What did Apple save on when creating the new iPad? What do the abbreviations mean in smartphone specifications?

Before the mass adoption of smartphones, when buying phones, we evaluated them mainly by design and only occasionally paid attention to functionality. Times have changed: now all smartphones have approximately the same capabilities, and when looking only at the front panel, one gadget can hardly be distinguished from another. The technical characteristics of devices have come to the fore, and the most important among them for many is the screen. We will tell you what lies behind the terms TFT, TN, IPS, PLS, and help you choose a smartphone with the desired screen characteristics.

Types of matrices

Modern smartphones mainly use three matrix production technologies: two are based on liquid crystals - TN+film and IPS, and the third - AMOLED - based on organic light-emitting diodes. But before we begin, it’s worth talking about the acronym TFT, which is the source of many misconceptions. TFT (thin-film transistor) are thin-film transistors that are used to control the operation of each subpixel of modern screens. TFT technology is used in all of the above types of screens, including AMOLED, therefore, if somewhere they talk about comparing TFT and IPS, then this is a fundamentally incorrect formulation of the question.

Most TFTs use amorphous silicon, but recently polycrystalline silicon TFTs (LTPS-TFTs) have been introduced into production. The main advantages of the new technology are reduction in power consumption and transistor sizes, which allows achieving high pixel densities (more than 500 ppi). One of the first smartphones with an IPS display and LTPS-TFT matrix was OnePlus One.

OnePlus One smartphone

Now that we have dealt with TFT, let's move directly to the types of matrices. Despite the wide variety of LCD varieties, they all have the same basic operating principle: the current applied to the liquid crystal molecules sets the polarization angle of the light (it affects the brightness of the subpixel). The polarized light then passes through the filter and is colored to match the color of the corresponding subpixel. The first to appear in smartphones were the simplest and cheapest TN+film matrices, the name of which is often abbreviated to TN. They have small viewing angles (no more than 60 degrees when deviating from the vertical), and even with slight tilts the image on screens with such matrices is inverted. Other disadvantages of TN matrices include low contrast and low color accuracy. Today, such screens are used only in the cheapest smartphones, and the vast majority of new gadgets already have more advanced displays.

The most common technology in mobile gadgets now is IPS technology, sometimes referred to as SFT. IPS matrices appeared 20 years ago and since then have been produced in various modifications, the number of which is approaching two dozen. However, it is worth highlighting among them those that are the most technologically advanced and are actively used at the moment: AH-IPS from LG and PLS from Samsung, which are very similar in their properties, which was even the reason for litigation between manufacturers . Modern modifications of IPS have wide viewing angles that are close to 180 degrees, realistic color reproduction and provide the ability to create displays with high pixel density. Unfortunately, gadget manufacturers almost never report the exact type of IPS matrix, although when using a smartphone, the differences will be visible to the naked eye. Cheaper IPS matrices are characterized by fading of the image when the screen is tilted, as well as low color accuracy: the image can be either too “acidic” or, on the contrary, “faded”.

As for energy consumption, in liquid crystal displays it is mostly determined by the power of the backlight elements (in smartphones LEDs are used for these purposes), so the consumption of TN+film and IPS matrices can be considered approximately the same at the same brightness level.

Matrixes created on the basis of organic light-emitting diodes (OLED) are completely different from LCDs. In them, the light source is the subpixels themselves, which are subminiature organic light-emitting diodes. Since there is no need for external backlighting, such screens can be made thinner than LCD ones. Smartphones use a type of OLED technology - AMOLED, which uses an active TFT matrix to control subpixels. This is what allows AMOLED to display colors, whereas regular OLED panels can only be monochrome. AMOLED matrices provide the deepest blacks, since to “display” them you only need to turn off the LEDs completely. Compared to LCDs, such matrices have lower power consumption, especially when using dark themes, in which the black areas of the screen do not consume energy at all. Another characteristic feature of AMOLED is that colors are too saturated. At the dawn of their appearance, such matrices really had implausible color rendering, and although such “childhood sores” are long in the past, most smartphones with such screens still have a built-in saturation adjustment, which allows the image on AMOLED to be closer in perception to IPS screens.

Another limitation of AMOLED screens used to be the uneven lifespan of LEDs of different colors. After a couple of years of using the smartphone, this could lead to subpixel burnout and residual images of some interface elements, primarily in the notification panel. But, as in the case of color rendering, this problem is a thing of the past, and modern organic LEDs are designed for at least three years of continuous operation.

Let's summarize briefly. The highest quality and brightest images at the moment are provided by AMOLED matrices: even Apple, according to rumors, will use such displays in one of the next iPhones. But it’s worth considering that Samsung, as the main manufacturer of such panels, keeps all the latest developments for itself, and sells “last year’s” matrices to other manufacturers. Therefore, when choosing a non-Samsung smartphone, you should look towards high-quality IPS screens. But under no circumstances should you choose gadgets with TN+film displays - today this technology is already considered outdated.

The perception of the image on the screen can be influenced not only by the matrix technology, but also by the pattern of subpixels. However, with LCDs everything is quite simple: each RGB pixel in them consists of three elongated subpixels, which, depending on the modification of the technology, can be shaped like a rectangle or a “tick”.

Everything is more interesting in AMOLED screens. Since in such matrices the light sources are the subpixels themselves, and the human eye is more sensitive to pure green light than to pure red or blue, using the same pattern in AMOLED as in IPS would degrade color reproduction and make the picture unrealistic. An attempt to solve this problem was the first version of PenTile technology, which used two types of pixels: RG (red-green) and BG (blue-green), consisting of two subpixels of corresponding colors. Moreover, if the red and blue subpixels had a shape close to squares, then the green ones looked more like highly elongated rectangles. The disadvantages of this design were the “dirty” white color, jagged edges at the junction of different colors, and at low ppi - a clearly visible grid of subpixels, appearing due to too much distance between them. In addition, the resolution indicated in the characteristics of such devices was “dishonest”: if the IPS HD matrix has 2,764,800 subpixels, then the AMOLED HD matrix has only 1,843,200, which led to a difference in the clarity of IPS and AMOLED matrices visible to the naked eye. seemingly the same pixel density. The last flagship smartphone with such an AMOLED matrix was the Samsung Galaxy S III.

In the Galaxy Note II smartpad, the South Korean company made an attempt to abandon PenTile: the device’s screen had full-fledged RBG pixels, albeit with an unusual arrangement of subpixels. However, for unclear reasons, Samsung subsequently abandoned such a design - perhaps the manufacturer was faced with the problem of further increasing ppi.

In its modern screens, Samsung has returned to RG-BG pixels using a new type of pattern called Diamond PenTile. The new technology made it possible to make the white color more natural, and as for jagged edges (for example, individual red subpixels were clearly visible around a white object on a black background), this problem was solved even more simply - by increasing the ppi to such an extent that the irregularities were no longer noticeable . Diamond PenTile is used in all Samsung flagships starting with the Galaxy S4.

At the end of this section, it is worth mentioning one more pattern of AMOLED matrices - PenTile RGBW, which is obtained by adding a fourth, white, subpixel to the three main subpixels. Before the advent of Diamond PenTile, such a pattern was the only recipe for pure white color, but it never became widespread - one of the last mobile gadgets with PenTile RGBW was the Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 tablet. Now AMOLED matrices with RGBW pixels are used in TVs, since they do not require a high ppi. To be fair, we also mention that RGBW pixels can also be used in LCDs, but we are not aware of examples of the use of such matrices in smartphones.

Unlike AMOLED, high-quality IPS matrices have never experienced quality problems associated with subpixel patterns. However, Diamond PenTile technology, coupled with high pixel density, has allowed AMOLED to catch up and overtake IPS. Therefore, if you choose gadgets pickily, you should not buy a smartphone with an AMOLED screen that has a pixel density of less than 300 ppi. At a higher density, no defects will be noticeable.

Design features

The variety of displays on modern mobile gadgets does not end with imaging technologies alone. One of the first things that manufacturers took on was the air gap between the projected capacitive sensor and the display itself. This is how OGS technology was born, combining the sensor and matrix into one glass package in the form of a sandwich. This gave a significant leap in image quality: the maximum brightness and viewing angles increased, and color rendition was improved. Of course, the thickness of the entire package has also been reduced, allowing for thinner smartphones. Alas, the technology also has disadvantages: now, if you break the glass, it is almost impossible to change it separately from the display. But the quality advantages turned out to be more important, and now non-OGS screens can only be found in the cheapest devices.

Experiments with glass shapes have also become popular recently. And they started not recently, but at least in 2011: HTC Sensation had a concave glass in the center, which, according to the manufacturer, was supposed to protect the screen from scratches. But such glass reached a qualitatively new level with the advent of “2.5D screens” with glass curved at the edges, which creates the feeling of an “infinite” screen and makes the edges of smartphones smoother. Apple actively uses such glass in its gadgets, and recently they have become more and more popular.

A logical step in the same direction was the bending of not only the glass, but also the display itself, which became possible when using polymer substrates instead of glass. Here the palm, of course, belongs to Samsung with its Galaxy Note Edge smartphone, in which one of the side edges of the screen was curved.

Another method was proposed by LG, which managed to bend not only the display, but also the entire smartphone along its short side. However, the LG G Flex and its successor did not gain popularity, after which the manufacturer abandoned further production of such devices.

Also, some companies are trying to improve human interaction with the screen by working on its touch part. For example, some devices are equipped with highly sensitive sensors that allow you to operate them even with gloves, while other screens receive an inductive substrate to support styluses. The first technology is actively used by Samsung and Microsoft (formerly Nokia), and the second by Samsung, Microsoft and Apple.

The future of screens

Don’t think that modern displays in smartphones have reached the highest point of their development: technology still has room to grow. One of the most promising are quantum dot displays (QLEDs). A quantum dot is a microscopic piece of semiconductor in which quantum effects begin to play a significant role. In a simplified way, the radiation process looks like this: exposure to a weak electric current causes the electrons of quantum dots to change energy, emitting light. The frequency of the emitted light depends on the size and material of the dots, making it possible to achieve almost any color in the visible range. Scientists promise that QLED matrices will have better color rendering, contrast, higher brightness and low power consumption. Quantum dot screen technology is partially used in Sony TV screens, and LG and Philips have prototypes, but there is no talk of mass use of such displays in TVs or smartphones yet.

It is also highly likely that in the near future we will see not just curved, but also completely flexible displays in smartphones. Moreover, prototypes of such AMOLED matrices almost ready for mass production have existed for a couple of years. The limitation is the electronics of the smartphone, which cannot yet be made flexible. On the other hand, large companies can change the very concept of a smartphone by releasing something like the gadget shown in the photo below - we can only wait, because the development of technology is happening right before our eyes.

Modern devices are equipped with screens of various configurations. The main ones at the moment are based on displays, but different technologies can be used for them, in particular we are talking about TFT and IPS, which differ in a number of parameters, although they are descendants of the same invention.

Nowadays there are a huge number of terms that denote certain technologies hidden under abbreviations. For example, many may have heard or read about IPS or TFT, but few understand what the actual difference is between them. This is due to the lack of information in electronics catalogs. That is why it is worth understanding these concepts, and also deciding whether TFT or IPS is better?


To determine what will be better or worse in each individual case, you need to find out what functions and tasks each IPS is responsible for. In fact, it is a TFT, or more precisely, a variety of it, in the manufacture of which a certain technology was used - TN-TFT. These technologies should be considered in more detail.


TFT (TN) is one of the methods for producing matrices, that is, thin-film transistor screens, in which the elements are arranged in a spiral between a pair of plates. In the absence of voltage supply, they will be turned to each other at right angles in the horizontal plane. The maximum voltage causes the crystals to rotate so that light passing through them results in the formation of black pixels, and in the absence of voltage - white pixels.

If we consider IPS or TFT, the difference between the first and the second is that the matrix is ​​made on the basis described earlier, however, the crystals in it are not arranged in a spiral, but parallel to a single plane of the screen and to each other. Unlike TFT, the crystals in this case do not rotate under no-voltage conditions.

How do we see this?

If you look at IPS or visually, the difference between them is the contrast, which is ensured by almost perfect reproduction of black. The image will appear clearer on the first screen. But the quality of color rendering when using a TN-TFT matrix cannot be called good. In this case, each pixel has its own shade, different from the others. Because of this, colors are greatly distorted. However, such a matrix also has an advantage: it is characterized by the highest response speed among all currently existing ones. An IPS screen requires a certain time during which all parallel crystals will make a complete turn. However, the human eye hardly detects the difference in response time.

Important Features

If we talk about what is better in operation: IPS or TFT, then it is worth noting that the former are more energy-intensive. This is due to the fact that turning the crystals requires a considerable amount of energy. That is why, if a manufacturer is faced with the task of making their device energy efficient, it usually uses a TN-TFT matrix.

If you choose a TFT or IPS screen, it is worth noting the wider viewing angles of the second, namely 178 degrees in both planes, this is very convenient for the user. Others have proven unable to provide the same. And another significant difference between these two technologies is the cost of products based on them. TFT matrices are currently the cheapest solution, which is used in most budget models, and IPS belongs to a higher level, but it is not top-end either.

IPS or TFT display to choose?

The first technology allows you to obtain the highest quality, clearest image, but requires more time to rotate the crystals used. This affects response time and other parameters, in particular the rate at which the battery discharges. The color rendering level of TN matrices is much lower, but their response time is minimal. The crystals here are arranged in a spiral.

In fact, one can easily note the incredible gap in the quality of screens based on these two technologies. This also applies to cost. TN technology remains on the market solely because of price, but it is not capable of providing a rich and bright picture.

IPS is a very successful continuation in the development of TFT displays. A high level of contrast and fairly large viewing angles are additional advantages of this technology. For example, on TN-based monitors, sometimes the black color itself changes its hue. However, the high energy consumption of IPS-based devices forces many manufacturers to resort to alternative technologies or reduce this figure. Most often, matrices of this type are found in wired monitors that do not operate on a battery, which allows the device not to be so energy dependent. However, developments in this area are constantly underway.

Articles and Lifehacks

Smartphone screens sometimes use a technology called Full Lamination, or full lamination. focus on the “progressiveness” of such displays compared to “ordinary” ones.

At the same time, it is not immediately possible to understand why they are better. We will try to clarify this issue.

What are we even talking about?

Liquid crystal (LCD) screen matrices appeared quite a long time ago, and have been continuously improved since then.

This is especially true for those used in mobile devices, because, compared to TVs and monitors, they have a number of additional requirements.

Touch screens, compared to conventional ones, contain one or more additional layers that allow them to respond to touch.

And it is precisely in relation to their configuration that the battle for every fraction of a millimeter of thickness unfolds.


The full name of the technology in question is GFF (Glass-to-film-to-film) full lamination.

A few years ago, GG (glass-to-glass) displays were common, which used two layers of glass, separated from the touch layer and the TFT matrix itself by an air layer.

They had a number of disadvantages: relatively large thickness, low manufacturability and fairly high cost.

They were replaced by GFF matrices, in which one of the glass layers was replaced by two polymer films that separated the indium tin oxide (ITO) sensor layers from the TFT matrix and cover glass. This technology was also known as On-Cell.

The result was a reduction in the thickness of the touch layer from 0.65-1.25 mm for GG matrices to 0.25-0.5 mm for screens made using GFF Full lamination technology. At the same time, the manufacturing cost has decreased, which is reflected in the price of the final product – the gadgets themselves.


No matter how advanced the technology is, something more advanced will inevitably appear over time. At the end of 2012, the first gadget using the new one, the Apple iPhone 5, appeared on the market.

In this case, the “sandwich” of layers has become even thinner: the touch layer was integrated directly into the surface of the TFT matrix, which made it possible to achieve an even greater gain in the thickness of the display.

Large vendors specializing in the production of screens for mobile devices quickly picked up the new product, and LG Displays, whose services are used by, among others, presented its version of the technology called AIT.

Most likely, this was due to some subtleties regarding intellectual property.


Sometimes in sources in connection with Full lamination the name OGS appears, which is an abbreviation for One Glass Solution.


Today, GFF Full lamination technology can be considered obsolete. It has finally given way to the more progressive In-Cell, and displays using it are no longer produced.

It is also worth noting that all of the above applies exclusively to the touch layer of the screen, without in any way affecting the parameters of the IPS matrix itself.

Therefore, this technology has nothing to do with the resolution, brightness or clarity of the image, no matter what the advertising brochures say. The characteristics that really relate to it are display thickness and response time.

October 16 company Apple introduced two of its new tablets - iPad Air 2 And iPad mini 3. Both devices received a Retina screen and a resolution of 2048 by 1536 pixels, both were equipped with a Touch ID fingerprint sensor, and yet the new model of the “air” tablet received more significant updates.

In contact with

Despite the fact that it would seem that the models cannot be compared, it would not be superfluous to compare the devices, simply because this may delay the purchase or, on the contrary, push the user towards it. In other words, here is a small guide to updates with relevant conclusions.

Fully laminated display

The new laminated Retina display eliminates air gaps between layers, bringing the image closer to the user. Also, due to the use of this technology, the Cupertino team was able to reduce the thickness of the device.

Anti-glare coating

Anti-reflective coating provided iPad Air 2 developers, allows you to reduce the level of reflection by 56%, making text easier to read from the screen even in the most unfavorable lighting conditions.

Device thickness

Since Apple used a laminated display and one LED backlight in creating the new “airy” tablet, the developers were able to significantly reduce the size (making it the thinnest tablet in the world).

A durable anodized aluminum body will allow you to avoid deformations with such dimensions.

A8X processor

Thanks to the equipment iPad Air 2 With the Apple A8X processor, the system performance of the device has increased by 40% (compared to the Apple A7 used in the tablet iPad Air). At the same time, the battery life of the device has not changed - 10 hours in operating mode. Meanwhile, graphics performance has increased - 2.5 times higher than that of the previous model. iPad mini 3 The developers equipped it with the previous generation A7 processor.

M8 Motion Coprocessor

The new generation motion sporoprocessor collects and interprets indicators from the accelerometer, barometer, gyroscope and compass, so that, for example, you can obtain information about the relative altitude of the device.

Updated cameras

iPad Air 2 received updated iSight and FaceTime cameras, which take photos and videos taken with the device to a whole new level. The main camera received an 8 megapixel matrix, as well as an improved optical system. In turn, the FaceTime camera captures 80% more light than a camera in iPad mini 3.

Burst mode

The new “air” tablet was equipped with additional functions related to the device’s cameras. So, for example in iPad Air 2 Burst Mode has become possible, which works like a similar function in the new iPhones.

Slow motion function

Another function, this time associated with the Slow Motion mode - slow motion. To enable the function, you just need to select a mode in the camera settings.

Wireless Wi-Fi 802.11ac interface

Thanks to support for Multiple-In-Multiple-Out technology, data transfer via Wi-Fi802.11ac is 2.8 times faster than on iPad mini 3— speed reaches 866 Mbit per second.

Built-in barometer

For the first time, the Cupertino team used a barometer in tablets, which will take atmospheric pressure readings, calculate the altitude of the device’s location, and even calculate, based on the data obtained, how many calories are burned while walking. This innovation will be useful both during active recreation in the city and when hiking in the mountains.

We continue the section devoted to how to choose the right smartphone that will delight the user. We have already talked about what they are, what is better, pros and cons. Today we will talk about choosing a smartphone screen. The topic is quite complex and extensive, since by now there are many technologies for the production of displays, their protection, in addition, they are presented in a variety of diagonals, with different ratios, and so on. It is the screen that often becomes a stumbling block when choosing a smartphone. It's not surprising. The display is precisely the part of the device with which we have to work more. If you make the wrong choice, there is a high probability that the screen will cause a lot of inconvenience: poor-quality picture, low brightness, poor sensitivity. But don’t worry, today we will touch on each aspect, telling you about all the intricacies of choosing a smartphone screen.

Smartphone matrix type

It’s worth starting with the type of matrix. The quality will largely depend on the choice of screen matrix type. So, today it is customary to distinguish three varieties:

  1. TN+film

The first two are based on liquid crystals, the second on organic light-emitting diodes. Each type is represented by several subtypes (in the case of IPS there are more than 20 different ones), which are one way or another found in the production of panels.

Some of you are wondering: “Where is TFT?” Due to ignorance of some resources, this abbreviation is often used to designate the type of matrix, which is incorrect. The term TFT refers to thin film transistors used to organize the operation of subpixels. They are used in almost every type of matrix under consideration. Transistors also come in several varieties, one of which is LTPS (polycrystalline silicon). LTPS is a relatively new subtype, which is distinguished by lower power consumption and more compact transistor sizes, which is also reflected in pixel sizes. The result: higher pixel density, higher quality and clearer picture.


Let's return to matrices. Most of the matrices familiar to us, as already noted, are liquid crystal, that is, LCD. The principle is to polarize the light that passes through the filter, turning it into the appropriate colors. The first of the types of liquid crystal matrices is TN+film. With the spread of "film" was dropped, shortening the name to "TN". The simplest type, which is now quite outdated and is used only in the cheapest smartphones (and even then, we still need to find it). TN cannot boast of good viewing angles or contrast, and has poor color rendering.

In general, avoid TN when choosing a smartphone screen - the type is outdated.


Next comes IPS. This technology is also not young - its age has already exceeded 20 years. Meanwhile, IPS matrices are most widespread in the smartphone market. Open any online store, choose the first smartphone you come across and see my words. This type of matrix is ​​presented both in the budget segment and in the flagship segment. In addition to improved characteristics, when compared with TN, IPS have received a large number of varieties. However, you don’t need to understand everything – the smartphone market is dominated by two types: AH-IPS and PLS. Their creators are the two largest companies in South Korea and the whole world: LG and Samsung, respectively. What is the difference? It's practically non-existent. The two types of matrices are like twin brothers, so you can choose a smartphone with any of them without fear. Identity has even become the basis for litigation between companies.

IPS boasts wider viewing angles than TN, good color reproduction and high pixel density, which provides a gorgeous picture. But the power consumption is approximately the same - in any case, LEDs are used for illumination. Since there are quite a few types of IPS matrices, they also differ in their characteristics. This difference can be seen even by eye. Cheaper IPS may be too faded, or, on the contrary, have an oversaturated color. What makes choosing a smartphone screen more difficult is that manufacturers are often silent about the type of matrix.

Definitely, when choosing between a TN and IPS screen, preference is given to the latter.


An even more modern type, which today is common, as a rule, among high-end smartphones. AMOLED are represented by organic light-emitting diodes, which do not require external backlighting, as is the case with IPS or TN - they glow themselves. Already at this moment one can highlight their first advantage - smaller sizes. Next - AMOLED is presented with more saturated colors. Black looks especially good, during which the LED simply goes out. AMOLED displays have higher contrast, boast wider viewing angles and lower power consumption (there are some nuances). It's just a fairy tale, isn't it? But before choosing a smartphone with an AMOLED screen, you should know about its disadvantages.

The most important disadvantage is considered to be a shorter service life compared to IPS. After a certain period of time (as a rule, changes in color are observed after three years), on average after 6-10 years, the pixels begin to “burn out.” Moreover, bright colors are especially susceptible to fading, so users often use dark themes in order to extend their service life. In addition, the brightness of the colors on the screen has a significant impact on power consumption. If a bright picture is displayed in light colors, then AMOLED consumes more energy than IPS. Finally, matrices based on organic light-emitting diodes are more expensive to produce.

Be that as it may, this does not negate the technology and quality of AMOLED. Sores in the form of “burning out pixels” are gradually cured, and subtypes of matrices appear that become better. For example, Super AMOLED. This variety appeared seven years ago, bringing a lot of improvements. Power consumption has been reduced and brightness increased. In addition, the air gap between the touchscreen and the matrix has disappeared, which increased the sensitivity of the screen and also eliminated the ingress of dust.

AMOLED today is considered the most technologically advanced matrices that are actively developing. If until recently they were used mainly in Samsung smartphones, today they are chosen by a huge number of smartphone manufacturers (almost every major brand has presented a solution with an AMOLED screen.

Design features of smartphone screens

But you should not only consider the type of matrix when choosing a smartphone screen. There are a whole bunch of other features that affect the final picture quality and user experience. We will focus on the most important points.

Air gap

Until recently, the screens of all smartphones were represented by two components: the touch layer and the matrix itself. There was an air gap between them, the thickness of which depended directly on the manufacturer. Naturally, the thinner the layer, the better. Companies regularly reduced the air layer, making the picture quality higher and viewing angles wider. Relatively recently, it was possible to completely get rid of the air gap thanks to OGS technology. Now the sensor layer and matrix are connected together. Despite the significant improvement in quality, there is an obvious drawback. If the OGG screen is damaged, it will have to be completely replaced, while in displays with an air layer, only the glass takes the hit.

Be that as it may, more and more manufacturers are choosing OGS screens. And we advise you to give preference to this technology. Believe me, there is no need to worry about complex repairs for the feelings that you will experience when using such a display.

A relatively recent thread that Samsung brought to the market with its flagship Galaxy S6 Edge (there was also a Galaxy Note, but only one edge was bent). The South Korean manufacturer will continue to develop the idea in subsequent smartphones, but other companies did not share the idea too much. The company bends the right and left edges of the devices - the screen seems to float onto the ends. This is done not only for the sake of a spectacular appearance, but also for the convenience of the user. Additional functions are placed here, and notifications can also be displayed here. A fascinating feature, but not for everyone.

Samsung was the most successful in implementing a curved display, so if you are interested in such a design, we recommend considering the solutions of the South Korean brand.

An even more recent trend is screens without frames. The progenitor is the Sharp company, which showed the first frameless smartphone back in 2014, but users were attracted by the frameless Mi Mix, shown in 2016. By the summer of 2017, a number of companies announced plans to release similar gadgets. Today, the market is rapidly filling up, with the newest models costing less than $100.

To date, there are several variations of the frameless screen: elongated displays, which have reduced frames at the top and bottom; familiar displays without frames on three sides (except for the bottom). The first type includes the Samsung Galaxy S8 and a couple of smartphones from LG (G6 and ). To the second - Doogee Mix, Xiaomi Mi Mix and many others, whose ranks are constantly replenished.

Frameless smartphones look really cool, and their low cost gives everyone the opportunity to try out modern technology.

The well-known company Apple introduced a new technology at the time of release in the iPhone 6S - 3D Touch. With it, the screen began to respond not only to touches, but also to the force of pressing. Technology began to be used, as a rule, to perform some quick actions. Also, 3D Touch made it possible to work with text, draw with greater comfort (the brush reacts to the force of pressure) and so on. The function did not become something completely unusual, but it found its user. Later, a similar technology appeared 6 and was also announced in .

Type of touch screens

Not a particularly important criterion when choosing a smartphone screen, but, nevertheless, let’s dwell on it a little. There are several types of touch screens: matrix (very, very rare), resistive and capacitive. Until recently, resistive screens were widespread everywhere, but today they are presented only in very rare and cheap smartphones. This type is different in that it responds to any touch: with a finger, a pen, or even control another phone. It only supports one touch and does not always work accurately. In general, an outdated type.

Capacitive screens are significantly superior to their predecessors. They already support more than one simultaneous touch, have better sensitivity, and work much more accurately. However, their production is more expensive.

Whatever one may say, the vast majority of companies have abandoned resistive screens in smartphones. And this is for the better. In addition, the cost of capacitive ones is constantly decreasing, which allows manufacturers to install them in the cheapest smartphones.

Another important aspect when choosing a smartphone screen is the number of simultaneous touches. This parameter determines what operations you can perform on the display. The first smartphones equipped with resistive screens were limited to one simultaneous touch, which was not always enough. The screens of modern smartphones often support 2, 3, 5 or 10 simultaneous touches. What gives a large number of simultaneous touches:

  • Scaling and zooming. One of the first features that appeared on the iPhone, the first smartphone to support two simultaneous touches. So, you can reduce or enlarge images by pinching or spreading your fingers on the screen.
  • Gesture control. Multiple fingers make it possible to use different gestures.
  • Game controls. Most modern games require the use of several fingers at the same time.

You shouldn't chase support for 10 simultaneous touches if you don't play on a smartphone. For the vast majority of users, 5 touches are enough, and even less demanding users will not experience discomfort with 2.

Significant parameters when choosing a smartphone screen go hand in hand. The display diagonal reflects its dimensions in inches.

An inch corresponds to 2.54 centimeters. For example, the screen diagonal of a 5-inch smartphone in centimeters is 12.7 centimeters. note: The diagonal is measured from corner to corner of the screen, without affecting the frame.

What screen diagonal should I choose? You will have to answer this question yourself. The modern smartphone market offers a variety of diagonals, starting from about 3.5-4 inches, ending with almost 7 inches. There are also more compact options, but you can ignore them - working with miniature icons is not very convenient. The best way to choose the diagonal is to personally hold the smartphone in your hands. If you are comfortable using one hand, then the diagonal is “yours.”

It is also impossible to recommend specific numbers because each person has a different hand size and finger length. For one, 6 inches is comfortable to use, for others, even 5 inches is too much. It is also worth considering that smartphones with the same diagonal can be of different sizes in general. A simple example: a 5.5-inch is comparable to a 5-inch model with regular frames. Therefore, when choosing a smartphone screen, it is advisable to also take into account the thickness of the frames.

Be that as it may, there is a trend towards increasing screen diagonals. If in 2011 the vast majority of users were limited to 4 inches, then in 2014 the largest percentage belonged to 5 inches; today solutions with 5.5 inches are capturing the market.

With resolution the situation is simpler.

Resolution reflects the number of pixels per unit area. The higher the resolution, the better the quality of the picture. Again, the same resolution looks different on two different diagonals. Here it is worth mentioning the pixel density per inch, which is denoted by the abbreviation PPI. The same rule applies here as in the case of resolution: the higher the density, the better. True, experts do not agree on the exact figure: some claim that a comfortable value starts at 350 PPI, others cite larger numbers, and still others – smaller ones. It is worth remembering that human vision is very individual: someone will not see a pixel even at 300 PPI, while another will find something to complain about even at 500 PPI.

  • with a diagonal of up to 4-4.5 inches, most smartphones receive a resolution of 840x480 pixels (approximately 250 PPI);
  • from 4.5 to 5 inches, HD resolution (1280x720 pixels) is a good choice (density ranges from 326 to 294 PPI)
  • more than 5 inches – you should look towards FullHD (1920x1080 pixels) or even higher resolutions

The latest Samsung smartphones and a number of models from other companies have a resolution of 2560x1440 pixels, which provides high pixel density and clear images. The recent flagship from Sony was presented with a 4K screen resolution, which at 5.5 inches guarantees a record 801 PPI.

Screen coating

Until recently, the screens of mobile devices were covered with ordinary plastic, which quickly scratched, distorted color reproduction, and did not have a very tactile feel. It was replaced by glass, which doesn’t care about keys lying in your pocket. Nowadays there is not a single type of glass on the market that differs in strength and, accordingly, in price. 2.5D glass with curved edges has gained particular popularity today. They not only guarantee high reliability, but also give the smartphone a more stylish look.

In addition, the screens of modern smartphones have a special grease-repellent coating (oleophobic layer), which ensures good finger gliding and also prevents stains. To determine the presence of an oleophobic layer, just place a drop of water on the screen. The better the drop retains its shape (does not spread), the better the quality of the layer.

Naturally, the quality of the oleophobic layer and glass affect the cost of the smartphone. You are unlikely to find a budget model that can boast the same durable glass as the flagship solution. Today, the most popular manufacturer of protective glass is Corning, whose line ends with Gorilla Glass 5.

Additional screen

If one display is not enough for you, then a number of companies offer smartphones with additional screens. They are usually small and serve to display notifications. And YotaPhone 2, known to many, offers a second E-link display that occupies the entire back side, which is convenient to read. LG's lineup includes solutions with a small screen that displays notifications. Recently, Meizu also launched a similar smartphone with an additional screen with its flagship.

The second screen is a rather unique feature that not everyone needs. Nevertheless, such smartphones find their user, and more than one.


Well, it seems like we talked about all the intricacies of choosing a smartphone screen. The material turned out to be quite extensive, we hope everyone will find answers to their questions. You shouldn’t chase the most expensive screen, but saving too much is also contraindicated - we’re looking for that golden mean. Although the current mobile electronics market itself will direct you in the right direction, pointing out what is popular and in demand. Today, the risk of stumbling upon a low-quality display that will be dull when pressed is much lower; manufacturers have significantly raised the quality bar. Even third-tier companies use quite high-quality matrices in their ultra-budget smartphones. Well, all we can do is wish you good luck in your choice.

By the way, the line of articles about the criteria for the right choice does not end. We have already talked about it, check it out. Materials on choosing a processor and cameras will appear soon, so subscribe to notifications and the VKontakte group.