Recovering deleted information from your phone. How to recover deleted files on an Android smartphone, phone, Android tablet

This has happened to everyone. A fatal move - and the most important files disappear, leaving the phone's memory pristine. By mistake or accident, the files are permanently deleted. Or is not all lost?

Fortunately, no. There are several ways to recover lost documents using software. No one will give you a 100% guarantee, but there is a good chance of recovery. The sooner you start recovering files, the better.

How to return files?

There are 2 ways to recover data: using a PC and using software for an Android smartphone.

Recently, the first method is losing relevance, since the phone OS changes with each version. To work via a PC, the phone must be able to operate in USB-mass storage mode. And the latest versions of Android may lack this feature. Therefore, let’s take a closer look at restoring documents from the phone itself.

What is needed for recovery?

Actually, nothing special is needed: just the smartphone itself and recovery software. But some of them require root rights to function. And upon receipt of these rights, the guarantee from the gadget disappears. If the warranty for your device has expired, then you have nothing to fear: you can safely set yourself superuser rights. But those who recently bought a mobile phone should think hard about the value of lost files and the need for root rights.

If you still decide to get root access, but have no idea how to do it, then don’t despair, here you can read. And now about the applications.

Dumpster – Recycle Bin

Its operating principle is similar to a computer basket. The program does not need root access, but you can only restore those files that were deleted after installing the program.

Erroneously deleted data can be easily recovered: the program opens and you select the files that need to be returned. That's all. If you need to return files that were previously deleted, then scroll further.

The screenshots below are an example of working with the program:

1. Delete the file. For me this is the application installer.

2. Open our Recycle Bin, click on the remote installer, select “Restore”.

3. Return to the file manager and see the recovered file. You can start to rejoice.

GT Recovery

This program will require you to root your smartphone. My smartphone has been rooted for a long time, so I will show you the entire file recovery process. There is, of course, a version that does not require superuser rights, but its potential is significantly inferior to the full version.

Actually, the recovery algorithm is almost no different from that described above.

1. Download the program from Google Play and install it.

2. Launch it. Select the section from which the file was deleted (for example, contacts).

3. Start scanning.

4. As you can see, contacts have been found. Save the files you find and need.

That's all. Everything is easy and simple.


Here is another application for recovering lost files from your phone. It requires root access to work. You can't do without it.

Below are detailed instructions with screenshots and the results of the restoration.

2. The next step is to select the memory that you will scan (phone memory or flash card).

4. Now you need to decide which files need to be restored (audio, video, pictures, etc.). In the example, I chose pictures with the extension .gif.

5. This is what the memory scanning process looks like.

6. I did not perform a complete scan, but, as you can see, the files are being found. And quite successfully.

The programs presented are not the only ones that can help recover lost files, but, in my opinion, they are among the most effective. Actually, this is exactly what is shown in the screenshots.


To sum it up, I can reassure everyone: it is possible to recover deleted files. But it’s worth considering that the greatest chance of getting files back is to restore them immediately after deletion. Deleted files free up physical memory space, but file data is retained inside memory. As data is downloaded from the Internet and new files are recorded, information about erased files is completely destroyed. And after that, even special programs will not help.

To avoid this situation, I recommend that you periodically make a copy of important files, at least onto a PC or USB drive. You can use cloud services, which are now in abundance (for example, Google Drive, Dropbox, Yandex.Disk and others). You can also use applications that create backup copies of programs and files. For example, Titanium Backup. The application is paid, but there is also a free version that is freely available, which will do an excellent job of creating backup copies.

I hope the article will help you avoid getting into an unpleasant situation, and if this happens, then return everything safe and sound.

How many times have they told the world,

That there should be a backup; but everything is not for the future...

Data loss on Android can happen in both good and bad scenarios. A good scenario is when the files were stored on the mobile device's memory card. In this case, you can return them easily and even free of charge. Unfortunately, memory cards are becoming less and less common in smartphones, and restoring data from internal memory is a completely different story. Let's consider both situations.

How to recover data on an SD card

Everything is simple here. First, download and install a normal free data recovery utility on your computer. This could be the mega-popular Recuva, open source TestDisk or its offshoot PhotoRec, as well as any other similar program.

Then connect the SD card to your computer like a regular flash drive and run a scan on it using the installed utility. Save the saved data and finally back it up and other valuable files to the cloud.

How to recover data from the internal memory of a mobile device

Unfortunately, the vast majority of modern smartphones connect to the computer using a special protocol, that is, not like a regular flash drive. Accordingly, all the utilities listed above are useless.

There are special programs for data recovery on Android, and most of them are shareware. This means that you can, without paying a penny, install the utility, scan your mobile device and see what was lost and recovered. But in order to extract and save the restored one, you will have to buy a license.

On the one hand, this approach can be called honest. The user does not buy a pig in a poke, but gives money only after he is convinced that the utility is working. On the other hand, it is still difficult to part with several thousand rubles. In any case, the loss of information is usually the user’s fault, and a powerful blow to the wallet is an excellent motivator to start backing up important data.

Utilities for recovering data from Android internal memory:

  • iCare Recovery (free!!!).
  • Undeleter (if you have superuser rights).

These programs work approximately the same. First, the client is installed on the computer, then the smartphone or tablet is connected to the computer via USB. All you have to do is follow the instructions exactly, and you will probably succeed.

The only difficulty may be the utility’s lack of support for a specific mobile device model. That is why you first need to test the program in free mode, and only then buy a license.

What to do to prevent data loss

Backup, backup and again. Almost all the data that is on your mobile device can and should be copied to cloud storage. It's almost always free, safe and automatic. For example:

  • Google Mail backs up your emails.
  • Google Contacts backs up contacts.
  • Google Photos backs up photos, videos and screenshots.
  • Google Music backs up music.
  • Google Office Suite backs up documents, spreadsheets and presentations.
  • Universal storages like Google Drive, Dropbox and others backup everything.

Take any type of data - there is probably a simple and convenient way to store it securely. Take advantage of this and take care of valuable information.

It often happens that you regret deleting data and files from your Android smartphone or tablet, or have you lost them? Then today's instructions are especially for you!

There is no need to be upset, since they can be restored, but to do this you will have to install and work with some additional Android applications, and in some cases connect a PC.

An excellent program for recovering lost data on Android is 7-Data Android Recovery. You will find detailed operating instructions in the article:.

To prevent data loss next time, check out the following articles:

Now let's get back to data recovery. Thanks to the Undelete for Root Users program, Android device users will be able to recover data on their smartphones and tablets. A guarantee of successful file recovery is the prevention of further data being written to the media after its previous deletion.

After installation Undelete for Root Users for Android will scan the memory card and display a list of all deleted files. After clicking the “Restore” button, the necessary data will be restored. From the name it is clear that the application only works on rooted smartphones and tablets. Read about receiving them in the posts: and.

If you are a prudent user, then take care in advance about the safety of your personal data. Therefore, especially for you, there is an excellent shopping cart application on Android - Dumpster: Recycle Bin (link to the article at the beginning of the post), which performs functions identical to the Recycle Bin on a PC. That is, after deletion, the file is not completely erased, but ends up in the trash, from where it can be easily restored.

If the data was on a memory card, then you can return deleted files using wonderful PC utilities, of which there are a lot. Among the best I can highlight Restoration or UnDelete Plus. After installing one of the programs, you need to insert the SD card into the card reader slot and press the button to start scanning. After this, the found files can be restored and used again.

Losing disk contents is a problem familiar to many owners of Android smartphones and tablets. This kind of trouble happens for several reasons.

Most often, simple inattention is to blame when, wanting to free up some space, a careless user deletes important information along with the trash.

It also happens that the firmware crashes (after an unsuccessful update or installation of infected software). This is aggravated by the fact that by default in Android there is nothing similar to the usual Windows Recycle Bin, so many have no idea how to get back lost information. Although in reality it is not so difficult.

How to recover deleted files from an Android phone

There are many resuscitation utilities in the official Google store. They are divided into two categories - direct recovery of deleted files and backup with subsequent recovery. And since the majority of users begin to search for a solution to the problem, already when trouble has occurred, it is better to start the review with the first group.

Direct Recovery Programs

Successfully restores everything even after full formatting. The utility is available on Google Play and comes in two versions: limited free and advanced.

The first one restores only photos, while the second one can also work with audio/video files and everything else.

Benefits of DiskDigger

  • reading files of all types;
  • scanning internal disk and SD cards;
  • saving both locally and in the cloud;
  • saving system resources;

Important note: You must be root before proceeding.

The second most downloaded program is a resuscitation program. Using GT Recovery, you can recover photos, videos, music, apk files, as well as the contents of a book with contacts and SMS.

Unlike DiskDigger, this application is completely free.

Advantages of GT Recovery:

  • support for a large number of formats;
  • free;
  • Convenient implementation of content search.

Backup utilities

This option is for thrifty users. After all, it is much easier to create a copy and, if necessary, return lost data in a few minutes than to then rack your brains over how to recover deleted files from an Android phone.

Easy Backup & Restore

If you believe the rating and positive reviews, this particular utility is the best right now. With its help, you can copy the entire contents of the disk, and the data is saved both to the internal drive or SD card, and to the Cloud.

Benefits of Easy Backup & Restore:

  • a separate menu for working with contacts, the contents of instant messengers and bookmarks in the browser;
  • support for working with cloud storage;
  • presence of automatic mode.

Even complex resource-intensive software, with the help of Easy Backup & Restore, is restored cleanly and smoothly, not to mention everything else, and such previously popular options as Dumpster and App Backup & Restore are today noticeably inferior to this program.

By the way, the problem of losing user information is so common that Google has long required owners of Android gadgets to regularly make copies of the system using the built-in firmware functionality.

Android Backup Service is part of the operating system and creates quite decent “backups” that can be immediately sent to Google’s online storage.

So for those who do not want to clog up the device’s memory and “feed” system resources to third-party utilities, it is better not to neglect this method and protect themselves from possible troubles in advance.

It happens that files on a phone with the Android operating system are “randomly” deleted as a result of user actions or glitches of the phone itself, and there is no copy left on the computer.

Files can be for various purposes: audio, documents, etc. And it’s a shame to lose them forever.

What to do in this case? Read our article.

Phone recovery programs

Most users prefer to safely download and install applications on Android.

Therefore, they use PlayMarket, where this can be done for free. We recommend downloading applications from there.

Let's look at the most popular programs for recovering files from PlayMarket.


This is a narrowly focused application that recovers photos, both those deleted before loading DiskDigger and after.

It works the same way as most applications with similar functions. Because they offer, in essence, waste baskets from which you can then return them after a certain time or an indefinite period. DiskDigger is able to work after removal.

Another advantage that plays a very important role is very small volume of the application itself.

It downloads easily and quickly, takes up little space, works properly and is quite fast.

In order to use the program, you must:

1 Go to the application, that is, touch its icon on the screen of your mobile phone.

3 This right makes it possible to search for those photos and pictures that are large in size. The simplified option provides only miniature versions of large images.

5 When using the first search method, the purple button is pressed, then search occurs. At the same time, the bottom panel displays information about the speed of data processing, as well as the number of elements found.

6 From the very beginning, the user can check off those images that he would like to restore in the end.

7 Upon completion, you are supposed to click “restore” on the top panel; next to this button there will be a symbolic download image (down arrow).

The result has been achieved, photos and pictures that seemed to have disappeared forever are now again at the owner’s disposal.



Dumpster Recycle Bin app knows how to recover deleted files from an Android phone.

The developers guarantee that its use is absolutely free. They say that this can be useful for people who accidentally delete files from time to time.

When this program is installed, you will be able to download the most important data to your phone and not be afraid that it will be lost for some reason.

Here you can recover your photos, videos or audio by logging into your recycle bin account and clicking “recover”.

We can say that this is a kind of cloud for storage, which helps free up memory space, only for this function you will have to pay a symbolic amount.

It is also a big plus that you can work with fourteen languages ​​here, which is very convenient if you want to learn English or German.

It is installed so that there is a maximum probability of returning information again.

Only if you have a Dumpster recycle bin can you have access to deleted data after some time, with free content, as well as use it as a garbage cloud if you have a paid subscription.

As shown in the figure, a list of those file types is provided that, after getting rid of them, remain accessible thanks to this service.

To restore the necessary files, you need to go into the application, find in the curtain the item with the symbol of a trash can.

There you will need to click on the button in the middle, then choose the position that matches the type you are looking for.

This will lead to a list of deleted items will be shown on the central screen.

It is enough to touch the one that is still needed. Then a curtain will open on the right with information about this filler:

  • location;
  • size;
  • date and time when deleted.

It is worth noting such a setting as auto-cleaning. Here you can adjust the period for which garbage remains in this basket. That is, the period is set to: 1 week, 1 month, 3 months.


Recover all my files

How to recover deleted files on an Android Samsung or a phone from any other company? You can use the “Recover all my files” service.

Judging by the interface and capabilities, it focused specifically on searching for images and screenshots.

This is very convenient in terms of the fact that they are sorted into groups and topics. All the little things are taken into account there, including large files that were once opened.

To install, click the green rectangle. Then the download and installation line will appear.

By clicking on the open button, the user sees the first page with groups in which photos, pictures, screenshots, etc. are sorted at once.

In order to understand in more detail which images are in the group, you need to touch the desired square once.

The picture shows one of those groups that are shown on the original page. You need to touch the ones you want to restore, place them in the gallery, then just touch the pink “restore” button at the top of the screen.

In order to check the results of saving, you need to find the gallery icon on the desktop of your mobile device, then click on it and find the folder called “restored pictures”.

“restored pictures” - folder with saved restored images in the “restore all my files” application


This is a prominent representative of “basket” applications. Here the developers decided to make the applications highly targeted. That is, they created separate basket services for storing SMS, images, videos, etc.


Services that claim to recover all data from a phone often do not work as expected. They may request money to open content. It happens that they sell keys to expand such capabilities, but this function is either not fully developed, or is generally a scam.

Here the emphasis is placed on the motto: less, but better. There is only one condition for a more universal version of the application. It is indicated in the description: the presence of root rights, which is easy to obtain.


In order to download it, you need to visit PlayMarket. Follow the directions to open after installation.

There A list of those SMS messages that can be restored will be immediately provided. You can view them and click the appropriate button to make a return.

Here you can also configure the time the data remains in the trash or completely disable automatic deletion.

I wonder what here you can also search by the dates of SMS receipt or by the date and month of deletion.

Home page for installing a recycle bin application to easily recover audio files

First of all, you need to install it.

Now that we are in the application, we can see those audios that will be deleted by the owner.

You can adjust the settings for automatic deletion after some time or, conversely, disable such deletion.

Recycle bin application page designed for storing and/or restoring video recordings from an Android phone

Here you can do the same with the audio version.

The video's duration, volume, and title are displayed here.

Therefore, when returning a video to memory, it is enough to make sure that there is enough memory and that the video is really the one we are looking for.