Find out hosting dns. How to find out your IP address and DNS server address. What is domain delegation

Hi all! Today we'll talk about how to check DNS servers for blocking provider or home router. After all, if you remember, we have already raised this topic.

In general, the essence of this problem is that it is with the help of such servers that the letter name of a site on the Internet is compared with its real IP address.

But you must admit that memorizing such a sheet of numbers is not very convenient. That is why DNS servers were introduced, which allow you to access resources using a domain name that consists of Latin letters.

So, guys, we need to understand the fact that every provider uses these servers. Thus, he can block resources he does not like by setting the necessary DNS parameters.

Knowing this, we can easily bypass such restrictions by specifying alternative servers in the computer’s network card settings, where the mapping of domain names to IP addresses occurs according to a different scenario:

The provider, of course, also knows about the possibility of such manipulation. Therefore, it often deliberately blocks the use of third-party DNS servers. And to check this, you need to do the following simple steps.

And enter this line in it:

As already mentioned at the beginning of the publication, in the last article we used this method to bypass the installation restriction on Samsung TVs. So, in that case, to check it was necessary to enter a command like this:

And if the answer is as shown in the screenshot above, then there is no blocking. If you see something similar to this:

This means that third-party servers are blocked. Alternatively, it’s worth looking at what DNS addresses are registered in yours, or call your provider and see what’s what.

And we’ll wrap up, since the topic of how to check DNS servers for blocking has been exhausted. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments. And finally, I suggest watching an educational video about human sleep.


If you want to find out your ISP's DNS server, run the Command Prompt using the Run utility in the Windows XP Start menu or in the Windows Vista or Seven search bar. Enter cmd into it and press the Enter key, after which a small black window should appear on your screen.

I'm using the Latin keyboard layout, enter ipconfig/all. You should see the most complete information about the provider you are using, including its DNS server. Please note that at the time of performing this step, the local network connection and the Internet connection must be turned on.

To find out your provider's DNS, go to its official website or use another reliable source of information, then review the data regarding this information in the help section. Also, such information is often provided on payments and in information booklets provided to the company's clients.

Call the technical support service of the Internet provider you use, then go to the help information section, if one is provided by the auto-response system; if it is not available, contact a technical support employee to obtain the information you are interested in.

Double-left-click on your active-internet connection icon in the quick access toolbar in the lower right corner of the screen. A small window should open containing information about the connection. Go to the tab called “Information” and view the details of the DNS server you are using. You can also find DNS data on various reference sites.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Learn to use the command line.


  • how do I know if I have xp or not?

An IP address determines the exact network coordinates of every node on the Internet. You can find out the address of a server connected to the network if you know the domain name of any site hosted on it. To do this, you do not need to use special programs and even access to the corresponding services located on the Internet is not necessary - you can get by with standard operating system programs.


Use any utility included in the standard programs of your operating system. All such programs, when sending packets to a server, first use the DNS (Domain Name Service) to determine its network IP address. And since most utilities display information about their actions on the screen, you can also see the IP you need. For example, on Windows OS you can use the ping or tracert utilities.

Press the win key or click the Start button to open the main OS menu. Select the “Run” item in it - this will open the standard program launch dialog. If this item is not available in the main menu of your OS, then use the default hotkey combination win + r assigned to this command.

Open the command line emulator terminal using the program launch dialog - enter the cmd command and click on the “OK” button or press the Enter key.

Enter in the command line the name of the utility that you are going to use to determine the server's IP address. For example, if you have chosen a command between your computer and the server, then type the tracert command, then, separated by a space, enter the domain name of any site hosted on the server you are interested in. There is no need to specify the protocol designation. The syntax of the ping command, designed to evaluate the speed of packets between your computer and this server, follows the same or ping site, and then press Enter.

Read the IP address you are interested in in the first line of information that the utility will display in the terminal immediately after starting work..109.28..109.28.190] 32 bytes each.”


  • where to look ip address

Determining the serial number or IP address of a server is a fairly common administration task. There are various ways to solve the selected problem, but methods that use standard operating system capabilities are always preferred.


Use the built-in specialized WMI utility - Windows Management Instrumentation - to carry out the procedure for determining the server serial number on a computer running the Windows operating system. To do this, log in to the system with an account that has administrator rights and call the OS Windows main menu by clicking the “Start” button (for OS Windows).

Go to Run and enter cmd in the Open box to launch the Command Prompt tool.

Confirm the run command by clicking OK and enter the value wmic bios get serialnumber in the Windows command interpreter text box.

Press the Enter softkey to confirm the server serial number prompt, or use wmic csproduct get vendor to determine the hardware manufacturer.

Confirm the determine command by pressing the Enter function key or select the wmic csproduct get name syntax to find out the model of the server you are using.

Press the Enter function key to confirm the request and exit the Command Prompt tool (for Windows OS).

Use the specialized dmidecode utility to determine the server serial number on computers running the Linux family. To do this, log in with an account that has root privileges and enter dmidecode -t system in the console text box (for Linux OS).

Select the syntax sudo dmidecode -t system on Debian-based Linux operating systems (Ubuntu), or enter su dmidecode -t system in the command line text box when using the system RPM (Fedora, RedHat).


  • How to find out the serial number and model of a server from the command line

There are two ways to find a server on the network: using the ipconfig utility built into the system, which displays the basic network parameters, and manually. Choose the most suitable method for you.


Run the built-in ipconfig utility. To do this, open the main menu of your operating system and select “Run”. In the “Open” field, enter the value cmd and confirm with the “OK” button to launch the “Command Prompt” tool. Type ipconfig /all at the command prompt and press Enter.

Use the following command syntax to define the required parameters: - /all - display all TCP/IP configuration parameters; - /release - disable the TCP/IP protocol; - /renew - update configuration values; - /dispalydns - display the DNS cache; - / flushdns - delete the DNS cache;- /showclassid - display the DHCP class;- /setclassid - set the DHCP class.- /registerdns - register DNS names and IP addresses manually.

Return to the Start menu and try to manually detect the server by opening the All Programs folder. Select "Accessories" and launch "File Explorer". Find the file called l2ini (or l2a.ini and l2ex.ini), which is located in the system folder and open it with Notepad.

Write a line that contains the server IP address with the value ServerAddr= or use the free application l2encdec.exe, available for download on the Internet and allowing you to decrypt the desired file. Enter the value -s l2.ini in the “Object” line and confirm the selected changes by clicking OK. Open the edited shortcut and in the ServerAddr= line, specify the address of the required server.

Try to find a game server online if you have a similar need. For example, to search for Counter-Strike 1.6 servers, use a special game one by downloading and running the MasterServers.vdf file. A similar operation can be done with other network .

Video on the topic

“How to find out the provider’s DNS server,” - this question can sometimes arise both from experienced users and from people solving their problem with network access. It may arise when it is necessary to configure access to the Internet through an internal network, using a specific DNS server address, and not an automatically determined address. Typically, this may be necessary if some difficulties constantly arise with the dynamic address pool. This connection is more stable and allows you to set up DSL access without interruptions in the line.

The easiest way to find out your DNS provider is to call the support service. Operators usually provide two addresses that you can enter into your network settings. If for some reason this cannot be done, use our tips below.

Administrator's advice! If there is a problem with network access. Perhaps the DNS address determination service is not working correctly, as a result you will have physical access to the network, but without access to the Internet through the browser. This can be fixed by simply restarting the computer; experienced users can restart the service and restore the network via the http protocol.

How DNS works

The principle of operation of DNS (Domain Name Services) is well demonstrated in the illustration. The user sends the usual text name of the site and in response receives an IP address through which a specific resource is already accessed. DNS is a global network of server-routers that provide daisy-chain connectivity and access to a system of servers.

Administrator's advice! Regular users do not need to configure network settings and clarify the DNS provider and other sites. But for general development, you need to know that each text name is associated with a specific IP address, for example,

DNS spoofing is a classic hacker attack

Experienced users will be interested in familiarizing themselves with the diagram of servers that provide access to the Internet. There is also a DNS server that routes user traffic on the side of your provider.

Administrator's advice! Please note that if you spoof the DNS server, you may be able to connect to a “fake” site. Using this interface, passwords and credit card data are stolen. This issue is usually resolved by installing anti-virus software that includes protection against such “traffic eavesdropping.”

DNS provider

As we said, to set up a network connection you need the DNS address of the provider. Usually there are several of them, especially for large telecommunication systems to which many users connect. Usually, the support service can find out the primary and secondary DNS; these servers duplicate each other when there is a fairly heavy load when connecting users.

Determining the DNS provider from your network

The easiest way to do this is when there is a network and Internet access, or the same can be done from a subscriber who is also served in your provider network. For these purposes, follow the instructions:

  • launch the command line by clicking on the “Start” menu, then “Run” and typing CMD (in lowercase);
  • in the command line window that opens, type ipconfig/all;
  • in the report you will receive a list of DNS addresses;
  • the received addresses can be physically registered in the network settings; in this case, access to the network will work stably even if the automatic detection of DNS servers fails.

This method helps make network access more stable; in fact, you assign a permanent DNS server with a backup address. Both servers will route your requests on the Internet.


Examples are shown in the screenshots. In the first case, standard server addresses are indicated. In the second case, reserve and additional. In this option, users have access to three backup servers.

Report after running the ipconfig /all command with one DNS mirror

Report after running the ipconfig /all command with two DNS mirrors

Alternative ways to find provider DNS addresses

If you do not have access to the network, the support service does not provide direct DNS addresses and you cannot get them in any other way, try searching through an Internet search. This can be done by using a search engine and the keywords “DNS addresses (name of your provider).” In some cases, this information may be posted on the official website of the telecommunications company or in forums by users.

How does the DNS system work?

When you type the domain name MYDOMAIN.COM into your browser, your computer first contacts the DNS server specified in your Internet connection settings. A DNS server is needed to resolve the requested domain name into an IP address.

The DNS server contacts one of the root NS servers of the Internet, the IP addresses of which are hard-coded and known, and in response, the Root server gives the DNS server a list of IP addresses of servers on which the .COM zone is located. This list looks something like this: 160060 IN A 160060 IN AAAA 2001:503:a83e::2:30 160060 IN A 160060 IN AAAA 2001:503:231d::2:30 160060 IN A 160060 IN A 160060 IN A 160060 IN A 160060 IN A 160060 IN A 160060 IN A 160060 IN A 160060 IN A 160060 IN A 160060 IN A

The DNS server contacts one of the NS servers in the .COM zone (Let's say is and requests a list of NS servers for the MYDOMAIN.COM domain. These NS servers are called domain delegated NS servers. 172800 IN A 172800 IN A 172800 IN A 172800 IN A

Then it contacts one of the resulting list of NS servers and requests information regarding the MYDOMAIN.COM domain. Sample answer: 3248 IN MX 0 86048 IN TXT "v=spf1 ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ?all" 2208 IN SOA 1335787408 16384 2048 1048576 2560 248 IN A 1448 IN NS 1448 IN NS 1448 IN NS 1448 IN NS ;; AUTHORITY SECTION: 1448 IN NS 1448 IN NS 1448 IN NS 1448 IN NS ;; ADDITIONAL SECTION: 167564 IN A 167564 IN A 126551 IN A 126551 IN A

The DNS server sends the received information to your computer and it accesses the desired IP address. But, as we see, there is quite a lot of varied information here. Let's look at everything in more detail.

What is domain delegation

Domain delegation is the transfer by the zone root server of the right to host a domain on a specific NS server. For example, root servers DELEGATE the .COM zone to servers that will be responsible for it, and .COM zone servers DELEGATE the MYDOMAIN.COM domain to the NS servers of the hosting provider or to some others. Delegation itself means that the root server for the domain contains IN NS records pointing to the NS server that hosts information about the domain. Please note that delegation assumes ONLY IN NS records and no others. Therefore, a second-level domain cannot be assigned, for example, a CNAME record.

What are child NS servers?

Sometimes NS servers for a domain are located on its subdomains. In the above example, the domain MYDOMAIN.COM is delegated to the NS servers,, etc. How is this possible? After all, in order to contact these NS servers, you need to find out their IP address. Everything is simple - the root server of the .COM zone with this option requires specifying not only the domain names of the NS servers, but also their IP addresses. So the DNS server knows where to go for details. Let's consider an example of two domains - with and without a child NS server: NS record for the domain


NS record for the domain

;; ANSWER SECTION: 300 IN NS ;; ADDITIONAL SECTION: 95617 IN A 95617 IN AAAA 2a00:e460:2a00:c01d::9:aaaa

As you can see, everything is simple. This setting for foreign registrars is called Child NameServers

What are the types of NS records for a domain?

NS record- indicates which NS servers the domain is located on. This entry must replicate the values ​​for the domain found on the zone's root servers. Only in this case the domain will be DELEGATED. 1448 IN NS

A-record- indicates the IPv4 address of the server that needs to be accessed by domain name. A domain can have several A records. In this case, a random one is selected. 248 IN A

AAAA record- indicates the IPv6 address of the server. Also, this entry is sometimes referred to as Quadra-A (four A)

MX record- indicates the IP address or domain name of the server responsible for receiving mail to this domain (MX server). In our example, all mail to any address in the MYDOMAIN.COM domain will go to the server. 3248 IN MX 0

There can also be several MX records. In addition to the server name, the MX record also has a "Priority" field. It specifies the order in which the domain's MX servers should be contacted. The lower the priority value, the more priority the server.

TXT record- Various service information is recorded here, for which there are no dedicated fields. You can write down the administrator's contact information, or whatever you like. TXT records are also used to store SPF and DKIM records, which are used to protect against spam. 86048 IN TXT "v=spf1 ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ?all"

CNAME record- serves to indicate that a domain is a synonym (alias) of another domain. For the same reason, a domain with a CNAME record cannot have any other records.

SOA record- generated automatically by the NS server and contains service information: email address of the person responsible for the NS server, date and time of the last domain update, zone caching time limit (TTL), etc.

SRV record- serves to store the addresses of various servers serving the domain. Usually they do not match the address of the web server specified in the A record and, like the MX server, are located at other addresses. You can add addresses of JABBER, TeamSpeak servers, etc. to this entry.

General rules for creating records on the NS server

If the entry contains a domain name, it must end with a period, otherwise the main domain name will be appended to it. Those. if you specify a record IN MX 10

then the domain MX server will be defined as Therefore, the correct notation is: IN MX 10

In this material we will examine two large topics at once. Let's learn how to determine the DNS and IP address parameters for our home Internet connection. And let’s get acquainted with the tools that will allow you to find out the same parameters, only for a site operating on the Internet.

What is it used for

Essentially, we will only work with the IP address. The only difference is that it will be found for different network nodes. After all, the DNS server address is its IP. By the way, there may be several of them - you need to remember this. Let's remember the theoretical part. is a unique identifier of a node on a network based on the IP protocol. These include almost all modern networks, from the smallest to the Internet. An IP address is necessary to ensure normal data transmission via the IP protocol. With its help, an addressing mechanism is implemented, thanks to which it becomes clear where and what data needs to be transferred.

You can always turn off notifications on Twitter to prevent spam from coming to your IP. Read the instructions.

How to find out the IP and DNS addresses of your home computer

There are several ways to do this. Let's look at the main ones.

ipconfig utility

It is included in all Microsoft Windows operating systems. Press Win+R, then type cmd and press Enter. The command line will launch. Here you need to type

Ipconfig /all

And click Enter. All information regarding connected network adapters and created connections will be displayed. We are interested in the one that is responsible for connecting to the Internet. You need to know its name. You can view it in the control panel, in the " Network Sharing Center". Since the computer I'm working on uses wireless Internet access, we need to select a Wi-Fi adapter from the list. It's called " Wireless LAN Adapter...". All information is illustrated in the figure above. In the list of parameters, we are interested in two values ​​- IPv4 address and DNS servers. These are the parameters that we were looking for.

View settings in connection properties

You can go the other way and look at the settings of the desired connection directly. For this we go to " Control Panel - Network and Sharing Center". Then go to " Change adapter settings". In the list, select the one you need, call up the context menu for it, and click "Status". Then the "Details" button.
As you can see in the picture, the same data is displayed here.

Online services

There are many simple services on the Internet that allow you to check your IP address. The easiest way to do this is on Yandex. Go to

Dial request " How to find out your ip". You can use any similar one. And do a search. The information you need will be in the first place.
As you can see in the picture, Yandex kindly told us our address. But it is different from the one we got in the previous steps. The thing is that we connect to the Internet via a Wi-Fi router. The connection to the provider is configured on it. In the first steps we saw the local IP of the adapter. Yandex showed us the external one, the one assigned by the provider.

Online site parameters

If you are creating and promoting websites, you may need to find out the IP address of the server on which your website is located and the DNS of the domain registrar.

Open the command line again. Now we type:

Tracert %your-site%

Substitute the desired URL address into the command.
As a result, you will see the server address.


You can use the online service 2ip. Both tools are available here. The first one is for checking the IP address:


The second one is to determine the DNS server


Enter the desired URL into the form and carry out the analysis. DNS addresses are indicated in the "NS" (name server) lines.

Video for the article:


The methods discussed above will allow you to determine the necessary data. IP and DNS are most often needed by network administrators. But it’s also a good idea for ordinary users to know the methods by which these parameters can be determined.

Why look for information on other sites if everything is collected here?