Technomagic minecraft launcher with big mods. Description of the SkyTechnoMagic server

  • Combined technical and magical modifications
    You choose what to study: magic or modern technologies. Or maybe all at once? It's up to you to decide!
  • Electrical appliances quickly discharge in a twilight forest
    To prevent resources from being mined in the twilight forest using technical tools, did not spoil the territory and did not kill bosses with technical items, all electrical appliances and armor are discharged in the Twilight Forest. This makes the game a little more difficult, making it more interesting.
  • Digital economy
    Each player has his own in-game balance, which can be spent in stores and transferred to other players.
  • Unique clan system
    Our own is running on the server.


  • We have fixed all known dupes, bugs and methods of griefing no restrictions
    Thanks to our honest and not so honest players, we promptly learn about errors found on the server/client and correct them as soon as possible. Most often, such fixes are made in mods or on the server side and are done without prohibiting items/blocks.
  • The server uses its own economy - Coins
    These are items that can be exchanged for various goods in the in-game store or exchanged with the player.
  • Chat Game every half hour
    Every 30 minutes a random math example appears in the chat. The player who is the first to solve the example and write the correct answer in the chat will receive 20 coins.
  • Reward every hour
    For every hour spent on the server, you will receive 10 coins as a reward.
  • Wiping additional worlds once a month
    Every month, on the 15th, wipes of additional worlds (Twilight Forest, Ender World, Nether and others) are automatically carried out on the server. The wipe of the Lower World (Hell) occurs with the preservation of all regions sealed in it.
  • Reward for voting in favor of the project
    Our project consists of two tops. For every voice in them, you receive one bonus case, which you can open on a special page.
  • Top players by time played and voting
    All your accumulated time on the project is summarized and displayed on the tops page and in personal profile. Also, a top list of voters for the project is maintained, which is cleared on the 1st of every month.

Server modifications

On server On the client
Advanced Machines ArmorStatusHUD
Advanced Solar Panels Inventory Tweaks
Applied Energistics 2 (+ addons: Thaumic Energistics and AE2 Stuff) Mouse Tweaks
Automagy Not Enough Items
Blue Power Optifine HD + Shaders and Dynamic Lighting
BuildCraft Rei`s Minimap
Binnie's mods Waila
Carpenter's Blocks
Chisel 2
Dragon's Radio Mod
Electro-Magic Tools
Et Futurum
ExtraCells 2
Biomes O" Plenty
Forbidden Magic
Forge Microblocks
Gravitation Suite
Nuclear Control 2
IndustrialCraft 2
Magic Bees
Website Self-written mod
Power Converters
Primitive Mobs
Thaumcraft 4
Thaumic Horizons
Thaumic Tinkerer
Thermal Expansion + 2 addons (Thermal Dynamics and Thermal Foundation)
Twilight Forest

Privilege Sets

Prohibited items

  • Minecraft
    • Trolley with loading funnel
    • Explosive Potion "Instant Damage"
  • Advanced Machines
    • Rotary crusher
    • Rotary ore washing mechanism
    • Singular compressor
    • Centrifugal extractor
    • Combined recycler
  • Advanced Solar Panels
    • Quantum core
    • Quantum generator
    • Quantum solar panel
  • Applied Energistics 2
    • Charged Staff
    • Spatial pylon
  • BuildCraft
    • Architect's desk
    • Builder
    • Aggregate
    • Career
  • Binnie's Mods
    • Field laboratory
  • Dragon's Radio Mod
    • Radio
  • EnderIO
    • Electric spawner
  • Forestry
    • Rainmaker
    • Desktop
    • Mailbox
    • Rainmaker
    • Trading station
  • IndustrialCraft 2
    • Industrial dynamite
    • Nuclear bomb
    • Terraformer
    • Terrachips
  • Thaumic Tinkerer
    • Transvector dislocator
    • Research Record Volume
  • Thermal Expansion
    • Caches
  • Twilight Forest
    • Inventory Charms I-III
    • Block and Chain
    • Cube of Annihilation
  • Blue Power
    • Auto Project Table
    • Buffer
    • Table for creating diagrams
    • Installer
    • Ejector
    • Filter
    • Object detector
    • Manager
    • Regulator
    • Relay Finder
    • Sorting machine
    • Conveyor

Server version: 1.7.10 We are surrounded every day various devices: traffic lights, cars, factories, factories, trains. Yes, even you are reading this from the same device - a computer!

Have you ever wanted to build your own empire using all kinds of technologies? Create your own automatic farm? Power plant? What about nuclear?) Technologies are everywhere – that’s a fact! But they are also necessary to make our lives easier. Likewise, on our industrial server we have the opportunity to improve and automate every aspect of the game. For example, do you want to create your own store, but don’t have time to run to the cave for goods? No problem! You can use a quarry that will transfer the extracted resources for processing and automatically transfer the processed ones to the store!

And if you want to become the Lord of the world, create best weapon and the best equipment, but first develop special mechanisms and machines to create them!
Every lover innovative technologies he will find a place for himself with us, and then he will hardly want to leave;)

Installed mods on the server:

IndustrialCraft 2 Exp.- Adds electricity and power tools and much more to the game.

AdvancedSolarPanel- An addition to IndustrialCraft 2, adding several new types of solar panels that are noticeably better than regular ones. The advantages of the new panels are that they produce more energy.

Forestry 4- Do you want to become a beekeeper? Yes, it's possible with this mod!

Applied Energistics 2- Adds material energy (ME), which allows you to digitize various objects and store them in the so-called network (system). The mod also allows you to automate crafting, ore smelting and machine processes from other modifications.

ExtraCells- This is an add-on for Applied Energistics 2 (there is a legacy ExtraCells add-on for Applied Energistics), adding much larger cells and new fluid cells, as well as new mechanisms.

Thermal Expansion- Adds to the game new mechanics for processing resources and organizing automatic production, new resources, their processors, as well as energy and devices for its generation and storage.

EnderIO- A technical mod that will add a large number of new mechanisms. There will be energy generators, customizable mechanisms and farms, powerful tools and armor, convenient pipes for transportation and containers for storing objects, liquids, gases and energy.

Immersive Engineering- We have a high-quality industrial mod with beautiful models; it will introduce many new mechanisms and ways of generating energy into the game.

BigReactors- With Big Reactors you can create multi-block energy reactors capable of generating great amount RF energy. Depending on the materials and modular blocks you choose, the performance of the system will change, which will allow you to create a reactor that suits your requirements.

Carpenter's Blocks- How about beautiful roofs, fences or glass doors?

MineFactoryReloaded- a modification that adds many new machines that automate a number of tasks, including the processing of animal and plant farms, ore processing, etc. MineFactory Reloaded even introduces its own transportation system, working on conveyor belts.

Iron Chests- Adds chests that hold many more blocks.

SimplyJetpacks- Is an addon to the Thermal Expansion mod, adding new types of jet packs that run on energy from this mod. It diversifies quite well. this mod.

TConstruct- A modification that allows you to create tools and weapons from individual parts, each of which is responsible for certain parameters (depending on its material).

Thaumcraft- A modification that adds sorcery and many related things to the world.

ThaumicTinkerer- Addon for the Thaumcraft mod, which expands the magical arsenal and adds a new research branch to Thaumonomicon - Enchantment.

ForbiddenMagic- Addon for the Thaumcraft mod, which will add a little forbidden magic to Minecraft.

Ex-Nihilo- This modification has added various tools that allow you to obtain substances and ores necessary for creating things and mechanisms from other modifications.

OpenBlocks- A modification that adds various useful and fun blocks to the world of Minecraft.

Ex Astris- Improved version of the Ex Nihilo mod.

Ex compressum- Addition for the Ex Nihilo mod, which further expands the capabilities of this mod.

EnderIO- A modification that adds various machines to the game, generators for producing RF energy, devices for remote access to objects, pipes for transportation and tanks for storing objects, liquids, energy, as well as wires for transmitting redstone signals.

Avaritia- A modification that adds many very powerful tools and items, with very expensive recipes to create them.

Magic Crops- With the help of the mod it will be possible to grow useful resources in the garden beds, and the mod will add magic items that will diversify the game.

ExtraUtilities- A modification without a specific theme, adding various useful items and elements, such as pipes, generators and magic items.

Description of the TechnoMagic server

You played on industrial and magic servers and thought how cool it would be to play on a server where all the mods are connected? Technomagik is exactly this server. You can play the role of a scientist who doesn't care about magic. You can play the role of a wise wizard who is not interested in technical progress, but you can combine all this and be a wizard who installs nuclear reactors to obtain magical powers from electricity! Who will you be? Try yourself and give free rein to your unlimited imagination on the TechnoMagic server!

  • Main world limitation 5000 blocks from spawn
  • Twilight Forest Restriction 4000 blocks from the portal
  • Hell limitation 2000 blocks from the portal
  • Game slots - 30
  • Difficulty level- Normal (you don’t die of hunger)
  • PvP- Included
  • Server version - 1.7.10

List of modifications of this server

  • Botania is a mod that adds a ton of new colors to Minecraft. But it's not about just making your world more beautiful. With new flowers comes a lot of new strength. Powers that can be used to create tools and weapons and items to improve your world as much as possible.
  • Thaumcraft- a modification that adds sorcery and many related things to the world. This modification provides unique system research.
  • TwilightForest- a modification that adds a new dimension to the game - Twilight Forest. It is huge, like the normal world, and almost entirely covered with trees. This world is more mysterious and fantastic than the usual one. It is constantly dark here, which gives this world a unique, dark atmosphere. Large trees with their crowns cover the Twilight Forest from sun rays, forming a kind of dome. He is only occasionally pierced by huge trees, so huge that they stretch up to the sky. The terrain here is flatter than in the overworld, but sometimes you can find hills containing caves full of valuable ores, treasures, and dangerous monsters.
  • Tinker's Construct- modification created by mDiyo. The main idea of ​​the mod is to create tools and weapons from individual parts, each of which is responsible for certain parameters (depending on the material of the part). The mod also adds combined tools (for example, a tool with the functions of both an axe, a shovel and a hoe), new types of weapons, improvements to tools/weapons (analogous to enchantment) and some other aspects of the game. The popularity of the mod led to the addition of plugins.
  • Thaumic Tinkerer- Is a great addon for ThaumCraft
  • Chisel- decorative mod, this mod adds many blocks and opportunities to decorate your building
  • Thaumic Horizons is a great addition to Thaumcraft that adds a lot of content to the game.
  • Draconic Evolution- a modification that adds new powerful tools, armor, vehicles and various elements. The modification is based around its ore block - dragon ore (which is generated in the Normal and Nether Worlds, as well as in the End). Uses Redstone Flux energy from the Thermal Expansion modification. The modification also adds rituals, research and much more..
  • BiblioCraft- a modification that adds various pieces of furniture to the game, for example, bookcases, as well as a measuring tape used to measure the distance between blocks.
  • TaintedMagic is a mod that greatly expands the usefulness of the warp and gives you a reason to save infested biomes. It adds new ore, new knobs, new wands, new equipment, new food... in fact, there are all kinds of things. Although this is only a Thaumcraft addon, it adds enough utility and content for players to specialize in it.
  • Thaumic Explortaion is a small addon for Thaumcraft 4 that adds some useful items that make playing Thaumcraft much more interesting. It adds an enchantment that is compatible with Thaumic Tinkerer.
  • AdvancedSolarPanel- an addition to IndustrialCraft 2, adding several new types of solar panels that are noticeably better than regular ones.
  • AppliedEnergistics 2- the mod contains a huge number of new blocks and items, expands knowledge of energy and allows you to use energy.
  • AE2 Stuff- an addon for AE2 that adds several new useful mechanisms that simplify development in this mod.
  • BuildCraft- one of the main modifications based on industrialization and various auxiliary mechanisms
  • Thaumic Energistics- addition to modifications Applied Energistics 2 and ThaumCraft 4. Adds the ability to store essence in the ME network and automate the production of items from ThaumCraft
  • Electro-Magic Tools- This modification is an add-on to the popular IndustrialCraft and ThaumCraft mods, it links them together by forcing them to use common energy.
  • CompactSolars- will add new types to the game solar panels, which can be combined into one large panel for receiving more power
  • Extra Utilities- a modification without a specific theme that adds various useful items and elements, such as pipes, generators and magic items.
  • GraviSuite- an addition to the IndustrialCraft 2 modification, which adds several new types of armor and tools to the game.
  • Thermal Expansion- this is a modification for SSP and SMP Minecraft modes. Adds to the game new mechanics for processing resources, organizing automatic production, new resources, their processors, as well as energy and devices for its generation and storage
  • IndustrialCraft-2-Exp- a modification that adds industrial production, the modification contains different kinds energy
  • IronChest - this modification adds several types of chests with different capacities and the ability to expand
  • NEI- a modification that allows you to view the crafts of all items and blocks in the game;
  • Dragon's radio mod- a mod that adds radio to the game; it doesn’t just play pre-recorded sound, but plays real radio broadcasts from the Internet
  • Super Solar Panels- an addition to Advanced Solar Panels, adding more powerful solar panels, however more expensive to craft.
  • ExtraCells2 is an add-on for Applied Energistics 2, adding much larger capacity cells and new fluid cells, as well as new mechanisms.
  • IC2 Nuclear Control- (Nuclear Reactor Control) - addition to the IndustrialCraft2 mod
  • Mine Factory Reloaded- a modification that adds many new machines that automate tasks such as farm processing of animals and plants, ore processing and much more. MineFactory Reloaded even introduces its own transportation system, powered by conveyor belts. The mechanisms use Redstone Flux energy.
  • Custom NPCs is a modification for single and multiplayer games that adds non-player characters, or NPCs, which are initially created and customized by the player. The modification contains many new items, decorative blocks, weapons for NPCs and players that cannot be obtained initially. Both can be used to create RPG-like worlds for Minecraft

Prohibited items/blocks -

These items were prohibited in order to protect the server from crashes or their “griefer” insecurity, which could also affect the integrity of the game.

  • Twilight Forest and higher Anti-workbench
  • Twilight Forest Inventory Charms
  • IndustrialCraft Terraformer
  • IndustrialCraft and higher Mining laser
  • ExtraUtilities and higher Edge Quarry
  • ComboArmors Module "Arrester"
  • Thermal Expansion Autonomous activator
  • DraconicEvolution and higher Dragon Staff