What programs for distributing wifi. TOP current programs for distributing Wi-Fi from a laptop

Did you know that your laptop, in addition to performing various daily tasks assigned by you, can also provide a Wi-Fi signal? Surprised? Well, let's find out!

Modern computers are devices that have a built-in wireless adapter that can not only receive a signal, but also distribute it. A little further, users can download a free program for distributing WiFi from a Windows 7, 8, 10 laptop and slightly expand the functionality of their PC.

After all, now your laptop can share the Internet with other devices that are within the range of the signal it distributes. And it's very convenient! Sometimes it happens that a tablet, smartphone, computer or other similar device requires Internet access, but it does not exist. This is where this very useful function of your laptop comes in handy, with which you can provide Internet connection to the devices that need it. We invite you to look at the list of programs!

This utility, which allows you to distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop, is especially popular among Internet users. In addition, it is absolutely free and has a simple interface. Anyone can understand it, even without basic knowledge of English. The application performs its functions perfectly, automatically starting a signal every time you turn on the Windows system.


This is a program whose main task is to distribute a Wi-Fi signal, just like the previous one, it is very easy to use. It is equipped with many features and has a great interface. Conventionally, it can be classified as free. This is because you won't have to pay for basic use. But for the functions of expanding the signal coverage area and distributing the Internet to other gadgets that do not have a WiFi adapter, you will still need to pay.

Using the mHotspot utility, you can easily distribute a Wi-Fi signal to any other devices. But this tool has one special difference from similar ones: it has a limit on the number of devices connected to the distributed Wi-Fi. This application gives you the opportunity to monitor incoming and outgoing traffic, the speed of reception and upload, as well as the total time of Internet signal distribution.

This is small software with a minimum number of settings. A small window is available to the user for work, which is very convenient. Its main advantage is the absence of unnecessary elements. The user only needs to set a login and password.

This application is a little reminiscent of the previous program. It is just as small and equipped with a minimal set of settings. To start working with it, you just need to enter the login and password for your access point, select what Internet connection you need, and that’s it. The program is ready to perform its functions. All devices connected to this application will be displayed at the bottom of it.

This small program is provided to the user absolutely free. MaryFi has a very simple interface that supports the Russian language. You don't have to spend a lot of time setting up this application. With it, you can easily and quickly create your own access point.

If you need a program that does not require installation on your computer, then Virtual Router Plus is exactly what you are looking for. To start working with it, you just need to find and run the EXE file, which is located in the archive. In order for other gadgets to find your access point, you must set a username and password. That’s it: just click “OK” for the application to begin performing its functions.

The Magic WiFi utility, like the previous one, does not require installation on a PC. All you need to do is move the program file to the place where it will be most convenient for you to use it. Moved? All that remains is to launch it. Setting up the application will not take much of your time. You will need to enter a login with a password and indicate the type of Internet connection.

After connecting, the program will display a complete list of gadgets that are connected to your Wi-Fi. These are all the functions that this tool has. In addition, it is worth noting that Magic WiFi differs from its peers in that it has a wonderful, updated interface that is a pleasure to work with.


All applications presented on this page have one common task - to help the user create their own Internet access point. And each of them does it perfectly. All you need to do is decide which one will be most convenient for you to work with. The main thing is to remember to update your browser. It is very important!

If the information from this article helped you decide on the choice of the necessary software, then we will be very glad! We will also be pleased if you spend a little of your time and write a review or rate this material. Leave a comment and share your knowledge with a friend so that he can also download a WiFi driver for Windows 7, 8 and 10 that allows you to distribute a signal. Thank you for your attention!

Constant access to the Internet has long become a habit even for ordinary network users, and in modern society there is nowhere without it. We connect to the network not only when communicating with friends and searching for necessary information, but also to solve numerous work issues, not to mention entertainment (cinema, music) and online games.

Of course, even the most avid Internet user is not able to stay near his work or home PC around the clock, waiting for an incoming message or email. But what prevents your laptop or mobile phone from always being online?
Nothing, you say, because no one canceled the mobile Internet and network cable.
All this is true, but what to do in cases where we need a high-speed Wi-Fi connection to the network on all devices?

In this case, a wonderful tool called Magic WiFi comes to our aid - a program for distributing wifi from a laptop on Windows OS.

From now on, all users of this wonderful program will be able to organize their own access point and distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop almost anywhere they are. Magic WiFi can be stored on any removable storage device, the program can be launched by double clicking the mouse and immediately getting to work. As you may have guessed, the software does not require installation; it is distributed as “portable” software.

You can download Magic WiFi for Windows in Russian directly from our website. All links are provided at the bottom of the publication.

A significant advantage of this program is that it works perfectly on any Windows laptop or desktop PC (if you have the appropriate network card). The software forces the network card to temporarily perform the functions of a router, creating its own Internet access point, managing all client connections like a regular router.

How to distribute wifi from a laptop

MagicWiFi will be indispensable not only at home, when the whole family wants to go online at the same time, but also when organizing work conferences, where it is necessary to quickly establish an uninterrupted connection to the network.

In order to start distributing wi-fi from a laptop to us you need to download Magic WiFi for Windows and double-click on the software icon to launch the program. Next, we act on the basis of intuition - click on the “Start” button and wait for the network card to switch to access point mode.

After that, on any mobile device we look for our access point and connect. We enter the password that you specified yourself, or the one suggested to us by default.

If everything went well, the program itself will display a list of all devices connected to it.
Note: if you were unable to connect the first time, simply restart the application and check whether the program is blocked by your antivirus or firewall.

MagicWiFi will be a real salvation for those users whose router suddenly burned out, mobile operator restrictions came into force, payment for the next month of Internet operation did not go through on time, who urgently need to access the network outside their home or workplace, and much more.

With an unlimited tariff, even a very large family can simultaneously access the network from their own devices and save money, however, the speed of the network may decrease.

Please note that when distributing wi-fi to a large number of devices, you can cancel the password for connecting to your improvised network for greater convenience for all its users. Therefore, if you are faced with a task that involves installing a program for distributing wifi from a laptop to a Windows OS, then Magic WiFi is the ideal solution that launches quickly and is instantly configured.

Good day to all readers of my blog! Just recently I found out that you can distribute wifi from a laptop using special software. It turned out that all wifi antennas can not only receive a signal, but also distribute it. In some cases, this is not only convenient, but also the only way to distribute wifi. For example, you have a laptop that is connected to the Internet using a USB modem, you also have a tablet that does not support 3G, but you have a great desire to connect the Internet to it. It is in this situation that they will come to your aid. By the way, there is a whole line of tablets from Apple that do not support 3g, so this topic is very relevant.

As we know, there is a huge amount ofprograms for distributing wifi from a laptop, but almost all of these programs malfunction or do not function at all. What surprised me most was that some paid applications of this kind are pure deception. But the problem with finding software was solved! I managed to find 2 great onesprograms for distributing wifi from a laptop, which you can download absolutely free!

To use programs for distributing WiFi, we need to open access to the wireless network for other users. Right-click on the wireless connection and select "Properties".

Then go to the “Access” tab and check the box next to “Allow other network users to use this computer’s Internet connection.”


Switchvirtualrouter is a program for distributing wifi from a laptop, which uses the tools built into the operating system for distributing wifi. That is why the program will only work on Windows 7 and Windows 8.

After installing and running the program, you will receive the following window:

We need to configure the program; to do this, click on the gear in the lower right corner.

Here we need, first of all, to configure the following parameters:

  • Router name (SSID) - the name of your wifi network
  • Password - the password for your wifi network
  • The password must consist of at least 8 characters, Latin characters and numbers are allowed.

To save the changes, click OK.
After clicking OK, the program should create a new wifi network. To check this, go to the Shared Networks and Access Control Center and see the newly created network there:

As we can see, our connection has no connection. To connect, you need to click the Start button in the main program window.

Works! The network has connected and now the name that we specified in the program settings is displayed. Now you can turn on wifi on our devices and connect to the newly created access point.


MyPublicWifi is another program for distributing wifi from a laptop, which you can also download absolutely free! The undoubted advantage of this program is its simple interface and enormous functionality. Just run MyPublicWifi, specify your network name and password. That's it for the setup programs for distributing wifi from a laptop completed!
MyPublicWifi features a powerful firewall and the ability to track all visited URLs.

In this article you learned what exist programs for distributing wifi from a laptop and how they can be configured for comfortable use. Thank you all and see you soon!

PS: This article caused a great response on my blog, I received a lot of questions, which basically sounded like this - Are there other similar programs? My answer is yes! I wrote a new article called Programs for distributing the Internet via WIFI from a laptop, in it I talked about other programs for distributing wifi, and also explained in detail how you can distribute wifi using the command line.

There is also another article on the network that describes the 3 best programs for distributing wifi, I advise you to read it.

A program for distributing Wi-Fi from a laptop may be needed to connect other devices (tablet, mobile phone or other laptop) to the Internet in the absence of a Wi-Fi router.

By downloading and setting up the Wi-Fi distribution program, you can use your laptop as a router for all devices within the signal range. This program creates a virtual Wi-Fi access point. The signal quality and coverage distance depend on the quality of the built-in Wi-Fi adapter of your device.

Programs for distributing Wi-Fi

Let's look at popular free programs for distributing Wi-Fi from a laptop.

  1. MyPublicwifi– a free program for distributing Wi-Fi from a laptop, with the ability to view your browsing history. It is possible to restrict access to sites. The main advantage of the program is its simple setup and intuitive interface. It takes up very little space on your hard drive and installs in a couple of clicks.
  2. Maryfi– a program for Windows that uses WPA2 protocols for increased connection security. Supports almost all modern devices, including portable ones.
  3. Virtual Router Plus— a universal program for distributing Wi-Fi from various connections (3G, 4G, regular modem). Allows you to filter the list of allowed devices.
  4. Connectify– the first development for distributing Wi-Fi on OS Windows 7, OS Windows 8, OS Windows 1. Available in paid and free formats. Allows you to set a network password. The setup is a little more complicated than in previous programs (you must specify the SSID).

These programs are easy to use and understandable even to those who are far from computers and setting up wireless networks. They are configured once and do not require any further attention.

Basic program settings

For the program to work correctly, you only need to set a few parameters.

  • HotSpot Name – access point name. You can use any symbols and numbers, or you can come up with an original name that will make your friends and neighbors laugh.
  • Password – network access point password. Create a strong but easy to remember password. Be sure to write it down so you don't forget.
  • Internet to Share - LAN card. You need to select the one that works from the drop-down list.
  • Share Over – traffic distribution board. We also choose one that works (it’s easier to choose this method than to study all the subtleties and nuances of setting up networks).
  • Sharing Mode – network security type. We recommend specifying WPA or WPA

You can download a free program for distributing Wi-Fi from a laptop for Windows on our website - just follow the link from the name of the program.