Secret trick for dating in VKontakte. How to get real VK likes for free (likes from real people)

You can get likes on VKontakte if you are participating in a photo contest or have changed your avatar by sending a request to your friends to click on the heart under the photo. This can be done if you post the corresponding post on your wall. People who subscribe to your updates will see it in the news and will be able to respond to your call in a few seconds. If the photo is posted in any group, you can use a special button in the form of a megaphone to repost it on your wall, adding a comment to the message.

Unfortunately, not all VKontakte users view the news. If you want to make asking for likes more effective, send them a private message. Most caring friends should respond to your call.

There may not be too many friends to get a large number of likes. In this case, you need to ask others, perhaps people you don’t know, to put a heart under the photo. If your friends repost a photo to their page with a request to like the picture, their subscribers will be able to support you by increasing the number of likes on the VKontakte photo.

If you are not a fairly modest person and have a significant amount of time, you can try asking those users who are on the social network to like the photo by sending them a corresponding text to.

However, this method can hardly be called effective for getting likes on VKontakte, since not every person will respond to a stranger’s request. Yes, and VKontakte has a limit on the number of messages sent per day to “non-friends”.

The social network has communities and applications that allow you to exchange likes with each other. To get the coveted hearts, type the appropriate request in the group search, join popular communities and ask for mutual likes from users.

How to get likes on a VKontakte post

If you need to get a lot of likes on your post, you can use the same methods as for getting free likes on a photo.

It is also worth considering options for increasing likes, for which payment is charged.

So, you can turn to special sites for promotion, for example, likest.tu. To use this method, you need to register on the portal and click hearts at the request of other users. Thus, you will receive hearts in your account, which will be returned as a like for the created task.

You can quickly get likes on VKontakte using special programs. An example is Viking Botovod. The point of such applications is that they launch viral promotion. The program is paid, like most other similar services. However, you can use a limited demo version. To use the service, you need to install the file, add your account to the program, logging in with your password and login.

In order not to be blocked by the VKontakte administration for, and also to protect yourself from hacking of the page by attackers, it is advisable to use such services from an unnecessary account.

In the program settings, check the boxes you need and click “OK” to start the promotion.

Thus, get likes on VKontakte It’s quite simple, because there are many paid and free options for this. However, remember that winning a competition as a result of cheating may not be counted, and such popularity is only imaginary.

Almost every Internet user has his own page on a social network, where he shares with friends personal photographs, recordings and any information that he wants to convey to the public. Often, the circle of those who have become familiar with this material is limited only to those who are friends with the user. The desire to become popular is natural, and on social networks this popularity is expressed in the number of “likes” and “reposts”.

By the way, a post by an ordinary VK user gets about 50 “likes” from people who are friends. But what if you want to increase the number of treasured hearts under your new “avatar”? Of course, you can write to everyone separately asking them to rate the photo, but this is so inconvenient and unproductive that several more rational ways to do this have been invented. How to get likes on social networks will be discussed in the article.

What is a like?

Like is translated from English as “like”. This tool was invented so that there was no need to write to someone that his post was popular, but rather just click on a button, which is a counter for such clicks. The more times you click the button, the more likes you get.

How to increase the number of likes?

Increasing the number of likes through artificial stimulation is called cheating. For example, getting likes on VKontakte means motivating other users to rate your post. There are several ways to do this. Now almost everyone knows how to get likes, and many use these tools to become more popular among friends and acquaintances.

Cheating methods

Of course, likes are not that valuable among the VKontakte community, and it is unlikely that anyone will pay to increase their number. For this reason, there are many ways to get likes for free.

In general, cheating procedures can be divided into three large groups:

  • Automatic - they only require configuration, then the program will run.
  • Semi-automatic - combine both manual and automatic methods of cheating.
  • Manual - they use completely manual labor to “earn” likes.

So, let's consider all three methods in order.

Programs for cheating

This method can be considered automated, since human participation in it is minimal and consists only of setting up the program itself. The principle of operation is as follows: the program, on behalf of your account, evaluates the posts of other users, adds them as friends, joins groups, in return for which it receives points that can be spent at your discretion, for example, on likes. The most popular such program can be considered Vtope. This is one of the very first combines that helps with promotion on social networks.

It should be noted that the program is safe to use, and the account will not be blocked, since the operating algorithm is designed in such a way that it imitates the actions of a real person. Therefore, using this program, you will get “live” users who will put “Like” under the specified entry. In addition to VK, the program allows you to get likes on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. As a minus, we can note the low speed of promotion - this is a fee for safe use.

Cheat exchanges

Another answer to the question: “How to get likes?” can be considered the emergence of numerous markup exchanges. In fact, these are the same programs, only implemented in the form of websites. The principle of their operation is exactly the same as that of utilities, but the method of earning points is slightly different. Here you need to follow the links yourself and earn “points” for your own promotion. This method can be considered semi-automatic for the reason that the exchange itself regulates the accrual of points for actions and places tasks for promotion.

However, one of the obvious disadvantages of this method is the high probability of blocking. This is due to the fact that similar actions are performed at short intervals, which can be perceived by the system as spam. Among the most popular exchanges are Turboliker, Olike, VKTarget and many others. By the way, for Turboliker there is a bot - a program for automatic operation, which allows you to quickly score a large number of points for cheating.

Manual method

This option for getting likes is to post posts in special groups where similar users spend their time with a request to rate the post. By the way, this method is quite labor-intensive, but it still has an effect.


In general, there are a huge number of ways to get likes. The article discussed only the main and most popular cheating options. However, they can be considered the most reliable, because they are based on the very essence of social networks, which means that they will live as long as there are hundreds of millions of social media accounts around the world.

The purpose of getting likes on personal photos and posts is to attract new subscribers and increase popularity among friends. VK communities inflate posts in order to create a mass effect (since so many people “like” it, it means the community is really useful and original). Thus, they attract the attention of subscribers.

And the last reason (it can be called the most surprising) of the prevalence of boosting VK likes is the increase in the reach of an advertising post in the community. Let's talk about this in more detail.

By the way! All services for increasing likes on VKontakte have already been combined into one big rating!

Why is the reach of an advertising post increasing and who needs it?

Last summer, VKontakte developers introduced the so-called “smart feed”. Its essence is as follows: to show interesting posts to the majority of users, and uninteresting ones to a smaller number. Thus, community administrators will monitor their own content in more detail - that is, they will not “take” it from other people’s groups. The smart feed determines how interesting a post is, taking into account certain criteria, the main one of which is the number and speed of likes appearing on the post. The more likes a post receives, the more users of the social network will see it. In other words, more people will follow the links, and the community will receive new subscribers.

How will the number of likes help you earn money?

This criterion of likes was assessed by arbitrators and owners of large communities. Let’s take public A, the cost of an advertising post in which is 1,000 rubles. If you do not perform various manipulations, it will receive approximately 5 applications for the purchase of products or 500 new subscribers (if another community is advertised). An advertiser who orders an advertising post in this public page immediately after publishing the message manages to get about 1,000 likes on it (likes will cost him 50 rubles). The result is this: the reach of the advertising post will be as much as 5 times higher. That is, this is 5 times more applications and 5 times more subscribers - and all for such a modest symbolic amount of money - for 50 rubles for likes.

Getting likes is considered a very useful and popular tool. It allows you to not only increase the reach of an advertising post - likes themselves attract attention well: a subscriber will definitely be more interested in a post that has 4,000 likes than a post that has only 50 likes.

How to naturally increase the number of likes?

Let's talk about the most effective ways to increase the number of likes. If you adhere to them, the effect will be obvious.

Ways to get likes on VKontakte

Use images more often. It is always easier for a person to perceive visual information, so a well-designed infographic is much better than a long text describing a product (or a step-by-step algorithm).

Any information (for example) in a virtual public must always coincide with the topic. The following important point is worth noting here: for communities, this requirement is the most important, because it is in this place that users with the same interests gather. So there is no need to dilute it - this is of no use. If you do this, not only will you not earn likes, but you will also receive unfollows.

Information that should get a lot of likes should hook subscribers - that is, surprise, delight, or even anger them. Only showing emotions leads to people's reactions.

As a rule, these emotions turn into likes, since people thus want to convey their joy or anger to close friends.

To get likes on VK for your own messages, you will need to leave meaningful, thoughtful comments. It is worth noting that this process makes it possible to get fresh traffic for your own posts. All comments must be meaningful so that the reader can understand them.

Important point: Comments should be sufficiently informative. As statistics show, the greatest effect is achieved exclusively by messages containing from 100 to 119 characters. If the comment is longer, not everyone will want to read it. If we are talking about a shorter length, then there is nothing special to read (in other words, there is nothing to like).

Engage in the gradual development of loyalty to yourself and your public pages. A user who is treated with sympathy and respect always deserves trust from other subscribers. They also trust what he writes. How can you quickly earn the trust of your own audience?

This can be achieved through an educational and meaningful competition with valuable rewards for the winners. A non-greedy and creative person always arouses sympathy among others.

As few negative reviews as possible. It doesn’t matter what the matter is - be it a specific situation, a person, and so on. Never speak badly about your interlocutor. You should not do this in front of others, as they will definitely evaluate such behavior and draw their own (disappointing for you) conclusions.

Before making a comment (if it has a negative connotation), be sure to put yourself in the shoes of another person (someone who may not like your post). And if you understand that your message will lead to offence, it would be better to redo it.

Affect the pride of other users. Before you start testing these methods, be sure to conduct an evaluative analysis of your own audience. Divide it into several opposing groups: wealthy - insolvent, by gender, and by other various categories. Have you decided? Now launch a message or viral graphic photo with humorous propaganda - that one half has an advantage over the other. Be sure to do this in the form of a joke so that no one gets offended by you. If you do everything correctly, you can get a decent amount of VK likes. In addition, you are guaranteed to receive hundreds (or even thousands) of emotional messages under the posted post.

Don't overuse promotional materials?

Keep the amount of advertising content to a minimum. According to experts, the ratio should be 80% to 20%. In other words, most published information should not contain advertising. Only 20% allow you to lightly advertise a specific product or service. Today, advertising cannot attract anyone - on the contrary, it only scares away potential clients and users.

Create interesting pages

When filling out your profile, use conciseness and volume. Even if the page is fake, the information on it should look real. This is an extremely important point - especially when strangers interested in the post try to find out who wrote it. A fictional personality is unlikely to get many likes.

When posting, use your own name, not your brand name. Do not publish a message on behalf of the VKontakte public.

Find out your audience's interests

Try to give visitors what they want to see from you. Thanks to this approach, you can collect a lot of likes. At the same time, selecting such information is not an easy procedure. We give you the following advice: look through comment feeds, look for what interests people. Try to answer their questions briefly, but at the same time fully.

Earning your first likes is always very difficult. So here you can take the help of your loved ones and family - ask them to like first. After this, other users will follow.

Sending offers to like friends. To get likes on any post or image, write a short message consisting of approximately the following information: “Hello! Please, study the first post on my wall (or the main photo of my profile) and like it. Thank you very much in advance!" You can include other information in the message, the most important thing is that it is clear to the recipient what exactly you need from him.

After composing such a message, copy it and send it to each of your friends. The number of people can be unlimited. At the same time, do not forget about the following important point: if the system considers that you are sending spam, you will be blocked (and you will have to restore access to your page). How can this be avoided? Just send different notifications to your friends. You don’t need to change everything in the text - just add something new (for example, some kind of emoticon). You can also rearrange certain words in a sentence (that is, write it in different words).

Another method that allows you to get likes on VKontakte is this is spam mailing in any popular public page. Create a message with motivating text so that users want to view one or another of your posts or images (and rate it). Leave this message in the comments to any post in the group. This group must have more than 10,000 subscribers. If there are fewer subscribers, this method will have no effect.

It has not been possible for a long time to use auto-liking for free – the program that gives you likes is paid. So you won’t be able to do without expenses here. What does this process look like? After the profile is connected to auto-liking, the system begins to monitor the appearance of new posts. Next, there is an automatic increase in likes.

In other words, immediately after you post a new photo or video, the program immediately gives you likes or views on your post. And the most important thing here is this: you will only need to do this once - for the very first time. After this, the program will independently scan your account and check whether there are new posts that need to be liked.

I like 0


How to get more likes and followers on Instagram?

Likes and other “ego strokes” on social networks make us happier. Don’t deny it, this has already been proven by scientists. So during the season of general vitamin deficiency and stress, you can try to lift your mood - and a little self-esteem - in a simple way: attract more subscribers to your favorite Instagram . And what is required for this, we will now tell you.

All these tips are not taken out of thin air: they are confirmed by some of the most famous Instagram “stars” and many photographers, so you can safely trust them. You will definitely have to work a little on your photos - just come to the park and take photos with a filter earlybird, as it turned out, not enough. But you can rest assured: nothing is impossible here.

Hint #1. Stick to the topic!

Truly successful accounts Instagram with millions of subscribers almost always have some kind of their own theme: a designer can post photos from the backstage of fashion shows; a successful decorative cook - pictures of the wonders he makes from rice and beans; in the traveler's account you will find photos from Paris, Portugal and Peru; there are just very creative accounts, and of course, many “ personal pages» cats and dogs.

For example, Tuna, a small Chihuahua with an overbite, is a real star. She has 850,000 followers and her owner, Dasher ( @tunameltsmyheart) even have to go on tour with her to meet fans. Dasher posts photos of Tyuna every day, while combining the good old “ Tyuna is sleeping" or " Tyuna and her teeth"with more interesting and artistic photos, periodically interspersed with fan art. This account is a great example of a well-developed theme and a well-maintained schedule. Which, in fact, brings us to the next point.

Hint #2. Everything is on schedule.

It is very important to let your subscribers know when they can expect your new masterpiece. If you decide to post photos once a day, let it be once a day. The audience quickly gets used to a certain rhythm. You cannot gain loyal followers and admirers if you post photos once a week (especially if there are a lot of them at once) and then disappear for a couple of weeks.

In addition, it is advisable to take into account the time of greatest interest of readers throughout the day. For example, you can post new photos during the day on weekdays, when most people are bored at work. But at six in the morning it’s better not to post anything - few people are ready to surf the Internet at such an early hour.

Another good time is after dinner. After work and a hearty meal, many of us turn to social networks to relax and not bother ourselves with anything.

And, of course, Instagrammers really like all the holidays - Halloween, New Year, May Day. Everyone loves to see how everyone else celebrates this or that event.

However, you shouldn’t get carried away and throw in dozens of photos a day - you risk getting bored with your subscribers by the fifth time.

Hint #3. Don't be boring.

If people want to see your cute, ever-frowning kitten on your account, maybe you shouldn't show them your morning soy latte. However, giving people what they want doesn't mean posting the same (or very similar) photos of sunsets or cityscapes one after another.

Audiences need diversity.

Tip #4. Interesting hashtags.

It is through hashtags that unfamiliar Instagrammers will see your photo, but not all hashtags are equally useful - and not all will attract people to come to your page again. Expertstend to refrain from simple tags - like#cat or #Love, because your photo may simply get lost among millions of the same ones. Instead, come up with your own interesting tag that matches your theme or relates to a specific project. And then this will be your personal tag by which you will be recognized. An excellent example is the hashtags of Nika Belotserkovskaya, which can now be seen even off the Internet -. As you can see, tags with a sense of humor literally bring great results.

By the way, there is a secret tag - #nofilter or #without a filter. Photos with this tag have been proven to get 10% more likes than others, even if a filter has definitely been applied. This is how human psychology works!

And never - do you hear? never! - don't use tag #drunk- studies have shown that it can reduce the number of likes by as much as 40%!

Tip #5. Everything is good in moderation.

Tags are, of course, a great way to attract new subscribers, but they should be interesting and directly related to the photo. An excess of hashtags raises suspicions: either the owner of the account is a robot, or this person just doesn’t have enough likes to the point of tears, and he really really wants to gain more subscribers. In addition, many tags create ripples that are unpleasant to the eye.

By the way, the optimal number is the “magic number” 7. And if you want to know which tags in a certain category are the most popular, welcome to

Hint #6. Communicate with your audience.

Even if you are not a slave to the almighty “like”, it is better to respond to your subscribers. Try to respond to comments, even if they are in a different language. Let your subscribers know that you appreciate them!

Hint #7. Take good photos.

It is not surprising that the accounts of professional photographers are very popular: these people know how to take beautiful pictures. And you need to shoot with your mobile phone just as carefully as you would with an expensive DSLR camera.

However, you don’t have to be a professional to create quality content. Good photographs are often taken intuitively. Is the subject in focus? Do the colors go well together and contrast each other at the same time? Any interesting angles? Is there something in the photo that people would like to see? Then everything is fine.

And for those who want to learn the basics of photography and the basic rules of constructing a great photo, there are a lot of interesting articles on the Internet.

Hint #8. Process photos.

Don't limit yourself to the filters offered Instagram- to give your pictures additional charm, there are a lot of third-party programs, both paid and free: these are, for example, VSCO CAM, Snapseed, Fotor And Afterlight.

Hint #9. Let them talk about you!

No good account exists in a vacuum. Most famous Instagrammers somehow “lit up” in other places: on the page Explore, in other accounts or, if they are very lucky, even in " List of suggested users».

Well, someone was lucky enough to have personal acquaintance with people working in Instagram, but if you don’t have such friends, don’t be sad - there’s a chance. Maybe your video with a funny pet will acquire “viral” status and spread all over the Internet, as was the case with the dog Tyuna. Or maybe an interesting hashtag will lead to you the owner of an account on a certain topic, who will repost your photo to his popular photo blog.

The main thing is to be interesting!

Hint #10. More quality selfies.

Oddly enough, selfie get 38% more likes than other photos. However, here you also need to find interesting options. It is your face, even if it is not absolutely perfect, that can acquire the same “viral” status and make you popular. There are even several rules for this.

Firstly, there is "correct" colors, which are relevant not only for selfies, but also for other photographs. Photos in cool colors, such as lots of blue or green, and photos with beige tones get much more likes than photos in warm colors, be it red, yellow or pink.

Secondly, as we already said, the tag #without a filter- the best of its kind, even if in reality it is not. High contrast filters are also very popular Toaster, Mayfair, Sutro And Hefe.

Thirdly, you can also use “cheat” hashtags - for example #follow, #followforfollow And #likeforlike. It’s sad, but such an overt call to give the coveted like or subscribe works, increasing the number of likes by about 5%.

Fourth, choose the right angle and lighting. Go outside! This is where you can catch soft light - especially in the morning or evening. And if a friend is filming you, ask him to sit down and choose an interesting angle to shoot. A photo taken from below will lengthen your legs and make you look slimmer and more impressive.

May the likes be with you! But seriously, let your self-esteem not depend on the number of admirers on social networks, and their presence will only be an additional bonus to a truly rich life.

So, today we will talk to you about how to get a lot of VK likes. The thing is that now this object is very important for modern users. That is why they begin to look for ways to help them get what they want. Let us quickly begin to consider our issue from all sides.

What is this?

But before you get a lot of “VK” likes, you should generally have an idea about this object. After all, it is always important to understand what we will be dealing with in the future.

The thing is that “like” translated from English means “to love”, “to like”. In social networks, this object represents something like an expression of sympathy or approval. This is a kind of indicator of popularity. That is, the more likes, the more popular and better the user. So most visitors to social networks think about how to get a lot of likes on VK. Let's help them figure out what's what.


Let's start with perhaps the most complex, but nevertheless very interesting approach. The point is that only your surroundings can help you answer the question of how to get a lot of VK likes. We have already realized that our current object is nothing more than a sign of approval.

In order to achieve popularity, you will have to try hard. The first thing you may need is to know the interests of your profile visitors. If you have the relevant data, then simply publish useful and interesting posts, pictures and photographs. They will definitely be appreciated.

If you are thinking about how to get a lot of “VK” likes on your ava, then you will have to turn to a good photographer. He will be able to take beautiful pictures that can be displayed as an avatar. Successful work will definitely bring you popularity.

Don't have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends

Well, here’s another way that will help you figure out how to get a lot of VK likes. If you have a lot of people on your friends list, then you can simply ask them to rate your post/avatar/photo and so on. Everyone who just clicks on the “heart” will bring you one like.

In cases where the user’s friend list is not very large, you can turn to your friends’ friends for help. This is also far from the most successful and successful approach, but it is legal. You don't have to worry about the consequences. That's all. Now you know how to get a lot of likes on VK. But let's find out a couple more successful and popular approaches to solving the problem. Fortunately, there are a lot of them now. Any user can choose what suits his taste.


Now we will take you on higher quality and popular approaches. The thing is that if you are thinking about how to get a lot of likes on VK, then you can use the so-called cheating. This service is now offered by many sites that promote web resources.

You will have to find the artist and then contact him. Discuss all the nuances: the timing of the service, what exactly needs to be assessed, as well as payment. Give the artist the address of the photo or post you want to make popular, and then just wait.

In fact, cheating will happen in the following way: your performer places tasks on the topic of putting likes in specialized programs or on hosting services. There, users accept a task, complete it, and receive payment, albeit a small one. In truth, you can try to publish similar problems yourself. The main thing is to know where to do it. That's it. Now you know how to get a lot of VK likes.


True, there is one last scenario. It involves the use of specialized programs that help us gain popularity with literally one click on the appropriate button. Let's get to know them.

If you are thinking about how you can get a lot of likes on VK, then try using specialized programs. Find, download and install content, then get started. For example, you can use “VKontakte Likes”.

As soon as you install this content, you will have to log in to it. This is done by entering your username and password on the social network. Next, a menu will appear in front of you in which you can select the action to be performed. Click on “Get likes”, and then select an object (or rather, insert the object’s address into the appropriate window) that you want to make popular. After you complete the task, you will have to click on “Crank” (or something like that) and wait for the results.

However, if you decide to try this method, then you should be prepared for the fact that your account may simply be hacked. Often, programs that offer to cheat votes, likes, and so on are nothing more than real viruses. After authorization, you will no longer be able to visit your VKontakte profile. So be careful when thinking about how to get a lot of likes on VK.