Open recently opened documents. How to view viewed files. What is the Recent Documents folder?

Today we have to figure out how to find recent documents on the computer. The point is that such an operation can be useful to everyone. For example, if a user suspects that someone is getting into his operating system and working on it without permission. Tracking your browsing history and opened/saved files is not the easiest thing to do. There are various ways to obtain information that interests the user. We will focus exclusively on files that have been recently opened, modified or saved.

Windows 7

How to find recent documents on a computer with Windows 7 on board? It is a popular and convenient operating system. Many PC users work with it. And therefore, let's start solving the problem with this operating system.

There is a folder here called "Recent Documents". It displays files that have been saved, opened or modified by the user. How to find recent documents on your computer?

To do this you will need:

  1. Login to Windows 7.
  2. Open "Start" - "Documents", or go to the menu item "Library" / "Explorer".
  3. Click on the line "Recent places" in the left menu at the top.

That's all. Information about recent files will appear on the right side of the dialog box. Fast, simple and very convenient!

Windows XP

How to find recent documents on a computer running Windows XP? This operating system is rarely seen in real life today. The software has not been supported by Microsoft for a long time, but some people still use it.

To access the folder with recent documents on Windows XP, you will have to use one of the following methods:

  1. Go to “Start” and open the “Search” section. Set the search options to "Show hidden files and folders". Find the Recent section and open it.
  2. Go to C:/Documents and Settings/UserName/Recent.
  3. The specified folder is the recent places. In order to find it, you will have to disable the function of hiding files and folders.

Important: when thinking about how to find recent documents, you can open the “Windows” search bar and write “Recent Places” in it. The search result will be the section we need.

Windows 8

Modern operating systems are similar in their functionality, but their graphical interface is always different. Sometimes he surprises. Significant changes in the OS graphics occurred in Windows 8. After the "seven" it takes a long time to get used to the new execution of the software. In such circumstances, users often have questions about how to find recent documents on the computer. Windows 8 stores the relevant data in the folder we already know - Recent. Only it, unlike Windows XP, has been moved to a different root partition.

How to find recent documents on the computer in this case? Windows 8 offers a solution to this problem:

  1. Open the command line and write shell:recent there. After processing the request, a dialog box with the data of interest to us will appear on the screen.
  2. Go to C:/Users/username/Appdata/Roaming/Microsoft/Windows/Recent.

You can also use the search bar and look for the Recent Places service there. As practice shows, this technique is used quite often by novice PC users. It does not require any special skills, knowledge or abilities.

Tip: To quickly access the Recent folder, you can create a shortcut to the corresponding document storage and display it on your PC desktop.

Windows 10

These are not all existing techniques. How to find recent documents on your computer in Windows 10? The tenth version of Windows is currently actively supported by Microsoft. This is the operating system that all modern PC users encounter. And therefore you need to understand how to work with it. Recent documents and changed files in Ten are searched in exactly the same way as in the case of Windows 8. If you wish, you can simplify your task by pinning the corresponding section in the library.

To do this you need:

  1. Go to the Recent (or “Recent Documents”) folder at the previously specified path.
  2. Click on the "Pin to Quick Access Toolbar" button. The corresponding control is at the top of the dialog box.

It is done. Now, when opening Explorer, the user will see a new line in the left menu. It's called "Recent Documents". With its help, you can quickly view the most recently opened or modified files on your computer.

Last saved files

We were introduced to searching for recent documents in the Windows operating system. The instructions provided will help you cope with the task in any version of the software. But that's not all that every modern user should know about. Sometimes you have to search for the latest saved documents in various applications. For example, in Microsoft Office utilities or Photoshop. How can I get the relevant information? Naturally, find recent documents on the computer.

Instructions for searching for the latest saved files in a particular application generally look like this:

  1. Open the program you want to work with.
  2. Go to the "File" section. It is usually located in the upper left corner. Sometimes the corresponding item is called “Overview” or simply “Menu”.
  3. Look at the list that appears. If there is a drop-down menu expansion arrow at the bottom, you need to click on it.
  4. Carefully study the numbered list with addresses and files. These are the last saved/modified documents.

To open them, just click with the mouse cursor on one or another line. There is nothing difficult or incomprehensible. Some programs have separate sections such as "Recently Opened" or "Recently Saved". You can find them using the functional menu of a particular utility.


We figured out how to find recent documents on a computer in one case or another. The instructions provided will help you complete the task without much hassle. If you want to explore a list of recent browser downloads, you can open the library and go to the "Downloads" section. By setting the sorting options, the user will be able to see the information he is interested in.

I am glad to welcome you again, dear readers.

Properly structured data on a computer not only allows you to interact with the necessary elements faster. This also improves system performance. But what if there are already a lot of folders and files on the device? It can take a lot of time to find what you want. To prevent this from happening every time, there is a useful tool - Windows 7 Recent Documents. Here you can see files that were previously opened on your computer.

In fact, this tool is a folder that contains shortcuts to various previously used data. To make it more clear, you can imagine the text editor Word. When you press the button " Open", he offers " Recently used documents».

Here is exactly the same system, only in addition to textual information, tables, pictures and much more are offered. One can only imagine how much faster the work on the device will be when you don’t have to constantly go through long paths through the directory tree, not to mention the lengthy search for a particular document.

Where is the tool located? Everything is simple - in the "" menu. The directory will be located right here, and when you hover over it, the necessary files will be displayed.

But there are times when the required folder is not in the menu. This often happens after reinstalling Windows. In addition, sometimes the menu we need disappears as a result of installing some kind of “optimizing” program. The fact is that this tool in most cases is not considered the most popular. And in order not to fill the space in "", it is hidden by default. How can I view the files I need?


There is no need to worry again, because the folder can be restored.

How to turn it on?( )

Many people don’t know how to find “” on their computer. To do this you need:

Cleaning( )

It is important to understand that all data about recently opened documents is saved in a special folder. Over time, if nothing is done, the volume of the directory will grow, which clogs the system. As a result, problems with Windows may occur. Therefore, it is better to clean it at least from time to time.

In addition, this may be necessary if several people work under one user. After all, probably no one wants anyone else to see which files were changed.

In any case, this procedure is provided by the system. It is simple and does not require special skills:

In addition, there are a lot of programs that allow you to do this. Among users they are called “cleaners”. Such applications help speed up system performance. Usually, in addition to cleaning this item, it is also suggested to delete a lot of temporary information, restore the registry, and so on. I myself use a similar application once a month.
In I described the two best programs that can be used for just such purposes.

Personal experience( )

Personally, I myself have often turned to this tool before, since it really is convenient. Just imagine, you need to open a set of the same files every day. Moreover, each of them is located in a different folder along a long path. Doing all this in total takes a lot of time.

Of course, you can make a shortcut to any type of data, and then simply save it on your desktop or in a separate folder. But by doing this you are simply creating additional files on the system. Not to mention that there may already be a lot of documents on the main monitor. All this leads to unused files and registry links appearing, which loads the operating system. As a result, Windows starts showing errors and some speed issues.

Personally, I like order, and therefore I try to keep only the essentials on my desk. I have short paths to others. In addition, all the others are located in the folder corresponding to their focus. That’s why I don’t need this tool, although many people still like it.

Hello everyone, today I want to tell you how to enable recent documents in Windows 8.1. You may have a situation where you worked with some file, saved it and all that, but for the life of you later you won’t remember where it is, this often happens with managers, in Windows there is a functionality that allows you to remember where and when you looked at the ones you need files. Let's see how it works.

To enable recent documents in Windows 8.1, there are several ways.

First way.

Open the Run window using the Win+R key combination and write there

The Recent Documents window will open.

Second way.

Use the setting Taskbars. Click right. mouse button and select a tab Confidentiality and check the boxes for Store recently opened programs and Store and display recently opened items in jump lists.

Snapshot document history

How to add a list of recently opened documents to the Start screen.

To do this, press two keys simultaneously Windows + R. A window will open Execute. Type in the input field


Instead of Username Enter the username on your system and click OK.

and eventually, when you go to the start screen, you will see the icon you need.

This is how easy it is to enable recent documents in Windows 8.1.

Today we will answer a question that has probably arisen in many owners of previous versions of the Windows operating system. In general, many users are still asking this question, since not everyone has updated their devices to “ten”, remaining on their good old version - be it Windows 7 or 8.1. So, today we will talk about the “Recent Documents” folder, tell you what this folder is, and also where the “Recent Documents” folder is located in Windows 7.

What is the Recent Documents folder?

It is curious that not everyone knows the answer to this question. Actually, the essence of the “Recent Documents” section is fully reflected in the name itself. When you quickly save something, the material ends up here. The same applies to text documents. It happens that at an early stage of creating a document, a user does not pay attention to the choice of a place for its further storage and the slightest glitch will lead to the file disappearing from the screen and finding it will not be so easy.

“Folder” saves all the actions that the user performs on the device. Rather, links to material that was recently viewed/edited are stored here.

In general, you can give enough examples, but the essence does not change - you need to know where the “fresh” files will be located on your device.

Some users work on a PC for a long period of time (5-10 years), and not everyone knows about the existence of the wonderful “Recent” folder. In simple words, it is called “Recent Documents”.

The folder path is as follows: C:(D:)\Documents and Settings\Account Name\Recent). But the fact is that this folder is in hidden mode and you won’t be able to simply go to it by following the given path.

In turn, it is necessary to make changes in the settings to make the element “visible”, and such a procedure for novice users can be difficult and changes may not bring the desired result, but only aggravate the situation. Still, it’s not for nothing that the hidden elements are in such a state so that they won’t be “disturbed” again. Fortunately, there are completely safe alternative options for finding the “Recent Documents” folder. Let's talk about them further.

Find the folder using the “Taskbar”

This short method is suitable for any PC owner with a level of PC handling. This method will allow you to add the treasured folder to the Start menu. Thus, you can enter it literally in two clicks, whenever you want.
The method itself is also carried out in a few clicks. To begin, right-click on the “Taskbar” and select the last item “Properties” from the context menu. In the window that appears, go to the “Start Menu” tab and click on the “Customize” button (located in the upper right corner). It is also worth checking the checkboxes opposite the two items that are located in the “Confidentiality” section.
In the new window you can customize the appearance and list of links in the main OS menu. Therefore, to display the “Recent Documents” folder, find it in the list and check the box, then click on the OK button.

Now the link to the folder is available in Start. Accordingly, using the same method, the link is removed from the “tens” main menu. It is worth noting that when you uncheck the checkbox in the list of options in the “Customize the Start Menu” window, documents that were open before the option was disabled are also eliminated.

Clear the “Recent Documents” folder and make the folder accessible

In general, this question is as relevant and frequently asked as the question about the location of the “folder”. There are two most common methods.

1 way

The first method is quite simple and can be done in just a few clicks. As soon as you add the folder to the Start list, click on the system main menu icon and find the link of the same name, then right-click to open the context menu. In the options, activate the line “Clear list of recent documents”. After completing the procedure, remove all contents from the Trash.

2 way

The second method is more complicated, but if the first does not work, then there is nowhere to go. So, you need to determine where the folder is located on the system. To display it, go to “Start”, click “Control Panel” and in the dialog box that appears, select the “Folder Options” option.

In the new window, go to the “View” tab and select the “Show hidden files and folders” option, then click on the OK button to activate the settings.

This way, the folder will no longer be hidden and you will be able to access it at any time.

So, after the above steps, go to the following path: C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent Documents.

In certain cases, this address may look slightly different, namely: C:\User\Users\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent Documents.

Having reached the desired folder, you can empty it completely or delete specific files, not forgetting to subsequently empty the contents of the “Trash”.

In general, you don’t have to spend a lot of time to find the “Recent Documents” folder, especially since by changing certain settings you can access the folder in literally two clicks using the main menu of the system. This way, you can often use the folder for your own purposes, and saved files and documents will no longer be lost and the user will not have to review the contents of all existing folders.

If you have any questions about the topic "Where is the “Recent Documents” folder in Windows 7?”, you can ask them in the comments

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Users of the Windows 10 operating system have the opportunity to view recently opened files using Explorer and Explorer history. And also in the latest updates of the Windows 10 operating system, a timeline has become available to users. Using the timeline, you can specifically see when and what file was used.

In this article, we will look at not only how to see recently opened files in Windows 10, but also how to disable recently used files and frequently used folders in Explorer. We recommend paying attention to the item on how to disable the timeline in Windows 10. It is also possible to open the recent documents folder, which few people know about either.

You can view recently opened files on a computer running the Windows 10 operating system in different ways. New to users is the option to use the timeline, which was introduced in the latest update.

Recent files and frequently used folders

The current opportunity has been around for a long time. The point is that the explorer displays Latest files And Frequently used folders in the tab Fast access. This functionality is useful because even a beginner can quickly find the latest file.


Not long ago, it became possible to use multiple desktops, and right after it, a timeline. In order to view recently opened files in Windows 10 using the timeline, you need to press a key combination Win+Tab and scroll down the current page. On the right, the user has access to the actual timeline with specific dates, and on the left, recently opened files can be found.

Recent Documents

To view recent documents in Windows 10 you need to press a key combination Win+R and in the window that opens, run the command shell:recent. In principle, you can find recent documents in the system yourself. To do this, the first thing you should do is , and then follow the path: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent.

If you only want to clear recently used files and frequently used folders, you need to use the window Folders settings in the tab Are common press the button Clear opposite the inscription Clear Explorer History.

The Timeline is a new element of the Windows 10 system, so it is configured from the updated system settings.

The current changes will not clear the timeline in any way, but will only prevent the collection of your actions on the computer. To clear the current timeline you need to follow the path: Settings > Privacy > Activity Log press the button Clear In chapter Cleanup Log.


This article shows you how to view recently opened files in Windows 10. We looked at where and how to find recent files, frequently used files, timeline and recent documents. We also looked at how to clear recently used files and, if necessary, completely disable their display.