Choosing an external battery for a laptop. Possible options for charging a laptop battery without a charger

The battery is the weak point of any laptop. The older he gets, the faster the battery drains. Therefore, the issue of recharging it becomes more and more acute, and the charger is not always at hand. Is it possible to charge a laptop via a USB port from another computer or from an external PowerBank? Let's try to understand this issue.

If I had been asked this question a few years ago, I would have confidently answered that no, you can’t! Indeed, previously the USB port on a laptop was used exclusively for connecting peripheral devices. Yes, it was possible to recharge a phone or tablet from it, but it did not have the opposite effect. A special power supply was used to charge the battery. Moreover, often each manufacturer had it with its own individual connector, which was terribly inconvenient. Especially on the road.

But time passes and everything changes. On the latest models of laptops, netbooks and ultrabooks, a new USB 3.1 port has been used to connect power. This is the so-called Type C connector. This is what it looks like:

So, thanks to technological progress, you can finally use USB ports to charge your laptop.

What are the differences between ports

The fact is that the USB standard itself was developed quite a long time ago, back in 1994. And then the question of supplying pure power through this bus did not arise at all. Subsequently, over more than 20 years, quite a few types of USB connectors were invented:

But the only thing they all had in common was that they could not provide power transmission of more than 4.5 Watts. If this was at least enough for a smartphone or tablet, then for a laptop you need at least 30, and preferably 50 or more. Accordingly, charging a laptop via USB was out of the question until a more energy-intensive version appeared. And Type C became it. It is almost two times smaller in size than the usual 2.0/3.0 standard port:

But it can easily provide current transmission of up to 100 Watts in both directions - that is, both to the connected devices and from them to the host. This is quite enough not only for ordinary models, but even for gaming laptops. You can take one or two powerful power banks with you on the road and not worry about not having an outlet at hand!

What about owners of old models?

Unfortunately, they will not be able to charge a laptop via a USB port under any circumstances. They just don't know how to do it. How to be in this case? Just buy an extra battery and carry it with you. Or, as an option, save money to buy a new mobile computer. You may object - you can’t save enough money for this! But if your work depends on it, then maybe it makes sense to invest? You decide! Good luck!

  • It happens that you have to work with a laptop in places where there is no way to recharge it from the mains. For example, you urgently need to finish writing or drawing something, but the battery runs out. For such cases, a wonderful device was invented: a portable battery for gadgets of various types. It's called briefly. Those users who come across this device for the first time often ask how to charge a laptop via a power bank and how effective such charging will be.

    General Features and Benefits

    Thanks to the good capacity of such a device, a laptop charged with a power bank can work three times longer than on its own battery. Of course, the computer will have to be constantly powered, but in conditions where it is impossible to connect to the network, this can be a real salvation.

    The power bank is compact and indispensable for long-distance travel. Many power models are designed in such a way that they can be used to charge several gadgets at the same time. Each power is equipped with an indicator light that shows when it itself needs power.

    Technique for charging a laptop using a power bank device

    How to charge a laptop using a power bank? All gadgets, including a laptop computer, are charged from the power supply very simply.

    The main thing is to pay attention to the battery capacity (most laptops have batteries with a capacity of up to 20,000 mAh), as well as the voltage (U) of the USB input port and current. Usually it is 19 Volts and 2 Amperes, no more.

    Do not forget that before you start charging your laptop with a power bank, the device itself must be fully charged. There is nothing complicated about the connection itself. You just need to connect the portable battery to the computer you are charging via its USB port.

    A little about the specifics of power banks and popular manufacturing companies

    The power bank itself can be charged either from the network or from a computer connected to the network - depending on the situation. When giving preference to one or another portable charger, it is important to keep in mind that not all models will allow you to work with a laptop and charge it at the same time.

    The most popular companies at the present stage are Xiaomi, Drobak, Power Plant. They produce universal power banks that can be used to charge any gadget, including laptop computers. A good power bank will have a durable body and reliable protection from environmental factors. As a rule, the casings of devices with an increased degree of security are painted orange or red.

    The capacity of a power bank that is suitable specifically for charging a laptop should be at least 20,000 mAh, or more. The higher the power capacity, the longer the laptop will work.

    If you prefer compactness, you can purchase an inexpensive power bank Xiaomi Mi 2000 0. This power is remarkable in that you can work with a laptop while charging it at the same time. The capacity of Xiaomi Mi is fully consistent with the required indicators - 20,000 mAh, and its light weight, about 400 grams, will allow you to carry it with you.

    If you need a more powerful device, there is Power Plant K2 50000, which is suitable for all laptop computers and can become simply irreplaceable in conditions of a long absence of mains power supply.

    Using a power bank is very simple - it is only important to choose the right device that matches the parameters of your laptop. When purchasing, also pay attention to the appearance, manufacturer and price. If you select a power bank that matches the characteristics of your computer, it will always help you out when access to the electrical network is impossible.

    Sometimes you need to take a laptop on a long trip. However, it is not uncommon for a situation to arise when the charger fails or there is no AC power nearby. In this case, the question arises: “How to charge a laptop without charging?”

    What to do if the charger fails on the road?

    If the charger breaks down at the wrong time, you can try to fix the adapter yourself. You need to check the condition of the cable that connects to the laptop. In most cases, it deteriorates due to improper use or, for example, when the battery is not latched completely.

    You can try to disassemble the charger. It happens that one or more wires come off. In other cases, when the charger does not work, it is necessary to either replace it or use unconventional means of recharging the battery.

    Features of using solar panels for batteries

    If you spend most of your time outdoors, and you need your laptop for work or entertainment, then one way to extend the battery life of your laptop is to buy a solar battery. It connects directly to and allows you to convert sunlight into electricity.

    In general, there are 2 types of laptop charging: stations designed to maintain the functionality of a large amount of electronic equipment, and portable mini-batteries with low power. The first option is not suitable for going outdoors: the huge dimensions and complexity of the installation do not allow you to quickly stop the work in case of precipitation.

    The main advantage of this charging method is that it can extend the operating time by a couple of hours (depending on the power). A standard portable one has a voltage of 19 V. However, it is important to consider that this indicator can only be obtained in clear, cloudless weather. This power is enough to charge a laptop battery.

    The only drawback of a solar battery is the inability to work on a computer while charging. This is due to the fact that the maximum voltage of 19 V is not a constant value. After a certain time, the battery will gradually lose its energy characteristics. Thus, when thinking about the question of how to charge a laptop without charging, you should remember that buying the above-mentioned device will only be beneficial if you are going to be in a sunny place for a long period of time.

    Extending laptop life using an external battery

    Another way to charge a laptop without a charger is to purchase this portable equipment, which allows you to increase the operating time of your computer by several hours. In most cases, a standard laptop can operate without recharging for about 2 hours. When purchasing an external battery, this period can be increased by approximately 2 times.

    Answering the question “how to charge a laptop without a charger,” we note that at the moment there is a large selection of external adapters, differing both in size and in the amount of energy needed to work without a network.

    Another advantage of this charging method is that the external battery comes with branches that allow you to charge a smartphone, digital camera, or tablet. As for the disadvantages, these include the size of the battery. However, in the online store you can choose a battery with a small charge capacity that fits in a hiking bag or backpack.

    Thus, charging a laptop using an external battery can be done anywhere, regardless of weather conditions (which cannot be said about batteries using solar energy) and the location of the computer.

    Charging a laptop in a car

    If you cannot do without a laptop on a long trip, there is a need to recharge it. Even if the charger functions normally, most cars do not have an outlet to keep the device in working condition (expensive foreign cars are an exception).

    There is an option - to purchase a portable 17 V inverter. It is important to note that in most electronics stores you can choose a charger for any computer model. When solving the question “how to charge a laptop without charging”, you should know that this method of recharging a laptop is only possible when the car’s ignition is on. Otherwise, there is a risk of draining the battery due to high energy consumption.

    These methods of charging a dead battery are suitable primarily for those who do not understand electronics and cannot independently diagnose a malfunction in a failed charger. In addition, if there is no service center nearby that services your laptop model, the options considered can be considered the only way out in a situation where there is a need to urgently recharge a laptop or tablet.

    In addition, using an external battery with a large charge capacity will make it possible to recharge not only a discharged computer, but also other types of digital equipment - a camera, video camera, tablet or smartphone. The choice of recharging method depends on the specific situation, as well as on your financial capabilities (a solar battery will cost an order of magnitude more than an external battery and a car adapter combined).


    Thus, if a family trip or business trip does not allow you to do without a computer, and the charger is out of order, you can use one of the considered methods to keep the battery working. In general, the answer to the question of how to charge a laptop without charging is extremely simple: using a portable external battery, solar battery or car adapter will help solve the problem and provide the opportunity to use the PC at the right time.

    Choosing an external battery for a laptop

    For some modern people, a laptop is an integral companion with which they never part. They take a laptop with them on a business trip, on vacation, and to any other place so that they can always use it. For some it is a source of entertainment, and for others it is a mobile office in which they work on the road. Both of them have one problem in common. The laptop battery runs out and users are left without their companion. On the road, it is quite difficult to find an outlet to connect to. In such cases, an external laptop battery will help out. Today we will talk about what characteristics should be considered when choosing a portable battery for a laptop. We will also consider several models of external rechargeable batteries.

    There are a number of characteristics that must be taken into account when purchasing an external battery for a laptop.

    Some users choose an additional laptop battery based on the appearance and materials used. At best, capacity is taken into account. But this is the wrong approach. When choosing an external battery, you should consider the following parameters:
    • Battery capacity and voltage;
    • Charge current;
    • Set of interfaces;
    • Method of charging the Power Bank itself;
    • Materials and design;
    • Additional "chips".

    Below these properties of portable batteries are discussed in more detail.

    Capacitance and voltage

    It is no coincidence that these quantities are considered in conjunction. Capacity, as you know, is expressed in ampere-hour or milliamp-hour. All other things being equal, we can say that the larger the capacity of the external battery, the longer the laptop will work in offline mode. But there is one important point to consider. Most laptop models require a power supply voltage of 19 volts. Less common are laptops that operate on 12 volts.

    Manufacturers, in order to attract attention to their product, like to remain silent about the voltage of battery cells. On the contrary, the capacity is written in large letters on the packaging. But, for example, a capacity of 20 Ah for a 12 volt battery and for a 19 volt battery are different things. In the first case, the stored energy is 240 watt-hours, and in the second ─ 380.

    The stored energy is calculated using the formula:

    1 watt-hour = 1 ampere-hour * 1 volt

    If the voltage of the external battery cells is less than the laptop battery rating, then charging is performed through a boost circuit. This leads to big losses. As a result, out of 20 ampere-hour, barely half will “migrate” to the laptop battery. Therefore, when comparing different models of portable batteries, focus on the stored energy measured in watt-hours. Read more at the given link.

    As for the size of the capacity, it must be selected depending on the laptop battery. For example, for a laptop with a 4.7 Ah battery, it is better to take an external battery with a capacity of 10 Ah or more. This will ensure that you charge it at least once on the road. If the device will also be used to charge a phone, tablet, player, then choose according to the total capacity of their batteries multiplied by 2.

    Charge current strength

    This is another important parameter, since the charging speed of the laptop battery will directly depend on it. On the market you can find models that have several USB ports with different current strengths. These are “harvesters” that allow you to charge smartphones, tablets and other gadgets. To charge a laptop, there must be a USB interface with a current output of at least 2.5 amperes. With a lower value, the charge will “flow” for a long time. If you plan to operate from an external battery, then the current must be no less than that consumed by a running laptop.

    Set of interfaces and adapters

    The choice of interfaces and adapters will determine which devices you can charge with it. As a rule, an external laptop battery is equipped with a large number of adapters. But when purchasing, be sure to check whether there are adapters for your laptop. For example, Apple laptops are charged through their own specific connector. Therefore, an appropriate adapter will be required. So, pay close attention to the packaging of your portable laptop battery.

    Power Bank Charging Method

    Also an important parameter when choosing an external battery. The device must have a power connector for charging from the network. Additionally there may be a USB port, but this is optional. If there is no power connector, then charging an external battery will turn into a painful procedure that will last for many hours.

    Additional features

    If standard features are not enough for you, you can look for devices with various additional features. For example, it could be a flashlight, a solar panel for recharging, a Wi-Fi access point, a USB hub, and the like. All these “chips” will increase the price of the battery. Therefore, first of all, make sure that you are satisfied with the main characteristics, and then add more, if you have enough money.

    Examples of external battery packs

    Below we will look at some power bank models for laptops from various manufacturers.

    This external laptop battery comes with a pretty decent set of adapters.

    The package included:

    • Battery;
    • Adapters for various devices;
    • Network adapter;
    • Cables for charging the device and USB;
    • User manual.

    A good portable battery, suitable for charging laptops and many other gadgets. The battery has dimensions of 160 by 95 by 25 millimeters. Weight approximately 400 grams. The body is made of two parts: a large black one and a small white one. There are rubberized inserts on the sides. The manufacturer made them in bright orange color.

    The case has a digital display that shows the charge level of the external battery. In addition, there is an indication of the charging type (12 or 19 volts). Next to the display there is a power button. And also the company logo.

    The interfaces are on the bottom plane. This is a charging connector, a USB port, a connector for charging laptops 12 or 19 volts. Adapters for different laptops are located on a special plate. All of them are marked depending on the standard size. There are also adapters for other gadgets, including models from Apple.

    Main parameters:

    • Battery type ─ lithium ion;
    • Capacity ─ 12 Ah;
    • Charging connector ─ DC 13 volts, 1 ampere;
    • Charging port No. 1 ─ DC 5 volts, 1 ampere (USB);
    • Charging port No. 2 ─ DC 12 volts, 3 amps / 19 volts, 2.5 amps;
    • Service life ─ 500 charge-discharge cycles;
    • Charging the external battery lasts 3-4 hours;
    • Operating temperature from 0 to +45 degrees Celsius.

    The capacity of this external battery is 23000 mAh. Dimensions 222 by 126 by 21 mm, and weight approximately 650 grams. In general, a rather big battery. It is reported that the plastic used is impact-resistant. The coating is pleasant to the touch, and there are glossy orange inserts on the sides.

    The iconBIT FTB23000S portable battery can be carried in a laptop bag or backpack. This device is still a bit big and heavy for a pocket. There is a solar panel on the top side of the battery. The device's charging level is shown by 4 LED indicators. In addition, the indication shows the activity of the solar panel and the output voltage value. The battery power button, in addition to its main function, is used to activate the flashlight and control the charge.

    There is an output voltage switch on the side. Possible values ​​are 12, 16, 19 volts. The current in these three modes is 3 amperes. This is enough for most modern laptops. For those gadgets that “eat” less, there is a USB interface with a charging current of 2.1 amperes. Included are:

    • 10 adapters for laptops and video cameras;
    • micro USB cable;
    • adapters for Nokia phones;
    • connectors for Apple products (iPhone 4, iPad, iPod, iPhone 5, etc.).

    Hello again, brain friends! Some time ago, my laptop battery failed and had to be replaced, but I didn’t want to throw away the used battery. My braincuriosity pushed me to study it, and what came out of my experiments, read on!

    Having studied the Internet on the topic of the “second life” of batteries, I became familiar with the theory and began to practice - I carefully disassembled the laptop battery and took out the batteries, four of which were working. And that's what I made from them homemade this brain guides— an external battery, I think it’s better than just throwing everything in the trash.

    Laptop batteries are designed in such a way that if one of the batteries fails, the protection system turns off all the remaining ones, that is, there are many good 18650 batteries left in the used battery, which can be sent for “reuse”, or simply made into a small external battery for recharging gadgets .

    Attention!!! This brainstorming It is for informational purposes only if you are a beginner, that is, you do not have experience working with electrical components, do not have knowledge about the operation of lithium-ion batteries, etc. And if you still decide to repeat the steps of the manual, then remember that you take full responsibility for this, since the process of disassembling the battery is quite dangerous! Be careful and careful.

    Step 1: Components and Tools

    • old laptop battery - you can borrow it from friends or a hardware repair shop
    • case for an external battery - purchased online
    • screwdriver
    • wire cutters
    • round pliers
    • dremel

    Step 2: Dismantling the old battery

    Let's take it in our hands brain screwdriver and along the seam of the battery case we open the case itself. The process is not complicated, since the case is assembled using double-sided tape or ultrasonic welding, the main thing is not to damage the batteries.

    If the case does not open, then you can use a Dremel, it is only important not to damage the integrity of the batteries with the disk, so it is better to make cuts at the corners of the case, and not in the middle of the sides.

    IMPORTANT!!! When handling lithium-ion batteries in any way that could damage them, it is helpful, even wise, to have a fireproof container and a bucket of sand on hand. And if the integrity of the battery is damaged and it heats up or smokes, immediately throw it into a container and cover it with sand. Sand, by the way, is the only reliable way to extinguish a lithium fire; water or fire extinguishers cannot cope with it!

    Step 3: Battery Pack

    After the battery case is opened, we take out the battery pack; they are usually glued to the case with double-sided tape.

    IMPORTANT!!! When handling the battery pack, again be careful and do not bend the jumpers connecting the batteries, otherwise a short circuit may occur, resulting in an explosion or even a fire!!!

    Step 4: Separate the charging board

    From the battery pack using brain cutter We separate the charge board and the wires going to the batteries.
    The board itself may be useful for further crafts.

    IMPORTANT!!! When biting off wires and jumpers, avoid short circuits!!!

    Step 5: Separating the Batteries

    My laptop battery consisted of 6 18650 lithium-ion batteries with a capacity of 2200 mAh. The batteries are connected in pairs in parallel, and 3 paired blocks are connected in series to obtain the required voltage and capacity.

    So, we carefully separate the batteries from each other, first we divide them into paired blocks, and then we separate the pairs of batteries.

    Step 6: Removing Remaining Jumpers

    Use pliers to remove the remaining contact jumpers from the battery poles. But if you want to assemble your own battery pack, then the jumpers can be left, this will make subsequent soldering easier brain contacts. Try not to scatter the removed jumpers, but then dispose of them safely.

    Having separated the remnants of the jumpers with a dremel, we clean the battery poles from any remaining solder.

    IMPORTANT!!! When removing the jumpers, be careful as they are very sharp and can easily cut you. Unfortunately, I injured my finger on them.

    Step 7: Finding Good Batteries

    We arm ourselves with a multimeter and start testing the batteries:

    • First, we measure the voltage of the battery, if it is less than 2.5V, then throw it away
    • Next, we put the battery to charge and if it gets very hot during charging, then throw it away
    • measure the voltage after charging, it should be around 4.1-4.2V, wait 30 minutes and measure the voltage on the battery again, and if it drops below 4V, then throw away the battery, if it is normal, then write down the voltage value
    • we leave the batteries in a cool and dry place for 3 days, after this period we measure the voltage on them, and if it drops by more than 0.1V from the recorded value, then throw away the battery

    All batteries passed brain test considered suitable! I put all my good batteries in a plastic case for safe storage.

    Step 8: Assembling the External Battery

    It’s a stretch to call this an assembly :) but still, we insert a battery “extracted” from an old battery into an external battery case purchased online, such as a USB Power Bank 18650 Case. At the same time, we observe polarity!!! Otherwise, how can I burn the external battery case?

    The positive terminal of the battery should face the charging board, sometimes the correct polarity is indicated on the bottom braincase.

    So, we insert the battery correctly, close the case cover and use the USB cable supplied with the case to charge the external battery. We attach the keychain cord and homemade ready to use!

    Step 9: Testing

    After charging is completed, we carry out another test crafts. My tester showed a value of 5.06V, which is good for charging smartphones, tablets and other gadgets.

    Rechargeable homemade assembled and tested, thank you for brain attention!