Ask a question help vk. VKontakte technical support hotline phone number. How to write a question in VK support

Hello, dear friends. Today we’ll talk about the support service of the social network VKontakte, or more precisely, how to reach it.

I warn you right away that you don’t need to write to technical support for any trivial matter; it’s easier to find a solution to your question on the Internet or in the answer database of the social network itself. There is no need to waste time from technical support workers over trifles. But if you really have a good reason to write, and your problem cannot be solved by reading the forums, then let's figure out how to do it.

We go to our page, click on the top menu in the right corner and select “Help” from the drop-down list:

We are opening a help section. We enter what we want to know into the appropriate field at the top and press the Enter button:

You are presented with search results in which we can see a list of answers that can help you. These are the answers that are in the social network database. Read it quickly, maybe one of these answers will help you.

If nothing helps, then click on the “This doesn’t solve my problem” button:

The next step is to ask us why their answers didn't help. We need to click on the link “I still have questions”:

That's it, they tell us that technical support has a lot of work to do, and they also write to us how long it will take for us to get an answer. Read and click on the “Ask a Question” button.

A field pops up for entering an extended description of the problem. Describe your problem in detail, and I am sure that your problem will be solved:

Now I want to go back a little, to the moment when we entered our question into the field and we were given a list of answers. I want to warn you that there may not be any answers. In this case, they write to us that nothing was found according to the request, and that, if we want, we can write to them. We do not refuse the offer and click on the “write to us” link.

Here is another screenshot of what this window might look like.

After clicking on the link, you will be taken to the already familiar page for entering a message for the support service.

And the last thing I would like to draw your attention to in this article is the “My Questions” tab. Everything that was asked and answers from the support service are placed there. You can always return to a point if a problem suddenly arises again. Technical support will resume correspondence with you until the problem is resolved.

This is where I would like to end this article. Write, don’t be shy, technical support on the social network VKontakte is quite adequate and polite, helping to resolve some issues. But you, for your part, also ask adequate questions, don’t make the support team laugh :)

Until we meet again, dear friends. If something was not clear, you, as always, can ask your question in the comments.

Not everyone knows that VKontakte has a support service where you can contact for any question related to using the capabilities of the social network. Before bothering technical support, you should try to find the answer to your question in a special knowledge base located in the Help section. Let me remind you that Help is in the drop-down list under the name and avatar, which are located on the right in the site header (in the full version).

How to contact VKontakte support service

Help consists of a list of questions divided into separate categories for easy classification of content.

For a faster search, there is a field for entering the question you are interested in. As you enter, VKontakte will offer you various hint options. If you cannot formulate your question or cannot find the answer, only then should you contact support. A reasonable question arises - where is she and how to contact her? So, select any question, click “This does not solve my problem.”

After clicking, you will be offered options that will help you clarify what exactly you were not happy with. From the list, select “I still have questions.”

VKonakte will warn you that you will not receive an answer soon due to the large number of incoming requests. For example, I was asked to expect a response around 20:00 (Saturday). On different days and times of day, the waiting time will be different. Click ask a question and enter the subject and text of the message.

You can attach a photo and file to the message.

VKontakte technical support number

There is no way to call the support service, there is no phone number, you can only ask a question and wait for an answer. The problem cannot be resolved promptly; there is no hotline, since VKontakte and they have to process a large number of requests.

Let's figure it out How can I contact VKontakte technical support?. Is there a phone number you can call or an opportunity to write your question?

How to write to technical support on VKontakte

A large database of answers to the most popular questions has already been compiled especially for you. How can I watch it?

Let's go to our page. Open the menu and click “Help”.

If you have not received an answer to your question, then you can write directly to technical support so that a specialist can help you. To do this, follow the link:

You need to fill out the form. Write a title and description for your question. If necessary, attach a photo (see) or document (see). Then click on the "Submit" button.

You will then be notified of the approximate time when you will receive a response. Lately, technical support has been very busy, so they take a very long time to get in touch. If you are happy with this, click on the “Ask a question” button.

How to call VK technical support by phone

Many users try to find a contact number where they can contact specialists. But unfortunately, it simply doesn't exist.

All user questions are resolved exclusively upon request through the form on the website.

Video tutorial: how to contact VKontakte technical support


But don't be upset. Our website contains answers to all the questions you may have. Just use the search, or look for instructions in the appropriate section.


In contact with

Even the smallest social networks have a large staff of specialists who can solve almost any problem that arises at any time. What can we say about the giants from the series or VKontakte, whose staff probably amounts to tens of thousands of people...

Despite the fact that such Internet projects are as easy to use as possible, some project participants still have problems with the site. Moreover, these are often difficulties that can be solved in just a few seconds. For example, a person may not know how to change their date of birth. It is precisely for such questions that a technical support service is usually created.

If we talk about VK, then, as far as we know, the social network uses a large number of agents to whom you can ask any question regarding the project. However, some people ask support tricky questions that are remotely related to the site and support agents, however, still answer, sometimes even with humor.

Very often this question arises - is it possible to call VKontakte technical support? No, you can't do that. Of course, such a huge structure has an official phone number, but you won’t be able to solve the problem with it - all questions must be asked only through the online form.

How to ask a question to VKontakte support service?

A new page will open where you can see the most frequently asked questions. Just above there is a search bar where you can enter your question.

We ask any question, for example, “the page was blocked.”

A “None of these options apply” button appears at the bottom of the dialog box. Click on it, a sign will appear indicating the waiting time for an answer, after which you need to click on the “Ask a Question” button. On the newly opened page you can tell us about your problem in more detail. When finished, click “Submit” and wait for a response from the agent.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this. We, in turn, advise you to look for answers to your questions regarding , in the vastness of the RuNet, since with a 99% probability the answer has already been voiced more than once. In addition, you put less strain on your support team.

Well, if you have any questions for us, ask them in this thread, we will try to answer them.

Recently I started writing articles, focusing on requests from users of the social network Vkontakte, so once again I asked “How to write to technical support on VKontakte?” And I’ll write an article so that next time I can just send a link in response.

If you have a problem with VKontakte, for example, the page cannot be accessed, it has been hacked, or music does not play, I do not recommend immediately running to technical support. Why?

  1. VKontakte technical support is slow, usually you can solve the problem yourself faster.
  2. There is a chance you won’t get normal help; they will send you to look for information.
  3. Most problems associated with VKontakte can be solved without contacting them. I regularly write articles in which I solve user problems; you can find them in the section. Or use the blog search.

How to write to VKontakte technical support?

Let's imagine that a problem has arisen that can only be solved by technical support in contact, for example, your page has been stolen! The first thing you need to do is find the VKontakte technical support site; they have already changed the address a couple of times. The current link is this

You will see this page, in the field indicated by the arrow you can ask any question that interests you. Also below there is a solution to the most popular questions, such as,?

Contacts and technical support numbers on VKontakte

You can also contact technical support via E-mail, below and I will post the E-mail of the technical support itself and the people who deal with it. Unfortunately, VKontakte technical support does not have a telephone number; calling and solving your problems will not work.

Email: [email protected]– Technical support contact
Email: [email protected]– Gayane Manukyan
Email: [email protected]– Maxim Babichev

I wish you good luck in the fight with technical support, if there are problems, write in the comments.

If this article helped you or you liked it, don't forget give your like, this will help other users find it faster. And I can find out what interests you most in order to prepare and write even more interesting and useful articles! Best regards, Vyacheslav.