Fraps setting for recording games. We configure Fraps so that it takes a long time to record video from the game

We looked at ways increase FPS(number of frames per second) for smoother motion in dynamic scenes of computer games. This article will be a kind of prehistory for the first one, since below we will consider a way to actually find out this very FPS indicator in the game. And to calculate the frame rate, we will resort to using a small free software for Windows - Fraps.

1. About Fraps

Main purpose Fraps programs is testing the performance of video cards in a 3D environment – computer games and 3D programs. In particular, the program can calculate FPS. Among its other features is recording screenshots and screencasts of games. Friends, these program functions are discussed in detail in another article on the site.”

Fraps, in addition to the paid, fully functional version, has a free version with somewhat limited functionality. Specifically for calculating FPS in the game free version the program is more than enough. In the official edition, Fraps comes only with an English-language interface. The Internet is full of unofficial Russified assemblies of the free edition of Fraps, but not all of them work with Windows systems 8.1 and 10, and it’s not safe to download software from unverified sources. To start calculating the frame rate of a game using the Fraps program, you don’t even need a basic level of knowledge in English, because everything necessary settings and we will look at the steps below. And first, of course, let’s download the program from its official website using the link

Fraps installation is standard. Let's launch the program.

2. Program behavior settings

Before running the test for calculating FPS, let's look at the behavior settings of the Fraps program in its first tab "General":

  • The first one from the top is “ Start Fraps minimized"- this is an option to minimize the program window to the system tray immediately upon startup;
  • Second from the top - "Fraps window always on top"- option to display the program window on top of windows of other Windows applications.
  • Third from top - "Run Fraps when Windows starts"- program autorun along with Windows.

In our case, we use only the option in the lower left corner of the Fraps window - "Minimize to system tray only", which will hide the program in the system tray.

3. Testing to see how many FPS are in the game

Everything related to testing the video card, in particular, calculating FPS in the game, is configured in the second tab of the Fraps program "99 FPS".

How to run a test to find out how much FPS is in the game? In the column "Benchmark Settings" put a tick on the position "FPS". Above and to the right, in the column "Overlay Hotkey" we'll see the preinstalled one hotkey F12 to switch the angle of display of the testing indicator on the monitor screen. If necessary, this key can be changed to another and used during testing if the FPS counter obscures, for example, game statistics. The same key is also used to turn off the FPS counter when the final movement angle is reached.

That's it - we can start testing. We do not close the Fraps program and launch the game. IN full screen mode games in the right top corner We'll see the FPS counter.

4. Testing the FPS indicator and saving the results

In the “99 FPS” program tab we will find another default hotkey - F11 - in the “Benchmarking Hotkey” column. If necessary, it can also be changed to an alternative key. This is the key for saving test results. When you press it during the game, after exiting game client the minimum and maximum FPS will be recorded in the log file.

This log file, along with a csv file, which will contain a more expanded list of FPS indicators during testing, can be found in the folder along the path specified in the column "Folder to save benchmarks in". The path for saving test results changes to another when you click the blue “Change” button.

We can not exit the game client, but simply minimize it Win key to view the results of the FPS calculation express test. To do this, activate the “Stop benchmark after” option and set the number of seconds for which testing will be carried out and the results will be saved to a log file.

Further, as in previous paragraph article, without closing the Fraps program, launch the game. After exiting the game or upon completion of the specified seconds for express testing, we can go for its results along the specified save path. By the way, the program implements fast access to the folder for saving test results - this is the button "View" in the “99 FPS” tab.

5. Other testing settings

In the “99 FPS” program tab there are some other settings that were not used in our case. One of the options that is located in the lower right corner of the program window is "Only update overlay once a second"- this activates the FPS counter update every second, and not every 25 frames, as is configured in the Fraps program by default.

The other two options in the “Benchmark Settings” column are options for testing microlatencies (“Frametimes”) and maximum, minimum, average FPS (“MinMaxAvg”).

These parameters can be seen in the csv file in the folder along the path where the test results are saved.

6. What should be the optimal FPS?

A specific set number benchmark FPS does not exist because at the same frame rate per second in different games There may be different image quality. There is an opinion that the indicator 30 FPS enough for the average in terms of system requirements computer game. But for new games, designed to work with productive hardware, stuffed with effects and dynamics gameplay, this figure may not be enough. Gamers with impressive experience love to chase a high score - so that there is at least 50 FPS.

In any case, when choosing a video card for a PC assembly kit or looking for powerful laptop With discrete video card, it wouldn’t hurt to look at tests of these video cards in computer games on the Internet. The higher the FPS value above 30 such video cards produce, the better.

Although Fraps can be used for a variety of purposes, many people use it specifically for recording video games. However, there are certain nuances here.

Firstly, it is important to remember that Fraps seriously reduces PC performance. Therefore, if the user’s PC can barely cope with the game itself, then you can forget about recording. It is necessary that a power reserve remains or, as a last resort, it can be reduced graphic settings games.

Stage 1: Configuring video capture options

Let's look at each option:

  1. "Video Capture Hotkey"— a key that turns recording on and off. It is important to select the button that is not used by the game controls (1).
  2. "Video Capture Settings":
  • "FPS"(2) (frames per second) - set it to 60, as this will ensure the greatest smoothness (2). The problem here is that the computer must consistently produce 60 frames, otherwise this option will not make sense.
  • Video size - "Full-size"(3). In case of installation "half-size", the output video resolution will be doubled less resolution PC screen. Although, in case insufficient power user's computer, allows you to improve the smoothness of the picture.
  • "Loop buffer length"(4) is a very interesting option. Allows you to start recording not from the moment you press the button, but a specified number of seconds earlier. Lets you not miss interesting point, but increases the load on the PC due to constant recording. If it is noticeable that the PC cannot cope, set the value to 0. Next, experimentally, we calculate a comfortable value that does not harm performance.
  • "Split movie every 4 Gigabytes" (5) — this option recommended for use. It divides the video into parts (when it reaches 4 gigabytes in size) and thus avoids losing the entire video in case of an error.
  • Step 2: Configuring Audio Capture Options

    Everything here is extremely simple.

    1. "Sound Capture Settings"(1) - if the checkbox is checked "Record Win10 sound"- we remove it. This option will enable recording system sounds, which may interfere with recording.
    2. "Record external input"(2) - activates recording from the microphone. We turn it on if the user comments on what is happening in the video. By checking the box opposite "Only capture while pushing..."(3), you can assign a button, when pressed, audio will be recorded from external sources.

    Step 3: Configuring Special Options

    • Option "Hide mouse cursor in video" be sure to turn it on. IN in this case the cursor will only get in the way (1).
    • "Lock framerate while recording"— fixes the number of frames per second when playing at the level specified in the settings "FPS". It is better to turn it on, otherwise there may be jerks during recording (2).
    • "Force lossless RGB capture"— activation maximum quality recording pictures. If the PC power allows, we will definitely activate (3). The load on the PC will be increased, as will the size of the final recording, but the quality will be an order of magnitude higher than if you disable this option.

    By setting these settings, you can achieve optimal quality records. The main thing to remember is that normal operation Fraps is only possible with an average PC configuration for recording last year's projects; for new ones, only a powerful computer is suitable.

    The Fraps program is as old as time and is known to any self-respecting gamer. However, not every one of them knows how to set up Fraps and what capabilities it has besides calculating FPS. In our article we will try to eliminate this gap in the knowledge of some computer gamers. Let's skip the moments of downloading and installing the program. We will assume that Fraps is already installed on your PC and you can immediately start learning the application. We will work with version 3.5.7, which is considered the most stable today.

    First impressions

    Click on the application shortcut ( executable file fraps.exe) and we see the following picture:

    We see the main tester window. It contains General settings programs that determine how Fraps will be launched, as well as standard commands for any software (“Open”, “Close”, “Collapse”). There are no secrets here. Each menu item is clear and understandable.

    In new versions of the program, the “Monitor Aero desktop (DWM)” item has appeared. It works with latest issues Windows, starting with Vista, and only if you have the “Aero” theme enabled. This option allows you to record video from the monitor screen (not only in games). If you have this theme disabled, you will not see this item.

    ...and immediately about the main thing

    Let's go to next tab menu "99fps". In principle, this is what Fraps was created for. Here the essence of the program is configured - the ability to measure FPS. Let's look at this most important element of Fraps in more detail.

    Folder for storing files. In this field we indicate where to save the speed measurement report files. The "Change" button allows you to select the final folder for the test results. The “View” button allows you to enter this folder without long search in file managers.

    Performance check. Here you can assign a hotkey that allows you to start and end the performance test. Below are the test settings. That is, by checking or unchecking the boxes, you can adjust what will be written to the resulting file. You can see an example of such a file in the screenshot below.

    The last line is the period of time during which testing will take place. If you remove the “bird”, it will become indefinite and will end only when you press a hotkey.

    Overlay settings:

    • changing the location of the overlay using a hotkey (without going into the settings, directly in the game itself);
    • assign an overlay position in the settings;
    • set the test information update frequency.

    Feel like D. Cameron

    The third tab is called “video”. As game graphics improve, this option is becoming more popular. Today, it’s rare that a gamer refuses to record at least once the beauty and dynamics game world, in which he is the main character.

    • The first point is already familiar to us from previous tab. In the “Folder for...” field we indicate where our video files will be stored (save format “avi”).
    • Next comes the item for defining a hotkey for capturing video. By clicking it, we activate the process of recording video to disk. Pressing again will end the recording.
    • Even lower are the settings with which “operator work” will be carried out. There are 4 video speed modes to choose from – one custom and 3 fixed: 60 fps; 50 fps; 30 fps. You can also adjust the image quality. There are 2 options for this: full size and half size. Full sizeexcellent quality, but also a very large weight of the output video file.

    Let's give an example. We recorded a short video (full-size version). Click the “View” button. A window opens displaying the folder containing the video.

    Click on the file right click mouse, select “Properties” in the menu that appears. We go to the “Details” tab and see the following picture - an eighteen-second video took up 204 MB. Impressive, isn't it?

    Advice. If you are planning to record your exploits in any game for history, be sure to check how much free space there is on the disk on which the recording will be made.

    The last line below is designed to automatically split the file into 4 GB pieces. If you have file system NTFS and you don’t plan to upload the resulting video file anywhere or copy it to a flash drive (they are usually formatted in FAT32), then you don’t have to check the box. If the video is intended for the Internet or will be used in a FAT32 environment, then the checkbox is required. This is due to certain technical features of the mentioned system, which do not allow working with files larger than 4 GB.

    Now we'll tell you how to configure Fraps to work with audio. Let's go to right side. Sound-related settings are collected here.

    • To record sound coming through the speakers, check the box next to “Record Win7...” and then select the sound that matches your audio system: “Stereo” or “Multichannel”.
    • Working with a microphone. The “Record external...” option is used for this purpose. By selecting it, you connect a microphone, which is very convenient if you want to leave comments. For complete comfort, the developers have given the user the opportunity to independently regulate the process of turning the sound on and off using a hot key that is activated after setting the checkbox in the “Capture...” line.
    • At the very bottom, on the right, there are 3 more options. The first two of them are clear and do not require comment. The third – “RGB Capture...” – is quite specific and is almost never used by ordinary gamers. It is needed to fully display colors on the screen - visually it is almost imperceptible, but significant “brakes” can occur.

    ...or maybe you are a great photographer?

    And finally, last tab"screenshots". Also one of the frequently used functions of the program. Take a screenshot of a magnificent landscape in Skyrim or photograph the brutal face of some mutant from Metro 2033 - who will refuse.

    A little moralizing

    On this, in principle, we can finish the review on the topic of how to properly configure Fraps. You just need to add: there are licensed versions of the program, and there are limited in functionality. Naturally, there are no restrictions in the license. In the shortened version, for example, you will not shoot a video longer than 60 seconds. There are two ways out here. Install hacked Fraps version, which “is not good.” Or follow the path of the entire civilized world - buy a license. Of course, it's up to you. Good luck!

    Fraps - special software to capture video, that is, to record what is happening on the screen personal computer. This program is extremely popular, and most of this demand is due to the fact that Fraps is distributed absolutely. The main advantages of this program include its simple interface, which even a novice user can handle, the ability to Russify the program, and the ability to record video in high quality. Of course, Fraps has one, but rather significant drawback - the output recorded video is big size, which means that “uploading” large-sized videos to some sources simply won’t work.

    Settings and use of Fraps

    As mentioned above, Fraps is quite easy to use. To begin with, the user will have to download the program on the Internet (paid or free version) and install it on his computer. After starting the program, the user will see horizontal menu with several tabs, these are: FPS, “Main”, “Video” and “Screenshot”. As you might guess, the contents of each tab correspond to its name. First you need to go to “Main”. Here you can set the following main options: “Run Fraps minimized”, “Fraps window” and “Run Fraps with Windows”. To launch a particular parameter, just check the box next to it.

    Next, in the “FPS” tab, the user should specify the folder in which test results for measuring performance in computer games will be saved. You can also set a new hotkey that you can click to measure performance (the default is F10). Measurement can be carried out by: “Frame Rate”, “Frame Time”, and everything will be recorded in the “Operation Log” (these parameters can be changed at the request of the user).

    The next tab is “Video”. Here you can specify the hotkey to start recording video using the Fraps program (default F9), specify optimal quantity frames per second, as well as the resolution of future video recording. You can set several FPS options: 60fps, 50fps, 30fps or specify eigenvalue in the appropriate field.

    In the “Screenshots” tab, you can specify the key with which you can take them, the format for saving the image (you can select one of the following options: BMP, JPG, PNG or TGA).

    To shoot video from using Fraps, just launch the game or application and click on the button to start recording video (as mentioned above, by default this is the F9 key). To complete the recording, just press this key again, and the result can be viewed in the “Video” menu. Next to the folder address where your files are saved, you will see a “View” button. After clicking, the last saved video will immediately be shown.

    Many novice players are wondering: how to make not only high-quality, but also full screenshot in the game - such that all interface elements, pop-up windows, etc. are displayed? As a rule, the response is a small list of programs, which is almost always headed by a program called Fraps. Despite the fact that almost everyone has heard about Fraps, not much has been written about it. And perhaps it remains a mystery for you - where can I get this program and how to use it? Now I will tell you about all this.

    But why Fraps? – you may ask. - After all similar programs great multitude! Yes, there are more than enough programs with similar functionality, but it’s not for nothing that Fraps enjoys national recognition, because it has a number of advantages - simple installation, light weight, easy-to-learn interface and a very high-quality output result. And most important advantage, especially for users " The Sims 3"- screenshots taken in full-screen mode are obtained with the original brightness, and are not darkened, as is the case with most other similar programs.
    Download trial version Fraps is available from the program website. The free version is sufficient for creating screenshots. Double-click the downloaded file and the Installation Wizard will launch.

    Click the button in the window I agree, in the next window, if you are not satisfied with the “default” path, enter the full installation path of the program in the field or select it using the button Browse, then press the button Next.

    Next, click Install – the installation will begin, upon completion the button will be activated Close with which we close the Wizard window. The program is installed! We look for the program icon on the desktop and launch it by double-clicking.
    The main window with the basic settings of the program will open. Let's go through its tabs and settings items in them.

    General tab – basic settings

    1. Start Fraps minimized – The program will be launched minimized (on the taskbar).
    2. Fraps window always on top – The program window will always be in the foreground.
    3. Run Fraps when Windows starts – The program will start along with the operating system.
    4. Monitor Aero desktop (DWM) – Only for Vista and Windows 7 operating systems. When you activate the function, if you have an Aero desktop enabled, you will be able to record what happens on it.
    5. Minimize to system tray only – When launched, the program will immediately minimize to the system tray without showing the main window. To open the main window, you will need to double-click on the program icon next to the clock. Works only when step 1 is enabled.

    FPS tab – testing settings and FPS counter indicator (frames per second)

    On this tab we may only be interested in the FPS indication.

    1. Overlay Hotkey – Click on the Enable button and press any key (or key combination) – now, when you press this key in the game, the FPS counter will move cyclically across the four corners of the screen and disappear on the fifth press. note: It is undesirable for Fraps hotkeys to coincide with hotkeys for the game, other programs, or the operating system.
    2. Overlay Corner – choose in which corner to display the frames per second counter. If a counter is not needed, select Hide overlay.
    3. Only update overlay once a second – counter data will be updated once per second, rather than in real time (slightly reduces CPU load)

    Movies tab – video capture settings

    In the free version of the program, the duration of video recording is limited to 30 seconds, and a watermark of the program’s authors will also be superimposed on the video.

    1. Folder to save movies in Change – select the folder in which our video will be saved. Button View
    2. Video Capture Hotkey – place the cursor in the input field and press the key (or combination) that we want to assign to start the video recording process in the game. Clicking a button Disable – cancels the assignment. When you press this hotkey in the game, the video capture process will start and the FPS counter (if activated) will change its color from yellow to red. Pressing the key again will stop video recording.
    3. Video Capture Setting – select how many frames per second the video will be recorded – fixed 60-50-30, or enter your value in a separate field. Full-size – the video size will be equal to the size of the game window. Half-size – the video size will be reduced by half.
    4. Loop buffer length - Allows you to enable "pre-recording" on XX second (that is, if you press the hotkey assigned in step 2 in the game, then final video will be recorded not from the moment of pressing, but XX seconds earlier). Convenient if you are afraid of missing an interesting moment, but it requires quite a lot of resources - leave it unchanged.
    5. Split movie every 4 Gigabytes – the video will be cut into pieces of 4 gigabytes (convenient, for example, for recording on a DVD)
      Sound Capture Settings - audio capture settings (example for Windows 7):
    6. Record Win7 sound – all sounds played on the computer will be recorded. Stereo – the sound will be mixed into two channels (left + right), Multichannel – the number of recorded audio channels will correspond to the settings of the operating system audio playback devices.
    7. Record external input – additionally record sound from the external audio input of the computer, designated as the default input in the system (microphone or line input).
    8. Only capture while pushing – “external” sound will be recorded only if the key assigned in the input field is pressed (to assign a key, click on the field and press the desired button).
    9. Hide mouse cursor in video – the mouse cursor will not be visible on the recorded video.
    10. Lock framerate while recording – FPS in the game will not rise above the assigned FPS for video.
    11. Force lossless RGB capture (may be slower) – record video in uncompressed form, in the RGB (Red-Green-Blue) color system. Maximizes video output possible quality. Requires large processor resources and very capacious and high-speed HDD. Not recommended.

    Screenshots tab

    Now we get to the most interesting part - the settings for capturing images in the game.

    1. Folder to save screenshots in – Click on the input field or button Change – select the folder in which our screenshots will be saved. Button View – will open the save folder.
    2. Screen Capture Hotkey – place the cursor in the input field and press the key (or combination) that we want to assign to take a screenshot in the game. Clicking a button Disable – cancels the assignment. When you press a key in the game, the FPS counter (if activated) will blink at us with a white background.
    3. Image Format – format of captured images. Available in the free version only BMP – the picture will be of the largest size (in order to upload it to picture hosting, it will need to be converted to another format in any graphic editor), but at the same time of maximum quality.
      Screen Capture Settings:
    4. Include frame rate overlay on screenshots – will show the FPS counter on your captured pictures.
    5. Repeat screen capture every XX seconds – when you press the capture key, a photo will be created automatically every XX seconds. To stop the process, press the key again.

    In conclusion, let's look at the menu that can be called up by right-clicking on the program icon in the tray.