A program to open Photoshop files. How to open a PSD file without Photoshop. How can I open this file?

Graphic files, which many users work with almost every day, in the modern world are presented in a variety of formats, some of which cannot interact with each other in any way. But not all image viewing programs can easily open files of various extensions.

First, it’s worth understanding what a PSD file itself is and how to open this format using various programs for viewing and editing graphic documents.

A file with the PSD extension is a raster format for storing graphic information. It was created specifically for Adobe Photoshop. The format has one important difference from standard JPG - the document is compressed without data loss, so the file will always be in the original resolution.

Adobe has not made the file format publicly available, so not all programs can easily open and edit PSD. Let's look at several software solutions that are very convenient for viewing a document, and some of them also allow you to edit it.

Method 1: Adobe Photoshop

It is logical that the very first program that will be mentioned in the methods of opening a PSD file will be the Adobe Photoshop application, for which the extension was created.

Photoshop allows you to perform a variety of actions on a file, including standard viewing, simple editing, layer-level editing, converting to other formats, and much more. Among the disadvantages of the program, it is worth noting that it is paid, so not all users can afford it.

Opening a PSD through an Adobe product is quite simple and quick; you only need to complete a few steps, which will be described in more detail below.

The application from Adobe has a free analogue, which is no worse than the original version from the famous company, but absolutely everyone can use it. Let's analyze it in the second method.

Method 2: GIMP

As mentioned above, GIMP is a free analogue of Adobe Photoshop, which differs from the paid program only in some nuances that are especially unnecessary for almost all users. Any user can download GIMP.

Among the advantages, it can be noted that it supports all the same formats that Photoshop can open and edit; GIMP allows you not only to open PSD, but also to edit it in full. On the downside, users notice that the program takes a long time to load due to the large number of fonts and a rather inconvenient interface.

Opening a PSD file through GIMP is almost like using Adobe Photoshop, only with some features - all dialog boxes open through the program, which is quite convenient when the computer is not the fastest.

Unfortunately, there are no longer any decent programs that allow you to not only open PSD files, but also edit them. Only Photoshop and GIMP allow you to work with this extension “in full force,” so next we’ll look at convenient PSD viewers.

Method 3: PSD Viewer

Perhaps the most convenient and simple program for viewing PSD files is PSD Viewer, which has a clear task and works at the highest speed. Comparing PSD Viewer with Photoshop or GIMP is pointless, since the functionality in these three applications is significantly different.

Among the advantages of PSD Viewer are the fast speed of operation, a simple interface and the absence of unnecessary things. We can say that the program has no downsides, since it exactly fulfills its function - it gives the user the opportunity to view a PSD document.

Opening a file with an Adobe extension in PSD Viewer is very simple; even Photoshop itself cannot boast of such simplicity, but this algorithm also needs to be covered so that no one has any questions.

PSD Viewer is one of the few solutions that allows you to open graphic images at such a speed, because even standard Microsoft applications are not capable of this.

Method 4: XnView

XnView is somewhat similar to PSD Viewer, but here it is possible to perform some manipulations on the file. These actions have nothing to do with image encoding or deep editing; you can only resize and crop the image.

The advantages of the program include a number of editing tools and stability. Of the minuses, you should definitely pay attention to the rather complex interface and the English language, which is not always convenient. Now let's see how to open PSD through XnView.

XnView works very fast and stable, which is not always the case with PSD Viewer, so you can safely use the program even on a busy system.

Method 5: IrfanView

The latest convenient solution that allows you to view PSD is IrfanView. It’s worth saying right away that there are almost no differences from XnViewe, so the pros and cons of the program are the same. It can only be noted that this product supports the Russian language.

The algorithm for opening a PSD file is similar to the previous method, everything is done quickly and simply.

Almost all the programs from the article work the same (the last three), they quickly open the PSD file, and the user can view this file with pleasure. If you know any other convenient software solutions that can open PSD, then share it with us and other readers in the comments.

How to open a psd file, what is hidden behind this extension, and are there free programs to work with it?

The name Photoshop Document (PSD) means a file made in Photoshop. It is distinguished from more common graphic formats (jpeg, gif and png) by the following features:

  • contains a raster image consisting of multi-colored or transparent dots (in contrast to a vector image, which is a series of geometric shapes);
  • uses quality-preserving compression and typically has a large file size;
  • stores and allows you to edit individual layers with parts of the image or special effects;
  • supports fully and partially transparent areas;
  • may contain variable inscriptions made in different fonts, geometric shapes and other editable vector elements.

Programs for viewing and editing psd files

A standard image viewer will most likely not be able to open such a file; viewing or editing will require a specialized tool. The choice of a graphic editor for psd files is influenced by several factors:

  • the need for serious professional work or light processing at the amateur level;
  • the operating system you have installed;
  • the opportunity to spend a certain amount on purchasing software.

Let's consider the features of popular programs for working with *.psd, taking into account these nuances.

Adobe Photoshop - a professional environment for photo processing

The famous raster graphics editor supports Windows (including versions 7 and 8), and it also works with OS X. This professional environment for processing photographs and images created from scratch is equipped with a wide range of tools.

But you have to pay for the functionality - the program is distributed by subscription, you can only get a trial version for free.

GIMP is a free and open source graphics editor.

GIMP works with all popular operating systems (Windows, Mac OS, Linux) and is only slightly inferior to its commercial counterpart. GIMP is good for home use: it has a set of basic image processing functions and is compatible with the formats and tools of other editors.

IrfanView - image viewer

If you just need to open a psd file or make small changes to it, use this simple image viewer instead of the heavyweight editors described above. IrfanView allows you to get basic information about files, display them in various modes and apply simple effects to them.

It runs on Windows and has a free version for home use.

Photoshop is by far the best editor for working with a PSD file. It saves your entire conversion history so you can close at any time and resume later. The difficulty here is that licensed Photoshop() is a very expensive pleasure. If you only need to open and view a few files created in Photoshop, then there is no need to use such heavy software.

Luckily, there are free options. Are they as good as Photoshop? - No. How powerful or flexible? - Not at all. In fact, most of these applications will only be able to view the PSD, without the ability to work with layers. But often a review and minor edits are all we need.



Google Drive

  1. It seems strange to use Google Drive as your picture viewer, but don't be confused—it works pretty well. Log in to the service, Click “My Drive” and select “Upload files...”.
  2. Find and open the PSD file. Double click the file to view. This is probably the easiest way to view one or more files in the proprietary PSD format.

Video: Review of the GIMP graphics editor

This is a program that has great functionality. With its help you can create, edit images, and also create drawings.

The developer of this program is Adobe, and the full name of the utility is .

It has existed for more than twenty years and now has the prefix CS in its name, which means “Creative Suite” software.

The program does not have to be purchased as a complete package. It can be downloaded separately.

The program performs many functions, the simplest of which are:

PSD extension

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This format was created by the Adobe Photoshop image program and is raster. It compresses without affecting quality. It contains layers with masks, transparency, color spaces, texts, two-color settings and much more.

The maximum expansion limits are 30 thousand pixels both in height and width, and in length it is more than 4 exabytes.

In addition, the extension is capable of supporting some fragments in vector graphics. The format is based on the RLE compression algorithm – series encoding.

But, although this file has huge volumes in file extension, the size of the uncompressed TIFF format is still larger.

Most often, this format is used when saving intermediate data during the design of different sites and for storing working data in the areas of graphic design.

And to store the original versions, other extensions are often used, since in this type of format not the finished image can be saved, but only its individual layers.

The final compression only achieves the conversion of this extension to others.

How to open PSD

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You can work with this format in other programs developed by Adobe. For example, Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects. But only Photoshop can work more productively and fully with this file.

If you need to open a file in PSD format, but you don’t have Photoshop installed, then don’t worry.

This utility is freely distributed and has support for the Russian language. It is designed for creating and drawing, and also supports raster and, partially, vector graphics.

The utility will help you in creating and processing images, changing their size, variations with color parameters, overlaying layers on images or removing any of its elements, as well as converting different graphic file extensions.

The program is an approximate analogue of Therefore, it is capable of easily reading the PSD format, on par with other types of formats, without installing any additional plugins.

But, unfortunately, it doesn’t read everything. Additionally, it may save changes to the file incorrectly.

But if you opened it for normal viewing or made some minor changes, you don't have to worry about it.



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This graphic editor can create and edit images, as well as work with several files simultaneously.

During the operation of processing pictures, the editor can save the history of updates: adding effects, blurring, fonts, etc. That is, you can restore or cancel any action when correcting or drawing.

This utility is much better and more functional than the classic Paint from Microsoft: it is simple, very clear to use.

With its help, you can not only apply standard methods to an image, but also find a lot of new features and interesting functions.

The program will also help you open the PSD file, but only when installing the plugin.


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This is not a downloadable program, but just an online service that is a bit reminiscent of Photoshop in its interface.

This option is suitable for you if you do not want to install additional programs on your computer just to open one file.

But, at the same time, please note that any of them are not highly practical, although this one can not only open the PSD extension, but also work with its individual layers and masks.

In addition to working with PSD itself, the service can resize images, create objects and apply effects. In general, for an online service, it is very powerful.

To the website

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An organizer for opening and organizing images.

In addition to the most typical functions, such as adding effects, filters and adjusting colors, the utility has excellent navigation and tools for working with images:

All these and many other operations can be applied simultaneously to several files in an automated manner. In addition, all these combinations and settings can be saved for further use in other works.

A number of the program's capabilities include: creating, working with OS wallpaper and contacts list, splitting images into frames, counting the colors used in the image, generating album links for posting on the network, and various options for capturing images. In short, the utility has an incredible number of features and functions.

The utility is not particularly popular, although this is in vain: it surpasses any converter or file viewer in all respects and can open more than five hundred different image formats: from the most popular to the little-known.

And it can save them in more than seventy extension options.

Therefore, it deserves attention and installation, at least as a typical converter or editor for PSD formats.

In its settings, you can specify the type of conversion: group or streaming.

Not only is the application's interface very easy to use and convenient, but users can also customize it depending on their own preferences.

The utility has an interesting, original design, unlike many programs that do not differ from each other either in their buttons or toolbar.

It seems that the features have already been described, but no: with its help you can open/watch videos/movies in some extensions.

The Russified version is present in programs such as Standart and Extended.



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The program is similar to the previous one, with its help you can view, edit and convert graphic image formats, but it supports an order of magnitude fewer extensions - less than 50.

It has sufficient power and, in addition to graphics, can work with both audio and video formats.

It also supports many plugins, different viewing modes, has standard tools for image processing, is capable of taking screenshots of the screen, creating wallpaper for your desktop, entering slide show modes, and showing thumbnail copies of images.

In addition, it can extract images from icons of files with exe and dll extensions.

To make the functions more extensive and add other options for operations, you can additionally install plugins for it.

The utility has a fairly high operating speed and weighs no more than 5 MB.

It opens a file with the PSD extension as a regular image. You can’t edit or view masks and layers in it, but it’s perfect for simply opening a file.

But to get more opportunities to work with this format, you first need to convert it to another extension.

PSD is a graphic file format for maximum compression without memory loss. It was created specifically for Adobe Photoshop.

This format delivers not only images, but also graphic layers, text, masks and other information from Photoshop. He supports monochrome pictures and color systems RGB And CMYK.

These pictures can be opened in several ways. The most common applications are the ones listed below.

We use Adobe Photoshop

This is a full-fledged multifunctional graphics editor developed by Adobe System. This application is designed for professional processing images and creation of graphic files. An indispensable assistant for web design and creating layouts and sketches.

To get started with PSD in Adobe Photoshop you need run the program, then click " File" in the upper right corner.
Further " Open».

Then find document and press Enter or " Open" If there are several pictures, then highlight right click:

This method of working with documents is only suitable for the licensed version of the editor, which is expensive. If it is not possible to purchase a license, you can use other photo editors or convert the necessary pictures.

Paint.NET + PSD Plugin Application

Most simple photo editing software developed by the .NET Framework company. Runs on Windows OS. For working with graphic images, the software's capabilities are minimal. In addition, you can install PSD Plugin, for processing documents of this format.

GIMP Editor

Free analogue of Adobe Photoshop. Has open source data. This allows the user to make changes to documents. An excellent service for creating website templates, posters and photo collages. A user-friendly interface that anyone can understand.

Using InfanView

Program for viewing graphic files, audio recordings and video files on the computer. Can view with high quality any digital image. Works with Windows and ReactOS. Works with many formats, including Photoshop image format. Distributed on the Internet for free.

Open with Go2convert

Free service for converting documents. It works with images formats PSD, JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, WMF, TIFF, TGA. File Transformer does not have a separate program that can be downloaded. You can only use its services online.