How to install Bitrix24 on a computer or mobile phone. Desktop application for the Bitrix 24 portal application on a computer

Bitrix24 is everything you need for the proper functioning of your company: CRM, task and project management, internal corporate network, chat, video chat and telephony, working with documents online, integration with mail and social networks, the ability to automate business processes, accounting working hours and work reports.

The goal of any company is to make a profit by creating some kind of value. To make this process easy and effective, order Bitrix24 implementation from us.

Free website builder

You can easily create a website yourself using a simple and convenient website builder. The site already has an online chat, a call back, and an application form. All customer contacts from the site are immediately entered into the CRM. You don't need hosting. The site is ready and working!

Business communications

Work in the corporate portal with pleasure - just like in a social network. Collaborate on projects and discuss everything in real time. Use familiar tools for communication, managing tasks, documents, work time and other services. All the tools are at your fingertips - in the interactive Live Feed.

Invite colleagues to a group business chat, communicate with them by voice and video, write messages, edit one document together. Contact a colleague who is offline - call him on his mobile directly from the portal. Call customers on a regular phone from CRM using built-in telephony. Collaborate with partners on the Extranet - on secure and neutral territory.

Task and project management

Busy by task Manage tasks and projects using convenient tools. Task functionality includes integration with calendars, a delegation mechanism, checklists, ready-made task templates, a filter designer and tasks on the Extranet for working with partners. Monitor the timely execution of tasks in departments, helping subordinates avoid violations. Consider the time and other resources required to complete tasks within the project.

Track the progress of project tasks using a Gantt chart - how many tasks are there, how many of them are completed and how many are in progress, which tasks are overdue and which ones have no deadline at all. Check your colleague's workload using a special chart before assigning him a new task. Evaluate your work with tasks by receiving reports by people/departments/projects. Summarize the work for the month - for the department and for each employee.

CRM: customers and sales

CRM forms Maintain a database of contacts and companies with which you cooperate in your CRM. Manage leads and deals from any device, including mobile. Use an email tracker to create leads based on new emails, and save all correspondence in their cards. Record all events (calls, letters, meetings), issue invoices to clients, build reports and a “Sales Funnel”. Plan things without leaving CRM. Create tasks, use business processes to process leads and deals, send emails and call clients directly from CRM on regular phones.

Turn on the 1C tracker, and your CRM will always have an up-to-date product catalog and a “fresh” price list. Integrate CRM with an online store, and your managers will conduct and “press” transactions to successful completion from the CRM itself.

Create a professional web form as easily as an MS Word document. Include fields from any CRM documents (contact, lead, etc.) into the form. Link any web form on the site to your Bitrix24, and the data from this web form will be automatically sent to the CRM.

CRM: Integration with 1C

The portal can be integrated with most popular editions of 1C:Enterprise. There are several levels of synchronization: Accounts and Nomenclature, Counterparties and full two-way synchronization, including transactions created on the Bitrix24 side and sales created on the 1C:Enterprise side

Open lines

Combine all digital channels of communication with clients in Bitrix24 (Vkontakte, Facebook, Telegram, Skype. Coming soon - Viber, Whatsapp). Communicate with clients in real time.

It doesn’t matter which channel the client uses - social network, instant messenger or chat on the website - all messages are redirected to Bitrix24. A free employee answers them in real time and, if necessary, forwards the question to a colleague or to a higher support level. The client now receives the answer in the same environment where he left the question.

Collaborate with documents

Connect Bitrix24.Disk and manage your work files both from your computer and directly from the portal. Connect folders with company files and group drives to your Drive, give access to your colleagues and work with files together. Share documents with colleagues, discuss them in Live Feed, get external links for them for social networks and partners

Work with documents even without office software. Through external online services Google Docs and MS Office Online, you can open, view and edit any files of popular formats directly on the portal. Edit any documents on the portal using native applications installed on your computer. The entire history of changes is saved, you will always restore the previous version of the document, and you can easily find the document you need using the internal search.

Planning and recording of working hours

Enable time tracking to increase discipline in your company. Employees will mark the beginning and end of the working day, breaks, absences, and plan tasks for the day. Based on this data, a working time report will be generated for management. These reports will also take into account the time spent on tasks.

Schedule events in Calendar. Download it to your mobile phone or tablet so that it is always with you, even on the go. Gather your colleagues for a meeting directly from Live Feed. Conduct it effectively using the internal meeting service. The service will help you quickly invite participants, automatically send out the agenda and discussion results, create events in personal calendars, and set tasks following the meeting.

HR: Personnel Management

Manage your company's structure visually. Just drag an employee to another department, add a new one, change the manager. Find out who this employee reports to, find him by searching, quickly get all his data on his personal page, contact through the portal, get a phone number in the directory. Synchronize contacts from the portal with your mobile phone, MS Outlook and other applications to always stay in touch.

Find out who is absent from the company, who is on a business trip, and who is on maternity leave. Distribute employee vacations using the absence schedule. Place advertisements in the “Live Feed” with the obligatory condition of reading. Create polls to get feedback from colleagues, approve a document, conduct research, or simply vote on something. Monitor the activity of using portal tools by employees and the entire company as a whole. Reward employees with “badges” and congratulate them on holidays.

Automation of company business processes

Manage a variety of business processes in the company through the portal - from shipping orders to interacting with the partner network or clients. Use ready-made business process templates or create your own in the visual designer. Automate your routine operations: registration of business trips, vacations, approval and payment of bills, publication of official orders and instructions.

Automate document flow in your company using “Universal Lists”. Take into account all incoming documents and set up their step-by-step processing: from receipt by the secretary to approval by management and transfer to the archive. Automate the processing of Leads and Deals using business processes. Include in the business process all possible actions on the CRM element: send letters, assign responsible persons, assign a task to an employee, etc.

Desktop applications

Install a desktop app (Mac or Windows) to communicate with colleagues, even if the portal browser is closed. Communicate with colleagues: call them through the portal and on their mobile phones, invite them to a group chat, including video, see message history. Receive the most important notifications about new events in the Live Feed, likes and comments on them, about assigned tasks and the progress of their implementation. Connect from the Bitrix24.Disk desktop application and work with files in your portal from any device.

Mobile applications

Install the mobile application (iOS, Android) and work with the portal from a tablet or smartphone: read and comment on the “Live Feed”; manage documents, tasks and files. Manage your CRM client base on a mobile device, make calendar appointments for colleagues, and confirm your participation in new events. Do a lot more, like send photos from your phone directly to your feed. Push notifications allow you to stay up to date with events in the company and always stay in touch with colleagues.

Integration with 1C, Microsoft, Google, Apple

The boxed version - "1C-Bitrix24" - integrates with many applications from leading software developers.

Safety and reliability

It is a secure collaboration product. Your data will be stored securely and only you will have access to it in accordance with the user rights system. Your employees can safely open a corporate portal in cafes, shopping centers, airports - in an unprotected environment, connecting via WiFi or a mobile phone. Attackers will not intercept their passwords to use for their own purposes. All connections to the portal are made using an SSL certificate, which ensures the security of your corporate information and password protection. The product provides maximum protection against a wide variety of security threats. The proactive filter (WAF - Web Application Firewal) protects against most known attacks on web applications.

Just try it! It's free!

How and where to download Bitrix24 for Windows on your computer and install it. Bitrix24 desktop application for Windows OS by downloading It is downloaded for free from the website and installed on a computer or laptop. You will be able to work with your Bitrix24 even without a browser, making calls through Bitrix 24 and chatting will become even more convenient. You will need to specify an existing Bitrix24 portal or create one....

How and where to download Bitrix24 for Apple Mac OS on your computer and install it. Bitrix 24 desktop application for Mac OS download It is downloaded for free from the website and installed on an Apple computer, laptop or Macintosh. You will be able to work with your Bitrix24 even without a browser, making calls through Bitrix 24 and chatting will become even more convenient. You just need to specify an existing Bitrix24 portal or create one....

How and where to download Bitrix24 for Linux on your computer and install it. The Bitrix24 desktop application for Linux is downloaded free from the website and installed on a computer or laptop. You will need to specify an existing Bitrix24 portal or create one....

Depending on whether you are already working with Bitrix24, why and what exactly you want to download, the answer to this question may be different. IN in this context downloading Bitrix24 to your computer is downloading to your computer desktop or desktop free application For Windows, Mac OS or Linux, i.e. You are already working with Bitrix24 through a browser (or Internet Explorer) and now you want to work through the regular program or you need your Bitrix24 portal with the disk of your computer. Read more about this below.

In other cases

Features of the Bitrix24 desktop application

Whatever operating system is on your computer, you have the opportunity to install on it Bitrix24 desktop application, which will allow you, without going into the browser:

- call via Bitrix24 and receive calls from Bitrix24 telephony.

News chats Bitrix24.

Receive notifications from Bitrix24.

- switch between Bitrix24 portals.

And, most importantly, sync cloud drive Your Bitrix24 with the hard drive of your computer.

Remember, What:

- connection to the Internet anyway necessary

- needed and myself Bitrix24 portal

Bitrix 24 desktop download links

For different operating systems, download your own (i.e. for the operating system of your computer) free, official distributions Bitrix24 desktop applications.

It is not necessary to use Bitrix24 only through a browser. For the convenience of users, the developers have created Desktop and Mobile applications.

First you need to register your Bitrix24 portal. This can be done for free.

  • Use promo code positive2bst and get an additional 12 users for free for 6 months.
  • Use promo code positive2bs2 and get an additional 5 GB for free for 1 year.
If you already have a portal, then you can enter a promotional code (you need to select one) inside your portal. Go to the left menu More/My tariff/Activate coupon.
For a registered portal, you can use the version for PC and for smartphones and tablets.

Desktop application

The Bitrix24 desktop application can be installed on a computer running Windows, Linux or Mac by downloading the appropriate version on the Bitrix24 website. The link to the application pages is located in the footer of the site.
Installation does not take much time, and all steps of this process are intuitive even for the most inexperienced users.

Application features:

  • messaging (similar to what happens in regular instant messengers) and video calls and video conferences (up to 4 people);
  • there is a correspondence history and a list of employees (that is, there is no need to re-create all contacts);
  • calls to regular numbers (mobile and landline);
  • management of working files - access to the Disk is provided, and all changes are then synchronized.

Mobile app

The mobile application can be used on devices with iOS (IPhone, iPad) and Android. It can be downloaded from the AppStore or GooglePlay for free.

Application features:

  • task management (you can perform all actions with tasks as in normal mode: create, delegate, control, etc.);
  • working with files (data is synchronized);
  • sending and receiving messages and notifications;
  • working with CRM and Calendar;
  • calls (all Telephony features are available);

As you can see, you can work with Bitrix24 while physically located anywhere in the world. Install the Bitrix24 desktop or mobile application on your computer or phone, respectively, and keep your finger on the pulse of your company’s life!

You can order from us and, as well as other services via B24.

Attention! This article is out of date. At the moment, there is only one way to connect to Bitrix24 under Linux - the unofficial Brick client. Attempts to revive the Windows desktop client under Wine have not yet been successful.

It just so happens that we have been using products of the linux family (mainly Ubuntu distributions) for more than 4 years and are constantly faced with problems of lack of support for this OS from various program developers.

For the debian family of operating systems, as well as for other linux distributions, there is a whole layer of its own software, but there are cases when there is simply no alternative to the Windows application. One such example is the popular CRM system Bitrix24. The developers of this system have taken care of the client for the Windows and Mac OS operating systems, but the Linux family has so far been neglected. The 1C-Bitrix company can be understood because it is not enough to create an application, it still needs to be modernized all the time and technical support provided for it.

When you have an application for several operating systems, this entails a significant increase in staff, which can inevitably affect the cost of the product for the end consumer. Here you have to choose a middle ground. Either support all systems, but greatly increase the cost of the product, or limit yourself to only the main operating systems, but ensure affordable prices.
We were given the task of installing the Bitrix24 desktop client for Windows on Ubuntu 14.04 and trying to synchronize the files located in Bitrix24.Disk.

What we have:

  • computer with OS 14.04.2 LTS (64x) installed
  • Bitrix24 desktop client (version for Windows OS
  • a strong desire to keep up with Windows in terms of ease of use of the Bitrix24 service

How to solve a problem

The first thing you need to do is install Wine software on Ubuntu, which allows you to implement the Windows API on Linux operating systems (essentially a Windows emulator).

The Ubuntu 14.04 (trusty) repository contains several versions of Wine.
When running the command:

    $ sudo apt-get install wine

The stable release of Wine 1.6.2 is being installed, but looking ahead, we will immediately warn you about problems that have arisen in working with this release of Wine of the Bitrix24 application.

The desktop application was installed in normal mode and after launching from the icon on the desktop, it started successfully.

Then the problems began. The system monitor began to show a CPU load of 20% from the Bitrix24 application, which is clearly not the norm, since the application was in passive mode and there were no communications, and a computer based on Intel i7 was used for tests. For such a processor, 20% is clearly overkill.

At first I thought that it was frozen, but then, after restarting the computer and other checks, I saw exactly the same picture. As soon as you launched the Bitrix24 desktop application, one processor core was “tightly” loaded.

A solution to this problem was found quite quickly. Obviously, all the problems were in the current version of Wine1.6, so the decision was made to install the unstable but regularly updated version of Wine1.7. Since there is one repository for both versions, you only need to enter one command. Open the terminal (CRTL + T) and start casting spells.

    $ sudo apt-get install wine1.7

After installing the new version of Wine, the Bitrix24 desktop application launched normally, but a new problem appeared. The fact is that the Canonical team, when developing Ubuntu 14.04, abandoned the com.canonical.Unity.Panel scheme and now, to get into the information panel, you need to use other algorithms. In version Wine1.6, a new mechanism for displaying application shortcuts in the tray was implemented, but in version Wine1.7, the developers of this product clearly did not take something into account and when launching the Bitrix24 application, there was a problem logging into it. The application hangs in memory, works, but you cannot open it without a tray shortcut, i.e. It will no longer be possible to work fully. There is only one solution to this problem. At the moment when you receive a message from the system or another user, you can click on the notification to call the application itself. I hesitate to call this a complete solution for users. We decided to look for the possibility of displaying the Bitrix24 program shortcut in the tray.

A solution has been found. There were enthusiasts who patched Unity to display third-party indicators in the tray. Installation of this solution can be done in two ways:

  • installation via repository
  • direct installation of downloaded packages

Installation via repository.

    $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gurqn/systray-trusty -y && sudo apt-get upd ate && sudo apt-get upgrade

This method, at the time of writing, is already outdated, because packages contained in the repository have earlier versions (7.2.4) than those installed on the system (7.2.5, subject to regular updates). Accordingly, nothing in the system will be updated and you will not get any results.

Installing updates from packages

We, especially for you, have prepared the necessary files for downloading directly from the article.

Package contents:





    $ tar -xvf ~/Unity.tar
    $ sudo dpkg -i *.deb

If there are problems with dependencies, then we run the command:

    $ sudo apt-get install -f
    $ sudo dpkg -i *.deb

After carrying out these manipulations, you must allow all icons to be displayed in the tray.

    $ gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist "["all"]"

If you are not satisfied with displaying all tray icons, you can allow displaying only icons that are created by programs in Wine

    $ gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist "["Wine"]"

After this stage, you can either simply log out of your account or restart your computer. After logging into your account again, you launch the Bitrix24 desktop application and see how it begins to work normally.

As you can see, the tray icon works, the application is running in normal mode, files are synchronized when adding or editing on the local computer

What exactly works

    • Portal chat;
    • Network;
    • File synchronization;
    • Pop-up notifications;
    • Audio calls;
    • Opening links from chat in a browser window;
    • Checking for program updates;
    • Chat history and other features.

Having problems

    • Video chat does not work due to the fact that Wine does not know how to correctly transfer requests from USB devices;
    • The Bitrix24 desktop application update version turned out to be unstable for working under Wine. Works with crashes at startup and when calling the "Copy paste from clipboard" procedure. Conclusion - there is no point in updating to this version;
    • Due to the unstable operation of the Bitrix24 desktop application version, it is not possible to use the screen sharing functionality.
    • The application runs only when the Windows XP operating mode is emulated in Wine;
    • You must refuse Unity updates or configure the blocking of updates for this component.

Just in case, I’m posting the previous version of the Bitrix24 desktop client.

Configuring a package update ban

There are two ways to prevent package updates in Ubuntu 14.04:

  • Use strara and a reliable command line;
  • Block via Synaptic package manager;

Disable via command line

    $ sudo echo libunity-core-6.0-9 hold | sudo dpkg --set-selections
    $ sudo echo libunity-core-6.0-dev hold | sudo dpkg --set-selections
    $ sudo echo unity hold | sudo dpkg --set-selections
    $ sudo echo unity-services hold | sudo dpkg --se t-selections

Ban via Synaptic

We go into the program, find the package in the search bar, select it and select “Package - Block version” in the menu


Since the publication of the article, a solution has been found that allows you not to refuse Unity updates. The solution to this problem is the program. This program implements the ability to display application icons that cannot be placed in the Unity system tray. First of all, this applies to programs that run under Wine.

Let's figure out what this indicator can do. By default, as long as there are no running programs (using the tray) in the computer's memory, this indicator does not appear in the tray. As soon as the first program is launched, it immediately appears in the tray.

This indicator has two operating modes. The first shows shortcuts to running programs according to the principle that is used in systems of the Windows family. When you click on the indicator, a hidden area with running program shortcuts pops up.

The second mode of the program is much more interesting. When you click on the mouse wheel (middle button) on the indicator, icons of running programs appear in the tray area, but it doesn’t end there. If you hold the mouse pointer on the indicator and start turning the mouse wheel, you can change the position of the shortcuts of running programs along the X axis. If you wish, you can move the shortcuts to the left or right. I would like to immediately warn you that you cannot push shortcuts of running programs onto existing indicators, because You may lose the ability to move them and will have to edit the indicator settings in the dconf-editor. In this editor you can change the position of the indicator along the X and Y axes. It is also possible to change the color scheme.

Now about installing this indicator on your computer.

    $ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:fixnix/indicator-systemtray-unity -y && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install indicator-systemtray-unity -y

After installation, you need to re-login to your account so that the indicator can start. After installing the indicator, you need to unblock updates from packages that we blocked earlier. This is done in the same way through Synaptic. For some reason, I was unable to update the blocked packages with new ones and I decided to do it manually. I downloaded the latest packages and installed them via the command line. Everything went smoothly and without problems. I am posting for you an archive with the latest Unity packages.

Package contents:





You can download this archive and install all the packages one by one. For command line lovers, the following manipulations are suitable:

    $ tar -xvf ~/Unity_7.2.5.tar
    $ sudo dpkg -i *.deb

Still have questions?
Do you have other tasks or don’t understand how to do this?

Bitrix 24 is a desktop client for organizing teamwork in a company, as well as its interaction with clients.


Bitrix 24 for computer ensures communication between employees of the organization, as well as communication with potential customers. Using the client, you can exchange text messages, like in a messenger, create group conversations, view the status of sent SMS, scroll through the news feed, studying assigned tasks and comments on them, and also receive notifications about missed calls.

Working files


Using Bitrix 24, you can manage work processes - create new offers for customers, track the process of fulfilling orders and concluding new profitable deals, keep records of goods in a special catalog, and also issue invoices for payment. The project manager has the opportunity to monitor the reports of each of the employees involved in the project and view profitability statistics.

Key Features

  • communicate with colleagues using chat and audio calls;
  • inability to create a project for more than 12 people in the demo;
  • integrated cloud for document storage;
  • viewing employee reports;
  • concluding transactions with clients and managing projects;
  • a library of forms, templates and layouts to save time when working with documents and letters;
  • receiving notifications about missed calls;
  • The Windows version has a simple and intuitive interface.