business, meeting Yuri Aizenshpis and the Tekhnologiya group. I consider 1991 to be the starting point of my career - Metallica’s Tushino concert. Back then I wasn’t making money from photography yet – I just came in and took some backstage photos. Because I knew people who could let me backstage, which they did. I have absolutely unique photographs that I showed to Metallica in Kyiv in 1999, when I had a photo shoot with them. They are not of very good quality, but they are memorable and very valuable, because there are a lot of photographs from that group’s visit, but no one has the backstage ones, but I do.

caption-attachment-71655" class="size-full wp-image-71655" src="" alt="(! LANG: Frederic Beigbeder and Lady Gaga Author: Vasily Kudryavtsev." width="943" height="470" srcset=" 943w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 943px) 100vw, 943px">!}

Do you haveInstagram, and how do you feel about it in terms of the art of photography?

I started Instagram almost as soon as it appeared. My first photograph was a photo of a figurine of Osama bin Laden. I think it was May 2, 2011, the day the main terrorist of that time was eliminated, I posted my first photo.

Lately there have been a lot of people who pick up DSLRs and consider themselves photographers. What do you think separates a photographer from an amateur photographer?

That's why I haven't done an exhibition for a very long time. Being a photographer is a journey, not just good pictures. Usually people who start professional photography after about 3 years have a lot of exhibitions, but, more often than not, they are not interesting at all.

One rule of life by Vasily Kudryavtsev that makes you who you are?

Don't stress!

Vasily Kudryavtsev’s exhibition I take pictures, photographic pictures can be visited until January 31 at the RuArts gallery of contemporary art.

Text: Ekaterina Klenova

A unique course by Vasily Kudryavtsev for those who are passionate about music and want to acquire new professional knowledge and experience, get acquainted with the history of concert photography and iconic world representatives of the music industry, and also receive practical advice from the most prominent representative of the genre in Russia.

Admission is free, pre-registration required:


Famous Moscow photographer Vasily Kudryavtsev has been working in the world of Russian gloss since the early 90s. Over the course of these 25 years, he has collaborated with almost all magazines, including Rolling Stone, OM, Premier, GQ, L’Officiel, Elle, Vogue, Grazia, Big City, Cool, Musical Life, and other cult magazines.

Kudryavtsev’s credits include the cover of “Leningrad” for the first Russian edition of Rolling Stone, 24 pages in one issue of Russian Elle, and more than three dozen covers for Grazia Magazine.

Vasily always approaches the choice of characters selectively, and shoots only characters that are interesting to him: from Minister Kasyanov for GQ to Decl, whose first disc he designed.

Long collaboration with the record company Universal and MTV allowed
Kudryavtsev took canonical photographs of many Russian and foreign stars, for example, the first official photo shoot of Tattoo, which subsequently went around the whole world.

At various times, Kudryavtsev's lens included Metallica, The Prodigy, Kiss, Depeche Mode, Marilyn Manson, Björk, James Cameron, Moby, David Bowie, Meryl Streep, Tattoo, Decl, Vincent Cacel, Daniel Craig, Fanny Ardant, Lady Gaga, Dolphin , Denis Simachev, Tina Kandelaki, Sergei Mazaev, Alla Borisovna Pugacheva and many others.

Many are familiar with Kudryavtsev’s photographs of the 90s from posters, magazine covers and CDs that he designed for Zemfira, Dolphin, Decl, Ilya Reznik, Uma2rman and many electronic musicians.

Over 25 years of work, Vasily’s archive occupies an area of ​​6 m2. Kudryavtsev prefers film to digital photography, and 80% of all frames are printed by hand.


1 lecture. June 15
Introductory part.
What is photography? What to shoot with: iPhone, digital or film?
Practical part: shooting and developing film.

Lecture 2. 22nd of June
History of music journalism and major music publications.
What should a professional read and where to get quality information?
A story about a special project by Vasily Kudryavtsev for Rolling Stone with the band Leningrad.

Lecture 3. June 29
Photography and music. The most famous covers and iconic photographs of musicians.
Biographies of legendary photographers.
Invited guest Sergei Borisov, cult photographer, author of more than 60 covers of the Melodiya company.