How to configure Comodo Firewall - previously there were only antiviruses. Comodo Firewall - the best free firewall

We present to your attention a configuration option for Comodo Firewall 2013. It gives the maximum result in many synthetic tests. The settings are relevant when using avast antivirus! Free Antivirus.

Despite the “maximum” nature, working with a computer does not pose any particular difficulties. Once you create rules for programs, you will no longer receive requests from them. It is clear that this mode is more suitable for advanced users.

Testing was also carried out with avast! Free Antivirus, and without it. The result in both cases is 100%. Interestingly, when avast is enabled! and simultaneous use of these settings, the antivirus does not have time to start working, since the blocking is provided by Comodo Firewall. In the PC Security Test 2011, Comodo Firewall blocked the first stage of the Antivirus Protection Test, preventing the possibility of viruses entering the system, although this is an antivirus function. Thus, Comodo Firewall prevents the antivirus from working, since it blocks the possibility of virus files from entering. Comodo Firewall's response to threats is quite fast.

To test the settings, the system used was Windows 7 PRO 64-bit SP1, 1.65 GHz Dual-core AMD processor, 4GB memory (3.6 GB available)

With the proposed settings in Proactive Security mode, Comodo Firewall passes the following tests with 100% results:

  • 1) Anti-Test
  • 2) PCFlank Leaktest
  • 3) PC Security Test 2011
  • 4) SSS
  • 5) CLT
  • 6) Mini Security Test
  • 7) FireWallTest
  • Comodo Firewall 2013 Settings

    1. Advanced settings -> General settings -> Configuration

    It is necessary to enable the mode COMODO - Proactive Security.

    2. Advanced settings -> Security settings -> Protection+ -> HIPS -> Behavioral analysis

    From the point " Automatically launch a detected unknown application in Sandbox and process it as"You need to uncheck the box.

    Turn on the mode COMODO - Proactive Security.

    3. Advanced Settings -> Security Settings -> Firewall -> Firewall Settings

    The firewall should be switched to "" mode. In this case, a request will appear for any event in the system, with which you can set your own rules.

    In field " Advanced settings» Check the boxes next to the following items:

    — Enable loopback traffic filtering (for example, 127.x.x.x, ::1)

    — Analyze the protocol

    — Enable IPv6 traffic filtering

    — Block fragmented IP traffic

    — Enable ARP spoofing protection

    We switch the firewall to mode Custom ruleset

    4. Advanced settings -> Security settings -> Firewall -> Global rules

    There should be default values

    5. Advanced settings -> Security settings -> File rating -> File rating settings

    Uncheck the parameters:

    - Trust applications signed by trusted providers.

    — Trust applications installed using trusted installers.

    Good day, dear readers, readers, admirers and other individuals.

    It has long been no secret that any modern person cannot do without a computer and. The World Wide Web has become an integral part of the lives of most of us, because it is a storehouse of information, a method (or means) and much more.

    The computer is the tool with which we gain access to the World Wide Web. Therefore, everyone has a natural desire to protect their iron friend from the dangers that it conceals behind itself.

    One of these means is Comodo Firewall Free– a program that will help us protect our computer from various computer infections, of which there are many on the Internet.

    Questions in the style of “What is a firewall and why is it needed” have already been discussed earlier on the site in the articles: “”, “, and others, that is, if you need a theory about what kind of thing this firewall is ( which is so cleverly avoided in films), then it’s worth starting with them (at least with the first two).

    This article will be entirely devoted to a separate product - Comodo Firewall. This program is free, and many rightfully consider it number one among similar products. At the same time, the product in question copes with its tasks no worse than most paid analogues from other software manufacturers. It is also important that there is an excellent Russian-language version of this firewall.

    Let's see what it can do, install it, configure it, and all that jazz.

    Download and Install Comodo Firewall

    Installation Comodo Firewall does not contain any particular difficulties, but still there are some nuances that are worth taking into account. We will talk about them in the first part of this article.

    You can download this miracle of programming thought from the developer’s website by clicking on the appropriate button:

    After downloading, run the previously downloaded file to begin the installation process, which, however, will begin with unpacking the files necessary for the installer:

    After that Comodo Firewall will prompt you to select the installation language. Choose the one that is closest to you (in our case Russian):

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    Next you will need to uncheck the " I want to use cloud-based application behavior analysis by passing unidentified programs to COMODO", as well as "Anonymously send data about the use of the application to COMODO to make changes that improve the operation of the program", because there is no need for them, as well as for an email subscription.

    However, if you think that you need them, then you can leave them. Next, it would be useful to click on the " Customize installation", rather than immediately pressing the button " Forward". This very button will allow us to configure the elements for installation (more precisely, components) Firewall"A:

    Each element has its own description according to which you can make a choice yourself, but we recommend unchecking the " Install COMODO GeekBuddy", which allows you to receive some remote support and other tails and install only the firewall part itself.

    Installation configuration

    If you are not very knowledgeable about working with firewalls, then this checkbox may be worth leaving. This will allow you to avoid unnecessary settings and notifications, but at the same time part of the solutions Comodo Firewall will make decisions for you based on statistics (for example, allow connections for known normal applications - like , - and deny known malicious or suspicious ones).

    Well, the last tab allows you to select the location of the firewall installation files. You can, traditionally, leave the default, or specify your own. Next, click on the button " Back" and return to the previous step, where we unchecked the first boxes and pressed the button " Customize installation", where, in turn, we press " Forward".

    Next, we will continue to struggle with the checkboxes, because we will be prompted to install the elements Yandex, do Yandex the main thing and everything else in general. Traditionally, filming all the boxes are ticked, if of course you Yandex is not necessary, and press the button " Agree. Install".

    After this, the process of obtaining a free license and installation will begin COMODO Firewall.

    In fact, all you have to do is wait for the end of the process, after which the firewall will start up and start screaming urgently and demanding attention, rebooting and other things, and doing this in several windows at once:

    Well, you’ll have to make concessions and allow a reboot (after closing everything you need and saving the work process), otherwise the firewall won’t work normally, and, in general, it won’t let you.

    After the reboot, we will begin using and further configuration.

    Initial launch and setup

    After installation, most likely, you will immediately see a small (side) window of the program, a notification about how it protects you Comodo and the developer’s website automatically opened. If everything went well, then everything will look something like this:

    Tick ​​" Don't show this window again“You can put it right away, fortunately there is no need for it, other than self-education:

    Also, most likely, you will immediately receive a notification about the network you are on with a set of items, the choice of one of which will determine a certain level of internal settings:

    The choice should be made wisely, or more precisely, to be honest about where you are. Or, if you have some concerns and are concerned about the level of confidentiality, then select the third item, i.e. " I'm in a public place", as the most powerful in terms of protection.

    Handling Comodo Firewall requests

    The second type of notifications will be about attempts by various types of programs to connect with something or someone, as well as about doing something for some reason. It looks something like this:

    The logic for processing such requests is simple: if you know what kind of program (for example, a browser) is trying to connect to something or perform something, then you allow the action to be performed, but if you are not at all aware of what kind of nonsense is happening (even after how they used an Internet search, etc.), that is, it makes sense to block or process according to one of the application rules.

    Next, it makes sense to go to the main program window. This can be done using a small window (right mouse button - " Open") or tray icon (the latter can change to display traffic or a firewall logo):

    The main window of the program looks quite clear, moderately concise, and, in fact, contains most of the necessary information. It may be that it makes sense to start with the update process, although if you installed the program from the developer’s website, then the version should be the latest initially:

    The buttons are all standard and each is responsible for the corresponding functionality. For example, the " Scanning" will, in fact, allow you to scan your computer for threats and provide a detailed list-report about what kind of files live in the system and whether they should be trusted:

    We have already talked about updates, so we won’t do anything unnecessary, since the update is responsible for the update and there is nothing complicated in it.

    Isolated environment and more details

    A button with a virtual desktop will allow you to launch an isolated environment in which you can walk through dangerous places.

    In terms of logic and principle of operation, it resembles one based on Windows functionality, and is also extremely similar to a sandbox (like ) in its expanded, moderately adult form. An extremely useful thing, we recommend it for paranoid people.

    You can switch between desktops using the appropriate button, quickly and fairly painlessly, which is convenient. By the way, the installation of all the above ( Silverlight And Comodo Dragon) is not a necessary functionality for full operation, but recommended as such.

    The quarantine tab is responsible for quarantine, online support for online support. In general, there is nothing unusual and we will not dwell on them. The button in the upper left corner allows you to see a detailed summary of what is happening:

    That is, see the number of incoming and outgoing connections, blocking processes, enable or disable all sorts of Automatic Sandbo x, HIPS And Viruscope, and already manage what is already blocked, isolated, etc.

    Clicking on a firewall link, for example, will allow us to open a tab with settings and the corresponding subtab, but here we can manage everything in general by going to where we need it (for example " General settings" - "Interface"). Let's briefly go through them.

    Advanced setup and use

    The interface tab is, oddly enough, responsible for the interface. If you wish, you can customize the theme, again, language and other tails. It is recommended to disable the long-suffering sound, greetings, various types of notifications and other annoying functionality here:

    The updates tab is responsible for the frequency of updates, and the log tab, which is logical, is responsible for the size of the log, its re-creation, and so on. It’s all logical, simple and easy to set up, fortunately it’s in Russian, I think you’ll figure it out.

    On the configuration tab, you can enable or disable any of the ready-made configurations. This is very, very convenient, and when switching, it allows you to save the existing and changed configuration, i.e. you can change the security level, depending on the circumstances. True, switching requires a reboot, which, in general, is logical.

    Hips and sandbox in Comodo Firewall

    The defenses are inhabited by the above mentioned HIPS(proactive intrusion prevention system), Sandbox(sandbox, which is responsible for virtualization and protection based on it) and VirusScope(a system that allows for dynamic analysis of running processes and recording their activity).

    For HIPS"It would be nice to include detailed explanations (if you don’t understand), set the notification display time and, optimally, check the box" Adapt operating mode at low system resources"so that it doesn't eat up performance so much. In principle, it would be possible to enable enhanced protection mode, but it is very paranoid and gluttonous.

    In settings Sandbox You can uncheck the first box if you don’t need it, and it would also be a good idea to protect your desktop with a password. But much more important here is the presence of automatic Sandbox"and based on a given policy:

    This increases security by an order of magnitude, provided that you understand how it works Sandbox in general, and also realize that it chews resources. If not, then it is recommended to read at least.

    IN Viruscope It makes sense to disable notifications, provided that you trust the automation. In general, the logic of its operation is quite adequate, but it requires periodic monitoring and verification of what is happening if something stops working for you.

    On the firewall tab, it would be good to reduce the alert frequency level and enable filtering IPv6-traffic, protection from ARP-spoofing and creating rules for secure applications.

    On the sub-tabs, you can set and adjust rules for applications, as well as edit those that you have already created by clicking on the block/allow buttons for the corresponding firewall requests above.

    Here you can create sets of rules and even activate a content filter by blocking and or allowing certain sites and categories (created independently). With the right approach, you can create your own kind of parental control.

    With this you can finish the setup. As for use, it makes sense to start with the training mode (turned on next to the firewall line in the extended view of the main program window), then switching to the custom set or, if you are too lazy to configure and train, then safe mode.

    In a nutshell, perhaps it’s something like this. We will not describe finer tuning and use here, because part of any article would not be enough, besides, part of the logic has already been described in the relevant materials on other firewalls (see the beginning of the article), and.

    So, actually, let's move on to the afterword.


    So this heroic epic about the brave struggle of a valiant firewall against an overwhelming army of computer pests has come to an end. With your skillful control, this struggle will always end in victory for the forces of good;)

    With this I say goodbye to you. Let viruses and other malware bypass you! As always, if you have any questions, additions, thanks, etc., then welcome to comment on this article.

    This is especially true for add-ons, because probably those who are on Comodo Firewall tightly and for a long time, in fact, there is something smart and to the point to say.

    As they say, the flight is normal, only the product is paid and after 30 days it will stop working and ask for money. Tell me, is there any free firewall of the same quality?

    Hello friends! Today's article is about the popular and free firewall Comodo Firewall.

    Security software from the developer company Comodo Group has gained popularity in the software market due to the presence of three important components in software products - a popular field of application, simplicity and convenience of the interface, and free distribution. It is especially worth noting the flexibility of the developers’ approach. Thus, a computer protection software package consisting of an antivirus, a firewall, a Sandbox and other modules can be installed either entirely or selectively by installing only individual modules of either the Comodo AntiVirus antivirus or the Comodo Firewall into the system. It is the latter that will be discussed in more detail below. Let's look at the features of the Comodo Firewall, how to install this program and how to configure it.

    Tasks and features of Comodo Firewall

    Comodo Firewall, despite the fact that the product is free, provides complete protection of your computer from online threats. Moreover, it has more than once become the winner of various tests conducted by Internet software resources in order to identify the best software solution of the Firewall class. Comodo Firewall is able to protect against attacks from hackers and malware spreading over the network at the same level as paid advanced firewalls such as Outpost Firewall Pro. To put it simply, you won’t find software of the same quality and especially free on the market..

    Comodo Firewall analyzes suspicious program activity on your computer and checks all of its active components, blocking the launch of anything that could harm your computer. The program's Stealth Mode makes your computer invisible to port scanning by malware. Comodo Firewall automatically detects the trusted zones of your computer, that is, those folders and files that are authorized to be shared over a home or local network.

    Unlike its counterpart, which does not work well with every antivirus on the same system, Comodo Firewall is more loyal in this regard. Even if you do not like the specificity or effectiveness of the Comodo AntiVirus antivirus module, you can install any other antivirus, since Comodo Firewall, as a rule, does not conflict with third-party security software.

    Several operating modes and flexible settings of Comodo Firewall will allow both beginners and more experienced users to configure the desired behavior of the firewall.

    Installing Comodo Firewall

    Run the downloaded Comodo Firewall installer.

    The installation process is somewhat different from the standard one, since it initially involves setting some parameters for the program. After selecting the program language, we will see the installation wizard window, where you need to select some options. It is not necessary to indicate your email.

    You can leave all the preset options without changing anything only in the following cases:

    When it comes to a powerful computer or laptop and a high-speed Internet connection;

    You fundamentally want to participate in the improvement of security software, in particular Comodo products, so that the company improves user protection;

    You don't trust your ISP's DNS.

    A window will open with options for installing the program, where the developer, hoping that you will quickly complete the installation and not delve into the installation settings, has prepared, in addition to the Comodo Firewall, the automatic installation of two more programs - this is the technical support client from the developer Comodo GeekBuddy and the browser with enhanced web surfing protection Comodo Dragon. There is no point in contacting the first program for those who do not know English and do not intend to pay for technical support from Comodo at the end of the free period. You can download another program - the Comodo Dragon browser based on Chromium - for free on the Internet and install it at any other convenient time when the question arises about changing the browser.

    Now you can safely press the “Forward” button.

    In the next window, we are forced to install Yandex elements along the way and the omnipresence of this search engine in the browser. Let's refuse this service, since it can hardly be called a missed opportunity in life. Click the start installation button below.

    The program will install. After launching it, we will see that the computer needs to be restarted. Click the “Fix” button.

    Launching Comodo Firewall

    The computer will reboot, and we will find a lot of Comodo Firewall windows on the desktop - information about Comodo technologies, a program gadget and a firewall pre-settings window, where we need to indicate which network the computer is connected to - home, work or a public network location, for example, with a Wi-Fi access point.

    After this, Comodo Firewall will minimize to the system tray, from where the program interface can be called up at any time.

    For any actions performed on the computer for which the firewall has not yet created a rule, you need to give it approval, unless, of course, we are talking about an unauthorized launch.

    You will have to approve the launch of every program unknown to Comodo Firewall on your computer until the firewall develops rules of conduct for each of the programs launched. Of course, at first you will have to tinker, but this is actually a small price to pay for the ability to control network connections.

    Setting up Comodo Firewall

    Comodo Firewall is designed for a wide range of users, including beginners, and the computer will be safe even with the settings preset by the developer. But more experienced users will certainly be interested in using the capabilities of Comodo Firewall for enhanced computer protection.

    We launch the firewall using its shortcut in the system tray. In the main window that opens in front of us, we see the program status - the computer is protected. We also see the number of network intrusions, the number of blocked intrusions, and software updates.

    Using the button in the upper left corner, we can switch to the program displaying a detailed summary. And then return to the summary view again.

    In the main window of Comodo Firewall there is a "Game Mode" option. Game mode is essentially a full-screen mode not only in games, but also when watching videos, as well as in any other applications that are displayed in full screen. When we switch to this mode, the firewall will not bother us with its notifications and will make all decisions itself.

    To open advanced firewall settings, in the main Comodo Firewall window with a detailed summary, click the “Firewall” link.

    Detailed firewall settings will open, where you can change certain preset parameters.

    You can, for example, at the top of the settings window, change the preset “Safe Mode” of the firewall, when the network activity of programs in the list of trusted ones is allowed, and Comodo Firewall does not jerk on every occasion, to other modes. For example:

    “Full blocking” - in this mode, any network activity is excluded. This mode is simply irreplaceable if your computer is infected with a virus.

    “Custom set of rules” - as the name of the mode implies, it provides for strict control and user participation in decision-making for each network request for which there are no previously defined rules.

    “Learning mode” - in this case, Comodo Firewall does not interfere with the activity of running programs, but only monitors events.

    review, we examined in detail and with “pictures” the process of installing the freeComodo Firewallon computer. Now, as promised, I will tell you howoptimal firewall, with a minimum of pop-up notifications, quickly and independently configured. The author's version of the program's advanced settings largely coincides withrecommended in the Russian part InternationalCOMODO Forums(branch " CIS/CFP for firewall newbies"). These forums can be visited by clicking on the " tabMiscellaneous" paragraph " Visit the support forum "The only thing is that you will be taken to the main English-language page, so in order not to search, here is a direct link to the forum" In Russian / Russian "(clickable!) There is a lot of useful information on the topic - those who wish, of course, can “dig in.” And I, as usual, for convenience the points I'll start what I promised.

    Comodo Firewall Advanced Settings

    1. At the beginning, I suggest changing the default (default) grey-cheerful “face” Comodo Firewall for something more interesting. To do this, in the same “Miscellaneous” tab, click “ Settings" → "Appearance" → in "Theme" we change the "gray" theme "COMODO Default Normal" to, for example, "COMODO Blue Norma" (first screenshot) and, "dressed up", move on.

    2. The first of the program's advanced settings will be to enable the "invisibility" mode of your computer on the network. To do this, in the tab " Firewall"click applet" Hidden Port Wizard "→ select" Block all incoming connections and hide my ports for all incoming connections "(screenshot above) and confirm your choice via " OK ".

    3. Further, in the same tab " Firewall"let's go to" Firewall settings " and on the "General settings" tab we activate " ". Now allowing rules will be automatically created for all applications from the list of trusted ones, which will save you from unnecessary permissions manually. In addition, check the checkbox next to the item "Automatically discover new private networks " (which can be removed after detecting your network) and, most importantly, " Firewall mode "we leave unchanged" Safe ".

    Confirm all changes in settings with the " OK".

    4. Let's move on to the mode settings" Proactive Defense". To do this, in the tab " Protection+"click" Proactive Defense Settings " and, by analogy with the previous settings item, activate " Create rules for secure applications ". If you are confident that the system is clean from viruses and have an effective anti-virus scanner (the need for which I wrote in the note " ") like free, then feel free to put " Clean PC mode " – again, to get rid of “annoying” alerts. Also check that there is no checkbox next to " Enable enhanced protection mode " and presence - opposite the point " A adapt the operating mode at low system resources " (no comments).

    5. In the same settings of Proactive Firewall Protection in the " tab Application execution control settings "check that unrecognized files are treated as " Partially limited " (default) or " Suspicious " – under other settings, some applications will refuse to launch.

    6. For users of older versions Comodo Firewall< 5.3 рекомендуется отключить в программе режим "Sandbox " ("Песочница"), по отзывам, работающий некорректно. Лучший вариант – просто перейти на последнюю стабильную версию брандмауэра (на данный момент – v. 5.10), которую можно скачать, например, из Каталога избранного софта. В этом случае отключение режима "Песочницы" не требуется.

    And don't forget to confirm changes in settings with the " OK ".

    Note: When Proactive Defense is completely deactivated, this option ("Sandbox") is automatically disabled.

    7. The final tweak from the "optional" category: in the " tab Miscellaneous " → "Settings"→ on tab" Are common"Uncheck the box next to the item" Automatically check for program updates" (penultimate screenshot), especially since the option " Check for updates "always "at hand" (last screenshot).

    Another click on the " OK" and you can close the appropriately configured Comodo Firewall– after restarting Windows, with this configuration, “comfortable” for the user, the program reliably protects the computer from network threats.

    Comodo Personal Firewall designed to protect PC users running Windows OS. It is extremely easy to use and provides all the necessary features and functions. The most important thing is that it “flies” even on the most low-power computers. Another important advantage, especially for beginners, is that it requires minimal intervention from the user.

    Why use our Firewall?

    Comodo Firewall Pro introduces a new evolution in computer security: Disabled Blocking of Trusted Applications (DDP). What is DDP? Most security programs maintain a list of known malware, and use this list to decide which files and applications should not gain access to the PC. The problem here is obvious. What if the malware list is missing some entries, or is not up to date? DDP eliminates this problem to ensure complete security. Firewall links to a list of over two million known PC-friendly applications. If a file that is not found in the Safe list “knocks” at the “door” on the computer, the Firewall immediately warns about the possibility of a malware attack. All this happens before malware infects the computer. This is prevention-based security, the only way to maintain complete security.

    Firewall Features:
    • Easy to understand informative alerts
    • No complex configuration issues - ideal for novice users
    • Lots of configuration options, let the techies configure everything the way they like :)
    • Security DDP, user-friendly and PC-safe
    • Quickly adapt users to personalized protection
    • Convenient, attractive graphical interface

    One of the first steps in securing your computer is downloading and activating a quality firewall to repel intrusions. Only this free firewall software has access to Comodo, a huge list of PC-friendly applications, a "deny by default" component

    Comodo Firewall recognizes more than ten thousand different applications (secure, spyware, adware and others), which is a unique feature unique to this firewall.
    Key features of Comodo Firewall Pro
    monitoring program components;
    program behavior analyzer;
    against protocols;
    smart alerts;
    integration into Windows Security Center;
    critical termination protection;
    protection during computer boot;
    automatic update;
    error reporting interface;
    detailed journal;
    connection monitor;
    program database - more than 13,000 programs with their security risks.

    A description of the program can be found

    Installing Comodo Personal Firewall Pro.
    Download the program from the official website.

    Attention! Be sure to uncheck “install” and do not check “install COMODO LivePC...”.

    installation completed successfully! Restart your computer.

    First start.
    When you restart your computer, Comodo Firewall will automatically replace the standard Windows firewall. If after the first launch you do not see any shortcuts on the desktop, just reboot again. The program needs to be “taught” which programs you allow to run and which ones you do not. If you are an inexperienced user, then I recommend “not to be clever” but to allow everything (of course, reading the program’s recommendations), for example:

    Set the mode to “training”. To do this, right-click the firewall icon in the panel (bottom right of the screen) and select “firewall mode” and then “training” from the menu.

    Now the program will remember all your actions, and after training, your actions will no longer be accompanied by the opening of permission confirmation windows.
    You can familiarize yourself with the functions of the program. To do this, double-click on the program icon. It’s not particularly difficult to figure it out, but you don’t have to go into it. Just leave all settings unchanged. Once again, the program requires only minimal user intervention.

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