A program for creating fake programs. New program for creating fakes. How are programs created in general?

Fake Voice is not a typical program that allows you to easily change voice parameters. The main difference from the alternatives is that there are no “ready-made” votes. That is, you cannot simply “turn” into a woman, man or child in a couple of clicks. All Fake Voice offers the user are four sliders with indicators for maximum voice pitch, normal voice pitch, formant and noise suppression. By moving these sliders, you will have to independently achieve the desired sound. By the way, the program provides a special wizard to determine the normal pitch of the voice. It will help those who cannot set this parameter correctly on their own. Just click on the "Diagnose Base Pitch" button and read the suggested passage (in English).

In addition to the sliders described above, the program has several switches that are responsible for adding an echo effect and a synthesized (robotic) speech effect. There is also a switch that helps you quickly undo all changes and return the user's natural voice.

Fake Voice works with absolutely any VoIP clients and programs for recording audio from a microphone. The developers managed to achieve this by using their own sound driver. On most versions of Windows, this driver is selected by the system as the main driver immediately after the installation of Fake Voice is completed. But if this does not happen (as evidenced by the absence of any effect when changing the position of the sliders), then open the mixer and switch the driver yourself.

Key Features and Functions

  • change your voice by adjusting the sliders responsible for its pitch, formant and noise reduction;
  • application of echo and synthesized speech effects;
  • automatic detection of normal voice pitch;
  • using your own sound driver;
  • quickly undo changes and return to natural voice;
  • support for any voice communication clients and programs for recording audio from a microphone.

Special Requirements

  • the trial period lasts 30 days;
  • You can use the modified voice for no more than 1 minute.

How often do you want to create something that would allow you to emulate part of the obligations of some program or create a decoy program for someone... But how to implement this? who will do what you want? What do you need to be able to do for this, and what kind of knowledge is needed? The advantage is that when you do it yourself, you can create a program for free for yourself, and you only have to spend your own time.

A fake program is an application that partially has functionality and design similar to the program being faked. But fakes are not created for this purpose. They are needed to create the illusion of working with a software product and, as a rule, to record certain data. Which? Perhaps these are access passwords to a specific program that was tampered with.

The action of a fake program can be described as follows.

Let's say that there is an organization (university, school, etc.) where there are computers. They can only be accessed by a system administrator who enters passwords. To get them, a program is created that emulates a computer failure, and the user asks the administrator to enter a password, which will be saved in a separate file. How to create a fake program for this purpose? You will read about this further. So, the administrator thinks that he is entering a password to log into the system, but in fact he is entering it into the emulation. When the emulation ends, the user can easily read the password that was saved, remember it and be able to log into the computer whenever he wants. These are the prospects that open up for those who pose the question: “how to create your own programs that will do what the developer himself wants?”

How are programs created in general?

Now we will learn how to create a fake program separately. Doing this is quite problematic, because to do this you need to know a programming language (and often more than one) and understand what needs to be applied and how. Before you start creating, you need to find a development environment for this language. They can be quite simple, which can simply compile the source code, or quite complex, in which you can work graphically. The latest development environments still have a debugger and additional functionality that will make it easier to create files, as well as find and fix errors. Here's how to create a fake program that's ready to use. All that remains for the user to do is to type the code that will be responsible for certain actions of graphic elements, eliminate errors - and the program is ready. A general schematic answer to the question “How to create your own programs?” not so complicated, practical implementation is much more difficult.

What do you need to create your own program?

You need two main components: knowledge and a development environment. Where can I find knowledge on creating a program? For this, there are specialized websites and forums for programmers, and there are also separate websites for different programming languages. But books are suitable as an initial basis for acquiring knowledge. And then you should look for lessons on topics of interest, ask questions to professionals in your field. If you don’t have a clear idea of ​​what first steps to take, then you can look for a university course on creating programs in a particular language.

Next, you should select a development environment. For a newcomer, you need to find an environment that will have a debugger that allows you to find and edit various errors. In this case, the practical implementation of the answer to the question “How to create your own programs?” will happen much faster and easier.

What programming language should I write in?

You can create almost any program in almost any programming language. The only question is how difficult it will be and how long it will take. Beginners can be advised to take a closer look at two programming languages.

  1. "Pascal". An old, well-established language that is very easy to understand. It is perfect for faking a not very complex program or for minor emulation. You can try to make a kind of masterpiece with it, but it will be very problematic. Although, if you have no experience in programming, then “Pascal” is suitable for initial familiarization and easier achievement of the goal.
  2. C++. A more functional and at the same time more complex programming language. If you decide to write in it, you can expect that the program will take a little more time, but at the same time you can say that it will be more perfect (if you put in enough effort). It will be difficult for beginners in programming, but if you master C++ while creating your program, you will not regret it in the future, because thanks to its versatility it is very widely used.

Features of creating programs on a computer

How to create programs on your computer that will do what you want? What features of this process exist, and what do you need to know about when creating software? The processes for creating programs intended for a computer or for mobile devices are slightly different. So, first of all, you should take into account that they have different operating systems, they can be programmed in different languages ​​(and as a result, the program that worked perfectly on the computer does not work on the phone).

But what can be said about creating programs on a computer? First of all, it is worth mentioning the versatility of their work: you can write a program in any programming language, and it will work. You don't need to install anything extra, you just need to launch it. Often, when using a small program that fits into one file and does not require registering, you only need to run it, which is useful on computers with access restrictions for installing programs.

Features of creating programs on Android

How to create your own programs on Android? Given the huge number of mobile devices and the large field for choice, only the creation of programs for Android will be considered. It should be noted here that mobile devices are less versatile than computers. Therefore, when developing a fake program, you should always take into account the device version - otherwise there is a possibility that it will not work. It is also necessary to take into account the features of data transfer from

How to create a clever fake program?

Now that you know the general path that a fake program takes before it starts functioning, you should talk about planning its creation. It is necessary to decide on the functionality that it will have. After all, perhaps the one who should fall for it will want to poke at different buttons and icons. It is not necessary to create anything additional, you can simply add a message that the action cannot be performed due to an unknown problem. It is also necessary to think through the options if a person wants to try running a different program. It is necessary to think through the design concept and protection in case it is determined that the program is fake. It is important to make sure that it is impossible to find where the necessary information is hidden.


As you can see, creating programs is not that difficult; it just requires practice. But in the end, I would like to inform you that we should not forget about the legislation of the Russian Federation, according to which the creation of such programs can be regarded as fraud. Administrative and, in case of material damage, criminal penalties may be applied.

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