How to install a script (hype, investment game, book) on hosting? Detailed instructions for installing any script on any hosting

Lua is not an interpreted language and generates bytecode from another program, such as Java. This program runs on virtual machine Lua VM. Most of these devices are called stacks, but Lua is different in that it is register-based and one of the first widely used VMs in the gaming space.

The advantage of register architecture is that it avoids large quantities copied data and reduces the amount of instructions for the function. Lua VM has automatic control memory and reset unnecessary information, providing an ideal configuration for creating rapid prototyping scenarios.

Briefly about Lua

Lua is easy to learn and fast with syntax pascal type. This allows novice programmers to write their own own programs. It is used in many games and applications to extend existing functionality and programming custom sequences. There are many training programs on the Internet that help you work in this language, including a lot of information can be found on home page Lua.

This programming language was created in Brazil in 1993 by programmers Roberto Jerusalem, Luis Henrique de Figueiredo and Waldemar Celes at the University of Rio de Janeiro, where LabLua is still headquartered. The name comes from Portuguese, which means moon. One of the predecessors was the SOL (Simple Object Language) language. Since the name Lua is a noun and not an abbreviation, it should not be written as LUA, but as Lua.

It is a flexible language and is used in several areas:

  • Wikipedia uses Lua for template scripting.
  • VLC media player works with Lua scripts for quik.
  • Lua is used in industrial applications such as Adobe Lightroom.
  • Programs for embedded systems such as Ginga middleware for digital television.
  • Games - the language is the leading one for scripts in games, for example, it is used when creation of World of Warcraft and Angry Birds.
  • Everyone can try applying the code online in Lua Demo with in an interesting way studying and using the game engine.
  • The functionality of this program can be used in LÖVE, Defold and, of course, in Pico-8.

    Syntax Basics

    Lua uses a very simplified syntax. The user does not need to use semicolons or large spaces, because these signs are themselves interpreted by the program. All variables in quik Lua scripts are global by default. Therefore, you should always indicate when local values ​​are needed for the current scope and declare them beforehand. In fact, in practice there are very few cases where global values ​​are actually needed.

    You can define a local variable with the local keyword. There is no need to declare its value. Global variables mean the context of the current script and therefore are not the same for every single script in the game, which each operate independently and autonomously.

    Variables can contain any sequence of numbers, letters, and underscores, but they must not begin with a number. Null represents the keyword when variables are not defined. Undeclared ones are indistinguishable from declared variables, which have no value. Examples of Lua scripts:

    Blocks are defined by certain keywords followed by "end". Conditions in if statements must be followed by "then" keywords. If statements use "elseif" rather than "else if". You can create a new empty area with a “do...end” block.

    Lua uses a special data type called a table, intended for the purpose of creating arrays, dictionaries, hash maps, objects of other languages. Tables are simply a list of key-value pairs, which can be any data type, even other tables. You can use a boolean value as a key. Because Lua is dynamically typed, it is possible to have any mixture of data types in both keys and values ​​that the user chooses, which must be decided upon before installing Lua scripts.

    Table values ​​can be defined either internally or separately. There are usually two ways to get and set their values, dot syntax, such as "myTable.a", and bracket syntax, such as "myTable["a"]". When using string keys, you can only use dot syntax and cannot use it if the string begins with a number.

    Every value in the table is counted, nil if not set. This means that it is impossible to determine whether a value in a table is declared or just null if it has never been defined before. This means that if the keys in the table are specified and set to null, it will have no effect, or rather, it will be the same as it would have been if they had not been defined at all. In Lua, tables with numeric keys start at index 1, not 0. This is something that causes a lot of headaches for programmers. You can separate inline table elements with a comma or semicolon.

    Complex data type

    Tables are considered a complex data type in Lua - this means that the variables in them simply refer to the same object in memory, so you can't directly compare two values ​​and expect them to do anything. However, strings, numbers, letters, and other primitive data types can be compared directly.

    Numbers in Lua are used only in one form - their own number. There are no such types as int, float, long, double and others, as in other languages, and this must be taken into account before installing Lua scripts. Technically, all values ​​in Lua are floating point numbers.

    Lua only has the "=" operator for defining and incrementing. It doesn't have "+=", "-=", "++" or anything else. The concatenation operator is "...". You can apply this operation on lines and numbers without problems. However, you cannot combine other data types - logical or tabular. It is possible to get the length of a table or string with the "#" operator and this only works for arrays with numeric indexes. For example, the code will not work with tables that have string indexes.

    Cyclic Loops Types

    There are four types of Loop cycles, which means loop or turn.

    While (intermediate) is the simplest kind of loop and functions, as you would expect in other languages, and means that testing is done before the inner block is run.

    Numeric for loop (digital). The loop applies the local variable to its scope and increments or decrements it. The user declares and defines a variable to be used, followed by the value of the target.

    Generic for loop - uses the iterator function. It is called by repeating each loop and returns the values ​​that will be applied within it.

    Pairs is a global iterator function. It takes a table as an argument and returns the index and value of each variable in the table. The code will iterate over even non-zero indices. It has a brother, ipairs, which does exactly the same thing, except that it only works with numeric indices and stops when nil is reached.

    A repeat loop is similar to while, except that the condition is checked at the end of the block rather than at the beginning. Before opening a lua script, you need to take into account that the code inside will be run at least once. The repeat loop is generally avoided in language design because its use case is limited and difficult to read due to the fact that it does not use standard do..end syntax.

    Functions are another complex data type that can be passed as variables and can also be called to execute the code inside. They are similar to methods in other languages.

    There are two ways to define a function in Lua. The first declaration is global since there is no local keyword. Generally, global functions are considered acceptable. However, the user can still make them local if needed by putting a "local" front. You can also declare variables before defining functions, which are still like any other data type. You can pass them, assign them to variables, or take as many arguments as you need using the "..." syntax. The actual object of "..." is a "tuple" (tuple), so you need to surround it with curly braces to turn the data into a table.

    A tuple is simply a list of names, such as parameters in functions that can return multiple values, which in turn can be assigned variables. If you place a function in a table, then it can be called in two different ways. The standard dot or colon syntax will send an array as the first argument.

    "Lua" provides several tables in the global namespace that contain secondary functions, such as "string", "table" and "math". So the user should never specify any of the named variables as they will reallocate arrays containing useful functions.

    There are two tables that are shared by all scripts on the server or client (but not both) - these are "_G" and "shared". The first is truly global, implemented through separate scripts, so if you need to get or set values ​​from it, use “_G.something”.

    "Strings" - With this function, Lua can define a string literal and multiline data in several ways using double square brackets. And you can also put any number of equal signs (=) between square brackets ([===[ ... ]===]). They are balanced and may include sequences within, like ]]. Lua also has its own set of built-in string manipulation functions and its own preempted version regular expressions, called string patterns.

    Game lunar scenario

    This is very simple first steps to write a program, but they are good starting points for hacking scripts Garry Mod 10 Lua. The first step is to create the actual Lua script file. Open text or editor - notepad will work great for this purpose. Next, save this file, writing it as in the figure.

    • - password username.