Biała Podlaska. Attractions of Biała Podlaska City of Biała Podlaska Poland

This picturesque town is located in the Lublin Voivodeship, on the banks of a river called Kszny. The European route passes through Biała Podlaska, leading from Madrid through Paris, Warsaw and Berlin to Moscow. There is also an international railway line from Paris to Moscow. Naturally, the city of Byala Podlaska is visited by many tourists, including Russian ones, who can stroll along the beautiful streets of the city and visit the interesting sights of the city.

History of the town of Biala Podlaska

The city was first mentioned in the fifteenth century, when the city was part of the Brzeg Voivodeship, which then belonged to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. In the sixteenth century, where there was a market settlement, the small town of Byala was founded, which received Magdeburg Law. At the end of the sixteenth century, the Radziwill family took control of the small town. This family ruled for two hundred and fifty years and during this time a castle was erected and strengthened in the city, and an Academy was founded, which later became a branch of the Krakow Academy. Hospitals and churches were also opened.

In 1706, during the war with Sweden, the city was severely destroyed and generally bad times began for Biała Podlaski. Economic development for the city began after the Second World War; the city is known far beyond the borders of the state, thanks to the high-quality production of fabrics, carpets, and earthenware products. Construction of factories begins, including an aircraft plant.

Attractions Biala Podlaska

The church was built in the Baroque style with money from the Radziwill family in 1747. This temple was consecrated in honor of Saint Barbara. In 1915, after Russian troops retreated from the city, the church was handed over to Orthodox priests. And after the occupation of the city by the Germans, the temple was converted into a Protestant garrison church. A year later, at the insistence of the Austro-Hungarian army, excavations were carried out in the temple, as a result of which the relics of St. Joseph were found. In 1919, the Eastern Catholic Church was transferred to Western Catholics and consecrated in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The most famous value in the city is the palace and park ensemble, that is, the ruins of the former castle of the Radziwill family, which was built in the seventeenth century with the funding of Alexander Ludwig Radziwill. The castle was in the shape of a star with five towers, which were surrounded by a moat and an embankment.

It is worth visiting the stud farm in Janów Podlaski. This is a thoroughbred horse factory, which was created by decree of Alexander the First in 1817. Every summer, various auctions are held here, as well as national exhibitions.

The most picturesque place in the city is, of course, the Podlasie Landscape Park. It was created in 1994 and occupied an area of ​​309 square meters. The park contains six nature reserves, more than seven hundred plant species, and more than two hundred bird species, including rare species that are endangered.

Other interesting places in the city

You should visit the Sanctuary of the Virgin Mary, it is located near the city, in a village called Kodeni. And also the most famous Orthodox monastery in a village called Yablechna. This monastery is visited by believers from all over the world on the religious holiday of St. Onuphrius. Also not far from the city, an interesting place for tourists to visit is the old Tatar cemetery, which is located in the village of Studzianka.

Useful information for tourists about Biala Podlaska in Poland - geographical location, tourist infrastructure, map, architectural features and attractions.

Biala Podlaska is a Polish city of almost 60 thousand people, the predecessor of which belonged, according to documents of the 16th century, to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The existence of this settlement was determined by its location on the strategic West-East route. A small market settlement in the 16th century was transformed into the town of Byala, which had Magdeburg Rights, whose sluggish development was intensified by the intervention of the Radziwill family. Under their confident rule, which lasted a quarter of a millennium, the city was transformed. Under the cover of the walls of the castle built by the new rulers, churches and hospitals gradually appeared, and even an Academy was founded, which later became a branch of the famous Krakow Academy.

Biala Podlaska has also seen difficult times, mainly caused by wars. Thus, the war with Sweden in 1706 left many ruins. The city did not easily endure the merciless tornado of World War II.

But at the same time, Biala Podlaska diligently developed various production areas. In particular, even between the world wars they managed to establish aircraft production here. After 1945, the growing economic development of the city began. Not only was a large aircraft factory rebuilt here, but these places were enriched with previously unusual industries. Soon, even outside Poland, carpets, fabrics, and earthenware products produced in Biała Podlaska became known. Today, the once modest market town is the capital of the Biała district.

The history of the city, spanning half a millennium, is inevitably replete with historical monuments. In Biala Podlaska they are represented mainly by architectural buildings. Their number is amazing.

The greatest historical and architectural value of the city is the ruins of the Radziwill Castle. Built in the 17th century, the palace and park ensemble owes its existence to Alexander Ludwik Radziwill, who provided his funds. The five towers, surrounded by what was once a deep moat and a protective embankment, were geometrically precisely arranged in the form of a five-pointed star.

Another historical monument continues to function actively. We are talking about a stud farm created in 1817 in pursuance of the highest decree of Emperor Alexander I. The purebred Arabian breeds bred here are remembered to this day. Therefore, the national exhibition held annually within the historical site, as well as the international auctions that attract connoisseurs, seem natural.

Biala Podlaska- a city located in the northern part of Lublin Voivodeship on the banks of the Krzna River, on the border of Podlasie and Lublin Polesie. For centuries, the image of the city has been determined by its strategic position on one of the most important communication routes connecting the West with the East - the European route E-30 (state road No. 2), leading from Madrid through Paris, Berlin and Warsaw to Moscow, passes through Byala. And the international railway line E-20 from Paris to Moscow runs here. Accordingly, almost every Russian tourist travels through this pretty town in his own car or train, often stopping to stroll along its picturesque streets.

How to get there
The territory of the Lublin Voivodeship lies along the eastern outskirts of Poland between two rivers, the Vistula and the Western Bug. The voivodeship's neighbors are Belarus and Ukraine, and its eastern border is at the same time the eastern border of the European Union. The easiest way to get to the Lublin Voivodeship is by car: from Warsaw along national road No. 17, from Kielce and Krakow - along roads No. 74 and No. 19, respectively, from Rzeszow and Bialystok - along road No. 19.

In the Lublin Voivodeship there are 6 international border crossing points accessible to tourists: in Terespol, Koroszczyn, Sławatycz (on the border with Belarus), as well as in Dorohusk, Zosin and Hrebenna (on the border with Ukraine). Distances when crossing the international border in Slavatych to the nearest capitals of other countries:

An extensive network of bus routes connects Biała Podlaska with more than 270 settlements, including: Białystok, Brest, Gdańsk, Janów Podlaski, Leśna Podlaski, Lublin, Parczew, Radzyń Podlaski, Terespol, Warsaw, etc.

A little history
The first mentions of the city appeared in the 15th century - Byala was then part of the Brzeg Voivodeship, belonging to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. At the beginning of the 16th century, the town of Byala was founded on the site of a market settlement, which received Magdeburg Law. In the 2nd half of the 16th century, the small, poorly developing city was taken under the control of the Radziwill family. During the reign of the Radziwills, which held its position for 250 years, a fortified castle was erected in Byala, an Academy was founded, which later became a branch of the Krakow Academy; churches and hospitals were built.

Heavily destroyed during the war with Sweden in 1706, the city is going through very difficult times. After the Second World War, Byala, known far beyond the borders of the state as a manufacturer of fabrics, carpets and earthenware, began a period of economic development: factories were built, including an aircraft factory.

Today, Biała Podlaska is not just a city, but also the capital of the administrative region of Biała County.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions in Biała Podlaska
The city's rich, over five hundred years of history is reflected in its many historic buildings. The greatest value in Biała Podlaska is the palace and park ensemble - the ruins of the former Radziwill castle, built at the expense of Alexander Ludwik Radziwill in the 17th century in the shape of a five-pointed star with five towers, surrounded by a moat and an embankment.

It is definitely worth visiting the stud farm of purebred Arabian horses in Janów Podlaski, established by order of Alexander I in 1817. Every year in August, international auctions and a national exhibition are held here. Perhaps the most picturesque place in Biała Podlaska is the Podlasie Landscape Park, created in 1994 and covering an area of ​​309 square meters. km. There are 6 nature reserves within the park; There are more than 760 species of plants, including 22 protected species, and 141 species of birds, including rare and endangered ones.

Other must-see attractions during your stay in Biala are the sanctuary of the Virgin Mary in the village of Koden (Commune Leśna Podlaska), which is a place of religious worship for the inhabitants of Southern Podlasie; and an Orthodox monastery in the village of Yablechna, visited by believers from all over the world on the feast of St. Onuphrius. Another interesting place is the old Tatar cemetery in the village of Studzianka.

Biała Podlaska is the starting point for trips to Southern Podlasie - the region of protected forests. The historical region of Podlasie includes 4 national parks (Białowieża, Biebrza, Narwia and Wigierski), 3 landscape parks (Łomża Landscape Park of the Narwi Valley, Knyszynska Forest Landscape Park, Suwalski Landscape Park), 85 nature reserves, 15 protected landscape zones, 249 ecological lands, natural landscape complex and 2038 natural monuments.

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