The iPhone cannot be seen by the original ones after using a non-original cord. What to do if this cable or accessory is not certified

A broken charging cable is the bane of every phone. The most important thing is to find a replacement in time. However, it is not always possible to fork out for an original iPhone. Fortunately, non-branded analogues are common. But to use them, you still need to try.

The problem is that Apple is a very self-centered company. Therefore, if users should buy something, it should only be with their logo. And thanks to this policy, the iPhone has several interesting lines in its program code. They forbid him to use a cable that is not produced by the parent company. And the cost of a real accessory from Apple is quite high. But the proprietary cord contains a special chip, which the device must analyze in order to work.

How to charge an iPhone with a non-original wire

But despite all Apple’s tricks, you can still use a non-native USB cable. Although you will have to suffer a little each time for this. So, a list of actions that need to be carried out so that your iPhone still “eats” the non-original plug and starts charging:

  1. Connect the charger with the cable inserted into it into the outlet.
  2. Take the wire plug and insert it into the smartphone. The latter must be blocked.
  3. A warning will appear that you need to close. To do this, you need to pull it to the side.
  4. Only after this - unlock the device.
  5. Reject everything the iPhone complains about again.
  6. Without blocking the device, remove the cable plug from the Lightning socket and immediately return it to its place.
  7. And again, reject all the windows with which the miracle of Apple technology will notify you.

After this simple list of actions, the device should begin to receive energy.

Is it safe to charge with a non-original cable?

Such manipulations using a cheap cable, which for some reason is still not equipped with a normal chip (for example, like wires from Remax), can be very expensive for its users. The relatively new iPhone 5 has a small but very unpleasant module among all its hardware. It is almost invisible to the eye, but it can really ruin your life.

This little rascal is called U2 IC. It analyzes which cable is currently being used with the smartphone. And if for some reason he doesn’t like this cord, it simply breaks. And if this chip breaks, you will have to either get rid of the iPhone or repair it.

What problem does it cause? It's simple. Without an adequately functioning U2 IC, the device is unable to receive power. Even if it regularly enters the gadget, it does not reach the battery. As a rule, owners think that the battery is damaged, and then they go to change it. But this does not help - as soon as the new battery is discharged to zero, the smartphone will no longer show signs of life.

So what should we do?

Use only high-quality non-original iPhone cables! All manufacturers that respect themselves and their name have long been aware of which chip inside the plug is responsible for initialization in the device. And they even learned to fake it. And therefore, you should not take Chinese “noname” wires from the nearest kiosk. They are certainly cheap and available. But won't it be more expensive to repair your mobile phone later?

It’s better to spend a little money and buy an accessory that is a little more expensive than a Chinese one, but still cheaper than the original one. There is a lot to do in this area. Many manufacturers offer their services:

  • company . There is no need to even doubt this - this company, according to assurances, is certified by Apple themselves. Consequently, your gadget will not suffer from the use of wires purchased with this brand;
  • firm . Their products attract attention; it is impossible to pass by such a wonderful purchase. Their big bonus is that they don't stop at boring monochromatic cables. The Remax assortment includes dozens of different wiring. In the catalog you will find everything, even fabric-braided data cables, which remain operational longer than regular ones;
  • manufacturer named . Severe and solid models for mobile phones that will not become a problem for the user. They are produced with a leather braid, which is more reliable than even fabric. There is no need to talk about quality - it definitely exists. Not a single gadget, according to user reviews, failed while Just was working with it.

China rules! But not in this case and here's why.

In the comments on our site, readers are still asking questions related to the use of USB cables for iPhone and iPad. Some people complain that a message appears on or on the smartphone screen stating that “this cable or accessory is not supported or certified.” In this case, the device does not charge and does not synchronize, restore or updating the gadget also fails. Why do Apple smartphones and tablets not like some USB cables and what can be done about it?

These messages first appeared in iOS 7 on the iPhone 5 - “This accessory may not be supported.” On iOS 8 and later, the content of the message has changed slightly - “This cable or accessory is not certified and is not guaranteed to work reliably with this iPhone.” There are several reasons:

1. You are using a non-original and non-certified USB cable.

The Lightning connector only looks simple from the outside; under its shell there is a microcircuit with 4 microchips. We don’t fully know how they work and what a particular one is intended for, but it is reliably known that this controller:

  1. Switches the contacts to which the iPhone is connected - the Lightning connector is double-sided and is inserted into the connector on either side.
  2. Responsible for the secure transfer of information between the device and the computer when synchronizing with iTunes, restoring and updating iOS.
  3. Limits voltage and current when charging the device.

Yes, the original Lightning cable is too expensive, for example, in the Russian App Store they ask for 1,590 rubles. And this is for 1 meter of wire and two connectors, one of which is the simplest (USB).

Manufacturers of accessories spoke out in defense of user interests and offered analogues. However, “cable is different” and in pursuit of the lowest possible cost, some manufacturers (mostly Chinese) “forget” to add the necessary microchips to the Lightning connectors so that they at least comply with the MFi license. What kind of license is this?

MFi(short for " Made for iPhone/iPod/iPad" - Made for iPod/iPhone/iPad) is an Apple licensing program for manufacturers of accessories compatible with the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.

Made for iPod/iPhone/iPad means that this cable or accessory has been specifically designed to connect to your iPod, iPhone, or iPad and has been certified by the developer to meet Apple performance standards. .

Apple vouches for certified cables and accessories, for which it receives appropriate royalties from each unit, which means they are safe for your device (theoretically).

In addition to the price, original Apple USB cables have serious problems with durability: they quickly fray and break.

I myself stopped using the original Lightning cable from the iPhone 5s in favor of the black Juicies+ with lightning connector and I don’t regret it at all.

So, to ensure that your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad are charged at the appropriate voltage and current, and sync without errors, use at least a certified Lightning cable. It is cheaper than the original one. But, if you do not have such an opportunity, there is a way, like Apple protection, to charge, synchronize and use the cheapest cables.

"The cable is not certified." What to do?

In some cases it is enough:

Sometimes you need this:

For jailbroken devices in Cydia, find and install the “Support Unsupported Accessories 8” or “Unauthorized Lightning Cable Enabler” tweak.

Remember that the problem cannot be completely eliminated in this way - this is only a temporary solution. Apple can always block the “singed” cable at the iOS level. In addition, you risk running into an expensive replacement of the power controller - the cost of the service starts at $80.

Therefore, we strongly recommend using either an original accessory or a certified one, for example, any owner of an iPhone 5 and later models can afford one).

There are times when the warning “This cable or accessory is not certified and is not guaranteed to work reliably with this iPhone” appears even when connecting the original cable, for example, if...

2. USB cable is damaged

If you are definitely using the original cable, and the ill-fated message still appears on the screen, your cable may simply be damaged.

If there are no visible signs of damage, to check, take a known intact (and, of course, original) cable and check the operation of your device with it. If it works, replace the cable with a new one.

3. The connector on the iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad is clogged

We have already written about this situation in. The bottom line is that various debris gets into the connector on an iPhone or iPad (this is especially true for Lightning connectors) and accumulates there for a long time. At some point, there is so much debris that it breaks the cable contact in the connector - and, accordingly, a corresponding warning appears. The solution is to carefully clean the debris from the connector. To do this, you can use a toothpick or a cotton swab moistened with alcohol. I advise you to clean the Lightning connector with your iPhone turned off.


And finally. Since 2008, I have always used the original cables to charge and sync my iPhone and iPad - it's safe and reliable. But if one of them was damaged and failed, I didn’t buy the other original one - it was expensive. Instead, I used a certified one, which I advise you to do. If you don’t have one at hand, you can charge the device once or twice with the cheapest cable, but don’t abuse it - the “unexpected” can sneak up unnoticed.

Some owners of equipment from the well-known Apple brand are faced with the fact that the iPhone does not see the charger or charges every once in a while. This product is quite reliable, but there are times when for various reasons it fails. It is worth knowing that if the gadget has stopped charging, various factors may contribute to this. In this article, we will analyze the possible causes of the gadget malfunction and ways to solve the problem.

Why does the gadget stop taking charge?

The reason why your iPhone won't charge may lie in the phone itself or in its charger. To find out, connect the gadget to a similar, working charger. If after connecting the charger it does not work, this means that the problem is still in the phone. The iPhone connector can become damaged as a result of:

  • mechanical impact (cable rupture or damage, shock, device falling)
  • contact with liquid
  • dust, lint, or debris getting into the charging connector

Software glitches may also be among the reasons why the iPhone stopped charging. As a result of failures, errors occur and the phone controller does not receive commands to charge.

The port may fail due to careless handling, sudden movements when connecting and disconnecting the charging cord to the network. As a result of a fall or impact, the following may become unusable:

  • power controller
  • cable connecting the connector to the board
  • charging connector

It will not be possible to perform a high-quality replacement of the cable and microcircuit on your own.

If water gets inside the device, it can lead to corrosion of internal parts, including the charging port. There is a chance to avoid damage if immediately after contact with the liquid you turn off your iPhone and do not use it for several days.

If the phone is often placed on dusty surfaces or in clothing pockets, then lint, dust, debris and other small particles get into the charging connector. This results in insufficient contact between the port and the cable, resulting in the iPhone not becoming infected.

The reason why your iPhone won't charge could be a faulty battery. Since the battery is designed to last a certain number of charge cycles, it may have reached the end of its life and it's time to buy a new battery.

In addition, the use of uncertified chargers may damage the chip that controls battery charge, sleep button and USB functions. In rare cases, using the wrong cable may cause the gadget to catch fire. Cheap chargers do not stabilize the voltage in the network, which prematurely damages the battery.

Symptoms of faults

There are several clear signs that indicate a faulty iPhone charging circuit. These include the following:

  • The phone is connected to the network, but the charge indicator is not lit (flashing) or shows incorrect data
  • The device turns off before the battery is fully charged
  • The device stopped seeing charging
  • iPhone only works when plugged in
  • Battery indicator constantly flashes
  • iPhone charges if you move the cord in the connector

You should immediately pay attention to these signs, as they indicate that your iPhone's charging has stopped working. It should be repaired immediately.

What to do if the device cannot be charged?

To repair Apple equipment, in particular the iPhone, you need special knowledge and experience. But before turning to specialists, try to perform a few basic steps yourself. They can be useful when the iPhone does not see charging.

First of all, check the iPhone port for dirt, debris, and foreign objects. Unnoticeable lint and dust in the connector can cause the device not to charge at all or to receive a charge only once. To fix this problem, take an ordinary toothpick and carefully clean the connector through which the iPhone is charged.

If your iPhone doesn't charge after the update or suddenly stops charging, try uninstalling or disabling the last installed software, then restart your iPhone.

If your iPhone's charging is not working well or the gadget has stopped working altogether, reboot it. For this:

  • Press the Home and Power buttons simultaneously
  • hold both buttons for 15 seconds
  • wait until the gadget turns off and on

After restarting, the network connection sound should appear. If your iPhone has stopped charging and you can’t get it to work this way, you need to try other methods.

If, after some time after connecting the phone to the network, the charger stops charging, move the cord in the gadget connector. If the phone starts charging, then the connector needs to be replaced. It is better to contact specialists with this problem.

It is not uncommon for an iPhone charger (cable) to become unusable. To check this, try charging a new Apple gadget with it. If charging does not occur, the cable is damaged internally or externally. In this case, it is advisable to replace it with a new, high-quality one.

It may take up to 12 hours to charge the battery with a non-original charger, and it may seem that charging has stopped working. Therefore, it is better to use the original device.

The Lightning cable, which replaced inconvenient wires with wide connectors, has no disadvantages, it is better in everything, but this does not mean that you will never have problems with it...

If the Lightning cable does not charge your iPhone or iPad, then there are only a few reasons for this, and two of them can be solved without purchasing another cable.

The reasons may be the following:

  • The connector in the iPhone/iPad or on the cable is clogged;
  • You are using a non-certified Lightning cable (this cable or accessory is not certified);
  • The cable is broken.
Let's look at each problem in detail and how it can be solved.

The connector in the iPhone/iPad or on the cable is clogged

I encountered this problem personally; visually, with additional lighting, the cable connector and port on the iPhone/iPad look clean. What also confused me was that the device still charged when the cable was bent. For me, the problem was obvious - the cable near the connector was broken.

In fact, it turned out that some contacts were simply clogged. You can take a match or a toothpick, wrap it in cotton wool and wipe it properly. Don't be afraid to gently scrape dirty areas without using cotton wool. It is also advisable to clean the connector itself.

If, after these procedures, the iPhone or iPad began to charge properly or you could see the cable better, then this was your problem.

How to use a non-certified Lightning cable (not from Apple)

Starting with iOS 7, the insidious guys from Apple have banned the use of unofficial Lightning cables for charging and synchronizing iPhones and iPads. When you connect one, you will see the following message:

This cable or accessory is not certified and is not guaranteed to work reliably with this iPhone/iPad.

But don’t rush to run to the nearest store and buy expensive original wiring, this protection can sometimes be bypassed. True, this requires a little tinkering; let’s look at the example of charging an iPhone or iPad from a Chinese charger.

  • Connect to the network from the USB/Plug side
  • Connecting the Lightning cable to the iPhone/iPad
  • We see a window pop up stating that we are scoundrels and are using an uncertified cable, click “Close”
  • Do not turn off the device, pull out the cable from it and connect it back to the iPhone, iPad
  • Click “Close” again and watch as the gadget begins to charge.
This method does not work for everyone; for some, the device even complains that the cable is not certified, but the iPhone/iPad is charging. At worst, you can charge the device while it is turned off. Again, not everyone succeeds, but it’s worth a try.

There is another way to bypass the protection; sometimes in the Cydia repositories you can find a jailbreak tweak called Unauthorized Lightning Cable Enabler, which solves the problem for some. Due to poor performance, the tweaker has no permanent residence.

Lightning cable is broken

Everything is obvious here. If you are not a fan of waving a soldering iron, then calmly go buy a new cable. The only thing that can be recommended in this situation is to think about how you can extend the life of the Lightning cable in the future.

To do this, we need two springs from ordinary ballpoint pens, a little patience and accuracy.

The essence of this method is that the spring is metal and it simply does not allow the wire to bend that much, after which the wire eventually becomes deformed and fails. In addition, the spring shines and only decorates the wire, unlike electrical tape.

You can read more about this method in (author AlexST03).

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When you charge your iPhone or iPad using the Lightning connector, you may see a notification on your screen that says " This cable or accessory is not certified and is not guaranteed to work reliably with this iPhone." Usually after this charging stops. What's the matter?

In contact with

Below we will talk about the three most likely reasons why you might see such a message - and explain what to do in such a situation.

Before we begin, we will suggest you to do a simple procedure: first remove and then insert the cable back into the connector of the iPhone and iPad. It also wouldn't hurt to try connecting to a different USB port or outlet. If in your case there is a random system error (this also happens), this will help. If not, read on.

Reason #1. Use of non-original accessories

Most often, the above message appears when a non-original accessory is used - a cheap replacement for official Apple equipment. Users are trying to save money on branded products - they cost a lot of money even before the crisis - and buy much cheaper accessories from nameless manufacturers. Sometimes these things work, sometimes they don't.

What to do? You can try to bypass the protection. For this:

  • Connect the cable to your iPhone or iPad;
  • Click Close when the message “This cable or accessory is not certified and is not guaranteed to work with this iPhone” appears.
  • Unlock your iPhone or iPad;
  • Click Close again when iOS displays the warning window;
  • Now - without blocking! — unplug the cable from the phone or tablet connector;
  • Reconnect the cable.

An alternative (and much safer for your device) option is to buy a cable that is guaranteed to work and won't harm your iPhone or iPad! There are always cheaper third-party accessories that work just fine—for example, the AmazonBasics Apple Certified Lightning Cable costs just $9.99. In general, you can recognize high-quality accessories by the logo with the inscription Made for iPhone / iPod / iPad(“Made for iPhone/iPod/iPad”) on the packaging.

Reason #2. Cable damage

The message “This cable or accessory is not certified and is not guaranteed to work reliably with this iPhone” may also appear because the accessory is simply broken. Possible reasons: the cable was in water, became a victim of corrosion or physical impact. In this case, it will have to be replaced with a new one - for example, with a legal and quite affordable alternative from Amazon or other manufacturers.

Reason #3. Garbage

A much less common, but still real reason is a physical obstacle to charging. The port can become clogged with crumbs, threads/lint, or any other contents from your pockets. This happens more often with the iPhone, but there are similar complaints from iPad users online. What to do? The solution is obvious - check the ports for stuck debris and clean them of foreign objects (for example, with a toothpick). If you don’t have confidence in your abilities, turn to specialists.