How to enable automatic. Automatic Internet connection. Network Sharing Center

2016-09-07 07 September 2016 Internet and networks 13 39843

Good afternoon, dear reader! If you don’t have a router that independently establishes a connection to the Internet (via PPPoE, L2TP, PPTP) and every time you turn on the computer you have to manually connect to the Internet, then you would probably like to make this ritual automatic. In this article we will figure out how to do this in Windows 10 using the Task Scheduler.

Step 1 - Launch Task Scheduler

And so, to launch the task scheduler, we will use the search bar on the taskbar. To do this, enter “Task Scheduler” in the search field and in the search results you will see the application we need, as shown in Figure 1. Click on it to go to the next step.

Figure 1 - Launching the task scheduler

Step 2 - Create a task

If you did everything correctly, you will see a window as shown in Figure 2. And so, at this step you will need a login and password from your Internet provider, usually it is specified in the contract. And also the name of the connection through which you are currently connecting to the Internet.

Figure 2 - Task Scheduler

In the first step, specify the name of the task: in the name text box, enter a name, for example “Automatic connection to the Internet” and click next.

Figure 3 - Creating a simple task

After which, in the second step, we need to answer the wizard’s question, how often do we want to run the task? Here we select the item when logging into Windows, as shown in Figure 3. And again click on the next button.

Figure 4 - Trigger

And in the next step “Action”, select “Run the program” and click the next button.

Figure 5 - Action

The final step, in the "program or script" text box, enter the following:

For 32-bit systems


For x64-bit systems


Next, in the "Add arguments" field, enter: Connection_name Login Password. Enter the name of the connection through which you connect to the Internet, if it contains spaces, put it in quotes and, accordingly, then enter the login and password from your Internet provider separated by a space. as shown in Figure 6. Then click next and the button is done

Figure 6 - Launching the program


If you did everything correctly, the next time you turn on the computer, a black window will appear on the screen for a few seconds, after which it will automatically connect to the Internet. It is worth noting that this method does not work when exiting sleep mode.

The tunneled high-speed PPPoE protocol is used in a point-to-point access scheme to connect to Internet services. It is important to know how to programmatically configure PPPoE on Windows 10.

When using this PPPoE, in order to access the Internet, the subscriber must go through the authorization procedure by entering a login and password. In this case, the provider has the opportunity to monitor traffic activity on the user side and exercise control over payment for the services it provides.

Initially, the provider with whom the user enters into an agreement draws a “grid” line to the subscriber’s home. After connecting the wire to the network card, you need to make sure that everything is functioning and the indicator light periodically blinks, confirming activity.

In all these cases, we get to the “Parameters” window, there, on the left panel, you need to specify Ethernet.
By clicking on the “Network and Sharing Center” section,
go to the screen for visualizing fundamental information on the operation of the “grid” and custom connections. Here, in the “Change network settings” group, you will need to click “Create and configure a new connection or network” with a mouse click.
Then the Internet connection option is indicated.
In the future, on the screen where you need to specify the desired connection, mark “High-speed (with PPPoE).”
At the next step, in the provider's billing, enter information for the authorization process, or rather, the login and password received by the subscriber during the conclusion of the contract. Another Windows window will open with empty fields for entering information transmitted to the subscriber by the Internet service provider:

  • user login (name);
  • password from your Internet provider.

But the name of the inclusion is set arbitrarily. Checking the “Remember this password” checkbox will help you create a high-speed connection “automatically”. And to finish creating a PPPoE connection in Windows 10, you need to click “Connect”.

Automatic connection

If in Windows a router for Internet communication is used with already configured connections, taking into account PPPoE, then no additional settings on the PC will need to be changed. The cable is connected to the device simply. The setup is similar to the procedure for setting up an Ethernet connection.

To create a PPPoE connection in automatic mode, that is, activated without user intervention, there is the simplest option: using the “Task Scheduler”. By typing “Task Scheduler” in the “Start” search bar or by going to the “Control Panel” section and selecting the appropriate item in “Administration”.
On the left in the “Simple Task Creation Wizard” screen that opens, specify the options:

Next, you need to write down the details of the script by entering the full path to the program: C:\Windows\System32\rasdial.exe, or SysWOW64 (instead of System32) for x64. In the same window, add arguments indicating the name of your connection. For example, the name of the connection is “Test”, the user name is “user”, and the password for accessing the Internet is “PassWord”. Then the syntax in the "Arguments" field is as follows: "Test user PassWord".
Then click “Next” and “Finish” to save the created task.

Deactivating broadband connection

The algorithm of actions is almost the same. It is enough in the same screen previously used for configuration, called “Network and Sharing Center,” to disable this selection.

Possible problems

It happens that the status of the Windows connection changes in the Notification Panel, this means that the Internet has started working. However, there are often errors:

  • The network cable is connected correctly, but the computer is ignoring it. Then the reasons lie in the drivers for the network card.
  • The adapter is probably not enabled correctly in Device Manager. "Windows".
  • You may have made an incorrect selection in the “Windows Network and Sharing Management” section.

You need to remember that the center’s specialists will always remotely tell you how to set up the network operating mode, or send their technician to help.

The common Internet connection technology PPPOE requires user authorization when connecting to the provider. Using a router makes this procedure invisible. Once configured, the connection occurs without user intervention. With a direct connection, you have to perform the operation yourself. You can bypass this procedure by setting up automatic Internet connection in Windows.

High-speed connections, which include PPPOE, are made in Windows from the Network and Sharing Center. In different versions it has minor differences in the design of the interface, but the configuration procedure has not changed.

Universal method

This method is suitable for all versions of Windows. Call up the “Run” dialog box and enter the command shown in the screenshot into it.

The classic control panel opens. Find and open Network and Sharing Center.

A menu of connection options opens. Select the top item and click the “Next” button to continue.

In the next window, we are immediately prompted to configure the desired connection type. If you put a check mark in the place marked with an arrow, all available options will open.

Filling in the parameters is the most important step when creating a new connection. Enter the name and password received from the provider. Place a checkmark in the save box. We set a short name for the connection in Latin. This will be useful to us in the future when we set up an automatic connection to the Internet. In the fifth paragraph, check the box if desired. If there is only one user on the PC, it is not needed. When you decide to create separate profiles for yourself, your wife and children, it is necessary. We complete the work by clicking on the “Connect” button.

Using the entered parameters, the system establishes a connection with the provider’s server.

The connection is complete, you can go online.

The next time you turn on your PC, the connection can be activated from the system tray.

On Windows 10, the operation will take longer. You need to call up the notification menu. Select a network connection.

In the expanded menu, open the created PPPOE connection.

Activate the connection in the system settings area.

In Windows 10, the main disadvantage of this type of connection is revealed in all its glory. The Internet does not connect automatically, and the number of steps required to enable the connection has increased.


As we can see, users of new OS versions experience the most inconvenience. Therefore, as an example, we will consider auto-connecting the Internet in Windows 10.

The simplest option is to use a BAT batch file that controls the OS shell. To create it, we need the Notepad text editor, which is included with all versions of Windows. Opening a new document, copy the following lines into it:

cd %systemroot%\system32


For 64-bit versions, replace “system32” with “sysWOW64”. In the second line we enter the data of the connection used, separating them with spaces:


The result should be the text shown in the following screenshot.

Open the “File” menu and select the marked item.

Save the file with the BAT extension to your desktop so that it is at hand.

Open the system startup folder by copying the following path into the Run menu:

%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Move the created BAT file from the desktop to the folder that opens. The system will ask you to confirm your authority to perform this operation.

The created batch file will be processed at the time the OS boots, starting an automatic PPPOE connection.

Task Manager

Using the Windows system scheduler allows you to create a rule in the system for processing recurring events. We use it to automatically turn on the Internet when the PC starts.

We activate the scheduler with the command entered in the “Run” dialog box.

In the window that opens, select the Simple Task Creation Wizard and follow its instructions.

Set the process name, optionally filling in the description.

Select start when you turn on the computer.

As an action, mark the launch of the program.

Using the button indicated by the arrow, select the file “rasdial.exe”. The location directory is determined by the OS bit depth, as when creating a BAT file. In the arguments field we indicate the connection name, login and password separated by a space.

Let's look at the summary. At this point, you can go back to change the settings. We complete the work by clicking on the “Finish” button.

In the above configuration, autostart of the high-speed connection will be performed for the current user. You can adjust additional task parameters by opening the scheduler library.

Creating an Additional Service

Using the command line interface, you can create your own service, which will start when the PC boots, along with the system ones. Launch the CMD shell with administrator rights and enter into it:

sc create Skynet start= auto binPath= “rasdial skynet ivanov password” DisplayName= “Skynet” depend= lanmanworkstation obj= “NT AUTHORITY\LocalService”

Having received a notification that a new service has been successfully created, open the service console.

We look for the created service by the given name. Call the context menu to manually edit parameters.

On the first tab, change the startup type as shown in the screenshot and activate the service.

On the “Recovery” tab, we change the parameters of actions in case of failure, switching them to restart mode. Apply the changes made and close the parameters window by clicking on the “OK” button.

When the created service is no longer needed, you can delete it using the command "sc delete Skynet".

Windows 10 users who use PowerShell by default will also have to use the Command Prompt to avoid problems with command syntax.

Registry Editor

Direct changes to the system registry can also achieve the desired effect. To set up an automatic connection to the Internet, you will need to create an additional key yourself. Open the registry editor using the command shown in the screenshot.

In order for the created key to work for any PC user, open the HKLM branch and follow the designated path to the “Run” section. Call the context menu, expand it and select creating a string parameter. Give it the name “Skynet”.

Open the key for editing. Enter the connection name, login and password in the “Value” field. Enter the data in a continuous line without spaces.

As a result, the key should take on the following form.

The created settings will take effect after the computer is restarted. Log in to your account and make sure there is a working network.


By choosing the appropriate method, you can implement automatic Internet connection in Windows 7 and higher without resorting to the help of third-party programs.

Just ten years ago, the Internet was kind of just one of those things that we could do on our PC. After playing games and working with applications, you could connect to the Internet - find out what’s going on in the world, check your email, and look for some necessary information.

Perhaps some people still live by these rules, but for most today, accessing the network is business number one, immediately after turning on the PC.

Therefore, it would be quite logical to make the Internet connect automatically immediately after turning on the PC and loading the Windows operating system.

If this doesn’t happen to you initially, and simply moving the connection shortcut to startup doesn’t work, then this material is for you.

So let's take a look at what you've had to do manually so far.

First, you had to open the network connections menu from the system tray.

Secondly, there it was necessary to select and activate one of the connections.

And finally, thirdly, you must at least click the “connect” button in the login entry window and .

Let's start with the fact that you can get rid of the third point - the window for entering your data without any tricks, simply by turning off its display in the settings.

This is true if the connection is used only by you or those people who, for some reason, without any questions asked, can be trusted to connect to the network from the PC on which you work.

In such a situation, seeing a window in front of you every time with entering your login/password is simply pointless.

To fully make an automatic connection to the Internet, you will have to briefly look into the registry editor.

Press “Win” and “R” on your keyboard at the same time (Win is the key with the Windows logo), after which the system “Run” window will appear in front of you.

Enter “regedit” there without quotes, press “Enter”, then confirm your action for the security system.

Here is the registry editor. Follow the following path in it: HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Software -> Microsoft -> Windows -> CurrentVersion -> Run.

Here you can find almost (see note) all those applications that launch immediately after the operating system boots.

It is through the registry editor that we need to enter a command into the system that would automatically connect to the global network as soon as you turn on your PC.

To do this, right-click on any free space and select “create” -> “string parameter”.

Its name can be completely arbitrary; by default, the editor will offer you the name “New parameter #1”, which you can accept or replace with anything of your own.

Here you need to write the following sequence, consisting of four components: the “rasdial” command (it performs the procedure), the name of your connection, as well as the login and password for it.

In the end, everything should look something like this (with the only difference being that, of course, everyone has their own login/password combination):

You can always see the name of the connection in the connections menu, which is activated from the system tray. Everyone also comes up with their own name, although some, like us, agree to the default option “High-speed connection”.

Please note: in the registry this name is always written in quotation marks. If you don't install it, it won't work.

Next, click “Ok” and close the editor. After restarting your PC, you no longer have to connect manually. At the same time, so that you know that there is an Internet connection, Windows will display a special message at the very beginning, which, after appearing on the screen for a few seconds, goes away by itself.

Note. If at the very beginning you follow exactly the same path, but starting not with “HKEY_CURRENT_USER”, but with “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE”, then you will set up an automatic connection to the Internet not only for your Windows 7 account on this PC, but also for the accounts of other users ( if there are any, of course).

  1. How to make an automatic Internet connection if I don't have a router? My computer has two operating systems, Windows 7 and Windows 8, Internet services are provided by the Beeline provider. I want the Internet to connect automatically when I turn on the computer, for example, I turn on the computer and the Internet connects itself, and I don’t need to click on any Beeline shortcuts. I myself tried numerous recommendations from the Internet, but it didn’t help: 1) Created a task using the task scheduler. 2) Created a bat file (batch file) and placed it in the "Startup" folder at C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp. 3) Created a dial-up connection and everything was useless. Windows 8 is especially alarming; according to rumors, it is generally impossible to make such a connection without a router.
  2. Hello admin, please tell me, how to make an automatic internet connection when starting the Windows 8 operating system, the most important thing is that this method is simple and suitable for all existing Internet providers, for example: Beeline,, MTS and so on.

How to make an automatic Internet connection

Hello friends, I often have to hang around my friends and set up an automatic Internet connection after installing the operating system. In today's article I will show you how to do this if you have not yet purchased a router. In fact, there are a lot of options and a dozen instructions could be written, but almost all of them are ineffective in the new Windows 8.1 operating system.

But there is one universal, and most importantly simple, method that works with all providers and in all the most common operating systems: Windows 7 and Windows 8, and even Windows XP. We will use little-known features of Windows, the Rasdial command, it is the one that performs automatic dialing for Microsoft clients.

Note: after successfully creating an automatic Internet connection, quit and your Opera, Mozilla or Google Chrome will also start automatically!

We will create a string parameter in the registry and indicate in it the name of our provider, login and password, then reboot and automatically access the Internet.

So, before work, just in case, create a system restore point, then right-click in the lower left corner and select “Run”

Enter the command “regedit” into the input field and click OK.

We are in the registry, here we find the section responsible for autoloading

For all users:


or for the current user:


In my case, for the current user


Right-click on an empty space in the section and select New -> String Parameter.


The method works on 8.1 only if the connection name consists of one word.

Will work - Beeline

Will not work - Beeline Internet.

Right-click on the parameter we just created and select Edit.

Then, if your provider is Beeline, in the Value field we write:

rasdial space "The name of your connection in quotes, which can be viewed in the Network and Sharing Center->Change adapter settings, for example Beeline",