How to open programs in iTunes on a computer. How to add videos to iTunes and the synchronization process. How to transfer music

Description of the main functions and iTunes features: simple ways adding music and videos. Description of the synchronization process.

iTunes is free media a player that will help you play music and videos on your gadget or on a personal computer. In addition, it also combines a store that has everything you need for relaxation and entertainment. And therefore, iTunes is convenient to watch, play, read, listen to and buy a variety of applications.

The iTunes player allows you to store all your audio recordings and movies in one place. This is convenient because you don’t have to rummage through disks and look for something. In this article we will tell you how to use itunes on computer. Organize your files the way that suits you. Your collection will always be at hand, whether it's an iPhone or iPad.

Basic iTunes Features

On iTunes you will find convenient search by letter, and also the music will be divided into albums, covers, simple lists and grids. In a word, navigation system It won’t let you get lost and will help you find the song you need at lightning speed. Playlists and media organization in general are also simple and convenient. You can easily create a playlist with your favorite songs in just a few clicks. "Edit" function will help you quickly change song data (cover, artist). There is a radio with a wide variety of radio stations. Synchronization with Apple TV, iPod, iPad and iPhone occurs quickly, no special knowledge or effort is required.

How to add music to iTunes?

iTunes can automatically add the songs you need that you store on your personal computer directly to a special iTunes library. What formats can you add? Mp3, aac, wav, Apple Lossles and even Audible. Media Library can convert unprotected wma format in any of the above formats. TO We will outline how to use iTunes on a computer in step-by-step instructions.

So, let's start adding music:

  1. Open iTunes and decide which audio tracks you want to add;
  2. Next, go to the “Media Library” section and click on the “Music” tab;
  3. And into this window you need to drag and drop the desired audio files with the mouse. You can also use the "File" menu, which is located on the left top corner iTunes;
  4. From the menu that appears, click on “add file to library”, and if you need to download an entire folder with music, then click “add folder to library”.

After completing these operations, music will be added or whole folder into the iTunes program. If you do not find songs in the "Music" section, then check whether the checkbox is checked on the "additional" tab in the window iTunes installations. After the process of synchronizing your Apple gadget with iTunes, all added files will be on your device.

How to Add Videos to iTunes and Sync Process

Adding movies and just videos to iTunes is quite easy, since you can simply drag and drop the file from hard drive directly to the computer in the appropriate program section. Let's consider these operations more actively. Open the Media Library again. Next, click on the “Movies” tab, this action will open a special section for adding movies to iTunes.

Let's take it step by step:

  1. Now select the movie you want to add on your personal computer and drag it to the “movies” section of iTunes. Don't forget that the movie downloaded to your Apple device must be in a certain format, which can be purchased from the iTunes store.
  2. Now the movie has been added, but in order for it to be safely on your gadget, you need to synchronize the device with a personal computer.
  3. To perform this operation, go to the devices section and find your gadget there.
  4. IN top menu Click on the "movies" tab and check the "Automatically include all movies" and "sync movies" checkboxes.

All information that you added to iTunes will be transferred to your device after clicking on the “Sync” (or apply) button.

In the future, to add movies, you will simply need to drag the video into the “movies” section with the mouse, and the synchronization process will be performed automatically. This article is about a question that is popular among new users Apple products

- “How to use iTunes on your computer.” Here you will learn about the intricacies of working with the program, which will make managing your media library more efficient. If you describe iTunes in a nutshell, it’s universal program to store and manage the contents of your Apple device (iPhone, iPad and iPod). Those. by connecting the device to a computer with via USB -cable (or Wi-Fi connections

First look at iTunes.

Since version 11, iTunes has received updated design, which divided users into two main groups: users who were completely delighted with iTunes and those who were diametrically opposed by iTunes. But the result was achieved - no one remained indifferent. iTunes now has a minimalistic design, strongly reminiscent of its younger brother - iTunes on the iPad.

The iTunes program can be visually divided into three main sections: top part The program contains a small panel that allows you to play music, on the right side of the program there is a source column, the right one, which is also the most impressive part of the program, contains a list of files, as well as a browser that redirects to the iTunes Store.

Adding files.

Here's how you can add files to iTunes: Open the File menu, then choose Add File or Add Folder to Library. After this, the files will be automatically added to the “Media Library”.

Adding covers.

The program, of course, has become more pleasing to the eye, but users must also own efforts to maintain the beauty of music album display. If you're downloading tracks from your own collection stored on your computer, then it's more than likely that most of the tracks don't have album art.

Users prone to protectionism can spend a certain amount of time and add missing covers to albums. This can be done in two ways: by filling out information about the album, and, in particular, the name of the artist, album and year of publication, and also by uploading your own cover, which can be found on the Internet.

iTunes can download album art on its own. To do this, click on the album right click mouse and select "Get Album Artwork". If the cover was not received, it means that iTunes does not have enough information about the album.

Therefore, you need to right-click on the album and select “Details”. In the window that opens, go to the tab of the same name and fill in all the missing information for this album. Specifically, to download the cover, iTunes needs to know the name of the album. Then right-click on the same album and select “Get Album Cover” again.

You can get the cover in a slightly different way by uploading it yourself, but to do this you need to download a picture of the album from the Internet. Then right-click on the album and select “Details”. Go to the “Cover” tab, click the “Add” button and specify the path to your picture.

Change the location of your iTunes library folder.

By default, the entire music collection added to the iTunes library will be located in the C:\Users\Muzic\Itunes\Itunes Media folder.

Many users do not consider it advisable to “clog” drive C, so iTunes has the ability to change the location of this folder, for example, by moving it to drive D. To do this, you will need to select the “Edit” tab in the toolbar and open “Settings”. A dialog box will open in which you need to go to the “Add-ons” tab, where you can set new way to the folder.

Have you finally become the proud owner of an Apple product? Well, soon you will appreciate all the possibilities that these branded devices offer (and, believe me, there is something to evaluate). To begin with, it would be nice to figure out how to work with the basic functions of your brand new iPad or iPhone. All owners of Apple products will certainly have to deal with one of its most famous programs - iTunes. You will learn how to use it to process video and audio files, as well as for other purposes, by reading this useful article.

and why is it needed?

First of all, a few words need to be said about what kind of program this is. Today it is much more than just a media player for playing music and watching movies. iTunes is powerful and quite functional tool to manage audio and video files on your iOS device(Apple product platform). In addition, this is one of the largest and most popular online stores in the world, where you can purchase music, videos, films, applications and books for downloading to your player. In general, the program is useful and absolutely necessary if you own an iOS device. Therefore, further we will talk about the most important and practically significant things: how to use the iTunes program for certain purposes.

There are two versions of iTunes - an application for a computer and for an iPad. The first is used by most owners of Apple devices, the second only by those who have an iPad. Let's look at them in order.

iTunes program: how to use?

The step-by-step instructions below will help you easily understand all the nuances of working in this application. We will consider the following questions about using iTunes:

  • adding files (music, video);
  • purchasing music, movies and applications;
  • creating playlists based on your media library;
  • burning files to a CD;
  • iPod and iPad.

Adding Files to iTunes

Let's start with the simplest thing - adding files.

  1. If you work for Windows platform, then go to the “File” menu and select one of the commands - “Add folder to library” or “Add file to library”. On MAC platform Click the "Add to Library" button. Next, select the folders or files on your computer that you want to add to iTunes. Wait for them to be added (this will take a while).
  2. You can take a faster route and simply drag files from anywhere on your PC/laptop directly into the iTunes window - they will be added to your library.
  3. If you want to load files from a CD, then insert the appropriate disc. In pre-opened iTunes window A window will appear asking you to add music to your library. Click "Yes" if you want to rip the entire CD, and "No" if you want to download only individual songs. IN in this case Check the boxes for the desired songs and click "Import CD".

All files (according to the "default" settings) are imported into However, if you wish, you can change it by going to "Import Settings" ("General" tab). iTunes supports the following formats:

  • for music - MP3, WAV, AAC, AIFF;
  • for video - MP4, MOV.

Making purchases in the iTunes Store

If any songs, films or books are not on your computer, you can purchase them from iTunes Store. Thus, we move on to the next feature of iTunes: how to use the program to make purchases in an online store.

First of all, you need to register your Apple ID. This procedure is simple and quick. Go to the store and click the Enter your email address and password, as well as payment information (to pay for purchases) and address. An email will be sent to your email to confirm the registration procedure, after which the products will be available to you in the iTunes Store.

You can now browse and select your favorites in the store musical compositions, films and books, various applications. When you select products, they will be automatically added to the corresponding section in the media library, and their downloading will begin immediately.

Playlists are an important component of a media player

Creating thematic playlists - no less interesting feature"Itunes". How to use the media player to organize songs into categories? Quite simple and interesting. You can create lists based on various criteria. Let's look at the options for available playlists in iTunes.

  1. Go to the "File" - "New" tab. Select "Playlist". Call it whatever you want. Then, from the library, you can add the desired compositions to this sheet by dragging them onto it. Or use the right mouse button and click “Add to playlist” (if there are several of them, you will be asked to select which one).
  2. In addition, playlists can be created automatically using the Smart Playlist feature. Here you can make lists of various compositions based on given parameters- you set them yourself. For example, you can only include songs in the playlist that were published before 1980 and belong to the Instrumental category. Or choose songs with a tempo of no more than 120 BPM.
  3. You can also create playlists based on exclusion parameters. That is, songs that meet certain criteria (year, duration, genre) will not be added to the list.

Other features include limiting the number of songs to include in a playlist and the ability to automatic update smart list when adding new songs to your library (select the "Live update" function).

Another very useful feature is Genius. It can analyze your media library and, based on your identified preferences, suggest songs in the iTunes Store. Select a song in your library and click “Create a Genius playlist” - it will be automatically generated on the left next to the corresponding icon.

Burning a CD collection of songs from iTunes

In addition to the fact that you can add songs from a CD to your library, you can also burn a playlist created in iTunes to a disc. To do this, insert a blank CD into the drive, open the "File" tab in iTunes and select "Burn playlist to CD" (CD). At the top of the window you can monitor the download process.

It is also worth remembering that you can record a maximum of 80 minutes of music on a CD. If your playlist exceeds this threshold, then the part remaining after the disk is full simply will not be recorded.

Synchronizing iOS devices

Finally, we move on to the final, but no less important part of working with iTunes: how to use the program to synchronize your Apple device.

  1. Using USB, connect your iPhone, iPod or iPad to your computer. As a rule, iTunes opens automatically (if necessary, do it manually).
  2. At the top of the window, in the “Devices” tab, select your device from the list provided. After that, at the top you will see a list of tabs with various types files (music, video, books, applications). Open the one you need and select the files you want to synchronize. After setting the options, click "Sync".

As new files are added, the line at the bottom will gradually fill up - it shows how much space on the device is already occupied and how much is left free.

When you add new files to your library, they will be synced to your device the next time you connect it. Conversely, if you delete something from iTunes, it will be deleted from your iOS device.

iTunes on iPad: A Brief Review

Using the iTunes program on an iPad is also very easy and convenient. To do this, you need to first register in iTunes, after which you will have access to the following sections:

  1. Podcasts - video and audio files on various topics. Free to download.
  2. iTunes U - various educational materials (most of them in English, but also in Russian).
  3. Downloads - section displaying downloads.

After synchronization, the data downloaded on the iPad will be available in iTunes for the computer.


As it turned out, working with the iTunes program is not at all difficult, on the contrary, it is pleasant and interesting. Now you have all the information you need for a comfortable and full use your iOS device using iTunes media player.

Greetings, lovers tablet computers, in this case iPad lovers.

Today I will try to write as much as possible detailed manual, in which I will try to answer popular question, which sets a large number of beginners Apple users devices: how to use iTunes.

If you don’t know, iTunes is used to control your gadget (iPad, iPhone or iPod) directly, from personal computer under operating systems: Windows or Mac OS.

Also using of this instrument you can flash the device and upload various multimedia files to it (video, music, etc.)

Well, let's get started and start figuring out how to use iTunes. We will start the topic “How to use iTunes”, naturally, with downloading and installing the program itself on your personal computer.

You can download and install iTunes on the official website Apple, here is a direct link to the download page - . On the page that opens, enter your email Mailbox and click on the big green “Download” button.

Attention: do not download iTunes from third-party sites, otherwise you risk getting a virus on your computer, which, you see, is not very pleasant.

Customizing the appearance

After you download and install the program, you need to configure it appearance so that all the menus and other necessary things are always in sight and everything is correct. First of all, do visible line menu in the program, to do this, press the key combination: CTRL+B. So, now we have a more or less decent appearance of the tool, but that’s not all.

Now make it visible sidebar(it is with the help of this menu that we will perform all the necessary operations), to do this, press the key combination: CTRL + S.

Now you have become practically an iTunes master. You can move on to more difficult things, for example, to downloading videos to your gadget.

To download files (video, audio, books) to your Apple gadget:

  • Connect your device to your computer, preferably using USB cable(came complete with the gadget itself);
  • In the side menu, in the “Media Library” field, select the folder that matches your content. For example, if you want to download music, then select “Music”, if you want to download video, then select “Movies”;
  • After you select the appropriate folder to the right of the side menu, a workspace will appear to which you will need to transfer necessary files(similar to how you transfer files from folder to folder).

Synchronization options

There are two ways to synchronize iTunes and your device: directly by connecting your gadget to your computer and, secondly, wireless way– synchronization using Wi-Fi networks, below we will look at both of these options.

By cable

1. Connect the gadget to your computer;

2. Launch iTunes;

3. Select your device in the side menu (if it doesn’t appear there, it means you haven’t connected it);

4. In the panel to the right of the side menu, at the bottom of the program window, you will find big button with the inscription “Synchronize”;

5. Click on this button and the files you added (video, audio, books) will magically appear on your Apple device.

Via Wi-Fi

The answer to the question: “How to use iTunes” would not be complete if I did not talk about synchronization over Wi-Fi. In order to use Wi-Fi synchronization, you need to first set it up; to set it up, you, again, will have to connect your device to your computer.

But don't be afraid, after setup everything will be ok and you will be able to sync wirelessly. Setting up:

  • We connect the gadget to the computer and launch the iTunes program;
  • In the sidebar, select your device;
  • IN work area(located to the right of the side menu) go to the overview tab;
  • Scroll down and in the “Options” field, check the box next to “Sync this iPad over Wi-Fi.”

Synchronization is configured, now when you need to synchronize your device you need to:

  • Go to the settings of your gadget;
  • Select “Options”;
  • Find the line “Sync. from iTunes via Wi-Fi” and click on it, in the menu that opens, click the “Synchronize” button.

Access to the iTunes Store

Also with iTunes you can access App store Store where you can download videos, music, books and applications. To access the iTunes Store, in the sidebar, select “iTunes Store”.

Attention: in order to be able to download files (video, audio, etc.) to your Apple device you need to register an Apple ID.

Program update

So as not to expose your home computer and Apple devices are at risk of becoming infected with viruses, we recommend that you regularly check and download new versions of iTunes. In order to check for updates, you need to: select “Help” in the menu, select “Updates” in the help menu. The program will automatically check for updates; if any are found, they will be automatically downloaded.

That's all, I hope I have at least briefly answered the question: “How to use iTunes.” Don't forget to leave comments.

iTunes (Tuna) is a media player designed to work with music and films on Apple devices. Today the program can be installed for free not only on iPhone, iPad, iPod, but also on computers running Windows and Mac. Without her it is impossible full-time job Apple gadgets.


iTunes is not only a file sharing service. He became excellent assistant for installing applications, synchronizing with a gadget. For mobile device users, this application is indispensable. Main functions of the service:

  • Work with multimedia files– navigation in libraries, creating playlists, changing metadata in music (title, author, cover), playing audio and video;
  • Synchronization with the device on which the program is installed;
  • Transferring data to other devices - from computer to mobile device and vice versa;
  • Creation backup copies to restore data if necessary;
  • Tracking the location of the gadget from a computer;
  • Software Update;
  • Internet radio;
  • Purchasing media assets in iTunes store,AppStore. Some files are available for free download.

How to install

The media player in Russian can be downloaded from the official Apple website. Many sites and torrents also offer to install the application, but it is better to choose the official website of the developer. This guarantees the installation of a proven high-quality version for free and without SMS messages with activation codes.

The download process includes the following steps:

  1. Log in to the website of the development company;
  2. On the left side of the window find iTunes section. After opening it, a Download button will appear on the left side of the window. After clicking it, the installation of the service will begin. It's suitable for everyone types of Windows and mobile devices;
  3. To install the program on a Macintosh computer, you need to look down and find the Download iTunes for Macintosh link;
  4. Next, you should open the downloaded program and log in. To do this, you need to enter the data that was received when Apple registration ID;
  5. Setting up the application for individual user. Using the Ctrl+S combination we open the side menu, and by pressing the Ctrl+B keys we open the top menu. In the top menu, execute the commands “Settings” → “Sources” and select the media that will be needed. They need to be ticked.

This video explains in detail how to transfer music to iPhone via iTunes.

Important! In some cases, the program cannot be installed on a Windows computer. This is explained by the bit depth operating system. They come in 64-bit and 32-bit. The media player type must match the OS bit depth. You can find out this way: click the Start button, enter the word “system” in the search bar. In the window that appears, find the line System type.

Using the application

After successful installation of the program, you can start filling your media library, playing media, and performing other tasks. To download objects, select the desired section (Music, Movies, etc.) and drag it into the window. Another way is to find the “File” section in the menu and select the “Add file\folder” command.

You can transfer objects from the database to the gadget's memory using synchronization. In the application, click on iPhone icon and the "Synchronize" button. Next, select the synchronization type - individual objects or the entire media library.

If information has been lost on your gadget, it can be restored from using iTunes. Copies of data are stored on the hard drive. Over time, new versions appear and installed program should be updated. To do this, you can simply delete the old one and download new option. Another way is to update the application via Update. To do this, launch it and select “Updates” from the “Help” menu. Then the search for new versions begins and, if they are available, a dialog box appears with the question “Available a new version iTunes programs. Do you want to download it right now?" Click the Download button. Or use the video instructions below.

iTunes Store

A list is available in the application paid files, which can be purchased or rented (in the case of films) in a special online store, the iTunes Store. It has movies, music, books, podcasts, iTunes U, App Store.

To download materials, you need to register in the store; to do this, launch the iTunes program.

  1. Click on "iTunes Store" in the Store section. At the top right there is a search in which we write the name of any free program, for example Viber or Skype and press Enter;
  2. After that, next to the program icon, click “Free”. In the window that appears, click on “Create a new account” → “Next”;
  3. Check the box to agree to the terms and conditions and click “Next”;
  4. Fill in the registration data and click “Next”;
  5. IN next step You must indicate the details from which payment for downloaded materials will be made. If you don't want to pay for the download, then in the " Credit card" select "None".
  6. After that, go to the mailbox that you specified during registration, in the letter from Apple follow the “Confirm now” link.
  7. In the window that opens, enter the email and password that you specified during registration. Click "Confirm address"→"Return to store"→"Done". Congratulations! You learned how to create an Apple ID.

Except regular types files (music, books) in the list of application sections are iTunes U and App Store. The first section is for downloading free educational materials. The user is provided with more than 1 million books, lectures, videos, and other educational subjects. All of them are provided by the presenters educational institutions peace.

App Store is a store of applications that can be purchased or downloaded for free. When downloading a file, you can transfer it to your device using the “Devices → Programs” command. Find in the list desired object and follow the steps “Install → Synchronize”. The cost of downloading most files is small - up to 1 dollar, so this resource is very popular among users.