Promoting a VKontakte group - complete instructions. How to promote a VKontakte group? Step-by-step instructions and effective tips for promotion

Good afternoon dear friends! Well, tell us how your progress is going with promoting your VKontakte business? Already have something to brag about? If yes, then you have perfectly learned my advice from previous articles, but if not, do not rush to despair! Today I have prepared for you a portion of fresh ideas and methods that will help you master how top in efficiency boosting subscribers to a VK group.

I think it's better to do without long foreplay and get straight to the point. In my opinion, all of today’s content that I plan to give you will be more comfortable to perceive in a structured form. A kind of step-by-step guide will allow you to apply the acquired knowledge immediately as you read this post. If you are ready, then let's not hesitate!

Community promotion. Step-by-step instruction

Every business, both those that operate online and those that do not operate in virtual reality, presence of community on a social network allows increase sales and promote your brand. Here are a few tasks that creating a community solves:

  1. You will always be in touch with your clients and potential buyers.
  2. You can tell them important news at any time of the day or night, tell about promotions and discounts without spending extra money on advertising.
  3. You will have feedback has been established with your clients.
  4. You can create a whole community around the product or service you offer. culture.

If you also want to receive all these benefits that communities provide, then by following simple rules promotion of the VKontakte public, very soon you will be able to experience them by your own example.

Decide on the topic of your blog

Determining the target audience

Browse the communities of the largest competitors on the topic of your choice and talk to their administration about providing you with statistics these same groups. To get the necessary information, introduce yourself as an advertiser who is looking for platforms to promote their product. Based on the data obtained, you can conclude who your target audience really is.

Determining what content we will publish

I would like to remind you that users find the most attractive symbiosis of images and text. Therefore, the success of your community content will directly depend on how harmonious the pictures that you attach to each text will be. It is the graphic component of posts that attracts the attention of readers. If the picture is interesting and “catchy”, then the person will read what you wrote, but if not, he will scroll further through the news feed.

We determine what product or services we will promote

If you need a commercial page where you can sell your services or some products, then immediately think about how you will accept orders from clients and send them to customers. It is very important to think through moment of customer feedback and provide technical support to the group, which would help the user decide on the choice of a particular product (service, respectively).

We create and design a public page

To advertise to a group and attract as many subscribers as possible, it is important to take care of its design. Community design should be recognizable, original and exclusive.

You can make a page avatar either yourself in Photoshop, or, without the necessary skills, turn to a specialist for help and order a logo from a freelancer for money.

Promotion plan

  1. To recruit the first subscribers to the community, I advise you to use a service or program for sending out invitations to the group. With this clever method, you will need to subscribe to your community about 5,000 people.
  2. Daily post 5-6 original posts at the “hottest” time, while simultaneously increasing likes and reposts of these posts.
  3. Allocate some money for advertising. You can use like targeted advertising, which appears every now and then in the lower left corner of the site page, and turn to other people’s communities for help. In the case of the latter, it should be noted that the cost of advertising in different VKontakte groups will fluctuate depending on their popularity (number of subscribers). That is why this issue should be immediately clarified with public administrators.

Free promotion method

Perhaps the easiest and most reliable way to promote your group on a social network for free is to send out mass invitations to all your friends, acquaintances and interested people. You just need to find a suitable “victim” and send her an invitation. To do this, you need to go to a search engine and set the necessary criteria for people who may be your potential followers. Using my group as an example, I can imagine my selection parameters:

  • Age– from 18 years old;
  • Status- "Online now";
  • Job- “Earning money on the Internet.”

After that, add the person to your VKontakte friends list and send him an invitation to your group. By the way, a very good way to quickly promote a group is attracting people from communities with similar topics.

And the last thing I want to draw your attention to is safety regulations.

So that you, being blinded by the idea of ​​​​how to promote a VKontakte group on your own, do not get banned from the social network, remember 2 important points:

  1. Only those people who will join your community will join Interesting. Don't try to send out a million invitations for nothing.
  2. You can invite only 40 people per day. Therefore, remembering the previous rule, save your requests and spend them wisely. For cheating through software, I set a limit of 25 friend invitations from one account per day.

Paid methods

Despite the fact that free methods of increasing the popularity of the VKontakte community work and bring certain results, they still require a huge investment of time. Therefore, it seems to me that it’s time to talk about paid services that will do all the necessary work for you.

In order to make the right choice, I strongly recommend listening to my advice on choosing a quality promotion service:

  • do not try to save money by using cheap services;
  • use old and trusted sites and who have already received quite good reviews about their work, and do not run to invest in new, unknown services;
  • forget about free services, don’t even think about promoting your community with their help.

High-quality markup services

I offer you a small list of the most accessible and proven resources that will help you promote your group:


Use Socelin to get public subscribers

Bots (software)

I think it’s no secret to you that today there are special programs like Brobot , which are engaged in automatic promotion of your public pages. You can find out more detailed information on this topic in, but for now let’s move on.

Promote VK pages and publics using Brobot

You need to create several selling pages and fill out the wall according to the landing page principle. You can see an example here - .

It is important that when a person lands on your page, they immediately understand what you are selling. To do this, it makes sense to set up a selling avatar and fill the wall with relevant posts containing information about your products or services. Following these simple steps will allow you save a lot of time on regularly explaining to all interested users what you do and what you offer.

Reposts and purchasing accounts

Repost information posts from the main group to provide her with an organic increase in subscribers. Add 40 people to your friends every day (unfortunately, more than that is not possible due to contact restrictions). As my statistics show, out of this number, 2-3 people will actually be interested in your offer and will write to you in a personal message with their questions to which they want answers.

This technique works well in cases where we are dealing with products (or services) for which there is mass demand. This could be car accessories or monopods, or advertising settings, and so on.

All the above work should be carried out from specially created accounts to avoid banning the main profile/group. Thanks to this method, you will receive an increase in the “live” target audience in your group.

I repeat once again that you should add people to a group solely based on its target audience. That is, if you sell car accessories, then you need to search for subscribers in communities for motorists - car owner clubs, on public pages of car washes, services, and so on.

Ideally you need create about 50 such accounts and send 2000 friend requests daily. Briefly speaking, massfall principle the same as in the case of Instagram. Agree, the work is quite simple, but very routine. Therefore, if you have such an opportunity, delegate it to one of your employees or hire a special person for a fee.

By the way, the program can do all this work for you, which allows you to add as friends people from a list of contact IDs you have created from certain thematic communities; you can parse the ID in the services or VKParser , and the program called Brobot . You can buy it on the company's official website. Using the same software, you can send messages to all your newly made friends and invite them to the community or to a meeting.

Gather your target audience for your business with

Buy accounts on the website 10-20 rub. An example of a price list for pure accounts from this site:

Advertising in communities

Well, now that your public page is designed, provided with high-quality content and has an audience of 4000-5000 people, we move on to buying advertising in large communities. This can be done in several ways:

  1. By contacting Exchange VKontakte;
  2. Using the service SOCIATE ;
  3. Using Plibber .

So that your money is not wasted, remember the advertising rules. Do you need truly viral post, which will be remembered by the public. It depends on him whether the audience will respond to your offer or whether you will simply waste money. Here is an example of what a really catchy post should be

If the contact’s posts in my article do not load, it means that the owners have deleted them in their public pages. Let's not forget that everything is updated. Therefore, at the time of reading the article, you can look for the latest posts in well-promoted public pages where advertising posts are published or in well-promoted communities of goods or services.

The structure of these posts can be very diverse. Here are a few options you can use to design your advertising message:

  1. Text + Picture + Text;
  2. Picture + Text + Selection of pictures in the topic;
  3. Picture + Text + Audio recording;
  4. Picture + Text + A selection of audio recordings;
  5. A selection of pictures + A selection of audio recordings;
  6. Text + Video;
  7. Text + A selection of videos;
  8. Other combinations that can literally “blow up” a social network.

Types of Viral Posts

The topics of viral posts can be completely different. As for the most popular ones, here I would note:

Types of advertisements

Personally, I’m used to distinguishing three main types of advertisements:

  • Regular reposts from your community to the advertising public. Example: .
  • Reposts in addition with notes from the advertising public containing a link to your group. Example: .

You can use text on behalf of the advertising community as a template. For example:

“Do you want to know more about the world of investing and increasing capital?! Then subscribe to the young entrepreneur’s author’s blog “link to your community.”

At the end, add a repost from your resource.

As practice has shown, better conversion gives exactly third option, then comes the second, and in last place is the first method (regular repost). Prepare your public for advertising. Fill the last 2-3 posts with very high-quality, useful content so that a potential subscriber, going down the community wall, becomes interested and subscribes. I usually give some free software, a work plan, a set of rules, a book.

The main thing in this matter is to try, invent, be creative and bring the most profitable traffic to your resource.

How to choose a community for advertising?

Request statistics from the admin. We look at the indicators of attendance and coverage. The lines must be straight, smooth, no sudden jumps, this indicates the stability of the community. Next, we look at the age category and gender of subscribers, based on your target audience, decide what you need. If this is a blog, then the majority should be men 18 and older. Go to the advertiser’s public page itself, scroll through the wall, look for advertising publications, which ones and why get more likes and reposts, and which ones get fewer.

With the right approach for 100,000 rubles you will create a resource with a target audience of approximately 30,000 subscribers. And then your income will depend on your imagination. You can achieve a monthly income of both 10,000 rubles and 100,000. Go for it!

How can I negotiate with the group admin about advertising without intermediaries?

For anyone who wants to reduce the cost of advertising to 2-4 rubles for each living subscriber, the following method will be useful. I’ll make a small remark right away and say that this method is only suitable for those whose group is at the start of development or has a modest advertising budget.

So let's call this method " Admins are people too" We will consider its main advantage to be that for each new subscriber we will pay on average only 3 rubles. As for the minuses, here we are waiting very long promotion process.

The “Admins are people too” method is based on the fact that the administrator of each group is a simple person who is ready to make concessions and compromises, with whom you can and should negotiate. This method works especially well with small groups. who really need extra money.

In general, everyone who is looking for how to pay for VKontakte advertising with minimal costs will have to find communities on the required topic, the number of subscribers in which ranges from 150-200 thousand people. Make a list of administrators in these groups(the larger the list, the higher the chances that they will cooperate with you) and send them your business proposal in private messages.

You can use this template as an example:

“Greetings, Name! I want to work with you. Interested in the long term. I am ready to pay 3 rubles for 1 live subscriber. I pay immediately from 1000 subscribers! You repost my posts until we reach the agreed volume. If you agree, then I will work only with you! I have an author's blog. The content is interesting, the response is good"

This is an example of a message that could be sent out. Out of 40-50 administrators, three to five people will agree to work, which can already be considered a very good result. From the communities that responded, we select the most active one and pay it 3000 rubles for getting 1000 subscribers. Twice a day, your advertising post is published in several public pages across the network that belong to the same administrator. In a little less than a month you can get the required (paid) number of followers.

As you understand, disadvantage of this method The point is that while working with one admin, you cannot collaborate with others. However, at the start, this arrangement may be quite suitable if you are not in a hurry.

Next step. Admins are people too and, of course, they are also looking for advertisers.

Once they see your ads, they will start sending you offers in a personal message. You should always bargain, take wholesale at a price 2 times lower than the price list. For example, for 1 post, which costs 200 rubles, take 10 posts for 100 rubles. remember, that bargaining is ok! Reduce the price to the last! This way you can start working with 3 or 4 public pages at once. On average, one subscriber will cost 3-5 rubles. The growth rate will be somewhat higher, but it still leaves much to be desired.

How can I negotiate with the admin to buy advertising at a price lower than the listed price?

I’ll say right away that this method works in the vast majority of cases. All you need to do is buy advertising through an intermediary - the VKontakte exchange. Oddly enough, for some reason the admins don’t want to talk about the possibilities of such a purchase.

But why is it cheaper on the stock exchange? Yes, because according to VKontakte rules you can post daily 3 advertising posts directly through the admin and 2 through the exchange! And it is through the exchange that advertisers are reluctant to make purchases, although I personally really liked it, and I consider it a very effective advertising tool. I strongly recommend that you understand its functionality once and save on subsequent advertising purchases.

You can find the VKontakte Exchange by following this link - .

Now let's move on to choosing communities

So, as for choosing a group, I personally filter out publics through the exchange. To advertise my community, I select only those sites whose topics relate to finance and business. From this variety I spend strict selection based on 4 key parameters.

Kef must be above 25

Kef= record coverage/price

For example, we go to the stock exchange and select the topic “Finance”. Immediately the first position in the list is occupied by a public page called “Sofa Analyst” . The coverage of this community’s post is 35,000 people, and the price of the post is 899 rubles. Based on this, it turns out that odds = 35,000/899 = 38.9. You may ask why the odds should be higher than 25? The fact is that the higher this indicator, the more profitable the advertising.

As for the question of why I use post coverage for calculations, and not daily coverage, everything is extremely simple here. Let me give you an example: on the VK advertising exchange, the very first public page at the moment “ Ward №6", in the "coverage" column there are two numbers - 520 000 And 2 700 000 . The first number is the reach of the post, the second is the daily reach. Previously, I calculated the effectiveness of advertising by the second number, but, as it turned out, I had to do it by the first. That is, the correct odds = 520 000/66 375= 7,8 .

Let me explain why. If an advertising public publishes 5 posts per day, then its daily reach will be less than a similar one that publishes 10 posts. But the first public will have a higher coverage of each post! Did you get the point?! This is exactly what we need. Our goal is to ensure that as many people as possible see the post., and if after our advertising 20 posts suddenly appear, our post will quickly end up in the archive.

We calculate the coefficient based on the ratio of post coverage/price. Choose odds of at least 25! Personally, I choose at least 30. Then filter by the following criteria and create your list. Before launching an advertising campaign, I test the ad on several small publics, usually the Typical Billionaire public (it meets all the criteria, and its odds are 36). The price/quality ratio of this public is at the level, and there are only one or two such communities. If the ad justifies itself, I can check it on another small public page and only after that I actively jump into advertising. This approach will save you money if your ad is unsuccessful. That’s why I rarely buy odds below 25. Using odds is a trick taken from a more experienced public owner. I liked it because it’s more convenient to filter communities in order using a regular calculator, I highly recommend it.

Audience age

So, you have found a very profitable high odds. Now you need to look at the statistics and age of the audience (there is a corresponding button opposite each community on the exchange). For example, kef public "100% Man" = 38,7 ! But statistics show us that there is only one insolvent student there.

Therefore, this option can be immediately discarded. Personally, I allow no more than 20% of the audience under the age of 18, but it is better that these users be within 10%. The more even the distribution, the higher the quality of the public!

Percentage of sexes

So, you have found a profitable odds, and the number of non-paying users is less than 20% of the total number of subscribers. Now we need to evaluate group sex ratio. For example, kef public “Successful person” = 37.3, there are less than 5% of insolvents here, but the female audience predominates in it (75% women, 25% men). In practice, the situation is as follows: Women buy less financial products than men. This is logical, because it is the stronger sex who should think about making money. Yes, I think it's acceptable ratio 50% to 50%, but it is better for the male audience to predominate.

Let's look at the coverage

The more stable and uniform it is, the better.! The schedule should be without sharp jumps and recessions. If there are any, it means that the public has been inflated with advertising, and its actual coverage is much lower.

Profitable publics, proven in practice for whom it will suit BUSINESS subject:

  • Typical Billionaire
  • MEAT | Men's kitchen
  • The man who changed everything
  • Empire
  • Kneel only before God

All of the above points can be modernized and adjusted to absolutely any topic of the public. They will work both in the case of groups selling women's cosmetics and in the case of affiliate programs for gaming applications on a smartphone. Don't be afraid of innovation, take risks!


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In this article I will show you step-by-step instructions for promoting a VKontakte group from zero to the first 10,000 subscribers. Moreover, we will consider both paid and free promotion methods. That is, you can promote your group for free, with your own hands.

And yes, of course, I will show you examples from my practice. That is, this is real, verified information, and not just a theory from books.

What to do BEFORE you start promoting

Save the old people from the bikers

The very first thing you need to do is think hard about whether you need a VKontakte group at all, and whether you need to promote it. I'm completely serious, this is an important question. You see what’s the matter, a VKontakte group is only one of many options for making money on the Internet and promoting your project.

This is just one of the options for platforms that you can use to gather your audience and then make money from it. You can just as easily create a Facebook group or a YouTube channel, or your own blog for SEO promotion. And you will definitely never be able to advance everywhere at once, even if you have money like Scrooge McDuck and strength and energy like the Terminator.

The fact is that all these platforms have different audiences, with different interests and outlooks on life. And if you try to make content “for everyone,” you won’t satisfy anyone. It's like opening a restaurant that plays live jazz music mixed with modern modern disco tracks, and at the adjacent tables you seat an elderly couple and a gang of hairy bikers. That is, both will run away from you.

Therefore, initially decide - what kind of people do you need in your project? Who will be the core audience? How will you earn money? By the way, about the last one. Let's look at the main options for making money on VKontakte groups.

3 main ways to make money on VK group


Its only advantage is that almost nothing needs to be done. That is, in the beginning you do a lot of things. But after recruiting a certain number of people, you can “relax” a little and simply collect money from advertisers. What and how they will sell later is not your concern.

The “In short, Wikipedia” group consists of 280 thousand people, and advertising there costs only 400 rubles. “JustCartoons” with 160 thousand people can be accommodated for 300 rubles.

Real money starts from 500 thousand subscribers. There you can take 1000 rubles. for fasting (as in “The First Vegetarian”) and “bathing in gold.” Or more precisely, earn a maximum of 150 thousand per month (you can place no more than 5 advertising posts in a group per day, and you won’t get a lot of criticism from VK moderators).

If you decide to create a VKontakte group specifically to make money from advertising, you just need a lot of interesting entertainment content every day for the widest possible audience. This will be our basic strategy.

Affiliate Products

Here you will have to think and search, and try to sell. Because no one here guarantees you earnings. You yourself find some interesting product, register in its affiliate program, and then promote it yourself.

The disadvantage of this method is that you have to make a lot of body movements, and no one guarantees the result. And even a successful affiliate product may go offline tomorrow. The advantage is that you can earn 5 times more than from advertising from the same number of subscribers in the group, and again you do not need to have your own product.

If you are focused on making money through affiliate programs, then you better choose a niche in advance that has a lot of cool affiliate products. Your VK group will be for some narrower audience (not just “laughing for everyone”).

And it will also be very important to “shine your face” all the time. Because sales of affiliate products do NOT depend on whom recommend, but about WHO recommends. Your audience will need to know and like you personally.

Your products

This is the internet marketing bonanza. If you have your own products, then you will need ten times fewer subscribers to earn ten times more money than from advertising and affiliate programs.

The only negative is that these products need to be made and constantly improved. Such products could be your services (advertising setup, design, website creation, copywriting). These could be your services and applications that you have developed. These could be (it won’t be mentioned by night) information products - courses, trainings, consulting.

In this case, you need to focus your VK promotion on brand development in advance. This could be a personal brand (if you are promoting your services/training), or just a brand (if you have services, programs or something more “physical”). And a brand is educational content that shows you as an expert.

Have you chosen a direction to earn money? Ok, then let's choose the correct name for our “ship”.

The name for the group is “so that no one guesses”

The name of the group, in my opinion, does not play such a significant role as is commonly thought. This is proven by the success of groups with such “stupid” names as “MDK” (what does that mean?), “Zen” and others.

As practice shows, the name can be almost anything. The most important thing is that it arouses at least a little curiosity. That is, if you name your group, for example, “Learning to draw in Photoshop,” then, all other things being equal, it will work worse than, say, “Through the Looking Glass” (the first thing that came to mind).

And why? Because the first version of the title explains everything, and you don’t need to go there to understand what it’s about. But the second name can mean anything. And a person first needs to join the group. And from login to subscription - one step. That’s why there are so many public pages and groups with strange names coming from here.

My group, for example, is called "Contactless sales". How do you like it? Intriguing enough? Come on, first try to come up with something interesting yourself.

Okay, let’s say that you have definitely decided that you need a VKontakte group as a “gathering point” for your target audience. You have even decided how you will earn money from this group. And you even came up with an interesting name for your group. Let's now proceed directly to promotion.

Promotion stage #1 - From zero to the first thousand

4 types of viral content

Your main hope and salvation at the first stage of promotion is viral content. You can recruit the first 10 - 15 people for free quite easily by simply inviting your friends to the group.

But then we need to think about something. Paying a lot of money for advertising right away is not an option. It is unknown when and what will be repulsed there, and there is always not enough money. When promoting websites, the emphasis is on free traffic through SEO (search engines). And in the VK group this role will be played by the virus.

The virus works very simply. Subscribers of the group share the post with their friends, who go to the group and also share. This way you gain free visitors and subscribers. But for the virus to work, you need to write a certain type of post.

I identify just four main types of content (posts) that people share most willingly. These are the types.

Content is a provocation

The point of this type of post should be that you are challenging some generally accepted point of view. For example, you can write a post that vegetarianism is harmful, and “push heads” between supporters of one and the other point of view in the comments under the post.

Depending on the topic of your group, these could be topics such as “why you should give birth only after forty”, “the harm of learning English”, “which is better - an iPhone or an Android”, and so on.

You can also “attack” (seriously or jokingly) someone well-known and loved by everyone.

People “share” such content most often unconsciously. They simply leave their comments because “someone is wrong on the Internet,” and this comment is shown on their page. That is, your task is to provoke a heated discussion in the comments under the post. Of course, this type of content is not suitable for all communities, but it may be useful for you personally.

Content - laugh

But this type of post, on the contrary, is suitable for all groups. Even the most serious public pages periodically post some humorous pictures with captions. For VKontakte, such entertaining content is just the thing.

People love sharing funny things because it's fun and safe. Therefore, be sure to make at least part of the content entertaining.

Content - medal

This is an interesting type of content. If we talk about VKontakte groups, then most often various quotes are used as medal posts. The essence of this content is that you post some very smart and deep thought, and people repost it so that all their friends can see that they are also very smart and deep.

You can also write a short text in which you expose the terrible modern morals or motivate someone to do something big and bright. This will also work as a “medal”. Yes, by the way, I came up with this name because people hang your post on their wall, like a medal on their chest.

Content instructions (list)

Another killer version of viral content that you should use without fail. These can be various recipes, step-by-step instructions, life hacks, or just lists. People share this type of content “so as not to lose it.”

Next time, pay attention to how much more reposts there are under the list content than under any other. Just go to any large community and find a post with a title like “30 best films about love”, “100 books to read before you turn 30”. You will see for yourself that such posts are reposted much more readily.

And yes, if you want to provoke a serious reaction, your list should be long. If you post something like “The 3 best movies with incredible endings,” then visitors may think that they will already remember three of the movies. And they won’t repost it on their wall. To better plan what and when to post in the group, use these.

Or maybe this is his virus? After all, you can just buy a bunch of subscribers for pennies?

Cheating subscribers - is it necessary or not?

The temptation to buy fake subscribers at 3 rubles per kilo arises approximately in the second or third week of promotion. It’s like in the gym - “I’ve been lifting for two weeks now, but there’s still no result.” That is, you will make posts, and the group will develop very slowly.

And then the thought may arise that people don’t subscribe well because there are few participants in the group. You must first buy a couple of thousand “bots”, and new living people will see what a well-promoted group this is and will subscribe more willingly.

But as practice shows, people almost don’t care how many members you have in the group. Sometimes they even prefer to subscribe to small communities. Because of some kind of coziness or what? Or because of the awareness of the value of each individual member of the group? Don't know.

But most often there is no need to buy any “bots” or “offers”. It's the same as stuffing cotton wool under your jacket in the places where the muscles should be, and considering that you've pumped up. Better check - how many new people come to you every day? How many of them sign up? It may turn out that your conversion numbers are quite decent, and you just need to wait. And if you don’t want to wait, we turn on advertising.

Paid advertising - inexpensive ways

Personally, I hate paying money to VKontakte. This is because I consider their entire gang to be very vile snobs and hypocrites. We have mutual dislike for them. But sometimes you still have to resort to paid promotion methods. I used these options:

  • Advertising in other VKontakte groups on similar topics. What does this have to do with me, I always tried to pay directly to the owner of the community, bypassing all sorts of exchanges and systems of VKontakte itself. The result here is unpredictable, and you will first have to test 10 - 15 communities to identify 3-5 that really generate traffic. And it may happen that the most effective ones will be the most inexpensive.
  • Seeding posts. This is an advertisement that appears among regular posts in the feed of the people you select. VKontakte will ask you for 100 - 300 rubles per thousand impressions of your post. But don't give it to me. Set the minimum price (currently it is 30 rubles). This will only affect the speed of impressions. But we're in no hurry, right? Let us have one subscriber per day, but for 3 rubles, than a hundred per day, but for 20 rubles.

In the meantime, let's look at free ways to promote a group.

5 free ways to promote a group

White friending

This method is that you design your personal VKontakte page so that it “invites” people to join your group, and then you simply add them as friends to your target audience.

Setting up a page is easy. You write a call to go there in your status. Indicate your group's place of work. The first post on the wall is another call to come and subscribe.

When your new “friends” come to your page to see who is being added to them, they will not be able to miss all these calls from you. And some of them will go over and even subscribe if there is something interesting in the group. This method is very slow and complicated (like all other free methods).

Firstly, VKontakte has a limit on the number of friend requests that you can send per day. And secondly, you can’t just fool people. If they see that they are being “added” for selfish reasons, they may complain about spam.

Group discussions

Here you need to go to communities similar in topic to yours and actively participate in discussions. You even need to deliberately make a fuss in order to attract maximum attention to yourself. Other group members will come to your page to see what you're like. And the page will again be designed to invite you to your group.

The main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise the group moderators may ban you.


This method is similar to the previous one. The only difference is that we actively participate in discussions not in VKontakte groups, but on forums. There, as a rule, you can put a link in your signature. And forum participants will go directly to your group and subscribe.

This whole thing will take a lot of time. But try not to slide into banal spam.


Formally, this is also a free way of promotion. That's why I'm listing it here among others. But in most cases, it will only cause harm to your community.

Here by spam I mean messages like “Come in and subscribe! There’s a lot of interesting things here!” in private messages to users and VKontakte groups. You will be banned, your links will be deleted. And if someone subscribes to your group, then “in their genetic code” it will be written that they got there through spam. And it will be very difficult to get any benefit from it later.

But to be fair, I had a group that I promoted with spam. I wrote messages to people who seemed suitable to me, and politely explained that there was such and such a group for translators, and that I was trying very hard to gather like-minded people, and that I would be immensely grateful for their subscription.

And people came in and signed up. True, this was almost six years ago, and a lot has changed since then.

Blog articles

Authors who run the usual primitive antediluvian websites and blogs (like me) always have a problem - where to find new and unique content. And if you offer them to post your unique cool article on their website with a link to your VKontakte group, they may well agree.

That is, I would not advise you to promote your site in search engines from scratch in order to put a widget on it from where people will get into the group. It’s better to immediately find popular sites on your topic and publish there. It will come out faster this way. By the way, you can too.

These are the free methods we are reviewing today. You may think that I forgot to write about competitions - the main engine of promotion. No, I haven't forgotten. It’s just that, in my opinion, it makes sense to organize competitions when you already have at least one thousand subscribers. And this is already the second stage of the group’s promotion.

Promotion stage #2 - From one to ten thousand subscribers

Techniques for increasing the activity of participants in a group

Size is not as important as ability to use, I think so. In our case, the number of group members is not as important as the activity of these same participants. It happens that a group has only 1-2 thousand subscribers, but the comments, likes and reposts under each post are off the charts.

This means that the group owners are pursuing a competent policy of increasing activity. They participate in discussions and invite people to express their opinions in person. The last option, by the way, works very well.

Nobody leaves comments on your post? Leave it to yourself. And make what is called a “mention.” This is when you insert a special code with the user's name into the comment so that he sees this mention. This is what the code looks like: .

You can mention 10 - 15 people and say that it is especially important for you to know their opinion about the post. And then - add fuel to the fire, ask for clarification, do not let the discussion die out. Here's an example post. Back then there were only 200 or 300 members in my group.

Another cool way to quickly move from a thousand to ten is through competitions.

101 ideas for a competition in a VKontakte group

The competition must be properly organized, otherwise you yourself will become its only participant. First, you need to choose the right prize. It has to be something that people are willing to fight for. You can simply give money, or you can give something more tangible and material.

For example, you can assign a prize of 500 rubles. for victory. Or you can for 400 rubles. buy a book and promise to send it to the winner with your autograph and signature “as a souvenir.” Or you can make unique jerseys with your logo. And it may cost even less than you think.

The second point is to assign not one prize, but at least three. One first and only place means very low chances of winning, from the point of view of the group members. Three winners is already much better.

And thirdly, make the competition interesting. Of course, “sushi as a gift, with a random winner chosen from those who reposted this post” has not been canceled. But remember the purpose of the competition. Our goal is not to give sushi to the hungry.

We need friends of the group members to see the recording, join the group and become its conscious participants. And they didn’t just subscribe because the rules required it, and then unsubscribe the very next day. Here you can download 101 ideas for competitions in VKontakte groups. There are also links to random subscriber selection programs and more.

And from this moment on, you still need to more actively connect paid promotion methods to speed things up. And for this we need the group to already earn something. Let it at least break even the first time.

How to start receiving money from a group

In order for your VKontakte group to start making money, you need to do several things.

  1. Offer to buy something. For some reason, community owners often think that group members themselves know everything - who is the owner, what he does, what he sells, and all that jazz. In fact, no one knows this except you. Write directly in the next post - buy this and that from me. Believe me, it will help.
  2. Make a special offer. This is called an offer, promotion or special offer. The point is that people may want to buy something from you, but they don't want to do it right now. And you need it right now. Therefore, offer them “2 for the price of 1”, “Water pump as a gift”, “35% discount only today”. Give people a reason.
  3. Communicate by text. Very often, potential clients will want to clarify some questions before purchasing. Be prepared to competently respond to messages and close objections. Selling in personal correspondence is based on all normal sales laws. You can read about this in the article.

Most importantly, don’t think that you have to wait for a certain number of subscribers before you start selling. It still won’t save you from unsubscribes, and you don’t need to be afraid of them. You created a group to make money - so make money.


The instructions turned out to be quite lengthy. So let's summarize everything again so that you definitely don't miss anything important.

  • First, decide whether you really need a VKontakte group? You can make money on the Internet on different platforms.
  • Choose your main monetization method - advertising, affiliate programs or your own products/services. Position your group accordingly.
  • Give the group an intriguing name. Practice shows that people click on such names more often and then subscribe.
  • There are 4 types of viral content: provocation, laugh, medal and instructions/list. Try to make each of your posts viral to move faster.
  • Cheating subscribers almost never brings any benefit. Concentrate your efforts not on quantity, but on quality.
  • The most inexpensive ways of paid promotion are advertising in other communities and “seeding” posts in news feeds. If you are not in a hurry, such advertising can be done very inexpensively.
  • 5 free ways to promote: white friending, communication in groups, communication on forums, spam, blog articles.
  • Increase the activity of group members by mentioning their names in the comments.
  • Organize competitions correctly so that people want to compete for a prize, and newcomers want to sign up and stay with you.
  • Start selling almost immediately to quickly bring the group to self-sufficiency. To do this, simply offer them to buy something, make a special offer, answer questions and close objections in personal correspondence.

I hope this instruction will be useful to you, bookmark it, it will come in handy. Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (a summary from personal experience over 10 years =)

The owner of a VKontakte group can ensure a permanent income with proper promotion of the group. To monetize a public page or community, use the following methods:

  • place links on the right side of the panel to other communities.
  • publish paid posts containing advertising.

Act as an intermediary in organizing certain events. Use VKontakte's built-in tools to attract users' attention to real events through advertising in groups.

Place publications as the logo of a group of a brand.

Participate in the sale of products. For each user who clicks on an advertising link and makes a purchase, you receive a percentage of the total cost.

The effectiveness of the previously mentioned methods depends on the number of users who have joined. Users can be attracted to a group in different ways; they can be free or paid. Do not neglect the careful design of the group; work out the community menu in VK, navigation should be simple and clear, the page should attract the attention of visitors. An “obliquely” created group only pushes away potential visitors.

How to independently promote a community on VK without investments, only with time?

The VK community is similar to a standard web resource; promoting it will require financial costs and special skills and knowledge. If you are just starting to work in the field of SocialMediaMarketing (SMM), you first need to master free methods. Independent promotion of the VK community will require not only knowledge, but also patience and time.

Now let's talk about the target audience. To interest users and achieve maximum efficiency when selling goods and services, promotion must be targeted at a specific category of users. These could be, for example, gun collectors, dog breeders, people over 40. Don’t chase the number of subscribers, quality should come first.

Otherwise, numerous participants will turn into useless ballast, of no interest to advertisers.

The first and simplest option is inviting friends, sending personal messages. The search must be configured in such a way that letters go to all potentially interested people. The “Tell Friends” button significantly speeds up the process. An advertisement for the group with your comments will appear on the wall of your subscribers and friends.

How to select groups to advertise?

Contact the administrators of other communities, agree to publish for free or indicate your link on the right side of the advertising panel. You should not contact popular groups with numerous subscribers; the administrators of such communities will not agree to do something for free; their services will cost a tidy sum. Contacts with small but active communities with from 1000 to 5000 subscribers will be effective. The administrator can show sincere interest in the topic of your group and help in its promotion for free.

This question requires a creative approach, because it is quite problematic to promote a community on VK on your own and for free. An entertaining competition for users could be an example of such creativity, and in order to take part in it, those interested will need to join your community. Using a profile with a huge number of friends, you can advertise a promotion.

A successfully conducted competition, as practice shows, can attract hundreds, or even thousands of new users.

Promotion automation

Third-party software products, such as VKinventer, VKBot, FvCheat, can significantly speed up the processes described above. They will help automate numerous options in the VK community.

The use of such scripts adds a certain amount of risk, because administrators carefully monitor this type of activity and apply a permanent ban without any hesitation.

Links from forums

Try to arouse the interest of visitors to third-party resources. Does your community have a focused topic? Update it regularly so that the link on any forum is not intrusive, this is an excellent opportunity to expand the number of subscribers.

Group SEO optimization

The VKontakte group is similar to standard sites, so SEO optimization is applicable to it. First of all, optimize the text content of your group for the search results of the social network. This applies not only to the title or description, but also to the music; the names of the songs will lead many users from the search.

VKontakte communities are indexed by search engines like regular sites; users can be attracted using Yandex or Google. If you know how a search service works, then you can independently promote the VK community without investment, simply and effectively. Take this work seriously.

How to prepare a semantic core

The semantic core of your group is formed at the first stage. Take advantage of low- and mid-frequency queries, with their help it is easier to compete. You should not ignore the geographical location of key queries. Use keywords only in the description or title, but in regularly published posts. Keywords are analogous to the description and title tags.

For example, you sell goods for children in Penza. Use the main frequency query for promotion in Google and Yandex results, also in the list of communities, in the group name. Use the second most frequent request in the description, add it to the status. Thus, you will simultaneously get to the TOP of search results for both the site and the group.

VKontakte has a high level of trust in search engine databases, which greatly simplifies SEO promotion of the community. Link promotion works in a similar way. Place relevant links on third-party resources; they will increase the position of your group in search results, so the VK community can be promoted much more productively.

Paid methods for SEO promotion of VKontakte groups

If you are a happy owner of a budget, then promoting a community on VKontakte can be much faster and easier. Free options, including organizing competitions and advertising in public pages, if you spend a certain amount of money on them, will bring more significant results.

Buying a Community

The easiest option to get a group with a huge number of subscribers is to buy it ready-made. It will take several thousand rubles to purchase an average group with 10 thousand subscribers. Do not forget that if you change the topic of the community, many users will become uninterested in the group and will leave the group.

Group promotion through targeted advertising

Looking for easy ways? VK provides a special opportunity - for money, the community can be promoted automatically. All VK visitors will see advertisements below the left navigation panel; they will change after each page update. The group will be promoted every time you go to the management menu using the “Advertise group” link.

Precise orientation is an undeniable advantage of this method of promotion. Advertising settings allow you to apply restrictions; it will be shown to a specific audience of visitors.

The following factors are used to configure the filter:

  • age;
  • place of residence;
  • interests;
  • education;
  • Family status;
  • additional options.

How to prepare an advertising campaign to promote the VKontakte community?

Open the settings window, load the advertisement, enter information about the target group of visitors (age, gender, place of residence) and payment method. You can pay for a certain frequency of impressions or for each click on an advertisement. This method has a serious drawback - the high cost set by the VKontakte administration. It has thousands of clients at its disposal who want to pay for this service.

Acquiring users on other resources

Let's talk about third-party services that sell subscribers. Specialized resources such as VKtarget are especially in demand; in a few clicks they provide a serious influx of subscribers. Don't forget that this area of ​​activity is oversaturated with scammers. They fill groups with bots, which is why your community can be banned for cheating.

Copywriting or freelancing exchanges are a great alternative. Here you can place a micro task, for example, repost, like, join a group, add as a friend. This method of advertising allows you not only to buy subscribers from an intermediary, but to pay each user. This is a more reliable way.

Put the knowledge you have gained into practice and subscribe to my blog updates. Optimize the group competently, and you will find yourself in the TOP of search engine results, not inferior to the site.

Promotion of a group on VKontakte on the website

We are publishing a detailed guide with screenshots about the process on our website:

  1. Go to the main page
  2. We quickly register as an advertiser
  3. Adding a new task in your personal account
  4. Select the “VKontakte” tab - indicate the link to the page or community
  5. We specify additional settings so as not to fall under a ban and/or other sanctions of the social network
  6. All is ready!

We remind you that the promotion of the VKontakte group on the website is carried out exclusively at the expense of real users. No “dogs” or mass unsubscribes! And also a guarantee of natural user behavior in a community or group.

I like 1+

Social networks are not just a portal where we can communicate with friends and acquaintances, share interesting statuses, photos and videos, and also periodically visit our page with game applications. No, in fact, social networks can become a very powerful tool of influence both in business and politics. The main thing is to be able to apply them correctly and use them for certain purposes.

In this article we will talk about communities operating on the basis of “VK”. These are groups that bring together users with similar interests. Each of us is a member of at least 1-2 such communities, which regularly send us recipes, funny pictures, clever quotes and aphorisms, etc. - depending on the topic of the group.

Basically, communities are a very powerful mechanism for finding clients. By launching, for example, a group with cosmetics recipes, you can unite self-care lovers in it. In the future, by offering these users to purchase some skin products, you can receive sales, the volume of which directly depends on the promotion of the group and its popularity among other users.

Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to promote the VKontakte group. The attention of readers, first of all, will be drawn to the theoretical foundations, which we will try to supplement with practical recommendations (where would we be without them!).

You created a group...

Let's say you have a hobby - let it be knitting. You would like to find like-minded people, publish some information on this topic, exchange techniques - in general, conduct some additional socially active activities that interest you personally.

You have decided that you will launch a special group for fans of this activity on social networks for these purposes. It actually takes a couple of minutes - you need to go to the “My Groups” tab, click the “Create” button, select the type of community - and you're done! Thus, an empty field for your group will appear in front of you, which must be filled out.

Most likely, at first you will begin to fill your group with material at a rapid pace. If we are talking about knitting, then these will be different techniques, advice on where to get materials, etc. After you have a certain amount of content, a logical question arises: “How to promote the VKontakte group?” And really, what needs to be done to get the first users who will be interested in reading your posts?

General criteria

Let's start with the well-known rules. The question of how to promote a VKontakte group, if you believe them, is not entirely correct. After all, the communities themselves were built not to advertise services or make money by publishing advertising posts, but to establish communication among those who are passionate about something. This used to be very important.

Now the meaning of communities remains the same, but given the competition, you won’t be able to promote a VKontakte group to 100,000 subscribers for free using simple methods. We need to come up with something more original.

A common requirement for all groups is the purity of the content, the level of what is published here, the amount of advertising, etc. Ideally, if the group you lead has positive indicators in these criteria (it has interesting posts, it doesn’t abuse advertising, it doesn’t have the habit of stealing other people’s content), then it will become popular. This, however, will take a lot of time, and you will spend it searching for an answer to the question of how to promote a VKontakte group.

An equally important criterion in the eyes of users is the popularity of the group. After all, communities that have at least 100 thousand users end up in the search form much more often than those that have a smaller number of participating members. Based on manipulation with it, we will tell you about the first trick on how to effectively promote a VKontakte group.

Appearance of popularity

Many users involved in maintaining the community take it for granted that the group is really popular - they order it to be filled with bots. This service is available everywhere, and although it is prohibited by the VKontakte rules, it can really help you get your first real participants.

The method of working according to this scheme is very simple. You, as we have already decided, have our imaginary knitting group. It contains material on this topic, but there are no people who could read it. You order filling a group with, say, 10 thousand bots within a month. Gradually you will see new members being added to the community. This is the key to solving the problem of how to quickly promote a VKontakte group.

At their core, bots are empty pages that are created and managed automatically by a program on the server. But no one knows that these are not real people, but “fake” people. As a result, in a month your group will have about 10,000 members, which will make it more attractive in the eyes of other users.

Of course, if you are looking for information on how to promote a VKontakte group for free, this technique will not suit you. You will have to pay for 10 thousand bots to the one who will prepare them for work. However, the further effect will not be long in coming - you will see for yourself how new visitors begin to enter the community, this time those who really want to read it. This means that the main thing for you is not to stop your publications and write to the group regularly.

Content quality

Don't forget what we already talked about above - the high quality of recordings. If you have no experience in how to create and promote a group on VKontakte, it is better to try to make each post as useful and attractive as possible in the eyes of the visitor. Later, when you get your hands on managing various groups, you will know how to distinguish content by quality and, moreover, how to quickly and effortlessly find the best posts for your group.

The number of accounts registered on VKontakte is rapidly approaching 500 million, and the number of groups has exceeded 156 million. Every minute 50 new communities are registered on the social network. It’s easy to get lost among such diversity, but you can still make a group in VK a working business tool.

Setting a goal

First you need to understand what exactly the VKontakte group is for. We immediately reject the formulations “everyone has it and I need it too” or “let it be” - any tool should work. There are four main purposes for creating a group:

  1. to increase traffic to the site;
  2. for selling a product or service;
  3. to make money by advertising;
  4. for entertainment and relaxation (interest groups).

SMM gurus cannot come to a definite answer about what is best for business promotion; everyone has their own positive experience. Therefore, it is worth understanding how a page differs from a group and what exactly your business needs from its presence on VKontakte.

Group or public page?

To understand exactly what you need, answer a few questions.

  1. Who will have publishing rights? In a group, all participants can post on the wall, but only admins can post on a public page. If you want to have a monopoly right to post news, pictures, videos, polls and other materials, then register a public page. If you want anyone to be able to post content, you need a group. By the way, this function can be disabled in a group if necessary.
  2. Who will see the content posted on the community wall? Everything that is posted on a public page can be seen by everyone, even people who are not registered in VK. When promoting a product or service, this is a definite plus. But in a group you can limit access to materials. If a group is closed, then posts in it can only be read by group members. Publications in an open group are visible to everyone.
  3. The ability to invite people to join the community. You can invite 40 of your friends a day to the group for free, but the public page does not have this opportunity.
  4. Privacy of community members. Public pages appear in the “Interesting Pages” block if the participant visits them frequently. But the list of groups a person belongs to can be customized. Why is this needed? It is unlikely that anyone will want to advertise their participation in communities dedicated to some health problems, for example, infertility treatment. So if your business is related to solving personal or intimate problems of clients, then it is better to create a group rather than a public page.

The group can be made open or closed. In a closed group, only members will be able to read it, but this option is unlikely to be suitable for promoting a business.


The success of your promotion directly depends on what you name your community. The name is one of the tools for promoting a group on VK. VKontakte has its own search engine and the correct name ensures that the group will be well indexed. Moreover, Yandex and Google also perfectly index the names of VK groups.

6 ways to come up with a working name

  1. When choosing a name, you should remember one main rule - the name of the group must contain the keywords by which you are promoting. How to choose them correctly will be discussed below.
  2. Monitor your competitors, they may come up with an interesting idea.
  3. Create suspense.
  4. Name the group the same as your company.
  5. Brainstorm - write down all the names that come to mind, even the most ridiculous and strange ones. Then filter out those that already exist, that contradict the specifics of the business, or that you simply don’t like for some reason.
  6. Name a group based on the interests of the people who will unite in it: “Typical Programmer”, “Knitting Club” or “Excel Academy” are quite suitable.


The settings for the group and public page are almost identical. It’s always worth remembering that the effectiveness of promoting a group on VK depends on the correct settings.

When describing the community (1), you should not post “War and Peace”, 10 sentences are enough, no one will read more anyway. You should not neglect this point, otherwise you risk remaining the only subscriber. The page will be automatically assigned a digital address; it can be changed to something beautiful and memorable, for example, the name of a company or public (2).

If you want to attract traffic to the site, then its address must be entered in the appropriate line (3). In the “location” column, be sure to indicate the company address (4).

From the list, select the functions that are useful to you and configure access. You can select editors and page administrators. For an online store, it is worth connecting “products”, this will help promote the group on VKontakte.

The “community messages” function is useful, it’s better to enable it. If subscribers or group members want to write to you, they will not have to look for the administrator’s contacts and write him personal messages. All messages will be addressed to the community, and any administrator can respond to them.


What you will fill the group wall with depends only on your capabilities and imagination. But you need to remember that all content should be based on three principles:

  1. correspond to the business theme;
  2. contribute to the achievement of the group's goals;
  3. be interesting to the participants.

Canteen No. 100 from Astrakhan was able to promote the group on VK thanks to posts that were unusual in style. All of them are dedicated to food in one way or another and gain thousands of views in just a few days.

At the same time, posts must be unique and filled with keywords in order to be noticed by search robots.

The most common question that arises among those who decide to promote on VKontakte is how many posts per day should you make? VKontakte allows you to post 50 messages per day in a group.

But don’t be alarmed, in fact, there is no need to come up with so much content to promote and promote a business group. This is exactly the case when the quality of posts is more important than quantity.

Make a content plan for the month. To begin with, you can limit yourself to 3-4 posts per week. Even though your goal is to sell, you shouldn’t make exclusively commercial posts. The specificity of the VK audience is that they come here to have fun, so some of your content should be entertaining in nature, at least at the initial stage, when you are gaining subscribers.

  • company's news
  • information about goods and services
  • story about new products
  • stock

What kind of entertainment content can there be in a business group?

  • Polls
  • Voting
  • Competitions and giveaways
  • Thematic news
  • Useful tips (for example, on the page of a dental clinic, advice on how to choose the right toothpaste would be quite appropriate)
  • Interesting facts (an online store of household appliances can write on its page about the invention of an electric kettle or about the smallest vacuum cleaner in the world)
  • Photos and pictures

And we remember: everything that attracts the attention of users helps promote the VKontakte group.

What must be in a group?

  • Photo albums with high-quality photographs of your products. It is best to make several albums, grouping products according to some criteria

Each photo must indicate the product parameters and price.

And this is what the wrong album design looks like. To get all the necessary information, group members have to ask questions.

  • Video recordings. It is advisable that they are relevant to your business, but some of them can be just for entertainment.
  • Discussions, questions and answers, wishes.

Posts must be supplemented with a picture, photograph or video. In order for your group to be indexed by search engines, you need to optimize it with SEO.

You can promote your VKontakte group for free or for money.

Free promotion of VKontakte group


We have already talked about the fact that the name of the community must contain a keyword or key phrase (words in the text to which search engine robots react; it is thanks to keywords that links appear in search results). It is better not to use high-frequency (HF) and highly competitive (VC) requests; it will be quite difficult to get traffic from them. It is better to focus on mid- and low-frequency queries. The frequency of requests is easily checked in You don’t need to take a lot of keywords; 3-4 are enough for one group. If you decide to use more keywords, search robots will simply consider the group irrelevant and will not include it in the search results.

For the “Step aerobics in Yekaterinburg” group, we’ll take the following as keywords: step aerobics in Yekaterinburg, proper cardio training, weight loss aerobics, step aerobics.

There are two main concepts in SEO - title and description. It is thanks to these meta tags that search robots evaluate the page. Title is the name of your group, so it should contain a keyword or phrase. Description– description of the group or public page. And if for users we advised writing no more than 10 sentences, because no one will read long texts, then for search engines the description should be even shorter - only 160-170 characters. Therefore, try to succinctly indicate in the very first sentence of the group description why it is needed, not forgetting the key phrases.

In our example, the title consists of a keyword phrase. In describing the group, we use the key “proper cardio training.”

Where else can you write down key phrases and words:

  • in the address of the group page
  • in community status
  • in the names of discussion topics
  • in the titles of photo albums

In this case, it is better to use different key phrases and words, and not just the key that is in your title.

With posts, everything is simple - post unique texts with keywords of different frequencies. And remember – you are writing posts for people, not robots. If your group is interesting, then users will subscribe to it, visit it more often, like, discuss and repost messages. All this helps ranking in search engines and promoting the group on VK.

This is what the page looks like:

Cross posting

Every company and every business has partners. And they probably have groups or communities on VK. Agree to exchange posts - this will help attract new subscribers to the group.

Invitation to the VK group

This option only works for groups; you cannot invite people to become a subscriber to a public page. To get started, invite all your friends to join the group. It is worth remembering that you can send no more than 50 friend requests to networks, and too active invitations to friends can lead to blocking of your personal page.



The more interesting the content on your page is for group members, the more reposts you will receive. Which publications are most often reposted:

  • A competition where one of the conditions for participation is reposting. Usually the prize is your own products (cake, cheese basket, designer decoration) or tickets to an interesting event.
  • Lifehack. If it's a really cool tip that makes life easier, they'll definitely share it.
  • Expert commentary on a topical issue.
  • Short sale at very attractive prices.
  • Posts with freebies, for example, with a promotional code.

Paid promotion of a VKontakte group

Posting links in other groups

  1. Find an active and popular group and agree with the administrator to place an advertising post with a link to your page. You can buy a repost of a post, message, recording or photo from your wall.
  2. VK has an official advertising exchange where you can find communities and placement rates suitable for your advertising. The exchange is available in the advertising account.

Targeted advertising

  • Geographical characteristics (country, city, district, street).
  • Demographic characteristics (gender, age, education, marital status).
  • Behavior and interests (what groups and communities he belongs to).
  • bank cards;
  • through payment systems;
  • via terminals;
  • non-cash transfer.
  • participants (total number, new participants and those who left the group, geography, demographic characteristics);
  • daily attendance;
  • reach (subscribers and the total number of people who visited the page or saw your posts from friends and other groups);
  • number of views (page and its sections);
  • activity (likes, comments, reposts).

Any of these indicators can be improved. With a small reach of subscribers and low activity, it is worth working on the quantity and quality of posts. If the full coverage indicators are not encouraging, you need to post links to the group in other communities. To increase the number of unique visitors, you can run a contest to encourage subscribers to visit your page more often.

  • advertising budget;
  • cost of circulation;
  • cost of a new participant;
  • visitors who entered the group from advertising;
  • visitors who joined the group from an advertisement.

Let's remember the goals we set when creating the group. Information about traffic to the site from Vkontakte will be provided by any analytical service that you use: Yandex.Metrica, Google Analitics, Callibri, etc. You can track which transitions resulted in sales in.

Communication with customers and sales to group members

There are products that are sold well through the “VKontakte” group: women’s, children’s and youth clothing, hobby goods (patchwork, felting, drawing, design, etc.), certain types of cosmetics (pharmacy, Japanese/Korean) and much more.

In order for sales to proceed, it is important to quickly respond to a potential client, because he will not be on the social network forever. What if you are not “in contact” at that moment? It's OK. In order not to check messages in the group every 5 minutes, you can use a multi-widget. It is installed on your website and can receive messages from customers not only from the website, but also from any popular social network or instant messenger. If you, for example, are on the road, you can set up a multi-widget so that messages from VK and the website come to you in Telegram. Get the multi-widget for free for 14 days

To understand offhand whether sales will go through the VKontakte group, ask yourself 2 questions:

  1. Does my product evoke emotions in (virtually) every person?
  2. Are there many forums, blogs, communities and social media discussions on my topic online?

If you answered yes, it is very possible to increase sales through social networks.

What if the answers are “no”? Use social networks to unite your clients/supporters and notify them of important events. Or attract new clients through a few touches: expert articles, social projects, interesting competitions and sweepstakes. Tens of thousands of VKontakte groups are successfully promoting themselves. If they could do it, then so can you.

Thanks to Yulia Ivanova for additions and clarifications to the article