How to make a home TV antenna. Dimensions and assembly. Powerful TV antenna

As practice shows, quite often many people, for one reason or another, are not satisfied with common TV antennas and are forced to make a homemade one. The most interesting thing is that creating an antenna yourself using improvised means is quite simple. Next, we will present to your attention the most famous methods by which a homemade antenna is made.

Beer Can Algorithm

This is the most famous TV antenna that you can make yourself. The specificity lies in the elementarity and simplicity of the components. This device can be made in a country house and even on a picnic, as well as in an apartment, where sometimes there is not 100% reception from a regular antenna. Experts say that making such an antenna takes only 15 minutes, and the device “catch” many more TV channels than a standard one.

So, if we want to create a receiver from ordinary tin cans, we will need:

Work process:

  • We tape the stick to the cans with electrical tape, maintaining an interval of approximately 8 centimeters (between them), although you should choose the length “by eye”. If the can still has rings, then it is allowed to fix the cable with self-tapping screws
  • We screw the screws into the beer container, strip the two ends of the antenna cable and screw them to the screws
  • We tie the cable to the stick using tape, this is necessary for the durability of the presented receiver
  • You can use a regular hanger instead of the same stick. By the way, then it will be much easier to configure
  • If we want the antenna not to lose its functionality (after heavy rain, thunderstorms, etc.), then we cover the jars with a large “plastic bottle” (preferably 2 liter), from which we cut off the bottom and neck. In the middle of the bottle we drill a hole through which we pull the cord; after connecting, pour boiling water over this area. It should be noted that plastic at this temperature will change its own design plus make the presented hole tightly (i.e. hermetically) closed

The antenna made from template beer cans is completely ready, all that remains is to connect it to the TV and adjust it to suit you. You can improve the device by using several sections from similar containers.

Regular TV antenna

If you are new to this business, but still want to try to make an antenna, you need to try making the following design:

  • We connect the antenna input to the TV with any metal circuit, pre-wrapped with electrical tape
  • We place the circuit on a stand made of plastic material or wood, or on a balcony
  • We connect the TV to the antenna using a plug plus a cable, cutting off the insulation of the latter to approximately 6 centimeters in length
  • We divide the opened winding into 2 parts and bend it
  • We carefully cut the winding to the same length and expose the core of the cable itself.
  • We fix the core with the winding in the plug using screws. When there is no space in the presented plug for the purpose of attaching the winding, then it is necessary to cut it off
  • We fix the second edge of the cable on the circuit, first we strip it according to the previous scheme, make a ring from the core and fix it
  • The connection areas must be wrapped with electrical tape to make the device more reliable.

In order to increase the signal on the current receiver, electrical signal amplifiers should be used.

Powerful TV antenna

If we want the device to function like a regular antenna, we improve its receiving circuit. To do this you need:

  • Purchase equipment - amplifying the signal, which is connected specifically to the device, of course - wrap the cable at both ends with insulating tape to eliminate interference in the signal
  • For high-quality reception, you need to make a screen - a kind of metal mesh, which is isolated from the TV and installed behind the receiver. As the screen itself, you can use a metal mesh from a regular fence
  • The reception area should be strengthened, so iron rods can be added to the screen. And so that the structure is made of one metal and the oxidation factor is excluded. We connect the rods to the screen symmetrically so that we have the largest possible area
  • In the center of the installation we need to place another amplifier, while soldering the contacts to our receiver
  • These TV antennas are not mounted in the house; they are often placed on the roof, mounted in the direction of the nearest television tower

We build an antenna from “nothing”

There are 2 absolutely simple ways to build a TV antenna at home:

  • You will need the most ordinary wire, but you should not take aluminum wire (it oxidizes quickly). Typical copper or brass wire is perfect for this. We clear it from both ends of the insulating material, attach one edge to the battery or pipe, and insert the other into the TV connector. The signal appears instantly, since the pipe, after passing through a significant part of the building, plus going “up”, appears to be a good frequency amplifier. Using a similar method, you can make a good home antenna and “catch” about 5 channels

  • Well, the 2nd option is suitable for people who have a balcony. In this case, it is necessary to take a similar wire, this time longer, so that it connects the device and the balcony section. We strip this wire from 2 sides and connect 1 end to the TV (where the cable socket is), and wind the 2nd end to the stretched strings on which clothes are hung

This method will not only help to increase existing channels (by building a home antenna for a TV), but also improves the image quality several times.

In summer cottages, a television signal can rarely be received without amplification: it is too far from the repeater, the terrain is usually non-uniform, and trees get in the way. For normal “picture” quality, antennas are needed. Anyone who knows at least a little how to handle a soldering iron can make an antenna for their dacha with their own hands. Outside the city, aesthetics are not given so much importance; the main thing is quality of reception, simple design, low cost and reliability. You can experiment and do it yourself.

Simple TV antenna

If the repeater is located within 30 km from your dacha, you can make the receiving part with the simplest design. These are two identical tubes connected to each other by a cable. The cable output is fed to the corresponding TV input.

The design of an antenna for a TV in the country: it’s very easy to do it yourself (to enlarge the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

What is needed to make this TV antenna

First of all, you need to find out what frequency the nearest TV tower is broadcasting on. The length of the “whiskers” depends on the frequency. The broadcast band is in the range of 50-230 MHz. It is divided into 12 channels. Each requires its own length of tubes. A list of terrestrial television channels, their frequencies and parameters of a television antenna for self-production is given in the table.

Channel number Channel frequency Vibrator length - from one end to the other end of the tubes, cm Cable length for matching device, L1/L2 cm
1 50 MHz 271-276 cm 286 cm / 95 cm
2 59.25 MHz 229-234 cm 242 cm / 80 cm
3 77.25 MHz 177-179 cm 187 cm / 62 cm
4 85.25 MHz 162-163 cm 170 cm / 57 cm
5 93.25 MHz 147-150 cm 166 cm / 52 cm
6 175.25 MHz 85 cm 84 cm / 28 cm
7 183.25 MHz 80 cm 80 cm / 27 cm
8 191.25 MHz 77 cm 77 cm / 26 cm
9 199.25 MHz 75 cm 74 cm / 25 cm
10 207.25 MHz 71 cm 71 cm / 24 cm
11 215.25 MHz 69 cm 68 cm / 23 cm
12 223.25 MHz 66 cm 66 cm / 22 cm

So, in order to make a TV antenna with your own hands, you need the following materials:

It would be nice to have a soldering iron, flux for soldering copper and solder on hand: it is advisable to solder all connections of the central conductors: the image quality will be better and the antenna will work longer. The soldering areas then need to be protected from oxidation: it is best to fill it with a layer of silicone, or you can use epoxy resin, etc. As a last resort, seal it with electrical tape, but this is very unreliable.

Even a child can make this homemade antenna for a TV, even at home. You need to cut the tube to the length that corresponds to the broadcast frequency of a nearby repeater, then saw it exactly in half.

Assembly order

The resulting tubes are flattened on one side. With these ends they are attached to a holder - a piece of getinax or textolite 4-6 mm thick (see picture). The tubes are placed at a distance of 6-7 cm from each other, their far ends should be at the distance indicated in the table. They are secured to the holder with clamps; they must hold firmly.

The installed vibrator is fixed to the mast. Now you need to connect the two “whiskers” through a matching device. This is a cable loop with a resistance of 75 Ohms (type RK-1, 3, 4). Its parameters are indicated in the far right column of the table, and how it is done is on the right side of the photo.

The middle cores of the cable are screwed (soldered) to the flattened ends of the tubes, and their braid is connected with a piece of the same conductor. Getting the wire is simple: cut a piece from the cable slightly larger than the required size and remove all the sheaths. Clean the ends and screw them to the cable conductors (it’s better to solder them).

Then the central conductors from two pieces of the matching loop and the cable that goes to the TV are connected. Their braid is also connected with copper wire.

The last step: the loop in the middle is attached to the rod, and the cable going down is screwed to it. The barbell is raised to the required height and “adjusted” there. To set up, you need two people: one turns the antenna, the second watches TV and evaluates the picture quality. Having determined where the signal is best received from, the homemade antenna is fixed in this position. To avoid having to struggle with “tuning” for a long time, take a look at where your neighbors’ receivers (over-the-air antennas) are pointing. The simplest antenna for a summer residence is made with your own hands. Set and “catch” the direction by turning it along its axis.

Watch the video on how to cut a coaxial cable.


Loop from a pipe

This do-it-yourself antenna for a summer residence is a little more difficult to manufacture: you need a pipe bender, but the reception radius is larger - up to 40 km. The starting materials are almost the same: metal tube, cable and rod.

The bend radius of the pipe is not important. It is necessary that the pipe has the required length, and the distance between the ends is 65-70 mm. Both “wings” should be the same length, and the ends should be symmetrical about the center.

Homemade antenna for a TV: a TV signal receiver with a reception radius of up to 40 km is made from a piece of pipe and cable (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

The length of the pipe and cable is indicated in the table. Find out what frequency the repeater closest to you is broadcasting on, select the appropriate line. Saw off a pipe of the required size (diameter is preferably 12-18 mm, the parameters of the matching loop are given for them).

Channel number Channel frequency Vibrator length - from one end to the other, cm Cable length for matching device, cm
1 50 MHz 276 cm 190 cm
2 59.25 MHz 234 cm 160 cm
3 77.25 MHz 178 cm 125 cm
4 85.25 MHz 163 cm 113 cm
5 93.25 MHz 151 cm 104 cm
6 175.25 MHz 81 cm 56 cm
7 183.25 MHz 77 cm 53 cm
8 191.25 MHz 74 cm 51 cm
9 199.25 MHz 71 cm 49 cm
10 207.25 MHz 69 cm 47 cm
11 215.25 MHz 66 cm 45 cm
12 223.25 MHz 66 cm 44 cm


The tube of the required length is bent, making it absolutely symmetrical relative to the center. One edge is flattened and welded/sealed. Fill with sand and seal the other side. If there is no welding, you can plug the ends, just attach the plugs to good glue or silicone.

The resulting vibrator is mounted on a mast (rod). The central conductors of the matching loop and the cable that goes to the TV are screwed to the ends of the pipe, and then soldered. The next step is to connect a piece of copper wire without insulation to the braided cables. The assembly is complete - you can start “setting up”.

If you don’t want to do it yourself, read how to choose an antenna for your dacha here.

Beer can antenna

Even though it doesn't look serious, the image becomes much better. Tested many times. Try it!

Outdoor antenna made from beer cans

We collect it like this:

  1. We drill a hole (5-6 mm in diameter) in the bottom of the jar strictly in the center.
  2. We pull the cable through this hole and take it out through the hole in the cover.
  3. We fix this can on the left on the holder so that the cable is directed to the middle.
  4. We pull the cable out of the can by about 5-6 cm, remove the insulation by about 3 cm, and disassemble the braid.
  5. We trim the braid, its length should be about 1.5 cm.
  6. We distribute it over the surface of the can and solder it.
  7. The central conductor sticking out 3 cm needs to be soldered to the bottom of the second can.
  8. The distance between the two banks must be made as small as possible and fixed in some way. One option is duct tape or duct tape.
  9. That's it, the homemade UHF antenna is ready.

Terminate the second end of the cable with a suitable plug and plug it into the required socket on the TV. This design, by the way, can be used to receive digital television. If your TV supports this signal format (DVB T2) or has a special set-top box for your old TV, you can receive a signal from the nearest repeater. You just need to find out where it is and point your television antenna there, made with your own hands from tin cans.

Simple homemade antennas can be made from tin cans (beer or beverage cans). Despite the frivolity of the “components,” it works very well and is very easy to manufacture

The same design can be adapted to receive VHF channels. Instead of 0.5 liter jars, use 1 liter jars. Will receive MV band.

Another option: if you don’t have a soldering iron, or you don’t know how to solder, you can do it easier. Tie two cans at a distance of several centimeters to the holder. Strip the end of the cable by 4-5 centimeters (carefully remove the insulation). You separate the braid, twist it into a bundle, and make a ring out of it, into which you insert a self-tapping screw. Make a second ring from the central conductor and thread a second screw through it. Now at the bottom of one can you clean out (with sandpaper) a spot to which you screw the screws.

In fact, for better contact you need soldering: it is better to tin and solder the braid ring, as well as the place of contact with the metal of the can. But it also works well with self-tapping screws, however, the contact periodically oxidizes and needs to be cleaned. When it starts snowing you will know why...

You may be wondering how to make a barbecue from a cylinder or barrel, you can read about it here.

DIY digital TV antenna

The antenna design is frame. For this version of the receiving device you will need a cross made of wooden boards and a television cable. You will also need electrical tape and a few nails. All.

We have already said that to receive a digital signal you only need a decimeter terrestrial antenna and a corresponding decoder. It can be built into televisions (new generation) or made as a separate device. If the TV has the function of receiving a signal in the DVB T2 code, connect the antenna output directly to the TV. If your TV does not have a decoder, you will need to purchase a digital set-top box and connect the antenna output to it, and connect it to the TV.

How to decide on a channel and calculate the perimeter of the frames

Russia has adopted a program according to which towers are constantly being built. By the end of 2019, the entire territory should be covered by repeaters. On the official website http://xn--p1aadc.xn--p1ai/when/ find the tower closest to you. The broadcast frequency and channel number are indicated there. The perimeter of the antenna frame depends on the channel number.

This is what a map of the location of digital television towers looks like

For example, channel 37 broadcasts at a frequency of 602 MHz. The wavelength is calculated as follows: 300 / 602 = 50 cm. This will be the perimeter of the frame. Let's calculate the other channel in the same way. Let it be channel 22. Frequency 482 MHz, wavelength 300 / 482 = 62 cm.

Since this antenna consists of two frames, the length of the conductor should be equal to twice the wavelength, plus 5 cm for the connection:

  • for channel 37 we take 105 cm of copper wire (50 cm * 2 + 5 cm = 105 cm);
  • for channel 22 you need 129 cm (62 cm * 2 + 5 cm = 129 cm).

Maybe you are more interested in working with wood? How to make a birdhouse is written here and about making a doghouse - in this article.


It is best to use copper wire from the cable that will then go to the receiver. That is, you take the cable and remove the sheath and braid from it, freeing the central conductor of the required length. Be careful not to damage it.

  • for channel 37: 50 cm / 4 = 12.5 cm;
  • for channel 22: 62 cm / 4 = 15.5 cm.

The distance from one nail to another must correspond to these parameters. Laying copper wire begins on the right, from the middle, moving down and further to all points. Only in the place where the frames come close to each other, do not short-circuit the conductors. They should be at some distance (2-4 cm).

Homemade antenna for digital television

When the entire perimeter is laid, the braid from a cable several centimeters long is twisted into a bundle and soldered (wound if soldering is not possible) to the opposite edge of the frame. Next, the cable is laid as shown in the figure, wrapping it with electrical tape (more often, but the laying route cannot be changed). The cable then goes to the decoder (separate or built-in). The do-it-yourself antenna for receiving digital television is ready.

How to make an antenna for digital television with your own hands - another design - is shown in the video.

Despite the constant development of television broadcasting (transition to digital format, the possibility of installing satellite or cable television, Internet TV), the use of antennas still remains relevant. This is especially true in suburbs and rural areas. Sometimes the TV antenna breaks down, and there is no place nearby where you can buy it. Therefore, information on exactly how you can make an antenna for a TV with your own hands may be useful.

An antenna is a device that can receive or transmit radio waves. Types of over-the-air television antennas (that is, those that receive signals from towers or repeaters) can be divided by location into:

  • External;
  • Indoor.

It makes sense to use indoor antennas for a TV only if there is a good signal, but in the country or away from TV repeaters they use external ones. In addition to location, TV signal receivers are divided into:

  • Passive - they receive a signal only due to their shape;
  • Active - the signal passes through the converters.

The quality of the signal from a passive TV antenna will directly depend on its size - the larger it is, the better.

The advantages include:

  • Ease of manufacture;
  • Low cost: can be made from scrap materials;
  • No separate power required.

However, the disadvantages are quite significant:

  • Interference Immunity: It is very important to choose a location for a good signal;
  • Requires a greater height for installation, additional reinforcements must be used;
  • Bulky, not suitable for home installation due to their size, mainly used for outdoor installation.

Active antennas additionally use various decoders and amplifiers, which make the signal more powerful. Therefore, their advantages are as follows:

  • Can be used anywhere, even with low signal levels;
  • Can be of different sizes and shapes;
  • You can adjust the level of gain and noise reduction;
  • Low influence on signal quality from terrain, weather, and various buildings.

The disadvantages include:

  • Complex device;
  • Need a power source;
  • Higher cost;
  • Less reliable due to the presence of electronics.

Radio waves that are transmitted over the air (wave transmission medium) have a certain size and frequency. The television channel is in the range of meter and decimeter frequencies:

  • Meter waves (MV) have a length from 1 to 10 m and a frequency from 30 to 300 MHz;
  • Decimeter waves (UHF) have a length from 0.1 to 1 m and a frequency from 300 to 3000 MHz.

Based on the frequencies of received signals, television antennas can be divided into the following types:

  • All-wave. They are capable of receiving both analog and digital signals, but the reception distance is short.
  • Log-periodic. Can receive waves in the meter and decimeter range.
  • Decimeter. Designed for short waves only.

All-wave, otherwise called frequency-independent, receiving devices are extremely simple in design, so you can make them yourself. The most famous of them: “butterfly”, made from beer cans, from two petals. Most often they are used at a short distance from the repeater and with a low level of interference.

Log-periodic receiving devices consist of a main rod and transverse bars of increasing length. It is much more difficult to manufacture than the previous ones. Correct design requires knowledge of all frequencies used, as well as orientation to the repeater. But if the design calculations are done correctly, the antenna will transmit the signal very well.

Decimeter ones can have both very simple and very complex designs. The most famous: “eight”, ring, frame.

Most channels, including digital ones, are broadcast in the UHF range. The design of such repeaters is simpler. But rounding obstacles with waves of this length is worse, and reflections and distortions play a strong role in the quality of the signal.

Based on these features, you need to figure out how TV antennas can be made on your own.

In addition to typing by wave reception, location, as well as the presence of electronic elements, television antennas also differ in all possible design implementations: wave channel, traveling wave, zigzag, frame, etc.

Assembly principle

In order for a made TV antenna to work properly, you need to adhere to some principles.

First you need to decide where the structure will be used: in a garage, in a country house, in a house, in an apartment, etc. Based on this, choose the type of receiving device and what the antenna can be assembled from.

The main elements that may be needed are metal strips, wires, insulating materials, adhesive tape, a soldering iron, and self-tapping screws.

It is better to connect the elements of the receiving device, especially through which the useful signal will pass, by soldering> yo

The best signal reception will be if the distance from the TV tower to the receiver is not blocked by buildings, trees and other obstacles. In this case, in order to catch the signal, a simple wire will be enough. And an indoor TV antenna in such a situation will be very easy to manufacture and will not require an amplifier.

Outdoor antennas can be similar in design to indoor antennas, but must be made of more durable materials that can withstand weather conditions. Should be placed directly near windows or on the roof.

If the signal is too weak, an amplifier may be required.

So, how to make a television antenna with your own hands:

  • The device should be made carefully and with the least possible connections to reduce signal loss;
  • The television antenna must be positioned along the axis of the electromagnetic wave for the best capture of its constituent elements;
  • Must be protected from interference;
  • It is important to know the television broadcast frequency, which will determine the size of the receiving device.

DIY antenna options

A simple TV antenna can be made from materials that are usually found in any home.

For example, you can even make a satellite dish yourself from foil, a metal can, an umbrella and a wire.

Using foil you can make the following receiver:

  1. The foil is leveled and glued at the bottom of the box.
  2. From 2 pieces of television cable you need to remove 2.5 cm of insulation.
  3. Twist the cable braid into a separate contact.
  4. Make a figure eight from the pieces of cable, while the contacts should not be fastened in the middle and should be spaced 1 cm apart.
  5. Place the cable on the outside of the box (without foil).
  6. Another cable is taken that will connect the antenna to the receiver.
  7. Its end is stripped, the braid is also twisted separately.
  8. 3 central cores and 3 cable braids are connected in one place.
  9. We place the TV antenna in the place of best reception.

Let's consider simple and popular options for TV antennas: from beer cans, coaxial cable and zigzag.

From coaxial cable

This is the most basic version of a cable TV antenna for receiving a digital or analog signal. You can complete this design yourself within half an hour.

Coaxial cable is an electrical wire for transmitting radio frequency signals. Comprises:

  • Outer shell;
  • An external conductor, otherwise called a screen or braid;
  • Insulation that separates the central core from the braid;
  • Internal conductor (central core).

Such a cable can have a resistance of 50 or 75 Ohms. To make homemade antennas, it is recommended to use 75 ohms.

You will need a piece of cable at least 0.5 meters long. On one side, remove the top insulation and the insulation of the central core by 5 cm. The core with braid should be twisted. Now you need to step back 20-22 cm from this end and remove everything until the insulation of the central core. The length of this section will be about 2 cm. Next, the same distance is measured as it was before this section, that is, 20-22 cm. From a section of 1 cm, only the top insulation is removed. Now a loop is made: the bare end is screwed to the gap without external insulation.

It is better to wrap bare areas with electrical tape, especially if the antenna will be used outdoors>e

The device must be directed towards the tower.

You can make an antenna from copper wire.

To do this, the ends are stripped of insulation. One end is attached to the TV, and the other to the heating pipe, which will act as an amplifier. Such a wire antenna will be able to receive about 5 channels.

It is possible to make a receiving loop device from wire to receive a digital signal. To do this you will need to calculate the length of the loop. You need to know the average frequency of the signal. And 300 divided by this frequency. The resulting value will be the length of the loop. A piece of wire is closed into a ring, and a cable is soldered to the ends. Coax can be used instead of wire. Then the ring antenna will be similar to the option described above.

Despite the simplicity of the design, this method, with correct calculations, reduces interference and reliably receives the signal.

To improve the signal, you can try boosting the antenna.

Let's consider options for how to strengthen a TV antenna with your own hands:

  • Place the receiving device as close to the window as possible, eliminating obstacles;
  • Adjust the position;
  • You can extend the antenna with a piece of wire;
  • Add a signal amplifier to the design;
  • Place external ones as high as possible.

From beer cans

The easiest way to replace a broken TV antenna is to create one out of beer cans.

Let's look at the method of making a simple antenna for digital TV, made from improvised means, namely from metal cans.

You will need the following materials:

  • Beer cans with a smooth surface (pre-wash and dry), in the simplest version - 2 pieces;
  • Self-tapping screws;
  • A piece of television cable;
  • Plug;
  • Electrical tape or tape;
  • A stick made of a material that does not conduct electricity (you can use a trempel).

The stages of work are as follows:

  1. The cable must be of such a size that it is sufficient for the height at which you plan to hang the antenna. If there is no plug on a piece of cable, it is stripped from one side of the winding and a plug is placed on it.
  2. The second end is also cleared of the winding. Inside there is a central core and a braid (screen).
  3. Holes are made in the jars on equal sides. It doesn't matter if it's the top or bottom of the jar.
  4. The central core is attached to one can using a self-tapping screw, and the braid to the other. In this case, you need to make a loop that will wrap around the self-tapping screw. And when screwing in, he should clamp it well with his cap.
  5. Instead of screws, you can solder contacts.
  6. You need to attach the cans to the stick so that they are on the same axis. The distance between the banks is usually taken from 7 to 10 cm.
  7. When the optimal distance is selected, the cans are securely fixed with adhesive tape.

It is better to first secure the cans with an elastic band so that it is convenient to adjust the distance

When you have made such an antenna with your own hands, when using it outdoors, it is advisable to build a protective cap, for example, from a plastic bottle. If moisture gets in, the contacts will oxidize and the signal will deteriorate. The street version can be improved by adding several sections with banks.


This TV antenna is also called “eight” or. Shows one of the best signal reception among devices that you can make yourself. Its diagram looks like:

Dvb t2 is the newest digital television broadcast format. The digital format has many advantages over analogue: greater resistance to interference, the signal will be more widely available, and its quality will be better. The digital format requires smaller antennas and lower transmitting power.

Making an antenna for dvb t2 reception is quite simple. It should be noted that digital TV is transmitted to the UHF.

Now let's look at how you can make an antenna for digital TV with your own hands:

You need any material that conducts electric current. This could be a tube, wire, corner, etc. The easiest way is to use wire made of aluminum, brass or copper (these 2 options are better), with a thickness of 2 to 5 mm. You will need to make 2 diamonds from the material, as in the figure. You can also use welding electrodes, each of which will be a side of a rhombus.

Dimensions available for this pattern:

The angles are preferably about 90 0.

The outer sides should be slightly longer. This is done so that the diamonds in the middle do not connect.

But these parameters are more suitable for home use. More often you can find a recommendation to take the side of the rhombus 45 cm.

You can independently calculate the dimensions of the antenna for digital TV. To do this, you need to know the wavelength of the signal broadcast and divide by 4. These will be the sides of the rhombuses

There are also calculators for calculating the parameters of “bi-square” antennas, which can be found in Internet resources.

When measuring the length of the wire, you need to take a margin of 1-2 cm for the loop that will close the loop. You can simply twist or solder the remaining end.

After this, a coaxial cable is taken and stripped. The contacts will need to be soldered to the central corners of the diamond, which do not meet. The central core is soldered to one corner, and the braid to the other. The central part can be placed in a plastic case and filled with glue for reliability.

To reduce third-party interference, you can install a screen behind the receiver. It can be simply foil stretched over plywood or a lattice made of metal tubes or wire. The screen should be located on the opposite side of the tower and not in contact with the antenna.

If the antenna will be used outside, you can assemble it with an amplifier. The amplifier can be a simple board that is attached to the antenna antenna or a larger device that requires power from the network.

In the case of an amplifier, the “figure eight” is attached to the plate, and the wire can be flattened at the attachment point, and the amplifier can be immediately attached to the central part.

You can improve the figure eight design by adding more rhombuses symmetrically.

Let's look at a few more complex TV antenna devices.

Double and triple square

This option is a narrowband TV antenna, that is, you can receive only a few channels, but with high-quality transmission. It can be used to receive a weak signal or if the signal is being overwhelmed by other, more powerful signals. But precise orientation to the source of television waves is important.

For manufacturing you will need tubes or wire. To obtain up to 5 channels in the meter range, the thickness should be 10-20 mm. For larger quantities – 8-15 mm. For UHF it is only 3-6 mm.

In a double square, 2 squares are made from the material, with one slightly larger than the other. The smaller one is called a vibrator, and the larger one is called a reflector. A vibrator is present in every antenna and is a system for producing vibrations.

The frames are attached parallel to each other. They are secured at the top and bottom centers with the help of arrows, which, in turn, are attached to a vertical support. The lower boom must be made of non-conductive material. The centers of both frames should be on the same line and directed towards the TV transmitter. In a three-frame design, an even smaller square is added.

Another design for the UHF - frame.

Then this frame is attached to a vertical support. Can be additionally equipped with an amplifier or reflector.

Making your own antenna will help you save on purchasing one. The mass of available options allows you to experiment and find the optimal method for a specific situation.

A super simple and super quick to make antenna from a coaxial cable for receiving digital television channels can be made with your own hands in about 5 minutes. For this you will need absolutely nothing except the cable itself. And this is the main advantage of this antenna.
You can't live without a TV now.

This design will definitely help you out, for example, when you have just moved into your home and have yet to install a cable or install a stationary antenna. Of course, this is not the only example where this truly simple loop antenna will help.
Now in the comments someone will definitely write that there are even simpler antennas, like a whip one. To make it, it will be enough to simply remove two insulations from the cable and everything will work. Of course, I agree with this, but the loop antenna that I will make from coaxial cable will have much greater gain, due to its directivity and resonant closed circuit.

Making an antenna from coaxial cable

This is what the version made from black cable looks like.

Now let's start making the antenna in order. All we need is less than half a meter of coaxial cable of any color. I took the white one.

We retreat 5 cm from the edge of the cable and remove the top insulation.

Next, remove the insulation from the central core.

Now we twist everything together neatly and tightly.

Then, from the edge with the insulation removed, we retreat 22 cm and cut out a 2 cm piece of the top insulation and the shielded wire from the hose, without touching the insulation of the central core.

Now we measure another 22 cm from the end of the cut and make a cut 1 cm wide only by removing the top insulation. We do not touch the cable shield.

Next, take the end of the cable from which we started. And we wrap it very tightly at the last cut, forming a circle of the antenna.

At this point, our antenna is ready for use. Of course, this is not necessary, but if you hang the antenna outside, it is better to insulate all exposed areas of the cable with electrical tape. You can also add a rigid frame, but this is optional.

Antenna location

We direct the antenna to a repeater or television tower. The direction can also be selected experimentally by rotating the antenna.
The best option would be to place it outside the window, since the walls of the house greatly dampen the high-frequency signal.

The test showed excellent results

If you still don’t understand how to make an antenna from a cable, be sure to watch the video below or ask questions in the comments.

The indoor antenna allows you to receive terrestrial television, analogue and digital, at home. Analog television is gradually becoming a thing of the past, and digital television is becoming increasingly widespread.

Currently, there are two multiplexes with 10 channels each, work is underway to introduce a third multiplex with another 10 channels, some of them will be in HD quality. The first two multiplexes are free, but the third one may require a fee.

To connect to terrestrial digital television you will need:

  • install a decimeter antenna, indoor or outdoor;
  • purchase a special digital set-top box if your TV does not support receiving a DVB-T2 signal;
  • connect the antenna and set-top box with a television cable.

Many companies provide services for connecting to terrestrial television. But in fact, it’s easy to make and set up an indoor antenna with your own hands. After that, you will be able to watch 20 channels in digital quality for free.

Different ways to make an antenna

You can make an indoor TV antenna with your own hands in different ways from different materials. First, make sure that your home is in a reliable reception area. This can be checked on the official website of digital terrestrial television. If you are far from the broadcast tower, then you will not be able to catch the signal with any antenna - neither purchased nor homemade. Purchase a passive or active external antenna. Although some of the instructions below on how to make an antenna with your own hands are also suitable for external use.

Let's consider one of the simplest methods - making it from a coaxial cable:

It’s also easy to make a TV antenna out of beer cans with your own hands. Moreover, it can be used as an indoor room, or it can be placed outside:

This design works great, although it does not look very aesthetically pleasing.

A zigzag antenna is more difficult to make with your own hands, but it has proven itself to be universal and reliable:

You can easily make an antenna out of a cardboard box with your own hands:

The beer can design has a more aesthetic option, the so-called butterfly. 4 rows of screws are fixed on the board, and instead of transverse slats, pieces of copper wire bent in half are used. Thus, you get rows of copper “forks” sticking out in different directions. The rows are also connected to each other by wire, output to a cable, then you just need to connect it to the TV.

Connection and setup

Setting up an indoor antenna consists mainly of its correct installation:

  1. Secure it as close to the window as possible so that there are no obstacles (reinforced concrete walls, metal bars) in the signal path.
  2. Connect to your TV or digital set-top box.
  3. Now you just need to configure the programs: start an automatic search through digital channels.
  4. If a channel is found, but the screen says “no signal,” try installing the antenna in another location, and then tune the channels again by running auto search.

And finally, instructions on how to connect the cable to the TV connector:

These are some ways to make your own TV antenna. Theoretically, any piece of metal wire can serve as an antenna. But there is no guarantee that this will be enough to adjust the signal reception in your conditions. If you have ideas on how else you can design an effective indoor antenna yourself, leave your comments and tips below.