How to make the computer go to sleep. Ways to force Windows to go to sleep. Incorrect power settings

Even though all the features in Windows have evolved significantly over time, hibernation is still here and will likely be around for a very long time.

Its main task is to turn off the HDD and computer monitor for a certain period to prevent unnecessary energy consumption.

But what if your Windows 10 device just can’t go to sleep? Let's figure it out.

In this article, we will list all the possible solutions to fix this problem. Be sure to follow them in the order presented.

What to do if the system does not allow the computer to go into sleep mode:

  • make sure sleep mode is turned on;
  • find viruses;
  • remove peripherals;
  • disable hybrid mode;
  • Make changes to advanced power settings.

Let's start with the obvious and confirm that sleep mode timeout is enabled first. Many users are not even aware of some minor changes that occur after every system update.

So, if you recently updated to Fall Creators, be sure to check your power settings. There is a small chance that something has changed without your knowledge.

To do this, follow these steps:

You can also restore advanced power settings. To do this, follow these steps:

2. Find viruses

In addition to this, some users have reported that the malware prevents the computer from going into sleep or hibernation mode.

It is believed to be running in the background due to adware hidden in the Chrome browser.

To solve the problem, you need to perform a deep scan of the system using a third-party antivirus or Windows Defender. This way, you can be sure that the presence of malware is not causing problems with your sleep patterns.

Since the procedure depends on different third-party solutions, we will show you how to perform a deep offline scan using Windows Defender:

3. Remove peripherals

Another important reason why a computer cannot sleep lies in its peripheral devices. Some of them, such as the mouse or keyboard, should not cause any problems. However, we can't say the same about a webcam, printer or SD reader.

Also, be sure to remove the DVD from the DVD-ROM when not in use. After disabling the peripherals, your problem should be resolved.

On the other hand, if you still haven't solved your PC insomnia problem, don't forget to check out the methods below.

4. Disable Hybrid Mode

This is a hybrid of the “Sleep” and “” energy saving modes. Its main purpose is to resemble the power-saving characteristics of hibernation mode while maintaining the boot speed of sleep mode.

This sounds great, but not every motherboard supports this technology. If you are using an older PC configuration and have Hybrid mode enabled, there is a high chance that the PC will never go to sleep.

The obvious solution to this problem is to disable hybrid mode. Here's how to do it:

  1. Go to settings using Windows+I. Open the system partition.

  2. Select the scheme you actively use and open the last item from the list on the left.

  3. In the next window, click on the first text link.

  4. In the tree menu, expand Sleep. Expand "Allow hybrid sleep" and turn it off. Save your changes.

Finally, if none of these solutions worked for you, you can still look into the problem.

5. Change advanced power settings

There are some minor details that are too often ignored when it comes to the power plan and its advanced settings. More precisely, a multimedia sharing option.

This feature prevents your computer from going to sleep when you stream something to your computer, such as a YouTube video. It's enabled by default, so we recommend doing the opposite. We hope this will fix the problem once and for all.

Follow these steps:

  1. Go to settings using the combination Windows + I. Open the system partition.

  2. In the left pane, select the third option under notifications.

  3. In the top right corner of the screen, click the text link under Related Options.

  4. Open “Power Plan Settings” located on the right.

  5. Click on the first text link.

  6. Expand media settings. Change the value to "Allow the computer to go to sleep." Confirm the action.

And this method didn't help? Then, as a supporting solution, we suggest you check for sleep intruders.

Windows has a built-in command that allows you to determine which process/application is causing the sleep process to stop on your computer.

  1. Use the combination Windows+S.

  2. Type “command line” into the search engine.

  3. Right-click on the application and run it as administrator.

  4. Apply the following command powercfg/requests.

  5. Now you will see a list of all the processes/applications that are preventing the computer from going into sleep mode.

    Note! This tool is not perfect and does not list all important processes/applications. Try disabling your antivirus, VPN services, USB devices, and monitoring applications (such as CC Cleaner).

  6. To disable the culprit service, use Windows + R, write services.msc and press Enter.

  7. Double-click the problematic service, stop it, and change the Startup Type to Disabled. Save the changes and close the window.

  8. To uninstall an application, open Control Panel and select the appropriate option.

  9. Right-click on the one that is causing problems and select the "Uninstall" option.

Video - What to do if the computer does not go into sleep mode?

Hibernation mode is a convenient option for users who want to make sure that if they need their computer, they can get it into a fully operational state in a few seconds. It takes a little longer for Windows to exit, but it can also be used if you want to save open files, folders and applications while reducing the computer's power consumption.

A common error in Windows is the computer waking up spontaneously. By sending the operating system into sleep mode or hibernation state, the user notices that the coolers stop for a couple of seconds, the screen goes blank, and after a while the option to select a profile appears on it and the computer again operates in the same mode. If the computer does not go into sleep mode, there may be several reasons for this, and below we will look at them in more detail.

Incorrect power settings

Setting power settings is a task that laptop users are more likely to face than owners of system units. Not all users know that power settings are regulated not only by special utilities for laptops, but also at the level of the Windows operating system. If wake timers are activated in the settings, they may be causing the problem that the computer does not go into sleep mode.

You can check your Windows power settings as follows:

After making the changes, the problem with the computer automatically waking up should be resolved if it was caused by this setting. If your PC continues to randomly wake up and wake up from hibernation mode, move on to the next solution.

Waking up the computer due to a connected USB device

A common reason for a computer waking up from sleep mode is a USB device connected to it. In most cases, such devices are the mouse and keyboard, which, when power is lost, try to restore it by sending a request to the motherboard, and it wakes up from the received signal and starts the operating system.

To determine which USB device wakes up the system and prevent it from waking the computer from sleep mode, you need to do the following:

Having identified the USB device that is causing the computer to not go into sleep mode, you can move on to fixing the problem by:

After completing the settings described above, you can check whether the error that caused the computer to spontaneously exit sleep mode has been resolved.

BIOS Settings

It was already noted above that it may be necessary to update the BIOS if, due to its incorrect operation, the computer wakes up from sleep mode spontaneously. However, this is not the only option when the BIOS is the culprit of the problem. Most BIOS versions have a "Wake on LAN" option. It is necessary so that the system administrator, who is on the same network as the computer, has the ability to wake it up from sleep mode when necessary. If this option does not work correctly and is not required on the computer, it is better to disable it so that the PC does not wake up from sleep mode on its own.

To disable the setting, you need to go into the BIOS (by pressing Del or F2 while the computer starts). Next, you need to find the “Wake on LAN” item and set it to the “Disable” state.

Sleep mode is designed to save energy. This idea of ​​the developers, on the one hand, is quite useful for your computer, but on the other hand, it brings inconvenience to some users, for example, because the computer unexpectedly enters this mode at the wrong time. In this case, some processes may be interrupted, terminate incorrectly, and all sorts of errors may occur. In this case, the system requires a reboot. Thus, it often becomes a nuisance and unnecessary feature for the user. We will tell you further how to prevent your computer from going into sleep mode.

Sleep mode- This is part of the functioning of the system, and its main purpose is energy saving.

If we talk about the benefits of sleep mode, it is more useful for laptop users. In this regard, it helps to save on battery power. As for a desktop computer, this mode is practically useless. The computer can, so to speak, fall asleep while downloading movies and games if the user does not perform any actions. At such moments, it would be better to turn off sleep mode.

To get rid of this function in the “Control Panel”, go to “Power Options”, and there look for the corresponding section.

General course of action for system versions 7-8.1

Here you should select “Sleep mode settings”. Click “Never” in the line “Put the computer into sleep mode”, and now all that remains is to save the manipulations done by clicking the corresponding button on the settings window.

If you have a laptop and not a desktop PC, then you should right-click in the tray on the icon with the battery status. There, find the “Power Options” item.

Versions 8 and 8.1

These versions also have other ways to get rid of the mode. To do this, go to the panel on the right by pressing “Win” + “C” and follow this path by going to “Settings”: “Change computer settings”, then “Computer and devices” and ultimately “Shut down and sleep mode” ”, where you should mark “Never”. This is one of the differences between these versions and, for example, the “seven”.

Windows 10

In this version of the system, the mode is turned off in principle in the same way as in version seven, but it is also possible to turn it off through “Parameters”, which is taken to some extent from 8 and 8.1.

Open them and select “System”, and then “Power and Sleep Mode”, and check the desired value so that the computer does not go into sleep mode. How to do this can be easily guessed by analogy with previous versions - specify the value “never”.

Extra options

The above are presented as basic parameters. If you need to fine-tune your PC, click “Change advanced power settings.” Select "Never" when going to "Sleep". Next, you can configure the ability to turn on the mode when charging is low by selecting “Battery”.

It is also possible to turn it off by closing the lid in the “Power buttons and lid” section. In addition, you can configure the dark screen to turn on after the PC has been inactive for a certain time. At the end it remains to save the changes.

General method

Any Windows supports some general system method or method for disabling sleep mode. To do this, just call “Run…” by pressing “Win” + “R”, type “powercfg.cpl” there and confirm with the “Enter” button. There you will see a window where you will need to go to “Sleep mode settings”. When you select it, a dialog box will appear on the screen where you can set various parameters for the power supply scheme. Here you can set the time to turn off the display and turn on sleep mode.


When entering sleep or hibernation mode, a crash may occur, which is usually caused by the creation of a system file called “hiberfil.sys” in a hidden form. It overloads the RAM, since it contains all the stored temporary data, as a result of which the file size reaches the size of the RAM itself. After turning off the mode, the file also takes up space on the hard drive. To get rid of the file, enter the value “powercfg -h off” in the “Open” line of the “Run…” program and click “OK”.


There is also the possibility of setting a screensaver in the form of a certain animation instead of sleep mode. To enable this feature, right-click on the desktop and select “Personalization.” Here you can select a screensaver according to your preferences and the time after which it should be displayed on your screen after remaining quiet for a certain time. You can also find the “Personalization” item in the “Power Options” section.


But that's not all you need to do to keep your computer from going into sleep mode—as soon as you restart your computer, the changes will take effect. After all, until this moment the computer works according to the previous settings. After rebooting, you should make sure that the PC does not go to sleep when inactive and that there is free space on the disk that was occupied by the file in question. Sleep mode is a kind of protective system that prevents overheating, so you should not turn it off unless there is a special need for it.


Sometimes it happens that no matter how many times we put the computer into sleep mode, it still does not go into sleep mode: the screen goes dark for 1 second. and immediately Windows welcomes us again. It's as if some program or invisible hand is pressing a button...

I agree, of course, that sleep mode is not that important, but why not turn the computer on and off every time you need to step away from it for 15-20 minutes? Therefore, we will try to correct this issue, fortunately, most often there are several reasons...

1. Setting up the power supply scheme

Most likely, like me, you will have several tabs - several power modes. On laptops there are usually two of them: balanced and economy mode. Go to the settings of the mode that is currently selected as your main one.

Just below, under the main settings, there are additional parameters that we need to go into.

In the window that opens, we are most interested in the “sleep” tab, and in it there is another small tab “ allow wake timers". If you have it enabled, then you need to disable it, as in the picture below. The fact is that this feature, if enabled, will allow Windows to automatically wake up your computer, which means it may easily not even have time to go into it!

After changing the settings, save them, and then try to put the computer into sleep mode again, if it doesn’t go away, we’ll look into it further...

2. Determining a USB device that does not allow you to go into sleep mode

Very often, the reason for a sudden awakening from sleep mode (less than 1 second) can be devices connected to USB.

Most often such devices are a mouse and keyboard. There are two ways: first - if you are working on a computer, then try connecting them to the PS/2 connector through a small adapter; second - for those who have a laptop, or those who do not want to bother with an adapter - disable wake-up from USB devices in the task manager. This is what we will consider now.

USB -> PS/2 adapter

How can I find out the reason for waking from sleep mode?

Quite simple: to do this, open the control panel and find the administration tab. Let's open it.

Here you need to open the system log, to do this, go to the following address: Computer Management->Utilities->Event Viewer->Windows Logs. Next, select the “system” log with the mouse and click open it.

Going to sleep mode and waking up a PC is usually associated with the word “Power” (energy, if translated). This is the word we need to find in the source. The first event you find will be the report we need. Let's open it.

Here you can find out the time of entry and exit from sleep mode, as well as what is important to us - the reason for awakening. In this case, “USB Root Hub” means some kind of USB device, probably a mouse or keyboard...

How to disable wake from sleep mode from USB?

If you have not closed the computer management window, then go to the device manager (there is this tab in the left column). You can also access Device Manager through “my computer”.

Here we are primarily interested in USB controllers. Go to this tab and check all root USB hubs. It is necessary that their power management properties do not include a function for allowing the computer to wake up from sleep mode. Where there are checkmarks, uncheck them!

One more thing. You also need to check your mouse or keyboard if you have them connected to USB. In my case, I only checked the mouse. In its power properties, you need to uncheck the box and prohibit the device from waking up the PC. The screenshot below shows this checkbox.

After the settings have been made, you can check how the computer began to go into sleep mode. If you haven’t left again, there is one more point that many people forget about...

3. Bios settings

Due to certain BIOS settings, the computer may not go into sleep mode! We are talking here about “Wake on LAN” - an option thanks to which the computer can be woken up over a local network. Typically, network administrators use this option to connect to a computer.

To disable it, enter the BIOS settings (F2 or Del, depending on the BIOS version, see the boot screen, the login button is always displayed there). Next, find the “Wake on LAN” item (it may be called slightly differently in different BIOS versions).

If you can’t find it, I’ll give you an easy hint: the Wake item is usually located in the Power section, for example in Bios Award it’s the “Power management setup” tab, and in Ami it’s the “Power” tab.

Switch from Enable to Disable mode. Save the settings and restart the computer.

After all the settings have been made, the computer simply must go into sleep mode! By the way, if you don’t know how to wake it up from sleep mode, just press the power button on the computer and it will quickly wake up.

That's all. If you have anything to add, I would be grateful...