Matrix type tft. Fundamentals of monitoring. Matrix types: *VA

Similar to a television, based on a huge cathode ray tube. There was nothing to please such a unit. A bulky, heavy electrical energy destroyer. It's no wonder that with the advent of thin monitors, users all over the planet breathed a sigh of relief.

But here, too, everything turned out to be not so simple. Each thin device was strikingly different from each other in color rendering, price, and viewing angles.

Matrix. Its features and characteristics

Which matrix is ​​better for a monitor is an extremely controversial issue. First of all, it’s worth clarifying what it is.

In appearance, it is a glass plate, inside of which there are liquid crystals that change color. The simplest products respond only to changes in electrical signals passing through them. More complex models independently adjust color and brightness. And the most modern examples are also additionally illuminated, creating the highest possible contrast.


The answer to the question “which matrix is ​​better for a monitor” is impossible without mentioning a term such as “response”. This property is characterized by how smoothly the frames on the screen will change due to voltage changes. Measured in milliseconds (ms).

What type of monitor matrix is ​​best for gaming? Of course, with good image response. But if you figure out which type of monitor matrix is ​​better for everyday life? With a response of 10 ms or less. What about the gaming type of monitor matrix? Which is better? prefer a response of less than 5 ms.

Update frequency

The refresh rate will tell you a lot about which matrix is ​​better for a gamer's monitor. The picture in the virtual world changes very quickly. Only the highest quality screens can refresh at rates greater than 120Hz.

Viewing angle

Which matrix is ​​better for a monitor in general? Of course, the one with good viewing angles. What are they? In order to understand what we are talking about, it is recommended to look at the monitor from the side. For an ideal product, the picture will be visible from everywhere. A cheap unit will not be able to please you with such convenience. The picture is faded, blurry and unclear. Which monitor matrix is ​​better for the eyes? Of course, the one where you can view the image from any angle. In addition, when working with such a monitor, your eyes get much less tired.

TN+film (Twisted Nematic + film)

For a long time, such a matrix was considered the best for a monitor. Simple and cheap, it is still built into millions of devices every year. What made this technology especially popular was its price. It is thanks to affordability that users are ready to forgive the matrix for its disadvantages, of which there are many. Viewing angles are extremely poor. You need to sit exclusively in front of the monitor to see the full picture. Some manufacturers use a special film to increase viewing angles, but this helps little.

The human eye is a unique mechanism capable of seeing more than sixteen million different shades. With a matrix of this type, it will not be possible to realize this property given by nature, no matter how hard you try. Colors are usually dull, faded, dull, faded, unnatural. But for an undemanding user this is not a critical problem.

There are very few complaints about contrast changes. The main users are office workers. Working with text on monitors requires special concentration. Text with low contrast is far from being the best assistant; it tires your eyes very quickly. Graphics specialists dislike such matrices even more. This monitor is only good for watching movies and playing some games.

The only thing that can please the matrices of this type is the fast response of black and white shades. But in today's world of color this is a weak advantage.

Almost every budget laptop in the world is sold with a TN matrix.


Numerous user complaints have prompted manufacturers to explore a new “monitor matrix type” technology that is better and more productive than its predecessors.

The latest development is called IPS (In-Plane Switching). This type of matrix was produced by Hitachi. What is its significant difference from TN? First of all, it is color rendering. No matter how much users love their huge cathode ray tube monitors, they convey shades very accurately. And now the opportunity to enjoy bright and rich colors has arisen again.

Viewing angles have also increased significantly compared to its predecessors.

The disadvantages of the technology are the color change from black to purple when viewed from the side. Also, the first models had a relatively low response time - 60 ms. There were many complaints about the low contrast. Blacks appeared grey, making typing difficult and nearly impossible to work with in applications that required fine-grained design.

However, manufacturers were aware of the shortcomings and after some time the world saw S-IPS (Super IPS) technology, in which many of the shortcomings were eliminated. First of all, the new product pleased gamers. The response time has decreased by almost five times, to 16 ms. This value is excellent for solving the vast majority of everyday tasks.

The main manufacturers of IPS matrices are Hitachi, LG, Phillips, NEC.

MVA (PVA) matrices

A little later, a new matrix was presented to the world, which took into account the numerous wishes of both gamers and office workers - MVA.

The only drawback of such monitors was the distortion of some shades. But opponents of the TN matrix noted color rendering as quite tolerable and suitable for most tasks.

Of course, not everything immediately became smooth and ideal. The first models were quite slow, even compared to their TN predecessors. Sometimes, when changing frames quickly, the user could notice a picture that did not change for several moments. This problem was solved somewhat later, when accelerated matrices of this type entered the market.

But such monitors are fine with contrast and viewing angles. Black is black, and details are visible even in their smallest variations. It is not surprising that professional designers choose MVA.

There is another type of matrix of this type. Its name is PVA. It was developed by the Korean corporation Samsung. PVA is much faster and has more contrast.

Working on such a matrix is ​​a pleasure, so it has taken its rightful place in the niche for professionals.

What to choose

So, there are three main types of matrices.

TN technology should be chosen only if the budget is very limited.

An IPS type matrix is ​​suitable if the buyer is actively involved in graphics or drawings.

Which monitor matrix is ​​best for gaming? MVA! It is optimal for aesthetes who value the perfect picture.

This is the pleasure of movies, web surfing, work and gameplay. To find one, you need to look not only at the classic parameters like size and resolution, but also at what type of matrix is ​​installed. This article talks about what types of LCD monitors and matrices there are.

How do LCD panels differ from each other, what are their advantages, and what disadvantages do they have? All this will help you understand which panel is best to choose a display for specific tasks.

Explanation of concepts

Before moving on to the concepts of matrices, it is worth talking about the designations of the displays themselves. In the descriptions you can find options such as LCD, LCD and TFT screen. What is their difference?

LCD is a general designation for the category of screens to which TFT belongs, but the TFT LCD designation on the box often becomes a cause for confusion. It's actually quite simple.

LCD is a flat display based on liquid crystals: this is what is called LCD in its pure form. TFT is an LCD-based panel. But in the manufacture of such a panel, transistors are used, which are of the thin-film type. And this is its only difference from other LCD versions.

Interesting: Many manufacturers make displays curved. - just like that. It also has decent speakers with a total power of 10 watts, so there is no need to connect acoustics to it.

What are the types of LCD matrices?

There are only four main types of panels on which computer and laptop monitors are made:

  1. TN is almost the oldest development;
  2. IPS is perfection itself;
  3. PLS - not inferior to its predecessor;
  4. VA is a good development that web designers and photographers have already appreciated.

All others are just variations of the above. Below are some common modifications.

TN+Film technology

This type of matrix is ​​used in budget devices, as well as in gaming displays. Today there are practically no TNs left in their pure form, but manufacturers often tend to ignore “Film” when describing characteristics, since this has already become the standard for modern models. Such panels are not without their drawbacks, but TN+Film also has attractive features.

Advice:If you need a super-fast monitor, then choosing is the right decision. The matrix of this widescreen display responds in 1 millisecond.

Low cost- usually monitors with similar panels are cheaper than others. The ability to use any type of backlight allows you to reduce the price of an LCD monitor without sacrificing too much quality. The picture quality is not the best. Precise positioning of the crystals is not about these matrices: each of them is unique, and therefore the tone of each pixel may differ.
Color and contrast accuracy decrease in proportion to speed, as manufacturers have to sacrifice the number of possible intermediate values ​​for the sake of responsiveness.
- a very useful quality for gamers. Various modern action games and shooters require instant reactions. This is the only way to achieve the most comfortable game possible. Weak viewing angles compared to other LCD matrices. Everything is spoiled by the horizontal arrangement of filters.

As a result, we can say that this screen option is almost the best for gamers, as well as for undemanding movie lovers and users working with documents. But a monitor with such a matrix is ​​unlikely to be suitable for designers.

IPS technology

Here the crystals are distributed evenly across the entire screen, located parallel to each other. Thanks to this solution, these matrices are distinguished by their ability to convey natural shades and excellent viewing from different angles. There are many advantages, and devices with panels in this category are very popular. They are almost universal, as they are great for gaming, watching movies and many professional tasks. In addition, recently IPS monitors are no longer as expensive as before.

What are the advantages of an IPS display:

  • When viewing photos or working with graphic images, matrices in this category pleasantly surprise with their color rendition. Even the black color will not differ in any way from the original. It will not become overly saturated or take on a grayish tint. When processing photos/videos, you don’t have to worry that the final result will differ from the author’s idea during the demonstration. This matrix is ​​noticeably better than a TN panel.
  • Exposure to sunlight will not reduce image quality. Yes, there are glares, but the sun will not cause color distortion.
  • The picture quality remains high and is not distorted no matter from which corner of the room you watch what is happening on the screen. Clarity and contrast are maintained. Reminder: these LCD monitors have a maximum viewing range of 178° from any angle.
  • If we are talking about that, IPS will delight you with high sensitivity. Controlling a display with such a panel is the height of comfort: you can work with drawings and drawings. The screen will respond quickly to both the finger and the stylus. Artists, designers, and architects will definitely appreciate this feature.

Possible complaints:

  1. The cost of IPS is significantly higher compared to TFT.
  2. Not as fast a response as the same TN models, although the panel boasts a millisecond response. However, there are still few such monitors.
  3. Devices with IPS screens consume more energy.

PLS technology

As mentioned above, this is a Samsung development that was created to give the user a worthy replacement. And the company succeeded. PLS is not to say that it is much better than IPS, but such monitors have characteristics that are similar in quality and capabilities.

The first product was released back in 2010. It was not possible to reduce the price of such devices, and, in fact, the average user did not find any significant differences from popular IPS. But professional designers still found the difference and successfully use such monitors as a “workhorse”. You shouldn’t expect something fundamentally new when watching movies or playing games.

Four best features of PLS-based LCD monitors:

  1. Glare and flicker are practically absent, and therefore, when working for many hours at such a monitor, the eyes become less tired.
  2. Improved color reproduction and shade accuracy make the display almost ideal for designers and planners.
  3. Average brightness is 1100 cd/m2, which is 100 units higher than IPS.

Interesting: , created on the basis of PLS, has a cool function that smoothes textures at low picture resolutions, so that with such a monitor, even a film in poor quality can be watched normally.

*VA(Vertical Alignment) The first matrix of this type, which was called “VA”, was developed by Fujitsu. Subsequently, these matrices were improved and produced by a number of companies. They are characterized as a compromise in most characteristics (including cost and power consumption) between TN and IPS, as well as the latter leaving the faulty pixel or sub-pixel in a dark state. Their main advantage is high contrast combined with good color rendition (especially the latest options), but unlike IPS they have a negative feature, expressed in the loss of details in the shadows when viewed perpendicularly and the dependence of the color balance of the image on the viewing angle.
  • MVA - Multi-domain Vertical Alignment. The first widespread type of matrices from this family
  • PVA (Patterned Vertical Alignment) - developed *VA technology, proposed by the company, characterized primarily by increased image contrast.
  • S - PVA (Super-PVA) from ,
  • S - MVA (Super MVA) from Chi Mei Optoelectronics,
  • P-MVA, A-MVA (Advanced MVA) from AU Optronics. Further development of *VA technology from various manufacturers. The improvements boiled down mainly to a reduction in response time by manipulating the supply of a higher voltage at the initial stage of changing the orientation of the subpixel crystals (this technology is called either “Overdrive” or “Response Time Compensation” in different sources) and the final transition to full 8-bit encoding color in each channel.
There are several other types of LCD matrices that are not currently used in:
  • IPS Pro (developed by IPS Alpha) - used in Panasonic LCD TVs.
  • AFFS - compact matrices manufactured by Samsung for special applications.
  • ASV - matrices produced by Sharp Corporation for LCD TVs.
You can read about the technical features of different types of matrices here.

To work with office applications, any LCD monitor will suit you perfectly, so you can safely choose based on the design, price of the device and other considerations. The only note is that if you buy a monitor with a large diagonal - 20" or higher, then it is advisable that it be connected via a DVI interface, because when working with texts and tables, the highest possible image clarity is desirable. (When buying a cheap monitor for gaming and watching movies, the presence of a digital input is not so critical.)

To work with raster graphics (photo processing, etc.), as well as video editing, and any other applications where reliable color reproduction is critical, you should choose models with an IPS family matrix or, which is somewhat worse in this case, *VA.

In many situations, a monitor with an IPS matrix can also be a very good choice for the home, since the only significant drawback of modern ones of this type is the relatively high price. And although the response time exceeds that of the best TN monitors, it does not impose any restrictions on the use of such monitors in games.

Probably, the best option as a universal home monitor for many users may be the one with a modern *VA matrix, since it provides much more comfortable viewing of movies and photos than cheaper TN options, and the speed characteristics will be sufficient for most users except the most notorious ones gamers.

If the monitor is purchased primarily for 3D games (especially shooters and simulators), a TN matrix may be an adequate choice; when used in games, the main disadvantages of this technology are not so noticeable. In addition, these monitors are the cheapest. (If we compare models with the same diagonal).

Modern monitors also differ in screen aspect ratio - regular, with an aspect ratio of 4:3 or 5:4, and widescreen, with an aspect ratio of 16:10 or 16:9.

Since the binocular field of vision of a person has an aspect ratio much closer to those of , then, other things being equal, it is theoretically more comfortable to work with them and they are gradually replacing those with a “normal” aspect ratio. Some problems may only occur with older games that do not support video modes with the appropriate aspect ratio, but practice shows that in such cases adaptation to a “flattened” image occurs very quickly and this fact does not cause discomfort. So we recommend choosing the aspect ratio of your monitor based on your own preferences, although a widescreen monitor is definitely more convenient “for home use.”

We also recommend relying on your own subjective impressions when choosing the type of coating for your monitor - a “glossy” coating makes the image visually more contrasting (especially on cheap matrices), but it glares much more and more unpleasantly, unlike matte.

We remind you that very often the overestimation can be caused not only by the use of an expensive and high-quality matrix, but also by features that are not directly related to the monitor’s performance of its main function, i.e. the presence of specific peripherals (speakers, subwoofers, web cameras), additional inputs (digital, for example, a second DVI or HDMI, and analog, such as S-Video or component input) or unique design solutions.

A visual comparison of the influence of viewing angles (photos taken at an angle of 50°) on image characteristics of monitors with different types of matrices:

     Indicative table of comparative user characteristics depending on the type of matrix used:

As is usually the case with abbreviations used to denote specifics and technical characteristics, there is confusion and substitution of concepts in relation to TFT and IPS. Largely due to unqualified descriptions of electronic devices in catalogs, consumers initially pose the question of choice incorrectly. So, the IPS matrix is ​​a type of TFT matrix, so it is impossible to compare these two categories with each other. However, for Russian consumers, the abbreviation TFT often means TN-TFT technology, and in this case a choice can already be made. So, when talking about the differences between TFT and IPS screens, we will mean TFT screens made using TN and IPS technologies.
TN-TFT– technology for making a matrix of a liquid crystal (thin-film transistor) screen, when the crystals, in the absence of voltage, are rotated to each other at an angle of 90 degrees in the horizontal plane between two plates. The crystals are arranged in a spiral, and as a result, when the maximum voltage is applied, the crystals rotate in such a way that black pixels are formed when light passes through them. Without tension - white.
IPS– technology for making a matrix of a liquid crystal (thin-film transistor) screen, when the crystals are located parallel to each other along a single plane of the screen, and not spirally. In the absence of voltage, the liquid crystal molecules do not rotate.
In practice, the most important difference between an IPS matrix and a TN-TFT matrix is ​​the increased level of contrast due to almost perfect black color display. The picture turns out clearer.
The color rendering quality of TN-TFT matrices leaves much to be desired. Each pixel in this case may have its own shade, different from the others, resulting in distorted colors. IPS already treats images much more carefully.
The response speed of TN-TFT is slightly higher than that of other matrices. IPS takes time to rotate the entire parallel die array. Thus, when performing tasks where drawing speed is important, it is much more profitable to use TN matrices. On the other hand, in everyday use a person does not notice the difference in response time.
Monitors and displays based on IPS matrices are much more energy-intensive. This is due to the high level of voltage required to rotate the crystal array. Therefore, TN-TFT technology is more suitable for energy saving tasks in mobile and portable devices.
IPS-based screens have wide viewing angles, meaning they do not distort or invert colors when viewed at an angle. Unlike TN, IPS viewing angles are 178 degrees both vertically and horizontally.
Another difference that is important for the end consumer is the price. TN-TFT today is the cheapest and most widespread version of the matrix, which is why it is used in budget electronics models. determined that the difference between TFT (TN-TFT) and IPS screens is as follows:

IPS screens are less responsive and have longer response times.
IPS screens provide better color reproduction and contrast.
The viewing angles of IPS screens are significantly greater.
IPS screens require more power.
IPS screens are more expensive.

When choosing a monitor, you should approach it very responsibly. After all, it is he who serves as the main object of information transfer from the computer to the user. Definitely, no one would want a monitor with uneven backlighting, dead pixels, incorrect color reproduction and other shortcomings. This material will help explain some criteria that will help you understand what exactly you need from a monitor.

The choice of a good monitor is determined by the sum of such characteristics as: type used matrices, backlight uniformity, matrix resolution, contrast(including dynamic), brightness, aspect ratio, Screen size, communication ports And appearance. Also, those factors that negatively affect eye health will be mentioned.

To begin with, it is worth understanding how the color sensation occurs when looking at the monitor.

RGB (Red,Green,Blue) - the number of color gradations and varieties visible to the human eye, which can be composed of basic colors (red, green, blue). Also, these are all the primary colors that a person can see. Monitor pixels consist of red, green and blue pixels, which at a certain brightness intensity can form more complex colors. Therefore, the more advanced the monitor matrix, the more color gradations it can display, and the more possible gradations it has for each of the red, green and blue pixels. The accuracy of color display and the level of static contrast depend on the quality and type of matrix.

Liquid crystal matrices consist of quite a few layers and b O a larger number of liquid crystals, which can build more combinations, each turning at a different angle, or changing its position in a certain angle. That is why simpler matrices work faster. This happens due to the fact that to occupy the required position, you need to perform fewer actions and with less accuracy than more complex matrices.

Let's take everything in order.

Type of LCD matrix.

What type of matrix should I choose?

It all depends on the tasks assigned to the monitor, the price and your personal preferences.

Let's start with the simplest ones and end with the more complex ones.

(twistednematic) matrix.

Monitors with this matrix are the most common. First invented LCD monitors were based on technology TN. From 100 monitors in the world, approximately 90 have TN matrix. Are the cheapest and simple to produce and therefore the most widespread.

Capable of transmitting color 18 -and or 24 -x bit range ( 6 or 8 bits per channel RGB), which although is a good indicator in comparison with the first LCD monitors on TN, nowadays this is not enough for high-quality color rendition.

TN matrix monitors have the following advantages:

  • High response speed.

  • Low price.

  • High level of brightness and the ability to use any backlight.

Faster matrix response time – has a positive effect on the picture in dynamic scenes of films and games, making the picture less blurry and more realistic, which improves the perception of what is happening on the screen. In addition, when the frame rate drops below a comfortable value, this is not felt as pronounced as on slower matrices. For slow matrices, the updated frame is superimposed on the next one. This causes blinking and a more obvious “slowdown” of the image on the screen.

Production TN matrices are cheap, so they have a more attractive final price than other matrices.

However, monitors with a TN matrix have the following disadvantages:

  • Small viewing angles. Color distortions up to inversion when viewed from an acute angle. Especially pronounced when looking from bottom to top.

  • Quite poor contrast level.

  • Incorrect, inaccurate color rendering.

Based on TN monitors can be considered more environmentally friendly in comparison with monitors on other LCD matrices. They consume the least amount of electricity due to the use of low-power backlights.

Also, backlit monitors are becoming increasingly common. LED diodes, which are now equipped with most TN monitors. Significant advantages LED The backlight does not provide, except for lower power consumption and longer service life of the monitor backlight. But it's not suitable for everyone. Budget monitors are equipped with cheap low-frequency PWM, which allow backlight blinking, which has an adverse effect on the eyes.

Console TN+film, indicates that another layer has been added to this matrix, which allows you to slightly expand viewing angles and make the black color “blacker”. This type of matrix with an additional layer has become a standard and is usually indicated simply in the characteristics TN.

(In Plane Switching) matrices.

This type of matrix was developed by companies NEC And Hitachi.

The main goal was to get rid of shortcomings TN matrices Later, this technology was replaced by S—IPS(Super -IPS). Monitors with this technology are produced Dell, LG, Philips, Nec, ViewSonic, ASUS And Samsung(PLS). The main purpose of these monitors is to work with graphics, photo processing and other tasks that require accurate color reproduction, contrast and compliance with standards. sRGB And Adobe RGB. They are mainly used in the areas of professional work with 2D/3D graphics, photo editors, pre-press specialists, but are also popular among those who simply want to please their eyes with a high-quality picture.

The main advantages of IPS matrices:

  • The world's best color rendering among TFT LCD panels.

  • High viewing angles.

  • Good level of static contrast and color accuracy.

These matrices (most) are able to reproduce color in 24 bit a (by 8 bit for each RGB channel) without ASCR. Of course not 32 bits like CRT monitors, but pretty close to ideal. Moreover, many IPS matrices ( P-IPS, some S-IPS), already know how to convey color 30 bits, however, they are much more expensive and are not intended for computer games.

The disadvantages of IPS include:

  • Higher price.

  • Typically larger in size and weight compared to TN matrix monitors. Greater energy consumption.

  • Low pixel response speed, but better than *VA matrices.

  • On these matrices, more often than on others there are such unpleasant moments as glow, « wet rag"and tall input-lag.

Monitors on IPS matrix have a high price due to the complexity of their production technology.

There are many varieties and names created by individual matrix manufacturers.

To avoid confusion, we will describe the most modern types of IPS matrices:

AS -IPS – improved version S—IPS matrix, in which the problem of poor contrast was partially eliminated.

H—IPS – the contrast has been further improved and the violet flare has been removed when looking at the monitor from the side. With its release in 2006 year, now I have practically replaced the monitors with S—IPS matrix. Might have like 6 bit, yes 8 And 10 bits per channel. From 16.7 million to 1 billion colors.

e—IPS – variety H-IPS, but a matrix that is cheaper to produce and provides standard for IPS color gamut in 24 bits(By 8 to RGB channel). The matrix is ​​specially highlighted, which makes it possible to use LED backlights and less powerful CCFL. Aimed at the middle and budget sector of the market. Suitable for almost any purpose.

P—IPS – the most advanced IPS matrix up 2011 years, continued development H-IPS(but essentially a marketing name from ASUS). Has a color gamut 30 bit(10 bits per channel RGB and is most likely achieved through 8 bits + FRC), better response speed compared to S-IPS, enhanced contrast levels and best-in-class viewing angles. Not recommended for use in games with low frame rates. The stuttering becomes more pronounced and interferes with the response speed, which causes blinking and blurriness.

UH-IPS- comparable to e-IPS. Also highlighted for use with LED backlights. At the same time, the black color suffered a little.

S-IPS II- similar in parameters to UH-IPS.

PLS - variation IPS from Samsung. Unlike IPS, it is possible to place pixels more densely, but the contrast suffers (the pixel design is not very good for this). Contrast is not higher 600:1 - the lowest rate among LCD matrices Even TN matrices this indicator is higher. Matrices PLS can use any type of backlight. According to characteristics, they are more preferable than MVAPVA matrices.

AH-IPS (since 2011)most preferred IPS technology. The maximum color gamut of AH-IPS for 2014 does not exceed 8 bit+FRC, which gives a total of 1.07 billion colors in the most advanced matrices. Technologies are used that make it possible to produce matrices with high resolutions. Best color reproduction in class (highly depends on the manufacturer and purpose of the matrix). A small breakthrough was also achieved in viewing angles, thanks to which AH-IPS matrices came almost on par with plasma panels. The light transmittance of the IPS matrix has been improved, which means maximum brightness, coupled with a reduced need for powerful backlighting, which has a beneficial effect on the energy consumption of the screen as a whole. Contrast has been improved compared to S-IPS. For gamers, and in general, you can add significantly improved response time, which is now almost comparable to .

(Multi-domainPatterned Vertical Alignment) matrices(*VA).

The technology was developed by the corporation Fujitsu.

Is a kind of compromise between TN And IPS matrices. Price of monitors for MVA/PVA It also varies between prices for TN and IPS matrices.

Advantages of VA matrices:

  • High viewing angles.

  • The highest contrast among TFT LCD matrices. This is achieved thanks to the pixel, which consists of two parts, each of which can be controlled separately.

  • Deep black color.

Disadvantages of VA matrices:

  • Quite high response time.

  • Distortion of shades and a sharp decrease in contrast in dark areas of the picture when viewed perpendicularly to the monitor.

The fundamental difference between PVA And MVA No.

PVA- is a proprietary technology of the corporation Samsung. Actually it's on 90% is the same MVA, but with a changed arrangement of electrodes and crystals. Explicit advantages of PVA above MVA does not have.

If you are sparing money for a high-quality matrix on IPS technology, perhaps the best option for you would be a monitor on xVA matrices.

Or you can look away e-IPS matrix, which is very similar in characteristics to MVA/PVA. Although e-IPS still preferable, as it has a better response time and does not have problems with loss of contrast when viewed directly.

Which monitor matrix should I choose?

Depends on your requirements.


TN is suitable for:

  • Games
  • Internet surfing
  • Thrifty user
  • Office programs

TN is not suitable for:

  • Watching films(poor viewing angles + unclear blacks + poor color rendition)
  • Working with color and photos
  • Professional programs and pre-press preparation


IPS is suitable for:

  • Watching films
  • Professional programs and prepress preparation
  • Working with color and photos
  • Games(+-; only for E-IPS, S-IPS II, UH-IPS)
  • Internet surfing
  • Office programs

IPS is not suitable for:

  • Games(for P-IPS, S-IPS)


PVA/MVA suitable for:

  • Watching films
  • Professional programs and pre-press preparation
  • Working with color and photos
  • Internet surfing
  • Office programs

PVA/MVA is not suitable for:

  • Games(response speed too slow)

Monitor resolution, diagonal and aspect ratio.

Undoubtedly, the higher the resolution, the clearer and smoother the picture. More fine details are visible and less pixels are visible. Everything gets smaller, but this is not always a problem. In almost any operating system, you can adjust the scale and size of all elements, from font size to the size of icons and drop-down menus.

It's another matter if you have vision problems or you don't want to adjust anything, it is not recommended to use a very small pixel. Optimal diagonal for FullHD (1920x1080)23 24 inches. For 1920x120024 inches, for 1680x105022 inches, 2560x1440 27 inches. By maintaining these proportions, you should not have any problems with reading, viewing images and small interface controls.

The most popular and common aspect ratios are 4:3 , 16:10 , 16:9 .


Currently the aspect ratio is square ( 4:3 ) is being withdrawn from the market due to its inconvenience and lack of versatility. This format is not convenient primarily for watching films, since films are in a wide format 21.5/9 , which is as close as possible to 16:9 . When viewing, large black bars appear at the top and bottom, and the image becomes much smaller in size. Using 4:3 Visible vision in games is also reduced, preventing you from seeing more. In addition, the format is not natural for human viewing angles.


This format is convenient because it is more standardized for HD films, and even monitors of this format, often have a resolution FullHD (1920x1080) or HDready (1366x768).

This is convenient, because films can be viewed almost in full screen. The stripes still remain, since modern films have a standard 21.5/9 . Also, on such a monitor it is very convenient to work with documents in several windows or programs with complex interfaces.


This type of monitor is as practical as 16:9 monitors, but not as wide. Suitable for those who have not yet owned widescreen monitors, but it is intended for professionals. Professional monitors mostly have this format. Most professional programs are “tailored” specifically to the 16:10 format. It is wide enough to work with text, code, building 3D/2D graphics in several windows. In addition, it is also convenient to play on such monitors, watch movies, and do office work, just like on 16:9 monitors. At the same time, they are more familiar to human viewing angles and can be taken as a compromise between 4:3 And 16:9 .

Brightness and Contrast.

High contrast needed in order to better display blacks, shades and halftones. This is important when working with a monitor during daylight hours, since low contrast has a detrimental effect on the image in the presence of any light source other than the monitor (although brightness has a greater effect here). A good indicator is static contrast - 1000:1 and higher. It is calculated by the ratio of maximum brightness (white) to minimum (black).

There is also a measurement system dynamic contrast.

Dynamic Contrast – this is an automatic adjustment of the monitor lamps to certain parameters that are currently displayed on the screen.

Let's say a dark scene appears in the film, the monitor lamps begin to burn brighter, which increases the contrast and visibility of the scene. However, this system does not work instantly, and often incorrectly due to the fact that the entire scene on the screen does not always have dark tones. If there are light areas, they will be overexposed. Good indicator at the moment 2012 year is an indicator 10000000:1

But don't pay any attention to dynamic contrast. It is very rare that it brings tangible benefits or even works adequately. Moreover, all these huge numbers do not show the real picture.

Why is the dynamic contrast indicator on a monitor with always significantly higher than on a monitor with?

Because LED The backlight can turn on and off instantly. The measurement starts with the backlight completely turned off, so the indicator will be huge, plus add here the high brightness of the LEDs and a white background as the end point. CCFL backlight required more than 1 second to turn on, so the measurement takes place with the backlight turned on in advance on a black background.

First of all, you should pay attention to static contrast, not dynamic. No matter how much you like such huge values ​​in the characteristics. It's just marketing ploy .

Monitor brightness – not the most important parameter. Moreover, this is a double-edged sword. Therefore, we can say briefly that a good indicator of brightness is 300 cd/m2.

Why is it a double-edged sword? - it will be said a little lower, in the part "Monitor and Vision".

Communication ports.

When choosing a monitor, you should not rely on the manufacturer at this point. The most common mistake is buying a monitor with an analog input and a screen resolution higher than 1680x1050. The problem is that this aging interface is not always capable of providing the required data transfer rate for resolutions higher than 1680x1050. Cloudiness and blurriness appear on the screen, which can spoil the impression of the monitor. *to put it mildly

There must be an or port on board the monitor. Availability DVI And D-Sub this is the standard for a modern monitor. It's nice to also have a port HDMI, sometimes it can be useful for viewing HD video receiver or external player. If there is, but no DVI- Everything is fine. DVI And HDMI compatible through an adapter.

Types of monitor backlights. Monitor and its impact on vision.

What can you recommend to make your eyes less tired from the monitor?

Backlight brightness– one of the most important factors that affects the fatigue of your eyes. To reduce fatigue, reduce the brightness to the minimum comfortable value.

There is another problem and it is inherent in monitors with . Namely, if you reduce the brightness, it may appear visible flicker , which has an even greater effect on eye fatigue than high brightness. This is due to the peculiarity of adjusting the backlight using. Budget monitors use cheaper, low-frequency PWM, which create flickering diodes. The rate of light attenuation in a diode is much higher than in lamps, which is why LED backlight it more noticeable. In such monitors, it is better to maintain a golden mean between the minimum brightness and the beginning of visible flickering of the LEDs.

If you have any problems with eye fatigue, then it’s better to look for a monitor with CCFL backlight, or LED monitor with support 120 Hz. IN 3D monitors, more high-frequency frequencies are used PWM regulators than on regular ones. This applies to both LED backlights and CCFL.

Also, to make your eyes less tired, you can set the monitor to more soft And warm tones. This will help you spend more time working on the computer and help your eyes to better “switch” to the real world.

Do not forget that the monitor must be strictly at eye level and stand steadily, without swaying from side to side.

Eat myth what's more high-quality matrices give less fatigue for eyes. This is not true, matrices in no way can not influence it. Fatigue is only affected by intensity And quality of implementation monitor backlight.


Let us repeat once again the most important characteristics that you should pay attention to when choosing a monitor for yourself.