How to unzip a file using winrar. How to unpack a zip archive. Unzip the rar files

It often happens that downloaded files are packed into an archive of Rar, Zip or some other format. And a beginner has a question about how to unpack such an archive, and the WinRAR program will help us. Also, in this article we will look at how to create an archive using WinRAR.

ProgramWinRAR, is one of the most popular archivers. Using Win Rar, can be packed into one archive a large number of files, while significantly reducing their weight. This is very convenient when downloading, because downloaded files are often in the archive.

Download WinRAR program You can go to the official website by following this link. At the bottom you will find the Russian version. Please note that the program WinRAR comes in two types, for 32 and 64 bit Windows operating systems.

How to unpack an archive using WinRAR

You need to hover the cursor over the archive, then click right click mice. In the drop-down menu, there are three items with the WinRAR icon.

1. If you select "Extract files", a window will open. Here you need to specify the folder into which the files will be unpacked and click OK. You can also change the extraction parameters, but if the archive is not damaged, this is not necessary.

2. Selecting "Extract to current folder", the files will be unpacked into the same folder where the archive is located. If the archive is on the desktop, the files will also be extracted to the desktop.

3. The third item “Extract to wont” means that the program will create a folder with exactly the same name as the archive and unpack all the files into it. For you it will not be “wont”, but the name of your archive. By the way, very convenient way, the files will be in separate folder.

If you need to preview the contents of the archive, double-click on it.

How to create an archive with WinRAR

In order to create an archive using the Win RAR program, we will need files that we will pack. It doesn’t matter what, folders, music or something else. I'll show you using mp3 tracks as an example.

1. The first thing we need to do is select our files.

2. Next, you need to right-click on them. In the window that opens, select "Add to archive".

Every day spent at the computer gives the teapot an opportunity to enrich their knowledge by downloading more and more new programs. When downloading, most often, any user faces the problem of unzipping the file. As you understand, today we will tell you how to unzip a rar file. But before moving on to the practical part, it is necessary to understand what an archive is and why it is needed at all.

It's called an archive compressed documents, file, folder. An archive is essentially the same folder or file, just in a different format and has smaller size, compared to the original. Most often, files are archived for 2 reasons: well, firstly, of course, to slightly reduce the file size and, secondly, for convenience, that is, for example, if you have about 100 small files, then it would be more convenient It would be better to save them in 1 archive and put them on a medium rather than copy each one. Also this method storing information significantly increases the transfer speed to various removable media.

How to unpack a rar file?

To unzip a file, first, you need to download the necessary software. In fact, for unzipping files there is more quantity programs, but we will show using the example of the most famous one, such as “WinRaR”. The process of unzipping a file takes about 1 minute, depending on how much the archive weighs. “WinRaR” is a program for unpacking archives. You can download this unpacker from the official website. After which you will need to install it on system disk. Next, you need to right-click on the archive with one click, then click on the “Open with...” item. After this, a window with programs will appear in front of you, but it may not appear in this list. the desired program, then we do next steps: “My computer” – “Disk C” – “ Program Files” – “WinRaR”. Next, with one click, select the file called “WinRaR” and click on the “Open” button.

After that this program will appear in your main list, then just with one click click on this file and then the “OK” button. After this, a window will appear in front of you, in which you will need to click on the button in the main panel “Extract...”. After this, you need to specify the path, that is, the place where all the information in the archive will be extracted and click “OK”. After the unzipping process is completed, you just need to turn off the program and find the place where you unzipped it. One more nuance: all unzipped information will be in a separate folder, and the name will correspond to the name of the archive.

A ZIP archive is an ordinary file in which other files are stored. Archives are often used to reduce the total size of all files in total. If this is your first time encountering such archives, then you probably have a question about how to this archive unpack.

Below we will look at two methods that will allow you to unzip a ZIP archive.

Method 1. Using standard Windows tools

For that matter, to extract files from an archive, users do not necessarily need to install third-party programs, because this procedure can be quite successfully performed using standard Windows tools.

To do this, simply right-click on the ZIP archive and go to "Extract All" .

A new window will appear on the screen in which you need to specify the path on the computer where the extracted files will be saved. After that, all you have to do is press the button "Extract" to begin the unpacking process.

After a few moments, you can find the unpacked files in the folder you specified.

In addition, you can unzip files in much more in a simple way: Just double-click on the archive with the left mouse button, after which the files it contains will open as in a regular folder.

Method 2. Using the WinRAR program

WinRAR is the most popular program for unpacking various formats archives. The program has Russian-language interface and all the basic functions that allow you to work with archives, i.e. you can both unpack and create archives. In addition, through this program, if necessary, you can.

You can download the program for free using the link at the end of the article. Having finished simple procedure installation, all archives by default can be opened using this program.

To unpack an existing archive, just right-click on it and go to "Extract to files" . Also, with the help of this program you can, which, in fact, are also archives.

Specify the folder where the files will be extracted and click the button "OK" . After this, the program will begin unzipping, which depends on the number and size of files.

In addition, as in the previous method, you can double-click on the archive icon with the left mouse button, after which the same WinRAR window will open.

What do we end up with? By standard means Windows can easily unpack ZIP archives, but with RAR archives without third party programs no longer possible. WinRAR, in addition to supporting all known archives, allows you to pack files into an archive, and even set a password for the archive. But what method to use to extract files from a ZIP archive is up to you.

Download WinRAR for free

Download the program from the official website

The WinRar archiver is one of the most convenient and easy to use among all existing ones. It comes in handy when you need to send a large folder or a large video that you have created, but there is a size limit. The principle of operation of the archiver is simple: it compresses the file, thereby reducing its size.

And sometimes the opposite situation happens: you downloaded a file from the Internet, but it turned out to be archived. In this case, you also cannot do without an archiver; just run it, and it will unpack everything you need. I propose to discuss all issues related to unpacking in this article.

How to extract a file using WinRar

So, before you start the unpacking process, you need to download the archiver if you have not already done so. Once you have downloaded and installed it, follow my prompts. Select the archive with the mouse and right-click on it. In the context menu that pops up, there are three lines that relate to the unpacking process, namely: “extract files”, “extract to current folder” and “extract to (archive name)”.

Methods for unpacking an archive

If we click the first line, a window will open, after which we need to specify the path to the folder into which the file will be unpacked, and then click “OK”. You can change the extraction parameters if you wish, but there is no particular need for this.

If you select the “extract to current folder” option, the file will be unpacked to the same place where the archive is located. For example, if you were wondering how to unpack winrar archive, which is located on the desktop, then after clicking this line, the unpacked file will be right there.

And finally, the last, perhaps the most mysterious method of unpacking, is also the easiest. If you select the third line, this means that the program will automatically create a folder with the same name as the archive and unpack the contents there.

By the way, if before unpacking the file you want to check what it contains, double-click on the archive. A window will open in front of you where you can check the contents.

If you wish, you can unpack the files directly from here. To do this, click the “Extract” or “Wizard” button and the unpacking process will automatically begin.

In addition, do not forget that WinRar is ideal for Reserve copy information from your computer.

As you can see, to understand how to unpack winrar file, you don’t have to be a guru in this matter. This is very easy to do; the main thing is to choose the right action from those offered in the context menu.

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