What does 100 minutes mean in plural? Red Energy, Super MTS and Per Second. Smart tariff line

Many of us love to communicate on a mobile phone. Often, communication with friends and close relatives is delayed. Such conversations can lead to significant costs for mobile communications. However, subscribers of the mobile operator MTS received an excellent opportunity to forget about all these difficulties. Now everyone is able to communicate on the MTS network with their loved ones for up to 100 minutes a day. What made it possible to create such conditions for beneficial communication?

Today MTS offers its subscribers a unique option called “Call for free to MTS. As part of this option, you can communicate up to one hundred minutes on MTS per day with all network subscribers in your home region and throughout the country. Agree that this number of minutes is quite a lot. There are more than enough positive reviews about the option in question, because the benefits of activating it are obvious. Although some subscribers have questions about how to disable the service without unnecessary difficulties. What needs to be done for this? But first you need to understand what benefits it gives users.

Every subscriber who uses a tariff plan called “Super MTS” can activate the option. If you are one of the users of this tariff, you can activate “Call for free to MTS Russia 100”. Within its framework, you will receive 1 hour and another 40 minutes for your communication per day. The service will be relevant for those who prefer live communication within the network a lot, and also if you have enough relatives and friends in different regions of the country. And on holidays, the option is completely indispensable.

The cost of activating the option is very low and amounts to only 3.5 rubles. A subscription fee is charged for each day of using the option, which similarly amounts to 3.5 rubles. Payment is debited in advance for the next day at night. To connect the option, you can use one of the methods that suits you. Among them:

  • Personal account, where you need to find the “Service Management” section and in the “Connecting new services” item, set a “cross” in the “Connect” line on this option.
  • Send a short request *868# from your mobile phone.
  • Send an SMS from your phone to 111 with the special text 866.

Disabling the option discussed in this article

In fact, disabling 100 minutes on MTS is extremely simple. If necessary, everyone can deactivate this option without unnecessary difficulties. There are several ways to do this, among which you will definitely be able to choose the most optimal option. It should be noted that all these methods of deactivating the service are similar to the methods of connecting it:

  • Log in to your Personal Account" and deactivate the option using the "Internet Assistant".
  • Use a simple USSD command * 111 * 868 #.
  • Take your mobile phone and send a standard SMS message to the special service number 111 with the text 8680 written in it.

Everything is quite simple and clear. If you have difficulties with the procedure for connecting or disabling the option discussed in this article, then you can always count on the help of specialists from the MTS subscriber support center.

We all love our loved ones, especially those who live far away. But we call them very rarely, because it’s expensive. Fortunately, mobile communications are becoming more accessible. Operators come up with interesting promotions to attract customers. For example, MTS introduced the “Call MTS for free” option. Agree that more than one and a half free hours a day is a lot.

There are many positive reviews online for this service. Questions arise only regarding the connection procedure. We will tell you about this in detail.

Description, conditions and cost of the option

For subscribers of the “Super MTS” tariff, it is now possible to activate the “Call for free to MTS Russia 100” option. It includes 100 minutes (1 hour 40 minutes) per day for free outgoing calls to MTS subscribers in their home region and throughout Russia

Who is this service suitable for:

  • for those who communicate a lot online;
  • for those who often travel around Russia;
  • for those who have many relatives and friends in different cities;
  • on holidays when you need to make a lot of calls.

Service cost:

  • Connection – 3.5 rubles.
  • Subscription fee – 3.5 rubles per day.

The amount withdrawn when activating the “Call for free to MTS Russia 100” service is the fee for the first day of operation of the service. Funds are written off at night, in advance for the next day. You can connect and disconnect 100 minutes for calls within Russia at any time. A subscription fee will be charged for both whole and partial days.

How to activate “Call free to MTS Russia 100 minutes”?

The connection “Call for free to MTS Russia 100” can occur from any mobile gadget, as well as via the Internet.

The option is connected in one of three ways:

  • From your mobile phone, send a USSD request *868#
  • Send a free SMS with the text 868 to the short number MTS 111
  • In your Personal Account - you must check the “Connect” line, in the “Service Management” item, section “Connecting new services”

To find out the number of minutes remaining for the “Call for free to MTS Russia 100” option in the current day, enter the command *100*1# from the phone keyboard. You can also use your Personal Account.

How to disable “Call for free to MTS Russia 100”?

Disabling the “Call for free to MTS” option is similar to connecting:

  • Select the desired section in the “Internet Assistant” account and disable the option
  • Send an SMS with the text 8680 to the short number 111
  • Dial the USSD command *111*868# from your cell phone

Bonus packages and services provide us with a unique opportunity to reduce mobile communications costs. With their help, we can optimize our costs and make communication more profitable. The “Call for free to MTS Russia 100” service provides us with two bonus packages of minutes at once. Let's talk about this service and find out how it works. The service is recommended for connection to all MTS subscribers served under certain tariff plans - they will be discussed in the review. In combination with a minimum subscription fee, we will receive favorable rates for calls within the network throughout the country.

Description of the option “Call for free to MTS Russia 100”

How to disable 100 minutes on MTS

If you don’t need such a nice bonus package of minutes, you should get rid of the service. In order to disable 100 minutes on MTS Russia, send text 8680 to the free service number 111. The USSD command *111*868# is also responsible for deactivation. The most convenient way to disable the service is using your Personal Account, the entrance to which is located on the MTS website .

The prices presented in the review of the “Call for free to MTS Russia 100” services are valid for subscribers from Moscow and the Moscow region.

Those who have been in my LiveJournal since its founding know that I worked for 4 years as an MTS call center operator. Those who didn't know - now they know :)
I have wanted to write this post for a long time and many times. But while I was working there, I did not have the right to write the truth of life. And when I quit, I had no time and no interest in writing about it; I had a move to Canada and much more exciting events. And recently I came across another post on LiveJournal in the style of “MTS steals money” and decided to write it. So, how exactly did we steal your money :)
When I came to MTS, he had only recently bought Primtelephone, so the service was so far only provided in Primorye. And we did our internship there. As soon as we completed our internship, we launched 3 regions - Kamchatka, Magadan and Buryatia. That’s exactly where I decided to go to Magadan. Not physically, of course, meaning that I received calls exclusively from Magadan subscribers.
At that time we had the CBOSS billing system. Simply put, this is the system that charges your calls, connects services, credits money to your balance, and so on. We, the operators, in turn, thanks to this system, see everything related to the number - the owner’s passport data, balance changes - well, it’s clear, right? I’ll say right away that we don’t have the opportunity to get into this system, so to speak, from the inside, with our hands. Not at all. We can only do the same thing there as you can, either independently or through the office. “Inventing” some kind of non-existent call and then charging it is from the realm of fantasy. Well, that’s not what I’m talking about, it’s just painful.
So here it is. We had this system, it worked great, everything suited everyone. And then someone gave kickbacks to someone and another billing system came - Foris. And all hell began. Hell, which lasted all 4 years, which was still there when I quit and about which now I no longer know anything.
There were various rumors about Foris. About the fact that it was written somewhere almost on the knee by local craftsmen. About the fact that it was written somewhere in the Czech Republic. And even about the fact that supposedly the source codes were simply stolen in the same long-suffering Czech Republic, and unfinished, which is why the product is so crude.
Now I read on the Internet that it was even purchased from a related company STROM Telecom and almost 150 million dollars were paid for it. And these, for a moment, are the prices of 2005!
This is exactly how, very indirectly, MTS stole your money. Through kickbacks. Therefore, paying such a sum for this squalor is... I don’t even know what to compare it with. It’s the same as buying rusty Zhiguli cars that don’t drive and have been sitting on bricks in the yard for 10 years at the price of a collectible Ferrari.
In short, about Foris. The first subscribers to be transferred to it were those same Magadan subscribers (they were afraid of Primorye). And away we go. Payment cards were not activated. And when they were activated, they were not credited to the balance. Payment through the office also did not go through. It seems that there were no other payment methods then, but if there were, they didn’t work either. Services were not connected or disconnected. The numbers were not blocked due to debt. And those that had already been paid for were not unblocked. At first the calls were not charged, and then they were all charged en masse. Imagine talking on the phone for free for a month. But next month they charge you the entire amount that you paid last month?
This is just a short list of subscriber problems. We had our own problems. Usually, when they call us, we enter the number into a special window (it used to be like this, then the number was displayed automatically) and see all the information about the number. So, when Foris came, we couldn’t see anything. At best, we could enter the number, but we could not refresh the page to view the information. Foris hung up. At worst, it would freeze as soon as we turned on the computer and started it when we got to work. It hung for the entire shift, then they forcibly closed it, turned off the computer and went home. The next day, history repeated itself.
MTS did not have an answering machine back then. We worked as answering machines. Every shift, the entire shift, for exactly 12 hours, my colleagues and I parroted only one phrase: “Hello, the MTS company is carrying out maintenance work, we apologize for the inconvenience.” And we repeated it incessantly, because, as you understand, the call center was bombarded with calls. Never, before or before, did I know that the muscles of the tongue could still hurt. Choose any phrase, record the time and repeat this phrase without a break for 12 hours. Lunch break - an hour and three smoke breaks, 10 minutes each. And so on, day after day, for several months in a row.
We were mostly good girls and boys. We were still ashamed of our company back then. We still sincerely wanted to help. We spoke in apologetic voices, we tried to calm and console, but what could we do? We couldn’t answer the question: “When will it all end, girl?!”, because we ourselves would like to know. We couldn’t help activate the card because it wasn’t activated for us either. And we couldn’t even see the number. And they couldn’t remove the lock manually. And if we managed to remove it, then we saw information that the number was not blocked, but damn Foris actually did not remove the blocking. Then our local engineers somehow found a way to remove it in some cunning way that was inaccessible to us. Therefore, every shift we accumulated such numbers, sent a huge list to the engineers, and they spent the whole day unblocking the sufferers.
This lasted almost six months. I mean, this absolute hell. When it became possible to activate a payment card through Foris for the first time, it was a holiday. And both for operators and subscribers. Jubilant people called us and said: “Girl, I tried to activate the payment card and...” There was a significant pause, during which we sighed and started a song that was sick and tired of our teeth: “The MTS company is carrying out preventive work...” They interrupted us: “No, no, girl, you don’t understand! I tried to activate it and it... It activated!!!"
Services began to be connected, the blocking began to be lifted, well, even if not immediately after payment, but only after 3-4 hours, but not in a week!
However, in this war we were the worst of all. We had to speak for both sides at the same time. And for the company that did such a nasty thing to both us and subscribers. And for the subscribers, who, in turn, actively did not like us, because we were the only representatives of the company that did such a nasty thing to them. At the same time, both the company and subscribers did not give a damn about our tender feelings. We were so hardened in these battles that we could then be sent anywhere - we were already completely wooden.
In parallel with this, MTS began transferring calls to us from all over the Far East. About a year after I started working, we were already hosting the entire Far East - 11 regions. Then the division was removed. This meant that at any moment a call could come from any region - Yakutia, Sakhalin, Khabarovsk, Kamchatka, Magadan, Buryatia, Chita... And everyone has different tariffs, and some also have their own specific services... And then there’s Foris!
Almost finally, I will say - Foris continued to get sick when I left. Not so constantly, not so massively. But there were days (and even weeks - this is after 4 years of use!) when the entire call center was in a fever. When we saw a newsletter from our HelpDesk that “on such and such a date, from such and such a time, a patch will be installed on Foris, during which Foris will be unavailable,” we groaned. Because, firstly, the installation of the patch never took place at the specified time, but was delayed for several hours. Secondly, this means that there will again be a flurry of calls, because the unfortunate subscribers will again not be able to pay, connect, disconnect, call, and so on. And the saddest thing is that we won’t be able to do this either. Thirdly, this meant that for another week (or even several) after installing the Foris patch, it would be difficult and difficult to get sick - not to remove the blocking, not to charge calls, to charge them at some wild cost...
And I’ll tell you what, dear subscribers! All, absolutely all the joys of life that happen to you, you owe to this damn billing system. I haven’t worked at MTS for a long time, I have nothing to hide and no one to hide from. So don't take this as protection. But! MTS does not steal your money! At least the way you imagine it. No one can enter a call into this billing system's database that you didn't make, because it all happens automatically at the switchboard level. No one can set the duration of a call to 25 minutes if the call was supposedly only 5 minutes. Because this is also done automatically at the switch level. None of the operators have a magic button “Withdraw amount X from subscriber Y in favor of yourself or your company”
But what can really happen is incorrect tariffication. But if it is actually incorrect, then the operator sees it right away. Because he sees the duration of the call with an accuracy of tenths of a second, he sees the number to which the call was made and he knows the tariffs. Therefore, in a few seconds he will calculate whether the tariff is correct and tell you about it. And he will send an application for adjustment if he has such a right (we had). And don't get mad at him if he says he'll make the adjustment in just a few hours. This is not because he is so harmful or wants to spin your money in mythical accounts or hopes that you will forget. Just making one adjustment takes from 15 to 45 minutes (yes, also bureaucracy, what did you think?), and no one will let him go from calls for this. And the calls keep coming because Foris doesn’t sleep. Still. And by the way, I came across information that MTS is going to launch Foris 5. So be careful.

P.S. By the way, if anyone has questions, write here, I’ll be a free consultant. But, as you understand, I can only give an approximate answer, knowing the specifics of the work from the inside. I will answer honestly, because there is no boss over me anymore, I haven’t worked there for a long time and there is no need for me to lie. But, for God’s sake, don’t ask me “How to set up the Internet on your phone?”!!! This question still makes me sick, even though 5 years have passed.

How does MTS stand for? This question can be heard both from the company’s current clients and from those who use SIM cards from other mobile operators, but are interested in one of the leaders in the mobile market of our country. Of course, when concluding an agreement in communication stores, when purchasing a starter kit, you can find out the decoding of this abbreviation in the documentation. However, not all people are so curious at first and think about how the word MTS stands for a little later. This article will provide some interesting facts about the cellular operator, including the issue of the full name.

Brand history

The year of founding of the MTS company is considered to be 1993. The quality of services at that time was far from what modern customers are accustomed to, because communications were provided using the GSM-450 standard. Somewhat later, the operator’s base stations numbered about fifteen, and each of them provided communications using the GSM-900 standard (approximately late 1995 - early 1996). In those years, about six thousand people used mobile devices and services of the operator in question, who could be confident in stable and high-quality communications. How does MTS stand for? Already in those years when one could only dream of the number of services and opportunities that are currently provided to subscribers, a similar question arose. At the moment, MTS is a guarantor of quality and confidence that wherever a client with a SIM card of a red-and-white operator is, he will always be provided with a stable communication channel.

Before we talk about how MTS stands for mobile operator, I would like to provide some interesting information about this company.

  • Currently, customers from the following countries can purchase SIM cards and start using communication services from MTS: Ukraine, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Uzbekistan. Each of these countries provides high quality cellular operator services
  • A number of services are available to clients: landline communications, mobile communications, Internet (home - wired, via modem and mobile), television (cable, satellite, mobile), VAS services (for corporate clients, for example “Auto Secretary”).
  • Since 2015, the company has been providing the opportunity to use the Internet at super speed by launching a personal LTE network.
  • The MTS brand name can be found in more than five thousand showrooms across Russia.
  • In 2015, the operator was able to accomplish the incredible - increase revenue from its own services.
  • The company's current logo, which is a red rectangle with a white egg and the name of the operator's organization on the right side, is the fourth in a row and has been in effect since 2010.

How does MTS stand for?

So, what is meant by the abbreviation mentioned several times earlier? You can find two decryption options, one of them is a short version, the second is a full version. So:

  • MTS - Mobile TeleSystems.
  • MTS - Mobile Telecommunication Systems.


In this article, we talked about how MTS stands for, and also provided several interesting facts about this brand. Please note that the company occupies a confident and stable place in the top three leaders of the Russian mobile communications market and provides its customers with high-quality communications in any region of the country and abroad. Along with standard services, the operator offers a number of additional options that may be interesting and useful to customers, for example, to optimize the cost of roaming services, etc.