How to get Bitrix certification. About certification 1C Bitrix Certificate

On December 20, 2015, your humble servant had the honor of being one of the first to pass a face-to-face exam on the topic “Design Integration and Platform Customization” within the Bitrix Framework Developer (Basic Level) competency, and shortly before the new year my work was checked, after which I received a certificate:

Firstly, taking the exam is still remote (yes, my prayers from the winter partner conference 2013 were heard from Nadym to Surgut or Novy Urengoy (if not to Moscow or Chelyabinsk) no need to go. You can take the exam at home.

You are also free to choose the date and time of the exam. It is only important to have time to pass the exam on the appointed day (I don’t know what will happen if you schedule the exam at 22.00, but probably the start time of the exam is taken into account). I also really hope that the time is set to local time everywhere, because... I took the test in Moscow (well, I live in Nerezinovsk, what can I do).

Secondly, this exam seemed very good to me. For the basic one, of course. As I already told my colleagues from 1C-Bitrix, a person with such a certificate can be safely hired for a junior position, in my opinion. He knows the basics, he will gain experience in practice, and I myself can show the “subtleties”.

And thirdly, despite everything said above, I was very afraid of not passing. Seriously, an experienced Bitrixoid (since 2008, when I was still a content manager) and with experience in developing my own solutions for the market, I was not sure.

Exam requirements

  • Knowledge of 1C-Bitrix at the integration level of HTML+CSS+JS layout without searching on Google
  • An isolated room without serious noise sources (for example, a room with a door)
  • A laptop with a microphone and a webcam or a PC with a microphone and a detachable camera (you will need to film the entire room, which is inconvenient in the case of a candy bar)

Delivery process

When preparing for the exam, I immediately made mistake No. 1, I was never able to deploy a virtual machine (the free virtualbox with vmware image could not cope, and the existing vm-player said that it was too old to digest the image), but I solved the demo ticket in virtual laboratory (the lifetime of the site in the laboratory is 1 hour less, so solving 12 problems out of 16 showed that I am very close to the working rhythm). I 100% will not take a more complex exam without practice in a Linux environment - it’s scary.

Next, an application is submitted and paid for at You will learn about the approval of your application in a few days (this is not an automated process, like exam verification). You will have to visit this site again during the exam (in order to start the procedure). Until then, I advise you to carefully study the documentation - there is a LOT of it. And install the software.

  • Plugin for Google Chrome - it will record video from the camera and sound from the microphone.
  • nomachine - client for connecting to the exam server (an isolated environment where development will take place)

For the plugin on the 1C-Bitrix website there is a test for operation. But for nomachine there are only instructions for setting it up on my test (I hope the guys will come up with something in the future, because there is always a risk of ending up behind a wonderful proxy/firewall that won’t let your traffic through and you won’t get through to the exam environment).

Personally, at this stage I made mistake number 2 - I left the installation of nomachine until the last evening before the exam (since my laptop is very old, it barely meets the minimum requirements of the exam and it is highly undesirable to clutter it with software). During installation, I received an interesting error: it was impossible to install some kind of USB driver and I only hoped that this miracle software would work during the exam.

Since I scheduled the exam for Sunday, on day X I kicked everyone out of the apartment, made a cup of tea and cut some sandwiches, took all this stuff with me and locked myself in the bedroom (hoping that today the upstairs neighbor wouldn’t hack the walls). Next, open and follow the instructions:

  • launch the plugin for chrome
  • fill out the form
  • We photograph the passport (to be honest, I managed it with difficulty, I’m glad that they accepted the exam, because the photo didn’t turn out very good - the camera didn’t want to focus so close that the passport data could be read. This is mistake number 3. Now I would create a ticket with the affiliate department with such a scan in advance to make sure that the exam will not be canceled for a technical reason without reading my name)
  • starting the exam
  • launch nomachine, using the settings from the documentation and details from the exam form, connect to the remote exam server
  • We’re starting to take the exam (I won’t describe anything here, because when I started the exam I agreed not to disclose it)

A little hint . Default admin access: admin/Bitrix123456

This data was not available inside the virtual machine at the time of delivery. But they were in some PDF that I had seen before and... And I couldn't remember which one. To be honest, I broke out in a cold sweat and almost succumbed to a panic attack.

Just remembering the experience of participating in various school competitions (it was not for nothing that I took sandwiches, tea and candy to charge my brain during the exam), I pulled myself together, calmed down and started browsing the website There is a lot of unnecessary stuff there, but I found the details for accessing the admin panel. I advise you to remember (we will consider the fact that I did not do this as mistake No. 4).

I won’t describe the exam (NDA), but the ticket fully corresponded to the demo one (though it was shorter). The behavior of the web server differs from bitrixlabs (but is identical, as colleagues say, to the images that they posted, so look at error 1). I didn’t use chm file search - well, it’s a shame, it’s easier to use php file code search if you know what you’re looking for.

Of course, a number of constructions should be memorized (their set will become clear to everyone individually after working through the test ticket).

My ticket was shorter than the demo one, so I completed all the tasks and their re-checking (according to my subjective estimates) in 3 hours without haste.

At the time of my exam, the environment did not contain a timer, so I measured the time “by eye.”

Interesting fact 1. Judging by the countdown counter for the demo version of Bitrix, the server was deployed on Friday evening (which is logical).

Interesting fact 2. The “preparatory” part of the exam (filling out forms, taking photographs, connecting to the server, etc.) took almost 30 minutes. Take this time into account when planning your exam! This is additional time beyond the allotted 4 hours (they start at the end of this preparation, when you begin exam).

Notes during the exam

I conveyed all my comments in the form of constructive (I hope) criticism to my colleagues from 1C-Bitrix even before the New Year. Here I will duplicate only some of them that may be useful (this is a kind of summary of the article):

1) Inside the exam environment there is no login/password for the admin panel with the first installation. The fact that this admin/Bitrix123456 is written in some PDF or letter (or on a page), in general, the inability to find the details for logging into the admin panel causes uncontrollable fear and panic. I have to frantically remember where I saw these unfortunate login/passwords.

2) Actually about PDF/letters/pages. There are a lot of them. The information seems to be structured, but there are some isolated mentions in different places. You need to collect everything in the form of a hierarchical document with hyperlinks. So that you don’t have to remember “oh, where did I see instructions for connecting nomachine.”

3) We need a mechanism for testing nomachine connection to the exam server.

4) You need a timer.



Zadoyny A.V.

1C-Bitrix specialist

Full-time certification 1C-Bitrix - first experience

On December 20, 2015, your humble servant had the honor of being one of the first to pass a face-to-face exam on the topic “Design Integration and Platform Customization” within the Bitrix Framework Developer (Basic Level) competency, and shortly before the new year my work was checked, after which I received a certificate:

Firstly, taking the exam is still remote (yes, my prayers from the winter partner conference 2013 were heard from Nadym to Surgut or Novy Urengoy (if not to Moscow or Chelyabinsk) no need to go. You can take the exam at home.

You are also free to choose the date and time of the exam. It is only important to have time to pass the exam on the appointed day (I don’t know what will happen if you schedule the exam at 22.00, but probably the start time of the exam is taken into account). I also really hope that the time is set to local time everywhere, because... I took the test in Moscow (well, I live in Nerezinovsk, what can I do).

Secondly, this exam seemed very good to me. For the basic one, of course. As I already told my colleagues from 1C-Bitrix, a person with such a certificate can be safely hired for a junior position, in my opinion. He knows the basics, he will gain experience in practice, and I myself can show the “subtleties”.

And thirdly, despite everything said above, I was very afraid of not passing. Seriously, an experienced Bitrixoid (since 2008, when I was still a content manager) and with experience in developing my own solutions for the market, I was not sure.

Exam requirements

  • Knowledge of 1C-Bitrix at the integration level of HTML+CSS+JS layout without searching on Google
  • An isolated room without serious noise sources (for example, a room with a door)
  • A laptop with a microphone and a webcam or a PC with a microphone and a detachable camera (you will need to film the entire room, which is inconvenient in the case of a candy bar)

Delivery process

When preparing for the exam, I immediately admitted mistake #1, was never able to deploy a virtual machine (the free virtualbox couldn’t handle the vmware image, and the existing vm-player said that it was too old to digest the image), but I got a demo ticket in the virtual laboratory (site lifetime in laboratory is 1 hour less, so solving 12 problems out of 16 showed that I am very close to the working rhythm). I 100% will not take a more complex exam without practice in a Linux environment - it’s scary.

Next, an application is submitted and paid for at You will learn about the approval of your application in a few days (this is not an automated process, like exam verification). You will have to visit this site again during the exam (in order to start the procedure). Until then, I advise you to carefully study the documentation - there is a LOT of it. And install the software.

  • Plugin for Google Chrome - it will record video from the camera and sound from the microphone.
  • nomachine - client for connecting to the exam server (an isolated environment where development will take place)

For the plugin on the 1C-Bitrix website there is a test for operation. But for nomachine there are only instructions for setting it up on my test (I hope the guys will come up with something in the future, because there is always a risk of ending up behind a wonderful proxy/firewall that won’t let your traffic through and you won’t get through to the exam environment).

Personally, I made a mistake at this stage number No. 2- I left the installation of nomachine until the last evening before the exam (since my laptop is very old, it barely meets the minimum requirements of the exam and it is highly undesirable to clutter it with more software). During installation, I received an interesting error: it was impossible to install some kind of USB driver and I only hoped that this miracle software would work during the exam.

Since I scheduled the exam for Sunday, on day X I kicked everyone out of the apartment, made a cup of tea and cut some sandwiches, took all this stuff with me and locked myself in the bedroom (hoping that today the upstairs neighbor wouldn’t hack the walls). Next, open and follow the instructions:

  • launch the plugin for chrome
  • fill out the form
  • We photograph the passport (to be honest, I managed it with difficulty, I’m glad that they passed the exam, because the photo didn’t turn out very good - the camera didn’t want to focus so close that the passport data could be read. This mistake #3. Now I would create a ticket to the partner department with such a scan in advance to make sure that the exam will not be canceled for a technical reason without understanding my full name)
  • We take photographs of the area (special greetings to the inspector, I took a close-up of the dope especially for him - photo of sandwiches with tea)
  • starting the exam
  • launch nomachine, using the settings from the documentation and details from the exam form, connect to the remote exam server
  • We go to from the examination environment to obtain an examination ticket
  • We’re starting to take the exam (I won’t describe anything here, because when I started the exam I agreed not to disclose it)

A little hint. Default admin access: admin/Bitrix123456

This data was not available inside the virtual machine at the time of delivery. But they were in some PDF that I had seen before and... And I couldn't remember which one. To be honest, I broke out in a cold sweat and almost succumbed to a panic attack.

Just remembering the experience of participating in various school competitions (it was not for nothing that I took sandwiches, tea and candy to charge my brain during the exam), I pulled myself together, calmed down and started browsing the website There is a lot of unnecessary stuff there, but I found the details for accessing the admin panel. I advise you to remember (we will assume that I didn’t do this mistake #4).

I won’t describe the exam (NDA), but the ticket fully corresponded to the demo one (though it was shorter). The behavior of the web server differs from bitrixlabs (but is identical, as colleagues say, to the images that they posted, so look at error 1). I didn’t use chm file search - well, it’s a shame, it’s easier to use php file code search if you know what you’re looking for.

Of course, a number of constructions should be memorized (their set will become clear to everyone individually after working through the test ticket).

My ticket was shorter than the demo one, so I completed all the tasks and their re-checking (according to my subjective estimates) in 3 hours without haste.

At the time of my exam, the environment did not contain a timer, so I measured the time “by eye.”

Interesting fact 1. Judging by the countdown counter for the demo version of Bitrix, the server was deployed on Friday evening (which is logical).

Interesting fact 2. The “preparatory” part of the exam (filling out forms, taking photographs, connecting to the server, etc.) took almost 30 minutes. Take this time into account when planning your exam! This is additional time beyond the allotted 4 hours (they start at the end of this preparation, when you begin exam).

Notes during the exam

I conveyed all my comments in the form of constructive (I hope) criticism to my colleagues from 1C-Bitrix even before the New Year. Here I will duplicate only some of them that may be useful (this is a kind of summary of the article):

1) Inside the exam environment there is no login/password for the admin panel with the first installation. The fact that this admin/Bitrix123456 is written in some PDF or letter (or on a page), in general, the inability to find the details for logging into the admin panel causes uncontrollable fear and panic. I have to frantically remember where I saw these unfortunate login/passwords.

2) Actually about PDF/letters/pages. There are a lot of them. The information seems to be structured, but there are some isolated mentions in different places. You need to collect everything in the form of a hierarchical document with hyperlinks. So that you don’t have to remember “oh, where did I see instructions for connecting nomachine.”

3) We need a mechanism for testing nomachine connection to the exam server.

4) You need a timer.

It’s not often that you meet people who like the 1C-Bitrix system and their approach to development. But for some reason they use it? And not on a small scale at all. So I had the opportunity (even the necessity) to figure this out and at the same time receive a Bitrix Framework developer certificate.

Back when the grass was greener, PHP was 5.2, and Bitrix was version 12, I already tried to get a couple of certificates. Did not work out. It was then that it turned out that in order to obtain a developer certificate, you need to pass all previous certifications. And this is, no less, a Content Manager and three types of Administrator. And only after this it will be possible to begin testing as a developer. I honestly don't like this approach, but I have to put up with it. No other way.

All for 100 rubles

For those who are now asking why I didn’t look for answers on the Internet, I will say that there is no point in this. Of course, you can find all the tests and get all the certificates in one day. You can even pay 100 rubles and another person will do all the testing for you. But why? A bare piece of paper (and in our case, even a PDF) means nothing if you don’t know anything. She's useless.

I followed the path of studying training courses. Everyone from content manager to developer. Of course, it’s almost impossible to pass the tests on your own and you have to look for answers, but this option is more productive than stupidly choosing radio buttons from a solution book. I should note that the more serious the test, the simpler the questions are. For example, without a solution manual, I practically could not answer questions on content management, because... they were mostly about stupid names and buttons. But as we get closer to the developer tests, the questions become more and more adequate and understandable to the programmer.

Where to go anyway?

First, register at Be sure to use your real name, because... certificates in the name FLOWER are quite useless. Then we go to the section Training and certification => My training. Here is a list of all possible certificates with links to online courses and testing.

To receive a certificate, you must successfully pass all course tests. In my case it's Content manager, Administrator Basic, Administrator Modules, Administrator Business And Bitrix Framework Developer.

I haven't seen any time-limited tests yet, but all tests have a limited number of failed attempts. I have never seen a description of what will happen if this limit is exceeded, but I don’t think it’s anything good. Also, to successfully pass the test you must always answer correctly. In some tests you can make a mistake once, but not in all.

The difficulty comes from questions with checkboxes in which you can select multiple answer options. I haven’t yet come across a single question that I didn’t want to mark, but I have come across questions with all the correct options. Moreover, if you put at least one extra tick or leave even one unchecked, the question will not be counted.

At the end of each test, the result is displayed: correct/total. At the same time, there is no way to understand in which specific question you made a mistake. This point causes a lot of inconvenience during testing. Particularly annoying are tests with 35+ questions, upon completion of which you are informed of two incorrect answers and failure to pass the test. And you fall into a trance in search of a mistake.

Sometimes you come across tests in which the percentage of correct answers is written along the way. In this case, you can track where you are wrong, but in most cases you will not have any information at all about the correctness of the answers to the questions.

I took the test but nothing changed

Yeah, I noticed that too. If you pass the test successfully, the system does not change anything at all. The list of tests shows both passed and failed tests and they are no different. The only way to remember what you did yesterday is to go to the results page (second icon in the top left menu) and compare test names. I didn't find any other options.

But after passing all the tests of the course... but hell, nothing changes. Nothing at all. They will not even tell you that you now have a certificate, but will only offer to take the test again. You need to go to your personal account on the portal and only there you can download your certificate in PDF.

What's the point?

Actually yes. By reading training courses you will learn a lot of new things. For example, the new Bitrix core already works on namescapes and has its own ORM. Of course, there are no such features as dependency injection, but it’s easier to implement search in Sphinx. But template engines are still not used. And although this is a matter of taste, I don’t think that attaching a template engine to a new kernel will be a problem.

After reading almost four training courses, you begin to understand that Bitrix will cover 90% of the tasks out of the box. This is no longer the terrible stationary system of version 12 that made me spit. Now everything here is more “correct” and according to Feng Shui.

P.S. You can already throw tomatoes

Certification from 1C-Bitrix is objective assessment of knowledge and practical skills development of projects on the platform from 1C-Bitrix.

  • for specialists – an opportunity to demonstrate their level of professionalism to employers and clients;
  • for employers – the opportunity when hiring workers to focus on the level of qualifications officially verified by the vendor
  • for clients this is an important and convenient criterion when choosing a project contractor.

Status confirmation is made once a year. The main criteria for the possibility of confirming status: the number of projects developed over the past year, participation in seminars and presentations.

That is, obtaining status is not the main criterion. More important is the constant accumulation of experience and development of a specialist over time.

At the moment, the status of a gold partner has been confirmed for the entire 2019 year. All competencies and the required number of points have been collected. Also, 70% of the points and competencies to confirm the status for 2020 have been collected.

Developer certification levels on the 1C-Bitrix platform

First level. The developer receives it immediately after concluding an agreement with 1C-Bitrix. Obtaining the status does not require any difficult efforts to obtain. It is enough to pass 3 basic courses - this is enough to obtain this status.

To obtain this status, you must pass 15 tests on issues related to the development and administration of Bitrix projects.
Also, submit at least 5 projects that have successfully passed the “Quality Monitoring” test (a system for assessing the quality of development built into any project).

High level of professional skills. In addition, such a partner’s team must have another specialist with the “Certified” status.
At least 10 projects submitted to Quality Monitoring. Successfully completed courses in project development and administration. At least 500 points in your personal account, points are received for completed projects and additional competencies.

Additionally: developer competencies

In addition to the main certification system, developers receive additional competencies. Which are also checked by the “partnership department” of 1C-Bitrix

Testing of this knowledge is carried out on the basis of actually completed and launched projects. No test benches or demo developments. Competencies also need to be confirmed once every six months. Otherwise, they are withdrawn from the partner’s account

The completed project is submitted according to an internal assessment of the quality of development built into the system. Full comprehensive testing from code implementation to testing the environment. Compliance of website development with 1C-Bitrix methods and documentation

Integration with 1C
The developer's knowledge of the intricacies and basic principles of website integration with the 1C-Trade Management accounting system. Ability to set up full synchronization of the site with 1C, exchange of catalogs, directories, users and orders. Also the skill of performing non-standard uploads, with complex logic.

1C-Bitrix. Developer's quick start

The product "1C-Bitrix: Site Management" is a software core for comprehensive management of web projects of any complexity.

You will learn to develop technologically complex websites (online stores) from scratch based on the content management system CMS 1C-Bitrix.

  • 1C-Bitrix is ​​a universal, extremely reliable, simple and easy-to-use, constantly evolving system.
  • 1C-Bitrix is ​​the leader of the Russian CMS systems market. 61% of Russian companies use websites based on the 1C-Bitrix CMS. The capabilities of CMS 1C-Bitrix satisfy the needs of 95% of clients. 1C-Bitrix perfectly withstands high loads. Website development in 1C-Bitrix takes a minimum of time. 1C-Bitrix is ​​constantly updated with new modules that are currently relevant. Among the latest innovations are modules for creating social networks, blogs, an internal media player and much more.

The 1C-Bitrix website development process resembles a designer consisting of many plug-in and customizable modules. In practice, under the guidance of a teacher, you will install the distribution kit, study the tools for website development on 1C-Bitrix, learn how to configure modules step by step and create your own online store from scratch.

At the beginning of the course, you will receive an official manual from 1C-Bitrix in Russian with links to additional technical documentation on the website development system on the 1C-Bitrix CMS. The classes are taught by a practicing teacher with extensive experience in developing and administering websites based on 1C-Bitrix.

The Specialist Center is authorized 1C-Bitrix training center. Upon completion of the training you will receive a 1C-Bitrix developer certificate.

Have you just started developing websites, do you want to work individually or in a web studio, are you a PHP programmer? - Course “1C-Bitrix. Website Developer" is the ideal solution for you!

The course is calculated for those who want to learn how to develop websites using the professional CMS “1C-Bitrix” or improve their skills, for students and university graduates who plan to develop websites privately or as part of a web studio team.