Six signs that your tablet should be seen by a specialist

Until recently, tablet computers were a luxury, but today they are available to almost every consumer, which, by the way, is incredibly pleasing. But, unfortunately, no one is immune from breakdowns, so let’s try to figure out what to do if the tablet breaks down. In this case, diagnostics and warranty repair of the tablet will be required, unless, of course, the warranty period has expired.

We determine the cause of the gadget failure.

Having determined the cause of the breakdown, you can understand what to do with the tablet: take it for repair or try to fix it yourself. All breakdowns of tablet computers can be divided into two main groups:

— hardware failures;

- software failure.

1. Hardware failures are associated with the “filling” (mechanical parts) of a computer device and they can occur due to careless handling of the gadget (the tablet has fallen or something has fallen on it). Therefore, if the tablet does not work, then it is worth remembering whether it fell somewhere. If chips or scratches are found on the screen or case, then it is likely that there was some kind of impact, which could result in damage to some part.

2. Software failures occur due to problems with the gadget’s operating system, which can occur as a result of reinstalling the system yourself, downloading files from unverified sites, or inept installation of an application.

How to repair a tablet.

1. If the reason that the tablet does not work is due to mechanical damage to the device, then it is better, of course, to take it to a service center, where a technician can disassemble the device and fix (or not fix the problem). You can disassemble the tablet yourself (fortunately, there are plenty of videos on how to do this on the Internet), but even if you just need to replace the battery in the tablet, it is better to contact a specialist, especially if the device is under warranty.

2. If the reason “lies” in a software failure (which, by the way, is not uncommon today), then it is likely that the tablet can be repaired yourself. First, you should try to restart the device by pressing the power button and holding it for fifteen seconds. If after this the tablet does not work, then you can try to perform a hard reboot (Hard Reset). This reboot will return all settings on the computer to factory settings, removing personal files (photos, videos, applications, etc.) that could cause damage.

3. In addition, you can reinstall the operating system; to do this, you will need to download it from the official website and install it on your tablet computer.

4. Sometimes it happens that the tablet turns on, but the screen remains dark. This may indicate that the video adapter is broken. Then this problem can only be solved by a specialist who will replace the adapter, and the tablet will work again.

Tablets have appeared on the computer equipment market relatively recently, but have already become firmly established in the habitual way of life of many people. Modern users purchase such devices for various purposes: work, Internet surfing, entertainment. But like any other electronic device, this handy gadget can fail at any time. There are a number of the most common tablet breakdowns caused by certain reasons.

There was a problem - the tablet broke

Most often, owners of such devices contact service centers due to mechanical damage to the device. Typically, this type of failure is considered cosmetic if only the case is damaged, and the electronics remain unchanged. The cause of such damage in many cases is careless use of the tablet, as well as its fall from a great height and impact on a hard surface.

A lot of trouble is caused to users by a device whose speakers have stopped making sounds. Various factors can provoke such a breakdown. Perhaps the headphone jack has failed or the audio channel and volume settings have gone wrong. The most difficult problem in this case is the malfunction of the sound device.

Sometimes situations arise when the tablet does not turn on at all. The reason for such a problem may be the incorrect functioning of the bootloader or insufficient power supply. A malfunctioning power controller can also cause this problem.

If there is no image on the tablet, the device’s matrix is ​​most likely malfunctioning. To test this assumption, you need to connect the device to a TV, where the picture from the tablet will be displayed.

When the touchscreen does not respond to user commands, you may suspect problems with the software or the device itself. In the latter case, the cause may be the disconnection of the touchscreen cable from the motherboard.

If you cannot establish a connection to the Internet when using a tablet, this phenomenon is most often caused by incorrect device settings or incorrect firmware.

How to avoid tablet breakdowns?

To prevent your device from breaking down prematurely, you should follow simple rules:

  • prevent water from getting inside the device body;
  • adhere to operating conditions;
  • do not drop the gadget on the floor;
  • Do not disassemble the tablet yourself.

Careful handling of a high-tech device will help to avoid many problems and extend its productive use for many years.

People take buying a tablet seriously. This is logical, because a smart machine is an indispensable assistant at work and in school. However, choosing the right device for the user's purposes is sometimes difficult. Having come home and printed out the purchase, it often turns out that the buyer rushed into the purchase without noticing its shortcomings, or, upon closer examination, simply stopped liking the tablet.

In this article I will talk about how to return a tablet to the store, what are the reasons for returning a device, and whether it is possible to return a working device.

Legislative regulation of the issue.

The regulatory framework governing the issue of equipment return consists of:

  • Civil Code;
  • Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” No. 2300-1 (hereinafter referred to as the Law);
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 55, containing rules for the sale of certain goods;
  • Resolution No. 924, which establishes a list of technically complex goods, which includes a tablet.

What is a “technically complex device”?

A technically complex device is any product included in the List approved by Resolution No. 924. The legislator has allocated these devices to a separate category, since specific return rules apply to it.

Is it possible to return a working tablet?

Yes. But not always. If you have any questions about how to return a working tablet, please contact the seller. The decision to accept the goods often depends on his good will, and only in some cases the Law allows the buyer to return the device despite the refusal of the store representative.

In original packaging

You can return a tablet that you haven't used, but not always.

The Civil Code states:

“The buyer has the right, within fourteen days from the moment the non-food product is transferred to him, unless a longer period is announced by the seller, to exchange the purchased product at the place of purchase and other places announced by the seller for a similar product of a different size, shape, dimension, style, color or configuration , making the necessary recalculation with the seller in case of a difference in price.

Return of a faulty device.

Technically complex products are subject to return or exchange if they are faulty. The store will not accept the tablet if the malfunction is caused by user actions that are contrary to the conditions of normal operation of the device (for example, if the tablet fell or fell into water).

Let's look at the main points of the return.

The marriage appeared within 2 weeks

The law allows you to exchange or return a device with defects identified within 15 days after the goods are transferred to the buyer (Clause 1 of Article 18 of the Law).

You should contact the store seller to report any defects identified. To do this, the seller is provided with the gadget itself, all the documents available for it, all components; it is advisable to have a receipt of payment, but it is not required.

How to return a tablet without a receipt? In paragraph 5 of Art. 18 of the Law states that the absence of a receipt is not an obstacle to acceptance of the goods.

Money for the tablet must be returned within 10 days from the date of contacting the store (Article 22 of the Law).

The tablet stopped turning on.

Each of the defects may have a different origin and may appear due to the fault of the user or the fault of the seller, importer or manufacturer. You can return the tablet to the store only due to a malfunction that appeared before the gadget was handed over to the buyer.

To find out the cause of the breakdown, you should contact specialists and ask them to diagnose the device. If the tablet is completely new, it is better to contact the seller directly. He initiates a quality check of the gadget, in which the buyer can also participate.

If a dispute arises about the causes of the breakdown, an examination is appointed.

Repair or exchange: which is better?

Only the buyer can solve this dilemma. But if the tablet is new, and the breakdown is detected during the warranty, it is better to agree to an exchange, because the fault may appear in the future.

The seller is obliged to replace the device with a new one within 7 days from the moment the buyer presents the relevant requirements; if the goods are not available at the point of sale, this period can be extended to a month (Article 21 of the Law).

If you decide to send the device for repair, make sure that the work period does not exceed a month. A longer repair is grounds for the consumer to refuse the transaction.

The phone broke after 2 weeks of use.

In the event of a serious breakdown during the warranty period, the user may:

  • demand free repairs;
  • demand that the gadget be replaced;
  • return the device and demand your money back.

You need to contact the seller with your requirements.

Can I return my tablet during the warranty period?

You can exchange or return your tablet to the store during the warranty period for the gadget. If a warranty period has not been established, you can submit your claims within 2 years from the date of purchase of the device (Article 19 of the Law).

Return or replacement of the gadget is possible due to:

  • identifying a significant deficiency - an irreparable defect or breakdown that requires a lot of money and time to repair;
  • exceeding the time frame for repairing the device stated by the seller (if the time frame is not established, the repair cannot last more than 45 days);
  • inability to use the gadget for at least 1 month a year due to constant breakdowns of various types.

In the above cases, the buyer must contact the seller and demand to accept the gadget, returning the money paid for it (Article 18 of the Law). If the seller refuses to accept the device, you should submit a written complaint to the store administration.

How to return the tablet to the store? If the happy owner of a brand new gadget, when he came home, he discovered that it was not working.

Or the buyer was not satisfied with the characteristics of the device for subjective reasons, and he wanted to return the product.

How to act competently in such cases, read our article.

In contact with

In what cases can you return the tablet?

If the gadget fails due to a manufacturing defect, the tablet can be returned within 14 days from the date of purchase from the seller. The buyer is given the opportunity to choose a way to protect his rights:

  • terminate the purchase and sale agreement and return the money for the purchased goods;
  • exchange a tablet of the same model for a working one or choose a similar option with recalculation if there is a difference in prices between them.

Note: The buyer should be aware that tablets are classified as technically complex goods and the procedure for returning them to the seller has certain regulations. The reason why the tablet broke is of significant importance.

In a situation where the tablet breaks down after 14 days from the date of sale, the procedure for returning money or exchanging for a working gadget is complicated by a number of conditions:

  • the breakdown must be significant (see section of the article - The concept of a significant defect);
  • While under warranty, the tablet constantly breaks down, is sent in for repairs several times, and the time of actual use by the consumer does not exceed a total of one month (30 days) for each warranty year of operation (for example, the warranty period for the tablet is 24 months, of which within 60 days (2 months) the consumer uses the gadget, and for the remaining 22 months it is under repair. The periods of the tablet’s operating condition may vary, not necessarily continuously for 2 months);
  • the breakdown was not repaired within the required 45 days (Article 20 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”).

In this case, cases of breakdowns and deficiencies due to the fault of the manufacturer are considered. They consist of the following points:

  • poor quality manufacturing process;
  • violation of the rules for the delivery of finished products from the manufacturer to the distribution network;
  • improper storage of goods prior to sale to the consumer.

Tablet failure can also be caused by careless handling on the part of the consumer. Such cases include factors:

  • identification of software of pirated origin;
  • tablet falling from a height;
  • filling with water or other liquids (tea, coffee, etc.);
  • using recharging from another type of device;

In such situations, the consumer will not be able to return even a warranty tablet to the store.

Carrying out an examination

In the process of returning the tablet to the store, the consumer may encounter such a moment as examination of the product.

To prove the fact of a manufacturing defect, the seller has the right to resort to an expert assessment of the cause of the tablet breakdown.

The examination is paid for by the store.

It is not beneficial for sellers to admit the fact of a manufacturing defect for the following reasons:

  • payment for the examination is borne by the store;
  • it is more convenient to shift responsibility for the breakdown to the user and refer to his violation of the operating rules (the buyer loses the right to return the tablet and additionally compensates for the costs of the examination).

In cases where an “incorrect” examination has been carried out and you are absolutely certain that the cause of the tablet breakdown is not your fault, you must (you have the right) to protest its results and seek the services of independent expert specialists. An expert's opinion may be the basis for legal proceedings. The legality of the examination is proven by the presence of a license for this type of activity.

Concept of significant deficiency

If the product initially has a manufacturing defect and its normal functioning is not possible, then such a defect is recognized by law (Article 18 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”) as significant. It cannot be repaired or the repair significantly exceeds the cost of the tablet itself.

The manufacturer provides a warranty period for the tablet. If during the warranty the tablet is out of working order, the consumer has the right to have it repaired free of charge at a service center. If desired and by right, the consumer can return his money for a defective product. The following disadvantages can be attributed to manufacturing defects:

  • very fast battery drain compared to declared;
  • When you press the power button, the tablet does not turn on at all;
  • delays when changing images for more than a minute, “overlapping” images on top of each other;
  • “glitches” of the touch screen under heavy loads.

How to return a technically sound tablet

The purchase of a newfangled device can also turn out to be an unexpected side when the consumer wants to return the working gadget to the store within 14 days. This can be done, but it is quite difficult.

The tablet belongs to the category of complex technical goods and this causes difficulties in returning it. The seller will require the buyer to preserve the presentation of the tablet. Therefore, keep the packaging box with all the components for 14 days after purchase.

The seller is not obliged to accept technically defective goods back. You can offer the seller the option of returning the tablet with the purchase of a new, more sophisticated one (pay the difference).

You can return a warranty tablet to the store within 14 days, provided you cite the inaccuracy of the information provided upon purchase. When choosing a device, the buyer turned to the consultant with his wishes regarding a fashionable device, and the seller recommended the wrong model.

The desire to have regular customers is more important than immediate benefits. A decent store will make concessions to the buyer. You may be offered a new device to replace the model you don’t like, or your money may be returned.

Features of returning the tablet to the store

Any return of goods to the store will require the buyer to submit a written complaint to the retail chain, indicating the essence of the problem and providing actual data on the defect.

The claim is drawn up in two copies. The applicant's copy must be dated and signed by the responsible person. The application can be sent by registered mail.

If the buyer does not have a receipt for the purchased product, the store does not have the right to refuse to accept the product back. Consumer rights are protected by the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”.

Good to know: The time the device is being repaired under warranty cannot exceed 45 days.

If these warranty repair periods are exceeded, then the buyer has the right to the following actions:

  • exchange the device;
  • return money;
  • reduce the cost of the tablet for all days of overdue warranty repairs in proportion to the sales price.

If the device is considered defective, the seller is obliged to return the money within 10 days from the date of the written complaint. If the deadlines are exceeded, you can safely file a lawsuit demanding a refund and payment of a 1% penalty (of the face value of the price tag for the gadget) for each of the overdue days.

The tablet fell into water or what to do if water got into the tablet

Recessed tablet. What to do if you drowned or simply got wet.

Water can't hurt tablet . You tell me, what am I doing on your site in this section then? Mine is broken. Because it’s not water that makes you stand up, but water in combination with a battery. As a result, electrochemical corrosion of the board occurs. In other words, the board of your gadget and all its elements begin to rust, rot, i.e. disintegrate, turns into dust.

Why don't tablet manufacturers protect them from corrosion?

Well, why did you decide that? They protect and how. They cover the board with a protective layer of varnish, which is designed to protect your device.
Why then do they fail if the board is covered with a protective layer of varnish? Yes, because this varnish should not save you from swimming in the pool. The only thing that can save you from this is a diving suit. Its task is to create a protective barrier and prevent the formation of corrosion on the board if there is suddenly strong humidity. For example, a bathroom or bathhouse. And again, this barrier does not last long, which means that you should not test its strength while sitting in the steam room with friends.

The first thing to do if water gets into your tablet- this is to disconnect the battery. Then immediately take it to the service center. If this is not possible, then you need to try to somehow dry the device with a hairdryer, put it on the radiator overnight, place it in a warm place for a couple of days, etc. Perhaps after this your pet will work without problems. Although, as practice shows, the lion's share of tablets coming in for repair have previously been exposed to water (this is indicated by rusty spots inside, oxidation, deposits, etc.) and who knows for what real reason your gadget failed this time. In any case, it can be argued that the water that once got there played no small role
In all cases of moisture getting under the housing, the device needs to be dried and cleaned. Otherwise, partial or complete inoperability of the device may occur. Let me emphasize that it is possible, but not mandatory. But the oxidation process can take quite a long time, and it is impossible to say how the tablet will behave the next day or in a month. The more time has passed since moisture entered, the less likely it is to restore full functionality in the event of a breakdown.
If, after getting wet, you quickly disconnect the battery and bring it to us, then most likely you will save your pet and save your budget for repairs.

What do we do when your phone is frozen?

Disassembling the tablet;
- cleaning in an ultrasonic bath;
- removal of traces of moisture;
- cleaning the board from corrosion;
- complete drying of the device;
- tablet testing.

You can find out more about the cost and timing of tablet repair from our specialists or manager. Service center
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