How to blacklist a contact. How to find out who added me to the black list in contact. Why is a blacklist needed?


How to add to the VKontakte blacklist?

Not all VKontakte users are adequate people. Some people use this network to spread spam, so you have to protect your page from such people in every possible way.

Beginners can also do this, since VKontakte has a blacklist and you can add as many users as you like to it.

How to add to the VKontakte blacklist? If someone bothers you or you want to hide your page, just send the person to the emergency department. For this there is 3 ways and in this post we will tell you about them. You can remove members from the blacklist at any time.

VKontakte blacklist - protection from intruders

Anyone added to the blocked list is restricted from sending messages and your account information is not displayed for them. For them the page looks like this:

You can add to your blacklist using one of the following methods:

1. Through subscribers.
You kill a person from your friends list, and he becomes a subscriber. After that, go to the subscriber list, hover over and click on the cross. The user will be immediately added to the blacklist.

2. Block the user from the page.
If the person is not added to your friends and subscribers, you can go to their page, scroll down and click on the block button (under the videos). Please note that while the user is on the friends list, there will be no such button.

3. Adding via blacklist.
On your page you can easily find out the VKontakte blacklist and easily add new users there. To do this, you need to go to the settings and go to the black list:

Here you can look at the VKontakte blacklist and remove people from it. You can also enter a link (first and last name) to add new participants to the list.

How to remove all people from the blacklist?

When you use your profile for a long time and actively add people there, the blacklist can become huge. Manually removing users from the list is difficult, so it is better to use:

The program is free, and to find the black sheet cleaning button, go to Profile>Cleaning. Also, through this program you can add people to emergency situations en masse (by providing links to their profiles).

Who am I on the black list?

By using special application, you can see who managed to add you to the blacklist. To do this, open the link:

Hello, dear friends! Today we will learn how to block other users on the VK network so that they can no longer write to you. We're talking about a blacklist.

Blacklist is a concept that is used not only in social network In contact with. They usually add a person who is unpleasant to you or a person from whom you no longer want to receive any messages.

What does this ban list give? If you add a person there, he will no longer be able to write to you, leave comments or bother you in any way. If you add a friend there, he is immediately removed from the VKontakte friends list.

How to view the blacklist

Enough a large number of users generally do not know where the list of unwanted friends on VKontakte is located and how to get to it. Now I will try to solve this problem together with you.

Click on the top menu and select “Settings” from the drop-down list:

At the next stage, select “Black List” in the right menu:

As you can see, nothing complicated, we sorted out one problem. We have reached the coveted ban list and can observe the people who are included in it

How to add a friend to blocked

We find our treasured list of unwanted people. We already know how to do this, at the very top there is a button “Add to blacklist”, click on it.

We go to a friend’s page and copy its address at the top of the browser line:

Paste the copied address into the add window. We should have immediately loaded a miniature of a person. Click on the “Block” button next to it:

How to block someone who is not your friend

You can do this in the same way as a friend, but we have another way. We go to the page of the person we want to block. Immediately below the avatar we have a small menu in the form of three horizontal dots. Click on it and select “Block” from the drop-down menu:

That's all, after clicking this button he will immediately be blacklisted.

How to remove from the blacklist.

We find our list, for this we read the first paragraph of the article. In the list we find the one we want to remove and opposite its thumbnail click “Remove from list”.

Blocking VKontakte users from your phone

Now, dear friends, let's quickly go over all those operations that we only studied in mobile application for phones and tablets.

We launch the application, find the gear icon there at the bottom, click on it and in the settings select “Black sp...”:

We are the ones who found him. Now, in order to add any person there, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a friend or not, you need to go to his page and in the right top corner Click on the menu in the form of three vertical dots:

From the drop-down menu, select “Block”:

They keep asking us if we really want to block this person. We agree.

That's it, the person ends up on the black list.

As you can see, dear friends, there is nothing complicated; in the article I tried to outline all the main points for working with blocking. is the most common resource among users not only in Russia, but also in other countries. The main function of the site is communication, maintaining relationships with people who are far from you. On the site you can also listen to songs, view videos and photos. Due to all this, the VKontakte website can be considered a large file hosting service. However, despite the entire range of services that the social network can provide, you will only have access to them after registration.

For entertainment, say, while waiting for a response to a message, “VKontakte” can install games and applications. Most popular games, such as "The Jolly Farmer", are at the top top list. By the way, messages with other users can be exchanged not only in private, but also on the so-called wall. All entries on it are kept in the form of a microblog; in the privacy settings you can change some of its parameters.

It's a pity that behind all these positive qualities there is no negativity visible. And he, like in any social network, is present here. After all, pages, groups and public pages are created not only with good intentions. Some of them may offer some kind of commercial and illegal business, while others may even offer pornographic files and spam. Of course, as checks are made and applications are received by the site administration, a fight is being waged against such groups and pages, but this is not done in one day.

Some users deliberately insult other people, humiliate them and make them a laughing stock. How to avoid all this? The VKontakte blacklist is intended for such purposes. At your request, absolutely any user of the social network can get into it. If you add a person to the VKontakte blacklist, then:

  • you will not receive any messages from him;
  • he will not be able to view your page in any way;
  • you will protect yourself from negativity.

How to blacklist an unpleasant person on VKontakte? To do this, go to your page and select the “My Settings” action from the list on the left - a page with options will appear in front of you. The fourth tab (at the top of the page) is called “Blacklist/isolator/outcasts” - it depends on the language you use on VKontakte. After clicking on the tab, a blacklist menu will appear in front of you. If you don’t have anyone there, then the field will be empty.

At the very top there will be a window with right side which is active button“Add to blacklist.” Citizens can be entered into it according to two parameters: first and last name or page address. If you use a person’s first and last name, then after entering this information in the window you will be presented with all people who have these parameters. If the page link is entered, its owner is automatically included in the list.

How else can you put a person on the VKontakte blacklist? For example, use the menu that is located directly on its page. To do this, go to the page of the person you are interested in and look at the menu that is located after the list of user audio recordings. There will be several entries, one of which is “Blacklist”. It should be noted that this procedure is available only to those users who are not your friends.

Removing people who are blacklisted on VKontakte is also not difficult. However, this procedure is performed only in the page settings. To do this, next to each user (on the right side) there is a “Remove from list” function.

And remember that no one should interfere with your online presence with their tactless actions: neither spammers, nor representatives network marketing, nor rude, tactless people.

Now we will talk about such a function in the contact network, how to block a user in a contact, or, to be more literal and precise, then about what such a phrase as VKontakte blacklist.
Well, now let’s take a closer look at what the VKontakte blacklist means in the full understanding of this phrase.

To be very, very brief, on the network, a contact blacklist will mean that the access of a user to your page is blocked, whom you yourself, for some reason, added to your blacklist section. Such users will not be able to see or even be able to contact you online, and will not be able to write you any messages or letters.

This is how it will be short description blacklist on the network on VKontakte.

“Network blacklist in contact” - let’s put it into practice

So, one of the annoying users is already so tired of you that you still thought and decided to blacklist him on VKontakte. But some don’t wait, and immediately add characters they don’t need to the unwanted section. There are, you know, probably on the Internet, and this type of user from social networks who, both in everyday life and in various services the Internet, with its web, which must do all sorts of dirty tricks. Well, what can you do about these? 🙂

Here's what! - You need to know how to do it correctly.

Go to your own page on the social network VK, and in one fell swoop, perhaps you can solve many problems from annoying users of the social network.

And if you want to know more specifically, then you can go to the menu, which is proudly called “My Settings”, and in top menu, which still hangs horizontally in the contact settings and is located fourth in a row. - What is it called? - Do you know?

Of course, the Black List.

And by entering this menu, you can solve and solve such a problem as blocking a VKontakte user.

Blocking a VKontakte user or adding him to the contact blacklist on the site

In order for the user to be blocked on VKontakte and the administration to add him to the list of contacts you need. You will need to do these steps. You will need to enter in the column indicated by the arrow in the figure above, the name of the user whom you decided to block or ban (add to the black list of contacts), or add a link to his page in a special column, choose what you want more convenient name or link. And after that, you can safely click on the “Add to blacklist” button. - That's it, it's done!

Now we will talk about how you can block a user in a contact, or, to be more correct and precise, how to add such a “sociable” user who does not know how to behave correctly into VKontakte blacklist.

Come on, friends, now let's take a closer look at what the VKontakte blacklist means in the full understanding of this phrase.

To be very brief, the black list in contact means something that blocks access to your page by a user whom you added to this same ban, black list. Such users will not be able to see and will not be able to write you any messages or letters.

Here is a brief description of the VKontakte blacklist.

Blacklisting (or blocking) in contact in practice

So, if you are so tired of one of the annoying and uncultured users that you have taken a firm independent decision add him to the contact blacklist. We thought and waited, there are people who do not want to add people to this list, and many do not know how to do this. But there is, of course, such a category or audience, (depending on who) people who, both in everyday life and on the Internet, necessarily do all sorts of dirty tricks to everything around them. Well, what to do here? 🙂

But what will you need to do in such moments! – You need to be able to properly set up a contact, or rather your page on this network.

Go to your contact, which you have been with for a long time or not so long ago, and solve all the problems in one fell swoop.

And to be more specific, go to the menu, which is proudly called “My Settings”, and in the top menu, which still hangs horizontally in the contact settings and is located fourth in a row. - What is it called? - Do you know?

Of course, the Black List.

And click on the link “Add to ban list”.

That's it, so you blocked the user :) and added him yourself to "black list" in contact.

This figure shows an example of adding to the ban the creator of the VKontakte network, Pavel Durov. Of course, many of the users would like to have him as their friend. But this is just an example. 🙂 We treat Durov well.

On this site you can find out:

  1. For example, an article about what might ?
  2. About the blacklist and blocking of a user on Facebook.
  3. Block him or add him to the so-called “Twitter blacklist.”
  4. And in general, all the options for adding to any blacklist and blocking on social networks or, for example, on communication and dating sites.

Well, how is VKontakte correct? add to blacklist user, you already know.

The social network has a so-called black list, with which you can block a particular user. Thanks to blocking, the user will not be able to visit your page, view photos, write messages, see posts on the wall, etc. The thing is very useful, especially if you have a lot of fans who are too annoying. Today I’ll tell you how to properly block a user, that is, add him to the blacklist.

So, first of all, you must decide who exactly you want to block. There are two ways to block and I will start the story with the simpler one.

We go to the user's page. If he is among your friends, first of all we remove him from friends, otherwise nothing can be done. Now scroll down the page and look for the phrase “Block username”. Username - username, in my case it is Anastasia.

If you see such an inscription, it means that the user has indeed been added to the blacklist. Now he won’t be able to do anything to you, unless, of course, he accesses the page from another account.

To check whether a user has been added to the blacklist, click “Settings”, “Blacklist” tab. Here you will see a list of all those users who have been blocked by you.

As you can see, you can immediately unblock any of the blocked users by clicking on the “Remove from list” link.

And now the second way in which you can blacklist a user. In the same menu item, find the line “Enter the user name or a link to his page”, next to which there is a button “Add to blacklist”. Just copy the user's link here and click the "Add to blacklist" button, after which the user will be blocked.

As you can see, adding a person to the blacklist is as easy as shelling pears, as is removing him from the latter. Go for it. The main thing is not to block the wrong user.