Outlook calendar. Tips for working with Outlook Calendar. Share your Outlook calendar with others Access all event details

In Microsoft Office Outlook 2007, you can share your calendar information. This can be convenient, for example, for collaborating on a common project.

There are several ways to provide access to a calendar, which differ in scope. Today we will look at the option of collaboration within an organization using an Exchange mail server.

To grant access to the calendar to specific employees, you need to view " Calendar» in the transition area, click the button « Share your calendar» (Fig.1)

  1. In field " To whom…» Enter the name of the user to whom you want to grant access to view the calendar.
  2. Change the subject of the email if desired.
  3. Select the check box to give the recipient permission to view the calendar.
  4. If necessary, you can request permission to view the recipient's default Calendar folder. To do this, select the Request permission to view the recipient's Calendar folder check box.
  5. Enter the required information into the message body.
  6. Click the button Send».
  7. Check the confirmation dialog and if everything is correct, click the button OK.

Recipients will receive an email inviting them to view your calendar and clicking on " Open "Calendar""(Fig. 3) will connect it in their Outlook.

The recipient is now in the view " Calendar"can enable or disable the display of your calendar (Fig. 4)

Sharing calendars is not limited to the " Calendar" by default, created in all Outlook profiles. You can create additional calendar folders and choose which ones to share. For example, you can create a calendar folder for a specific project and share it with employees. You can also give them permissions to change events and appointments on your calendar.

A calendar is an extremely important tool for any small business owner, freelancer, or self-employed person. A well-designed calendar is needed to know where you should be and what you should be doing.

Even if your business isn't rushed, there's a good chance you'll need to schedule important calls within days or even weeks. You need a way to estimate that you will be free at important times. Relying on your memory is not the best approach. In such cases, the calendar comes to the rescue.

Again, if someone asks you to be available for something, you need to know if you can respond positively to that request. If you don't have a calendar with all your activities marked, you may always be concerned that you might accidentally schedule different things at the same time. Your big client will call you on the phone during a teleconference with another big client of yours!

Well, do you agree to look at a selection of the best calendar applications for scheduling and joint planning? (graphics)

The calendar will come to the rescue in other, simpler cases. If you love to meditate, make time for it at the beginning of each day and set yourself a reminder, so you won't have anything else planned during this important time for you. The same goes for other fitness habits, such as doing email, or working continuously for an hour or two on a regular basis.

While a personal calendar is very important, one greatly underrated benefit of an online calendar is that it gives team members the ability to schedule activities in concert with yours. If they can see your calendar, which they have access to (and you can see theirs), then they will know not to bother you while you are meditating. And you also know that Tim is free for half an hour in the afternoon, and perhaps this is a very good time to say a few words with him.

With all that said, we're going to look at a few best-in-class calendar apps that are public-access and scheduling-ready calendar apps.

1. Obvious Choice: Google Calendar

Google Calendar - Popular scheduling and open access tool.

Google Calendar is the best open access calendar by definition. This is what you need. If you are just looking for an online calendar, this is the one to choose. Without a doubt.

With Google Calendar, you can have separate calendars, each in a different color, for different aspects of your life. You can use one for household chores, another for work, another for daily reminders, and another for birthdays of everyone you know.

You can share each calendar. You and your partner can have a common business calendar. You can create a public calendar that everyone in the office can see, and a private one that will be available only to you and your company co-founder. There are many options for how you can use it, as you see fit.

Google Calendar can also serve as a base for other calendars you want to use. You can use a service like IFTTT to leave yourself reminders or anything else through your Google Calendar. If you like the look of the iOS calendar, it syncs well with Google.

Google Calendar is completely platform independent. You can access it through any browser. If your team uses different devices, then you can use it with complete peace of mind and remain confident that everyone can access it.

And what’s more, Google Calendar is free, like all services in your Google account. It's also included with your Google Apps subscription if you use an account to receive emails and then you already have access to Google Calendar.

Considering all this, it is difficult for Google Calendar to compete.

2. Business Choice: Microsoft's Outlook Calendar

Microsoft Outlook offers an integrated solution for open access.

Google's biggest competitor is Outlook. Designed for business, Microsoft's application has become firmly entrenched in many large companies. While you can sign up for Google Calendar through Outlook, if your company uses Microsoft for security or other reasons (even personal preference), then you may be better off not doing so.

In terms of its functions, Outlook calendar is close to Google, but in addition it has other capabilities. It integrates with your email so you can see everything at once in one place.

Designed from the ground up for business, Outlook is great for traditional hierarchical teams. It makes it easy for a manager to see the schedule of each employee, add events, etc. Employees can have a personal calendar, a team calendar, an organizational calendar, and others.

Where Outlook really loses to Google Calendar is in price. Outlook is included with a Microsoft Office 365 subscription that starts at $6.99/month per user. If your organization subscribes to Office 365 because you use other Microsoft programs, then this is not a problem. On the other hand, it's a pretty steep price to pay for a new calendar app when there are good free alternatives.

3. Choice for MAC users: Apple's iCloud Calendar

Apple Calendar is a Mac application with an online synchronization option.

Apple Calendar is a great calendar with one drawback: it works best on macOS and iOS. While you can access calendars via iCloud and can connect other apps to them, my experience is that it doesn't work as well as Google Calendar.

Like many Apple products, iCloud Calendar shines when fully integrated. Maps will automatically suggest routes based on your scheduled event, everything you need to do will be displayed in the Today window, and so on. You can all do this on a Mac, but you can't on an Android device or PC.

If your entire team uses Macs, then iCloud Calendar is a great option. Its functionality is similar to Google Calendar; It's just a calendar, without any special bells and whistles.

On the other hand, if your team uses different devices, then it is better to have something that works well on different platforms than something that works well on only one, so everyone will have a better experience.

So why none of these three?

When it comes down to it, Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar, and iCloud Calendar are deservedly the best. These are great calendars and are easily accessible.

Google Calendar and iCloud Calendars are free for everyone, and Outlook Calendar is part of a popular business suite available worldwide. Most likely, you are already using one or even several of them. By creating an account with Google or Apple, you automatically receive your own calendar.

The offerings from Google, Microsoft, and Apple are all flexible enough that you can turn them into the calendar app you want without any hassle.

If you don't want to use one of these top three options, there's probably a reason for that. And that must be a good reason. Maybe you need something more for productivity, or something more convenient for scheduling meetings?

Let's then look at a few more calendar applications, with an open access option:

Several more online calendars with open access options

Zoho Calendar - Online calendar with open access

Zoho Calendar is an affordable online calendar application.

Zoho Apps is an alternative to Google Apps. They also offer an email service, a word processor, spreadsheets and of course a calendar. Unlike Google Apps, Zoho Apps is free to install on your domain for up to 10 users. This means that it is popular among small companies that want to have their email address in the form name@company_site.domain.

If you use Zoho Apps, then for the same reason as Outlook or iCloud Calendar, it's probably worth your time to learn Zoho Calendar. It will integrate with everything you work with.

Teamup - Public Calendar App for Teams

Teamup - Great calendar for group access.

Unlike other calendars on our list, which are individual and you can share with others, Teamup was designed for group work. If you want to plan a meeting location, organize deliveries and outings, other events, and everything else your team needs, then this is a great option. This program is even used by NASA.

While there is a free option, most teams prefer to use more functionality such as password protection, and it starts at $8 per month (team subscription - not per user).

- Popular online productivity app

Trello is a flexible scheduling app and task manager.

Trello is one of our favorite project management apps. We use it in our editorial work. This is a great app for teams to track the progress of various tasks and projects.

While many teams use Trello as a digital to-do board, it has much more functionality. You can assign a date to each Trello card. If you do this, then you will be able to use Trello Calendar View, which is shown above. You can access the calendar according to the day for which the card was created.

Depending on why you need a calendar, something like this might be the best solution for you. With Trello, people can collaborate, discuss tasks, create to-do lists, and track progress. If you need something more than just a calendar for tasks, but rather a good organizational product, then this would be a good choice.

- Great online productivity app

Basecamp - A reliable productivity tool.

Basecamp is another tool that the Tuts+ team loves. We use it to organize work with courses. It has a little more power than Trello, and each project gets a lot more weight than just a card in Trello.

Like Trello, Basecamp has a well-integrated calendar that makes it easy to store dates, events, appointments, and more.


In fact, for most people, either Google Calendar, Outlook, or iCloud Calendar will be enough. However, if your team needs more niche products, then we have some good options for you. For the most part, calendars and planners come bundled with other apps, but there are separate (but paid) options.

Learn more about useful business tools in these articles on Envato Tuts+:

What apps do you use as a calendar? What features are most important to you? Is the ability to make open access for your team important to you, or is it more important to you to be able to sync with all devices?

If you have an Exchange, Office 365, or Outlook.com account, you can send it an invitation to share with other users so they can view your calendar in their calendar list.

Calendar sharing is not limited to a folder calendar default created in all Outlook profiles. You can create and share additional calendar folders. For example, you can create a calendar folder for a specific project and then share it with your colleagues. Additionally, you can allow them to edit events and appointments on the calendar.

Share your Office 365 or Outlook.com calendar with others inside or outside your organization

Error: "Cannot share calendar"

If a message appears stating that calendar cannot be shared, there are three possible reasons.

    Invalid email address.

    The email address is an Office 365 group

    The email message belongs to an external user who is not part of your organization.

User permissions in calendar

When you share your calendar, you can choose from several different permission levels.

Stop sharing your calendar

You can revoke access to your calendar at any time. Please note that the user's Office 365 and Outlook may need to sync and delete the calendar view.

    Click the element Calendar.

    Click home > Calendar permissions.

    On the tab permissions click the username and click the button Delete.

    Click the button OK.

Share a calendar by publishing it to a web page

Note: Not sure if the server supports WebDAV? The server administrator or ISP should be able to tell you.

Share your calendar using email

If you don't want to give other users permissions to access your calendar and view updates, you can email a static copy of the calendar for a specific date range. The recipient will be able to see calendar events when you send the message, but not any updates made after the email was sent.

Note: This feature is no longer available in Outlook for Office 365.

The person you send your calendar to will be able to see a snapshot of it in the message.

The message also includes an iCalendar (ICS) file that you can open in Outlook or another calendar program. When a recipient clicks an iCalendar file, Outlook displays the file as a new calendar that they can view next to their own calendar. He can also drag appointments or meetings from one calendar to another and determine a time that works for both him and you.

Troubleshooting shared calendar sharing issues

If you don't have the option to share your calendar (it's grayed out), it's because your company Admin/IT hasn't set up a policy to prevent calendars from being shared with other people.

additional information

    via email;

    using Microsoft Exchange Server accounts;

    by publishing the calendar online.

In this article

Sharing calendars using email

Calendars shared via email arrive in the recipient's inbox via email as message attachments in the body of the message. You can change the calendar snapshot before sending. For example, you can change fonts to highlight days and appointments.

To send a calendar by email:

    On the tab home in Group General access press the button.

    In field Calendar select the calendar you want to send.

    In field Date range Select the time period you want to display on the calendar.

    Enter or select other options and click OK.

An Outlook 2010 user who receives a calendar via email can open a snapshot of the calendar in Outlook. The calendar snapshot and the recipient's current calendar may appear side by side or overlap each other.

Share calendars using a Microsoft Exchange Server account

Microsoft Exchange Server supports sharing calendars with other people who have Exchange accounts. Calendars can only be viewed by users to whom the calendar owner has granted permissions. If the person whose calendar you want to view has not granted viewing permission, Outlook prompts you to ask them for permission.

After viewing the shared calendar for the first time, a link to it will be added to the list Shared calendars to the Navigation Pane, where you can view it later.

    On the tab home in Group General access click the button Share your calendar.

    In the invitation that opens, enter your username in the field To whom.

    Enter or select other options (as if you were sending an email).

The recipient will be notified by email that you have shared the calendar. You can also ask the recipient for permission to access their Exchange calendar.

Share your calendar by publishing it online

You can publish your default Outlook 2010 calendar to the web to make it visible to other users. Publishing a calendar online does not require either the publisher or the user to have an Exchange account.

    Publish to Outlook.com You can share your Outlook calendar with others by publishing it to the Outlook.com service.

To share your Outlook calendar on the Outlook.com service, save it as an iCalendar ICS file, import it into Outlook.com, and share it with the people you want.

Save the calendar as an .ics file by selecting the calendar in Outlook by clicking File > Save calendar and selecting iCalendar format.

Don't have an Outlook.com account? Create one on Outlook.com.

    Publishing to a WebDAV server If you have access to a web server that supports the WebDAV protocol, calendars can be published to that server.

In your default calendar tab home in Group General access click the button Publish online and select Publish to WebDAV server.

Your Internet service provider may provide tools that allow you to publish your calendar as a web page. To find out if these tools are available, contact your supplier.

additional information

In this article

Share your calendar with other Exchange users

To use this feature, you must have a Microsoft Exchange Server 2000, Exchange Server 2003, or Exchange Server 2007 account. Most home or personal accounts are not associated with Microsoft Exchange. For more information about Microsoft Exchange accounts and how to determine which version of Exchange your account is connecting to, see the "Also see links" section.

In this section:

For information about how to request access to a shared calendar, see Open someone else's Exchange calendar.

Share a standard calendar folder with specific users

Folder Calendar

Share a standard calendar folder with everyone

Folder Calendar is created by default in Outlook in every Outlook profile. It cannot be renamed or deleted.

Share your own calendar folder with specific users

Folder Calendar

Share your own calendar folder with everyone

Folder Calendar is created by default in Outlook in every Outlook profile. It cannot be renamed or deleted. You can create additional calendar folders, as well as rename and delete them. This section provides instructions on how to share folders that you create.

Remove or change permission to access calendar folders

You can change or revoke permissions to calendar folders at any time.

    Calendar Right-click the calendar folder for which you want to change permissions.

    Note: If the navigation area folded, press the button, select Navigation area and then right-click the calendar for which you want to change permissions and select Change access permissions.

    Perform one of the following actions:

    • Revoke or change access permissions for all users

      1. Name click Default.

        Permissions on the list Level select No access.



        Executive Editor





    • Cancel or change access permissions for one person

      1. On the Permissions tab, in the field Name Select the username whose permissions you want to change.

        To revoke permissions or change other settings, in the group Permissions on the list Level select No access.

        Permission level (or role)



        Create, read, change and delete any elements and files, create subfolders. The owner can change the access levels of other users in his folder. (Does not apply to representatives.)

        Executive Editor

        Create, read, change and delete any elements and files, create subfolders. (Does not apply to representatives.)


        Create, read, modify and delete any elements and files.

        Create and read items and files, create subfolders, modify and delete user-created items and files. (Does not apply to representatives.)

        Create and read items and files, modify and delete user-created items and files.


        Only creating elements and files. The contents of the folder are not displayed. (Does not apply to representatives.)


        Read only items and files.

        Perform actions defined by the owner of the folder. (Does not apply to representatives.)

        No permissions available. The folder cannot be opened.

        You can create custom permissions by checking the appropriate boxes and selecting options in the group Permissions.

        Repeat step 2 for each user whose permissions you want to change.

Share a calendar by transferring permissions

While Assistant will help you manage your incoming paper mail, you can use Microsoft Outlook to allow other people, called delegates, to receive and respond to meetings and send email messages on your behalf. You can also grant additional permissions to allow the delegate to read, create, and have full access to items in the Exchange mailbox.

Transferring permissions is a broader feature than sharing Outlook folders. If you want to grant additional permissions, such as allowing a delegate to create emails or respond to meeting requests on your behalf, you must use Transfer of Permissions.


    Your manager's mail should go to a mailbox on the Exchange Server, not to a personal folder file (.pst) on the computer.

    The manager and his representative must use the same version of Office Outlook.

    On the menu Service select team Options and open the tab Representatives.

    Click the button Add.

    In field Enter a name or select from the list Enter the name of the representative to whom you want to grant permissions.

    To add multiple representatives at once, click their names in the list Name while holding down the CTRL key. The selected permissions will be set for all representatives.

    Click the buttons Add And OK and select a permission type for each Outlook folder that you share access to.

    To allow a delegate access to items that you have marked as private, select the checkbox Private sections are available to the representative.

Note: More information about transferring access rights can be found in the links in the section see also.

Share your calendar with anyone

Saving a calendar as an iCalendar file

    In view Calendar

    Enter a name for the iCalendar file in the text field File name. This name should be easily recognizable and understandable to the recipient.

    General information about the calendar name, date range, and level of detail appears next to the item Extra options. If you are satisfied with this document, proceed to step 8, otherwise, proceed to step 4.

    Click the button Additionally.

    On the list Date range select the period for which you want to include data in the iCalendar file, or click Please enter dates to set your range.

    Note: Entire calendar a large iCalendar file may be obtained.

    On the list Details Choose how much detail you want to provide to recipients. The default value is Availability only. If you select any of these options, items marked as private will not be accessible (unless you change your privacy settings under Additionally).

    To display a section Additionally click the button Show.

    • Include details of items marked as private. To use this feature, the parameter Details should matter Limited information or Full details. It will indicate that private elements exist, but will not provide further details.

      Include attachments in calendar items. This option requires that in the list Details value was selected Full details. The calendar will include any attachments such as spreadsheets.

      Note: This can significantly increase the size of the iCalendar file.

    Click the button OK, and then the button Save.

    If the calendar does not contain any items, a dialog box appears that allows you to cancel saving the iCalendar file.

Publishing a calendar to a WebDAV server

You can share your calendar by publishing it to a WebDAV server. This is useful if you want to share calendars and free/busy data without using solutions such as Exchange.

The server used for publishing must support the WebDAV protocol. Not all web servers support it. Even if FTP or direct saving to a UNC path such as \\server\teamdocuments is supported, WebDAV may not be available.

WebDAV is an HTTP extension that allows you to create and edit documents on a web server. If you are not sure whether the server supports the WebDAV protocol, check with the server administrator or Internet service provider.

Save a calendar as a web page

You can save your calendar as a web page and share it with other users. For example, you might publish a calendar with important project dates on your organization's intranet, or you might publish a soccer team's game schedule on your personal website. Then all you need to do is provide the calendar URL to whoever needs it.

When you save your calendar as a web page, you can specify a start and end date, and include appointment information that you enter in the text area of ​​the appointment window. You can also add a background.

    In view Calendar select a calendar to make it active.

    Under the heading Duration enter dates in the fields start date And expiration date. Click the down arrow to view the calendar.

    By default, the current and next months are displayed.

    In chapter Options You can include meeting information, and you can also choose a wallpaper for the web page you create.

    To indicate file name, navigate to the folder where you want to save the web page and enter a name.

    Note: In some web browsers, such as Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer, the page may not display as expected because active content is blocked. If an information bar appears at the top of the window, click the text, select Allow blocked content and press the button Yes.

Sending a calendar by email

You can send a copy of the calendar as an email attachment. The attached calendar will also appear in the body of the message. You can select the dates you want to include in the calendar and set the level of detail.

    In the view navigation pane Calendar click Send calendar by email.

    On the list Calendar select the calendar you want to send. Standard is selected by default calendar. This is an Outlook calendar that displays your availability and accepts meeting requests.

    On the list Date range select the period for which you want to include data in the message, or click Please enter dates to set your range.

Note: When selecting a large date range or option Entire calendar a large message can be created.

The calendar will be displayed in the text of the message. The iCalendar ICS file attachment can also be opened in a variety of programs, including Outlook.

The user who receives an .ics file attachment in Outlook is prompted to open the calendar. The calendar .ics file opens in Outlook as a new calendar. Once your Outlook calendar is open, the recipient can view it next to their calendar or as an overlay. You can also drag items from the resulting calendar to another Outlook calendar.

Publish a calendar to Office Online

Once a calendar is published, its icon in the navigation pane looks like this:

The online time planning service Yandex.Calendar, although it appeared quite recently, is actively used by a number of people.

However, it is still not very popular.

Moreover, many users do not even know what it is. However, those who work with it appreciate the convenient, wide functionality of the service and its capabilities.

basic information

Yandex service. The calendar was developed not so long ago, and is currently operating in beta version.

The goal of the developers was to create a simple and functional service, akin to a diary.

In which one could record important events, make necessary notes, etc.

In this case, the system will automatically remind you of an important event for a particular time interval. You can specify the period when creating a note or event.

And also in the table the current time and date are marked with a red dot.

The main page of the site is located at https://beta.calendar.yandex.ru/. The main part of it is occupied by a grid - with dates or times.

Depending on the type of date display, you can choose to display by day, month or week. This is convenient when an event is planned not for a day, but for a certain time.

On the left side of the page there is a settings panel. It displays a calendar for the entire month, how dates are displayed, etc. You can also create a list of subscriptions here.

<Рис. 1 Стартовая страница>

Display system

By default, when going to the main page, the user sees a table in which each column is labeled with a particular date.

And it is divided into equal cells, each of which represents a particular time. Cells are marked at intervals of 1 hour.

At the same time, the columns indicating Saturday and Sunday are highlighted in light blue. And light pink is Friday.

You can create an event on a particular day by clicking on the cell with the corresponding time. Moreover, the place in the cell that the user clicks is also important.

Each of them is conditionally divided into minutes.

Thus, if you click, for example, on the very top of the cell 7-00, the time of the event will be indicated as 7-01.

If you click on the central part - 7-30, and if on the bottom - 7-59. The exact time can be specified already when editing the event parameters.

However, the week display is not always convenient. In particular, it is not very convenient when the upcoming business does not have a clear time connection.

And you need to plan it for the whole day. And also when you need to create several notes for the whole month at once.

In this case, you can change the way the table is displayed. On the left side of the page, find the box labeled "Week".

Click on it and select “Month” from the drop-down list.

The nature of the display has changed. You must also create an event with one click on the cell with the corresponding date.

<Рис. 2 Отображение по месяцам>

You can also configure the display of one day. This is convenient when you need to create a lot of small notes for the whole day, and sometimes to complete within one hour.

Such a system allows you to not configure each event by time through “Parameters”, as when displaying “Week”.

To switch to such a system, select “Day” in the drop-down menu. By default, the current date is shown. The table contains only rows that, when clicked, can create a note for a specific time.

<Рис. 3 Отображение дня>

By default, the system always indicates the current date, week or month. To switch between dates, find the calendar in the vertical bar at the top left of the screen.

By clicking on the arrows next to the name of the month, you can switch between months, and by clicking on a particular date, you can switch between days and weeks.

Create an event

There are two ways to create an event. One of them is creating a note with setting parameters, including dates and time. After which, it is entered into the calendar.

The second option is to create a note directly in the calendar for the required date and time.

First way

To create the first method, follow the algorithm:

  1. Click on the orange button "Create Event" at the top right of the screen;

<Рис. 4 Создание события>

  1. In the window that opens, write down the name of the event and its essence;
  2. In the “Participants” field, you can specify several addresses to which notifications about the event will be sent, which is very convenient, for example, when creating invitations to an event;
  3. Below are the points for the degree of access of participants invited to the event;
  4. Determine whether the people you invite can invite others or edit the event, and check the appropriate checkboxes;

<Рис. 5 Реквизиты заметки>

  1. Specify the time by selecting from the list in the drop-down menu, or entering it manually;
  2. Specify the date in the box that opens when you click on the cell;
  3. If the event lasts all day, then check the corresponding checkbox;
  4. If it needs to be repeated, then configure the repetition parameters;

<Рис. 6 Параметры повторения>

  1. Specify the method for delivering reminders, as well as how long before the event they should be sent;
  2. You can specify several notification methods and intervals by clicking on the “Add” button;
  3. Specify the location of the event;
  4. Click on the "Create" button.

<Рис. 7 Событие в календаре>

Second way

There is another way to create notes in the Yandex.Calendar service. To create an event for the selected date, do the following:

  1. Go to Month or Week mode;
  2. Click on the cell with the desired date;
  3. A window will open with the event parameters;

<Рис. 8 Параметры события>

  1. Enter a title for the note;
  2. If you need to add a description, you must click on this field;
  3. You can add participants in the same way;
  4. Change the date (if necessary) and time;
  5. Set up notifications;
  6. Specify location;
  7. If you need to make any other additions, click on the “More parameters” button;
  8. The same window will open as when creating an event in the first way;
  9. Click on the “Create” button and the note will appear in the calendar.

When you click on a created entry, you can edit it. Regardless of the method of creation.


For comfortable work, you need to configure the service.

To do this, look for the gear icon next to the button "Create Event" and indicating the user login. Click on the gear.

The options window will open. Act in it according to the algorithm.

<Рис. 9 Настройки>

  • In field "Letter by mail" you can select an email address on Yandex, where notifications from the service about upcoming events will be sent. After clicking on the arrow in the field, you can select mail on a particular domain from the list;

<Рис. 10 Настройка уведомлений>

  • In the “SMS to number” section, the phone number to which events will be sent (if you connect them) is indicated. This is always the number specified in Yandex.Passport, it can be changed by going to this service;
  • If you do not want to receive reminders about upcoming events, move the slider in the section "Do not send notifications" right;
  • In the Grid section, configure the default calendar display. In the Normal View field, you can select a day, week, or month. In chapter "First day of the week" specify the day from which the week begins to be displayed;
  • The Start of Day section can also be customized by specifying the actual time from which you can have events scheduled. This does not mean that you will not be able to create events for another time; by default, the day will begin to be displayed from this time;
  • Specify your time zone;
  • Specify whether you want to automatically accept invitations to events marked in other people’s Yandex.Calendars;
  • Check if you want the week number to be displayed.

You can also make a number of changes in the “My Events” section.

You can select the color with which events in the calendar will be marked, and specify general notification settings for a particular type of event.

<Рис. 11 Мои события>

Here you can open public access to the calendar. And at the end of the page you can also get a link to your calendar.

Yandex.Calendar: how to use the online service to plan personal time

How does the Yandex.Calendar service work and what is it for? A guide to personalizing your calendar and creating events in different ways

As an Exchange user in Microsoft Outlook, you can share your calendar with others. On the contrary, you can ask to access the calendars of other exchange users. Here I will guide you step by step to request access to other Exchange users' calendars in Microsoft Outlook.

remove all duplicate contacts from one or more contacts folders in Outlook

Sometimes we may add the same contacts, how to remove duplicate contacts from one or more contacts folders? Kutools for Outlook"s Duplicate Contacts The feature can quickly remove or merge duplicate contacts based on emails, full name or other criteria from one or more contacts folders. Click for a fully functional 45-day free trial!
Kutools for Outlook: With dozens of convenient Outlook add-ons to try without any restrictions in the future 45.

To request access to other Exchange users' calendar permission in Microsoft Outlook, you need to send a joint calendar request email.

Step 1: Go to the calendar by clicking Calendar in the navigation area.

  1. V To Enter the email address of the exchange user whose calendar you want access permission to;
  2. Check option Request permission to view the recipient's calendar.
  3. It is not necessary to check the possibility Allow the recipient to view your calendar.

Step 4: Create this share request and then click Send Button.

Attention: If the recipient allows you to access their calendar, you will receive an access permission email. Open or view this email and you can access the recipient's calendar by clicking Open this calendar at the top of this email. See screenshot:

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