TWAIN and WIA scanner drivers for USB connections do not work under Windows XP. Scan efficiently with VueScan

Windows XP SP2 is installed on the computer due to its technical characteristics and availability corporate license for this OS.
MFP connected to USB port computer with a standard length Am-Bm cable.

When installing under Windows XP, the scanning software was not installed on the native disk.
After running the software installation utility from the software disk, only Twain drivers were automatically installed.

There is only one device installed in Twain driver setting: fs-1030mfp/fs-1130mfp (usb). It is marked with a tick.

But for some reason FineReader (7.0) does not see Kyoseru among the available scanners.
Actions: Scanning via Fine Reader -> scan -> from the scanner -> scanning in progress -> Message: "Connection failed" -> Message "The RPC connection with the scan manager has been interrupted. Further interaction with it is impossible."

Then we took the second route and installed WIA USB drivers, which came on the disk included in the delivery.
When installing the drivers, a message was displayed that the drivers did not pass compatibility testing.
The device was installed through the equipment: “Control Panel” - “Scanners and Cameras” - “Adding a Device”.

The device did not immediately appear in the list of devices "Control Panel - Scanners and Cameras".
But after installing the drivers, the Kyocera section appeared in the list of device drivers.
And the scanner was added. The driver was taken from the newly appeared section.

But when I tried to open this device: Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> scanners and cameras -> kyocera fs-1130mfp wia driver (usb) -> the message was displayed: “The computer could not detect the scanner or camera. Make sure the device is turned on and connected correctly."

Device Manager -> kyocera fs-1130mfp wia driver (usb) -> "the device is working fine"

In the “list of drivers” of the device (opened through the device manager), a number of file providers are missing or are displayed in pseudo-graphics. Or belong to cyocera.

Launch the Scanner Wizard and digital camera" -> "The computer was unable to detect the scanner or camera. Make sure your device is turned on and properly connected to this computer."

In this case, printing to the device works fine. Like with local computer, so with network computer. (the printer is divided for common use using Windows XP).

There was an assumption that the drivers in the boxed package were designed only for win7. Since they were not installed by the installation utility.

Therefore, I downloaded drivers for the scanner under Windows XP from the official website. From here:

In the list of devices, I killed the device and installed everything again.

As with installation from disk, the drivers complained that they were not tested for compatibility with the OS.

This did not solve the problems. The device is visible in the list of devices, but is not defined as “enabled” by any program.

I asked to test it at an authorized service center, where there is another unit from this batch (that did not send the fax) on another machine under XP, in order to eliminate the problem of the crookedness of the “specific unit”, “computer” and “the one who installs these drivers”.

All the same. No miracles happened. The scanner did not work even with a specialist from the service center.

Moreover, when installed on a seven, such a unit installed not only drivers, but also software for scanning. Which works with a USB connection.

In this case, the service center assured me, “this defect is not a warranty case.”

And I only have a license for XP.

Please tell me how you can solve this problem if you leave the local USB connection, because... in the office where the unit is located there is no free LAN socket to use the device “over the network”.

User Equipment Information

Equipment Configuration Additional devices

Scanner Option:

Fax Option:

Network connection method / workstation

Standard methods:

operating system

Standard OS:

Device Driver

Driver name:

Kyocera fs-1130mfp WIA driver (USB) from 11/14/2011

Driver version:


USB scanning or local scanning on XP OS is only possible using third-party programs.
It's strange that it's not possible to scan using Fine Reader. Try any other third party program for scanning.
The setup procedure in XP is quite simple. After installing all the drivers from the disk, you only need to use the book. START - KYOCERA-- select the model of your scanner (USB), which is what you did; and that's all.
Next, open any third-party scanning program and control the scanner from the program itself.
On Win 7, WIA works fully and there is appropriate support in Windows itself. Therefore, such questions usually do not arise. If WIN 7 is correct.
Documentation and software on the website:

I don't know about you, but I really love VueScan scanning software. And all because of one property - the presence of scanning profiles. It's no secret that scanner manufacturers simply mock poor users, forcing them to go through a bunch of steps each time before the file with the treasured image appears on the computer. In order to reduce the number of actions to a minimum, you need a program like VueScan. The main thing is that your scanner is on the VueScan compatibility list. Unfortunately, VueScan cannot work with all brands of scanners, especially not expensive ones.

So what is the effectiveness, in my opinion, of this program? For me, it's the ability to create different customized profiles. It’s not very often that a person does something non-standard; most of our activities are routine and monotonous. And in scanning too, constant scanning of the same standard documents, photographs, etc. Of course, from time to time something non-standard comes across, but the frequency of this non-standard is disproportionately small in comparison with the typical flow. Also, customized profiles are very good when the scanner is used by more than one person. The situation is also typical: for example, you have one scanner in your room for several colleagues. Waiting each time until each of them configures a dozen settings before scanning is not good, isn’t it easier to do two steps: select a profile, click the “scan” button? I'm 100% sure it's easier! J

And in terms of the richness of settings, VueScan is at its best. In general, you can start practicing.

Because different versions VueScan do not contain any fundamental differences, so I will demonstrate everything using version 9.0.66 as an example.

So, everything in order.

Let's start the installation. It does not raise any questions, except for one question about drivers.

If you are not sure, then select “YES”.

After installation you get this window:

Close the “tip of the day” window and click the “Details” button

A window opens with more detailed information about settings

For getting full access to settings, click the “More” button

And here is ATTENTION! If your scanner is supported by VueScan, you will see an option in the settings window "Source:" in which the brand of the scanner will be written

if your scanner is not supported, then point "Source:" you will not have it in the list of settings.

There is no point in describing all the richness of VueScan settings; instead, I will try to demonstrate how to work with profiles using an example.

In his daily activities I often scan this type of document such as memos.

Since I intend to further recognize service notes and at the same time try to save space, the scanning parameters will be something like this:

  • Permission: 400 dpi;
  • Image Size: A4;
  • Color depth: black and white one-bit image;
  • Saving format: tiff compressed one-bit;

To get such parameters, in the running VueScan go to the first tab "At the entrance" (usually it is always active at startup)

configure all parameters as shown in the picture above, i.e.:

  • Task: Scan to file;
  • Source: (brand of your scanner);
  • Mode: Tablet;
  • Medium: Text;
  • Media size: A4... ;
  • Bit per pixel: 1 bit B/W;
  • Sensitivity of black and white negative: approximately 120-145 (more high value increases contrast);
  • Viewing resolution: Auto;
  • Scan Resolution: User Setting;
  • Scan resolution (dpi): 400
  • Autosave: Scan;

Other options on the tab "At the entrance" choose to taste J

Now go to the tab "Cropping"

Here, in fact, one parameter is important to us "Crop Frame Size:" , put it in A4 format.

Next two tabs "Filter" And "Color" in mode black and white image are not available, so we skip them and go to the tab "At the exit" .

On the bookmark "At the exit" parameters are configured: where and in what format the scanned image will be saved. For my case with office notes, it will look something like this:

  • Default folder: here we set the path where the scanned image will be placed;
  • Print size: Scan size;
  • Magnification(%): 100;
  • Automatic file name: Enabled;
  • Create TIFF file: Enabled;
  • Name TIFF file: @.tif;
  • TIFF File Type: 1 bit B/W;
  • Compression for TIFF: Auto;
  • TIFF Profile: Enabled;

Having set all the parameters, you can press the button "View" and look out the window preview on the scan results. If everything is fine, then we move on to the most important thing, saving the settings profile. To do this, click the menu item "File" "Save settings"

and set some meaningful file name, for example "Services 1 bit B&W"

press "Save" .

All. This completes the setup. You can now scan a document by clicking "Scan" , and see the results of your work in the folder that you specified on the tab "At the exit" . As a result of scanning, a file with approximately the same name appeared in the folder "Scan-150427-0001.tif". As you can see, the file name consists of the prefix “Scan”, current date and a counter that will automatically increase with each new scan.

And now, actually, about efficiency. J Subsequent scans of “Official Note” documents will be done in THREE presses:

Now configure the remaining document types, saving the configuration profiles. My list looks something like this:

Over time you won't need to go to the menu "File" , you will remember under which function key you have which profile, and you will make its selection by pressing on the keyboard. And then all you have to do is press the button "Scan" .

What about colleagues? They will be happy too, saving their profiles and saving you time!

Forgive me that in this article I do not go into detail about the settings for each type of document. Unfortunately, this topic is very extensive and requires separate large articles. J Stay tuned for new products!

Any technology has a difficult fate. First, we look forward to a new product, save money to buy it, and, as soon as the opportunity arises, we go to the store. The joy from a new gadget lasts for several weeks, after which the love fades and the object of fleeting adoration goes to collect dust on the shelf “until called for.”

The other day I had a need to scan and slightly correct documents (may the lawyers forgive me). Of course, with direct hands, an iPhone can take on all the scanner responsibilities - an 8-megapixel camera is quite enough, but when quality is at stake, you can’t do without a scanner. It was then that I remembered the old scanner that was gathering dust Canon CanoScan Lide 30.

I remembered, but it was too late: alas, there was not a single computer in the house based on Windows, OS X I flatly refused to make friends with the scanner, and time was running out. The VueScan program came to the rescue, breathing life into a seemingly lifeless device.

Everything would be fine if Canon were under the brainchild official driver for the OS X platform, but between the scanner and mine MacBook Air 10 years difference, and in digital world- this is an eternity. Of course, all problems would be solved by a banal Windows installation as a second system, but the lack of a distribution kit and a sane Internet nullified all searches. Salvation was found in the program.

Connected to USB scanner categorically did not react to any body movements, OS X was silent. And lo and behold, the launched VueScan detected the scanner and after a few minutes I received what I needed digital copies in maximum resolution.

The interface of the VueScan application, despite very regular updates, is frozen in the era of the 2000s. Perhaps this is the only drawback of the application, which immediately fades into the background, overshadowed by its versatility and abundance of all kinds of settings.

The general application menu is displayed in two views: simplified and detailed. In the latter, you get the opportunity to control almost any parameters, from resolution to the number of bits per pixel of the image.

VueScan allows you not only to revive the scanner without the presence of drivers compatible with OS X (according to the developer, the number of supported scanners exceeds 2.5 thousand), but also to use function keys, assigning the required actions.

The application allows you to see the scanned image in real time, and if the result you are not satisfied with, you can immediately stop scanning. On the Filter tab, the resulting scan can be corrected by correcting the “soapiness” of the image and increasing its sharpness.

The Output tab allows you to select the resulting format for saving and the directory for saving the scanned files.

For more fine tuning scans and curve graphs are provided.

VueScan is a truly feature-rich application with a flexible range of settings. Alas, you have to pay for comfort and opportunity. Price list in $49.95 (And $89.95 behind Pro version) – slightly above average pricing policy Mac App Store, but at the same time you no longer need to buy a new scanner and your old digital friend will be able to serve for many more years. IN trial version You can make scans, save pictures, but as a result, each copy will be marked with watermarks.