Holidays in Huelva Spain. Spain Huelva. Huelva city in Spain

The Sierra Morena is like a door hinge connecting the plateau to Andalusia. Through these vertebrae, Andalusia took root in northern Spain, only to then descend again to the sea. Huelva is a pure example of western Andalusia.

On the way to Huelva through the Doñana National Park

In the province of Huelva there are more than 80 municipalities scattered across endless mountains, meadows and pastures, in the south of Spain in the Andalusian region. The existing port in the Atlantic Gulf is still considered a commercial port.

In addition to the sun, beach, wine, strawberry fields that can be found along the road, here is one of the largest - Doñana Park. The contrasts of nature with vast territories, forests and swamps attract more than 300 species of birds and 100 species of mammals to this truly amazing, living place. The wintering area for many migratory birds from Africa, America, and Northern Europe.

The story of Christopher Columbus in the small town of Huelva

For history buffs, Huelva is the place where Christopher Columbus's expedition to the New Lands was celebrated in the La Rabida Cathedral. True, this did not immediately become a property; there was a time when due attention was not paid to Columbus’s merits, however, after a meeting with Queen Isabella and Frederick, Columbus was equipped and helped in the exploration and discovery of new lands.

Sights of Huelva

In addition to the memory of Columbus and the discovery of the “New Lands”, numerous Arabic buildings are kept here, for example, a chapel with the oldest image of the crucified Jesus Christ in Andalusia. A walk through the sights and monuments with historical buildings and labyrinthine streets can lead you to the Portuguese border.

Alajar is also located here, a true treasury of folk architecture, lost in its solitude, surrounded by medieval fortress walls.

Columbus's journey to new lands from the city of Huelva

Coast of Spain: The Pearl of Huelva

On the very shore there are 3 pearls of the city:

Rabida en Palos - where the image of Christopher Columbus and the spirit of his worldwide discovery live.

Moger has been a forge of writers and poets since the 16th century.

Medieval Niebla

And all this is among sand, pine trees, eucalyptus trees and nature reserves stretching to Guadalquivir.

Life in Huelva

The atmosphere is thoroughly imbued with the Andalusian spirit; it is here that the image of the Holy Virgin of Rocío is kept. The whole world envies the local reserves of Doñana with its beautiful pink flamingos, and Andalusians envy the fact that the famous pilgrimage to the site of the image of Saint Rocío takes place here.

Well, who else in the world is given such happiness?

From the very first days of its existence, Huelva has been constantly admiring its two rivers and the Atlantic Ocean.

The wind never tires of leafing through the book of the Atlantic, stirring and bending the pages.

It seems that everything has already been leafed out in it - to the very depths.

But again he buries himself in details, impatiently throws away the foam, drives it towards the concrete cubes of the coastal blind areas.

Huelva, a city on the banks of two rivers Odiel and Rio Tinto, which merge into the Atlantic Ocean.

It is not as big, the city of Huelva, as Valencia or Seville, but nice people live there, work, relax, study at the local university, build large ships in shipyards, go to sea early in the morning and return with a catch of shrimp, squid, choco, oysters and mussels, collect oranges and strawberries in local fields, serve citizens in bars, cafes, banks, and hotels.

The city is old, but looks modern and stylish.

I’ll start with the local museum, as it should be when getting to know the city. The first settlements date back to 10,000 BC!

The biggest mystery of these places is the appearance and disappearance of a highly developed civilizationTartessos.

Another 3000 BC they were developing copper and gold!

These Huelva mines are the oldest in Europe.

There are many holidays in the city, but the main ones are:
the day of the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus and (El Rocío).

The bay from which Columbus's three caravels left for unfamiliar shores is located in Huelva.

And Christopher Columbus recruited sailors from local sailors who, although they lived in a small town, knew and loved their job.

Columbus began preparing for his first voyage within the walls of the La Rabida monastery.

Here he told his friends about his plans, calculated the route, and studied old nautical charts.

National costumes. The choice is huge. Prices too.

But in our 21st century, there are no fewer people who like to drop everything and go on foot or by cart for a week to venerate Our Lady, EL Rocio (El Rocio).

But the biggest asset of the city of Huelva is its beaches. With the scent of pine forest, herbs and flowers.

This is our city!

These are untouched corners of nature, ancient archaeological finds, high-tech production, national traditions, and delicious dishes with local wines.

What else do you need for a good holiday?

Excursions and individual tours of the cities of Andalusia. Seville, Cordoba, Huelva, Ronda, Cadiz, Jerez, Malaga.

You will not find the vibrant nightlife or variety of clubs typical of Malaga. But this city will reveal its enchanting landscapes to you and immerse you in an atmosphere of serenity and tranquility. Situated on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean between the mouths of the Rio Tinto and Odiel rivers, the city covers an area of ​​149 km² and has a population of about 150,000 people.

Located on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean, both Huelva itself and its surroundings have beautiful sandy beaches, which are filled in the summer with numerous tourists from different countries of Europe and continental Spain. But it’s not only wide beaches with fine white sand that attract vacationers. The city is a real paradise for gourmets who want to taste the freshest seafood. Among other things, Huelva has a developed infrastructure for active recreation, both on water and on land. There are plenty of golf courses in and around the city, and the surrounding cliffs provide excellent climbing opportunities. Water sports are presented in all their splendor in Huelva. All conditions have been created here for windsurfing and kite surfing, diving, boat trips and sailing regattas, parachuting and much more.

Huelva: history of the city

Huelva has a history dating back to the distant past. Scientists have established that more than 5,000 years ago there was a residential settlement on the site of the modern city. Interest in this place was largely due to its favorable geographical position, but, no less, to the rich natural resources of the surrounding lands. This fact attracted Phoenicians and Greeks, Romans and Muslims to Huelva at one time. The city still retains individual traces of all these civilizations. For thousands of years, Huelva was one of the most important port cities throughout the Iberian Peninsula. However, the port of Huelva acquired special significance after the first voyage of Christopher Columbus, who glorified Spain and brought it countless treasures and numerous colonies. It is impossible not to mention that it was in the town of Palos de la Frontera near Huelva that the famous navigator hired sailors for his ships, and here, in the La Rabida monastery, he prayed to the Lord on the eve of his journey. Today the Franciscan monastery of Santa Maria de la Rabida is the main attraction of the city. In 1856 it was declared a national monument of Spain, and its walls were decorated with frescoes by the Spanish artist Daniel Vázquez Díaz depicting the conquest of America.

The Lisbon earthquake that occurred in 1755 brought significant destruction to Huelva's monuments that constituted the city's cultural heritage. Nevertheless, a number of magnificent architectural monuments that survived this dramatic event have survived to this day.

The 19th century ushered in an era of industrialization and attracted foreign investors to Huelva's mineral-rich lands. British investors showed significant interest at the end of the 19th century and invested heavily in the mining industry. The influx of foreign capital allowed the construction of a number of beautiful architectural structures, among which the Gran Teatro, Casa Colón and Clínica Sanz de Frutos stand out.

It should be noted that Huelva, among other things, is home to the oldest football club in Spain, Recreativo de Huelva, founded on December 23, 1889.

Sights of Huelva

Unfortunately, the Lisbon earthquake that occurred in 1755 destroyed many of the city's architectural monuments, and today Huelva cannot compete in its architectural splendor with cities such as Seville. However, the city's architectural heritage is quite interesting and there is a lot to see.

  • The undoubted attraction of Huelva, located on the Atlantic coast, is its beaches with the purest white sand. The infrastructure created for various water sports is also the hallmark of the city.
  • Oldest in Huelva Church of Iglesia de San Pedro, built in the XV - XVI centuries. The church sits on top of a small hill next to the remains of a mosque and a medieval castle. The front facade of the church overlooks the beautiful Plaza San Pedro square with palm trees. The church is interesting for its combination of Mudejar and Baroque architectural styles.
  • Cathedral of Iglesia de la Merced, which served in former times as a church at the Convento de la Merced monastery and acquired the status of a cathedral in 1953. Today it is one of the best Baroque architectural monuments in the entire province of Huelva. Iglesia de la Merced was built in the 17th century and survived the 1755 Lisbon earthquake. However, it was significantly damaged during the subsequent earthquake in 1765 and was completely rebuilt.
  • Franciscan Monastery of Santa Maria de la Rabida.
  • Chapel Sanctuario de Nuestra Señora de la Cinta 15th century, known primarily for its inextricable connection with the fate of Christopher Columbus. It is located on the low hill of El Conquero, 3 kilometers north of the city center. Inside this chapel is an image of the city's patron saint, Virgen de la Cinta, to whom Columbus prayed on the eve of his voyage. Among other things, this wonderful chapel is interesting because it contains features of the Mudejar architectural style, and also houses a magnificent gilded retable depicting the patroness of the city.
  • The provincial museum, Museo de Huelva, is housed in a modern building located on Avenida Sundheim and contains interesting archaeological finds found in the province. In particular, the collection includes exhibits dating back to the megalithic period, found in the towns of La Zarcita (Santa Bárbara de las Casas) and El Pozuelo (Zalamea la Real). It also presents the treasures of the Tartessos from the necropolis of La Joya, as well as artifacts belonging to the Phoenician and Greek civilizations found within the city of Huelva; many other interesting exhibits.
  • The chapel of Ermita de la Soledad was the first church, erected in the early 1500s. Since 1854 it has been used as a school and hospital.
  • Church of the Iglesia de la Concepción, construction of which began in 1515 and continued for 2 centuries. Combines the architectural styles of Mudejar and Baroque. It contains several valuable works by the famous artist Francisco de Zubarán.
  • The Iglesia de la Milagrosa church is an example of an architectural structure in the New Gothic style.
  • Monastery Convento de las Agustinas de Santa Maria de la Garcia, built on the site of an Arab cemetery. Combines the architectural styles of Mudejar and Renaissance.
  • Convento de la Merced was founded in 1605 and is one of the oldest buildings in the city of Huelva. In its time, the monastery was used as a hospital, a place for holding prisoners, and a government building. Currently owned by the University of Huelva.
  • The Gran Teatro city theater is a beautiful building that regularly hosts concerts, opera performances, and film screenings.
The capital of the province of the same name, the city of Huelva is located in southwestern Spain, on the banks of the Odiel and Tinto rivers. It is part of the Autonomous Community of Andalusia and has more than 146 thousand inhabitants. Despite the fact that the city is located in such a favorable location, on the Atlantic coast of Costa de la Luz, the population receives the main income not from the tourism business, but from fishing or earning money in industrial production.

Thanks to the mild climate, Huelva has good conditions for the habitat of many representatives of fauna and flora. A natural reserve for a large number of bird species and the Marismas Park have been created here.

You can start getting acquainted with the history of the city at the museum, which has an archeology department, where objects from ancient settlements are presented. The development of the city is closely connected with the history of the Tartessian civilization. It was they who began to mine copper and gold in these places.

A few kilometers from Huelva is the port town of Palos de la Frontera, which in 1492 was the starting point on Columbus's journey in search of the shores of America. He recruited the ship's crew from local residents who had long been involved in maritime affairs. The holiday associated with the date of this journey is one of the most important in Huelva. Another attraction related to this event is the La Rabida monastery, where Columbus began preparing for the journey, studying maps and planning the route with his friends. To the east is a monument that was a gift to Spain from North America, erected in 1929 in honor of Christopher Columbus. This sculpture is a symbol of the role of the province of Huelva in the development of the New World.

You can feel the spirit of Huelva by walking around the old town - narrow streets, small squares, studying the elements of architecture. Sacred buildings fill these places with spirituality. For example, the Cathedral of La Merced, the Church of San Pedro, the Church of Concepcion, built in the 18th century, and the Sanctuary of Nuestra Senora de la Cinto, built from the 15th to the 18th centuries. The Church of San Pedro was built in the 16th century on the ruins of a Mudejar church. The theater is the cultural center of Huelva.

The province of Huelva has a large number of holidays, but the most famous among them is the Romeria del Rocío. It is celebrated on a weekend in May or June, the date varies depending on the liturgical calendar.

But one of the most important vacation spots in Huelva was and remains the Atlantic Ocean. The aroma of its salty breeze, the freshness, beauty and transparency of its water makes you plunge into the world of dreams and daydreams.

A sufficient number of different cultures have left their mark in Huelva, which is reflected in many elements. Modern buildings fit very organically into the architectural ensemble. This magnificent combination of historical monuments, charming streets, small squares such as Plaza de San Pedro and Plaza de las Monjas, the coast with its magnificent beaches will not leave anyone indifferent.

Spain Huelva attractions

Grand Theatre
Columbus House
Moguera Castle
St. Peter's Castle
Paris Hotel building
Cathedral of Divine Grace
Almonaster Mosque
Monastery of la Rabida
Monastery of Saint Clare
Monument to the Faith of the Discoverer
Nuns Square

Cuisine and restaurants

In addition to gazpacho, traditional Huelvan dishes include habas enzapatás (beans with garlic, lemon and mint), pimentá (grilled tomatoes and peppers) and puchero (boiled meat with separately cooked vegetables).

It is logical that seafood plays a major role in the kitchen. Fresh anchovies, mackerel, sardines, tuna - stewed or boiled, with pepper, rice or potatoes - “must be” on the Welsh table.

Entertainment and attractions in Huelva

The heart of the city is in its central square, Plaza de las Monjas. The center itself is extremely compact and can easily be explored on foot. To see the main attraction of Huelva - the Sanctuario de Nuestra Señora de la Cinta church, where, according to legend, they prayed for Columbus before his departure to the New World - you will have to travel 3 km outside the city. In the city itself, it is worth seeing the Merced Cathedral with a baroque facade and the oldest church in Huelva - San Pedro.

There are two cinemas in Huelva: Cinebox in Centro Comercial Aqualón Puerto on Glorieta Norta Street and Multicines on Autovía Los Emires Street. The only theater - the Gran Teatro - is located on Vázquez López street.

As an alternative to cinema entertainment, you can walk through the parks, of which there are more than enough here, despite the small area of ​​Huelva. For example, in the Parque Moret park with a magnificent view of the Odiel River delta, a wide strip of forest and fruit trees. Or check out Parque Alonso Sanchez in the heart of the city, located on three hills that offer panoramic views of Huelva and its surroundings. And the Jardines de Muelle park looks like a huge garden with tropical trees and shrubs.

  • Where to stay: In democratic and pompous, budget and expensive hotels, boarding houses and hostels in the ancient cities of Andalusia: in colorful Granada, where Catholicism and Islam coexist perfectly, in brilliant Cordoba, equally famous for its art, history and gastronomy, in ancient and highland