The statistical observation program includes observation time. Statistical observation

Statistical observation - systematic scientifically based collection of data or information about socio-economic phenomena and processes.

Program statistical observation is called a list of indicators (signs) to be studied.

The program has a number of requirements:

  1. The program must contain essential features,

  2. If possible, directly characterize the phenomenon being studied, its type, main features, properties; the program should not include secondary issues;

  3. the program must provide for the collection of information that was not previously collected; the program should include questions that can be answered with objective and sufficiently accurate information;

  4. The program should include control questions that serve the purpose of verifying and clarifying the information collected.

Statistical observation is carried out according toprogram , where indicated

Purpose and objectives of observation;

Form and instructions are being developed;

Observation object– a set of socio-economic phenomena and processes that are subject to research.

Unit of observation is called a component of the object of observation, which serves as the basis for calculation and has characteristics that are subject to registration during observation.

Observation time

Surveillance body– a list of specific performers who prepare and conduct observation and are responsible for this work.

Observation location

Accuracy of statistical observation

When collecting statistical information, errors are possible when filling out forms, divided into random And systematic.

7. Development of a statistical form.

Observation form This is a lined sheet of paper that contains a list of program questions, consolidated places for recording answers to them, as well as for recording ciphers (codes) of answers.

Required elements of any form are the title and address parts.

The title part contains name of the SN, the name of the body conducting the surveillance is indicated, by whom and when this form was approved, the number assigned to it in common system forms of observations carried out by this statistical body.

IN address part provided recording the exact address of a unit or set of observation units and some other information about them.

Usually distinguish two statistical form systems: individual (card) and list and in accordance with this, a form card and a form list are allocated.

Blank card- a form intended for recording answers to program questions about only one unit of observation, and form-list – about several units of observation.

Instructions are provided for the observation form.

Instructions - a set of explanations and instructions for the statistical observation program.

Sometimes in the form after the question some options for possible answers to it are immediately given. The list of possible answers to the question posed is called statistical clue.

A hint could be:

complete if an exhaustive list of possible answers to the question is provided,

incomplete if only some of the possible answers are indicated.

Observation period this is the time during which observation units are registered by installed program.

The observation period is determined factors:

1. features of the object of observation;

2. scope and complexity of the surveillance program;

3. type of observation by source of information;

4. availability of personnel who can be involved in monitoring, their number and degree of qualification.

Observation period indicated by indicating the start and end dates of observation.

Statistical tools includes:

Instructions for conducting observations;

Forms of documents in which information and other media of primary information are entered (questionnaires, time sheets, reporting forms, census forms)

8. Organization of collection of statistical information.

The collection and synthesis of statistical data can be carried out by state statistics bodies, research institutes, economic services of banks, exchanges, and firms.

Stages of statistical data collection:

Observation preparation;

Conducting mass data collection;

Preparing data for automated processing;

Development of proposals for improving statistical work.

Preparation of statistical observation :

Determination of the purpose and object of research,

Composition of characteristics subject to registration,

Development of documents for data collection,

Selecting the reporting unit and the unit for which observation will be carried out,

As well as methods and means of obtaining data.

Determine the composition of the bodies conducting surveillance,

Select and prepare personnel for its implementation,

Draw up a work schedule for preparing, conducting and processing observation materials,

Replicate documents to collect data.

Conducting bulk data collection includes work directly related to filling out statistical forms.

Collected data at the stage of its preparation for automated processing subject to arithmetic and logical control. Both of these controls are based on knowledge of the relationships between indicators and qualitative characteristics.

On final stage carrying out works, the reasons that led to the incorrect filling out of statistical forms are analyzed, and proposals are developed to improve observation.

To coordinate the activities of all services involved in preparing and conducting observations, it is advisable to draw up a calendar plan, which is a list (name) of work and deadlines for their execution separately for each organization involved in conducting the survey.

Purpose of the statistical surveillance program- receiving reliable information to identify patterns of development of phenomena and processes of socio-economic life.

Observation object- a certain statistical population in which the socio-economic phenomena and processes under study occur (individual citizens, population, enterprises, property, natural resources).

Each object of observation consists of individual elements - units of observation, which are carriers of characteristics that are subject to registration.

The observation unit is the primary element of a statistical observation program. For example, the object of a population census is the totality of all residents of the country, and the unit of observation is each individual person.

Statistical Observation Program— a list of those registered during the observation process. This is a list of questions to which reliable answers must be obtained for each unit of observation.

Requirements for the statistical observation program:

  • The program must contain essential features that directly characterize the phenomena being studied.
  • The program should not include secondary issues that complicate the work of collecting information, processing and analyzing it.
  • The program should include control questions that serve the purpose of verifying and clarifying information.

An observation form is developed to record responses to the observation program questions.
Observation form- This is a specially generated form that contains a list of program questions. The statistical form must be easy to read, write and process. Instructions are drawn up for the forms, which explain in detail how to fill out the statistical form.

In the process of statistical observation, primary information is collected, which is then systematized, generalized and analyzed.

The success of the entire study depends on the quality of the primary information, so a number of requirements are imposed on the information:
1. Credibility- this corresponds to what actually is.
Reliability depends on:

  • Statistician - professional training, organizational skills, integrity.
  • Qualities of observation tools - observation program, form, instructions for filling out.

2. Comparability- comparability of data with past studies. Comparability is ensured by using the same units of measurement, observing at the same time and using a single methodology.

A statistical observation program is a list, a system of signs and questions on the basis of which the study of a given phenomenon is carried out. The quality of the collected material and its value largely depend on how well the observation program is developed. The specific content of the program depends on many factors - on the object of observation, on the goals and objectives of the study, on the completeness of coverage of population units, etc.

Statistical theory and practice have developed a number of principles and requirements for the correct construction of a statistical observation program. The main ones are the following:

1. An observation program should be developed only on the basis of a preliminary determination of the researcher’s initial theoretical positions in relation to the phenomenon being studied.

IN modern science A typical situation is when several approaches, theories, and concepts are expressed in relation to the same phenomenon: For example, on the problem of the causes of crime, the personality of the criminal. Therefore, it is impossible to build an observation program without a clear definition and selection of the most scientifically sound concept, from the researcher’s point of view. Otherwise, the research program is doomed to be superficial and unscientific.

2. It is necessary to select the most essential features that characterize
phenomenon being studied.

If the observed phenomenon is one that has been sufficiently studied, then the list of its most significant features is, as a rule, well known and clearly formulated.

If the phenomenon is poorly studied and the meaning of the study is to identify its essence (and the essential features themselves), then the observation program is only approximate, exploratory.

3. When selecting signs for observation, one should proceed from the need to consider signs and phenomena in their interrelation and mutual conditionality.

4. The statistical observation program should be developed in such a way as to ensure the possibility of obtaining the most reliable and complete information. This means that the program should not deliberately include signs for which it is impossible to obtain reliable information or for which there are serious reasons to doubt such a possibility. If necessary, the issue of reliability should be ensured special set techniques and ways to ensure it:
developing a system of mutually verifiable signs and questions, using information from similar regions or studies, expert assessments, careful study of documentation related to the topic, etc. It is necessary to carefully consider the sequence of asking questions and the possibility of their mutual verification, keeping in mind that this greatly simplifies the possibility logic control information received.

5. Simplicity, accuracy, etc. are important. unambiguousness of the selected textual formulations of questions and features, guaranteeing their uniform interpretation and understanding by all participants in the study.

6. It is necessary to ensure the comparability of the information obtained with data from statistical studies of previous periods, and possibly parallel studies. This does not mean that the programs must be identical, but it is assumed that they have at least some identical features or issues.

7. The successful construction of an observation program is also facilitated by the definition of the object of observation, the unit of observation, as well as a clear establishment of the goals and objectives of the statistical study.

A statistical observation program is often created in several stages: preparation of a version of the program; testing it on a small array; taking into account identified deficiencies; development of the second version of the program; new testing is possible, etc.

The statistical observation program always presents a single document or, in other words, a statistical form.

Statistical forms are forms of certain forms of accounting and reporting. In conditions machining observation results serve as information carriers technical means: punched cards, punched tapes, magnetic disks(tape, cards), etc.

There are two types of information carriers: individual and list forms.

An individual form contains information about one unit of the population (for example, a single statistical card for an identified crime (F. No. 1).

Banking statistics are involved in collecting, processing and analyzing information about economic and social processes in lending. It develops statistical observation programs, improves the system of indicators, the methodology for their calculation and analysis, and methods for statistical analysis of specific phenomena. Credit statistics also deals with generalizing information about lending, identifying patterns, studying the relationship between the use of credit resources and the efficiency of using working capital, etc.  

Statistical observation program. Every phenomenon has many characteristics. Collecting information on all characteristics is impractical and often impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to select those that are essential and fundamental to characterize the object based on the purpose of the study. To determine the composition of recorded characteristics, an observation program is developed.  

An observation program is a list of signs (or questions) to be recorded during the observation process. Typically the program is expressed in the form of questions on a census form or statistical form. The following requirements are imposed on the statistical observation program: it must contain essential features that directly characterize the phenomenon being studied, its type, main features and properties. The program's questions must be precise and unambiguous, otherwise the answer received may contain inaccurate information.  

If arithmetic check shows that this dependence is not fulfilled, this will indicate the unreliability of the collected data. Therefore, it is advisable to include in the statistical observation program indicators that make it possible to carry out arithmetic control.  

The list of characteristics whose values ​​need to be determined for each unit during the observation process is called a statistical observation program. To ensure uniform receipt of data from reporting units, the program is drawn up in a document called a reporting form, census form, or questionnaire.  

The value of the data obtained significantly depends on the quality of the statistical observation program. V.I. Lenin pointed out that correct program and ensuring background checks are two the most important conditions successful statistics 1.  

IN in a broad sense words, the statistical observation program, as already mentioned, includes the development of such questions as the object of observation, the unit of population, the unit of observation and a list of questions that form the basis for the preparation of statistical reporting forms and census forms.  

For example, in a population census, the unit of observation is each individual person. However, if the task is also to determine the number and composition of households, then the unit of observation, along with the person, will be each household. It was these two units of observation that were established during the microcensus of the population in 1994. Along with the determination of the unit of observation, an important aspect of statistical research is the development of a statistical observation program.  

The statistical summary is carried out according to a program that must be developed even before collecting statistical data, almost simultaneously with the preparation of a plan and program for statistical observation. The summary program includes a definition  

Most general tasks tasks facing insurance statistics can be reduced to organizing the collection and processing of statistical information about the insurance business, policyholders and insurers, classification and grouping of collected information, calculation tariff rates such as prices for personal and property insurance, analysis of the financial stability of an insurance organization, development of investment programs, etc. The above poses tasks for statistics in the field of developing the statistical observation system as a whole, introducing sample observations into the practice of statistical work, and transitioning to international standards of accounting and statistics.  

The analysis process covers all stages of statistical research. Each subsequent stage of statistical work depends on the previous one. The stage of data generalization has an impact on statistical observation - after all, it is precisely what we want to obtain as a result of the study that determines the boundaries of the object of observation, the observation program (what signs we will record in units of the population).  

The statistical form is a document of a single sample containing the program and observation results. Mandatory elements of the form are the title and address parts. The first contains the name of the statistical observation and the body conducting the observation, information about who and when approved this form, sometimes its number, the second includes the address of the reporting unit, its subordination. The form may have different names report, card, census form, questionnaire, questionnaire, etc.  

A census is a specially organized observation with the aim of obtaining data about objects of statistical observation based on a number of characteristics. Her characteristic features are simultaneous conduct throughout the entire territory that should be covered by the survey; unity of the observation program; registration of all observation units as of the same critical point in time.  

Need in reliable information about wages and other forms of income for workers with the transition to a market and deepening differentiation in the level of wages is increasing. The state statistical observation program for labor provides for obtaining data on the wage structure, level of wages in various industries and sectors of the economy, geographical areas, enterprises and organizations various sizes and forms of ownership, for separate groups workers identified by age, professional and other characteristics. When developing it, the specific needs of various information users are taken into account. The data obtained are necessary for analyzing socio-economic processes, measuring the standard of living of the population, studying  

The second approach to studying the personal income of the population is based on a survey of household budgets. It allows you to obtain information about the incomes of various groups and segments of the population, as well as their consumption, accumulation and savings. A survey of household budgets is one of the methods of state statistical monitoring of the standard of living of the population. It is carried out in accordance with Federal program statistical work, annually agreed with the Government of the Russian Federation.  

Reporting is a form of organizing statistical observation, in which information is received by statistical authorities from enterprises, organizations and institutions in the form of mandatory reports on their activities. It is characterized by a) mandatory submission of reports on a pre-established program (indicators), in established addresses and timing b) validity of the data with documents used to document business transactions in operational and accounting c) legal force reports, for the reliability of the indicators of which the heads of enterprises, organizations and institutions are responsible.  

From a brief analysis of the direction of the connections of the process (see Diagram 1.1) of expanded reproduction, we also draw a conclusion about what complex phenomena economic statistics deals with when studying the economy of the USSR as a single integral organism. It should be noted that with the formation of the economy - as a single national economic complex - Soviet statistics were also formed. In its forward movement, it covered an ever wider range of mass phenomena of social life, it improved the principles of organizing statistical observation, its program and the methodological foundations for calculating a diverse system of indicators of economic and cultural development. Together with the improvement of economic planning and management of the economic mechanism, statistics has turned into a powerful tool for managing the national economy.  

This division is caused by the different roles of cargo and passenger transport in the national economy, the different nature of transportation objects, different types rolling stock, differences in the organization of transportation itself. In this regard, there are fundamental differences in the program and methods of statistical observation, in the forms of statistical documentation and in the units of measurement of statistical objects.  

IN in the narrow sense words, the program of each statistical observation is a list of questions developed in accordance with the purpose of statistical research, which should be reflected either in statistical reporting forms or in census forms and to which clear and reliable answers must be obtained in the process of statistical observation.  

Improving the organization of statistical observation in Russia by modern stage carried out on the basis of the conceptual provisions of the federal target program Reforming Statistics in 1997-2000. The most important provisions of this program are the following  

Assembled in progress

Purpose of the statistical surveillance program— obtaining reliable information to identify patterns of development of phenomena and processes of socio-economic life.

Observation object- a certain statistical population in which the socio-economic phenomena and processes under study occur (individual citizens, population, enterprises, property, natural resources)

It is worth saying that each object of observation consists of individual elements - units of observation, which will be carriers of characteristics to be registered.

The observation unit is the primary element of a statistical observation program. For example, the object of a population census will be the totality of all residents of the country, and the unit of observation will be each individual person.

Statistical Observation Program— a list of signs recorded during the observation process. This is a list of questions to which reliable answers must be obtained for each unit of observation.

Requirements for the statistical observation program:

  • The program must contain essential features that directly characterize the phenomena being studied.
  • The program should not include secondary issues that complicate the work of collecting information, processing and analyzing it.
  • The program should include control questions that serve the purpose of verifying and clarifying information.

An observation form is developed to record responses to the observation program questions.
Observation form— a specially formed form that contains a list of program questions. The statistical form must be easy to read, write and process. Instructions are drawn up for the forms, which explain in detail how to fill out the statistical form.

In the process of statistical observation, primary information is collected, which is then subjected to systematization, generalization and analysis.

The success of the entire study depends on the quality of the primary information; therefore, there will be a number of requirements for the information:
1. Credibility- not what it really is.
Reliability depends on:

  • Statistician - professional training, organizational skills, integrity.
  • Qualities of observation tools - observation program, form, instructions for filling out.

2. Comparability- comparability of data with past studies. Comparability is ensured by using the same units of measurement, observing at the same time and using a single methodology.