Recovering letters from mail. Learn how to recover deleted emails in Yandex mail yourself

The electronic mailbox on the Mail.Ru server has, like many similar modern programs, a convenient user interface. Messages here are sorted into folders: “Inbox”, “Sent”, “Drafts”, “Spam” and “Trash”. The “Trash” contains everything that is deleted by the client of this resource.

You will need

  • - Internet access


  • To find a deleted email, check your Trash folder in your mailbox. If the letter was recently deleted, it may still be there. If the required letter is not in the folder, you will not be able to restore it.
  • The Trash directory is cleared every time you exit the email program. This setting is the default and you can change it. To do this, go to the program settings and select the “Mailbox Interface” tab. At the bottom of the page, in the “Shut down” section, uncheck the box next to the sentence: “Empty the trash when you exit.”
  • Look for the letter you need in the Sent folder if it was outgoing. Pay attention to the “Spam” folder - perhaps the program sent the information you need there, mistaking it for a useless advertising mailing or something similar.
  • Please note that it is impossible to recover deleted emails using the Mail.Ru service, since the server does not store backup copies. To ensure that letters that are important to you are saved in your mailbox, add an additional folder to its user interface, into which you will move important correspondence.
  • To add a folder for saving letters, select the “Settings” link on the main page of your mailbox, then go to the “Folders” section and click the “Create a new folder” button. A window will appear in front of you in which you can give it a name and protect the created directory with a password. Then click the “Create” button. Now, do not forget to move all the letters that you want to save to the created folder.
  • Just in case, contact the Project Support Service and ask if they can make an exception for you and find a very valuable letter that was deleted by mistake. Although the likelihood of such a request being effective is low.
  • The electronic mailbox on the Mail.Ru server has, like many similar modern programs, a convenient user interface. Messages here are sorted into folders: “Inbox”, “Sent”, “Drafts”, “Spam” and “Trash”. The “Trash” contains everything that is deleted by the client of this resource.

    You will need

    • - Internet access


    To find a deleted email, check your Trash folder in your mailbox. If the letter was recently deleted, it may still be there. If the required letter is not in the folder, you will not be able to restore it.

    The Trash directory is cleared every time you exit the email program. This setting is the default and you can change it. To do this, go to the program settings and select the “Mailbox Interface” tab. At the bottom of the page, in the “Shut down” section, uncheck the box next to the sentence: “Empty the trash when you exit.”

    Please take into account the fact that it is impossible to restore letters on the Mail.Ru service, since the server does not store backup copies. To ensure that letters that are important to you are saved in your mailbox, add an additional folder to its user interface, into which you will move important correspondence.

    To add a folder for saving letters, select the “Settings” link on the main page of your mailbox, then go to the “Folders” section and click the “Create a new folder” button. A window will appear in front of you in which you can give it a name and protect the created directory with a password. Then click the “Create” button. Now, do not forget to move all the letters that you want to save to the created folder.

    Just in case, contact the Project Support Service and ask if they can make an exception for you and find a very valuable letter that was deleted by mistake. Although the likelihood of such a request being effective is low.


    Click the "Move" button, which is located at the top of the "Trash", above the list of emails to delete. In the dialog box that opens, select the folder where you want the currently marked emails. Click "OK" to confirm your actions.

    Check your Trash settings in your mailbox. By default, all messages moved to the Trash are deleted after each exit from the mailbox. To be able to recover deleted emails, change the settings so that you delete the emails manually.

    If you have already deleted the desired email from the Trash, unfortunately, it cannot be restored. You can ask your interlocutors to send you a copy of the deleted letter, because, most likely, all correspondence sent by users is in the “Sent letters” folder.

    If the sender is unable to send you a copy of the letter, contact your technical support service. Fill out the appropriate request form and explain your problem. Expect a response from the administration in a few days. However, don't expect a 100% guarantee of the letter. Every day thousands of letters pass through the email resource, and it will be difficult to restore your correspondence.

    Video on the topic


    • retrieve deleted

    You accidentally emptied the trash and deleted important work items. files or photographs that were only in one copy? Recover deleted from baskets files It's almost always possible, and most likely it won't take you much time.


    If you remember what files- documents, etc. you need to restore, then select the necessary one from the menu that opens. If you don’t remember, just click “cancel.”
    Now set the path to the location from which you deleted the file. It can be either a removable disk or a removable disk.

    Click the "analysis" button and you will see how those files, which can be restored. Select the ones you need files, click “recover” and specify the path to the folder where you want to place the recovered files. However, you should not save files to the same disk to avoid overwriting. After the work is completed, you will see a pop-up window with a corresponding message.

    Now you can open and check the recovered files.
    If any files it was not possible to restore, then perhaps it is worth trying to do the analysis using another similar program: R-Studio, Magic Uneraser, etc. If files were deleted too long ago, you can use the services of data recovery specialists or contact a repair center. The main thing is to remember that nothing is impossible, and that in many cases deleted information can be recovered.

    Video on the topic


    Sorting the files themselves turned out to be unexpectedly clear and simple. Another interesting feature of the program is the ability to completely delete files. Undelete 360 ​​can recover almost any lost files, and it doesn’t matter how you deleted them - using the Recycle Bin, the command line in DOS, or accidentally (with an antivirus or an application for clearing your hard drive of “unused” files, for example).

    Helpful advice

    So, you accidentally deleted a file from the Recycle Bin. Do not despair! There is still a chance (albeit small) that needs to be taken advantage of! There are a couple of dozen programs to recover a permanently deleted file (or files). Depending on where the deleted file was located.. Choose where your recovered files will be saved (on a disk different from the original one used for discovery!).

    The problem of getting back in shape usually arises for people who are prone to excess weight, as well as for women who have gained extra pounds during pregnancy. Also, the need to restore their weight and good health may appear in people who want to quickly come to form after illness.


    You should start putting yourself in order with a good mood and the right motivation. The desire to look your best must come from within and not be associated with hard labor, otherwise you will have to put in much more effort to achieve the result.

    People who want to come to form Doctors recommend, first of all, proper nutrition. Consult your physician or dietician who can provide you with a personalized diet that is suitable for your situation. It is also recommended to drink plenty of water during this period.

    Do not exhaust yourself with strict diets that you read about in newspapers or on the Internet. Such nutrition can do more harm than good. You should consult your doctor regarding the effectiveness and suitability of any diet.

    Join a gym. Today, there are many options for physical activity - from physical therapy and yoga to strip dancing. The more you move, the better. If you want to exercise after or have had an illness, consult your doctor. He will not only advise the best type, but also tell you in what sequence it is necessary to increase the load.

    After pregnancy, not only proper nutrition will help you regain your former shape, but also special exercises for the abdominal muscles, as well as creams to remove stretch marks.

    Smile more often and be sure to believe that you will be able to achieve your dreams. It’s not for nothing that they say that a person’s thoughts are material, and with the help of a smile and a good mood you can achieve everything in the world.

    Video on the topic


    It is worth noting that letters must be deleted not from the client software, but directly from the server, otherwise the deleted letters may be downloaded to the computer again. In other words, if you use a program like The Bat! Or Outlook, you need to delete emails not through them, but through the website of the mail service.

    To delete all letters on the page, and this is usually the last 20-50 e-mails, click the checkbox in the top menu, usually opposite the symbols “Move”, “Mark”, “Delete”, etc., to highlight all emails on the page and click the “Delete” button. This method will allow you to clear the page with recent letters.

    If the number of letters is huge, for example, a thousand or more, then it is inconvenient to delete 20-50 letters at a time. The operation will need to be repeated from time to time. Folders are provided for this situation. In the upper left part of the mailbox box There is a "Folders" link. Clicking on it will open a window called “List of Folders”, which contains your mail folders. Click on Inbox, the page will reload and you will see a Clear link or button. Click on it to delete all incoming emails.

    In Google Mail (Gmail), click the checkmark above the subject lines. A pop-up line will appear at the bottom: “All chains on this page (50) are selected. Select all conversations (XXXX) in Inbox", where instead of XXXX is the number of letters in the Inbox folder. Click on the “Select all threads (XXXX) Inbox” link and then the “Delete” button located just above.

    In almost the same way, all incoming mail in Yandex.Mail is deleted. Activate the checkbox next to the letters “Inbox”. A link “Select all emails in this folder” will appear on the right side of the same line. Click on it and then on the “Delete” button in the form of a red cross. Other email services have similar email management systems and deleting letters in them occurs in the same or similar way as described.


    Don't forget to empty your mailbox trash after deleting incoming emails.


    • how to delete all emails from a mailbox

    An electronic mailbox allows you to exchange information with other users, send and receive files of various formats. If the mailbox is no longer needed, you can simply delete it.


    Delete on the Yandex.Mail service mail possible in several ways. The first method assumes that you delete only the mailbox, while all other services will still be available to you. Log in to your mailbox using your username and password. Click on the “Settings” link. It is located in the upper right corner of the page directly below your mailbox address.

    Another option: click on the “Customize” link located immediately below the list of all available folders on the left side of the page. You will find yourself on a page with the path at the top: Mail –> Settings –> Folders and labels. Go up one level to the Settings page.

    On the “Settings” page, find at the bottom the inscription “If necessary, you can delete your mailbox” and click on the link word “delete” in this sentence. You will be taken to the “Deleting the Mail service” page. Enter your password and click on the “Delete” button.

    Another method is suitable if you want to delete your Yandex account. Launch your browser and log in to the Yandex system. By clicking on your login at the top of the page, select “Passport” from the drop-down menu. You will be taken to the Personal Information page.

    The list of available actions is located on the right side of the page. Find the “Delete account” link at the end of the list, highlighted in red, and click on it. You will be taken to the “Deleting an account on Yandex” page. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and enter your password, then click on the “Delete account” button.

    To delete mail from the Mail service, you must use a special interface. Log in to the Mail system and go to the “Help” page (link is located at the bottom of the page). Select from the list the link item “mailbox that I no longer need?”

    On the page that opens, click on the “special interface” link “To delete the mailbox, use the special interface.” Specify (optional) the reason for deleting the mailbox in the first free field, in the second field (required) enter your password and click on the “Delete” button.

    The user of an electronic mailbox, having read the next letter, often deletes it to the “Trash”. On purpose or by mistake. Sometimes cases arise when a deleted email needs to be restored.

    When deleting letters in Yandex mail, they are moved to a temporary folder. It acts like the Recycle Bin in Windows - information is stored indefinitely until it is restored or permanently cleared.

    Authorization on Yandex mail

    Open the email service in your browser or use the authorization form on the Yandex home page. In the “Login” field, enter the username specified during registration. In the lower text field, enter your chosen password. Click the “Login” button to go to the list of incoming e-mail messages.

    Do not forget! If you are logging into your mailbox from a device other than your own, check the “Someone else’s computer” checkbox. Personal data will not be saved in the current browser, and the session will end automatically after a certain time.

    When using two-factor authentication, logging into Yandex mail is performed by scanning a QR code. The code must be photographed using the Yandex. Key" installed on a phone running Android or iOS. If at the time of login it is not possible to use a smartphone to scan an image, enter one of the temporary passwords generated earlier through the application at the bottom of the window.

    On the start screen of the interface there is a list of incoming mail messages. By default, in addition to this section, the following are also available:

    • Sent
    • Deleted
    • Drafts

    Deleted messages will not appear in the mail home directory. On the same page, you can apply a filter to display messages that meet one of three criteria:

    • Important
    • Unread
    • With attachments

    Viewing deleted emails

    Using the navigation menu on the left side of the mail page, navigate to the “Deleted Items” folder. All correspondence that you deleted is saved here, unless after deletion you clicked the “Clear” button next to the number of entries in the trash. Click on the message to view it.

    There are no other ways to restore correspondence. Mail technical support cannot view or restore emails. Third-party sites and utilities that offer similar functionality are used by attackers to obtain passwords from mailboxes. Do not enter account information in services that are not related to Yandex.

    Note! Attachments contained in deleted emails are also available for recovery.

    Training video: Recovering deleted emails in Yandex mail

    How to recover deleted emails

    To return messages to their original directories, select them using the checkboxes to the left of each entry. Go to the “More” section located in the top menu. Select “To Folder” from the drop-down list. Click on the name of the directory in which you want to save the recovered letters. You can also create a new directory here to save recovered correspondence.

    Today you can't live without email. Do you want to register on the forum? Provide your e-mail address. Need to send a message to a business partner? Please - this can be done via email. In general, your own electronic mailbox is a vital thing, which, however, sometimes gets into trouble, most often through the fault of its owner. For example, you delete letters, and then it turns out that one of them contained important information. Of course, the first question that arises sounds something like this: is it possible to recover deleted emails? Today we will look at an example based on .

    As with any other email service, in Yandex.Mail you cannot just delete emails - they always go to the deleted emails section. Here's an example: we see letters in the Inbox folder.

    We delete them. It ends up in the “Deleted Items” folder.

    This was done, as you might have guessed, for a reason, but so that the user, if something happens, can always restore deleted messages. Therefore, if you deleted a letter only from the “Inbox” folder, then be sure to look at the “Deleted Items” folder. By the way, letters in this folder are automatically deleted only after 31 days.

    If you have already deleted mail from the “Deleted Items” folder, then you will not be able to recover the messages. Even if you write a letter to the Yandex.Mail support service, you will receive a reply in which they will write to you that it is no longer possible to restore the letters. But if your mail was hacked, as a result of which letters were lost, then you can hope for help from the postal service. Reviews on the Internet claim that in the event of a hack, the support service can restore all letters for a certain date. Whether this is true or not, I can’t say for sure, but since more than one similar review was found, what was written is worth believing. And check.

    By the way, for some time now in Yandex.Mail you can see from whom letters came to you (often even the sender’s IP address is shown). To do this, click on the gear and select “Security”.

    Then - “Visit log”.

    You will see all the actions in your mail and incoming letters.

    Data from this section is not deleted, so even an attacker cannot do anything with it.