How to remove protection from a memory card on your phone. How to remove write protection from a flash drive. How to remove Android write protection from SD card using Diskpart

A memory card is a small storage device that is used to store digital information. Memory cards are widely used in various electronic devices, including cameras, smartphones, phones, tablets, MP3 players, etc. There are memory cards various formats and sizes, but regardless of this, the same problems may arise when working with them. For example, when you use a flash card in a computer, the latter may tell you that the device is write-protected and it will simply be impossible to write any files to it. Today we will try to solve this problem together.

SDHC format

Most often, the problem, oddly enough, occurs on SDHC cards. This removable card flash memory that meets the SDA 2.00 specification introduced by the SD Card Association. SDHC was a development of the SD format, inheriting most of its characteristics. The maximum capacity of such devices is 32 GB.

Today, the SDHC format is used less frequently than, say, 5 years ago, since with each generation they try to reduce the size of memory cards. But it has one interesting feature, which most users are not even aware of is hardware write protection on the device, thanks to which you will not be able to write anything to the card from any device, be it a computer or a camera.

There is a small switch located on one of the sides (not used on all models, be careful). If you move it, the protection automatically turns on. It is possible that you accidentally touched this lever without noticing it, which led to the problem. Accordingly, it will need to be moved.

USB flash cards

USB flash cards can be equipped with exactly the same switch as in the case of SDHC, although they are becoming less common on sale - the cost of such cards is more expensive, and only a few need write protection.

If your flash drive does not have such a switch, but the computer still reports protection, then you can try formatting the device. For this you can use standard formatting operating system Windows, but it is recommended to use it for this special programs. For example, the HP USB utility will work Disk Storage Format Tool- extremely small program, which can bring flash cards to life.


One of the most popular drives today is MicroSD, which is used in all the latest devices.

MicroSD is a small memory card. Unlike the same SDHC, there is practically no switch on it, which is necessary for blocking. This means you need to try the following:

  • If you removed the flash drive, say, from your phone, and then, using an adapter or adapter, decided to transfer materials from your computer to it, try inserting it back into the phone and removing the protection using the settings, if possible.
  • If you use an adapter, do not forget about the lever that turns write protection on and off.
  • Be sure to clean the contacts; perhaps they are the problem.
  • Try formatting your device.

If all else fails, then perhaps the flash drive has died, which, unfortunately, happens all the time.

Guide to removing write protection from a USB flash drive.


USB flash drives and microSD memory cards are widely used for temporary storage of data. The files stored on them are easy to delete, but they often leave behind a lot of invisible garbage, which clogs the memory and slows down the reading of information on the USB drive. For deep cleaning memory users resort to formatting flash drives. But quite often, while formatting a flash drive, a notification pops up informing you that it is write-protected.
In our article we will try to figure out how to bypass the protection of a locked flash drive or memory card.

A similar message about disk security may appear on various reasons and not only when trying to format a flash drive. It happens that a USB drive has served you faithfully for a long time, but one fine day, when you try to transfer files to it or, conversely, take them from it, such a notification appears. Let's look at the main reasons why such a nuisance can happen:

Physical blocking

  • Many USB flash drives and memory cards have a small fuse on their case. It is a standard slider switch that is easy to miss. If you move the switch to a certain position, it will act as a fuse and will not allow you to accidentally delete data from the flash drive. Carefully inspect the body of the flash drive for the presence of a switch slider. If there is one, move it to a different position and try again to delete files from the USB drive.

New flash drive

  • If you purchased a new USB flash drive or microSD card, and while writing files to it you receive a message about the security of the disk, then it is most likely that your device was previously formatted in an ancient file system FAT32. To restore order in the file system, it will need to be formatted in the format NTFS. We'll talk about this a little later.
  • Other possible reason such an error occurs when using a new flash drive - a virus. Before you, the store clerks where you bought the flash drive could have used the drive and placed a malicious program on it. Just in case, scan your computer and flash drive for viruses with any available antivirus program.

Physical damage

  • Quite often the reason for the notification is “ The disc is write protected» is associated with physical damage to the drive. Perhaps, due to a strong impact of the device on the floor, the contact fell off or microcracks appeared. The worst case scenario is damage to the memory chip from impact or natural wear and tear. If, in the case of a fallen contact, you can recover data from a flash drive using special equipment, then if the chip is damaged, you can say goodbye to it.

How to format a write-protected flash drive using standard Windows operating system tools?

Before resorting to using a third party software, you need to try to break the write protection using Windows tricks. Do the following one by one:

  • Step 1. Expand menu " StartExecute" In the window that opens, enter “ cmd" and press " Enter" to activate the command line.

  • Step 2. In the window that opens, you will need to write the command “ diskpart" and press " Enter» to start a service that works with computer disks.

  • Step 3. A new window will open where you will need to write the command “ list disk " and press " Enter» to display existing sections hard drive and USB media. Your flash drive must first be connected to the computer.

  • Step 4. A list will appear on the monitor hard sections disk and connected storage devices, each of which is assigned its own number. In the same window, write the command “ select disk H", where instead of " H“You need to put the number under which your flash drive is located. Click " Enter».

  • Step 5. Once the flash drive is selected, enter the command " attributes disk clear readonly» to clear its attributes. Remember that all files from it will be erased. Click " Enter».
  • Step 6. Next, enter the command “ clean" and press " Enter» to clean up the disk.
  • Step 7. Since the flash drive has a file system format FAT32, we need to reformat it into the format NTFS. To do this, write the command “ format fs=ntfs" and press " Enter».
  • Step 8. The flash drive is formatted and now all that remains is to assign it a letter under which it will be displayed on the computer. To do this, write the command “ assign letter=K" and press " Enter" Instead of " K»You can set any other letter.

If this procedure does not lead to a positive result, then there is a possibility that the USB flash drive has a slightly different write protection system, which can be removed through the editor group policy. To do this, do the following:

  • Step 1. Expand menu " Start" and left-click on the item " Execute" In the window that opens, write “ gpedit.msc" and press " Enter».

  • Step 2. In the window that opens, go to “ Computer configuration", then " Administrative Templates", then " System" and further in " Access to removable storage devices" In the window on the right, find the line “ Removable drives: Disable recording"and look carefully at her condition. If recording prohibition is activated, double-click on the line to bring up the menu and set the status to “ Disabled" To finish, click the " OK».

  • Unfortunately, standard means Windows cannot always solve this problem. Sometimes you have to resort to third party utilities, designed to recover and format USB drives. It is best to use the utilities, the disk with which is sold complete with the flash drive. But if you don’t have it, you can use the program HUDS Format Tool which is possible.

  • To format a flash drive using this program, connect the flash drive to your computer, download and run the program. In the window that opens, select your device from the list, set the format file system « NTFS", check the box next to the line " Quick formatting" and press the button " Begin" After completing the formatting process, the flash drive should again be usable.
  • If none of the above the listed methods Didn't help you, then most likely the problem is physical damage devices and the only way out of this situation is to purchase a new USB flash drive or memory card.

VIDEO: How to remove write protection from a flash drive?

The era of floppy disks is long gone, but sometimes when trying to write to a flash drive, the user may encounter a situation known since the days of using floppy media - it is blocked and cannot be used.

We will look at how to solve this problem in detail in our article today.

So, you need to write some information to a flash drive, you insert it and receive a message like “The disk is write-protected, remove the protection or use another one.”

This problem can be solved quite quickly, and we will talk about this a little later, but now we should say a few words about the purpose for which download protection is installed on .

Note! This operation is performed for only one purpose - which can spontaneously be copied to removable media without the user’s knowledge.

Methods for removing write protection from a flash drive

There are 2 key ways Removing protection from a flash drive: hardware and software.

Hardware solution consists of installing a lock switch, which is present in some drive models, as well as SD cards.

Most often, the toggle switch is located on the side edge of the drive.

Carefully inspect your existing drive and look for an open/closed lock icon or the word Lock on it.

Note! Removing the lock is very simple - just move the lock lever to opposite direction. That's all. Insert the media into the appropriate slot and repeat the file writing operation again.

Software solution involves the interaction of a flash drive controller, which is responsible for the ability to record information.

You can remove write protection using this method using command line Registry Editor or Local Group Policy.

Learn more about all of the above methods.

Removing protection using regedit

1. Click “Start” and enter - in the search field. Right-click (RMB) on the program and in context menu go to the “Run as administrator” item.

2. Go to the StorageDevicePolicies section:


Important! Important! If there is no such thing, you will have to create it. To do this, click on the section Control - New - Section. We call it “StorageDevicePolicies” without quotes. If there is no such section, you need to create it.

Create (RMB in the right column of the registry) a DWORD parameter (32 bits) in the created branch. For convenience, let's call the element WriteProtect.

3. Make sure that the WriteProtect value is 0. Right-click on WriteProtect and select “Change”. If the value is “1” you need to change it to “0” and click “Ok”.

4. Close the registry editor, remove the media and restart the computer. Insert the flash drive. Now the flash drive works in normal mode, allowing you to write files.

Removing protection using Diskpart

If you couldn't unlock it using regedit, let's try to do it using command interpreter Diskpart, which allows you to manage the commands that the user enters into the command line when working with partitions and disks.

1. “Start”, enter the name - cmd - in the search field. Right-click in the program and select “Run as administrator” in the context menu.

2. Now you should enter the commands: diskpart and list disk, and after entering each of them, you should press Enter key.

3. In the list above, determine what serial number in the name the flash drive has.

This can be done based on specified size, in our case, an 8 GB flash drive, is presented in the table as “Disk 1” with a capacity of 7441 MB.

4. Select the disk with the “select” command, clear the attributes that allow only reading “attributes disk clear readonly”.

If , you should enter following commands: “clean”, create a partition “create partition primary”, format it to NTFS “format fs = ntfs” or FAT “format fs = fat”.

It is impossible to imagine one person in the 21st century, who would not use a computer.

Yes, we all often use it for entertainment or to pass the time having fun.

But sometimes you need to do things that can make a profit or simply help others. Here's a situation: your friends bring you a memory card and ask you throw something at her look.

You insert a memory card into the computer, start transferring something to it, but an error appears that says “Card is protected.” What is this anyway, and what is it protected from? Why this protection? Now we'll figure it out

Memory card is write protected

First, let's explain that if the memory card is write-protected, then it contains files that should not be changed. This means that files that were previously downloaded to this flash drive must remain in the same state.

Why can't you send it off? Yes, because any files that are written to the memory card in the future can cause harm to already recorded folders and programs, in the form of a virus. This is why such a thing as an attribute is created. It is created in order to put the “Read Only” attribute on the folder.

It causes all files that should be written to be prohibited. The memory card remains under reliable protection th and will not be spoiled by other, unnecessary elements.

However, sometimes protection needs to be removed, because it is not even thanks to our actions. So what to do in such a situation? Now we'll tell you.

First action - check the lock lever on the card.

Physical lever set to Write Protect mode – the most common cause of this problem. We give a 90% guarantee that after you switch the lever on the card, the inability to write files to it will disappear!

If he does not block it, then we proceed to such actions. Right-click on the memory card in “My Computer”. A window opens, select “Properties” and remove the “Read Only” attribute there. As soon as you remove it, access to the memory card will be completely open.

You will be able to write all files to it calmly and without prohibition. Now you are already writing a file, but... Still the same error. What's the matter?

Now the second step if the first does not help is to check the memory card for viruses. Yes, specifically for viruses. Who knows, maybe there is a potential spy on it who simply blocks all possible connections so that the memory card remains in this state for a long time.

So it turns out that the virus is blocking. Checking for antivirus and remove the virus. Excellent antivirus– Avast. He will help deal with this problem.

Another common problem can be a lack of memory on the disk. Yes, it is the lack of memory that causes it to be automatically blocked to avoid overload. This is what helps get rid of the problem.

If nothing mentioned above helps, then there is only one way out - format the memory card completely, that is, delete everything on it. Thus, by formatting it, you delete not only all files, but also possible viruses, completely knocking down the flash drive and settings.

These are the solutions to the problem. If even this did not help you, then there is one assumption - the memory card has come to an end. One of the internal chips was damaged to such an extent that it no longer wants to read, which means that it will be impossible to write.

The system of some of these cards itself protects the flash drive from viruses, immediately blocking it when downloading a new file. A very clever move, as it helps to save all the data in complete safety. It’s hard, but a virus can get onto a memory card even with protection. But you will never understand this.

This brings our article to its logical conclusion. All the methods described above will solve your problem. Yes, it may seem to you that there is no solution to the problem, but there is always one. We guarantee this to you. We managed to figure out what “writing to a memory card” is and why it is blocked.

Also, we were able to sort out many options for why the card does not want to work with the files that are recorded from external source. Whatever the source, it must still be reliable. And the memory card itself protects you from all sorts of unfortunate situations.

We have also provided you choosing those solutions which can help solve the problem. Yes, there are problems different types, but in our case, problems can lead to data loss. Is this what you want? And most importantly, remember that you must always take care of it.

Very stupidly, having dropped it once, you can lose data, and if you are a student, it will be even more painful in such a situation. So you need to protect the card from falls. Treat it very carefully and always keep it in an open place. There are also quite a few thieves these days.

The article has come to an end, and we wish you a pleasant use computer technologies for their own purposes, and also very positive mood so that problems never spoil it, and you are happier than ever

Often on removable drives an important and necessary piece of information is stored that you always want to keep at your fingertips. In turn, a lot of pleasant music or films are recorded on memory cards. Unfortunately, it happens that these devices stop working. There are many reasons for their behavior. But the main thing is how to bring a flash card, micro sd, memory card back to life.

All the reasons why memory cards, flash drives and other removable media malfunction can be divided into five large groups:

The benefits of write protection on memory cards and micro sd

In fact, write protection is very useful thing and only thanks to it can you at least somehow protect your device from erasing important information. But in addition to preventing changes to the files contained on the device, write protection effectively resists unauthorized use carrier.

The latest SecureDigital cards (SD) have new mechanisms to protect against writing and erasing files. These are both mechanical and software methods. To prevent the start of writing or erasing processes, such cards have a Lock switch on the right side of the card. In addition, the security of the contents of the micro SD card is guaranteed by 4C Entity LLC, which was the first to develop and apply the original CPRM (Content Protection for Recordable Media) encoding technique.

Such know-how partially prevents the misuse of memory cards, but also complicates the life of their owners.

Troubleshooting removable media problems


During formatting, the process of extraordinary marking of the information storage area starts. A negative property of this procedure is that at this time all existing files from the media are irrevocably erased.

Why format a flash drive?

Reasons why you should format a flash card:

  • presence of viruses;
  • inability to write a large file to the media;
  • fight against slow work devices ( low speed data transmission).

Formatting can be quick and time consuming. The most popular way is to simply quick formatting, when this process is started by right-clicking on the flash card icon. In the context menu that appears, select the “format” command.

5 ways to format a flash card

We offer 5 to choose from simple ways how to format a flash card:

What do you need to know to unlock removable storage media?

BitLocker is mainly used to encrypt removable drives. It is important to note that it is only available for Windows 8.

Also for operating room Windows systems, you can use a snail called Repair. This simple device can easily cope with unlocking a flash drive or micro SD card.

If the previous options were not successful, You can use one of the newest options - JetFlash Recovery Tool. Unfortunately, this application restores the original settings of the media, so all information from it is lost. You can download the application from the link to JetFlash Recovery Tool. Install and launch it. In the window, select the flash drive that is not working correctly and press START. The media will begin formatting. After this, it should be removed using a safe method.

Let's look at the most effective way. You can remove protection in the Windows Registry Editor. To launch the registry editor, press and hold on the keyboard Windows keys+ R, then type regedit and press Enter. Opening HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\StorageDevicePolicies. It is necessary to change the value in the WriteProtect data from 1 (this means write protection) to 0 (remove protection). At the end of the procedure, save the changes, turn off the flash drive and restart the computer.

Methods for preventing problems with removable media


We have reviewed all the most popular and effective methods troubleshooting problems with removable media.

The reader can only choose the method that suits him. However, the more important information is stored on a flash drive and the more often you use it, the more careful you should be with this device. Because most of the breakdowns occur precisely due to the “human factor”.

Therefore, before taking out a flash drive, memory card or HDD from electronic device, use safe removal. This prevents many problems with removable storage media from occurring. And if flash or SD cards start to work incorrectly or are not displayed, this can always be corrected with the help of a properly selected “treatment”.