Full screen mode in the game. Expanding the screen on a laptop and entering full screen mode

I want to tell you today about full screen mode operation of computer programs. We will talk about how you can easily force it on for almost any program or game. First of all, the article is intended for inexperienced novice users.

Full screen mode for programs and games

You all know that almost any window in the Windows operating system can be maximized to fill the entire monitor screen. This is done with the middle “Expand” button in the upper right corner...

It was not by chance that I said “almost any window” - some resist. The recently described USB Ports Disabler program initially does not work in full-screen mode - the middle button is not active at all (it is clear that such a feature is not actually needed in such small single-window programs - I just gave it as an example). Also, very often questions arise with this mode in games or video players.

I have great news for you - you can run almost any program or game in full screen mode. This is done very easily and simply - right-click on the program (game) shortcut and go to “Properties”...

...to the "Shortcut" tab...

...and in the “Window” line set “Full screen”...

Don't forget to click "Apply".

That's all - the program or game will now launch initially in full screen mode.

Full Screen mode in the browser

Separately, I would like to note the extended “Full Screen” mode, which is turned on for any browser with the “F11” button on the keyboard (it is also turned off).

From personal observations, almost no one uses this mode for some reason, but in vain. It is very convenient and practical - all the panels and buttons of the browser are hidden, and the information is literally spread out over the entire monitor screen. This is especially true for laptop owners. To the Lords large monitors This feature may not be needed at all.

This magical full-screen mode is best implemented in the Mozilla Firefox browser - at any time you can “throw” the cursor over the top border of the window and the tab and search bars will pop up. Switch to another tab or enter a query and you can move the cursor down - we get a full screen of information again.

In other browsers, to do this you need to exit the “full screen” and then return to it - this is sad and inconvenient.

I would like to draw the attention of users and admirers of Mozilla Firefox to a small nuance - after finishing working in the browser, before closing it, it is very advisable to exit the “Full screen” mode, otherwise the next time you start it, the pinned tabs may “fly off” and the appearance of the window may “deteriorate” altogether. . Manufacturers have not been able (or rather, do not want) to fix this glitch for several years now.

That's all the forced full-screen mode of programs - to new, hopefully useful, tips and computer programs.

As Jesus departed, he said to his disciples, “You are the salt of the earth.” Outside of the religious context, the logic and essence of what was said is clearly visible. We are talking about the psychological balance of human society.

We are accustomed to statements about political, ideological, and economic balances. But we rarely think about the fact that there is an objective balance of coexistence of various psychological entities - individuals who make up this or that society.

In addition, Jesus accurately and succinctly defined the essence of the representatives of humanity, which, in his opinion, are very important. He didn’t call them “the glory of the earth”, “the strength of the earth” and similar loud metaphors.

Everyday observations show that in reality there is a type of person who is inconspicuous, but very necessary. At the same time, its value is absolutely not striking. Well, actually, it’s like salt in food. Couldn't have said it better.


It seems to us that we are afraid of life. No - that's wrong. We are afraid of the pain of our soul. Knowing this is very reassuring. Once we received pain from a situation reminiscent of this life event, and a feeling of anxiety instantly arises.

The idea itself is banal, but the conclusions are very encouraging. The physical pain from touching something hot or sharp is the same for everyone. The mental pain from contact with life is individual for everyone.

What once seemed “sharp” or “stabbing” to us is not so to others. And what is scary for others is “seeds” in our emotional perception.


Family life, no matter how much we try to embellish it, is, at its core, a simple series of ordinary days. The period of mutual courtship has passed, which certainly requires pre-nuptial “garments” that hide our “ordinariness.” The wedding celebration took place, bringing internal vanity to the young people themselves and those around them. And then the usual family routine began.

Family everyday life - a clash of habits and psychological regimes

First stage can be designated period of solving pressing social problems. More often it is decided jointly, with noticeable passion. And, as a rule, it remains in the memory of the spouses as the happiest days. And this is not accidental.


Steady maternal instinct comes forward the basis of a woman’s desire to preserve her family. The scope of caring for children also includes her desire not to deprive the child of his father’s care and attention. Moreover, the husband himself gradually finds himself in the sphere of her “maternal care.”

And the recognition of many women that “a husband is another child” is not without foundation. It's not that a man is helpless or unreasonable. The woman herself, in her boundless desire to care, gradually “covers” him with her “wing” of attention.

Based on observation of real events and people, it seems that, with proper maternal mentality, a married woman gradually changes her sexual profile. Her sexual aspirations seem to begin to be transformed by motherhood. It’s as if motherhood, like a meat grinder, transforms a heterogeneous product into the appropriate mass, with the addition of many other ingredients.

Today, most programs adjust the display automatically. However, those who prefer to play old arcade and action games are wondering how to make Undertale full screen? This is understandable, since an application developed decades ago is only partially displayed on a modern screen.

How can Undertale be made to fill the entire screen diagonal?

Let's consider several options:

  • With keys. Most applications use the Alt + Enter key combination to make the game go full screen.
  • Through game settings. The full screen game mode is displayed through the graphics settings. To do this, just indicate the mode: full screen.
  • Launch without any minor or additional parameters. You can run the game in full screen by opening the program with the “-window” parameter. To do this, without using additional parameters, do the following: right-click on the game icon and analyze the characteristic indicators. An object's address bar cannot contain the "-window" characteristic. If it appears, it is removed.

  • Via the video card driver. If there are problems with the game's graphics, you will need to run the update process. Sometimes, instead of such a session, the driver is reinstalled. Then you need to explore the menu with graphical data and scale. For ATI cards, the setup procedure is carried out in the properties screen; for nVidia - in the menu with changes in the size parameters and position of the desktop. For Integral Intel Graphics cards, you will have to go to the screen menu and select key options.
  • A selection of screen details. Older games are often unable to open in full-monitor mode due to the reduced resolution level. If you try to open them on the screen, black stripes appear on the side, or the picture is poorly displayed.

If none of the methods we outlined above helped, do the following:

In game settings, they look for the maximum resolution. A similar indicator is set on the laptop settings.

After such manipulations, programs and the desktop will look less attractive and other games designed for higher resolutions will not be displayed in normal graphics. That is why, after finishing the old game, the resolution is returned to the previous settings.

Knowing the process of opening programs and games in full screen mode, users simplify the course of the gaming session. Some methods take very little time, and you don’t have to worry about games opening up to full screen later.

When launching a game program or during gameplay, it may be difficult to display the game window in full screen mode. This problem is hardware-software in nature and occurs under the following circumstances:

  • hardware damage video adapter (overheating, deformation);
  • software error related applications (video adapter driver failure, incorrect screen or game configuration settings).

In case of hardware failure, you must contact the service center for technical analysis. If there is a software failure, you can try to make the game full screen yourself.

Using hotkeys to display the game in full screen format

In Windows family systems, there are two variations that display the program window in full-size mode, which will allow you to expand the window to full screen using keyboard shortcuts:

  • Win + D– the combination restores minimized dialog and program windows. Used if the program has been minimized;
  • Alt + Enter– this combination works with the configuration built-in ability to display the game in full screen. Typed while the program is running.

The presented keyboard shortcuts are used to simultaneously fix the application window in the required format.

Configuring game launch options using a program shortcut

When the program is fully installed, a shortcut with the company logo will appear on the desktop, and a corresponding tab will appear in the Start menu. Using this shortcut, like using a tab, you can adjust the position of the process window at startup. To expand the game to full screen:

  • click on the shortcut(tab) right mouse button;
  • in the window that opens on the “ tab Label" in category " Window» select position « Expanded to full screen»;
  • At the bottom of the tab, click the button “ Apply" and then "Ok".

When performing actions sequentially, the program will launch in full screen mode.

Setting up a video card to run the game in full format

The software process may not run in full screen mode for reasons related to the video adapter:

  • video card doesn't fit according to the requests of the game program;
  • not suitable software (driver) for a specific game.
  • With using disk, which comes with the video card;
  • Download file drivers from the manufacturer's official website.

Important! It is not advisable to download the driver file from third-party Internet resources. This may lead to incorrect operation of the updated component.

You can install the driver by running the downloaded file or by opening the disk with the executable file (file with the extension .exe). In these cases, the driver will be installed automatically.

Game Settings

To enable the visual appearance of a software process in full screen mode, sometimes it is enough to setting up in-game configuration. Depending on the program, the interface may differ, but the general idea is as follows:

  • When entering the main menu, select " Settings»;
  • go to sub-item " Image Settings"(possibly "Screen settings");
  • choose " Running the game in full screen mode" and press the key " OK"(bottom of the screen);
  • restart the game.

When you launch the game again, it will automatically be released in full format.

Setting up your monitor (screen)

When installing the program, it is necessary to study in detail both hardware and software requirements. A possible condition for making the screen fit the entire monitor in wide format may be a certain resolution.

As an example, the game requirement is: 1024 x 768, with the current resolution being 2560 x 1600. Accordingly, you need to change the resolution to the required one. The execution order may differ slightly depending on the Windows operating system; the general steps are as follows:

Game settings on a laptop

In laptops equipped with hardware and software from Intel, the problem of running a process on full screen is solved through a special application - Intel Graphics and Media Control Panel. To expand the window to fill the entire screen:

  • go to the program interface (via the menu “ Control Panel»);
  • select " basic settings»;
  • indicate specific resolution, and also set the required scale;
  • press " Apply", then "Ok";
  • When completing the actions, a computer is required reboot.

When the processes are launched subsequently, they will be output in the required format.

Modern programs, as a rule, automatically adjust to the display resolution - however, those who like to play old action games or arcade games may have a question about how to make the game full screen.

Because an application created 10, 15 or even 25 years ago can only be partially displayed on a modern one.

Sometimes such a question arises during startup.

There are a number of reasons why this happens, as well as several ways to get everything back to normal and play in full screen mode.

Method 1: Using hotkeys

Quite often, you can switch a game or any other application to full screen by just pressing 2 keys – “Alt” and “Enter”.

The method helps not only in old games, but also in modern ones - for example, in WoT.

The same key combination will return windowed mode back if necessary.

Method 2: Change startup options

Sometimes it happens, especially if you play on someone else’s computer, that the game starts in windowed mode due to the “-window” parameter set in the shortcut properties.

It can be written in the “Object” line of the game shortcut properties.

By removing this inscription, you can restore the standard launch to the entire monitor.

In this case, you should select the “Compatibility” tab in the properties of the shortcut or the application itself and select the operating system.

However, most often the list of operating systems ends with Windows Vista, and for the owner of a modern OS, for example, this method will not help.

Method 3. Setting up the video card

In some cases, outdated video card drivers prevent you from running games in full screen. The issue can be resolved by updating them or completely reinstalling them.

Each manufacturer's video card setup menu looks different.

For example, for company products, the user will have to open the Start menu/Control Panel.

Here select the nVidia Control Panel and select the scaling adjustment there. When you turn it on, the game should expand to fit the screen.

ATI brand video cards require the Catalyst Control Center application to be running.

And for integrated Intel Graphics cards, often installed on, you will need to perform a number of steps described separately.

Method 4. Game settings

Some games on modern operating systems, for example, do not allow you to set full-screen or windowed mode in their graphics settings.

This possibility can be detected by launching a game that for some reason runs in a window, that is, not in full screen.

Solution to the problem:

  1. Go to settings;
  2. Find the item responsible for launching in windowed or full-screen mode;
  3. Enable the mode or check the box.

Sometimes after changing the settings the game has to be restarted. In this case, it usually doesn’t matter what the operating system is or the screen resolution.

Method 5. Change resolution

If all of the above did not help bring the game resolution to normal, the game may be old enough to run in full screen in .

Sometimes in this case the picture looks blurry.

And there is only one way to fix the problem - change the resolution of your screen.

After this, however, other programs, more modern and designed for normal parameters, will no longer run.

Therefore, after playing the game, you need to return the monitor to its normal resolution.

If the game requires a resolution of 640x480, but the monitor does not support it, there is another option. It is selected in the shortcut properties on the compatibility tab.

Important! It is worth noting that this function allows you to automatically return to normal resolution after exiting the game.