FPS measurement. FPS Utilities

Good day.

The performance of the video card directly influences the speed of games (especially new games). By the way, games, at the same time, are one of the best programs for testing a computer as a whole (in the same special testing programs, separate “pieces” of games are often used, from which the number of frames per second is measured).

Usually they carry out testing when they want to compare a video card with other models. For many users, the performance of a video card is measured only by memory (although in fact, sometimes cards with 1Gb of memory work faster than with 2Gb. The fact is that the amount of memory plays a role to a certain extent*, but it is also important what kind of processor is installed on the video card , bus frequency, etc. parameters).

In this article I would like to consider several options for testing a video card for performance and stability.


1) By the way, before you start testing the video card, you need to update (install) the drivers for it. The easiest way to do this is using special. programs for automatically searching and installing drivers:

2) Video card performance is usually measured by the number of FPS (frames per second) produced in various games at different graphics settings. A good indicator for many games is considered to be 60 FPS. But for some games (for example, turn-based strategies), the 30 FPS bar is also a very acceptable value...


An excellent and simple utility for testing a wide variety of video cards. I myself, of course, don’t test that often, but out of more than several dozen models, I haven’t come across a single one that the program couldn’t work with.

FurMark performs stress testing by heating the video card adapter to maximum. This way the card is tested for maximum performance and stability. By the way, the stability of the computer is checked in general, so, for example, if the power supply is not strong enough to ensure the operation of the video card, the computer may simply reboot...

How to test?

1. Close all programs that can heavily load your PC (games, torrents, videos, etc.).

2. Install and run the program. By the way, it usually automatically detects your video card model, its temperature, and available screen resolution modes.

3. After selecting the resolution (in my case, the standard resolution for a laptop is 1366x768), you can start the test: to do this, click on the CPU Benchmark Present 720 or CPU Stress test button.

4. Card testing will start. At this time, it is better not to touch the PC. The test usually lasts a few minutes (the percentage of test time remaining will be displayed at the top of the screen).

4. After this, FurMark will present you with the results: all the characteristics of your computer (laptop), video card temperature (maximum), number of frames per second, etc. will be indicated here.

To compare your performance with the performance of other users, you need to click the Submit button.

5. In the browser window that opens, you can see not only your submitted results (with the number of points scored), but also the results of other users, and compare the number of points.


This is the name for Russian-speaking users to recall OST (industry standard...). The program has nothing in common with OST, but testing a video card with a fairly high quality standard - it is more than capable of this!

The program is able to test the video card in various modes:

With support for various pixel shaders;

With different DirectX (9 and 11 versions);

Check the card at a user-specified time;

Save test schedules for the user.

How to test a card in OCCT?

1) Go to the GPU: 3D (Graphics Processor Unit) tab. Next you need to set the basic settings:

Testing time (even 15-20 minutes are enough to test a video card, during which the main parameters and errors will be identified);

Resolution and pixel shaders;

It is highly advisable to enable the checkbox to search for and check errors during testing.

In most cases, you can only change the time and run the test (the program will configure everything else automatically).

2) During the test, in the upper left corner, you can observe various parameters: card temperature, number of frames per second (FPS), testing time, etc.

3) After the test is completed, on the right, on the program graphs you can see the temperatures and FPS indicator (in my case, when the video card processor was loaded at 72% (DirectX 11, squeak shaders 4.0, resolution 1366x768) - the video card produced 52 FPS).

Particular attention should be paid to errors during testing (Errors) - their number should be zero.

Test errors.

In general, usually after 5-10 minutes. It becomes clear how the video card behaves and what it is capable of. This test allows you to check for kernel (GPU) failures and memory performance. In any case, the check should not include the following points:

Computer freezes;

The monitor blinks or turns off, the picture disappears from the screen or freezes;

Blue screens;

Significant increase in temperature, overheating (the temperature of the video card above 85 degrees Celsius is undesirable. The causes of overheating can be: dust, a broken cooler, poor ventilation of the case, etc.);

Error messages appear.

Important! By the way, some errors (for example, blue screen, computer freezing, etc.) can be caused by “incorrect” operation of drivers or Windows OS. It is recommended to reinstall/update them and test the operation again.

Probably one of the most famous testing programs. Most of the testing results published in various publications, websites, etc. were carried out in it.

3D Mark 11 - for testing video cards that support DirectX 11.0. This is where I will focus in this article.

There are several versions available for download on the official website (there are paid ones, and there is a free version - Free Basic Edition). We will choose a free one for our test; besides, its capabilities are more than enough for most users.

How to test?

1) Launch the program, select the “Benchmark test only” option and click the Run 3D Mark button (see screenshot below).

2. Next, various tests begin to load in turn: first the bottom of the sea ocean, then the jungle, pyramids, etc. Each test checks how the processor and video card will behave when processing various data.

3. Testing lasts about 10-15 minutes. If there were no errors during the test, after closing the last test, a tab with your results will open in your browser.

You can compare your results and FPS measurements with other participants. By the way, the best results are shown in the most prominent place on the site (you can immediately evaluate the best gaming video cards).

All the best…

Wanting to compare or choose a new gaming video card, we are interested in various gaming tests, in which such indicators as FPS. For inexperienced computer users, the question often arises: what is FPS in a game? To get the answer to this question, we recommend reading. The purpose of this review is to help you find out the number of FPS (frames per second) in a particular game.

The task is actually very simple and will not be very difficult even for a novice computer user. To determine the number of frames per second on our monitor, we will use a small free and very popular program called Fraps. Despite the fact that it is in English, working with it will not be difficult, especially since we will help you. First, you need to download the latest official version of Fraps (the download button is provided at the bottom of the article). After downloading, a file with the name will appear setup.exe. The program is installed like any other. After installation, the following icon will appear on your desktop

by clicking on which we launch Fraps.

The start page of the program will open before us, on which we can set the settings we need such as “Run with the system”, “Run minimized”, etc. If you don’t need any of this or you don’t understand what it’s for, we leave everything as it is by default.

That's all, actually! Now, without closing the program(you can collapse it), launch any game, and in the upper left corner of the monitor we will see yellow numbers - this is the number of frames per second!

If you press the button on the start page 99 FPS Such a window will open before us.

The page we opened has many settings. Anyone who wishes can figure it out and use these additional settings. You can also record videos and take screenshots of the game using the Fraps program. But this is a topic for another article. Our task was to help you determine the FPS value in the game. We hope that we have completed our task and this article will be useful to you.

Let us add that it is quite possible to find a Russified version of Fraps on the Internet. But often these are old versions of the program and they do not always work correctly. This is what prompted us to write this guide.

Almost all personal computer users who have played a beautiful and high-quality game on a computer at least once in their lives have thought about how to increase FPS in games.

Here we mean the very parameter that is responsible for performance.

The higher the FPS, the faster the frames in the game will change. Accordingly, the game will not freeze or run slowly.

In some cases, this parameter is so low that the user simply cannot play normally.

But there are several workable methods that really help. increase FPS in games.

Video card settings

Since it is the video card that is responsible for what image the gamer sees during the game, it is logical that this is the part of the computer that needs to be tuned in order to increase FPS.

Depending on what kind of video card you use - or, the setup process will be different, as well as the parameters that you should pay attention to.

To configure your NVIDIA graphics card, you need to do the following:

1. On the desktop, right-click anywhere on the screen and select the item from the drop-down list "NVIDIA Control Panel".

Rice. 1. NVIDIA settings item on the desktop

2. On the left panel, click on the inscription "Manage 3D Settings". But then the setup itself begins. It involves the following actions:

  • disable triple buffering;
  • set the “highest performance” option next to texture filtering;
  • set the option “No” next to scalable textures;
  • disable expansion restriction;
  • turn off anti-aliasing;
  • enable texture filtering (can also be called anisotropic optimization);
  • enable negative deviation of UD;
  • turn off anisotropic filtering;
  • turn off V-Sync (this may be called vertical sync);
  • enable three-line optimization.

Rice. 2. NVIDIA Settings Window

Rice. 8. The process of starting a driver update

Virus check

In many cases, viruses and spyware prevent the system from working quickly. Because of this, FPS also decreases significantly.

To do this, you can use the antivirus that is already installed on your device. In addition, you can take one of the special programs designed to remove viruses.

2. By default, the user will be on the Cleaning tab (it's in the left panel). There is no need to change anything yet. Click on the “Analysis” button, and then “Cleaning”. This process is quite long, but productive.

Rice. 11. CCleaner program window

3. Then the same needs to be done with the registry. To do this, go to the corresponding tab on the left panel.

The abbreviation FPS stands for FramePerseconds, which literally means “ Frames per second" This value is expressed in a numerical indicator. The number shows us how many frames displayed on the computer monitor during gameplay in one second. This parameter is considered one of the most important when assessing the performance of personal computers in games. The higher the indicator, the more comfortable the player is and the more pleasant the picture on the screen. You can independently check the FPS indicator in any game and understand whether your computer is good enough by modern standards.

How to determine FPS

Some computer games have built-in capability FPS tracking directly during gameplay. Enough for this turn on corresponding setting in the menu. In other cases, you will have to use third-party software. One such program is FRAPS. The application does not affect the computer's performance at all and runs in the background.

First thing download Fraps on computer and install. To do this, open the official website of the application in your browser and click on the Download button.

Run installation file. Click on the consent button " IAgree" and in the next window specify the installation folder:

After selecting the directory, click Next And Install. The program will install in a matter of seconds. Close the installer with the button Close.

Now you need to run Fraps and set it to run in the background in all games. Run application from a desktop shortcut.

On the main screen, check the following boxes:

Fraps will now work in the background. To have the program automatically start when the operating system boots, check the box next to “ RunFrapswhenWindowsstarts».

In the FPS tab you can change folder to save screenshots and assign a button to enable/disable FPS display in games. Don't forget to check the appropriate boxes:

With Fraps you can write down gameplay and save it to your hard drive, but our goal is to obtain frames per second data. Now you can click on the minimize button so that the program appears in the tray on the Start panel.

Now run any of the games installed on your PC. Yellow numbers will appear in the upper left corner, which are the FPS indicator. The value will be displayed until the game is closed.

Optimal number of frames per second

The generally accepted norm for comfortable gameplay is 30fps. However, the smoothness of the picture and the reaction speed in dynamic games largely depend on the FPS, so players prefer the minimum 60 FPS without subsidence during high load on the iron. Especially it concerns eSports disciplines (for example, Dota 2 or CS GO), in which every second is important when making game decisions. For such games, an acceptable indicator is considered from 100 FPS and higher. If your computer does not produce the coveted 30 or 60 frames, you can always reduce the graphics settings to medium or minimum.

Good day.

I assume that every gaming fan (at least with at least a little experience) knows what FPS (frames per second) is. At least those who have encountered slowdowns in games know for sure!

In this article I want to consider the most popular questions regarding this indicator (how to find it out, how to increase FPS, what it should be, what it depends on, etc.). So…

How to find out your FPS in a game

The easiest and fastest way to find out what FPS you have is to install a special program called FRAPS. If you often play computer games, it will help you out quite often.

In short, this is one of the best programs for recording video from games (everything that happens on your screen is recorded). Moreover, the developers have created a special codec that almost does not load your processor with video compression, so that when recording video from a game, the computer does not slow down! Including, FRAPS shows the number of FPS in the game.

There is one drawback to this codec - the videos are quite large and subsequently need to be edited and converted in some editor.The program works in popular versions of Windows: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10. I recommend you check it out.

After installing and launching FRAPS, open the “FPS” section in the program and set the hotkey ( In my screenshot below it’s the F11 button ).

When the utility is running and the button is set, you can start the game. In the game in the upper corner (sometimes right, sometimes left, depending on the settings) you will see yellow numbers - this is the number of FPS ( if you don’t see it, press the hotkey that we set in the previous step).

In the upper right (left) corner the amount of FPS in the game is displayed in yellow numbers. In this game the FPS is 41.

What should it be FPS to play comfortably (without lags and brakes)

There are so many people here, so many opinions :)

In general, the higher the number of FPS, the better. But if the difference between 10 FPS and 60 FPS will be noticed even by a person far from computer games, then not every experienced gamer will understand the difference between 60 FPS and between 120 FPS! I’ll try to answer such a controversial question, since I see it myself...

1. Type of game

The game itself makes a very big difference in the required number of FPS. For example, if this is some kind of strategy where there are no quick and sudden changes in the landscape (for example, turn-based strategies), then you can play quite comfortably at 30 FPS (or even less). Another thing is some kind of fast shooter, where your results directly depend on your reaction. In such a game, the number of frames less than 60 can mean your defeat (you simply will not have time to react to the movements of other players).

The type of game also brings a certain note: if you play online, then the number of FPS (as a rule) should be higher than in a single player game on a PC.

2. Monitor

If you have a regular LCD monitor (and most of them are 60 Hz), then you won’t notice the difference between 60 and 100 Hz. Another thing is if you participate in some online games and have a monitor with a frequency of 120 Hz - then it makes sense to increase the FPS to at least 120 (or a little higher). True, those who play games professionally know better than me what kind of monitor is needed :).

In general, for most game lovers, 60 FPS will be comfortable - and if your PC can handle this amount, then there is no point in squeezing it out more...

How to increase FPS in game

Quite a difficult question. The fact is that a low number of FPS is usually associated with weak hardware, and increasing FPS by a significant amount with weak hardware is almost impossible. But, still, something is possible, the recipe is below...

1. Cleaning Windows from “garbage”

Speed ​​up and clean Windows (best utilities):

2. Video card acceleration

This is a pretty effective method. The fact is that the driver for the video card usually has optimal settings that provide an average picture quality. But, if you set special settings that slightly reduce the quality (often not noticeable to the eye), then the number of FPS increases (has nothing to do with overclocking)!