Make an animated gif. How to put a GIF image on a simple picture in Photoshop

Hello, friends! In this article we will understand how to make GIF animation different ways. From simple pictures and videos, using online services and using various free programs.

With the development of animation, cartoons appeared that almost everyone watched, are watching and will continue to watch. Further development led to the appearance of films along with animation. A great example of this is Who Framed Roger Rabbit. With the development of technology, computer animation appeared, which brought films and cartoons to a whole new level. In this article we will learn how to create simple GIF animations.

The good thing about this method is that you don’t need to download and/or install additional programs.

There are many services for creating GIF animation. I tried three of them on myself and of these three I liked

Go to the service website and use the Add Frames button to upload images.

If you added several images at once, they may be in the wrong order. To fix this, hover your mouse over the image you want to move. An icon appears in the upper left corner of the image; by clicking with the mouse, you can place the image in another place in the queue.

A cross also appears in the upper right corner of the image, allowing you to delete the image.

Under each picture there is a field with a number. This is the duration of the frame in seconds. The default is 1 second. The duration can be changed by clicking on this field and using the slider to set the required time or using the keyboard to set the required duration.

You can customize transition effects between frames. To do this, click on the crossed out circle icon between the images and select the desired effect in the menu that opens.

After selecting an effect, the duration of this effect will be available, which can also be configured.

In the center you can edit the selected frame. Editing capabilities include adding various shapes to images. You can set a caption inside these shapes. There are two fonts to choose from. The latter can be chosen in any size, made bold and/or italic.

You can set the colors for the background, text, and shape borders.

The following options are available on the right side of the animation editing window.

Size. It is possible to set the size of the animation. From the drop-down list, select the one you need or select Customize... and in the pop-up window set the required size.

The larger the animation size, the greater the weight of the GIF file.

GIF animation created.

From the video

To make a GIF animation from a video, you will need to install some software. I like it iWisoft Free Video Converter. You can download this free program from the official website

Download, install and run.

In the window that opens, you see the original video on the left, and what you get will be on the right. Using the scale below the timeline, you can limit the duration of your animation. I need a small piece from the video that is selected in the picture.

Using the frame in the original video window, you can select the part of the frame that you want to see in your animation. You can configure a bunch of effects if necessary.

The folder with our animation immediately opens. I got a GIF file of 33 MB in size, despite the fact that the original video weighs< 19 МБ).

From online video

Paste the link to the YouTube video into the field and click Show video.

You can select any 10 seconds in the video to create a GIF animation. This is set by dragging the slider on the scale below the video.

The start and end times of the animation can be precisely specified manually. To do this, click on the link “ enter time manually“And we ask.

If you select Advanced mode creating a GIF, you can additionally set the width of the animation by moving the slider.

When everything is ready, click Continue.

This is how easy it is to create Gif animation online from a YouTube video.


There is a simple program that allows you to create GIF animations. You can download it from the link

The main features of the utility are described there in English.

The program does not require installation. Download the archive, unpack it and run it GifCam.exe

A program window opens that will capture what you want to see in your GIF animation.

The task arose to create gifs on a specific topic.
The fact is that banners and teasers work best when animated. Selling a real product is easiest if the buyer visually sees the advertised products. Therefore, it is best to make such banners from reviews of the desired product. Fortunately, there are probably dozens of reviews on Youtube for the product you need.

The simplest and most convenient way to make your own GIFs for advertising purposes is to generate them from videos.

By the way, these may not necessarily be promotional materials. Animated GIF images also work very well in the design of regular articles. After all, people get stuck in good and interesting gifs. This means they stay on the page longer and study it. What directly affects, and therefore the

By the way, this is a great way to decorate an article with unique images. There are not so many simple ways to get them on the Internet. Here are a few of them: . And using gifs is an excellent and interesting practice that has a positive effect on the reader’s perception of the content.

How to easily make a GIF image for advertising, banners and teasers?

We just go to YouTube, look for a suitable video, watch it, select a few seconds of video that shows the footage we need.

Now you need a service. There are many such services, but some of them are very inconvenient, some are paid. I tried dozens of different services, and found the most convenient one, which allows you to select the desired fragment with an accuracy of tenths of a second. And thus create clear animation, without unnecessary frames. Many services allow you to select a fragment only using sliders, which make it quite difficult to adjust the beginning and duration of a fragment with such precision

Services from Google's top showed not the best tools for this. On the first one, I could not load the video at all, and on the second I could not accurately select the desired fragment with the slider.

Service for creating GIF from video

We indicate the required fragment. It is very convenient that you can preview and select the desired frames with an accuracy of tenths of a second. After previewing the animated image, you can change the borders. And do this for as many iterations as you like.

The service is simple and convenient, it works quickly.

But that is not all. After all, the entire fragment from the video is not always suitable for us. Often you need to further process it - add some effects, captions or trim the GIF. Yes, the same black borders, or cut off the watermark of the service itself. This service cannot do this. Fortunately, there are many others. And again you have to choose among them. Therefore, we go to another service that allows us to do this conveniently.

How to crop a GIF or add text to it?

For this, the most convenient service turned out to be and its GIF cropping function - crop

Here, simply select the desired part of the animated image with the mouse and click Crop IT. And again, we have a preview available. If you are not satisfied with the option, you can change the boundaries. As a result, you can cut out an animated banner in any suitable format.

Apply caption to GIF animation

Create Gif from Video Using Google Chrome Browser Extension

A small tutorial about how you can create GIF animation online, without installing programs. You only have to install one small extension for our beloved Google Chrome. And we will take the video for creating GIFs from the video hosting site Warning: All those who started spitting at the sight of the name of the Chrome browser, please move away from the screen - this article is not for you.

What is all this for? You can just have fun, you can insert these same gifs into your blog, or you can fill your social network page with them. Just for fun, I recently created a GIF animation from a video about cat antics and posted it in a thematic group on Google+. The result is that the picture received about 400 pluses and more than 80 shares in less than two days.

People love this kind of content, why not take advantage of it? If you are a blogger and write articles in which you can’t get away with stories alone, but need to show something, then you can shoot a video or make a screencast, post it on YouTube and make gifs from parts of the video. This whole thing can be built in using code, so you don’t have to worry about space on your hosting. But it’s better to talk about everything in order.

As always, I like to stretch the rubber a little. Let me get started already. I’ll say right away that I tested this extension only with YouTube videos, although, according to the creators of this useful add-on for the browser, everything should also work with Vimeo. But you can check it yourself if you want.

Then let's start creating a GIF animation. It's really very easy to do. But first, you'll need to agree to some things. Don't be alarmed, you just need to go to
and agree to participate in testing the HTML5 player. If you are not satisfied with something, then in the future you can always come back and refuse.

After this simple manipulation, all you have to do is download the extension for the Chrome browser (it’s called MakeGIF Video Capture) and find a suitable video. You can choose absolutely any video on YouTube - it doesn’t matter whether it’s yours or not. Have you chosen? Then click on play and then click on the extension button in the minbox. Unfortunately, this extension cannot boast of rich settings and effects. The most you can do is adjust the quality of the animation, the maximum number of frames (up to 1000) and the size of the picture. You can also insert some simple text, and also make the animation play backwards (often this is much funnier and more interesting).

So, select the desired moment in the video and click on start. During the process, you can press pause and omit unnecessary things. When the moment you decided to capture has come to an end, press stop. And it doesn’t matter if you come across extra frames. You can simply cut them out.
If the animation is ready, you can download it to your computer or send it to the online service The second option is much more attractive because it opens up additional opportunities for you. Which? I'll tell you now.

Thus, with the help of the MakeGIF Video Capture extension and the website, you get two useful tools for creating GIF animation online, without installing programs on your PC. As far as I know, there are quite a lot of similar services on the Internet. Brag if you suddenly know something better.

Author Julia
Next - the author's words
When you make a collage or a postcard in Photoshop, sometimes you don’t want to do the animation yourself. It’s easier to find a ready-made glitter or animation, such pictures are saved in gif format, we save a regular static picture in ipeg, ipg format. And now I will tell you how you can combine these two formats. Those who have been doing Photoshop for a long time know perfectly well how to do it. My lesson for beginners.

So, the lesson is How to put a GIF image on a simple picture in Photoshop.

Open the picture in Photoshop to which you would like to transfer the gif image. I took a picture with flowers. Don’t forget to remove the lock in the layers, double-click on the lock with the left mouse button and click OK in the window that opens.

I found a butterfly in GIF format, I open the picture in Photoshop.

We see that the butterfly image has a lot of layers, so as not to destroy the animation, we will not be able to drag the butterfly while standing on one of the layers. This means we need to drag all layers at once. We go to the first layer, it should be active, press the Shift key on the keyboard and left-click on the top layer. What do we see?

All our layers are blue, i.e. active. Using the move tool, we drag the butterfly onto the picture with flowers. We left-click on the first layer of the butterfly and now we only have 1 animation layer active.

Now we need the butterfly to move. To do this, open the animation window. The eye in the picture and on layer 1 are open. We have an active animation layer, on all other layers the eye is turned off. We set the time in the animation, mine is 0.2 seconds.

And then we do this: 1 layer in the animation and the eye is open on 1 layer in the layers panel. Add a layer to the animation by clicking on the leaf below, we have a 2nd layer of animation - close the eye on the 1st layer in layers and open the eye on the 2nd layer, add a layer to the animation - close the eye on the 2nd layer and open it on the 3rd and in the same way We continue on all layers, add a layer in the animation, close the eye in the layers on the previous layer, and open it on the new one. I think the principle is clear.

You've done everything, run the animation and see if everything is fine, save it for the Web. I got it like this

Our lesson - How to put a GIF image on a simple picture in Photoshop is finished. You now know how to move images in gif format to images in ipeg, ipg format. If you have any difficulties, please ask.

And thanks for stopping by!

To create GIF animation from your photos, select photos from the top feed of your album (if you are logged in on the site), or upload from your computer disk. In the bottom ribbon of the application, you will find templates GIF animations. By clicking on any template, you will see in the central part of the application what your final design will look like. GIF animation. Gifs divided into sections to make it easier for you to find the animation you need.

How to change a photo in hyphanimations? - Each template has several frames in which your photos alternate, the number of photos in gif animations limited for each template. The photos that are currently used in the animation are located below, under your photos. They differ in size, and their number is strictly specified by the template. gif animations. The current frame in which the photo is changed is marked with an arrow. It automatically changes to the next one if you select a photo for that animation frame. That is, when you select a photo from a photo album, or upload it from a computer, it falls into the frame that is marked with an arrow in the frames feed GIF animations.

When you have uploaded photos and selected the desired animation template and are satisfied with the result, you can create and save the resulting animation press the “Finish” button. Generating the animation takes a little time, wait, after which the application will give you the opportunity to save the GIF animation to disk. I hope you like our application and you will come to the site to create a cool GIF animation. If you have any questions or suggestions about about the application, write in the comments (for now only for users of and, or in the “Reviews and comments” section (see bottom right).

Many users may need to create a short GIF video that can be used as an avatar on various forums to demonstrate frames that are meaningful to a person, as well as other similar tasks. To create a GIF from existing images, you can turn to the capabilities of special tools (both stationary and network), which can help in creating a GIF file of the size and quality we need. After several weeks of working with the gif format, I will tell you about the best ways to make a gif from photos (), and what tools will help us with this.

At the moment, there are three main ways to make a GIF file from the photos we have. They are as follows:

Let's take a closer look at each of these methods.

The best services to make beautiful GIF online

  • is a Russian-language resource in which the installation of gifs is based on templates standard for such services. You go to this resource, upload photos to it in the correct sequence. Next, specify the interval between frames in milliseconds, the pixel dimensions of the GIF animation in height and width, the ability to loop the video, and select various effects. Then click on the “Create” button and download the resulting gif to your computer;
  • is another Russian-language resource, work with which is based on template patterns for resources of this type. You upload pictures to create a gif animation, set the animation settings, then click on “Download GIF” and save the result;
  • is an English-language resource for creating GIF videos. Working with it is no different from analogues - upload a photo (if necessary, click on “Add one more picture” to upload more photos), select the video size (Size), image display speed (Speed), and click on “Create Animation”, then save the result on your PC;

Stationary programs for creating GIFs

Among the computer programs that will allow you to assemble a GIF from high-quality photos, you can note such popular tools as “Photoshop” and “Gimp”. Composing a GIF file using these professional solutions requires a good command of the functionality of these programs (working with layers, resizing images, etc.).

You can also note simpler software solutions like “Unfreez”, “Easy GIF Animator”, “GIF Movie Gear” and other analogues that you can search on the Internet. The specifics of their work are not very different from the functionality of the mobile services described above - you upload the photos you need into such a program, specify the parameters of the future GIF, and create it by clicking on the appropriate button.

The Easy GIF Animator program will allow you to create a GIF from the photos you have.

Mobile programs for mounting GIFs

Another way to make GIFs from photos is to use mobile applications, the level “GifBoom”, “5Second App”, “GIF Camera”, “GIF Camera” and other analogues for Android, iOS, Windows Phone.

Setting up GIF settings in the GIF Camera app

Working with them usually involves selecting several photos for a GIF that are already in the phone’s memory, or taking a photo for a GIF using the phone’s camera (shooting). After loading the necessary images into the application, all that remains is to specify a number of parameters for converting the gif (dimensions, frame rate, looping of the video, and so on), then carry out the conversion process itself and get the result.


In this article, I looked at the creation of animated gifs from photos, and the tools that can help us with this. The simplest and most convenient option is to use network services that will create the GIF you need in a couple of clicks, and then save it on your PC. The use of desktop and mobile programs is justified if more extensive processing of basic photos and the formation of a gif file is necessary, which in most cases is not necessary.

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