How to undo multiple actions in Photoshop cs6. How to undo an incorrect action in Photoshop

If you have studied lessons on operations in Photoshop, starting with the very first one, let's remember all the material we covered - and there was a lot of it! If you skipped straight to this lesson, that's okay, but you missed a lot of useful information.

We looked at what operations are, studied the contents of the operations panel, and learned the difference between the concepts of “operation” and “set of operations.” We also worked with the default operations that are automatically loaded into the program, and with additional sets of operations that initially come with Photoshop.

We looked at how to play through an operation step by step to better understand what happens at each stage of the operation, and finally, we looked at how to make changes to and edit an operation. Don't forget the little helpful asides we've made as we've covered topics, such as how to view the details of an operation, including step details, how to show or hide dialog boxes while an operation is running, how to enable or disable individual steps of an operation, and even where Find the default standard operations in Photoshop CS2!

Thus, we have studied enough material to try to record our own operation in Photoshop!

In this tutorial we'll look at how to record an operation to create a soft glow effect. Once we record it, we can apply this effect to any image! Below is the photo I will be working with:

The image I will use when recording the operation

Let's start!

Step 1: Create a new set of operations if necessary

As I mentioned earlier, all operations must be placed inside a set of operations, and it does not matter how many operations the set contains - hundreds or just one. The main thing is that all operations are located inside a set. In the lesson on editing actions, we learned that to create a new set of actions, just click on the “New Action Set” icon located at the bottom of the actions panel. This icon is shaped like a small folder, because action sets are actually nothing more than folders where the actions themselves are stored:

To create a new set of operations, click on the “Create a new set of operations” icon located at the bottom of the operations panel

This action will open the New Set dialog box, where you can enter a name for the new action set. I've already created a new set of actions and called it "My Actions". If you took my tutorial on editing actions in Photoshop, you've probably already created a new set of actions, so there's no point in creating it again. If you have not created a new set of operations, then perform this action. The screenshot below shows that I named the new set “My Operations,” but you, in turn, can come up with any other name you want:

The New Set dialog box allows you to enter any name for your new activity set

After entering the name, click OK to close the dialog box. If you now look at the Actions panel, you will see that your new preset has appeared there, located below the other presets currently loaded in Photoshop. Since I will be using the action set that I created earlier, we will be able to see in it the “Photo Corners_Enhance” operation that we edited in the last lesson. If you have just created a new set, then it will be empty:

A new set of actions has appeared in the Actions panel

Keep in mind that you do not need to create a new set of activities every time you want to create a new activity. Once you have created a new activity set to house the new activity, you can also place as many other activities in the set as you wish. It's also a good idea to remember not to place your own actions inside the action sets that are natively loaded into Photoshop, such as Default Actions, Image Effects, Frames, and so on. Store your own operations in new sets that you create yourself.

Step 2: Create a new operation

Now that we've created an activity set to house the new activity in, let's create the activity itself. To do this, click on the “Create a new action” icon at the bottom of the actions panel:

To create an operation, click on the “Create a new operation” icon»

This action will open the New Activity dialog box, where we can enter a new name for our activity and select an activity set to later place the activity into. Since we'll be recording the steps required to create a simple soft glow effect, I'll name the operation Soft Glow. Directly below the data entry box where you entered a name for your operation is the Set option. Here we will be able to select the set in which our operation will be placed. If your new activity set is not selected, select it from the list. In my case, you can see that I placed the "Soft Glow" operation in the "My Operations" set:

Enter a name for your new operation and select a set where you will place it

You'll notice a few more options at the bottom of the New Action dialog box. The Function Keys option allows you to optionally assign a specific key combination to a new operation, using any function keys in conjunction with the Shift or Ctrl (Win) / Command (Mac) key. As for me, I would not pay attention to this option, since it is very easy to lose the operation by simply clicking on the “Run operation” icon located in the action panel. The Color option allows you to give your activity a specific color that will only be visible when viewing your activities in Button Mode, but that's not the topic of this tutorial. So you can easily skip the Function Key and Color options and move on, but that's just my opinion.

Step 3: Click on the “Record” button

When you are done with the parameters, click on the “Record” button located in the upper right corner of the dialog box:

Click on the “Record” button to start recording a new operation

As soon as you click on the "Record" button, you will see that your new operation has appeared inside the "My Actions" action set in the Actions panel. You'll also see the record button at the bottom of the panel light up red, indicating that recording has started:

Our operation appeared in the action panel and the record button turned red

Remember that there is no reason to worry. Yes, recording has begun, but it doesn't feel like recording a movie. Transactions are not recorded in real time. All Photoshop will record are the steps we play through, and it won't care how long it takes us to complete the steps.

So let's start recording the steps for our operation!

Step 4: Take a photo

As the first step in creating the soft glow effect, I'm going to tell the program to take a photo of the original image before applying the effect. In fact, you don't necessarily have to record taking the photo as the first step of the operation, but since this step will later give us the ability to quickly undo the effect, it doesn't hurt to include this action in the operation. So while in recording mode, I'm going to take a moment to switch to the History panel, which is located next to the Actions panel by default, and click on the New Snapshot icon located at the bottom. panels:

Taking a snapshot of the image is the first step of the Soft Glow operation.

This action will add a new snapshot of the image to the History panel:

An image snapshot appears at the top of the History panel

Now, if I need to cancel an effect after performing an operation, I can simply switch to the “History” panel and click on the photo.
I'll switch back to the Actions panel and we'll see that the Soft Glow operation now has a first step, Make snapshot. Our first step was successfully recorded:

The first step in the operation has appeared

Step 5: Copy the Background Layer

Now that we've found a way to quickly undo an effect when needed, we can start creating it! The first thing we need to do is create a copy of the Background layer. The Background layer is the layer that contains the original image, and is currently the only layer in the Layers panel. In order to create a copy of it, go to the “Layers” menu section at the top of the screen, select “New” and then “Copy to a new layer” (Layer via Copy). A faster way to copy a layer is to press Ctrl+J (Win) / Command +J (Mac).

Either of the above methods allows us to create a copy of the background layer (or at least a copy of any currently selected layer, in our case the background layer). If we look at the Layers panel, we can see that there are now two layers placed there. The original background layer is below, and a copy of the background layer called "Layer 1" is above it:

A copy of the background layer called "Layer 1" appears in the Layers panel

If we look at the "Operations" panel, we will see that the "Soft Glow" operation has added a second step - "Copy to a new layer" (Layer Via Copy):

The operation now has a second step - “Copy to new layer”

Step 6: Rename the New Layer

Before we continue, let's rename this layer. I don't like generic layer names like "Layer 1" and think layers should be given more meaningful and descriptive names. To rename a layer, double-click the layer name, then type the new name and press Enter (Win) / Return (Mac) to confirm the changes. We'll apply a Gaussian Blur filter to this layer later, so I'll name this layer Gaussian Blur:

Double-click on the name “Layer 1” and type in a new one – “Gaussian Blur”

When we look at the Actions panel, we can see that a third step, “Set current layer,” has been added to our operation. The name of the step, in reality, only tells us that something will be applied to the currently selected layer, but if we expand the details of the step by clicking on the triangle to the left of its name, then it becomes clear to us that during the execution step, the selected layer will be given the name “Gaussian Blur”, as we wanted:

The operation now has a third step - “Set current layer”

Step 7: Change the Blend Mode of the New Layer to Overlay

Until now, despite the fact that we have already recorded three steps in our operation, the image in the document window has not changed and looks the same. It's time to fix this. We're going to change the blending mode of the new layer. With the Gaussian Blur layer selected, look for the Blend Mode option located at the top of the Layers panel, which looks like a drop-down box with the current value set to Normal. Click this drop-down window to open it and then select the Overlay mode from the list of modes that appears:

Change the blending mode of the “Gaussian Blur” layer to “Overlay”

Using the Overlay blend mode gave the image in the document window greater contrast and increased color saturation:

The image has become more contrasting and saturated

Let's look again at the Actions panel, where a fourth step has appeared in our operation, also called “Set current layer”. If we expand the step to view its execution details, we will see that as it runs, the Overlay blend mode will be applied to the selected layer:

The "Soft Glow" operation now has a fourth step - "Define Current Layer"

We have successfully added a fourth step to the Soft Glow operation. Just a few more steps to write down, and we'll have a finished effect that we can apply to any image in Photoshop, whenever we want!

Step 8: Apply the Gaussian Blur Filter

To create a soft glow effect, we need to blur our image on the “Gaussian Blur” layer. To do this, go to the “Filter” menu section at the top of the screen, select “Blur” and then “Gaussian Blur”. This action will open the Gaussian Blur dialog box. Move the blur radius slider at the bottom of the dialog box to the right to increase the amount of blur that will be applied to the layer, or to the left to decrease it. As you move the slider, monitor the image on the screen and select a blur radius so that the desired result is visible. I'll choose a blur radius of 13 pixels, which will give my image the effect I want:

Create a soft glow effect by choosing the desired blur radius in the Gaussian Blur dialog box.

Click OK after selecting the blur radius value to confirm blurring the image and exit the dialog box. Below is my image after applying the Gaussian Blur filter:

Image after applying the Gaussian Blur filter

If we look at the "Operations" panel, we will see that a fifth step has been added to the "Soft Glow" operation - "Gaussian Blur". When viewing the step details, you will notice that each time the operation is performed, the blur radius will automatically become 13 pixels:

The operation now has a fifth step - “Gaussian Blur”

That's great, but what if the next image we want to apply our effect to doesn't have a radius of 13 pixels? What if you need a larger or smaller blur radius to achieve the desired result? Perhaps we should tell the program to display the Gaussian Blur dialog box each time we perform an operation, where we can choose the blur radius for the image if necessary.

As you and I already know, we can easily enable or disable dialog boxes while performing an operation by simply clicking on the dialog box toggle icon to the left of the step name. By default, all window toggle switch icons are empty. This means that while the operation is running, the dialog boxes associated with the corresponding steps will not appear on the screen.

Since I want the Gaussian Blur dialog box to appear every time I perform the operation, I'll click the empty window toggle icon to the left of the step name. When I do this, a small gray dialog box icon appears, indicating that the Gaussian Blur dialog box will now appear on the screen when I perform the operation:

Click the dialog box toggle icon to the left of the Gaussian Blur step so that the corresponding dialog box appears on the screen when performing the operation

Step 9: Reduce Layer Opacity to 65%

To complete the operation, let's lower the opacity of the Gaussian Blur layer so that the effect is not so obvious and the colors are too saturated. To reduce the opacity of a layer, select the Opacity option in the upper right corner of the Layers panel, just opposite the Blend Mode option. By default, the Opacity setting is 100%. Click on the small arrow to the right of the "100%" value, which will cause a scale with a slider to appear. Move the slider to the left to reduce the opacity to 65%:

Use the small slider to lower the Gaussian Blur layer's opacity to 65%.

Important Note: As you move the slider to reduce the opacity of the layer, do not release the mouse button until you move the slider to the desired mark.

Each time you release the mouse button, Photoshop will consider this action as a separate step in the operation, resulting in several steps to reduce the opacity of the layer. For example, if you move the slider to 90%, release the mouse button, then move the slider to 75%, release the button again and then reach 65% and release the button again, you will get 3 steps: one - reducing the opacity of the image to 90%, the second - up to 75% and the third - up to 65%. If such an incident happens to you, wait until the transaction has finished recording, then click on the extra steps if you do not need them, and move them to the trash can icon at the bottom of the action panel to delete them.

An even more important note: If you are working in the Photoshop CS version, do not use the dynamic sliders to reduce the opacity of the layer when recording operations. If you try to reduce the opacity of a layer to 65% using this slider, you will end up with 35 separate steps, each of which will reduce the opacity of the layer by 1%. Therefore, no sliders when recording operations, otherwise you will have to delete a lot of unnecessary steps later!

So, after lowering the layer's opacity, you are done recording all the steps required for the operation! Let's look at our Actions panel, where we can see the last step that appears, called "Set current layer". If we expand the step to view the details, we can see that the last step will lower the layer's opacity to 65%.

The last step in the operation appeared.

Below is my image after lowering the layer's opacity and completing the Soft Glow effect:

Wedding photo after applying the Soft Glow effect.

Step 10: Stop recording the operation

We've finished recording our operation, and now we need Photoshop to stop recording. To do this, click on the “Stop Recording” icon located at the bottom of the “Operations” panel:

Click on the "Stop Recording" icon to finish recording the operation

And so we did it! We have successfully recorded our first operation and now we have an effect that we can apply to any image! Let's quickly make sure that our operation is working as expected. I'll open another image in Photoshop:

New image opened in Photoshop

To play a new action, I'll select it from within the My Actions set in the Actions panel and then click on the Run Action icon located at the bottom of the panel:

Choosesurgery“Soft glow” and then click on the “Perform operation” icon on the action panel

Once I click on the Perform Operation icon, the program begins to play through the steps of first taking a snapshot of the image in the History panel, then making a copy of the background layer, then naming the new layer Gaussian Blur and changing the blend mode to Overlay " When the program gets to the step where I want to apply the Gaussian Blur filter to the image, it will pause and display the Gaussian Blur dialog box, where I can enter a new value for the blur radius if necessary:

The program pauses the operation and displays the Gaussian Blur dialog box.

Note that the dialog box is already set to a radius value of 13 pixels, since this is the value we entered when recording the operation. I could change the value to something else if I wanted, but I think a radius value of 13 pixels would work for my image. I'll just click OK to confirm the settings, exit the dialog box, and let the program continue with the operation.
The program will continue the operation, reducing the opacity of the Gaussian Blur layer to 65%, and the effect will be applied. Reproducing the operation took much less time than if I had performed all the steps myself. Below is the image after applying the Soft Glow effect:

The Soft Glow effect was easily applied to the second image during the operation

The result turned out exactly as we expected! Now we can apply our effect to any image we want!

Since we spent a significant amount of time and effort recording the transaction, we should save it so that it does not get lost. In the next tutorial we'll look at how to save and how to load operations!

Translation: Ksenia Rudenko

Anyone who has ever encountered the need to process an image is familiar with the Adobe Photoshop program. This is a photo application that offers extensive functionality for making changes. The editor has many functions, so it is not always clear to beginners how to reverse the action.

How to use hotkeys in Photoshop to undo an action

How to undo an action in Photoshop cs6 or cs5? One of the most important and useful features of Photoshop is the return action on the keyboard, which allows you to take a step back while processing. This can be done in several ways, but the simplest is a combination of hot keys. With their help, you can cancel a change made in the program; you need to remember a simple key combination - Ctrl + Z. If you press it again, the undone changes will be returned.

How to Deselect a Selection in Photoshop

Some program tools require selecting a specific area on a layer. It’s not always possible to trace the contour or area of ​​a photo correctly the first time, so you need to know how to remove a selection from a picture. Options to solve the problem:

  1. The easiest option is through the Ctrl+D key sequence. After pressing them, the frame will disappear. If you press them again, an outline of the entire layer will appear.
  2. Many tools deselect when you right-click any area of ​​the image. The only caveat is that “Quick Selection” will react correctly if you click inside the area.
  3. You can use the context menu; to do this, right-click on the image and find the “Deselect” section in the list. In different versions of the program and even tools, the location of this item may differ (somewhere in the first place, and somewhere in the middle).
  4. Another option is to go to the “Selection” menu item, which is located on the control panel, click “Deselect.”

How to undo the last action in Photoshop

If you make an accidental mistake or get a result that you didn't expect, it will be useful to know how to undo an action in Photoshop cs5 or cs6. To do this, you can use the hotkey command or the program menu. To revert the latest changes:

  1. In the main menu of Photoshop, click on the "Edit" section. A menu will drop down; you need to click the line that starts with “Undo” and ends with the name of the applied tool or edit. This helps to understand what will be changed.
  2. The Ctrl+Z key sequence will take you back a step and delete the last time you used the tool.
  3. In the right column, find the section called “History” (in the Russian version “History”). All transactions you have made (usually the last 20) will be displayed here. Click on the penultimate line, this will take your work in Photoshop back a step. Sometimes this window or tab is disabled; you can enable display through the workspace menu settings.

How to take a step back in Photoshop

The Ctrl+Z hotkey combination only helps with the last change, but does not have the ability to go back more than one step. To do this you need to use the combination Ctrl+Alt+Z. By pressing multiple times, you can erase the last edits on the file the required number of steps back. If you need to revert to an earlier state of the document, you can use another method:

  • in the main menu go to the “Edit” section;
  • find the “Step Backward” section;
  • press the required number of times.

How to Undo Multiple Actions in Photoshop

In some cases, the return needs to be taken more than one step. This can be useful if you made several changes to the contrast, palette, color correction, added brightness, but you were not satisfied with the final result. I don’t want to re-upload the image, especially if the necessary adjustments have already been made. You can use options to go back a few steps:

  1. To sequentially undo several edits, you need to find the “Edit” section in the main menu and click the “Step Backward” item the required number of times. Click the item as many times as the number of edits you want to erase.
  2. Exactly the same effect as described in the paragraph above can be achieved by pressing the hot keys Ctrl+Alt+Z. The changes made will be lost in the reverse order of their application. Only those that were added to the image will be deleted, and the choice of brushes and colors will remain the same.
  3. To go back several steps in one click, it is better to use the “History” tab. Find this menu on the right of the program’s workspace (in the English version it is labeled “History”). By default, this list contains the 20 most recent changes; select the required restore point and click on it. If it has been thrown too far, then click the line below and the program will restore the state. This option helps you remove or revert any necessary edits.

Video: undoing an action in Photoshop

Good day, dear friends. Imagine that you were concentrating on some project in Photoshop. And then you’re done, you’ve completed all the effects, you’ve drawn and processed everything, and even . And then you notice that the final image shows a serious flaw that suddenly caught your eye. Panic, layers merged. What to do? How to retouch? A few hours of work!

In fact, I hasten to reassure you. There's nothing wrong with that. You can go back one or several actions, up to a certain point. And today I would like to tell you how to undo the last action in Photoshop and not worry if you mess up.

So, let's go!

Cancel using hotkeys

The easiest way to go back a certain number of steps is to use keyboard shortcuts.

To undo the last action, press the key combination "CTRL+Z". But this link only works with one last action, i.e. you can go back just one step back. And if you press these keys again, you will return to where you started.

To undo several steps, you need to press the combination "ALT+CTRL+Z". Then each press of this combination will cancel the previous action until you return to the desired step, when everything was fine. Very fast and convenient.

Return using the History panel

Let's consider another way to cancel actions, namely the History window. Why is this method convenient? The fact that you see what actions you performed when. This way you can immediately choose which step to return to. Well, in general, let's look at it in practice.

This is how you can easily and conveniently return to some previous state of work. In addition, “History” allows you to see how much the image has changed compared to the original after editing. To do this, simply return to the very top step. Have you looked? Now go back to the last step again.

Well, how do you like the return? Useful thing? Still would. You definitely need to know this. And by the way, if you really want to know Photoshop well, then be sure to watch video course on working with him. The lessons are simply amazing, no fluff and everything is told in human language. Highly recommend.

Well, I’m finishing my lesson for today and I hope you liked it. And you, in turn, don’t forget to subscribe to my blog updates and tell your friends, then everything will be cool. Well, we'll see you in other articles. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

Erroneous action In a document created in MS Word, in the “Edit” menu, select the “Undo” command. The same result can be achieved using the hotkeys Alt+Backspace. If you suddenly realized that action was correct, and in vain you canceled it, use the combination Ctrl+Y.

On the Quick Access Toolbar, find the “Cancel” button. If you need to undo multiple actions at once, click the down arrow next to this button to expand a list of your most recent actions. While holding down the left mouse button, mark unnecessary operations with the cursor and release the key. The same result can be achieved using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Z.

Next to “Undo” on the Quick Access toolbar there is a “Redo” button. It returns deleted steps. Her action duplicated by the F4 function key. If the "Cancel" button has not been used, "Redo" will not be available.

To undo actions in MS Excel, you also use the “Undo” command from the edit menu, the “Undo” button on the quick access toolbar, and the Alt+Backspace and Ctrl+Z keyboard shortcuts. To return erroneously canceled actions, the same tools are used as in MS Word.

In Adobe Photoshop, in this situation, it is convenient to use the hotkeys Ctrl+Alt+Z and the Step Backward command from the Edit menu. To return an erroneously canceled action, use the Step Forward command and the combination Shift+Ctrl+Z.

In addition to standard keys and commands, Photoshop has a convenient History option. Find it in the Window menu and check the box. Find what you don't need in the History panel action, pick it up with the mouse and drag it to the trash icon at the bottom of the panel. To cancel all changes, click on the image icon at the very top of the list.

If you have made some fatal changes to the operating system, the System Restore service will help you return it to functionality. Open the program launch window using the Win+R combination and enter the msconfig command in the “Open” line. Go to the “Tools” tab, check “System Restore” in the list and click “Run”. Select the date closest to the date when the erroneous actions occurred.


  • how to return an action back

When working in applications that edit certain files, a certain number of previous file modification steps are automatically saved. In some cases, the entire story is preserved; in others, only part of it is preserved. Almost everywhere, the function of restoring the original state is available, however, provided that the file was not saved during processing.


If you need to undo recent problems related to entering and formatting text in an editor, browser window, etc., just press the Ctrl+Z key combination. Also in the MS Office Word text editor there is a special button on the toolbar that is responsible for undoing recent changes. Another option is to use the “Edit”, “Undo” menu. In this case, if the document editing process was previously saved, returning to the previous position is possible.

If you need to undo recent changes associated with image editing in Adobe Photoshop, use the keyboard shortcut Alt+Ctrl+Z or click on the “Edit” menu item, then select “Step Back” from the drop-down menu.

If you want to completely restore the file, press F12. If you have already saved changes, then undoing them will not be possible. When editing graphic files in general, it is best to create and edit copies of them, and store the originals separately. Also view the history of changes in a special table of changes, which is accessible from the “Window” menu item.

If you want to undo recent changes that have affected your computer (for example, installing updates, programs, utilities), open the Start menu, select the standard programs menu, then System Tools, and finally System Restore. A large window for restoring the operating system will appear on your screen; select on the program calendar a checkpoint for saving the settings before making changes to the system, roll back to this date.

Keep in mind that before doing this, it is best to save the personal data you use while working in applications installed during this period, since the programs will be deleted along with them. These can be various account logins and passwords, key files, links, and so on.


  • what to do if you cheat

When working with images in " Photoshop» you may need to cancel the previous action and return to the original picture. To return to the previous result, you need to perform several steps.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - any version of Photoshop.


Working with images is a fascinating activity that requires the photographer to have certain knowledge and skills. But even an experienced Photoshop user often encounters situations when, while working on creating a new masterpiece, you need to go back a few steps.

You can make changes to the processed photo at any stage of editing. True, before starting work, you naturally need to open the image. To do this, just simultaneously press the keyboard keys Alt+Shift+Ctr+O or in the “File” menu on the work panel, select the “Open as” option, and then specify the location of the image and its format.

Next, proceed to the actual processing. And if you need to make changes and go back, look at the “Editing” section on the work panel. Here you can perform the necessary operations by selecting the appropriate option: “Undo”, “Step Back” and “Step Back”.

For convenience, you can use the “hot keys”: Ctrl+Z – to undo the last action, Shift+Ctrl+Z – to take a step forward and Alt+Ctrl+Z – to take a step back.

View the entire history of image changes in " Photoshop» is also possible by selecting the appropriate operation in the “Window” menu of the top panel. Check the “History” checkbox in this section, and a table will appear in the working window showing all the actions performed with the picture.

To cancel changes made at any stage of image processing, just find the desired operation on the “History” screen and return to it by left-clicking on it. In this case, you will end up at exactly the editing step you indicate.

If you need to save all previously performed actions in the photo, leave a draft version of the image for yourself. After all, you may still need it. And in order not to get confused, when saving, come up with a name for it, by which you can easily navigate all your photographs, completed and still at the processing stage.

The procedure for canceling and uninstalling installed updates to the Microsoft Windows operating system is a standard operation that does not require the use of additional software.


Call the main system menu by clicking the "Start" button and go to the "Control Panel" item. Expand the Programs link and expand View installed updates under Programs and Features. Find the update to be deleted in the list of the dialog box that opens and call its context menu by right-clicking. Specify the “Delete” command and click the “Yes” button in the system request window that opens. Wait for the process to complete.

If we are talking about updating SP3 for Windows XP, use the uninstall option in the hidden system folder $NTServicePackUninstall$. To do this, return to the main Start menu and go to the Run dialog. Type
in the “Open” line and launch the update package removal wizard utility by clicking OK. Confirm the selected action by clicking the “Next” button in the main window of the wizard and follow all its recommendations.

One of the most common ways to cancel an installed update is to use the function to restore the system to its previous state. To use this method, make sure that the computer has been restarted at least once after installing the update and call the main system menu by clicking the “Start” button. Go to the Run dialog and type
in the "Open" line. Confirm the launch of the utility by clicking OK and select the “Restore your computer to an earlier state” option in the dialog box that opens. Confirm the selected action by clicking the “Next” button and select the desired date for a system rollback. Save the changes made by clicking the “Next” button and follow all the recommendations of the recovery wizard. Restart your computer to apply the changes you made.


  • Uninstall Windows XP SP3
  • how to uninstall installed updates

Adobe Photoshop editor is a powerful digital image processing tool. This is a tool for solving professional problems. Due to its focus on a professional environment, Photoshop is not known for its simplicity. Therefore, beginners using Photoshop have a lot of questions. One of the first, perhaps, will be about how to cancel in photoshop changes made.

You will need

  • Graphic editor Adobe Photoshop.


Undo the last thing you did action. To do this, select "Edit" in the main menu of the application. In the drop-down menu that opens, click on the item whose name begins with “Undo”. The name of this item is from the word “Undo” followed by the name of the last used tool or action performed. Therefore, you can always see which operation will be canceled. Instead of selecting the specified menu item, you can press Ctrl+Z. It should be remembered that this operation only cancels

Often, when working with any program and even on any server, you can cancel actions. The fact is that errors or typos are inevitable, as well as accidental key presses, so it is also possible to return everything as it was.

In this article we will talk about how to undo an action in Photoshop CS6. Often, beginners, having done something wrong, believe that nothing can be corrected. But that's not true. Let's see what actions you can take if you need to rollback while working with a program. For clarity, the article presents illustrations.

Basic information about working in Photoshop

"Photoshop" is a very complex graphics program that has many functions for creating various special effects. Any photo can be changed beyond recognition, or you can create a fabulous collage. But in order for everything to turn out beautifully and look flawless, you need to adhere to a certain sequence of actions.

Even a professional can make a mistake; besides, he is constantly studying, experimenting, and comparing. Therefore, in such a program you cannot do without the undo function. Only, unlike the same office programs, the curved arrow, meaning cancel, is hidden in the menu. In addition, there is a function to roll back several recent actions at once.

More on this below. Now let’s briefly look at all the options for undoing an action in Photoshop CS6:

  • through the horizontal menu;
  • using hot keys;
  • through the "History" window.

Perhaps these three options are quite enough, but the last two are the most convenient and in demand.

What are the reasons for canceling actions?

There are many reasons why you might want to cancel an action. For example, you made an inscription on a photo using the Brush tool, but it turned out ugly. And you are thinking about how to undo an action in Photoshop CS6. You can, of course, use the Eraser tool, but this will erase the contents of the entire active layer.

That is, you have the “Photo_1” layer with the image of a flower active. And against its background you made the inscription “Happy March 8!” Thus, by using the virtual eraser, you risk erasing not only the text, but also the background. To prevent this from happening, it is better to cancel the actions.

Another situation: while working with layers, the master realized that the photo was not very successful. You need to undo several actions at once in order to return not to the original drawing, but to the moment when everything worked out beautifully. Even this procedure can be done easily and quickly.

Above we briefly listed how to undo the last action in Photoshop CS6, as well as several at once. It is now worth starting to study the cancellation process in detail.

Cancel via Edit menu

Open Photoshop. Upload the desired image and apply several actions to it, for example: desaturate and apply inscriptions in different colors using a brush. To undo the last brush action, point the cursor at the top of the screen, where the horizontal menu is located. Select the second item “Edit”. Pay attention to the top three commands:

  1. "Cancel".
  2. "Step forward".
  3. "Step back".

These commands were not invented by chance. Let's return to the example with the text written with a brush. You made a mistake or didn't like it when you drew the first letter. We need to go back. You have two options: click either “Cancel” or “Step Back”. But if you have already drawn two letters, but you need to erase both, then you need to press “Undo” twice. If you think that the command was used in vain, then click “Step Forward” and the text will return.

To better understand how to undo an action in Photoshop CS6 using menu commands, we recommend practicing. In addition, if you wish, you can learn the hotkeys that are listed to the right of the command names in the menu. That is, if you press on your keyboard Ctrl+Z, then you will immediately return the image to its previous state.

Cancel via History window

Now let's study a more complex process - how to undo several actions in Photoshop CS6. To do this, you need to open the “History” window (it usually comes in a separate tab with the “Layers” and “Properties” windows). If it is not there, then in the “Window” menu, find the “History” item.

It is there that the sequence of actions and names of operations are indicated. You need to select the lower operations that are unnecessary, or check the unnecessary commands selectively and click “Trash” at the bottom of the window, agreeing with the deletion action.

We hope that you were able to understand how to undo an action in Photoshop CS6. There is nothing complicated, and most importantly, you can choose the most convenient method.