Rear Admiral Bashkin rear flax naval base. Leningrad naval base. Kronstadt Naval Fortress

Leningrad naval base

The history begins with the Petrograd naval base, created in March 1919. During the Civil War, its personnel actively participated in the defense of St. Petersburg. After the end of the Civil War, the base was disbanded. It was created a second time in 1939. During the Soviet-Finnish War it supported the combat operations of the Baltic Fleet. Disbanded in July 1940. Re-formed in October 1941 as part of a detachment of ships of the river. Neva, water area security ships, transport and icebreaking vehicles, railway artillery batteries, N.-i. artillery. naval artillery of the training ground and other units. The base supported the actions of the ground forces of the Leningrad Front with naval and coastal artillery fire, participated in the formation and landing of tactical amphibious assault forces, provided air defense and mine defense for ships and vessels, and was engaged in logistics support for combat operations of naval forces. Disbanded in November 1944. Later it was created twice - in 1951 (disbanded in 1956) and in 1961. Awarded the Order of the Red Banner (1975).
During the Great Patriotic War, the base was commanded by: Rear Admiral F. I. Chelpanov (1941), Rear Admiral Yu. A. Panteleev (1941-1942), Captain 1st Rank G. I. Levchenko (1942), Rear Admirals M Z. Moskalenko (1942), I. D. Kuleshov (1942-44), A. P. Alexandrov (1944).

  • - named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsov, prepares command and command-engineering personnel for the Navy...
  • - The Central Navy of the USSR, created in 1805 as a Naval Library on the basis of the collection of books that existed at the Admiralty Board. The funds contain about 700 thousand tons. ...

    St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

  • - from 1917 to June 1940 the main base, from July 1940, after the transfer of the main forces of the Baltic Fleet to Tallinn, the base of the Baltic Fleet...

    St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

  • - created on May 19, 1870 with headquarters in Wilhelmshaven; from 21.8.1939 subordinate to the “West” group. On June 22, 1943 it was transformed into the High Naval Command in the North Sea. Chiefs: Vice Admiral Richard Förster; Admiral Otto Schultze...

    Navy of the Third Reich

  • - 1) an equipped area of ​​the coast and adjacent area of ​​the sea, providing the basing and maneuver of fleet forces...

    Glossary of military terms

  • - an equipped area of ​​the coast and adjacent area of ​​the sea intended for basing fleet forces...

    Marine dictionary

  • - an area of ​​military-applied knowledge of a geographical nature, studying the physical-geographical and navigational-hydrographic conditions of the seas, oceans, as well as maritime and ocean theaters...

    Marine dictionary

  • - part of the ocean theater of military operations with the adjacent coastal strip of land, within which groups of naval and other forces are deployed and operate under a single...

    Marine dictionary

  • - a section of military g., devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the influence on the personnel of the Navy of the conditions of activity and life on ships and naval bases and the development of specific...

    Large medical dictionary

  • - a section of military medicine aimed at providing medical care to the Navy in peacetime and war...

    Large medical dictionary

  • - a stronghold for the fleet, providing it with replenishment of supplies, repair or repair of damage, new construction and rest...

    Marine dictionary

  • - a base created in advance or during combat operations in a certain operational direction...

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  • - The high cost of sailing, the high consumption of various supplies and the complexity of modern warships do not give them the opportunity to make long cruising distances from their country, as was the case with sailing...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - an equipped and defended area of ​​the coast and adjacent area of ​​the sea, usually with several ship bases, with forces and means intended for defense, providing...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - them. Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N. G. Kuznetsov. - Founded in 1827 in St. Petersburg. Prepares command personnel and naval engineers...

    Large encyclopedic dictionary

"Leningrad Naval Base" in books

Naval Academy

author Krylov Alexey Nikolaevich

Naval Academy In September 1888, I was enrolled in the shipbuilding department of the Naval Academy. Since ancient times, the Naval Corps, like some other cadet corps, had “officer classes.” In the mid-70s these

Naval Academy named after K. E. Voroshilov

From the book My Memories author Krylov Alexey Nikolaevich

Naval Academy named after K. E. Voroshilov (on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the resumption of its activities) Twenty-five years ago, on April 1, 1919, the Naval Academy resumed its activities, opening new departments and receiving a new charter and new course programs. Not

Kronstadt Naval Fortress

From the book Basing of the USSR Navy author Manoilin Viktor Ivanovich

Kronstadt Naval Fortress Founded by Peter, Kronstadt was the first naval base in Russia and marked the beginning of the creation of a basing system for our country's Navy. The Kronstadt Naval Fortress (KVMK) in 1952 was operational

Kronstadt naval base on the eve of the mutiny

From the book Kronstadt Mutiny author Semanov Sergey Nikolaevich

Kronstadt naval base on the eve of the rebellion In early March, incredible news spread across Soviet Russia: Kronstadt had rebelled. This seemed unrealistic, because the Baltic sailors became a familiar symbol of October, and Kronstadt - the image of the revolutionary Baltic.

From the book Defense of the Hanko Peninsula author Chernyshev Alexander Alekseevich

Soviet naval base on Gangut On March 12, 1940, the signing of a peace treaty between Finland and the USSR ended the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939–1940. Article four of the treaty provided the Soviet Union with a lease for a period of 30 years on the Hanko Peninsula with

Naval base

From the book Azov Fleet and Flotillas author Kogan Vasily Grigorievich

The Harbor naval base is the beginning and end of the fleet; without it, whether there is a fleet or not is all the same. Peter I To strengthen Russia's position on the Sea of ​​Azov, a fortress and a harbor for the naval fleet were needed. For their construction, Peter I chose

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6. Navy love

From the book Thought Armed with Rhymes [Poetic anthology on the history of Russian verse] author Kholshevnikov Vladislav Evgenievich

Naval reconnaissance on land

From the book GRU Spetsnaz: the most complete encyclopedia author Kolpakidi Alexander Ivanovich

Naval reconnaissance on land The work of naval reconnaissance cannot be ignored either. Thus, from November 1943 to September 1944, on the territory of Estonia, she monitored the movements of German troops, transmitting valuable information via radio, subject to

Chapter VI Naval theory

From the book Russian Pacific Fleet, 1898-1905 History of creation and destruction author Gribovsky V. Yu.

Chapter VI Naval theory In 1899, the next version of the Naval Regulations was published, prepared by a commission consisting of Admiral K.P. Pilkina (chairman), vice admirals V.N. Nazimova, K.K. De-Livron, rear admirals N.N. Lomen, J.A. Hiltebrandt and A.A. Birileva. In the charter

International Naval Conference in London.

From the book With the English Fleet in the World War author Schultz Gustav Konstantinovich

International Naval Conference in London. Having finished my business in London, I was about to go back to the fleet, but received an order from the Russian naval general staff to participate in an international conference, which was convened by the English

Naval Service Telegram French Naval Base at Greenock, 19 May 1943

From the book Military Memoirs. Unity, 1942–1944 author Gaulle Charles de

Naval service telegram French naval base at Greenock, May 19, 1943 The commander of the ship "Meonia", Captain 3rd Rank Litzelman, his staff and crew ask you to convey the following message to General de Gaulle: "Commander, 53 officers and crew members of the French ship "Meonia" ,

The training of the forces of the Leningrad Naval Base in 2011 was aimed at maintaining the combat readiness of military command and control bodies and forces at a level that ensures the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to them. The training was carried out in the difficult conditions of the ongoing reform of the Armed Forces. All this required the concentration of efforts of the command of formations, ships and units to successfully accomplish the assigned tasks.

The training plan for military command and control bodies and forces (troops) for 2011 has been fully implemented. The results of the implementation of combat training tasks and the daily activities of the Leningrad Naval Base forces in the 2011 academic year make it possible to assess the moral and psychological state of the personnel of ships and units as satisfactory.

In general, the assigned tasks were completed successfully, combat training methods and programs were mastered, commanders of all levels acquired and consolidated experience in leading military units and subunits, skills in managing forces, effective use of weapons, and performing formation tasks as intended were improved. According to the results of the 2011 academic year, LenVMB took first place in the Baltic Fleet in the absolute majority of positions. The best formations: 1st place - brigade of surface ships, 2nd place - brigade of submarines, 3rd place - brigade of ships under construction and repair, among training units 1st place - Vyborg training detachment, 2nd place - Kronstadt training detachment.

In 2011, the ships practiced and passed over 30 course missions, carried out over 100 combat exercises of various types using all systems of weapons and armaments available on the ships of the Leningrad Naval Base, which is significantly more than in previous training periods. Every year, ship groups took part in gathering voyages of formations of fleet ships and exercises of groupings of forces of the Baltic Fleet.

In 2011, St. Petersburg was visited by ships of the navies of foreign countries: Venezuela, Brazil, Ireland, the Netherlands, the USA, Germany, Algeria. In addition, there were visits by military delegations from France, Turkey, the USA, and Ukraine. The Leningrad naval base provided all these visits.

Parades of ships of the Baltic Fleet were held at a high level on Navy Day in St. Petersburg and Kronstadt, in which the Chief of the Main Staff of the Navy, Admiral A. A. Tatarinov, and Deputy Commander of the Baltic Fleet, Vice Admiral V. P. Kravchuk, took part. ., Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Northwestern Federal District I.I. Klebanov, Governor of St. Petersburg V.I. Matvienko, Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg V.A. Tyulpanov, other officials.

In 2011, an operational mobilization gathering of the Navy's leadership was held in St. Petersburg, a meeting between the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Admiral V.S. Vysotsky, and fleet commanders with the best graduates of naval educational institutions in the Konstantinovsky Palace.

Work with veterans of the Great Patriotic War and the Navy was systematized, their records were compiled (more than 10 thousand), including generals and admirals (200 people), Heroes of the Soviet Union and Heroes of Russia (60 people). A joint council of veterans has been created. The fighting traditions of previous generations of defenders of the Motherland have been preserved and developed.

Close interaction has been established with the Maritime Council under the Government of St. Petersburg during city events with the participation of military sailors of the Leningrad Naval Base. Issues of interaction between LenVMB and the Government of St. Petersburg, the Leningrad region, and the administration of the Kronstadt region are resolved on an ongoing basis and with high quality.

Earlier in 2009, on May 8, at a ceremony in the Kremlin, Russian President Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev presented the delegation of St. Petersburg with a certificate conferring the honorary title “City of Military Glory” on Kronstadt. St. Petersburg at the ceremony was represented by the Governor of St. Petersburg Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko, the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the city Vadim Albertovich Tyulpanov, the head of the Kronstadt district Alexander Mikhailovich Goroshko and the then commander of the Leningrad naval base, Rear Admiral Anatoly Ivanovich Lipinsky.

This high assessment of Kronstadt is also our merit. After all, on May 18, 1954, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Kronstadt Fortress was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for the courage and heroism shown in the Great Patriotic War and in connection with the 250th anniversary of Kronstadt.

On April 30, 1975, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Leningrad Naval Base was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for its contribution to strengthening the country's defense capability and in connection with the 30th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War.

In close cooperation with the Administration of the Kronstadt region, the restoration of the Kronstadt Naval Cathedral in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is being carried out.

Social issues of military families are always resolved promptly: registration of children of military sailors in preschool institutions and schools in Kronstadt is always a priority.

In 2011, LenVMB and the Administration of the Kronstadt region jointly held many significant events. Among them: the consecration of the bells of the Kronstadt Naval Cathedral, ensuring the stay of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, Svetlana Vladimirovna Medvedeva, and other honored guests in Kronstadt.

In conclusion, I would like to quote the words spoken by the Governor of St. Petersburg: “At all times, the Leningrad Naval Base has honorably carried out combat missions to protect our Motherland! The feat of the Baltic sailors is written in golden letters in the heroic chronicle of the defense of Leningrad. Military sailors have always been and remain the pride of St. Petersburg, the sea capital of Russia. St. Petersburg residents love and appreciate you.”

Captain 1st Rank Oleg Anatolyevich Dovganyuk

Deputy commander of the Leningrad Naval Base for educational work

LenVMB has a new commander - Rear Admiral Igor Vladimirovich Smolyak (left).
Oleg Zhuravlev will serve as head of the naval department of the Western Military District

On July 10, an important event took place in Kronstadt - the commander of the Leningrad naval base, Captain 1st Rank Oleg Zhuravlev, said goodbye to his personnel. A solemn ritual of handing over the battle flag to the new commander took place in Petrovsky Park. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Rear Admiral Igor Vladimirovich Smolyak was appointed to this position. Before his new appointment, he served as head of the Black Sea Higher Naval School (military institute) named after P. S. Nakhimov.
During his command of the Leningrad Naval Base, Oleg Zhuravlev received more than thirty new ships, submarines and service vessels. From now on, he will serve as head of the naval department of the Western Military District. When the military ritual was coming to an end, Oleg Zhuravlev addressed the officers with parting words.

Photo report by Vladimir DEMIN

Rear Admiral Igor Vladimirovich Smolyak was born on February 27, 1968 in the village of Velikiye Sorochintsy, Mirgorod district, Poltava region. In 1990 he graduated from the Black Sea Higher Naval School named after P. S. Nakhimov. Began his officer service in the Northern Fleetas commander of the control group of the missile and artillery warhead of the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov. In 1993, he was transferred to the Black Sea Fleet, where he rose from commander of a missile and artillery combat unit group to ship commander. In 2004, after graduating from the Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N. G. Kuznetsov, Igor Smolyak continued his military service in the Black Sea Fleet as commander of a rescue ship division, senior assistant to the commander of the missile cruiser "Moskva", commander of the missile cruiser "Moskva", deputy commander of a division of surface ships, commander of a division of surface ships. In 2012, he was transferred to the position of commander of a division of surface ships of the Pacific Fleet. In 2014, Rear Admiral Igor Vladimirovich Smolyak was appointed head of the Black Sea Higher Naval School (military institute). In May 2015, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed to the position of commander of the Leningrad naval base of the Baltic Fleet. Married. Has a daughter.
Rear Admiral Igor Smolyak was awarded the Order of Military Merit and has 9 state and departmental awards.



Red Banner Leningrad Naval Base (LenVMB) is a naval base of the Russian Baltic Fleet. During the times of the USSR, the Red Banner Leningrad Naval Base was a naval base of direct subordination, that is, it was subordinate not to the commander of the Baltic Fleet, but directly to the Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Navy. Includes bases and ports of Kronstadt, St. Petersburg, Oranienbaum, Priozersk, water areas of the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland and Lake Ladoga. Until the end of 2008, the base headquarters was located in the Admiralty building.

It was created on March 15, 1919 by order No. 117 for the Baltic Sea Fleet by transforming the Petrograd Naval Forces into the Petrograd Naval Base. On March 29 of the same year, military sailor Alexander Nikolaevich Spolatbog was appointed the first head of the naval base. The Petrograd naval base was responsible for the deployment of ships and vessels, as well as for taking measures to defend the city from sea directions. The first detachment of warships at the base included three battleships, three cruisers, destroyers and five yachts.
In the summer of 1919, the crews of the destroyers Gabriel and Azard, together with the submarine Panther, opened the military account of the association by sinking the submarine L-55 and the destroyer Vittoria of the British Navy.
During the Great Patriotic War, about 100 thousand military sailors fought on various sectors of the Leningrad Front. In 1941–1944 ships and boats of the Leningrad naval base participated in landing operations in the areas of Strelna, Peterhof, on Lake Ladoga, in the Vyborg and Narva bays.
In the post-war years, the main task of the Leningrad Naval Base was the training of crews and the commissioning of new ships entering service with the Navy.

The objectives of the Leningrad Naval Base are:
Maintaining a stable operational regime in the assigned area of ​​responsibility, ensuring defense and protection of based forces;
Ensuring the construction, repair, crew training, testing of ships and vessels coming from industry and repairs;
Providing research work to study the seas and oceans, as well as testing new equipment and weapons;
Providing training for midshipmen and warrant officers, petty officers and sailors, as well as training and retraining of naval reserve officers in the system of training detachments, schools and officer courses, providing educational practice for cadets, VVMUZ students on ships and vessels of the Navy;
Operational (combat), technical and logistics support for combat and daily activities of ships and naval units based in the Leningrad Naval Base zone;
Providing housing, communal, cultural and educational services for personnel in the area of ​​responsibility of the base.
In addition, LenVMB provides all events related to the life of the fleet and the city - visits of foreign ships, celebration of memorable dates, parades and regattas.
On March 15, 2019, the Commander of the Baltic Fleet, Admiral Alexander Nosatov, congratulated the personnel of the Leningrad Naval Base (VMB) on the 100th anniversary of the formation of the association.
Based on the results of the 2018 academic year, the Leningrad Naval Base, commanded by Rear Admiral Vyacheslav Rodionov, was recognized as one of the best fleet formations.
Currently, it includes naval formations, training units and military units located on the territory of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region.
The most important tasks facing the sailors of the Leningrad Naval Base in modern conditions are the training of crews and the commissioning of the latest ships entering service with the Russian Navy.
Sailors of the Leningrad Naval Base provide all events related to the maritime life of St. Petersburg: visits of foreign military and training ships, parades, holidays and regattas. The ships of the association, which annually line up on the Neva in a parade line on the eve of Navy Day, have become a kind of calling card of St. Petersburg and the Main Naval Parade.

As of 2012, the LenNMB included the following ships and formations:
"Smolny" is a training ship of Project 887. Hull number 210, in the fleet since 1976.
"Perekop" is a training ship of Project 887. Hull number 200, in the fleet since 1977.
105th brigade of water area security ships (Kronstadt)
147th tactical group of small anti-submarine ships
MPK-99 "Zelenodolsk" is a small anti-submarine ship of Project 1331M. Board number 308, in the fleet since 1987.
MPK-192 "Urengoy" is a small anti-submarine ship of Project 1331M. Board number 304, in the fleet since 1986.
MPK-205 "Kazanets" is a small anti-submarine ship of Project 1331M. Board number 311, in the fleet since 1987.
22nd minesweeper division

BT-115 is the basic minesweeper of Project 12650. Board number 561, in the fleet since 1994.
RT-57 is a Project 10750 raid minesweeper. Board number 316, in service with the fleet since 1989.
RT-248 is a Project 10750 raid minesweeper. Board number 348, in service with the fleet since 1990.
3rd separate submarine division (Kronstadt)
B-227 "Vyborg" is a diesel submarine of Project 877. In the fleet since 1983.
B-806 "Dmitrov" - diesel submarine of Project 877EKM. In the fleet since 1986.
B-585 "St. Petersburg" - diesel submarine of Project 677. In the fleet since 2010
13th brigade of ships under construction and repair (St. Petersburg, Kronstadt)
Connections not included in the LenVMB, located in the base’s area of ​​responsibility:
32nd separate division of support vessels (Priozersk, commander captain 1st rank Vladimir Karmanov)
Division of experimental vessels of the training ground of the 1st Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Primorsk)

During the Soviet era and later, the position of commander was called commander of the Red Banner Leningrad naval base - commandant of the Kronstadt naval fortress.
In 1919, military sailor Alexander Nikolaevich Spolatbog was appointed head of the base.
During the Great Patriotic War, the base was commanded by: Rear Admiral F. I. Chelpanov (1941), Rear Admiral Yu. A. Panteleev (1941-1942), Captain 1st Rank G. I. Levchenko (1942), Rear Admirals M Z. Moskalenko (1942), I. D. Kuleshov (1942-44), A. P. Alexandrov (1944).
12.1989-09.1992 - Selivanov Valentin Egorovich,
02.1993-08.1995 - Grishanov Vladimir Vasilievich,
12.1995-10.2002 - Kornilov Alexander Ivanovich,
10.2002-03.2006 - Kudryavtsev Vladimir Yurievich,
03.2006-11.2006 - Alexey Borisovich Tuzov,
11.2006-07.2009 - Anatoly Ivanovich Lipinsky,
09.2009-06.2011 - Fedotenkov Alexander Nikolaevich,
By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 22, 2011, captain 1st rank Oleg Vladimirovich Zhuravlev was appointed commander of the Red Banner Leningrad naval base of the Twice Red Banner Baltic Fleet.
In May 2015, the Head of the Black Sea Higher Naval Order of the Red Star School named after P.S. Nakhimov, Rear Admiral Igor Smolyak was appointed commander of the Red Banner Leningrad Naval Base.