A selection of adaptive sliders. Responsive slider using CSS3

IN this lesson We'll create a simple responsive header page decorated with a carousel where images slide from right to left. Our solution does not use JavaScript, the slideshow is based on CSS3 animations, which are supported by most modern browsers: Firefox 15+, Chrome 22+, Safari 5.1+, Opera 12.1+ and IE10.

Step 1 - Preparatory

We will need 4 large images (in our example the size is 1200px x 390px). For horizontal slider We will prepare a 4800px x 390px image in Photoshop, place all our images one after another horizontally and save the result in a format suitable for the web (“ slider-horizontal.jpg”).

Step 2 - HTML

What we'll actually be doing is animating the background-position property for our header. The title itself is very simple markup:

L'ile de Batz

The complete page code looks like this:

L'ile de Batz

Once upon a time…

Aenean lacinia bibendum...

Links to learn by heart..

Step 3: Mobile CSS

We'll start defining styles for mobile devices. Let's set the basic design and then add template extensions for larger screens. The text of the lesson provides only the basic properties, full code You can look at the sources:

Body ( width: 90%; min-width: 300px; max-width: 1200px; margin: 0 auto; padding-top: 1em; color: #504331 ) header ( text-align: center; position: relative; ) h1 ( font-size: 2.75em; background: white; padding: 0 10px; margin-bottom: .25em; ; left: 0; top: .5em; border-top: 1px solid #504331; border-bottom: 1px solid #504331; images/map.png) bottom center no-repeat; padding-bottom: 177px )

Step 4. Styles for Large Screens

On big screens sections .main And .screen should be displayed differently. Section .link will have a width of 300px and will be positioned as the right one side panel, and section .main will remain on the left. We will also add a double line to separate the sections. We will determine screen width greater than 1024px using the @media query:

@media only screen and (min-width: 1024px) ( .content ( position: relative; ) .main ( margin-right: 320px; padding: .5em 20px .5em 0; /*add a double line */ border-right : 1px solid #504331; box-shadow: 2px 0 white, 3px 0 #504331; .links ( position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; width: 300px; text-align: right; ) )

Step 5: Responsive Header Images

Let's start working on the main part of our lesson: a responsive CSS slider in the header. First, let's make the background image responsive.

Header ( background: url(../images/slider-horizontal.jpg) 0 bottom repeat-x; background-size: 400%; padding-bottom: 32.5%; )

Using two percentage values ​​(400% for property background-size and 32.5% for the bottom margin) the header background will be displayed correctly regardless of the screen size.

Why 400%? We have 4 slides, so the display will be 1/4 of the background image in the header. That is, the background size should be 4 times wider than the header.

Why 32.5%? We position our background at the bottom of the header. The height of the background image is 390px, the width of the individual slide is 1200px, 390/1200 = 0.325, so the height is 32.5% of the width.

Step 6. Animation

We will animate the property background-position. To display the second image property background-position should matter 33.33333% bottom, third - 66.66667% bottom, and the fourth - 100% bottom. The first image is displayed when the property value is background-position equal 0 bottom or 133.33333% bottom(we set the repetitions to repeat-x).

Each image has 25% of the "fame" time. The first is displayed from 0 to 25%, the second from 25% to 50%, the third from 50% to 75%, and the last from 75% to 100%. We set the transitions so that the image starts to slide out a little early (using a value of 5%) before 25% of its rendering time has elapsed. This is what it looks like @keyframes:

@keyframes h_slide ( 0% ( background-position: 0% bottom; ) 20% ( background-position: 0% bottom; ) 25% ( background-position: 33.33333% bottom; ) 45% ( background-position: 33.33333% bottom ; ) 50% ( background-position: 66.66667% bottom; ) 70% ( background-position: 66.66667% bottom; ) 75% ( background-position: 100% bottom; ) 95% ( background-position: 100% bottom; ) 100% ( background-position: 133.33% bottom; ) )

Please note that you need to add browser prefixes: @-webkit-keyframes (for Chrome, Safari, iOS Safari, Android) and @-moz-keyframes (for Firefox 15).

Below is the complete header code. Our “h_slide” animation repeats every 24 seconds (6 seconds for each slide) in an endless loop. Time function matters ease-out, so that each slide slows down at the end of the transition.

Header ( text-align: center; position: relative; background: url(../images/slider-horizontal.jpg) 0 bottom repeat-x; background-size: 400%; padding-bottom: 32.5%; -webkit- animation: h_slide 24s ease-out infinite; -moz-animation: h_slide 24s ease-out infinite; animation: h_slide 24s ease-out infinite)

Time does not stand still and with it progress. This also affected the Internet. You can already see how it’s changing appearance sites and is especially popular adaptive design. In this regard, adaptive sliders for the site have become very popular and relevant. Quite a few new ones have appeared adaptive jquery sliders , galleries and carousels.

If you want to install universal slider or carousel you can go to your website by

Sliders for the site

1. Responsive Horizontal Posts Slider

Adaptive horizontal carousel with detailed instructions on installation. It was completed in simple style, but you can style it to suit yourself.

2. Slider on Glide.js

This slider is suitable for any website. It uses Glide.js with open source. The slider colors can be easily changed.

Adaptive sliders for a website with content. The highlight of this slider is the 3D effect of the images, as well as different animations of random appearance.

4. Slider using HTML5 canvas

A very beautiful and impressive slider with interactive particles. It was made using HTML5 canvas,

5. Image Morphing Slider

Slider with morphing effect. IN in this example The slider is well suited for the portfolio of a web developer or web studio in the form of a portfolio.

6. Circular slider

Slider in the form of a circle with the effect of flipping the image.

7. Slider with blurred background

Responsive Slider with switching and blurring the background.

8. Adaptive fashion slider

Simple, lightweight and responsive website slider.

9. Slicebox - jQuery 3D image slider (UPDATED)

Updated version of Slicebox slider with fixes and new features.

JQuery plugin for creating flexible mesh images that will switch shots using different animations and timings.

Sliders for the site, part two.

11.Flex slider

Universal free plugin for your website. This plugin comes in several slider and carousel options.

12. Photo frame

Fotoramais a universal plugin. It has many settings. Everything works quickly and easily, and you can also view slides in full screen. The slider can be used both in a fixed size and adaptive, with or without thumbnails, with or without circular scrolling, and much more. Using a photo frame, you can create interesting adaptive sliders for your website.

P.S.I installed the slider several times and I think that it is one of the best

13. Free and adaptive 3D slider gallery with thumbnails.

Experimental gallery slider 3DPanelLayout with mesh and interesting effects animations.

14. Slider on css3

Responsive slider made using css3 with smooth appearance content and light animation.

is an image slider with amazing visual effects and animations.

17. Elastic

Elastic slider with full responsiveness and slide thumbnails.

18. Slit

This is a full screen responsive slider using css3 animation. The slider is made in two versions and the animation is made quite unusual.

19. Responsive photo gallery plus

Simple free slider-gallery with image loading.

20. Responsive Slider for WordPress

Responsive and free slider for WP.

21. Parallax Content Slider

Slider with parallax effect and control of each element using CSS3.

22. Slider with music link

Slider with using open source code JPlayer. This slider resembles a presentation with music.

Sliders for the site, part three.

23. Slider with jmpress.js

The adaptive slider is based on jmpress.js and will therefore allow you to use some interesting 3D effects on your slides.

24. Fast Hover Slideshow

Slide show with fast switching slides. Slides switch on hover.

Image accordion using css3.

This responsive gallery which is optimized for touch devices.

Time does not stand still and with it progress. This also affected the Internet. You can already see how the appearance of websites is changing, and adaptive design is especially popular. In this regard, adaptive sliders for the site have become very popular and relevant. Quite a few new ones have appeared adaptive jquery sliders, galleries and carousels.

If you want to install universal slider or carousel you can go to your website by

Sliders for the site

1. Responsive Horizontal Posts Slider

Adaptive horizontal carousel with detailed installation instructions. It is made in a simple style, but you can style it to suit yourself.

2. Slider on Glide.js

This slider is suitable for any website. It uses open source Glide.js. The slider colors can be easily changed.

Adaptive sliders for a website with content. The highlight of this slider is the 3D effect of the images, as well as different animations of random appearance.

4. Slider using HTML5 canvas

A very beautiful and impressive slider with interactive particles. It was made using HTML5 canvas,

5. Image Morphing Slider

Slider with morphing effect. In this example, the slider is well suited for the portfolio of a web developer or web studio in the form of a portfolio.

6. Circular slider

Slider in the form of a circle with the effect of flipping the image.

7. Slider with blurred background

Adaptive slider with switching and background blur.

8. Responsive fashion slider

Simple, lightweight and responsive website slider.

9. Slicebox - jQuery 3D image slider(UPDATED)

Updated version of Slicebox slider with fixes and new features.

JQuery plugin to create a flexible image grid that will switch shots using different animations and timings.

Sliders for the site, part two.

11.Flex slider

A universal free plugin for your website. This plugin comes in several slider and carousel options.

12. Photo frame

Fotoramais a universal plugin. It has many settings. Everything works quickly and easily, and you can also view slides in full screen. The slider can be used both in a fixed size and adaptive, with or without thumbnails, with or without circular scrolling, and much more. Using a photo frame, you can create interesting adaptive sliders for your website.

P.S.I installed the slider several times and I think that it is one of the best

13. Free and adaptive 3D slider gallery with thumbnails.

Experimental gallery slider 3DPanelLayout with a grid and interesting animation effects.

14. Slider on css3

The adaptive slider is made using css3 with smooth appearance of content and light animation.

is an image slider with stunning visual effects and animations.

17. Elastic

Elastic slider with full responsiveness and slide thumbnails.

18. Slit

This is a full screen responsive slider using css3 animation. The slider is made in two versions and the animation is made quite unusual.

19. Adaptive photo gallery plus

A simple free gallery slider with image loading.

20. Responsive Slider for WordPress

Responsive and free slider for WP.

21. Parallax Content Slider

Slider with parallax effect and control of each element using CSS3.

22. Slider with music link

Slider with using JPlayer open source code. This slider resembles a presentation with music.

Sliders for the site, part three.

23. Slider with jmpress.js

The adaptive slider is based on jmpress.js and will therefore allow you to use some interesting 3D effects on your slides.

24. Fast Hover Slideshow

Slide show with quick slide switching. Slides switch on hover.

Image accordion using css3.

This is a responsive gallery that is optimized for touch devices.

1. jQuery image carousel with simulating 3D effect

3D carousel with jQuery and CSS3. With this solution, you can display your portfolio work in the form of a scrolling slider. It is possible to use with automatic change slides or without.

2. Stylish CSS3 jQuery accordion

Accordion-style drop-down blocks in jQuery.

Adaptive slider, stretches across the entire width of the screen. When you change slides, the background, image, title, and description of the slide move with at different speeds in different directions, creating an interesting parallax effect. There is a function for automatic and manual scrolling of the slider.

4. jQuery CSS3 slider with awesome effect

The slider with a stunning animated effect adjusts to the screen size. Attention: the effect does not work in Opera.

6. Combined jQuery slider and accordion “Slidorion”

Slider and accordion combined in one plugin.

7. jQuery slideshow plugin “Camera”

Slideshow with various image changing effects. Each slide is accompanied by a description. Navigation can be done either using arrows or using the buttons below (a thumbnail pops up when you hover over it). It is possible to stop the slides from scrolling. Among other things, the Camera slideshow automatically adjusts to any browser window size.

Plugin "Adipoli" for implementing various hover effects.

9. jQuery plugin “Pagescroller”

Plugin for creating navigation on one-page sites (navigation in the form of a fixed panel at the top, an additional fixed menu on the left or right). The plugin also allows you to implement smooth scrolling pages up and down using arrows.

10. jQuery “Sequen” slider

jQuery slider in 3 different versions with different effects: demo1, demo2, demo3.

11. New version of the “bgStretcher” plugin

Plugin for creating slideshows background images Online.

Time does not stand still and with it progress. This also affected the Internet. You can already see how the appearance of websites is changing; adaptive design is especially popular. And in this regard, quite a few new ones have appeared adaptive jquery sliders, galleries, carousels or similar plugins.
1. Responsive Horizontal Posts Slider

Adaptive horizontal carousel with detailed installation instructions. It is made in a simple style, but you can style it to suit yourself.

2. Slider on Glide.js

This slider is suitable for any website. It uses open source Glide.js. The slider colors can be easily changed.

3. Tilted Content Slideshow

Responsive content slider. The highlight of this slider is the 3D effect of the images, as well as different animations of random appearance.

4. Slider using HTML5 canvas

A very beautiful and impressive slider with interactive particles. It was made using HTML5 canvas,

5. Image Morphing Slider

Slider with a morphing effect (Smooth transformation from one object to another). In this example, the slider is well suited for the portfolio of a web developer or web studio in the form of a portfolio.

6. Circular slider

Slider in the form of a circle with the effect of flipping the image.

7. Slider with blurred background

Adaptive slider with switching and background blur.

8. Responsive fashion slider

Simple, lightweight and responsive website slider.

9. Slicebox - jQuery 3D image slider(UPDATED)

Updated version of Slicebox slider with fixes and new features.

10.Free Animated Responsive Image Grid

JQuery plugin to create a flexible image grid that will switch shots using different animations and timings. This might look good as a background or decorative element on the site, since we can configure the selective appearance of new images and their transitions. The plugin comes in several versions.

11.Flex slider

A universal free plugin for your website. This plugin comes in several slider and carousel options.

12. Photo frame

Fotorama is a universal plugin. It has many settings, everything works quickly and easily, and you can view slides in full screen. The slider can be used both in a fixed size and adaptive, with or without thumbnails, with or without circular scrolling, and much more.

P.S.I installed the slider several times and I think that it is one of the best

13. Free and adaptive 3D slider gallery with thumbnails.

Experimental gallery slider 3DPanelLayout with a grid and interesting animation effects.

14. Slider on css3

The adaptive slider is made using css3 with smooth appearance of content and light animation.

15. WOW Slider

WOW Slider is an image slider with amazing visual effects.

17. Elastic

Elastic slider with full responsiveness and slide thumbnails.

18. Slit

This is a full screen responsive slider using css3 animation. The slider is made in two versions. The animation is done quite unusually and beautifully.

19. Adaptive photo gallery plus

A simple free gallery slider with image loading.

20. Responsive Slider for WordPress

Adaptive free slider for WP.

21. Parallax Content Slider

Slider with parallax effect and control of each element using CSS3.

22. Slider with music link

Slider using JPlayer open source code. This slider resembles a presentation with music.

23. Slider with jmpress.js

The responsive slider is based on jmpress.js and will therefore allow you to add some interesting 3D effects to your slides.

24. Fast Hover Slideshow

Slide show with quick slide switching. Slides switch on hover.

25. Image Accordion with CSS3

Image accordion using css3.

26. A Touch Optimized Gallery Plugin

This is a responsive gallery that is optimized for touch devices.

27. 3D Gallery

3D Wall Gallery- created for the Safari browser, where the 3D effect will be visible. If you look at it on another browser, the functionality will be fine but the 3D effect will not be visible.

28. Slider with pagination

Responsive slider with pagination using JQuery UI slider. The idea is to use a simple navigation concept. It is possible to rewind all images or switch slide by slide.

29.Image Montage with jQuery

Automatically arrange images depending on screen width. A very useful thing when developing a portfolio website.

30. 3D Gallery

A simple 3D circular slider using css3 and jQuery.

31. Full screen mode with 3D effect using css3 and jQuery

A slider with the ability to view full-screen images with a beautiful transition.