Javascript programming for dummies. Category Archives: Books on JavaScript

Web development is one of the simplest and therefore popular areas among novice programmers. Anyone is enough to work text editor and browser, there is no need to study algorithms at an advanced level, the result of each stage of writing a program is clear - in general, there are many advantages. A key skill in the context of web development is knowledge of JavaScript.

Nowadays JavaScript is developing very quickly, and therefore it is easy to get confused when learning the language. We offer you a well-structured curriculum that covers all the essential aspects of JavaScript and related technologies.

Why JavaScript?

It is worth noting the openness of the language - companies that usually compete with each other are collaborating to develop JavaScript. The language is very flexible and will suit supporters of both object-oriented and functional approach. A huge number of libraries and frameworks make it easy to solve any type of problem, and the Node.js server platform makes it possible to use the language not only in the browser, but also in the console. You can even write desktop and mobile applications: the first - using the Electron framework, and the second - using NativeScript or React Native.


First you need to learn the basic concepts of JavaScript, web development and programming in general:

  • object-oriented JS - constructors and factories, inheritance;
  • functional JS - functions higher order, closures, recursion;
  • Jasmine test specifications;
  • basics of HTML, CSS and jQuery.


Git is an essential tool for developers, so get started with it as early as possible. Here are the basic skills you should have:

  • creating and moving files in directories;
  • initialization and commits in Git;
  • setting up repositories in GitHub.

Algorithms and data structures

Then it is worth studying algorithms (in particular, the concept of complexity of algorithms), as well as basic structures data: linked lists, queues, stacks, binary search trees and hash tables. This will help you.



10 years ago JavaScript could only be used for front-end development. Now, thanks to Node.js, the matter is not limited to one “front”. Node is just a framework for running JS code on the server side, so you don't have to learn new syntax, but you will need to import and export files, break the code into modules, and use the npm package manager.

Servers, HTTP, Express.js

After learning Node, it's worth continuing your acquaintance with backend development and understanding servers and routing. You can start with ports and protocols with an emphasis on HTTP, and then move on to Express, a Node library for processing requests.

Asynchronous JavaScript

Databases, schemas, models and ORMs

Databases are one of the most important elements of web development. If your application needs to load or store any data that is not lost when the page is refreshed, you will have to use a database. You need to learn to distinguish between relational and non-relational databases and understand the types of relationships. Then get to know different people. The ability to work with ORM will also not be superfluous.



HTML and CSS are the foundation of any web developer. You don't have to know them perfectly, but you should understand them. You can also explore a popular library (for example, Bootstrap) and a CSS preprocessor like Sass - it will help make CSS look like regular code. To simplify working with HTML, you can choose one of the popular template engines, for example, pug.

jQuery and DOM manipulation

Once you've created the look and feel of your page using HTML and CSS, you'll use jQuery library for DOM manipulation. Many people think that jQuery is useless and will soon be replaced by Angular and React, but it is insanely popular and therefore worth knowing. In addition, one day you will find yourself in a situation where it will be inconvenient for you to hammer nails with a React microscope, and then lightweight jQuery will come to your aid.

Chrome Developer Tools

It would be unforgivable to neglect the Chrome tools that provide great amount opportunities. With them you can examine DOM elements, debug via the console, trace routes, and much more. Several convenient features are described Chrome console, which will simplify the execution of routine tasks.


If you want your application to not reload pages after every database operation, you'll definitely need AJAX - it sends background asynchronous HTTP requests, the responses to which only update part of the display. You can work with AJAX through jQuery using the .ajax method.

Advanced Topics

Test Driven Development

Or TDD is a development technique in which software creation is divided into many small cycles: first, tests are written that cover the desired change, then code is written that passes these tests. After this, the code is refactored, and new tests are written if necessary. If a section of code fails some tests, this is corrected.


This topic is worth attention Special attention because they are very useful. The WebSocket protocol, unlike HTTP, allows for bidirectional data flow, which makes this technology unique. The most common implementation is the library - understanding it and applying the acquired skills in practice will help you create a multiplayer browser game.

ES6, Babel, Webpack

Currently, the main standard is ES6 (ES2015), but ES2016 has already been adopted, and ES2017 is in development, so you need to always be aware of updates and use them. Compatibility problems can be solved with just a couple of tools:

  • Babel - compiles ES6 code (ES2016 support coming soon) to ES5, which is supported by all browsers. It even knows how to compile JSX/React components, which makes it indispensable for any web developer;
  • Webpack - collects all your source files(pictures, fonts, style sheets, JS files, etc.) into a single dependency graph. It won't be useful when creating small applications, but when working with React its help is invaluable.

React and Redux

React - library for creating user interfaces. She was created by Facebook in 2013 and quickly became popular among developers. You should read and then disassemble to understand how React works and what it does. React is useful not only for front-end development: Facebook has released versions of the framework for mobile (React Native) and VR development (React VR).

Redux is a predictable state container commonly used in conjunction with React. It can be used to shorten code due to its modularity. Particularly useful in real-time, multi-user applications such as games.

Authentication, sessions, cookies

You should also understand how applications interact with users, process login account and exit from it, they give out privileges. Cookies are used to track the user's identity during the session - small ones text files, sent by the server to the browser in response to an HTTP request. And to ensure the connection between the database and authorization pages, you can use the express-session library.

Web Security

And finally, you should pay attention to safety. It is important to learn both attack methods and ways to defend against them.

Hi all! In this article we will look at 6 JavaScript Learning Tips to Help You Master It Faster.

When people try to study JavaScript or some other skill, they often face the same problems.

  • Some points may be confusing, especially if you are coming from a different programming language
  • It's hard to find the time (and sometimes the motivation) to study
  • Once you understand something, it's easy to forget it
  • Tools are changing so quickly that it's hard to know where to start.

Fortunately, these problems can be solved. In this article, I'm going to introduce you to 6 tips that will help you learn JavaScript faster and become a happier, more productive programmer.

1. Don't let future decisions stop you from growing now.

Many beginners study JavaScript wondering which framework to start using. But, if you still don’t know clean JavaScript, then it is wrong to ask such a question. You will spend all your time searching for different frameworks rather than moving forward in your development.

One way to solve this problem is to have a list of what you need to learn. For example, to become a front-end developer, your list should look like this:

  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • A little JQuery
  • Perhaps some kind of framework
  • Basics GitHub
  • A little WordPress
  • Hosting

Having studied all this, you will be able to create a functional page only with the help of html And css. Having a list like this will make it easier for you to understand what you need to study now and avoid wasting time on what you should study later.

2. Don't let yourself forget what you've already learned.

Learning something too quickly can be one of the most destructive things in your learning. JavaScript. Let me explain.

When you read something and immediately understand it, you may be tempted to start studying something further immediately. Perhaps you will understand and next topic and start studying the next one. But soon you will reach a point where you realize that you have forgotten some of the previous topics and you need to go back and remember it. You quickly skim the previous topic to refresh your memory and move on. But now you realize again that you forgot something. You continue this back and forth dance until you realize that you are completely lost. You get discouraged, take a break, and then, when you decide to continue studying, you realize that you have completely forgotten everything.

Luckily there are several simple steps to solve this problem:

  • Limit the amount of material you study at one time
  • Practice - Write Code

Once you have learned a topic, immediately practice it, feel comfortable writing code, and even try to combine this topic with previous ones you have already studied.

3. Approach your practice the right way

Many people find practice boring, so they try to skip it or cut it short. If you do this, you will have to study JavaScript much longer. But how can you make the practice fun so you'll want to do it?

Try this:

What if you studied new topic By JavaScript, but haven't practiced? How will you feel? Personally, I would be upset. It's the same as if a child were bought a new toy but not allowed to play with it.

When you study something in JavaScript, imagine that you are playing with new toy, a car, a pair of shoes or anything else you like.

Perceiving the study of something in game form, you will gain knowledge faster, you will remember it longer and it will be a joy to you.

4. Find time to code using the Facebook trick

One of the most common problems the problem that people have is that they cannot find time to program, but the same people very often spend time on sites like Facebook, YouTube, Wikipedia or Reddit. Whether this applies to you or not, you will still find something to learn here.

I actually had a time when all I wanted to do was sit in Facebook, but I didn't spend hours there. How did this happen? And this happened because I did not intend to stay there for long. Starting to work on something is the hardest part, so keeping the initial commitment makes it easier for me. If someone asked me if I was willing to spend hours in Facebook, I would answer no, because I don't have time for that. I prefer to go there to check something quickly, that's all.

The good news is that you can use this method when learning programming. Don't commit to spending hours writing code because then you'll never have time for it. Just tell yourself that you are going to try some code for three minutes and you will never look for time to practice again.

5. Think slower and you'll learn faster

This is counterintuitive, so I'll explain it with a story.

A friend of mine was once confused about something JavaScript. I asked him to tell me what he knew and then explain what part of it he didn't understand. As soon as he went through the code, I realized he was in a hurry.

"Wait!" – I told him. "Take your time and tell me every step of this code."

My friend proceeded to talk to me about code in general.

I stopped him again. "You're still in a hurry. Try again, but this time go through each line of code and tell me what's going on here."

This time my friend explained the code much better. The point is that he took the time to look at and understand every line of code, rather than trying to figure out what's going on right away.

IN similar cases It's really better to think slower and you will learn faster.

6. Write complex code in simple language

If a piece of code seems complicated or unfamiliar, write it in first in simple language. This way you can figure out what you want the code to do before you write it. Here are two advantages of this approach:

  • Your code will be easier and faster to write because you won't have to stop periodically to think about how you want it to behave
  • You'll find errors before they happen because you'll have a clear idea of ​​what the code should do


We've looked at a bunch of ways to help you learn JavaScript faster, but you can apply them to other skills as well. Here summary what we looked at:

  • Stop worrying about future decisions and dive in now
  • Make practice fun by introducing new skills like new toys.
  • Find time for programming the same way you find time for social media. networks
  • Take your time, take things gradually and you will learn faster

How do you feel about studying? Do you have any tips and tricks that weren't covered in this article? Or maybe you think that this is all nonsense and the only correct way is to sit and study 12 hours a day. Either way, I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

2 votes

Hello, dear readers. While someone is heartbrokenly looking for something else to save on in order to maintain their level of well-being, smart people invest in themselves. They have long realized that knowledge of technology can make good money.

How exactly? I have about 100 blog articles dedicated to this. For example, "" or "". What can we say about those who are planning to do something serious? Computer literacy among the population is growing, and with it the amount of educational materials. All that remains is to find the best ones.

Today we will talk about JavaScript lessons for beginners. Knowing this programming language, you can already look for clients and earn money. For some, this will be the next step to success in the IT industry.

From today's article you will learn where you can learn to code, get a hint on how to do it as efficiently and quickly as possible, or for free. Each person has their own priorities, so I will try to fulfill everyone's hopes of finding something useful in this publication.

Contrary to custom, I won’t beat around the bush for too long. There is a lot of information. Let's get started.

Free JavaScript classes

The financial issue for many beginning programmers is of paramount importance. This is quite logical. The Internet was originally created as a knowledge base in which everyone can find information of interest. “Why do I suddenly have to pay?” is a completely natural question.

Unfortunately, the answer to this is also simple – quality. There are too few talented and unselfish people in our country who are ready to give their time for free, but don’t be upset.

Fortunately, there are all sorts of promotions, bonuses and courses created to increase the PR of developers. Little-known schools create materials, but at first, for the sake of feedback and reviews, they are ready to provide them for free. You just need to get to the right place and find the best time for it. I managed to find a good option, which I am happy to share with you now.

If you don't know anything about JS (this is the worldwide abbreviation for JavaScript), I can suggest a selection of videos from YouTube. This is an introductory course for learning from scratch, created by online school Huxlet.

You can also get the course " Basics of programming » with tasks on the company’s official website. The 17 hours of training includes 27 lessons and 21 practical exercises.

Once the basics are learned, you can move on to next step « JS: preparation for work " Access is also free.

Naturally, I myself did not take this course, and therefore I cannot guarantee the quality and tell you about any features of the training. Huxlet appeared relatively recently and positions itself as an international team of specialists engaged in training people from scratch to professional level.

English-language texts, courses, references to familiar resources like Lifehacker and Habr inspire confidence. However, the main advantage, in my opinion, is that it is free.

Perhaps a little later the company will be able to prove itself, prove its importance in this world, show the level of specialists it produces and achieve fame, success and the like.

If you don’t want to waste time and study so much, you can “buy out” only the information related to JS: “JavaScript. Level one" and "JavaScript. Level two." True, I think that in this case I will have to forget about the internship. This information should be clarified with the developers.

That's basically it. I wish you all the best. Don't forget to subscribe to my VKontakte group to know a little more about making money on the Internet. Until next time.