View private profile in Odnoklassniki. How to log into a private profile in Odnoklassniki? Is it possible to view private profiles in Odnoklassniki?

About how to block your Odnoklassniki profile from the eyes of strangers. But the opposite situation often happens!

Sometimes, there is a strong desire to look at the photo or activity of a person who has closed his page from prying eyes. This reason can occur in two cases:

  • There is a certain person who constantly views your page, but you cannot see who it is (his profile is closed);
  • There is a specific person whose photos you cannot see, but you really want to.

In both the first and second cases, our advice will be useful to you.

Today we will look at “peaceful” and “hostile” methods that will allow a person who doesn’t really want to see photos and a profile in general.

Peaceful ways

The essence of all peaceful methods is to try to get the person to add you as a friend. The easiest option is to send a friend invitation to this person from your page and hope that he will agree to be friends with you. Below we describe in detail what needs to be done for this.

Unfortunately, a person with a private profile is usually reluctant to make friends with a stranger. Moreover, “your target” could independently remove you from the list of his comrades or even add you to the emergency situation. In this case, tricks come to the rescue!

You can, for example, find out who is on this person’s list of friends (this is not difficult, especially if the person is from your circle). You need to find a person with an open profile. Next we proceed according to the following plan:

  1. We go to this friend’s page;
  2. We download a couple of photos from his page;
  3. We create a fake account with the first and last name of this friend;
  4. We add ourselves as friends to our “target” from a fake page.

When adding to your friends, you can, for example, say that your page was hacked and you are restoring your list of friends.

Then, when you are added as a friend, view photos and activity on this profile.

Hostile ways

To the disappointment of many users, a huge number of options for viewing a hidden profile, which worked a couple of months ago, are now useless. This situation occurs due to the fact that the OK.RU administration cares about the safety of its users and, having discovered a new method of bypassing privacy protection, immediately eliminates the possibility of its use.

In this regard, the only option to achieve the goal of viewing a hidden account is a hacker attack and an attempt to gain access to the page.

This question is asked by many users of the popular social network. Everyone has their own reasons, but the problem does not lose its relevance to this day. When registering on Odnoklassniki, the user creates a profile that is open to everyone.

All users see your data, photos, posts, etc. Not everyone is happy with this situation and many people close their profile, wanting to protect themselves from annoying “fans” or for their own safety.

There are not many ways, and we will conditionally divide them into “peaceful” and “rough” (without hacking the account and with hacking, respectively).


  1. Knock on friends

Yes, it sounds simple and elementary at first glance, but if you haven’t been a friend of a person before, add him as a friend. If you have a large number of “classes” on your page, many friends, and a detailed and carefully filled out application form, your chances increase significantly. There is a high probability of a successful outcome if you have people familiar to this person as friends. So just try, trying is not torture.

  1. New page

If a person doesn’t add you as a friend on principle, you’ll have to cheat a little. For example, create a completely new profile with a fictitious name and profile, fill out the page and send a friend request to the person you need. Do this under the guise that you just registered, don’t understand the service and are looking for friends.

There is another tricky option, but more sophisticated: select an open profile among your friends and create exactly the same one. Copy the entire profile and then add yourself as a friend. At the same time, specify in the message that your page was blocked or hacked, so you registered again. There is almost a 100% chance that you will be added. See the information you need and delete your profile.

  1. Help from a friend

Everything will work here if you have friends who have the person you are interested in as friends. If you communicate closely, ask him for a password and login, or drop by for a visit and go to the site in his presence. A friend will not refuse.

This is where the “peaceful” methods end. If none of them are suitable, you will have to try the “rough” options. Alas, Odnoklassniki is a very popular site. As soon as a video or instructions on how to bypass the site’s system “holes” appears on the Internet, the developers immediately deal with this problem and quickly eliminate it. Owners of private profiles pay 50 rubles for privacy and want to be sure of their security. Previously, you could use programs to hack the page or simply substitute the user ID in the desired line. But all these programs no longer work, so it’s not worth wasting your time. Below are a few methods that you can still use.

The first method for Yandex and Opera browsers

To do this you need your own page in OK. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Go to your page;
  2. Close your account;
  3. Turn off the Internet and turn it on again after a quarter of an hour;
  4. Make a closed account open;
  5. In the address bar of your page, insert the ID numbers of another profile and at the end add the =open parameter, as shown in the picture.

Second option for people familiar with JavaScript

Even if you have not worked with JavaScript, you will open access to the profile by some manipulations with the site page code. Yes, it will take time, but if you figure it out, everything will work out.

Third - order the services of hackers

The last thing you should do is turn to the services of hackers; besides, you will have to fork out some money. Or you are lucky and there is a programmer among your friends - then contact him.

To summarize, let us recall that Odnoklassniki is a well-protected site and legally see private profile photos only possible through honest means. Therefore, it is worth making an effort to make friends with the owner of a closed account. In this case, neither you, nor the user, nor strangers will suffer. Decide and choose wisely.

Today, almost every second resident of our country uses a social network called Odnoklassniki. Many people know what “” is. If previously there were a small number of such, now they are very common.

Let's remember a primitive situation: very often a visitor with a strange name and a private profile comes to your page. Naturally, on your part, you cannot do anything (even see who it is using photographs), since the profile is open only to friends.

What to do in such situations?

Is it possible to view a private profile on Odnoklassniki? Users ask this question very often. So let's try to figure out this problem together.

In fact, there are several solutions.

Ask to be a friend

This is the simplest thing anyone can do. But such a person does not always reciprocate, and the problem remains unresolved (you can read about how to cancel a friendship invitation).

Clone of a friend's page

The next step is to create a copy of the page of one of the secret visitor’s friends, and after that try to get friends from it again. But no luck here either, you need to be smart about this and look for the same person on other social networks in order to find his friends there. And then registration and everything is new.

The situation is getting more complicated

Now we begin to resort to more complex methods. We use the following instructions:

  1. Let's go to our page.
  2. We find the right person with a private profile.
  3. Next, the website “” comes to help us.
  4. Copy the link to the profile you need.
  5. We copy only the numbers from the link.
  6. Enter this number on the above site.

And welcome! Let's start looking at other people's photos.

The problem of how to view a private profile photo in Odnoklassniki has been solved. But that’s not all, if you suddenly couldn’t figure out the seemingly simple task yourself, then we’ve prepared a video for you.

Important! I would like to remind everyone that if a person has closed his profile, then, most likely, he will not be particularly pleased that strangers will barge into him in such an impudent way. Before you check all the points in practice. Think about it, would you like it if a stranger entered your personal apartment without asking?

I wish you a pleasant viewing of other people's photos! And, if you want to add a person to the blacklist, you can read how to do this. Until next time.

This social network has a function that allows you to see guests on Odnoklassniki. By looking at the orange background at the top of the Guests page, you'll be able to see who has visited your page. All guests who have viewed information on your page in the last thirty days will be visible. This way you will see for yourself that guests are visible in your classmates and you will not think about whether guests are visible in your classmates. At the end of this period, those who visited your page disappear from the “Guests” section. To the question of whether guests with a blocked or deleted profile are visible in Odnoklassniki, there is one answer - no. If you don’t want a specific person to be unable to access your page, read about how to add him to the blacklist in Odnoklassniki.

What does it mean if guests on Odnoklassniki are invisible?

This social the network allows you to see the avatars of all the people who visited your page. Previously, it was impossible to hide your visit to a page, but over time the “Invisibility” service appeared. It allows you to view other people's pages without giving yourself away. Of course, it’s very inconvenient when your guests are invisible on Odnoklassniki. After all, then you won’t know who was interested in you and for what purposes. This service requires activation and then payment. The advantage of this function is that invisible guests on Odnoklassniki will be invisible on all profiles where they log in. The downside is that they will not be able to access a profile that is closed from outsiders (find out how to close your Odnoklassniki page by going to link). Invisibility is not removed from the “Guests”, but disappears on its own after thirty days.

Private profile in Odnoklassniki - how to make it like that

To close a personal profile in this social network. network, you need to click on the sidebar on the left “change settings”. Then a “close profile” link will open on the page. You need to click on it with the mouse and pay for this service. Then guests in a private profile on Odnoklassniki will not be displayed.

A private profile allows you to view the main photo in a smaller view, read the status, comments added by friends to this photo and the final status.

Guests in a private Odnoklassniki profile are not visible to its owner

A user with such a profile sees only his visiting friends and nothing more (read how to add or remove a friend from Odnoklassniki). The access of strangers to your page excludes a closed profile. Classmates and guests who are already among your friends will be able to appear with you. You can also open a private profile. Odnoklassniki guests from all over social media. networks will then be able to view the profile at any time.

We have already described in one of the articles what the “Closed Profile” function is on the Odnoklassniki social network. This time we’ll look at it from a different angle, or rather from the side of users who end up on pages with hidden information. Let's try to give the most detailed and useful answer to the question of how to view a private profile on Odnoklassniki.

What are closed pages for?

It is clear that social networks, by definition, imply publicity. However, the right to privacy has not been repealed, and users should be able to choose who can see what personal information. Unfortunately, Odnoklassniki doesn't have many privacy settings by default. They are fully implemented through the “Closed Profile” function.

This feature is a service of Group, so you will have to pay to enable it. The fee is not high, but the effect of its use is very noticeable: a “stranger” will not be able to view your photos, read the personal data you provided, send a message, leave a comment on the wall, etc. In order for these actions to be performed, the person who visits your page must have friend status.

Ways to view information from closed pages

Now let's consider the reverse situation. You visit a person and see a closed page. Naturally, curiosity does not leave you and even flares up. What to do?

The surest and, in principle, the only correct way to open a private profile is to become a friend of the user. Once your friend request is approved, the information will automatically become available for viewing.

But since you are reading this article, then most likely you are interested in the ability to open hidden pages in other ways. Perhaps you want to maintain an incognito status, the user ignores and does not view your application, or you did not plan to establish friendly relations with him at all.

Actually, in order to officially view a private profile on Odnoklassniki, you still have to get into the contact list of the user who hid the information. If an application is rejected for one reason or another, you need to be smart. There are several not the most honest, but quite effective ways to become a friend of a person with a private profile:

  • duplicate the Odnoklassniki page of one of the user’s friends;
  • create an attractive fake profile.

Often, social network users lose access to their main page, do not want or cannot go through the recovery procedure, and simply create a new account. Using this “excuse”, you can duplicate someone else’s page, or rather the page of a person who is a friend of the user with a locked page. The legend is simple: there is no access to the old account, so a new one was created. After creation, we send a friend request, wait for approval, and then calmly look at all the information that was previously closed to our viewing.

If this doesn't work, try the second option. We create a fake page again, but this time we introduce ourselves as an outsider. You need to make it as attractive as possible for the user whose profile you want to get into. We choose a cute but realistic avatar, upload a few photos, add video and music, join the community and, if possible, add to the contact list. In principle, such a page can be closed if you don’t mind the money, although this is not necessary. Next, we send a friend request and wait for approval.

Naturally, both methods are essentially deception. Moreover, these actions violate the rules for using the Odnoklassniki website. For this reason, a new account may be completely blocked - be prepared for this. But, even if this does not happen, there is no guarantee that the user, whose plans were to view the photo of a private profile, will “fall for” these stories.

Alternative methods

Experienced and not so experienced Internet users offer, as an alternative to the above, other ways to access a private profile on Odnoklassniki:

  • personal requests;
  • third party sites;
  • third party applications/programs;
  • help from programmers.

Alternatively, you can try asking a mutual friend to send you hidden user data. Naturally, a successful outcome of such a request is unlikely and even somewhat unfair. But in special cases it can be practiced.

But what you definitely cannot trust are third-party sites and applications. Many resources promise to provide access to hidden data and photos of a private profile, but when checked, everything turns out to be a dummy. Moreover, you yourself will fall into the network of scammers who want to profit from those who are especially curious. And along with the proposed program, you can also download viruses, the dangers of which probably do not need to be discussed. You yourself know everything.

As for the help of specialists in the person of programmers and hackers, here again no one can give any guarantee. Especially when it comes to remote hacking services for a fee. It’s better not to take risks: looking at photos is not as important as protecting yourself from scammers.

The conclusion from all of the above is that closed information will remain closed. The only real way to open it is to become a friend of a person on a social network. Let's respect each other. If we hide data from public view, we do it for a good reason. And violating this confidentiality is, at a minimum, unethical.