Select all keyboard shortcuts in Excel. Microsoft Excel: Hot Keys

This article describes Excel shortcut keys (the term Excel Shortcut Keys is often used) for the Microsoft Excel 2013 version, but most of the key combinations apply to previous versions of Microsoft Excel: Excel 2010, Excel 2007, Excel 2003 (except for the function ribbon key combinations).

Hotkeys in Excel are shortcuts or keyboard shortcuts that can be used to quickly perform various necessary actions and navigate through the program. If you frequently perform the same type of work operations, using hot keys can significantly save your working time.

In localized versions of Microsoft Excel, some hotkeys may not work.

Excel hotkeys for working with the function ribbon (Ribbon)

In new versions of Microsoft Office programs, starting with version 2007, the user interface has changed significantly. A so-called Ribbon appeared at the top of the screen, containing bookmarks with functional buttons.

Bookmarks and some buttons can be activated with keyboard shortcuts. To view these combinations, just press the Alt button.

Excel keyboard shortcuts with Ctrl key

Combination Description
Ctrl+PgDnSwitching between workbook sheets from left to right.
Ctrl+PgUpSwitching between workbook sheets from right to left.
Ctrl+Shift+&Setting a frame for selected cells.
Ctrl+Shift_Removing the border for selected cells.
Ctrl+Shift+~Use the normal number format.
Ctrl+Shift+$Apply currency format with two decimal places.
Ctrl+Shift+%Use percentage format without decimal places.
Ctrl+Shift+^Use scientific (exponential) format with two decimal places.
Ctrl+Shift+#Apply date format with day, month and year.
Ctrl+Shift+@Applying a time format with hours and minutes.
Ctrl+Shift+!Use a number format with two decimal places, a thousands separator, and a sign for negative numbers.
Ctrl+Shift+*Selects the area around the active cell (the area limited by empty rows and columns). In a pivot table, select the entire table.
Ctrl+Shift+:Enter the current time.
Ctrl+Shift+"Copy a value from a cell above the active cell to a cell or formula bar.
Ctrl+Shift+Plus (+)Displays the dialog for adding empty cells.
Ctrl+Minus (-)Displays the dialog for deleting selected cells.
Ctrl+;Enter the current date.
Ctrl+`Switch between displaying cell values ​​and formula text.
Ctrl+"Copy a formula from a cell above the active cell to a cell or formula bar.
Ctrl+1Displays the cell formatting dialog.
Ctrl+3Switch italics.
Ctrl+4Toggle underline.
Ctrl+5Toggle strikethrough.
Ctrl+6Switch between showing and hiding objects.
Ctrl+8Switch between showing and hiding document outline symbols.
Ctrl+9Hide selected rows.
Ctrl+0Hide selected columns.
Ctrl+ASelect the entire sheet. If the worksheet contains data, Ctrl+A selects the current data area. Pressing Ctrl+A a second time selects the entire sheet. When the cursor is to the right of a function name in the formula pane, displays the function arguments window. Ctrl+Shift+A inserts argument names and parentheses when the cursor is to the right of the function name in the formula area.
Ctrl+BToggle bold selection.
Ctrl+CCopy selected cells.
Ctrl+DUse the fill command to copy the value and format of the top cell of a selected range to the cells below.
Ctrl+EAdd values ​​to the active column using the data around that column.
Ctrl+F Search. Shift+F5 also displays this mode. Shift+F4 repeats the last search operation. Ctrl+Shift+F opens the cell formatting dialog with the font selection mode highlighted.
Ctrl+GDialog display Go to. F5 also displays this dialog.
Ctrl+HDisplaying the Find and Replace dialog with mode highlighted Replacement.
Ctrl+ISwitch italics.
Ctrl+KDisplays a dialog for adding or editing a hyperlink.
Ctrl+NCreate a new empty workbook.
Ctrl+ODisplays the file open dialog. Ctrl+Shift+O selects all cells containing notes.
Ctrl+PDisplays the print dialog with preview. Ctrl+Shift+P opens the cell formatting dialog with the font selection mode highlighted.
Ctrl+QDisplay options for quick data analysis for cells where this data is.
Ctrl+RUse the fill command to copy the value and format of the left cell of a selected range to the cells on the right.
Ctrl+SSaves the current file with its current name, path, and format.
Ctrl+TDisplays the table creation dialog.
Ctrl+UToggle underline. Ctrl+Shift+U switches the mode of expanding or narrowing the area.
Ctrl+VPastes the contents of the clipboard at the insertion point, replacing any selection. Available only after copying or cutting an object, text, or cell content. Ctrl+Alt+V displays the Paste Special dialog. Available only after copying or cutting an object, text, or cell contents on the current sheet or in another program.
Ctrl+WClosing the active workbook window
Ctrl+XCutting out selected cells.
Ctrl+YRepeat the last command or action, if possible.
Ctrl+ZUsing the command to undo the last action.

Excel Hotkeys Using Function Keys (F1-F12)

Combination Description
F1Display the Excel help panel. Ctrl+F1 displays or hides the function ribbon. Alt+F1 creates an embedded graph from the selected range data. Alt+Shift+F1 inserts a new sheet.
F2Edit the active cell by placing the cursor at the end of the cell data. Also moves the cursor to the formula area if the cell's editing mode is turned off. Shift+F2 add or edit comment. Ctrl+F2 displays the print panel with preview.
F3Displays the insert name dialog. Available only if names have been defined in the workbook (Formulas tab on the ribbon, Defined names group, Set name). Shift+F3 displays the insert function dialog.
F4Repeats the last command or action, if possible. When a cell or area is selected in a formula, it switches between different combinations of absolute and relative references). Ctrl+F4 closes the active workbook window. Alt+F4 closes Excel.
F5Dialog display Go to. Ctrl+F5 restores the window size of the selected workbook.
F6Switch between worksheet, function ribbon, taskbar, and zoom elements. On a worksheet for which division of areas is enabled (menu command View, Window, Divide), F6 also allows you to switch between split worksheet windows. Shift+F6 allows you to switch between the worksheet, zoom controls, taskbar, and function ribbon. Ctrl+F6 switches to the next workbook when more than one workbook window is open.
F7Displays a spell check dialog for the active worksheet or selected range of cells. Ctrl+F7 turns on the mode for moving the workbook window if it is not maximized (using the cursor keys allows you to move the window in the desired direction; pressing Enter completes the movement; pressing Esc cancels the movement).
F8Enables or disables selection expansion mode. In expand mode, the arrow keys allow you to expand the selection. Shift+F8 allows you to add non-adjacent cells or areas to the selection area using the cursor keys. Ctrl+F8 allows you to use the cursor keys to resize the workbook window if it is not maximized. Alt+F8 displays dialog Macros to create, run, change or delete macros.
F9Performs calculations on all worksheets in all open workbooks. Shift+F9 performs calculations on the active worksheet. Ctrl+Alt+F9 performs calculations on all worksheets in all open workbooks, regardless of whether there have been changes since the last calculation. Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F9 rechecks dependent formulas and then performs calculations in all cells of all open workbooks, including cells not marked as requiring calculations. Ctrl+F9 minimizes the workbook window to an icon.
F10Enables or disables hotkey tooltips on the function ribbon (same as the Alt key). Shift+F10 displays the context menu for the selected object. Alt+Shift+F10 displays a menu or message for the error checking button. Ctrl+F10 maximizes or restores the size of the current workbook.
F11Creates a chart with data from the currently selected range in a separate chart sheet. Shift+F11 adds a new worksheet. Alt+F11 opens the Microsoft Visual Basic For Applications editor, where you can create macros using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).
F12Displays a dialog Save as.

Other useful Excel keyboard shortcuts

Combination Description
AltEnables or disables hotkey tooltips on the Function Ribbon.
Arrow keysMoves the cursor one cell up, down, left, or right in the current worksheet.
Ctrl+Arrow key moves the cursor to the edge of the current data on the worksheet.
Shift+Arrow key expands the selection range by one cell.
Ctrl+Shift+Arrow key extends the selection range to the last non-empty cell in the same column or row, or, if the next cell is empty, extends the selection range to the next non-empty cell.
The Left Key or the Right Key switches tabs on the Feature Ribbon when it is active. When a submenu is open or highlighted, switch between the main menu and the submenu. When a function bar tab is highlighted, the keys allow you to navigate through the buttons for the current tab.
Down Key or Up Key highlight the next or previous commands when a menu or submenu is open. When a function bar bookmark is selected, these keys allow you to move up and down the bookmark buttons.
In a dialog box, the arrow keys allow you to move between options in an open drop-down list or between options in option groups.
Down key or Alt+Down key opens the selected drop-down list.
BackspaceRemoves one character from the left in the formula bar.
Also clears the contents of the active cell.
In cell editing mode, deletes the character to the left of the cursor.
DeleteRemoves content (data and formulas) from selected cells without affecting formatting or comments.
In cell editing mode, deletes one character to the right of the cursor.
EndEnables or disables Jump to End mode. In this mode, you can use the arrow keys to move to the next non-blank cell in the same column or row. The mode turns off automatically after pressing the arrow key. The status of the mode, if enabled, is displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the application window.
If the cells are empty, pressing the End key and then pressing the arrow key moves the cursor to the last cell in the row or column.
Highlights the last menu command when a menu or submenu is open.
Ctrl+End moves the cursor to the last cell of the worksheet (bottom used row and right used column). If the cursor is in the formula bar, then pressing Ctrl+End moves the cursor to the end of the text.
Ctrl+Shift+End expands the range of selected cells to the last used worksheet cell (lower right corner). If the cursor is in the formula bar, then Ctrl+Shift+End selects all the text in the formula bar from the cursor position to the end.
EnterCompletes entry in a cell when editing in a cell or in the formula bar and selects the cell below (default).
On a data form, moves the cursor to the first field of the next record.
Opens the selected menu or performs an action for the selected command.
In the dialog box, it performs the default button action (a button with a bold border, often the Ok button).
Alt+Enter starts a new line in the current cell
Ctrl+Enter fills the selected range of cells with the current input data.
Shift+Enter completes entry in a cell and selects the parent cell.
EscCancels input in a cell or formula bar.
Closes an open menu or submenu, dialog box, or message box.
Also turns off full screen mode.
HomeMoves the cursor to the beginning of the worksheet line.
Moves the cursor to the very first cell of the worksheet (top left) when Scroll Lock is enabled.
Highlights the first menu command when a menu or submenu is active.
Ctrl+Home moves the cursor to the beginning of the worksheet.
Ctrl+Shift+Home extends the cell selection range to the beginning of the worksheet.
Page DownMoves the cursor down one screen in the worksheet.
Alt+Page Down moves the worksheet cursor one screen to the right.
Ctrl+Page Down switches to the next sheet of the workbook.
Ctrl+Shift+Page Down selects the current and next sheets of the workbook.
Page UpMoves the cursor up one screen in the worksheet.
Alt+Page Up moves the cursor in the worksheet one screen to the left.
Ctrl+Page Up switches to the previous sheet of the workbook.
Ctrl+Shift+Page Up selects the current and previous sheets of the workbook.
SpacebarIn a dialog box, performs an action on the selected button and sets or clears check boxes.
Ctrl+Spacebar selects the entire worksheet column.
Shift+Spacebar selects the entire row of the worksheet.
Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar selects the entire worksheet. If the worksheet contains data, it selects the current area. Pressing Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar a second time selects the entire current area and its resulting rows. Pressing Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar a third time selects the entire worksheet. When an object is selected, Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar selects all objects on the worksheet.
Alt+Spacebar displays the control menu for the Excel window.
TabMoves the cursor one cell to the right in the worksheet.
Moves the cursor between cells of a protected worksheet.
Moves the cursor to the next option or group in the dialog box.
Shift+Tab moves the cursor to the previous worksheet cell or to the previous dialog box option.
Ctrl+Tab switches to the next tab of the dialog box.
Ctrl+Shift+Tab switches to the previous tab of the dialog box.

Keyboard shortcuts- this is almost the first thing you should learn when working in a certain program; they will help to significantly save time.

Some, because can be used in various applications, for example, the combination for selecting everything (text in MS Word, data in MS Excel or files in Explorer) “Ctrl + A”, finding an application where it will not work is quite problematic, other combinations are so intricate and specific, that memorizing them makes no sense, for example, the window for calling up the list of styles in MS Word “Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S” hardly makes sense to memorize. However, there are combinations that, on the one hand, are very simple and easy to use, but on the other hand, oddly enough, are little known.

You can start entering the sum formula, you can use the sum icon on the ribbon, or you can simply press “ALT+=”.

Combination 2 and 3. How to select a column or row in Excel.

Everyone knows the keyboard shortcut for selecting an entire sheet in Excel “Ctrl+A”; this combination works in many other applications, but in Excel you can select only a column or only a row.

Hot Shortcut to Select an Entire Column "Ctrl+space", and if you need to quickly select a line, you should use the combination "Shift+space". If you select a row, and then immediately, without deselecting it, select a column, you will get something similar to Ctrl+A. You can also select a row or column using the mouse by simply clicking on the name of the column/column, but using a hotkey combination is faster.

Combination 4 and 5. How to hide a column or row in MS Excel.

It’s unlikely to be a big secret that you can hide a column using the context menu, but if you use the combination "Ctrl+0" it will be faster and "Ctrl+9" hides a row from an Excel sheet.

Combination 6. How to delete a row or column in MS Excel.

If you need to not just hide, but delete a row or column, use the combination "Ctrl+-" this can be done as quickly as possible.

Combination 7 and 8. How to add the current date/time to a cell.

Unlike the previous ones, this is a rather specific hot combination. But the fastest way to insert the current date into a cell is "Ctrl+;", and if you add the Shift key to this combination, then the current time will be inserted - "Ctrl+Shift+;".

Combination 9. How to show formulas instead of calculations.

In complex calculations, it can be convenient to look not at the result of a formula, but at the formula itself. You can also display formulas in calculations through the menu, but with the combination "Ctrl+`"(tilde) this can be done an order of magnitude faster.

Combination 10. How to start editing data in a MS Excel cell.

You can start editing the data in a cell by simply clicking on the cell itself or placing the cursor in the formula bar, but the key "F2" will allow you not to be distracted to reach the mouse. At first it may seem that it is absolutely not important which method to use, however, for users who constantly work in Excel, the F2 key should be remembered almost the first.

Excel hotkeys help you work more efficiently with the program.

The Excel spreadsheet processor combines a lot of functions and capabilities for working with even the most complex tables and documents.

The presence of hot keys makes it easier for users. They don't have to be distracted by clicking a button on a toolbar.

Unfortunately, a small number of users are aware of all the features of the program, in particular, the most popular keyboard shortcuts.


Whether you are creating a complex report or a simple table in the program, calculation functions are equally necessary in both cases.

Using hot functions, you can carry out all calculations several times faster and more efficiently.

Having written any formula, the user independently determines the order of actions that will be performed on the cell.

Operators are symbolic or conditional designations of actions that will be performed in a cell.

List of hotkeys and operators they call:

Combination Description Excel 2003 and older Excel 2007 and 2010
SHIF+F3 This combination calls the function wizard mode Insert → Function Formulas → Insert Function
F4 Switch between document links
CTRL+~ Displays the data in a cell and the result of its calculations Tools → Formula Dependencies → Formula Validation Mode Formulas → Show formulas
ALT+= Calls the autosum function Insert → Function → SUM Formulas → Autosum
F9 Performing formula recalculation Tools → Options → Calculations → Calculate Formulas → Recalculation
SHIFT+F9 Performing formula recalculation only on an included worksheet Tools → Options → Calculations → Sheet recalculation Formulas → Perform calculations


Using editing hotkeys you can easily fill the table with data. You can fill a range and edit a cell without leaving your keyboard:

Combination Description Excel 2003 and older Excel 2007 and 2010
F2 Calling the selected cell editor Excel 2007 and 2010 F2 Edit active cell Double left click on cell
SHIFT+F2 Calling a cell note Right click on cell → Edit Note
CTRL+Delete Removes selected text
CTRL+ALT+ V Special insert Right click on range → Paste Special
CTRL++ Adding specified rows and columns Insert → Rows/Columns Home → Insert → Rows/Columns
CTRL+- Deleting specified rows and columns Right-click on selected rows/columns → Delete Home → Delete → Rows/Columns
CTRL+D Fill a range (down) with data from a cell that has been selected Edit → Fill → Down Home → Fill → Down
CTRL+R Fill a range (to the right) with data from the cell that has been selected Edit → Fill → Right Home → Fill → Right
CTRL+H Calling the Find-Replace dialog box Edit → Replace Home → Find and Select → Replace
SHIFT+F11 Creating a new blank sheet in a workbook Insert → Sheet Home → Insert → Insert Sheet
CTRL+Z Undoing the last action taken in a program Edit → Undo
CTRL+Y Repeat the last action taken in the program Edit → Redo
ALT+SHIFT+ Grouping selected data and elements Data → Group and Structure → Group Data → Group
ALT+SHIFT+ Ungroup selected data and elements Data → Group and Structure → Ungroup Data → Ungroup


Formatting data using hot keys allows you to configure the format of each cell for further calculations without calling an additional menu.

Combination Description Excel 2003 and older Excel 2007 and 2010
CTRL +1 Opening the cell format editing dialog box Format → Cells Right click on range → Format Cells
CTRL +SHIFT +~ Setting a general format for elements Right click on cells → Format Cell → Number
CTRL +SHIFT +$ Hotkey for entering the currency format
CTRL +SHIFT +% Hotkey for entering percentage format
CTRL +SHIFT +# Hotkey for entering the “Date” format
CTRL +SHIFT +@ Hotkey for setting time
CTRL + SHIFT +! Setting the numeric data format
CTRL +B Setting Bold Font Right click on cells → Format Cell → Font
CTRL +I Setting the Italic font
CTRL +U Emphasizes text
CTRL +5 Entering strikethrough text
CTRL +SHIFT +& Enable Outer Borders of a Selected Cell Right click on cells → Format Cell → Border
CTRL +SHIFT +_ Turning off any edges of a cell

Data input

Quick keyboard shortcuts for data entry will save time because you don't have to constantly switch between cells manually and select text.

Navigation and highlighting

Navigation hotkeys will help you quickly navigate the position of all elements on the sheet and access each of them more efficiently.

Combination Description Excel 2003 and older Excel 2007 and 2010
CTRL +Backspace Return to previous cell
CTRL +PgUp /PgDown Navigation through book sheets
CTRL+Tab Book navigation Window → desired file View → Go to another window
CTRL +space Column selection
SHIFT+SPACEBAR Selecting a stitch
ALT+; F5 → Select → Visible Cells Only Home → Find and Select → Selecting a Group of Cells → Only Visible Cells
CTRL +A Select cells that are in the visible range of the sheet
CTRL +End Move to the most recent cell
CTRL +SHIFT +End Selecting the most recent cell
CTRL + arrows Move to Column Edges

Working with files

With just a few key combinations you can open, save or create a file.

Use the save hotkey periodically to avoid losing document data in the event of a program failure.

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These hotkey combinations allow you to create additional modes for working with tables and other functions necessary for quick work in the program.

Combination Description Excel 2003 and older Excel 2007 and 2010
CTRL +L Smart table creation mode Data → List → Create List Data → Format as table
CTRL +F2 Keyboard shortcut to enable preview File -> Preview Office button (File) → Print → Preview
F4 Repeat the last action performed
CTRL +K Inserting a hyperlink Insert → Hyperlink Insert → Hyperlink
CTRL +F3 Calling the Name Manager Insert → Name → Assign Formulas → Name Manager
ALT +F8 Open Macro Dialog Box Tools → Macro → Macros Developer → Macros

Spreadsheet users can also use hotkeys for the search function. Search in Excel is stylized as a special key on the main toolbar.

The search window with subsequent replacement will help reduce the time spent editing a document.

You can call the search menu using the hotkey combination CTRL + F, as in other MS Office programs. In this way, only the keyboard is used.

To find or replace elements, follow the instructions:

  • Press CTRL +F or the search menu on the toolbar;
  • In the window that opens, go to the search tab if you just need to find an object or to the “find-replace” tab if you need to search the document and then replace the found data;

  • Using additional functions, you can specify special search parameters, for example, cell format, location and search area;
  • After the cell with the original data has been found, click on the Replace button.

12 ways to speed up your work in Microsoft Excell

No. 1. Copying elements

To avoid manually copying the same formula into each cell of the same column, simply move your pointer to the first cell and double-click the black cross, as shown in the figure.

No. 2. Automatic determination of the required width of each column

To set the correct column width, double-click on the border of one of them.

No. 3. Quickly create a drop-down list in one of the cells

To quickly create such a list, follow the instructions:

  1. Select an area of ​​cells or a single cell;
  2. On the toolbar, select the Data tab and in the validation field, select “Data Type” and then create a list;
  3. In the dialog box, specify the coordinate of the cell in which the list will be located.

No. 4. Copying elements while maintaining formatting

Advice! To avoid adjusting formatting after each copy, in the filling parameters, select the item that fills only the appeared value with formatting, as shown in the figure.

No. 5. Instant transition to a new document sheet

You can quickly move between sheets by right-clicking on the table of contents of the book (lower left corner of the working window).

No. 6. Creating a Smart Table

A regular list in a table can be turned into a smart table using the hotkey combination CTRL + L.

This way, a filter will be connected and all incoming data in the table will be automatically adjusted (aligned by size).

No. 7. Instantly add information to a chart

In order not to enter cell coordinates into the diagram over and over again, you can do the following: select all the necessary cells and drag them onto the diagram.

Introducing useful keyboard shortcuts and function keys for Excel 2016, including shortcuts you can use to access the Ribbon.

Commonly used keyboard shortcuts in Excel

This list contains the most common keyboard shortcuts for Excel 2016.

CTRL+W— Closing the spreadsheet.
CTRL+O— Opening a spreadsheet.
ALT+H— Go to the Home tab.
CTRL+S— Saving a spreadsheet.
CTRL+C- Copying.
CTRL+V- Insert.
CTRL+Z— Cancel the operation.
DELETE key— Deleting the contents of cells.
ALT+H,H— Select the fill color.
CTRL+X- Cutting out.
ALT+N— Go to the Insert tab.
CTRL+B— Bold.
ALT+H, A, C— Align cell contents to the center.
ALT+P— Go to the Page Layout tab.
ALT+A— Go to the Data tab.
ALT+W— Go to the View tab.
SHIFT+F10 or the context menu key - Formatting a cell from the context menu.
ALT+H,B— Adding borders.
ALT+H,D,C— Deleting a column.
ALT+M— Go to the Formula tab.

Using ribbon access keys

To go to a tab on the ribbon, press one of the following access keys.

ALT+Q— Open the Help field on the ribbon and enter a search term to get help or open help.
ALT+F- Open the File page and use Backstage view.
ALT+I- Open the Home tab and format text and numbers, or use the search tool.
ALT+C- Open the Insert tab and insert pivot tables, charts, add-ins, sparklines, pictures, shapes, headings, or text boxes.
ALT+Z- Open the Page Layout tab to work with themes, page settings, scale, and alignment.
ALT+L- Open the Formulas tab to insert, track, and customize functions and calculations.
ALT+Ë- Open the Data tab to connect to, sort, filter, analyze, and more.
ALT+P- Open the Review tab to check spelling, add notes, and protect sheets and workbooks.
ALT+O- Open the View tab to view page breaks, select view modes, show and hide gridlines and titles, change zoom, manage windows and panes, and view macros.

Working with ribbon tabs and menus using the keyboard

ALT or F10(Use the access keys or arrow keys to move to another tab) - Select the active ribbon tab and activate the access keys.
TAB or SHIFT+TAB— Moving focus to commands on the ribbon.
DOWN ARROW, UP ARROW, LEFT ARROW, or RIGHT ARROW— Move down, up, left, or right between items on the ribbon.
SPACEBAR or ENTER— Activation of the selected button.
ARROW TO DOWN— Opens a list for the selected command.
ALT+DOWN ARROW— Opens the menu for the selected button.
DOWN ARROW key— Selecting the next command after opening a menu or submenu.
CTRL+F1— Hiding and showing the feed.
SHIFT+F10 or context menu key - Opens the context menu.
LEFT ARROW key— Go to a submenu in an open or selected menu.

Move through cells using keyboard shortcuts

SHIFT+TAB— Move to the previous worksheet cell or previous option in the dialog box.
UP ARROW key— Move up the sheet one cell.
DOWN ARROW key— Move down the sheet one cell.
LEFT ARROW key— Move along the sheet one cell to the left.
RIGHT ARROW key— Move along the sheet one cell to the right.
CTRL+arrow key— Moves to the edge of the current data area on the worksheet.
END, arrow key— Switch to jump to end mode. moving to the next non-blank cell in the same column or row (it becomes active), exiting the jump to end mode. If cells are empty, move to the last cell in the column or row.
CTRL+END— Moves to the last cell on the worksheet, located in the lowest usable row of the rightmost usable column.
CTRL+SHIFT+END— Expanding the selected area to the last cell of the sheet (lower right corner).
HOME+SCROLL LOCK— When SCROLL LOCK mode is on, move to the cell in the upper left corner of the window.
CTRL+HOME— Go to the beginning of the line on the sheet. HOME Go to the beginning of the sheet.
PAGE DOWN— Move one screen down the sheet.
CTRL+PAGE DOWN— Move to the next sheet of the book.
ALT+PAGE DOWN— Move one screen to the right on the sheet.
PAGE UP— Move one screen up the sheet.
ALT+PAGE UP— Move one screen to the left on the sheet.
CTRL+PAGE UP— Go to the previous sheet of the book.
TAB— Move one cell to the right on the sheet. In a protected sheet, transition between unprotected cells.

Highlight and perform actions using keyboard shortcuts

CTRL+A or CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR— Selecting the entire sheet.
CTRL+SHIFT+PAGE DOWN— Selecting the current and next sheets of the book.
CTRL+SHIFT+PAGE UP— Selecting the current and previous sheets of the book.
SHIFT+arrow key— Expanding the selected area by one cell.
CTRL+SHIFT+arrow key— Extends the selection to the last non-blank cell in the same row or column as the active cell, or, if the next cell is empty, to the next non-blank cell.
Enable selection mode and expand the selection using the arrow keys. To turn off the mode, press the combination again. F8 - Enable selection mode and expand the selected range using the arrow keys. To turn off the mode, press the combination again.
SHIFT+F8- Add non-adjacent cells or range to the selection using the arrow keys.
ALT+ENTER— Start a new line in the current cell.
CTRL+ENTER— Fill the selected cells with the current value.
SHIFT+ENTER— Complete the entry in the current cell and move to the cell above.
CTRL+SPACEBAR— Selecting an entire column on a sheet.
SHIFT+SPACEBAR— Selecting the entire row on the sheet.
CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR— If an object is selected, selects all objects on the sheet.
CTRL+SHIFT+HOME— Expanding the selected area to the beginning of the sheet.
CTRL+A or CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR— Selecting the current area if the sheet contains data. Press the combination again to highlight the current area and its total rows. Press the combination a third time to select the entire sheet.
CTRL+SHIFT+asterisk (*)— Selects the current area around the active cell or selects the entire PivotTable report.
HOME— If a menu or submenu is displayed on the screen, select the first command in it.
CTRL+Y— Repeat the last command or action, if possible.
CTRL+Z— Cancel the last action.

Format cells using keyboard shortcuts

CTRL+1- Format a cell using the Format Cells dialog box.
CTRL+SHIFT+F or CTRL+SHIFT+P- Formatting fonts using the Format Cells dialog box.
SHIFT+F2— Add or change a note to a cell.
CTRL+SHIFT+plus sign (+)- Insert blank cells using the Insert dialog box.
CTRL+minus sign (-)- Displays the Delete Cells dialog box to delete selected cells.
CTRL+SHIFT+COLON (:)— Insert current time.
CTRL+SHIFT+COLON (:)— Insert the current date.
CTRL+ACCUSS SIGN (`)— Switching between display modes for cell values ​​and formulas on the sheet.
CTRL+APOSTROPHE (‘)— Copy the formula of the top cell to the current cell or to the formula bar.
CTRL+X— Moving selected cells.
CTRL+C— Copying selected cells.
CTRL+V- Inserts content at the insertion point, replacing the selected content.
CTRL+ALT+V- Paste content using the Paste Special dialog box.
CTRL+I or CTRL+3— Apply or remove italics.
CTRL+B or CTRL+2— Apply or remove bold style.
CTRL+U or CTRL+4— Underline text or remove underlining.
CTRL+5— Apply or remove strikethrough formatting.
CTRL+6— Switching between modes of hiding objects, showing objects and displaying object outlines.
CTRL+SHIFT+AMPERSAND (&)— Insert a structure frame into selected cells.
CTRL+SHIFT+UNDERScore (_)— Removing the structure frame from selected cells.
CTRL+8— Show or hide structure symbols.
CTRL+9— Hiding selected lines.
CTRL+0— Hiding selected columns.
CTRL+D- Use the Fill Down command to copy the contents and format of the top cell of the selected area to all the cells below.
CTRL+R- Use the Fill Right command to copy the contents and format of the leftmost cell of the selected area to all cells to the right.
CTRL+SHIFT+TILDE (~)— Application of a common number format.
CTRL+SHIFT+DOLLAR SIGN ($)— Apply currency format with two decimal places (negative numbers appear in parentheses).
CTRL+SHIFT+PERCENTAGE SIGN (%)— Application of percentage format without fractional part.
CTRL+SHIFT+COVER (^)— Use exponential number format with two decimal places.
CTRL+SHIFT+NUMBER SIGN (#)- Apply date format indicating day, month and year.
CTRL+SHIFT+“@” SIGN— Application of a time format with display of hours and minutes and AM or PM indexes.
CTRL+SHIFT+EXCLAMATION POINT (!)— Use a number format with two decimal places, a place separator, and a minus sign (–) for negative values.
CTRL+K— Creating or changing a hyperlink.
F7— Spell checking on the active sheet or in the selected range.
CTRL+Q— Displaying express analysis parameters for selected cells containing data.
CTRL+L or CTRL+T— Displays the “Create Table” dialog box.

Working with data, functions, and the formula bar using keyboard shortcuts

CTRL+SHIFT+STAR (*)— Selecting the entire PivotTable report.
F2- Change the active cell and place the insertion point at the end of the content. If editing is disabled for a cell, the insertion point is placed in the formula bar. When editing a formula, you can turn hint mode on or off so you can use the arrow keys to create a reference.
CTRL+SHIFT+U— Expand or collapse the formula bar.
ESC— Cancel input in a cell or formula bar.
ENTER— Complete the entry in the formula bar and move to the cell below.
CTRL+END— Moves the cursor to the end of the text in the formula bar.
CTRL+SHIFT+END— Selects all text in the formula bar from the cursor position to the end.
F9— Calculate all sheets of all open books.
SHIFT+F9— Calculate the current sheet.
CTRL+ALT+F9— Calculation for all sheets of all open workbooks, regardless of whether changes have been made to them since the last calculation.
CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+F9- Check dependent formulas and calculate for cells in all open workbooks, including cells not marked for calculation.
ALT+SHIFT+F10— Displays a menu or error checking button message.
CTRL+A- Displays the Function Arguments dialog box when the cursor is located to the right of the function name in a formula.
CTRL+SHIFT+A— Inserts a list of arguments in parentheses if the cursor is located to the right of the function name in the formula.
CTRL+E— Call the Instant Fill function to automatically detect patterns in adjacent columns and fill the current column.
F4— If a cell or range reference is selected in the formula, iterate through all combinations of absolute and relative references.
SHIFT+F3— Inserting a function.
CTRL+SHIFT+STRAIGHT QUOTES (“)— Copy the contents of the top cell to the current cell or formula bar.
ALT+F1— Creation of an embedded data chart in the current area.
F11— Creating a chart with data from the current range on a separate sheet.
ALT+M, M, D— Defining a name to use in links.
F3- Insert a name from the Insert Name dialog box (if names are defined in the workbook).
ENTER - Moves to the first field of the next record in a data form.
ALT+F8— Create, run, edit or delete a macro.
ALT+F11— Launch the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) editor.

Function keys

F1— Displays the Excel Help task pane.
The keyboard shortcut CTRL+F1 shows or hides the ribbon.
The ALT+F1 keyboard shortcut creates a chart with data in the current area.
The keyboard shortcut ALT+SHIFT+F1 adds a new sheet to the workbook.

F2- Change the active cell and move the insertion point to the end of the content. If editing is disabled for a cell, the insertion point is placed in the formula bar. When editing a formula, you can turn hint mode on or off so you can use the arrow keys to create a reference.
The SHIFT+F2 shortcut adds or changes comments to a cell.
The keyboard shortcut CTRL+F2 brings up the print preview area on the Print tab in Backstage View.

F3— Displays the Insert Name dialog box. Available only if names are defined in the workbook (Formulas tab, Defined Names group, Assign Name).
Press SHIFT+F3 to display the Function Wizard - Step 1 of 2 dialog box.

F4— Repeats the last command or action, if possible.
When a cell or range reference is selected in a formula, you can use the F4 key to toggle between all possible absolute and relative values.
The CTRL+F4 key combination closes the window of the selected book.
The ALT+F4 keyboard shortcut closes Excel.

F5— Displays the Transition dialog box.
The CTRL+F5 key combination restores the size of the selected workbook window.

F6- Switches the insertion point between the sheet, ribbon, task pane, and zoom controls. In split sheets (View menu, Window group, Freeze Panes section, Split Window command), when you switch between panels and a ribbon area using the F6 key, split panes also participate in the switching.
SHIFT+F6 moves between the worksheet, zoom controls, task pane, and ribbon.
If more than one workbook is open, CTRL+F6 moves the insertion point to the next workbook window.

F7— Displays the Spelling dialog box to check spelling in the active worksheet or selected range.
If the workbook window is not maximized, the keyboard shortcut CTRL+F7 executes the Move command. Use the cursor keys to move the window and press ENTER, or press ESC to cancel.

F8— Switching to selection mode and exiting it. When enabled, the status bar displays Expand Selection and the arrow keys expand the selection.
The SHIFT+F8 keyboard shortcut allows you to use the arrow keys to add non-adjacent cells or a range to a selection.
The CTRL+F8 keyboard shortcut calls the Size command (in the Book Window Control menu) if the window is not maximized.
The ALT+F8 keyboard shortcut displays the Macro dialog box, which allows you to create, run, edit, and delete macros.

F9— Calculates all sheets of all open books.
The SHIFT+F9 keyboard shortcut calculates the active sheet.
The keyboard shortcut CTRL+ALT+F9 calculates all sheets of all open workbooks, regardless of whether changes have been made to them since the last calculation.
The keyboard shortcut CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+F9 checks dependent formulas and then recalculates cells in all open workbooks, including cells not marked for calculation.
The CTRL+F9 key combination minimizes the book window to an icon.

F10— Turns tooltips on and off (the same thing happens when you press the ALT key).
The SHIFT+F10 keyboard shortcut displays a context menu for the selected item.
The ALT+SHIFT+F10 keyboard shortcut displays menus or error check button messages.
The CTRL+F10 keyboard shortcut maximizes or restores the selected workbook window to its original size.

F11— Creates a chart with data from the current range on a separate sheet.
The SHIFT+F11 key combination inserts a new sheet into the workbook.
The ALT+F11 keyboard shortcut opens the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications editor, in which you can create a macro in VBA.

F12— Display the Save As dialog box.

Other useful keyboard shortcuts

ALT— Displays key tips (new keyboard shortcuts) on the ribbon.
ALT, W, P switches the sheet to page layout mode.
ALT, W, L switches the sheet to normal mode.
ALT, W, I switches the sheet to page mode.

Arrow keys— Move across the sheet one cell up, down, left or right.
The CTRL+ARROW KEY combination moves to the boundary of the current worksheet data area.
The SHIFT+ARROW key combination expands the selected cell area by one cell.
CTRL+SHIFT+ARROW KEY expands the selection of cells to the last non-blank cell in the same row or column as the active cell, or, if the next cell is empty, extends the selection to the next non-blank cell.
When the ribbon is highlighted, the LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW keys help you select a tab on the left or right. When a submenu is selected or open, these arrow keys allow you to move from the main menu to the submenu and back. When a ribbon tab is selected, these keys help you navigate through the tabs.
When a menu or submenu is open, the DOWN ARROW or UP ARROW keys help you move to the previous or next command. When a ribbon tab is selected, these keys allow you to move up and down groups of tabs.
In a dialog box, the arrow keys move to the next or previous option in the selected drop-down list or group of options.
The DOWN ARROW key or ALT+DOWN ARROW opens the selected drop-down list.

BACKSPACE— Removes one character from the left in the formula bar.
Also deletes the contents of the active cell.
In cell editing mode, deletes the character to the left of the insertion point.

DELETE- Deletes cell content (data and formulas) in the selected cell without affecting cell formatting or comments.
In cell editing mode, deletes the character to the right of the insertion point.

END- Using the END key you can turn on or off the end mode. In this mode, you can use the arrow keys to move to the next non-blank cell in the same row or column as the active cell. Skip to end mode turns off automatically when you press an arrow key. You must press the END key again before pressing the next arrow key. When this mode is enabled, it appears in the status bar.
If the cells are empty, pressing the END key and the arrow keys in succession moves to the last cell in the row or column.
Additionally, if a menu or submenu is displayed on the screen, the last menu command is selected.
The CTRL+END keyboard shortcut moves to the last cell on the worksheet, located in the bottom-most usable row of the rightmost usable column. If the cursor is in the formula bar, CTRL+END moves the cursor to the end of the text.
The CTRL+SHIFT+END shortcut expands the selected cell range to the last used worksheet cell (lower right corner). If the cursor is in the formula bar, CTRL+SHIFT+END selects all text in the formula bar from the cursor position to the end of the line (this does not affect the height of the formula bar).

ENTER— Finishes entering a value in a cell in the formula bar and selects the cell below (default).
In a data entry form, moves to the first field of the next record.
Opens the selected menu (press F10 to activate the menu bar) or executes the selected command.
In a dialog box, performs the action assigned to the default button selected in the dialog box (this button is highlighted with a thick border, often the OK button).
ALT+ENTER starts a new line in the current cell.
The CTRL+ENTER key combination fills the selected cells with the current value.
SHIFT+ENTER ends the entry in a cell and moves the insertion point to the cell above.

ESC— Cancels input in a cell or formula bar.
Closes a menu or submenu, dialog box, or message box.
Also closes full screen mode, if it was applied, returning to normal mode, which displays the ribbon and status bar.

HOME— Moves to the beginning of a line or sheet.
When SCROLL LOCK mode is enabled, it moves to the cell in the upper left corner of the window.
Additionally, if a menu or submenu is displayed on the screen, this key selects the first command from the menu.
The CTRL+HOME key combination moves to the cell at the beginning of the sheet.
The CTRL+SHIFT+HOME key combination expands the selected range of cells to the beginning of the sheet.

PAGE DOWN— Moves one screen down the sheet.
The ALT+PAGE DOWN key combination moves one screen to the right on the sheet.
The CTRL+PAGE DOWN key combination moves to the next sheet of the workbook.
The CTRL+SHIFT+PAGE DOWN key combination allows you to select the current and next sheets of the book.

PAGE UP— Moves one screen up the sheet.
The ALT+PAGE UP key combination moves one screen to the left on the sheet.
The CTRL+PAGE UP key combination moves to the previous sheet of the workbook.
The CTRL+SHIFT+PAGE UP key combination allows you to select the current and previous sheets of the book.

SPACE— In a dialog box, clicks the selected button or selects and clears a checkbox.
The CTRL+SPACEBAR shortcut selects a worksheet column.
SHIFT+SPACEBAR selects a row in the worksheet.
The keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR selects the entire sheet.
If the worksheet contains data, CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR selects the current area. Pressing CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR again selects the current area and its resulting rows. The third time you press CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR, the entire sheet is selected.
If an object is selected, the keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR allows you to select all objects on the worksheet.
The ALT+SPACEBAR keyboard shortcut displays the Control menu in the Excel window.

Tab— Moves one cell to the right.
Navigates between unprotected cells on a protected sheet.
Moves to the next option or group of options in the dialog box.
SHIFT+TAB moves to the previous worksheet cell or previous option in a dialog box.
The CTRL+TAB key combination moves to the next tab of the dialog box.
The keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+TAB navigates to the previous tab of the dialog box.

Hot keys are a function that, by typing a specific key combination on the keyboard, offers quick access to certain features of the operating system or a separate program. Microsoft Excel also has this tool. Let's find out what hotkeys are available in Excel and what you can do with them.

First of all, it should be noted that in the list of hotkeys below, the single “+” sign will serve as the symbol that represents the keyboard shortcut. If the “++” sign is indicated, this means that on the keyboard you need to press the “+” key along with the other key that is indicated. The name of the function keys is indicated as they are called on the keyboard: F1, F2, F3, etc.

Also, it should be said that you need to press the service keys first. These include Shift, Ctrl and Alt. And then, holding these keys, press the function keys, buttons with letters, numbers, and other symbols.

General settings

Microsoft's general management tools include the basic capabilities of the program: opening, saving, creating a file, etc. The hotkeys that provide access to these functions are as follows:

  • Ctrl+N – create a file;
  • Ctrl+S – save the book;
  • F12 – select the format and location of the book to save;
  • Ctrl+O – open a new book;
  • Ctrl+F4 – close the book;
  • Ctrl+P – print preview;
  • Ctrl+A – select the entire sheet.

Navigation keys

There are also hotkeys for navigating through a sheet or book.

  • Ctrl + F6 – move between several open books;
  • Tab – move to the next cell;
  • Shift + Tab – move to the previous cell;
  • Page Up – move up by monitor size;
  • Page Down – move down by monitor size;
  • Ctrl + Page Up – move to the previous sheet;
  • Ctrl + Page Down – move to the next sheet;
  • Ctrl + End – move to the last cell;
  • Ctrl + Home – move to the first cell.

Hotkeys for computing activities

The Microsoft Excel program is used not only for simple construction of tables, but also for computational operations in them by entering formulas. There are corresponding hotkeys for quick access to these actions.

  • Alt+= — activation of autosum;
  • Ctrl+~ - display calculation results in cells;
  • F9 – recalculation of all formulas in the file;
  • Shift+F9 – recalculation of formulas on the active sheet;
  • Shift+F3 – call the Function Wizard.

Data editing

Hotkeys designed for editing data allow you to quickly fill the table with information.

  • F2 – editing mode of the marked cell;
  • Ctrl++ - adding columns or rows;
  • Ctrl+- - deletes selected columns or rows on a Microsoft Excel table sheet;
  • Ctrl+Delete – deleting selected text;
  • Ctrl+H – “Search/Replace” window;
  • Ctrl+Z – cancel the last action performed;
  • Ctrl+Alt+V – special paste.


One of the important elements of designing tables and cell ranges is formatting. In addition, formatting also affects calculation processes in Excel.

  • Ctrl+Shift+% — enable percentage format;
  • Ctrl+Shift+$—monetary format;
  • Ctrl+Shift+# — date format;
  • Ctrl+Shift+! – number format;
  • Ctrl+Shift+~ - general format;
  • Ctrl+1 – activates the cell formatting window.

Other hotkeys

In addition to the hotkeys that were indicated in the above groups, the Excel application has the following important combinations of buttons on the keyboard for calling functions:

  • Alt+’ – select a design style;
  • F11 – create a chart on a new sheet;
  • Shift+F2 – change a comment in a cell;
  • F7 – check text for errors.

Of course, not all options for using hot keys in Microsoft Excel were presented above. However, we paid attention to the most popular, useful, and in-demand ones. Of course, using hot keys can significantly simplify and speed up work in Microsoft Excel.